• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 2,860 Views, 94 Comments

Lunafall: Moonrise - Bridgebrain

A great battle has occurred, and through the powers of chaos, the princess has to face a new world.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Perigee Pt 2

“How about I sing you a song, then? If I let you go and back away slowly, do you promise not to hit me again?”

“No! No singing! We have seen the sane prostrate themselves before thy voice alone!”

Josh grinned with a hint of vindictive joy at her newfound fear. The malicious smile grew as the young man unceremoniously dropped his headlock, and as she tumbled to the ground, he sprang out of range once again. She quickly regained as much composure as she could, and lurched forward. Falling flat on her face once again, she flung her arms to cover her head and resigned herself to her musical fate.

Now, what to sing? Quicklist everything we have memorized that's in our tone range.

Too long, we'd all starve to death before I finished.’

Fine, top five.

‘“Fly” from Jars of Clay.’

Too sad.

That eliminates “The Lighthouse” by Nickle Creek too I assume?’

You've got it.

‘“Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny?”’

God no, I completely doubt she'd get the references.

‘“Phantom of the Opera?”’

Maybe, what's left?

‘“Bodies, Drowning Pool.”’

We're trying to convince her I'm NOT some kind of chaotic being.

‘“Phantom of the Opera” it is then. “Music of the Night” is your most practiced.’

He breathed deep, and without further thought or warmup, he began. He kept his voice at an even keel, trying to stay low. At the chorus, he had to switch to a higher pitch, but was too lost in the music in his head to notice. When he was done, he trailed off with the last words of the song, eyes closed and throat stinging.

That’s what you get for singing without warmup.’

Worth it.

He opened his eyes to gauge his audience’s reaction. Luna stood there, face impassive and impossible to read. At least, impossible to read until he saw the glittering moisture playing at her eyes.

Right, tears. Sadness, happiness, or generally impressed?’

Why are you asking me? You’re the subconscious, this is your department.

You know damn well why. We can’t read anything off non-verbals.’

Right... better ask then?

As he opened his mouth to speak, he was cut off. “Thou art truly not Discord, the vile one.”

She liked it! My singing voice was victorious. He donned a giant grin.

“Thy singing was not terrible, though we have heard much better.” His grin became faked, but he didn’t allow it to show on his face. “Twas such a magnificent song though. Dost thou... dost thou truly feel that way about the night?”


He began pacing a long train through his thoughts, trying to find the truth. He stared straight ahead into nothing in particular, absent mindedly stroking his beard in contemplation. Seeing that he was making a genuine effort to answer her question, Luna sat peacefully, awaiting a response. Her adrenaline had already begun to wear off, and it was at this calm that she began to notice something was wrong. Josh remained oblivious to this though, and continued pondering the question in his mind.

Do we feel that about the night?

Isn’t the answer an obvious “yes?”’

Well yeah, but it seems too cheap to answer that with the obvious.

... Why must you make everything so complicated?’

Because that’s how I roll?

I hate you sometimes.’

Cheap easy answer then?

Go for it.’

The young woman began to stir and shift, the hint of panic plainly visible to the observant. Josh, unfortunately, believed himself exceedingly observant of many things, but non-verbal communication was not one of them. This panic built slowly as she finally received a proper glimpse of her feet. Up until now, she had been moving entirely on instinct, attempting to stand with legs unfamiliar without giving a second thought. A scream strangled itself in her throat when she lifted two hands in front of her face. Her already pale visage blanched. She suddenly felt like throwing up, screaming, and passing out. It was at this inopportune moment that Josh decided to answer.

“Would it be too simple to say ‘yes?’ I could go into detail of ‘Why?’, but would it be sufficien-” He was cut off by a primal scream, one fueled by the same force that had shattered his hearing earlier. Had he been able to hear it, it would have spoken of fear, despair, guilt, and loss. Instead, he heard pain as his left ear ceased total function for what he hoped would only be the remainder of the day.

WHAT AM I?!” she yelled in a voice to pierce the heavens.

Birds that had returned to the trees after the young duo’s bout took flight once more. Josh took this in stride, pain from his ear receding into the depths of his mind.

Shit, she’s not in her base form. That eliminates a few scenarios at least. List please?

Dimensional shift with a different dimensional standard, temporal alteration with a form change, alien teleportation accident, or you’re still completely nuts.’

Knock it off, we agreed to not consider that last one. We need to calm her down, fast.


... Fine. Prepare some more pain tolerance, this might not go so well.

He walked over to the girl, draped his good arm around her, and pulled her in tight. Tears welled in her eyes, which overflowed when she realized why he wasn’t using the other arm.

“Strange creature, why art thou being so gentle? I hath hurt thee, shouted at thee, struck out in confusion and rage, and yet thee remain. I know not who thou art, much less you of me,” she quietly managed to say between sobs.

“I’m someone who can understand. That’s all that you need to know right now,” he intoned into her ear. He stroked her hair gently, somewhere beneath all his suppressed thoughts still pondering how it could be so soft and shiny, disheveled as it was, as she sobbed and wrung her hands together. She gasped deeply. He braced for another yell which never came. She reached up to her forehead and patted around, searching. Curious, I wonder what she’s looking for. Having not found whatever it was, she sunk down lower than before, and began sobbing anew.

“What is thy name?” she asked, breaking the silent tension.

“Josh. Joshua Hallern.”

“I require a distraction, lest fear overwhelm me. Wouldst thou humor us with the meaning of such an exotic moniker?”

Exotic? She’s obviously not from around here.

No shit, Sherlock.’

“Sure. Lets see... Hallern means tired, weary.... Joshua means defender, or at least it does in the language that my parents intended to use it from. My mother originally thought I was going to be a girl, so my name was planned to be ‘Jerusha Shalem Hallern.’ I kept the middle name though, which means peace. And my original name was to be a pun, because ‘Jerusalem’ is a city, whose symbol is the moon and stars. I guess all in all, I am ‘the peaceful defender of the weary night sky.’”

He grinned, having mixed more forms of etymology than he had previously thought possible. The young woman pulled back, having completely stopped crying, and stared at him with wide eyes.

“What?” he asked, confused.

“Not a thing, though we are once again baffled by the feeling that the universe seems to have a sense of humor. A dry one, at that. It is our pleasure to meet you, Joshua. We… I, am Luna.” She paused dramatically, pulling her shoulders back to a more regal posture. “Princess of the night… why art thou staring at us, I mean me, like that?”

His face betrayed him at long last, his forehead stretched and eyes open. If his jaw wasn’t already tensing from its previous abuse, his mouth would have been hanging agape.

No way. Luna. THE Luna. From My Little Pony. Here. Kicking me around and listening to my horrible singing. What are the odds?

One hundred billion, sixty nine million, forty three thousand, five hundred six to one.’

You made that up.

‘Yes, yes I did. Sounds about right though.’

Honestly, did you know about this? And how did I not see it?

I had a feeling, yes. The Royal Canterlot Voice, the blue hair, the archaic English. Nothing substantial enough to mention, though. As to you, you were a little distracted getting roughed up.’

Fair enough. The “Music of the Night” and the outcome of my name?

‘Fortuitous coincidences actually. Hmm, in retrospect, I agree with her comment. The universe seems to be screwing with us.’

How… how do we react to this? When it was a random person in a fictional situation, I could manage. But we know her. We know about her and her world.

I don’t know, but we should give her an answer, she’s looking at us funny.’

He shook his head to clear the shock, took his arm from around her, and shifted his body into a kneel. “Your Majesty, the pleasure is all mi-” He paused as he felt the light burn of his arm and the dead silence in his ear. “It’s an honor,” he corrected.

She winced, acknowledging the injuries as the source of his change in words. “Rise, kind gentle… thing. Please, call me Luna. What is thy kind called, if I may ask?”

“My species is called human. Our species now, I guess” he said. “I’m honestly not sure how to handle this situation.” It was a true admission, though he knew that she would only know a fraction of why.

“I am rather impressed that thou hath handled it thus far as well as thou have. I was beginning to believe that this was a common occurrence by thy lack of reaction. Though I am curious as to why thou reacted to my name, previous to my title.”
We can’t tell the truth. We can’t lie. We can’t stay silent or avoid the subject. A little help please?

When in doubt, be enigmatic.’

He breathed as deeply as he could, trying to find the right words. “I hope you don’t mind me answering your query with a question. If you knew something... something massive. Something that would redefine every bit of a person’s… “pony's,” history, beliefs, and perceptions, how would you let them know?”

She sat back, curiosity and suspicion playing at her expression. She rolled her eyes upward, thinking through the question.


“I believe… I wouldst ask them the same riddle as thou have.” Her mouth curled to form a a sly grin, and she raised one eyebrow.

Great, she’s answering enigma with enigma. She has thousands of years of experience on her side, we can’t win this.’

He swallowed hard. “I see. And how would you tell them this great secret?”

She remained silent, looking deep into his eyes.

Can she read minds?! Quick, lockdown all the information we have on this.

‘I locked it the second we found out who she was.’

Josh attempted to remember anything about the show, but received only vague bits of information for his efforts. Luna at last broke the silence.

“Thou art quite a skillful truth-keeper. Many would have broken immediately under such a close watch.” She relaxed her position and pulled closer to him, leaning forward on her hands. Her eyes never strayed though, and he began feeling the pressure to release every secret he had ever kept.

I need something to say to her, something big enough to make her not want to ask anything else for a while.

There’s no magic on Earth? Unicorns and pegasi don’t exist here? The orbital structure of the universe? The devastation of nuclear weaponry?’

No way on any of those. Something simple. We want to satiate her curiosity, not put her back into a nervous breakdown.

She continued to lean in, bringing her face within an inch of his, eyes narrowing slightly.

Ohgodshe’srightthere… I could kiss her, she’s so close. And so beautiful.

‘Do anything and I’ll make sure you regret it.’

I know, I wouldn’t. I won’t. I can’t. I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little de-

She leaned forward even further, nose touching his, her narrowed eyes forming a sharp glare.

“Augh!” He screamed and flailed his one good arm, falling backwards and blushing profusely. She rolled onto her back, laughing.

“Thou art indeed a vault of secrecy and master of restraint," she flattered. "None I have ever faced could both resist relinquishing their secrets, and attempting to give an intimate kiss to one of their ageless goddesses.” Her voice sparkled with mirth, as well as what should have been a disturbing sultry undertone.

“I can’t! It wouldn’t be right! You’re too young for me!” He gasped as words finally left his mouth after such an intense silence, coupled with shock over what she was saying.

“Too young? Unless mine eyes deceive me, thou art rather young. I, on the other hoof, am over three thousand years old, and back to my fully grown form from a recent bout of youth.”

He frowned, and forced himself to look at her for a second appraisal.

There’s no doubt about it, she’s under sixteen. And you’re staring at her again. Creeper.’

Shutupshutupshutup. For the love of all that is wonderful in the world, will you PLEASE shut up.

“Apparently, something happened when whatever brought you here changed you. Your body is… young here.”

She frowned as well, and looked over to him. “How young?”

“I don’t know if there’s any kind of conversion difference in your years, but before the age of human full maturity. By about five Earth years I assume.”

Her eyes went wide once more. “Not again! We just returned from the preternatural youth that occurred after the elements released us!”

Feign ignorance, feign ignorance, feign ignorance…

“Curse that monster! We knew we felt different as that spell completed! Just like him, to regress our age to make us impotent to the task at hand. He is indeed the dark master of strategy!” She grimaced and clenched her fists towards the sky.


Hush you, she’s going through emotional stuff, we don’t need to mock her for it.’

Sorry, sorry. It was too perfect to pass up.

“We… I’m sorry, I, am sorry to have created such an awkward moment for thou.”

“Apology accepted. I’m sorry that you have to suffer youth once again. At least your English is getting more modern since Nightmare Night.”

Her eyes lit up as he realized what he said. “Thou know about us! That is why thee was affected by our name prior to our title! What else doth thou know?” Her joy at the discovery faded, and was replaced immediately by utter suspicion. “How doth thou know?”

Shiiiiiiiit. Deep breath in, relax, take the plunge.

“That would be the life changing secret that I hold. It’s… too big. I can’t let you know, not without preparation. You’ve had far too many revelations today, and far more to come, I assume.”

Luna held her suspicion for a moment more, before allowing her scrutiny to fall to fatigue. “Thou art correct. I am weary, as your name suggested, and not sufficient to hold such an apparently massive change in understanding.” She returned herself to a sitting position, leaning forward on her hands.

Oh! She’s using them to sit on four limbs the way she normally would!

Took you long enough.’

“Would… would you like to come inside? We could have something to eat, and you could rest. Unless you’re planning to return to Equestria already?”

She snorted, a sad grin gracing her face. “Thou reveal more that thee know. Alas, would that I could. I know not where I am, nor where my world is in comparison. Even having said information, I lack my horn. I lack my magic. I… I’m powerless.” Tears began to flow down the dried channels on her face. Josh sat up and hugged her once again, this time pushing past the pain in his arm to give her a full embrace. She relaxed into it, and pulled together her composure.

“Some food and rest doth sound wondrous, if it would not impose too heavily on thy hospitality.”

“Not at all. It’s not every day that I get to serve royalty. Just Fridays.” He said this as straight as he could, but ended up laughing.

“Thank you, thy wit is as comforting as thy hospitality. Tis interesting, we seem to have the same names for days in our worlds.”

“That is weird. Must be a dimensional default or something.” She cocked her head to the side. “Ignore it when I say things like that. I speak a lot of gibberish. You’ll get used to it.”

“T'would take some time,” she said wistfully.

“You’ll have plenty. Assuming you agree to my continued company, you can stay with me for as long as you need.” Her eyes flew open in surprise, her mouth tripping over her words..

“Thou surely doth jest! It could be years! I could be stuck here for a lifetime! A… lifetime… without my friends… or my sister…” Her head drooped, and tears threatened anew.

Before she could think too heavily on that, he reached out and nudged her head up gently by the chin. “I mean it. I swear on my honor that I will be with you until you no longer have need of me. I do not waste empty words and promises. I already knew that it might be a lifetime commitment as I offered. Come on, let’s get you inside.”

He leaned back on one arm and jumped to a standing position. Luna attempted to do the same, instead falling flat on her back. “Ouch.”

“Oh, right, new body, new legs...” He reached out to her, hand outstretched. She took it tentatively, attempting to grasp it and failing miserably. “... and new hands. I’ll make sure to get you acquainted with those when we have a chance.”

She looked down at the foreign limbs. “Is that what these talon-like appendages art titled?”

The young man reached with his bad arm, adjusting to make sure that the least possible force would be put on it. “Put your feet… lower hooves, in front of you. I’ll pick you up on them.” She nodded and rearranged her body accordingly. He leaned back, allowing gravity to do all the work, and gently pulled her to standing. Slinging her arm over his shoulder, he turned them around towards the cabin.

“Humans are bipedal, so we’re kind of like young dragons in the way we walk. Take it nice and easy, I have you if you stumble.” She faltered as she walked, but true to his word, Josh kept her balanced.

It’s just like having a child. Baby steps, take it one step at a time, I’m here for you if you need me. He smiled at the thought. It’s nice having someone to be there for.
After ten or so steps, he realized that there was something missing. A large yellow fluffy something. “Hold on for just a second Princess, I have someone for you to meet. Lexi! Where are you?”

Luna’s curiosity mingled with fear in her voice. “Who is this ‘Lexi?’ Are they friendly?”

“You’ll see. And yes, she's extremely friendly. She might attempt to love you to death though.” He caught a tiny patch of yellow out of the corner of his eye, lurking under the broken down Jeep Cherokee that lived in the yard. “There you are. No need to hide. C’mooooon fwuffy, come meet our new friend!” His silly tone of voice enticed the canine out of hiding, who cautiously crawled from her cover.

Luna was ecstatic. “Oh! Hello there canis familiarous! Who is an adorable yellow female! Thou are, indeed thou are!”

Dog person, good to know. Good thing too, whenever we get into town, she’ll have to contend with the other four... Wait, she knows Latin?

“Heh, looks like she got scared off by our little tussle.” He clicked his tongue, and his faithful fluffball charged into him, jumping up and draping her arms on his shoulders. His six foot high shoulders. “Gah, no jumping up! Yes, I love you, now get off!” Luna just stared.

“That... is a rather large dog.” She reached her hand out, formed into a light fist. “Nice… canine?”

Lexi looked at her and dropped down from Josh. She looked at the reaching arm, but kept her distance. “You might want to uncurl your hand. It’s a sign of aggression here,” Josh informed her. Luna looked at him quizzically, and remembered that she didn’t have a hoof anymore. She relaxed her hand, letting it hang lamely. Lexi walked up, and placed her head under the limp hand. She howled joyfully, causing Luna to retract her hand in fear.

“Don't worry, that means she likes you.”

“I... see. Howling means pleasure in this world?”

Bow chicka wowow.


“Not usually, but Lexi here likes to sing a lot. Shame we can't understand what she's saying.”

Luna's stomach growled, pulling Josh's focus back to their goal.

“Right, we were heading to the house.”

As he led her to the door, something was playing at the back of his mind. The feeling that he was forgetting something vitally important.

'How about the fact that there are pelts hanging on the walls.'


A manic grin descended onto his lips, the rest of his face filled with barely suppressed terror. “Here, take a seat for a minute. The house isn't clean enough to receive guests, especially royalty!”

“Do not trouble yourself on my account. I truly doth require rest more than pristine conditions.”

Lockdown panic.

'You're going to have hell trying to-'


'Fine! Jeeze. Done.'

His face receded back to the mask of serenity, any trace of frustration gone from his voice. “Please, trust me. This needs to be done. It won't take long. You can enjoy the hammock while you're waiting.” He opened his hand towards the stand alone hammock that his family had purchased years ago.

Luna decided she was too tired to argue the point. “How does one utilize this 'haymoch'? It appears to be a cot of some kind, is it not?”

“Yes, but infinitely more relaxing. Just lie down and rock from side to side a bit.” He relaxed his shoulders as she complied, and began to truly smile as she swayed gently for a few moments and then passed out.

'Well that buys us the time we need. Hopefully she'll be in a better mood after a nap as well.'

After making sure she was fast asleep, he attempted to open the door quietly. He failed miserably, as the resulting screech from the hinges spurred a grunt and a moan from the slumbering princess. He cringed, but she mumbled for a moment, then rolled slightly and started to snore. He walked into the room and eyed the faux fur carpet and the all too real pelts adorning the walls. They were from creatures with natural deaths, but he had always felt a little disrespectful having them splayed for display purposes. Not that he had any choice, he wasn't in charge of his family’s decorating scheme, and had to admit that it made the cabin feel woodsy.

“Right, gotta hide these.”

'Don't forget the mounted hummingbirds and butterflies.'

“Right, those too. But where? Linen closet?”

'She'd accidentally run into them at a hilariously awkward time. Try the storage chests downstairs.'

"We have storage chests down there? Oh Yeah! Geeze, those have been buried under dad's assorted projects long enough that I'd forgotten.”

'Which is why it's a perfect place to hide everything. Best hide your Luna plushie too.'

“Oooo, good idea. That'd have been awkward as hell.”

'You're still standing in the doorway like an idiot. Get moving!'

"Right! Sorry!”

As he went about stowing the morbid loot, his mind wandered to the slumbering princess.

“So, how are we going to handle this?”

'You mean in general or something specific?”

“You know what I mean already before I ask.”

'I'm being polite and keeping the conversation going. I could interrupt you with all the answers if you prefer.'

“Fine, in general then. I never expected to actually have to deal with something fiction worthy happening. I prepared for years as a distraction from my problems, but almost all of that is moot when it comes to the real thing.”

'Kept you from freaking out at least. Well, about the nature of the situation at least.'

“Hmm. We never did eliminate the other options, did we?”

'No, and I just realized a new problem. How do we explain this to mom and dad?'

“Crap, you're right. Well, we need time to get her settled down. We can think up an alibi while we're at it.” As Josh finished this personal conversation, he reached for the phone and dialed the number from memory.

“Hey, this is Eric,” the voice boomed from the other end of the line.

“Hey dad. How goes the looney bin?”

“You shouldn't call it that. Anyway, crazy day today. The ward is overflowing with new patients.”

“Huh. Mandatory overtime for you and mom then?”

“Looks like it. Sorry, but it looks like you're stuck up in the canyon for the night. We could try to come get you tom-”

Josh interrupted him. “That's perfectly fine. For that matter, could you stay in tomorrow too? Something’s come up.”

“... Uh huh. What exactly is that?”


“I'll tell you later?”

“Why does that worry me more?”

“Because you're perceptive. Alright, first I need to get something out of the way. Do you have any escaped patients that think they're the goddess of the night?”

“... No, why do you ask?”

'Smooth move there. Cover, now.'

We can't lie to him! He already knows something's amiss. Cassandra truth then. There is refuge in audacity.

'Stop with the tropes already! This is real life!'

"Curiosity. Writing for a fic.”

“Yeah, not buying that.”

Josh sighed and drew a deep breath. “I can't really explain now. I tell you what, I'll tell you everything when you come up in two days. When you get here, I'll be giving you both some 'sit down for this' worthy news. I'll be bold faced lying to your face, but I need you to back me up. Afterwards, I'll tell you the real story. Deal?”

“That'll have to do. No promises on backing up your lie, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I have to get back to work, so I'll see you in a few days.”

Phew! Thank God that worked.

“Thanks dad. Oh, bring up some food when you come up. I have the feeling the fridge will be out by then.”

“You've got it. Oh, and Josh?”


“Be careful, and take good care of this mysterious fiction girl of yours. Bye.”

Before Josh could respond, he heard the “hang up the damn phone” tone that for some reason started immediately on the cabin's land line after a call was finished.

How in hell did he figure that one out? I mean, the one clue was obvious enough, but he put that together way too quickly.

'Because he's dad the all knowing. Fear his mighty deductive reasoning.'

He chuckled as he finished tossing the last pelt into the hidden cabinet and buried it in the myriad of long forgotten projects.

“So, what do we do now? Wake her up? Start dinner?”

'We need support. Call her.'


'The only one who will believe us. The only one who has the legal expertise to know what we need.'

“I know who you're talking about, but continue. I like your epic speech mode.” He began humming the opening of the Skyrim theme.

'One who dabbles in fantasy and myth, who breaches the border between science and magic. Who heals the law with one hand, and ignores the laws of the universe with the other. The one we call...”

He paused the inner monologue a moment for dramatic effect..


Josh's goofy grin drooped and he shook his head.

"... Well that was certainly anticlimactic.”

Comments ( 28 )

Here it is! Finally :pinkiehappy: I have my real life shenanigans fairly well together now, so I should be able to put these out more frequently. In the meantime, here's a blog saying what's going on with all this.
Major thanks to Xayph for editing this a ton. Regular thanks to Silverness, Cheesedeluxe, and Retsamoreh for editing the first half :pinkiesmile:

Also, I screwed the etymology of my name up in a thousand different ways. Whats worse is, that's the exact conclusion I would have come to irl :rainbowlaugh:

Great chapter.

1286702 :pinkiehappy: Glad you liked it!

....heh he heh
this is good mon
I want to hug you for writing it, and I want to PUNCH you for taking so long
either way

1286710 Danke! Next chapter shouldn't take anywhere near as long :pinkiehappy: Rasta on my brother :pinkiesmile:

1286727alright mon, see ya

YAY NEW CHAPTER!!! update soon? :heart:

Brilliant, worth the wait.
but seriously poodles. :rainbowlaugh:

1287045 Indeed :pinkiehappy: Ought to be within the month this time, instead of four mounths later :pinkiecrazy:
1287387 My aunt's nickname. As next chapter will show, she's a very eccentric lady :rainbowkiss:

Well that was fun. Please, continue.

I was listening to "The Music of the NIght" before and during the reading. I like it. I like it a lot. :moustache: I also like the "KHAAAN" bit in the middle.

You should probably change your picture. It can be very deceptive, if you know what I mean.

Too bad this story is no longer a part of the Ponyfall series, but I like where this story is, going! Keep this story going!

1290850 On it :)

1293142 Have you seen the 2011 Royal Albert Hall production? Brilliant :moustache: I highly reccommend it.

1295893 How so? Like alicorn/human hybrid status?

1296562 Salright, gives me the leaway I need to do what needs to be done with it. Glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

No. I thought Luna's human form would be as old as the one in the picture, not as a child younger than the Crusaders.

1305884 ... She's 12/13 in my fic. The crusaders are 6-8 in FMPs :derpytongue2:

Well, you didn't say so in Chapter 2.

1306497 I said she looked between 10 and 15 in one, and that she was about five years below human maturity (assuming 18 as the point of reference)

OH, okay. So... who's writing the Luna Ponyfall story?

1306613 Dunno. Selections are still in progress. Slorg just posted his reasons for the delays in the collab's blog, might want to go check to keep updated.

Why was your story removed, anyway?

1306627 Assorted shenanigans involving time, priorities and creative differences.

Can't wait for the mysterious wizard Poodles to be revealed! Awesome chapter dude.

1419067 Danke :) She is indeed the greatest of earthern wizards :rainbowlaugh:

1306627 Yeah we have no problems with Bridgebrain or anything. He just wanted to do some things that we felt wouldn't fit in the overall story we were trying to tell. By releasing him, it frees us up to move on, and allows him the freedom to do with his story as he sees fit. Pretty much a win-win.

Shame you stopped updating. It was a nice a story

Seconding the shame it's over. You had something fun started here.

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