• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,285 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


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xanderman1201 Crossover Chapter #1 Part 1

(This is a crossover chapter between “My Little Pony Rangers” written by agent_cupcakes and “Pony Rangers Season 1: Pony Rangers” by xanderman1201. If you haven’t read either or both stories, you may encounter confusion and you will, for a fact, encounter spoilers. If you have read either or both stories, spoilers can and will still happen. I just thought it was fair to warn you beforehoof. Anyway, enjoy this story. The actual progression of this chapter is mostly thanks to xanderman1201. agent_cupcakes just followed along, always happy to be the one who adapts. -Foreword by agent_cupcakes. Offline proofreading by agent_cupcakes. Final proofreading by xanderman1201.)

Two ponies began walking towards each other in a dark, void-like room. There was not a single thing to stain the blackness of the void except a single light in the center of the room where the two ponies were walking towards. One of the ponies was a young pegasus colt. He had a green coat and a matching green mane with a gold stripe down the center. His eyes were also gold, and his cutie mark was a taco. The other was a unicorn, who also had a green coat. His medium long blonde mane kept falling in front of his blue eyes as he looked around. He had a tower of blocks for a cutie-mark.

“I have heard many things about you,” the colt said to the unicorn. “I’ve heard that you are quite the writer... Xanderman1201.”

“I swear, none of what you’ve heard is true except for that last part,” the unicorn quickly replied. “I mean, I’ve never even been to a brony convention before. How could I have possibly been the one that threw the pie at Lauren’s face?”

The colt just stared skeptically. “Okay... Anyway, I’m agent_cupcakes. No, you don’t capitalize either word, yes, the underscore is necessary, and no, you can’t replace the underscore with a normal space.”

“So your name is agent underscore cupcakes? That has got to be the weirdest middle name i’ve ever heard.”

“Yeah, I have no idea what Jose was thinking when he made me. Anyway, you’re probably wondering where we are.”

“No, not really. I’m much more interested in getting to the reason why we’re here.”

“Ah, but knowing where we are is the answer to why we’re here. We’re here on one plot of land on one world of one universe in one dimension of the Creation Plane of Existence, where any living being can create what his or her imagination can conjure with little to no consequences to the rest of the Omniverse, which, in case you don’t know, is the name of the space in which the collection of every plane of existence... exists. As far as what we’re doing here, we’re going to work together to create a new chapter of our two fanfics. A ‘crossover’ chapter, I believe it’s called.” agent_cupcakes then waved his hoof and a white cloud appeared. “Look into this cloud. What do you see?”

The unicorn stared intently at the cloud, narrowing his eyes as if attempting to glare it into some form of submission. After several minutes he finally spoke. “Pomegranates.” he said in an extremely serious tone, with an even more serious face. “I see Pomegranates, a Super Sentai team, and Pinkie Pie in a black Dress that makes her look incredibly evil.” He then paused for a moment, looking contemplative, before adding, “Also, buzzsaws that are on fire.”

The colt just stared at him with an expression of confused horror that’s similar to the look on anyone’s face when they first die playing Slender: The Eight Pages. “Ooookay...” the colt replied. “Tell you what, when we finish here, psychiatric help for you is on me. This is actually a portal to another plot of land somewhere else in the Creation Plane of Existence where I create my story. You may have stared into the Time Vortex for a moment there, now that I think about it. Anyway, follow me.” The colt then jumped into the cloud, the unicorn reluctantly following.

When the two finally landed on the ground, they found themselves in Ponyville. However, their bodies had somehow changed color to pale blue and were transparent. “Welcome to my world,” the colt said. “Our story is about to begin, and you may have the first move. Remember, you can do anything to change what goes on. And... GO!”

Lightning blasted apart a market stand where Carrot Top was selling her goods. A Griffon wearing a black unitard and matching domino mask and the Great and Powerful Trixie (in her usual fabulous cape and hat) walked past, Trixie continuing to shoot lightning bolts at various things.

“Muahahaha!” She cackled evilly. “Run! Flee in terror, you little wretches! Flee from our might!”

“Yeah, run away from the overly glorified evil villain maid service.” The Griffon remarked in a bored tone. Trixie shot her companion a glare.

“Why do you always have to be such a downer? Every time we go to do anything, you’re always killing the mood by being little miss negativity. Trixie is starting to get sick of your pessimistic attitude. Just lighten up a bit and...” Trixie touched her right hoof to her horn, charging it with magic, before throwing her hoof out in the direction of a wagon that was moving away from them. Lightning shot from her hoof, arcing through the air before striking the wagon’s wheels, blasting them to smithereens. “...Enjoy the show.”

Just then, Applejack noticed the two villains attacking the town. “Now what in tarnation would those two be doin’ here?” she asked herself before galloping over to where they were. “Hay, you two!”

Gilda and Trixie looked over to find Applejack standing before them. “What?” Trixie shouted. “How could the Yellow Ranger have followed us here?”

“Yellow Ranger? Do I look like Fluttershy to you?” Applejack then pulled out her Element of Harmony and placed it on her neck. “Guess I need to remind y’all who I really am. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! ELEMENT OF HONESTY!” A bright blue light emitted from Applejack’s Element, causing Gilda and Trixie to shield their eyes. When they could finally see again, Applejack was already morphed. “Harmony Force, Ranger Blue!”

“It’s just like the master said,” Gilda said to her unicorn companion. “There are more Pony Rangers in this world!”

“More Pony Rangers?” Applejack asked. “Now I’m really confused. But that doesn’t matter. Whoever you two are, I’m takin’ you down!”

“Oh goody, Gilda. She’s going to fight us! Now we can destroy her and the master will have to recognise me... er, i mean us, as the superior members of his forces! Maybe he’ll even give the evil ranger powers to us!” Trixie exclaimed with glee while clapping her hooves together with joy. She cast a hoof out. “Draklings! Attack!”

Several strange pony shaped creatures seemed to magically wink into existence around the blue ranger. they were shaped like ponies, but had scales, fangs, claws, and bat-like wings. They were mostly grey, except for their glowing red dragon eyes. There were about fourteen of them, and AJ could tell just by looking at them that they were tougher than the average putty ponies, even if they came in smaller groups.

“Woah,” Applejack said to herself, taking a step back. “Now these seem like some tough critters... Bring it on.” Applejack then charged at the Draklings, who also charged back. Applejack quickly found that what she said was right. They were some tough critters. She tried kicking them several times, but they hardly budged. All they did was take each hit and easily counter the attack each time. “I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew, here.”

“Then let me help you with that,” a high-pitched voice said from behind Applejack. The confused farm pony turned around quickly to find Pinkie Pie, already morphed, standing ready for battle. “Harmony Force, Ranger Pink!”

“Oh, that annoying pink pony is a ranger here? Awesome, i can finally get payback for last time.” Gilda announced. “Time to forget about playing fair and call in my...” She raised her right arm to the sky. “Griffon Battle zord! Descend!”

A dark, swirling portal appeared in the sky above ponyville, and a massive mechanical griffon descended from it, landing just outside of the town. Gilda disappeared in a flash of light, just a few seconds before the massive machine began moving, stomping on a (fortunately) unoccupied building.

“What is that?” Pinkie asked.

“I have no idea,” Applejack replied. “But I do know one thing. We have to do something about it.” Applejack then raised her hoof to the sky. “We need dinozord power, now!”

Just then, the Triceratops and Pterodactyl zords came stampeding onto the battlefield, coming to a stop in front of the large mechanical griffon so their pilots could jump into their respective cockpits. “Wait a second,” Pinkie said to Applejack over her zord’s comm. “What about that pony who looks like Trixie but acts somewhat differently and those weird creatures?”

“Got it covered,” Rainbow Dash replied over the comm. “Rarity, Fluttershy and I just got here. You two handle... whatever that thing is.”

“You got it, Dash,” Applejack replied. “C’mon, Pinkie. Let’s show this oversized griffon what a real zord can do.”

Gilda, caught off guard by the strange appearance of the ranger’s zords, didn’t react in time to avoid the Triceratops’ first charge, which knocked her griffon zord on it’s back. The pterodactyl zord swooped in to blast it with it’s fire breath, but Gilda’s moved out of the way at the last second, causing Pinkie to almost hit Applejack.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the Draklings were proving to be quite troublesome for Rainbow Dash. Every time she got rid of one, Trixie (more accurately the not-Trixie that looked like Trixie) would just summon another one in it’s place. It was even more annoying because they weren’t that easy to get rid of in the first place. Each one seemed to be anywhere between three to four times more powerful than a Putty Pony. What was worse was the fact that they could fly after her if she took to the air. Thank goodness there was less of them than their usually were putties, or she’d be in even worse trouble. Trixie saw the Red Ranger’s frustration and laughed at it.

“Ha! You think those Draklings are bad, you should see what Trixie-”

The magician’s rant was cut short when the air seemed to shimmer and ripple for a moment, before she, the Draklings, Gilda, and the Griffon Battlezord all vanished into thin air, leaving a number of very confused rangers.

“What the hay just happened?” Applejack asked.

“I have no idea,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Maybe Twilight will have some answers, though. Let’s get to Canterlot.”

“Okay,” Pinkie said, lowering the Pterodactyl zord so the Rangers on the ground could get on. “Hop on. I’ll fly you three there.” The other Rangers got onto the zord’s back and in seconds, they were off towards Canterlot, Applejack following close behind in her own zord.

On the moon base, the two beings who looked like Gilda and Trixie collapsed onto the floor in a flash of blueish light in front of Nightmare Moon. “Where are we?” Gilda asked. “Are we on the moon?”

“Quite so,” Nightmare replied. “I’ve been expecting your arrival for some time, but I was sure your master would send his evil Pony Rangers instead of you two.”

“Really?” Trixie asked. “Those hooligans? Ha. Their power pales in comparison to the power of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Gilda shot a quick angry glance at Trixie accompanied with a short growl. “Oh, and Gilda, who is totally awesome as well.”

“Don’t try to fool me,” Nightmare said, walking off and indicating for the two to follow. “Your master already filled me in on how incompetent you two usually are.”

“Calling them incompetent is the understatement of the century.” The White Ranger stated while walking out of the shadows, surprising Nightmare Moon. “Those two can’t even get the groceries without messing things up.”

“One time. That happened one time and Trixie already clearly stated that it was not her fault.” Gilda cleared her throat, causing Trixie to quickly add, “Or Gilda’s. It wasn’t Gilda’s fault either.”

The White Ranger simply rolled her eyes at their behavior, and got back to business. “In any case, We have the next assault ready to go. As promised, we will destroy your rangers for you, and in return we will get to steal their powers for our own use. I doubt those two will be completely incompetent if they have stolen ranger powers.”

Meanwhile, the other Pony Rangers were in Canterlot, standing around Twilight and anxiously awaiting her verdict on just who those two villains from earlier were. “This just doesn’t make any sense,” Twilight said.

“Is something wrong, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, something is very wrong. According to every scan I’ve run on those two, magic and otherwise, those two you encountered in the market were, indeed, Gilda and Trixie.”

“But that’s impossible,” Applejack said, trotting over to Twilight’s console. “They acted almost entirely different from normal.”

“I know it’s impossible, Applejack. I just don’t know what to say. You five go back to Ponyville and alert me if they attack again. I’ll get right over there and cast a better scanning spell up close. Maybe then I'll get the answers I need.”

“Alright, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ll let you know if anything funny happens again.”

“Best of luck to you Rangers,” Twilight said. The others nodded and galloped out of the room, leaving Twilight to go back to her work. Just then, another pony stepped into the room from the other end. Twilight glanced over, but all she saw was a white unicorn. “Something the matter, Rarity?”

“I’m not Rarity,” the unicorn replied in a voice that was incredibly familiar to Twilight. She quickly turned around to find that it was actually a Pony Ranger. A white Pony Ranger.

“What? Who are you?” Twilight turned all the way around and pulled out her Thunder Coin, ready to defend herself.

“You mean you don’t recognize me, Twilight?” the White Pony Ranger replied. The Pony Ranger de-morphed, causing Twilight to gasp in horror and drop the Thunder Coin at what she saw. Somehow, she was staring at her own face.

“What’s going on here?” the original Twilight asked, trying to back up. “This is impossible!”

“Only a foal denies the evidence of her own eyes,” the other Twilight said, beginning to charge a spell. “Fortunately, I’m not that foal.” She then fired a bolt of magic at the original Twilight, who was unable to dodge the attack and was knocked unconscious into the far wall. “Heh. This will be easier than I thought.” The other Twilight then grabbed the original Twilight and dragged her into a closet to hide her. Just then, Celestia appeared in her time warp.

“What’s going on, Twilight?” the imprisoned alicorn asked.

“Nothing,” the evil Twilight replied, trying to act like the other Twilight. “Just a couple of Putty Ponies. I took care of them.” The evil Twilight then went over to the console and began typing some stuff in. “Nothing to worry about...” she added with an evil smile.

Back in ponyville, a black swirling vortex opened up, unceremoniously dropping two ponies out in an alleyway, where the darkness of the shadows hid all their features conveniently. The two quickly left as the portal closed behind them.

Moments later Ponies were screaming in panic once again as a male zebra with demonic looking red eyes walked down the street, his stripes producing shadowy black tendrils of darkness that lashed out at everypony that got to close. As this was happening, Rainbow Dash was flying by on her way to Sweet Apple Acres. “Zecora?” she asked herself as she noticed the scene below her. “Or is that Slendermane? No, wait, yeah, it’s definitely Zecora. Still, that’s some strange new magic she has.” Dash then pulled out her morpher and contacted the others. “Everypony, Zecora’s attacking Ponyville, and she’s got some strange new magic for us to contend with.”

“How do you know for sure it’s the real Zecora, then?” Pinkie asked. “With those Gilda and Trixie characters earlier, this Zecora might be from that other world.”

“You’re right,” Dash replied. “Twilight, did you hear that?”

“Uh, yeah,” the evil Twilight replied, even though Dash and the others thought it was their regular Twilight. “Don’t worry, I’m on my way over there now. Just let me finish this one thing before I leave.”

“All right,” Dash said. “Everypony else, let’s get down there.” Dash then closed the communications channel and flew down to where the zebra was. “Hay, Zecora!” The zebra turned around, but was entirely silent. “What’s the matter? No witty rhyme for me this time? Heh, I wasn’t even trying to do that.” Just as Rainbow Dash said this, the other four Rangers galloped in, noticing quickly that the zebra they thought was Zecora didn’t look at all like the Zecora they already knew.

“Now who the hay is this?” Applejack asked.

The Zebra smiled a wicked smile with sharp needle like fangs, before finally speaking. “Why hello my little pony rangers.” He said in a disturbingly accurate imitation of Celestia’s voice. “I’m so glad you could come out and face your doom today.”

“What the hay?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Why does Zecora suddenly sound like Celestia?”

“Does it matter?” Applejack asked. “We still need to stop him before he hurts anypony else.”

“Yeah, about that.” The zebra said in an unamused tone that still sounded like Celestia. “My name’s not Zecora. I’m a dude and that’s a girl’s name. Please stop calling me that. If you must call me anything, call me Hunter... or better yet, call me your doom!”

Suddenly, shadowy tendrils of darkness burst from the ground around the Rangers striking at them from various directions all around them. “Maybe I was right,” Rainbow Dash said to herself, doing her best to dodge the tendrils. (Though to little success.) “Maybe this guy is Slendermane.”

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, White Ranger pulled the thunder coin off of Twilight’s unconscious body. “Thank you my dear Twilight. With this my power will increase greatly... and i’ll be able to imitate you perfectly.” She smiled a psychotic smile that was reserved for serial killers and evil geniuses (which made sense as she was one of those two) before teleporting her unconscious alter ego away to her evil Black Ranger ally. Just then, however, Spike walked into the room.

“Woah!” Spike shouted. “Who are you?”

In two different flashes of light, the evil Twilight teleported up into Spike’s face and then teleported them both against the far wall, Twilight pointing her horn right in Spike’s face. “As far as you’re concerned, little dragon, I am Twilight Sparkle.” The evil unicorn then began charging her horn with energy before adding “Got that?” Spike quickly nodded his head in fear. Twilight then powered her horn down and let Spike breathe again. Slowly the look in Twilight’s eyes changed, from a cold and intimidating edge to a look of sadness and perhaps a bit of regret. “Spike... I’m sorry. I have no idea what just came over me.” She stepped away from him and turned around. “I didn’t... I didn’t mean to do that. I guess I’m just stressed out.... The Thunder Coin’s power is still tempting me sometimes. I just lost control for a moment.” She lied through her teeth, knowing that the little dragon wasn’t dumb enough to fall for it, but still trying to salvage the situation anyways. Even her black heart wasn’t evil enough to force her to turn on Spike... even if it wasn’t her Spike. “Just... just forget what you saw, and don’t tell the Rangers. I promise, it wasn’t anything bad. I’m just... helping.”

Spike looked at Twilight with slight confusion for a moment. “Okay, I guess,” he said, turning to walk off. “Speaking of the Rangers, didn’t they call you over to Ponyville to battle Zecora?”

“You mean Hunter?” Twilight asked, quickly realizing her mistake. “I mean, that black and white hunter? I almost completely forgot because of the Thunder Coin. Thanks.” Twilight then turned and teleported to Ponyville.

“Something isn’t right here...” Spike said to himself after Twilight left. However he just shrugged it off and walked over to his console. He then pulled up Youtube and began watching Pewdiepie’s playthrough of Slender: The Arrival. “How can this guy even hit notes that high?” Spike asked while laughing at Pewds screaming like a little filly.

Back in ponyville, Hunter was thoroughly trashing the Pony Rangers. Pinkie tried to attack him from the side, but he dodged the attempt and hit her in the back on the way past, causing her to go flying straight into Applejack, knocking them both down. Rarity’s magical attacks were being swatted away like flies courtesy of the dark tendrils, which were also causing Rainbow and Fluttershy great difficulty in getting close to him. To make matters worse, the sound of Celestia’s voice laughing maniacally as they got their flanks served to them on a silver platter was really creepy.

“How the hay are we supposed to beat this guy?” Applejack asked, doing her best to dodge the tendrils.

“I don’t know,” Dash replied. “Maybe Twilight could help us. Where is she, anyway?”

“I’m right here, Rangers,” Twilight shouted, galloping over to the battle. “Who do we have here?”

“Some weird zebra who calls himself Hunter,” Dash replied. “The weirdest thing is that his voice sounds almost exactly like Princess Celestia’s.”

“Really?” Twilight said, pretending to be surprised. “How strange. In any case, we should probably take him down now, and I think I have an idea on how to do it.”

“What’s that Twilight?” Rarity asked.
Twilight pulled at the Thunder coin, a slightly too happy smile creeping up on her face. “THUNDER!”

The now morphed Green Ranger (who was secretly the evil White Ranger) rushed forward, her horn flaring up, launching a massive ball of energy about the size of a carriage at the zebra. His tendrils moved to form a wall to stop it, but this left him vulnerable as Twilight teleported right in front of him, grabbing him with her hooves. “Get ready Rainbow, he’s headed your way.” She then threw the zebra in Rainbow’s direction.

“Bring him on!” Rainbow Dash said, readying herself for the coming villain. Just then, Twilight threw Hunter right at Rainbow Dash, who quickly bucked him towards Applejack. “Your move, AJ!”

“Alright,” the farm pony replied. Just as the zebra was coming at her, she bucked him in the other direction from where he was flying towards Pinkie Pie.

“Come at me, bro,” Pinkie said, pulling out her Party Cannon and firing it right as Hunter was inches from the mouth of the cannon. “Fluttershy!”

“Got it,” the shy pegasus replied quietly. She readied herself for the flying zebra and used both her forehooves to knock him down right towards Rarity.

“You’re mine,” Rarity said as Hunter came flying towards her. She then quickly used her magic to speed his fall and cause him to fall muzzle-first right into the ground, creating a small crater upon impact. “Twilight, finish him while he’s stunned!”

Twilight charged towards the villain, having absolutely no intention of finishing him off, but needing to make a convincing performance. She lept in the air, preparing what looked like a rather powerful attack, when the air began to ripple and shimmer, seconds before Hunter disappeared.

“Huh? What the...? What just- oh darn it!” she said, just seconds before she smacked face first into the ground, having been so surprised by her comrade’s sudden disappearance that she forgot to properly land. The power from her horn fizzled out upon impact, and she quickly picked herself off the ground. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.” she muttered out loud.

“What wasn’t supposed to happen?” Rainbow Dash asked, trotting over and de-morphing.

“That Hunter character took less damage than I anticipated and teleported away,” Twilight replied, doing her best to make her story believable. The truth was, however, that she expected her comrade to simply fake his own death instead of fleeing. “Maybe we should go back to Canterlot and look the battle over again. I got a few scanning spells cast during that battle.” Twilight then quickly teleported the others and herself to Canterlot before any of them could respond.
Unbeknownst to them, two ponies in a nearby alley saw the whole fight. As Twilight teleported the group, the shadow shrouded figures shifted their gazes towards canterlot, then looked at each other before nodding in silent agreement.

Back at Canterlot, the five Rangers collapsed onto the ground while Twilight landed perfectly in the center of the room. “A little warning before you do that next time would be nice,” Rarity said, getting up and dusting herself off.

“Sorry, Rarity,” Twilight said, though she might as well have ignored the other unicorn as she trotted over to the console and began working on something the others probably wouldn’t have been able to understand.

“What exactly are you doing?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Uh, just some routine post-battle review. It’s entirely routine.”

Just then, Spike walked into the room. “Hay, Spike,” Applejack said. “Is there somethin’ wrong with Twilight?”

Spike was about to respond, but stopped himself, remembering what had happened earlier. On the one claw he really wanted to tell Applejack about Twilight’s sudden aggression after he’d walked in on her doing... whatever it was he’d seen her doing. But on the other claw, she’d sounded really sad and apologetic afterwards, so much so that just the sound of her voice made him want to hug her and tell her everything was fine. She’d asked him not to tell the others, but had also mentioned that the evil of the Thunder Coin was still trying to take her over. In the end he settled for a simple half truth. “She said she was a bit stressed out earlier,” he said, shrugging. “I’m sure she’ll get back to normal if we give her some space.”

“Okay,” Applejack said. She then turned to the others. “There’s some seriously weird things goin’ on here. And not just Pinkie weird. No offence, Pinkie.”

“None taken,” Pinkie replied.

“Nonetheless, Applejack’s right,” Rainbow Dash said. “I think I have an idea, though.” She then motioned for the others to get in closer. “Okay, here’s the plan...” She then proceeded to whisper a plan to the others, who each occasionally nodded in agreement. “Everypony know what they need to do?”

“I’ll do my best,” Fluttershy said.

“Pinkie and I can do that,” AJ said.

“You can count on me,” Rarity said.

“Good,” Rainbow Dash said. She then turned and trotted over to Twilight. “We’re gonna head back to Ponyville, Twilight. You know, so we can give you some space to work.”

“Okay, Dash,” Twilight said, not looking up from what she was doing.

Rainbow Dash then trotted back to the others. “Everypony get in position and make sure she doesn’t see you,” she whispered. The others nodded and galloped out the door, followed by Rainbow Dash, who stopped for a moment to take one last glance back at Twilight. “I’ll do anything to keep you safe, friend.” She then flew out of the building.

Twilight stayed at the console, making sure her body was in a position to block the screen from behind or above her, as she looked into what she’d scanned when Hunter vanished while simultaneously looking over all available information on the Harmony Rangers’ megazord, committing all the spells needed to form and control it to memory.

Once she was done she closed both files, and ran a scan over the entire area surrounding ponyville, before turning around and trotting to the middle of the room.

“I’ve detected an anomaly near Whitetail Woods,” Twilight announced, “and I’m going to check it out, as it may be where our mysterious zebra friend went to. Fluttershy, please tell the others so they don’t stay hiding all over the base waiting for me to get back.” She then teleported away.

“Are you serious!?” Rainbow Dash asked, flying in from the other room. (The random one where Spike usually walks in from.) How did she see you, Fluttershy?”

“I-I don’t know,” Fluttershy replied, flying down to the ground to meet Rainbow Dash. “I tried to stay as quiet as possible.”
“Probably wasn’t you, Fluttershy,” Applejack said, walking out from behind a pillar wearing a fake moustache. “Might have been Pinkie.”

“How could it have been me?” Pinkie asked, coming out from the same pillar wearing a beekeeper’s hat and holding her party cannon. “I’m totally stealth!” Just then, her party cannon went off randomly, startling everypony else.

“It wasn’t any of us,” Rainbow Dash said as Rarity walked in, holding a large butterfly net in her mouth. “There’s something different about Twilight and somehow she’s more cunning, clever, and observant than our normal Twilight. Let’s get to Whitetail Woods to further this investigation.” The five ponies then began galloping out of the building towards Whitetail Woods, not sure what to expect when they got there.

Meanwhile, the good Twilight Sparkle woke up in some kind of darkened room with a massive headache. Despite the headache, however, she used her magic to light the room. It was rather small. The only things in there were a chair that she was probably sitting in when she arrived here and some barrels and pieces of wood in the corner. “Hello?” the confused unicorn called. “Is anypony there?” She reached for her Thunder Coin to try to contact the Rangers, but it was gone. “Oh no. It was that weird clone of me from before. She must have stolen my Thunder Coin and dropped me here... wherever ‘here’ is.” Just then, she heard hoofsteps from a still darkened corner of the room. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” As though on command, the mysterious pony stepped into the light of Twilight’s horn. Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes. It was the Black Pony Ranger. “Rarity! I’m so glad to see you.”

“I’m not Rarity, Twilight,” the stallion replied. “How could you have confused me for her anyways? Our uniforms have completely different styles and I’m obviously of the male gender.”

“Wait a second...” Twilight said. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

“I would hope you did,” the stallion replied, de-morphing. A look of shock came over Twilight’s face as she finally recognized the stallion.

When the Rangers arrived at Whitetail woods a few hours later (thanks a lot Canterlot Express... fastest train in the world my flank), they found a depressed looking Twilight standing by a river, simply staring at the water rushing by. They didn’t know it, but they had once again played straight into her hooves, and taken so long to do it, that Twilight had time to practice her act.

“I missed him... probably by about five minutes, maybe ten,” she said in an apathetic voice. “Though, judging by the fact that you all appear to have stopped trusting me, it seems we have more important things to talk about.” She slowly turned to face them, allowing them to see that she had been crying before they got there. The tears weren’t real, of course, but they were convincing enough to fool the five rangers before her.

“We haven’t stopped trusting you, Twilight,” Fluttershy said.

“No, but Rainbow Dash did,” Pinkie said quickly, causing Rainbow Dash to nudge her.

“Whatever would make you think we stopped trusting you, Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Is it because I asked you to teach me the teleportation spell? Because that was just for in case you couldn’t cast it for whatever reason.”

“So all of you decided to spy on me just because Dash told you to? Well, let me put some of your fears to rest, Rainbow; the reason I’ve been acting strange lately is because I was running some tests on myself today and found out there’s a good chance that I’m dying.” The other Rangers gasped in horror.

“You can’t be serious!” Rainbow Dash said. “How could you be dying?”

White Ranger mentally smiled to herself; that was exactly the reaction she was looking for. These rangers were putty in her hooves, (and not ‘Putty Pony’ putty) easily bent and shaped to her will. A few tears here, a smile or two when it’s appropriate, and they won’t even realize they’re being conned until it’s far too late. “It’s my ranger powers. Perhaps Nightmare Moon was simply desperate to make her evil ranger stronger than you all, or maybe she did it on purpose but simply didn’t care about the side effects. Whatever the case, my powers are too much for my body to handle; they’re slowly destroying me. It hasn’t done much damage yet, but the more I use my ranger powers, the worse it’s going to get.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head as though trying to wake herself from a bad dream, doing her best to keep her tears hidden. “No...” she said. “No, this can’t be happening. You have to be able to do something about it! You should be smarter than this!”

The evil Twilight quickly noticed that what Rainbow Dash said was the one flaw in her plan. Even the good version of her from this world was a little too smart to be unable to handle the Thunder Coin. However, she didn’t make this realization evident. Instead, in an effort to salvage her deception, she calmly added, “I guess Nightmare has one ability that I didn’t have: anticipation. She thought Derpy might be defeated and made sure that she was strong enough to handle the Thunder Coin and I wasn’t. I can’t believe how stupid I was to not see that before...” Smart move, Twilight, the evil unicorn thought to herself.

Rainbow Dash walked up to Twilight, not even trying to hide her tears anymore. “We’ll figure something out, Twilight,” the pegasus said, placing her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Together.”

Just then, Pinkie got a tingling feeling on the back of her neck that let her know when somepony was spying on her. She was about to say something about it, when the groups communicators went off, alerting them that there was danger in Ponyville.

“Helping me will have to wait. Ponyville is in danger.” Twilight announced wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Are you sure, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I thought using the Thunder Coin would further the damage already caused to you.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll take probably a dozen or two more battles before any serious damage is done. Now let’s get moving!” The six ponies then began galloping off back towards Ponyville, but Pinkie paused for a moment, still getting that tingling feeling on the back of her neck. “Pinkie! Come on!” Twilight called from further ahead.

“Oh, right. Sorry!” Pinkie called, starting back on her gallop to try to catch up to the others.

Citizens ran screaming in terror, as Gilda and Trixie walked around causing destruction alongside... er... Gilda and Trixie. “This is fun. Who knew hanging out with yourself could be so entertaining?” one Trixie said to the other.

“Truly the only pony worthy of keeping the Great and Powerful Trixie company is the Great and Powerful Trixie herself.” the other replied.

“Those two... are going to be insufferable if the Rangers don’t get here soon,” one GIlda announced.

“So, hey, does your boss treat you like an overly glorified maid service too, or is it just me?” the one in the unitard asked her counterpart.

“Actually, we’re treated pretty well on the moonbase,” the other griffon said. “Every one of us gets a chance to battle and, even though we all fail time and time again, she treats us all with the same... respectful disrespect, I guess.”

“Hay,” one of the Trixies said to the other Gilda. “What would you say to us switching places when this is all said and done?”

“Hmm...” Gilda said. “I think I’ll pass.”

“Me too,” the other Trixie said. “We’re incompetent, but we’re not maids. Sorry, but we aren’t going to bail you out, there.”

“Nice try,” the Gilda in a unitard said to her companion.

“Eh, it was worth a shot,” Trixie replied.

The rangers chose that moment to rush onto the scene. Twilight’s eyes narrowed slightly when she saw both Trixies and Gildas. They weren’t supposed to be there. What part of her exceptionally simple instructions had they not understood? She was going to have to punish them for this.

“Am I seeing double?” Applejack asked, “or are there two of each Gilda and Trixie?”

“And does one of them have absolutely no fashion sense?” Rarity added, noticing the Gilda in the unitard.

The Gilda looked heavily offended. “Hey, you try finding an evil villain outfit that works for under five bits, and then see if you still have room to criticize my outfit!”

“If you insist, I’ll be happy to help you with that problem right after we pummel you four!” (Lol, Iron Bison moment.) The other five Rangers looked at Rarity with angry/surprised expressions. “What? I don’t know about any of you, but I just can’t stand such a crime against fashion going unattended to.”

“Cut the chit-chat, Rarity,” Rainbow Dash said. “We have quite a challenge taking on four enemies instead of just one.” She then pulled out her Element of Harmony, followed by the other Rangers. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!”







“Harmony Force, Ranger Blue!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Yellow!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Pink!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Black!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Red!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Green!” Wow, that was weird to say, the evil Twilight thought to herself.

“Ha! Against the four of us, you rangers don’t stand a chance, even if there are six of you!” One of the Trixies declared. “Draklings! Attack!”

“Trixie won’t let Trixie steal all the fun from Trixie.” The other Trixie announced. “Putties! Attack!”

Even evil Twilight got a bit nervous for a moment when she saw just how many of the foot soldiers had appeared. There was a three to one ratio of Putties to Draklings, but the Draklings alone outnumbered the rangers three to one. The sheer force of their numbers was highly intimidating.
“That’s... a lot of bad guys.” she remarked after a moment. “Anypony got a plan?”
“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash replied. “We leave the double helping of chicken with a side of sass for after we finish these appetizers here.”

“And how exactly is that supposed to work? Need I remind you that we’re outnumbered roughly twelve to one?”

“You’re right. This is going to be tough... Aha!” Rainbow Dash then turned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, remember what you did to defeat the Parasprites a few weeks ago?”

“Say no more, Dashie,” Pinkie replied. She then used her Element of Harmony to summon the Pterodactyl zord and jumped into it. “Let’s turn up the heat!” Pinkie dove the Pterodactyl zord down towards the Putty Ponies and Draklings and began firing her flamethrower, singeing the Putties, but somehow leaving the Draklings untouched.

“That’s good enough Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said into her comm. “Get back down here so we can handle those other creatures.”

“Draklings,” Twilight said.

“Gesundheit,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, it seems your minions are inferior to ours.” one Trixie said, giving the other a smug look as the rangers charged into battle.

“Bah. Who needs minions when you have the great and powerful Trix-” the other Trixie began before being cut off when a blast of magic from Twilight sent a Drakling flying into her. The other Trixie laughed obnoxiously before the same thing happened to her. Twilight turned, and blasted a third Drakling, before spotting one that was about to jump Fluttershy from behind. She could easily pretend she had been too busy fighting to notice it, and let the creature weaken the Yellow Harmony Ranger, making her more vulnerable for later. It was the smart thing to do. It was the right thing to do in accordance with her plan. It was the course of action that would help further her cause.

Fluttershy knocked one of the Draklings away, just a second before another one was blasted over her head by a burst of magic from Twilight.

Logical arguments began to flood Twilight’s brain, justifying her most recent course of action, but no amount of justification to change the fact that she had just saved one of the ponies she was trying to destroy. She realized she’d have to postpone questioning herself about her own stupidity for after the battle, when three Draklings tackled her to the ground at the same time.

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash called, noticing her supposed friend getting tackled to the ground while trying to fight off another Drakling. “Back off, Scaly!” In one fluid motion, Rainbow Dash reversed her position in relation to her Drakling and bucked it away. She then charged at the group of Draklings to try to knock them off of Twilight. She managed to knock one away, but that was just because it didn’t see Rainbow Dash coming. The other two immediately left Twilight alone and went for Rainbow Dash. However, Dash had gotten pretty good at fighting Draklings. (At least better than when she first encountered them earlier that day.) She got out of their way just in time to avoid their attack and used their momentum to knock the two Draklings against each other. After taking a moment to enjoy her little triumph, Rainbow Dash quickly turned to Twilight. “Twilight, are you ok?”

Twilight got back to her hooves. “I think so. You didn’t give them a chance to do much harm.” She noticed Rarity struggling to handle the four Draklings that were attacking her, and Pinkie was struggling to get out of the grip of two others. “But it looks like Rarity and Pinkie could use our help.”

“Say no more. Let’s go.” Rainbow Dash then galloped over to where Pinkie was and attacked one of the Draklings to get it off of her, allowing Pinkie to focus her attacks on the one other Drakling. Twilight was considering going over to at least pretend to help Rarity, but it just didn’t make sense for her to do that. Was the power of the Thunder Coin starting to overwrite her evilness? As she was considering this, Applejack galloped over to help Rarity instead.

“Dodged that bullet,” Twilight said to herself. She then turned around to look at the Trixies and Gildas. “Better teach those idiots a lesson for messing with my plan.” She then turned around to Rainbow Dash. “Dash, you and the others keep the Draklings occupied. I’m gonna go take those four on myself.”

“You can’t be serious!” Rainbow Dash called back after flipping a Drakling over her shoulder. “All four of them?”

“Don’t worry, Dash,” Twilight replied. “I have a plan.” Without waiting for Rainbow Dash to respond Twilight galloped over to where the four villains were.

“The Green Ranger!” one of the Trixies shouted. “Finally. I’ve been waiting for some payback.”

“You four are going down!” Twilight shouted, making sure the others heard what she said. However, just as she was about to lunge at the four, she quietly said, “I’m really the White Ranger. Make this fight look convincing if you know what’s good for you.”

Trixie (the Trixie on the left) started by launching a bolt of lightning at Twilight, which she casually used her magic to deflect, sending it flying into GIlda’s (the one without the unitard) face, knocking her over. The other Trixie started charging up a spell only to have the first Trixie thrown into her by Twilight’s magic. The knocked over Gilda got back up and charged Twilight, who popped past her with a teleport, causing the griffon to fly straight into a Drakling that had been thrown by Fluttershy. Whirling around, the “Green” Ranger bucked both Trixies in the face simultaneously as they tried to get back up. Using her magic, she caught them before they could hit the ground and threw them both at the unitard-less Gilda, knocking her out.

Slowly she turned to face the remaining griffon, who’s claw was raised halfway to the sky. “Go ahead and call your zord... I dare you,” Twilight challenged.

The remaining Gilda thought better of her idea, and lowered her claw, before running over and jumping on top of the pile of incapacitated villains.

Before anypony had a chance to do anything else, however, the air began to ripple and shimmer again, before the four villains (and one Drakling at the bottom of the pile) vanished into thin air.

“Smart move,” Twilight said to herself, de-morphing. She then turned to where the other Rangers were, finding that they had finished off the rest of the Draklings. “Everypony alright?” Twilight called to the others, galloping over to where they all were.

“I think we’re fine,” Rainbow Dash said, also de-morphing. “That was some pretty good work you did on those four, Twilight. I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Yes, well, it helps when the opponents are worthless...” She said the word “worthless” through gritted teeth. “But, in any case, I don’t think we’ll be seeing them again anytime soon.” Not after I’m done with them, Twilight thought to herself.

“Okay...” Rainbow Dash said. She then looked around at the destruction the two of each Gilda and Trixie managed to cause. “Maybe we should actually stay and help clean up this time around,” she said to the other Rangers. “What about you, Twilight?”

“I need to get back to Canterlot, actually. There are some more things I need to attend to...” Without another word, Twilight teleported away back to Canterlot.

“I’m not the only pony noticing Twilight’s weird behavior, am I?” Rainbow Dash asked the others. “And I don’t just mean ‘Yeah, you’re the leader.’ noticing.”

“Something does seem fishy...” Pinkie said, about to bring up her tingling feeling from back in Whitetail Woods.

“Well she did say she was dying,” Rarity said. “Given that fact, I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary.”

“What part of ‘Don’t do anything until i tell you to’ don’t you nimrods understand?!”

GIlda and Gilda were both slammed against the wall by the white rangers magic. Nightmare’s Gilda was beginning to see why her counterpart was so terrified of the White Ranger. With the addition of the Thunder Coin her power was comparable to Nightmare Moon’s.

“I leave you imbeciles alone for a few hours and you're already ruining everything!”

The magic around their throats tightened more, making it hard for them to breathe. The Trixies on the other wall were already starting to turn purple from lack of air. Gilda silently prayed that she wasn’t going to have to be resurrected by Nightmare Moon again.
All of a sudden, the four servants of evil dropped to the floor, gasping for breath as the White Ranger finally released them.

“You foals are lucky I need to get back to playing the part of the goody four hooves hero. The next time you mess up one of my plans, I won’t stop until the deed is done,” White Ranger announced before teleporting away.

Gilda glanced over at Gilda, rubbing her now bruised throat. “Is she always so... extreme with her punishments?”

Gilda didn’t say anything to Gilda, opting for a silent nod in the affirmative.

Twilight (the good one) had no idea what was going on. One minute she’s being held prisoner, the next she’s listening to Prince Blueblood’s (or rather his counterpart from another reality who was an evil pony ranger) entire life story, while she was forced to sit there and play therapist.

And all because she had to open her big mouth and ask for a glass of water...

The world vanished in a white cloud and the two ponies from before, the pegasus colt and the unicorn stallion, were back in the void-like room. “What happened?” the unicorn asked.

“Break time,” the colt answered casually. “We’ll finish the story later. Want some tea? I’m not particularly a fan of tea, but it’s decent for taking casual breaks when with company.” The colt then waved his hoof and a table with two chairs materialized not far from where the two ponies were.

“How did you do that?” the unicorn asked.

“It’s the Creation Plane of Existence. Any being can create anything. Now, did you want tea or should I make something else?”

“No, tea is fine.” The two ponies then sat at the table while the colt materialized some tea and small cups. They then sipped their tea in silence for a few minutes.

Author's Note:

Okay, so here's part one of our two- (possibly three-) part crossover chapter. We never really agreed on a title for the fic, I don't think, so that will be updated when the time comes. Anyway, this took like a month or two, so the next part might not be up for a while. D: ごめんなさい (Sorry)