• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,286 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


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Thunder Struck

Foreword: I don’t know much about the original series, so the plot will trail off pretty quickly... CHAPTER 3!

The scene opens with Derpy delivering the mail to ponyville. Nightmare Moon is watching her.

“HER!” she suddenly shouted, waking Zecora and Gilda.

“What has stopped my slumber?” asked Zecora, “This will put my productivity under.” (I’m desperate for rhymes.)

“What are you shouting about, Lord Moon?” Gilda asked, drowsily.

“I know who should be the Green Pony Ranger!” said Nightmare.

“No, offense, my lord,” said Trixie, walking in, “but is it not the Pony Rangers who are trying to stop our plans?”

“Not the Green Ranger. She will be drawn from the powers of evil, a power that is greater than that of the others.”

“Very well, my lord. I will send putties to your accord.”

“Also, I would like you to go down as well.”

“What? But-”

“But nothing! You always brag about how you’re so `great and powerful` so you should go prove it.”

“Very well,” and with that, Trixie was off.

At Canterlot, Spike was watching Stupid Mario Brothers on Youtube when Celestia suddenly warped in, making Spike jump and burn his computer.

“I wasn’t goofing off,” said Spike.

“Nevermind that,” said Celestia. “I’ve spotted Trixie on her way to Ponyville with a group of putties. Warn the rangers.”

“Ok,” said Spike, pressing a button on the console in front of him.

At Ponyville, Derpy gave Rainbow Dash her mail. She was reading it when she heard a noise from in her house. She ran in to find out that she had received an email from Spike. She read the email, then dropped her paper mail and rushed to get Fluttershy. When she got to her house, she flew into the window leading to Fluttershy’s bedroom, only to get caught on the curtains and fall into Fluttershy’s bed. Fluttershy awoke quickly.

“Who’s there?” shouted Fluttershy.

“It’s me,” said Rainbow Dash.

“What are you doing here?”

“There’s a group of putties on their way to Ponyville.”

“I think they’re already here!” Fluttershy pointed out the window to indicate an attacking group of putty ponies led by Trixie.

“We have to stop them,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s morphin’ time!”

“Kindness!” called Fluttershy, wearing her Element.


The two, morphed, flew out to take on the putties, but were met instead by Trixie.

“Stop right there,” said Trixie. “You aren’t going to interrupt my master’s plans!”

“And just who is your `master`?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I thought you rangers were smarter than this. Let me just say, that’s not going to get better,” said Trixie with an evil chuckle.

“Just tell us why you’re here,” said Fluttershy. “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“Well, that’s not okay with me, so I’ll just be off.” Trixie then ran off, her trail being covered by putties.

“Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash, “I’ll follow Trixie. You keep these putties off me.”

“Right,” said Fluttershy.

Rainbow flew off in pursuit as Fluttershy `charged` at the putties.

Trixie finally caught up to Derpy as she was sitting for a muffin break. “Derpy Hooves!” shouted Trixie, “Nightmare Moon has chosen you!”


“You can finish your muffin at the will of your new master, Nightmare Moon.”


“This will be tough...” Trixie said to herself. Then, with an idea, she turned to Derpy and said “If you come with me, you can have all the muffins you will ever eat,” only to be knocked down by an excited Derpy. Then she teleported away with Derpy.

“I’m not impressed with your demonstration of your `abilities` but at least you got my green ranger.” said Nightmare as Trixie returned.

“I will take that as a compliment, my lord,” said Trixie.

“Zecora, throw the mail mare into the chamber!”

“I have a better idea, my lord,” said Trixie, holding up a muffin. “Go get the muffin!” she said to Derpy, throwing the muffin into the chamber. Derpy eagerly ran after the muffin, not even realizing that the door shut behind her. “This should make our job easier.”

“Zecora, you can at least start the Thunder Chamber,” said Nightmare.

“Yes, my lord, Nightmare Moon,” said Zecora, pressing a button on a console, “The green ranger will be brought about soon.”

Time passed, and eventually the chamber opened, releasing lots of green smoke. Derpy was standing in the middle of the chamber, holding a coin in her hoof. Her expression was different from before. Her eyes were straight and she wore a more serious and evil look.

“Now,” shouted Nightmare, “morph into the green ranger!”

Derpy held the coin she was holding in front of her. “Thunder!” she shouted, then she morphed into the green ranger.

“Yes!” exclaimed Nightmare, “Success! Trixie! Get a picture of me with Derpy!”

“Actually, we need to send her down to Ponyville immediately.” said Trixie.

“Very well,” said Nightmare, “Zecora, make some putties.”

“No,” said Derpy, “I will go alone. My powers are far greater than you may think.”

“Very well, go.”

In Ponyville, rumors regarding Trixie’s appearance as well as Derpy’s disappearance were spreading like wildfire. But there were only five ponies who knew the truth of what was going on.

“Fluttershy and I looked all over Cloudsdale,” said Rainbow Dash, coming to the other three rangers.

“And ah looked around the Everfree Forest,” said Applejack.

“Maybe we have to go in the Forest,” said Rainbow Dash.

“ARE YOU CRAZY, WOMAN?” shouted Fluttershy. “The Everfree Forest is full of really creepy things. I’ve heard that Zecora and the manticore come from there.”

“Then we’ll go morphed,” said Applejack.

“And I did not talk at all in this scene,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Thank god,” mumbled Rarity.

“Here we are,” said Applejack as the rangers stood in front of the Everfree Forest.

“Okay,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s best we don’t take any chances. It’s morphin’ time!”






The now morphed rangers then carefully proceeded into the forest. Little did they know, a grey pegasus was flying just over their heads.

“That’s right, my little ponies,” said the pegasus, “Walk right into my trap.” The pegasus then followed the rangers.

The rangers proceeded into a strange clearing in the forest.

“Well, that’s odd,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, and it’s quiet,” added Rainbow Dash.

“Then let me make some noise,” said Derpy to herself as she flew down to meet the rangers, morphing before she was in their view.

“What’s that?” shouted Fluttershy as she noticed Derpy (morphed) coming down toward them.

“Move!” shouted Rainbow Dash as Derpy came to the ground.

The rangers leapt in different directions as the green ranger hit the ground where they were.

“Pony rangers,” said Derpy, “I come bearing a message from Nightmare Moon.”

“And just who are you?” asked Rarity. “And where did you get that uniform?”

“I am Nightmare Moon’s green pony ranger. The one who will destroy all of you.”

“If you’re a pony ranger,” said Rainbow Dash, “you should be fighting Nightmare Moon, not helping her.”

“For you rangers, it may seem a strange concept. But you will soon see that Nightmare Moon is truly the ultimate power. But first, you will succumb to the power of thunder.” Derpy then charged at Pinkie Pie, who was caught off guard and thrown to the ground before she could react.

“Now that was a dirty trick,” said Pinkie.

“I’m just getting started,” said Derpy. “Who’s next?”

Derpy was met by Rarity, charging at her head-on. “Take this, you ruffian!” shouted Rarity. She managed to hit Derpy, but to little effect.

“Was that supposed to hurt?” asked Derpy, throwing Rarity into Pinkie Pie.

“Fight a pegasus with a pegasus!” shouted Rainbow Dash, charging at Derpy.

“You might actually be a challenge,” said Derpy, quickly going airborne.

“You’re not getting away that easily,” said Rainbow, chasing Derpy.

The two fought in the air. Rainbow seemed to have an advantage over Derpy, until Derpy spotted a cloud just out of Rainbow’s view. She went for the cloud and flung it at Rainbow Dash, seeming to do nothing until Derpy came up from Rainbow’s side and knocked her into the ground.

Rainbow Dash hit the ground hard, shaking several trees. Then, she de-morphed from taking so bad of a beating. When Derpy came down to finish Rainbow, she found out the identity of who she was fighting. “I will finish you another time, Rainbow Dash,” said Derpy as she teleported away.

The other rangers came to Rainbow’s side to try to help her. Then Pinkie asked, “Do you think it’s a bad thing that that weird green ranger knows who you are?”

“I think it’s really bad,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“You were unable to defeat them?” scolded Nightmare Moon as Derpy returned.

“No,” replied Derpy, “but I have something better... the identity of the red ranger.”

“I’m curious... tell me.”

At Canterlot castle, the rangers met with Spike and Celestia.

“How can there be an evil pony ranger?” asked Applejack.

“I don’t know,” replied Celestia. “My sister has powers that I cannot even fathom.”

“You girls are lucky to even be alive,” said Spike. “That green ranger has some really strong powers that we can’t understand. I’ll have Celestia’s student study today’s battle.”

“Who would that be?” asked Rarity.

“You will find out in time,” replied Celestia. “For now, we must ready ourselves for what is to come...”