• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,285 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


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Midnight Dawns (At the Gala part 2)

(Welcome to the season finale of My Little Pony Rangers. I must say that if it weren’t for the help of a friends online and IRL, this whole story would still be nothing more than an idea in my mind. You all saw how I canceled the series a few months ago because of another story. If it weren’t for the friend that gave me the idea for Pierce the Netherscape and Knights of Equestria [both of which, I’m happy to report, are cancelled] constantly making me angry, MLPR never would have gotten back off the ground. Still, if I hadn’t cancelled the story for as long as I did, I never would have gotten some of the ideas you’ve seen [the Dragon-Megazord and Derpy taking control of Twilight’s mind] and some still to come. [A couple will be seen at the end of the chapter. I’ll go ahead and mark them with a * if you want.] Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.)

The Pony Rangers were having the time of their lives at the Grand Galloping Gala following their victory against Zecora and the rampaging Dragon Battlezord. All of them except Twilight were partying unlike they have since becoming Rangers. Twilight, on the other hoof, was in the Dragonzord hanger working on the damages from the previous battle. “My, my,” Twilight said to herself. “I get the feeling the Rangers got just plain carried away.” Just as Twilight was putting the finishing touches on her zord, an alarm suddenly sounded from her Thunder Coin. She quickly teleported back to the computer room and galloped over to the console, where Spike was hard at work ferociously typing some stuff into his own console. “What’s going on, Spike?”

“I’m not sure,” Spike replied. “The threat sensors have never been this active.”

“It’s Nightmare Moon,” Celestia said, appearing in her time warp after a brief period of hibernation. “She has launched her greatest attack yet. Twilight, you need to get back to the Grand Galloping Gala and warn the Rangers.”

“All right, Princess,” Twilight replied. “Spike, you need to finish repairs on the Dragonzord yourself. Don’t worry, there are only a few final touches to apply. I’m sure you’ll be okay.”

“You got it, Twilight,” Spike replied. “I can complete the repairs remotely from here. You go help the others.” Twilight gave a quick nod and teleported back to the Gala.

Back at the Gala, the Rangers were partying so hard, they couldn’t have possibly heard the alarms sounding from their Elements for Harmony. “I am having the time of my life!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“I never thought I’d ever be partying like this in my life,” Fluttershy said quietly, though not as quietly as normal.

“You see?” Pinkie asked the others. “I told you partying hard like this would be fun!”

“Yee-haw!” Applejack shouted. “I got some hot hooves from all this dancin’!”

“I just can’t get over the two huge mistakes agent_cupcakes made writing this one scene,” Rarity said. “Not only is the Grand Galloping Gala suddenly some kind of party that Pinkie would throw if she had all the time and resources in Equestria, but the background ponies here are acting as though the battle from the last chapter hadn’t happened despite the fact that, as far as the timeline of this story goes, that battle happened just barely an hour ago.” Suddenly, some invisible force seemed to grab Rarity by the horn and slam her into the ground face-first. “Ow, okay, I’ll shut up.”

Just then, Twilight was battling the crowd, trying to get to the Rangers. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called, noticing Rainbow Dash flying just over the crowd. Rainbow Dash just barely heard Twilight and turned around to where the unicorn was standing. Dash motioned for the others to follow her and flew over to where Twilight was.

“Is this something we need to talk about outside?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yeah, kind of,” Twilight replied. The six then galloped out of the crowded room and out the door.

“So what’d ya wanna tell us about, Twi?” Applejack asked when the Rangers got out of the building.

“It’s Nightmare Moon. She’s about to launch her real attack.”

“You mean commandeering the Dragonzord and setting it on a rampage towards the Gala wasn’t the real attack?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I’m afraid not, Dash,” Twilight replied, shaking her head. “She’s actually coming here to the Gala.” All five of the other Rangers gasped in horror.

“We need to evacuate the Gala,” Applejack said. “If we morph, we can move everypony out like herdin’ cattle away from a thunderstorm.”

Just as Applejack said this, a clock in the distance began chiming. It chimed once. Twice. Three times. It kept going until it hit the twelfth chime. “It’s midnight,” Twilight said. Just then, there was a huge explosion from inside the ballroom followed by the collective panicked screams of the hundred or so ponies inside.
“No time to morph if we’re going to get everypony out,” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on!” The six Rangers then galloped to the doors and opened them as wide as they’d go. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew in and tried to get everypony on their hooves and out the door. Once everypony was out, the six Rangers galloped into the ballroom where they found a huge burn mark near the center of the room where the explosion was, but no Nightmare, none of her minions, and not even a single Putty Pony to be seen.

“That was Nightmare’s big attack?” Rainbow Dash asked. “A single explosion to scatter the attendees of the Gala?”

“That was simply to clear the battlefield,” a mysterious voice boomed from all over the place. “I wouldn’t want somepony to get in the way of the most triumphant moment of my life. The moment I destroy you Pony Rangers!”

“Who are you?” Pinkie called. “Come out and fight us, already!”

“If you so desire, Pink Ranger.” The doors behind the Rangers suddenly closed tightly with an eerie gust of wind and the lights went out. The only light in the ballroom was the moonlight that streamed in from the windows, giving the entire room a creepy, blueish glow. The Rangers turned back to the far end of the room where they heard a villainous laugh. “Prepare, Pony Rangers, for your final battle!” Just then, several clouds of strange dark blue smoke began flying towards one single spot and swirled around in a small tornado.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash shouted, doing her best to not get sucked in by the tornado.

“I don’t know,” Rarity replied, “but this wind is starting to tear my dresses!”

“Your dresses won’t be the only thing torn by the end of this night,” the voice replied, “because this night shall last FOREVER!” Just then, there was another explosion where the tornado was, casting a bright light that made the Rangers have to actually turn their heads to avoid going blind on the spot. As the wind and light died down, the Rangers turned slowly to find their greatest fear, the very material of their greatest nightmares, standing in front of the Rangers, guarded on either side by her four minions.

“Nightmare Moon,” Twilight said out loud.

“In the flesh,” Nightmare replied. “But not alone.”

“Gilda!” Fluttershy exclaimed, noticing the villainous griffon standing on Nightmare’s immediate right.

“Trixie!” Rarity exclaimed, seeing the menacing magical mare on Nightmare’s immediate left.

“Zecora!” Pinkie exclaimed, finding the diabolical rhyming zebra on Nightmare’s far right.

“The manticore that never received an actual name,” Applejack said, seeing the manticore on Nightmare’s far left.

“I figured ‘Hay, if I’m coming to this party, I might as well bring some guests,’” Nightmare said. “After all, what better party is there in Equestria than the Grand Galloping Gala? And what better place to bury Celestia’s precious Pony Rangers than the royal city of Canterlot?”

“We’re going to defeat you, Nightmare,” Rainbow Dash shouted, pulling out her Element of Harmony.

“No, all six of you will fall, I will destroy Celestia as I should have a thousand years ago, AND THE NIGHT SHALL LAST FOREVER!”

(“Man, you are a broken record,” Pinkie said.)

“We’ll see about that,” Rainbow Dash said. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!”







“Harmony Force, Ranger Blue!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Yellow!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Pink!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Black!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Red!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Green!”

“From all of us together, we fight as one! We protect one another until the battle is done! WE ARE THE PONY RANGERS: HARMONY FORCE!”

The six Rangers stared down the five villains with a roughly 20-foot distance between each faction. “Do we have a plan?” Applejack quietly asked.

“Yeah,” Twilight replied. “If you said their name before we morphed, that’s who you fight. That means you’re with me against Nightmare, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, you fight Gilda. Rarity, you get to go horn-to-horn with Trixie. Pinkie, you get to take on Zecora for the third time. And AJ, you’ve got ‘the manticore that never received an actual name.’”

“Can you just call me Alan?” the manticore asked.

“Alan?” Applejack asked. “Uh, I guess.”

“I am tired of all this talking!” Nightmare shouted, her impatience exploding. “Minions, attack!” Nightmare and her minions then charged at the Pony Rangers.

“Go, Pony Rangers, go!” Rainbow Dash shouted, leading the charge back at Nightmare and her minions.

Fluttershy and Gilda flew right at each other, each wasting no time before exchanging blows. “What’s the matter?” Gilda asked. “Ranger Red too scared to take me on?”

“I can take you on just fine,” Fluttershy replied, punching Gilda in the beak.

“You’re going to wish you hadn’t done that.” Gilda grabbed one of Fluttershy’s hooves and tried to throw her to the ground, but Fluttershy turned the attack around and threw Gilda to the ground, instead.

“I’ve gotten stronger since we last fought,” Fluttershy said, hovering over Gilda. Gilda growled a little and flew right up at Fluttershy, slashing her across the side of her helmet, knocking her back and stunning her a little. Fluttershy quickly recovered, however, and flew under Gilda to buck her into the ceiling. “Now don’t fly too high. There’s a ceiling there.”

“I’ll teach you what happens when you mock Gilda,” Gilda said, shaking the hit off. She then charged downwards at Fluttershy, who just moved slightly to the right and let Gilda’s momentum fling her beak-first straight into the floor.

Fluttershy just shook her head and clicked her tongue.“Yeah, you really should have seen that one coming,” she said.

Rarity went horn-to-horn with Trixie, who wasted no time trying to strike Rarity with bolts of magic. “By all means, take the first shot,” Rarity said sarcastically.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will always take the first shot,” Trixie said. “It is only her natural action to-” Trixie was cut short when Rarity tackled her to the ground while she was talking.

“You have quite the mouth, Trixie,” Rarity said. She then used her magic to take Trixie by the mane and throw her against the wall. “And quite frankly, I’m tired of it.”

Trixie recovered quickly and brushed some dust out of her mane. “The Great and Powerful Trixie does not tolerate such petty means of attack.” Trixie then fired a large ball of magic at Rarity, who quickly tried to use her own magic to defend herself.

“Well that was a stupid idea,” Rarity said to herself, only just realizing that her magic wasn’t strong enough to stop Trixie’s attack for long. Thinking within the duration of a second, Rarity spun to the right to let the ball of magic fly right past her and used her own magic to throw some debris at Trixie. Several heavier pieces hit Trixie square in the face, knocking her to the ground under a pile of debris. “That was for the way you take care of your mane. I mean, do you even own a brush?”

Pinkie and Zecora went hoof-to-hoof without wasting a second. They instantly began exchanging blows, but each of the two were fast enough to dodge every one of each other’s blows. Upon realizing this, Zecora used her magic dust to teleport behind Pinkie and buck her to the ground. Pinkie, however, was prepared for this. She took the hit, but when she got up, drew her party cannon and aimed it right for Zecora.

“I don’t believe what I see,” Zecora said. “Is that a cannon before me?”

“Not just any cannon,” Pinkie replied. “It’s my party cannon!” Pinkie then fired her party cannon at Zecora, knocking the zebra back in a blast of confetti and balloons.

“I am taking damage from balloons and confetti? What kind of magic could this be?

“It’s not magic, it’s a party cannon.” Pinkie then unloaded several more blasts, each one knocking Zecora further and further back. When Zecora seemed about to fall over, Pinkie went right up to Zecora and unleashed one last blast of her party cannon right in the zebra’s face, knocking her about 20 feet back and sending her straight into a wall, where she slowly sunk to the ground, defeated.

Applejack and Alan (the manticore) charged right at each other. Alan tried to give the first strike with a quick swipe of his claw, but Applejack was too nimble and dodged the attack. “Hold still, little pony,” Alan growled, trying to catch Applejack.

“I ain’t no ‘little’ pony,” Applejack replied, sliding underneath Alan and bucking him from behind. “I’m a farm pony, and that one kick should make you understand.”

Alan got up and shook the attack off. “You’re going to pay for that.” He then went airborne and flew right at Applejack, his scorpion tail in attacking posistion. AJ tried to grab onto Alan to bring him to the ground, but he swerved at the last second and knocked AJ to the ground with his tail. Alan then swung around for another pass, but Applejack quickly pulled out her rope and used it to bring him back down to Earth/Equestria with a loud thud. AJ wasted no time and galloped over to bind the rest of Alan’s paws and wings so he couldn’t move anymore.

“Still think I’m a little pony?” Applejack asked, standing over her defeated foe. Alan just gave a defeated snort in reply.

Rainbow Dash and Twilight stood face-to-face with Nightmare Moon. “Two ponies against me?” Nightmare asked in a loud, booming voice. “Celestia must be desperate.”

“We may only be two ponies,” Rainbow Dash said, “but we’re far from just ordinary ponies.”

“We’re Pony Rangers,” Twilight continued, “and our job is to defeat you and every other villain who would wish harm upon Equestria.”

“Is it, now?” Nightmare asked. “Well then... consider yourselves fired!” Nightmare then charged at the two Rangers, who both leapt out of the way before Nightmare could reach them. However, Nightmare expected this to happen and used her magic to pull both of the Rangers back to her, knocking the two against each other to stun them. “Are you little ponies ever going to learn?”

Just as Nightmare was about to strike Dash and Twilight down, she was suddenly attacked by the other four Rangers from several directions, causing her to drop the two Rangers she had in her energy field. “Thanks girls,” Rainbow Dash said, getting up.

“No problem,” Applejack replied. “Beating Nightmare’s minions was a pretty easy thing to do, so we figured we’d come over and help y’all with the head honcho herself.”

“You defeated my minions?” Nightmare asked, enraged. She looked over to find Gilda laying unconscious on a cracked portion of the floor, Trixie under a pile of debris, Zecora against the far wall covered in confetti, and Alan tied up with several ropes. “It matters not. They were all incompetent, anyway. I will destroy all of you with my own four hooves if I have to!”

The Rangers were about to charge at Nightmare, but Twilight stopped them. “Hold on a second, everypony,” she said. “Nightmare is too powerful for us to take on, but if we combine the Elements of Harmony, that could generate a single powerful blast of energy that’s guaranteed to obliterate Nightmare in one shot.”

“You really think I’m going to let you stand by and let you use this attack?” Nightmare asked. “Not that I’m scared or anything. I’m just saying, it would be impossible.”

“Impossible?” Twilight asked. “Nothing’s impossible when you have the purest magic of all. The magic of friendship! Rangers, formation!” The other five Rangers galloped back to Twilight and stood around her. “Focus the powers of the Elements of Harmony. I’ll handle the spell for using them against Nightmare.” The other five Rangers nodded and began focusing their power on Twilight.

“Again, did you really think I was just going to stand by and let you use this attack?”

“No. That’s why I’m going to buy the others time.”

“You? You’re just a regular little unicorn. How could you possibly think you’d ever stand a chance against magic like mine?”

“It’s pretty simple, actually. While it’s true I could never beat you in magic on my own, I still have my own very complex and well-thought-out plan for buying my friends time so they can charge the energy needed for the attack that will cause your destruction.”

“And what would that be?”

“Keeping you distracted with the greatest weapon I have at my disposal... lecturing!”

“What? You mean this whole conversation was the distraction?”

“Exactly, and it worked perfectly. Ready, Rangers?”

“Ready!” the others replied, glowing with the energy from the Elements of Harmony.

“Now, Nightmare,” Twilight said, charging her horn with magic, “prepare for your defeat!” The six Rangers then began hovering in the air from the power the Elements of Harmony were exerting.

“No,” Nightmare said. “No! This is impossible! How could you have such power? The Elements of Harmony aren’t supposed to have nearly this much power.”

“Maybe they aren’t,” Twilight said. “But we have a much greater power to add, and that’s friendship!”

After Twilight said this, she cast her spell using the combined might of all of the Elements of Harmony, unleashing a rainbow-colored beam of energy right at Nightmare, knocking her into the far wall and causing a brilliant explosion. After the spell was cast and Nightmare blasted into the wall, the Rangers collapsed to the ground, all quickly getting up and looking over to see if Nightmare was truly defeated. What they found was that while Nightmare Moon was gone, laying in her place was a light purple alicorn filly with a light blue mane. “Woah,” Rainbow Dash said, flying over to the filly. “Who is this?”

“I’m not sure,” Twilight replied. “Maybe it’s Nightmare Moon?”

“That is not Nightmare Moon,” Nightmare’s voice boomed from the air around the Rangers. “That is a weak little filly whose power pales in comparison to mine. I am the real Nightmare Moon.” Just as Nightmare said this, a huge cloud of black smoke rose from behind the Rangers and continuously grew in size until it flew out the window and took on the form of the original Nightmare, but about the size of the mountain Canterlot rested upon and made from the smoke that resembeled the night sky.

“It’s the pure miasma!” the alicorn filly exclaimed, waking up quickly. “Now that it isn’t bound to my body, its power will continue to grow until it consumes Equestria!”

“And just who are you?” Rainbow Dash impatiently asked.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight shouted. “We have much bigger problems to worry about.” Twilight then pulled out her communicator and called Spike. “Spike, are all of the zords ready?”

“I just finished fixing the Dragonzord,” Spike replied. “All six of them are good to go!”

“In that case,” Rainbow Dash said, “we need dinozord power, now!”

After Dash said this, all six of the zords stampeded into the battlefield. Each of the Rangers jumped into their respective zords and maneuvered them into position to create the Dragon-Megazord. They drew their dual blades and took an offensive airborne stance in front of the miasma, which was just barely larger than the Dragon-Megazord. “So this is the pure form of Nightmare Moon...” Twilight said to herself. “I was wondering if I’d ever have the chance to see it with my own eyes.”

“Focus, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said. “Something tells me this isn’t going to be an easy battle.” In response to what Rainbow Dash said, the miasma let out a mighty roar that seemed to shake all of Equestria and fired a blast of magic at the Dragon-Megazord, knocking it into the side of the mountain.

“Oh, so you wanna play like that, do ya?” Applejack asked. “C’mon, Rangers. Let’s send this here monster back to where it came from!” The Rangers got the Megazord back up and flew right at the miasma, striking it with both of their blades. This attack, however, seemed to do little damage to the miasma.

“Did we even hit it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think we did,” Twilight replied, unsure of whether or not what she said was correct or whether or not she wanted it to be. “Let me try something.” Twilight then used her magic to unleash several blasts of bullets and rockets from the Dragonzord upon the miasma. The attacks made impact, but the miasma seemed to be entirely unaffected.

“I’m not sure this is a battle we can win,” Rarity shouted. “Of all the worst possible things that could happen-”

“We don’t have time for that, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “We need to step up our game to the max if we’re going to beat this, and that means 120% focus!”

“Don’t you mean 110%?” Twilight asked.

“Not when you’re 20% cooler.”

“Oh, I see what you did there,” Pinke said, giggling.

“Anyway...” Rainbow Dash said. “We need full power to the Dragon-Megazord’s weapons.”

“Just the weapons?” Twilight asked. “But what about staying airborne? And where will the energy for the sabers come from?”

“Both of those are just exerting our energy in small amounts. That’s how the miasma will win. It’s just like your idea for defeating Nightmare the first time. We need to de-morph, focus our energy, and unleash it all in one single decisive attack.” Rainbow Dash then de-morphed, followed by the other five.

“In case we don’t make it...” Twilight said. “I just want you all to know that I’ve never had such an honor as saving Equestria and battling Nightmare’s forces with you five. Not only that, but I’m honored to call you five my friends.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, “but we are going to make it. I guarantee it.” Rainbow Dash then pulled her Element of Harmony off her neck and placed it in a slot specially designed to fit her Element on her control panel. “Everypony, place your Elements on your control panels to focus their energy.” The other Rangers nodded and did the same thing. After all six Elements were in their respective slots, they all began glowing their respective colors. Rainbow Dash’s was red, Applejack’s blue, Rarity’s purple, Fluttershy’s yellow, Pinkie’s pink, and Twilight’s Thunder Coin glowed green. “Twilight, this show’s your’s from here.”

“Alright,” Twilight replied, taking a deep breath. “This is more focused magic than I’ve ever worked with in my life, but I can do this. POWER OF HARMONY: SPECTRUM STAMPEDE! ALL WEAPONS IN FIRING POSITION!” As Twilight said this, she used her magic to aim every single weapon all the zords had at the miasma. Every rocket launcher, energy beam cannon, and machine gun was in firing position and charged to maximum power.

“You Pony Rangers think you can defeat me?” the miasma asked. “Let’s say by some miracle you can. Do you really think that will be the end of all evil in Equestria? There will always be somepony to take my place, always somepony to challenge harmony, and always somepony to take you Rangers down!”

“Well guess what, Nightmare,” Twilight said. “We’ll always be ready for whatever comes our way. We’ll always be ready to defend Equestria. We’ll always be ready to do what’s needed to protect harmony! ALL WEAPONS, FIRE!” After Twilight said this, she slammed a button on her control panel, unleashing every rocket, energy beam, and bullet the Dragon-Megazord had. Every single attack was hitting the miasma, but it wasn’t going down. “Rangers, we need more energy!”

“You got it, Twi,” Rainbow Dash replied. “You heard the mare, Rangers. GIVE IT ALL YOU’VE GOT!” At this point, the Rangers didn’t have much more left to give aside from their very life force, but this didn’t stop them. All six of them unloaded every ounce, every drop, every single molecule of energy they had in their entire body, including a portion of each of their life forces, and focused it into the Megazord. This was just the very energy boost that the Megazord needed. It unleashed every drop of energy from every individual zord and every individual Ranger and unleashed it in one final barrage of bullets, rockets, and beams. Every single hit landed one one focused spot of the miasma, weakening it quickly until it barely had any energy left to maintain its form.

“You Pony Rangers may have defeated me,” the miasma shouted, “but know that what I said was true. I’m not the only evil that will threaten Equestria. There will be greater forces to come. Greater challenges for you six to meet. Greater foes to hunt you down! MARK MY WORDS!” The miasma then began swirling in a huge tornado before erupting in a massive explosion that shook Equestria.

“Whew,” Twilight said, laying back in her seat and breathing heavily. “We did it. We defeated Nightmare Moon.”

The other Rangers collapsed in their seats and breathed a collective sigh of relief. “I can’t believe it’s over,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It isn’t over yet, Dashie,” Pinkie said. “We still need to celebrate.”

“She’s right,” Applejack said. “We’re goin’ ta get a hero’s welcome when we get back to the Gala.”

“That’s true,” Rarity said. “No reason the Pony Rangers can’t show up at a party ‘in person’ for once.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Fluttershy said. “Let’s get the zords back in their hangars and get back to Gala.”

After a while, all of the guests of the Gala had regrouped from Nightmare’s attack and were gathered around in the destroyed ballroom, murmuring amongst themselves. They were all trying to get a glimpse of Nightmare’s downed minions, but each one had somehow disappeared. The confusion was about at its breaking point when the doors at the front of the room suddenly opened. All of the guests looked over to see a brilliant light coming from the door with the silhouettes of six ponies standing in the light.

“Good evening, Canterlot!” one of the ponies said. (Just so you know, it’s Pinkie saying this.) “It’s time for this party to get back on track!” At this, the ponies began leaping into the room one by one.

“Harmony Force, Ranger Blue!” the first pony shouted.

“Harmony Force, Ranger Yellow!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Pink!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Black!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Red!”

“Harmony Force, Ranger Green!”

All six of the (morphed) Pony Rangers stood in the doorway, the light behind them dying down. “WE ARE THE PONY RANGERS: HARMONY FORCE!” they all shouted in unison. At first, they were greeted by silent confusion, but then the crowd of ponies remembered that it was the Pony Rangers who had saved the Gala and defeated Nightmare Moon. The entire crowd erupted into cheers and applause as they stood in the presence of their saviors. As this was happening, the sun was rising in the distance, and it shone brighter than ever before.

“Hay!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Did that whole thing seriously last the entire night?”

“It did,” Twilight replied. “But that isn’t it. Look!” Twilight indicated for every single pony in the ballroom to watch as the sunrise brought Princess Celestia, now free from her time warp, with it. “Princess Celestia! You’re free!” Twilight galloped up to hug her now free teacher, followed by the other five Rangers casually trotting up and bowing to Celestia. The entire crowd of ponies saw how even the Pony Rangers bowed in the presence of Princess Celestia and all began bowing themselves.

“Thank you, Pony Rangers,” Celestia said, indicating for the other five to rise. “Thanks to your heroic actions this night, the evil Nightmare Moon is no more, I am free, and you have saved my little sister, Princess Luna, from Nightmare’s evil grasp.”

“You mean that filly from earlier was your sister Princess Luna?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Wait. Where is she?”

“I am over here,” the filly replied, stepping out from a pile of debris. “Hello, again, Pony Rangers. And hello to you too, sister.” Luna then galloped up and hugged Celestia. “Can you ever forgive me for what I have done?”

“Of course I can, my little sister,” Celestia replied, hugging Luna back. “What you did was far from your fault. I’m just glad the evil force that made you do all those horrible things is gone.” Celestia then turned to the Pony Rangers. “And we both have you six to thank for it. Once again, on behalf of us both, many thanks to you, Pony Rangers, the saviors of Equestria.” Celestia then turned to the crowd of ponies, who were all still bowing. “You are all standing in the presence of the heroes of Equestria, the Pony Rangers, who defeated the evil Nightmare Moon and saved Equestria from eternal night.” Celestia then shot a quick wink towards Pinkie Pie. “I don’t know about anypony else... but I believe this calls for a celebration.” All of the ponies began cheering in response to this while Pinkie rushed over to the record player and put on the best party song she could find. All the ponies in attendance, including the Rangers and the Princesses, were all enjoying the party and dancing like that day was their last, even though the Rangers had just ensured that there would be many more days to come. Amid the celebration, however, Twilight took a moment to talk to Celestia.

“Princess,” Twilight started, “when we were about to defeat the miasma, it gave us some kind of warning. It said that there would be more evil to come after it. Is this true?”

Celestia sighed a little before answering. “I wish I could say it weren’t,” she finally replied. “Though I’m afraid the legacy of the Pony Rangers is far from over. You and the others have many more adventures ahead of you. You mustn't let that distract you now, though. The war may be on hold, but for today, the battle is won. Now go, take part in the celebration. It may be the last rest you get before you have to suit up again.”

“Okay, Princess,” Twilight replied. She then trotted back off into the crowd to join her friends in celebration. That’s when Princess Luna came up next to Celestia.

“The miasma was the only entity maintaining the seal,” Luna said solemnly. “Now that it is gone, he will certainly return.”

“I know that, my sister,” Celestia replied, “but we must trust that they will be ready when the time comes.” Right as Celestia said this, Pinkie dunked her head in the punch bowl, drinking whatever punch filled her helmet with Berry Punch looking on in horror. “Trust me, my little sister. The Doctor wouldn’t tell us anything unless he was sure it would happen.”

Luna sighed a little before responding. “He has spoken of alternate timelines before. How can you be so sure?”
“I can’t be sure. But what I can do is trust that they will be ready for anything.” The two princesses then looked out upon the Gala, silently wondering about what the future could hold.
Meanwhile, three little fillies were still standing outside the ballroom, unsure how to comprehend what they had witnessed over the past few hours.

“Everypony else saw what I saw, right?” Applebloom asked.

“I saw it,” Scootaloo replied. “I’m just not sure I can believe it.”

“Not only did the Pony Rangers just save Equestria,” Sweetie Belle said, “but it turns out I was right all along. I told you all that it was true and I told you all that we needed to stay to watch that battle. It was a good thing we stayed, too. Now we know the truth. We now know that our sisters... really are the Pony Rangers.”

*dramatically fade out to black*

Next season on My Little Pony Rangers:

“Discord has escaped his prison of stone. If you Rangers don’t defeat him, he will lay waste to Equestria.”

“Twilight! We were all sure you had... you know...”

“I’m afraid you may never morph again.”

“It’s out with the old and in with the new! And the same goes for the Pony Rangers.”

“You fillies seek your place in life. I can show you, if you like.”


“Did you miss me, Dashie?”

“It’s time you discovered the real sixth Element of Harmony.”

“Just because I’m a dragon doesn’t mean I can’t be a Pony Ranger, right?”

“But I thought the Phoenix Blade was only a myth!”

“When I went to investigate the strange whirring noise last night, I found this book on the table.”(*)

“History of the Pony Rangers? Volume one out of four?”(*)

“‘Only the power of Thunder can defeat the master of all evil.’”(*)

Keep watching for the next installment of the Pony Rangers saga: My Little Pony Rangers: Morphin’ is Magic.

Author's Note:

First off, thanks to all who kept this series alive. I only write for the fans. (And that's why I'm considering cancelling the Slender trilogy.) Next, the crossover with xanderman1201 is going to take a long time .(Through no fault of his, I assure you.) I think the hiatus between now and next season will last until either the crossover is done or Fall begins. Whichever comes first. Also, regarding the little preview at the end, you're supposed to guess who's talking. That's part of the fun of a teaser. Guessing what context the scene/conversation is in. Again, thank you so much for being such a loyal audience. I promise, season 2 will be better. (Can't guarantee that for seasons 3-6, though. ._.) Bye for now. I will return someday, I promise.