• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,285 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


  • ...

Xanderman1201 Crossover Chapter #1 Part 2

“So...” the colt said, placing his cup of tea down. “Ready to get back on the fic?”

The unicorn set his cup down and got up. “Yeah, I guess.”

“All right.” The colt then waved his hoof and the two ponies were back to their ghost-like forms in agent_cupcakes’ world. “Since you did most of the work moving the story along in the last chapter, you can go ahead and start part two.”

“Okay, but first...” The unicorn pulled a tape recorder out of nowhere, placing it on the ground. “...a little bit of a tradition of mine. the second half of every multipart episode starts with a recap.” He pushed a button, and the tape began to play.
“Last time on, Pony Rangers Crisis Squa-”


The pegasus almost jumped out of his horseshoes in shock as the unicorn forcefully applied a hammer to the recording device with a panicked frenzy.

“Um... whoops, wrong season. Guess we’re going to have to skip the recap this time. Besides, I’m sure anypony who really wants to know what’s going on can just go back and read last chapter again. Let’s get started now and talk about this never.”

Twilight (the evil one) appeared in the empty control room of the harmony rangers’ base with a flash, and set to work. She scanned herself over and over, looking at the results again and again, but couldn’t find anything wrong. There was absolutely no outside influences on her personality or behavior that the computer could detect.
“But if that were true...” she silently thought to herself “...then why did I save Fluttershy? The only logical explanation would be that I-”

Her train of thought derailed faster than Rainbow Dash heading for a wonderbolt autograph signing. The implications of that thought were beyond all logic and reason.

Before she could ponder her own peculiar behavior any further, a door opened and Rainbow Dash flew in. “Hay, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said, flying over to the possibly-still-evil-but-possibly-turning-good unicorn. Twilight quickly shut her scan down and pulled up the download website for Slender: The Eight Pages. “Don’t you already have that game?”

“Uh...” Twilight said, caught off guard by what Rainbow Dash said. “Yeah. I do. I was just looking for where I could buy The Arrival. The internet is a very confusing place. Heh heh...”

“Uh-huh... Anyway, we finished cleaning up Ponyville so I decided to come by and check to see how you were doing.”

“I’m fine at the moment... I just wish i knew how there were two Trixie’s and two Gilda’s during that last battle. If it was some sort of cloning spell, then there should be a way to tell the originals apart from the clones, but my magic didn’t detect anything like that. It’s as if the duplicates where the exact same as the originals... well, physically, anyways.”

The doors opened again, and both rangers turned around just in time to see two hooves slamming straight into each of their faces. Before Dash had a chance to react, she was thrown against the far wall by what looked to be a Pink Pony Ranger, except the outfit was different from Pinkie Pie’s, it’s patterns more closely resembling that of a Wonderbolt’s uniform instead. A similarly styled Green Ranger, who was also a unicorn, was taking on Twilight on the other side of the room, not giving her even a chance to try and morph.

The strange other Green Ranger slammed the defenceless purple unicorn against the wall, their hooves applying pressure to Twilight’s throat, making it difficult to breathe.

“Finally, I have you right where I’ve always wanted you, Sparkle,” the mysterious Green Ranger said. “Finally I will prove that I am, beyond a shadow of a doubt, better than you in every way. On the ground you shall beg for mercy and confess the truth that I am superior.”

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted, trying to fly over to assist her supposed friend. However, the mysterious Pink Ranger bucked Dash in the face, knocking her onto the other side of the room. Thinking quickly, Rainbow Dash did the one thing she could do in a situation as dire as this: scream for help. “Princess Celestia! Spike! Somepony! Call the other Rangers!”

“Nopony’s calling anypony,” the Green Ranger said, before she blasted the control panel with her magic, rendering it completely useless. While she was distracted, Twilight’s own horn lit up, and with a sudden flash of light, Rarity and Fluttershy both found themselves standing in the room.

“What the hay?” Rarity asked as she noticed the scene she was just teleported into.

“What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked.

“It doesn’t matter how much backup you call in, Sparkle,” Green Ranger said, noticing the other two ponies who had just been teleported in. She then threw Twilight against the far wall and turned to Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Whoever you are,” Rarity started, “you’ll pay for hurting our friend.” She then pulled out her morpher, followed by Fluttershy.

“Go ahead and try to morph.” Faster than an ordinary pony’s hoof could move, the Green Ranger fired a bolt of magic, knocking the two ponies’ morphers out of their hooves. “Even if I hadn’t done that, you still wouldn’t have stood a chance. Do yourselves a favor and stand down. I’m only after Sparkle; just stay out of my way and you won’t get hurt.”

“No way! Nopony hurts our friends!” Rarity shouted, before she and Fluttershy charged the Green Ranger, who simply blasted them both back with a burst of telekinesis.
Rainbow Dash watched the scene for a moment before noticing that the Pink Ranger was staring at her. “What do you want?” the prismatic pegasus snapped.

“Morph. I want to fight you at your best. Otherwise, it’s no fun.”

“Fun? You think this is a game?!”

“Green Ranger won’t kill Twilight; that’s not what she’s after. Corpses can’t make confessions. Your friends will all live through this and be perfectly fine. Morph so we can fight.”

Rainbow Dash was puzzled for a moment, but decided it was best if she was given the opportunity to defend herself. She pulled out her Element of Harmony and placed it around her neck. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! ELEMENT OF LOYALTY!” Rainbow Dash morphed in a flash of red light and stared her pink armored foe down. “Harmony Force, Ranger Red!”

“That’s better,” the Pink Ranger said, readying herself for battle. The Pink Ranger rushed forward, charging the red ranger. However, Rainbow Dash was quick to dodge, causing the Pink Ranger to nearly hit the ground. Nearly. However, just before the Pink Ranger was able to regain her balance, Rainbow Dash circled around and bucked her pink armored foe across the room.

“I honestly expected more from you if you wanted me to morph,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Please,” the Pink Ranger replied, getting up and dusting herself off. “I was only getting warmed up.” The two Rangers then began charging at each other at top speed. The Pink Ranger’s mistake, however, was forgetting that she was fighting Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasus in Equestria. Before she even had a chance to get out of the way, Rainbow Dash had already gotten to her and tackled her to the ground, pinning her.

While those two were fighting, Rarity and Fluttershy quickly grabbed their morphers and morphed to engage the Green Ranger in battle... Well, if you could even call it a battle, then I suppose it was a battle, but really it was more like them jumping at an opponent who was so far out of their league that if Rarity and Fluttershy’s league were to spontaneously explode, the Green Ranger wouldn’t hear it for at least three hours, if not three days.

In simple terms, it was more of a massacre.
Fluttershy went to hit the Green Ranger, but passed through her causing her appearance to glitch out like the picture on a bad television. Rarity was subsequently blasted from behind, when the real Green Ranger reappeared. Her green magic aura enveloped Fluttershy’s body before fading and the pegasus suddenly found herself immediately moving in the opposite direction of where she was headed, straight back towards the Green Ranger. She tried to propel herself in the other direction, but it seemed to only speed up her backwards movement. Just as she got close enough, the Green Ranger ducked low and bucked vertically, slamming her back hooves straight into Fluttershy’s stomach. Rather than being knocked up into the air, like the pegasus expected, she felt her whole body press down even harder, as the Green Ranger moved out of the way with lightning speed. Fluttershy slammed into the floor fast and hard, almost knocking herself out.

“Kinetic Inversion Spell,” the green dressed unicorn announced. “Immediately reverses all force acting upon your body. Very useful in a combat situation.” Rarity leapt to her hooves and fired a series of magical blasts at her adversary, only to have them all harmlessly bounce of a green kite shield that materialized in mid air. The Green Ranger turned to face her, slowly shaking her head. “Amature.”

With one well aimed beam, the unicorn blasted through her own shield, her magic striking Rarity dead in the chest, blasting her back and through the wall that was behind her. With that done, the green ranger slowly turned towards Twilight.
“Is that the best you have to throw at me, Sparkle? Two rank zero amateurs who couldn’t fight if their lives depended on it?” Her magic latched onto Twilight’s horn, using it to lift and throw her against the wall, and holding her there until she got close enough to use her own hooves to pin her.

“I was expecting much more from the mare whose caused me so much suffering...”

“Who... who are you?” Twilight asked, fear apparent in her voice. The Green Ranger brought her voice down, so nopony could hear it but Twilight.

“Don’t play dumb with me, White Ranger. We both know full well who the other is, and you know I will not stop until I show the world what you really are; a monster, a fraud, and above all else a pony who is vastly inferior to myself.” The Ranger brought her helmet covered face close within an inch of her enemy’s. “I will not stop, until you are screaming that last one from the mountain tops, a declaration for all to hear. Like a mad mare you will rant and rave about my superiority as if my very existence was the end of days, shouting about fire and brimstone from the street corners until your own reputation has become so tarnished that everypony forgets you were ever somepony important to begin with. Then and only then will I cease to torment you. When you are, by all definitions, less than nothing.”

“Look, I don’t know who you think you’re talking to,” Twilight said, trying to put a hint of sincerity in her eyes, “but I don’t think I’m the Twilight you’re talking about.”

“What are you talking about?” the Green Ranger asked, her voice getting a hint of frustration.

“Have you even bothered to look around you, recently? You’re in a parallel world with different versions of the ponies you think you know. I don’t know who you’re looking for, but I can assure you that I’m not her.”

Twilight could swear she could see the Green Ranger smiling from inside her helmet. “Oh Twilight... do you really think my intelligence was low enough to fall for that? During our last encounter I put a very special marker spell on you, just so I could always know for sure if it was you or that clone of yourself you have running around. You can’t fool me so easily.”

Meanwhile, Dash moved to strike the Pink Ranger, who brought up her right foreleg to block the move. There was a flash of pink and she felt her hoof hit something hard and metallic. To Dash’s surprize, the Pink Ranger now had a round shield to hide behind.

“You guys get weapons?” she inquired with a tone of disbelief.

The Pink Ranger took advantage of her shock to spin around and buck Dash in the face. “Yeah, it totally surprised me the first time too.”

“Weapon or not, you’re going down!” Rainbow Dash then charged at her adversary, intending to break through her shield with pure speed. Yeah, that didn’t work out well. Dash just slammed muzzle-first right into the shield.

“Well that wasn’t very smart,” the Pink Ranger said, shaking her head as Rainbow Dash slowly fell to the ground. “I don’t know why you thought you could break through my shield.” Rainbow Dash said something into the floor, but Pink Ranger didn’t hear it. “What was that?”

“I said...” Rainbow Dash quickly jumped up and bucked the off-guard Pink Ranger into the air. “...I meant to do that.”

Meanwhile (again), The Green Ranger tossed Twilight across the room, making her slam against a door. The lavender unicorn looked up just in time to see four bolts of magic headed straight for her. She called up a shield which took two of the shots, but the third one smashed through it and hit her in the chest, sending her flying...

...straight through the suddenly open doorway behind her.

An expression of horror appeared on Twilight’s face as she passed right over Spike’s head, just in time to watch the poor dragon get hit by the last bolt of magic that had been meant for her. Rather than be sent flying, the baby dragon simply collapsed to the floor in a crumpled heap.

“SPIKE!” she screamed, moments before hitting the back wall of the room the baby dragon always seemed to be walking out from. She quickly scrambled to her hooves and rushed over to the young drake, trying not to panic as she checked to see if he was okay.

All fighting in the room had ceased when Spike had been hit. out of the corner of her eye, Dash saw the Pink Ranger walking over to her Green Ranger companion. The second the Green Ranger turned to her companion, there was a resounding “SMACK!” as the pink pony struck her ally in the face.

“Two rules! Only two conditions that you had to follow! No killing. No hurting bystanders.” The Green Ranger started to make some sort of counter argument, but it was cut off with another smack to the face. “No! Don’t you dare try to justify this! You broke your end of the deal, that means we’re leaving now!”

Reluctantly the Green Ranger teleported them both out of there before Dash could stop them, but for some reason, Dash got the feeling that what she had planned on doing to the Green Ranger wasn’t anything in comparison to what that Pink Ranger was going to do.

Slowly the pegasus approached Twilight, who was frantically begging the unconscious dragon to wake up. It reminded her of a scene in a movie she’d seen, where a mother had been weeping over the death of her child.

“No, no, no, no, no,” Twilight kept repeating to herself. “Spike, you have to be okay. Wake up, Spike! WAKE UP!”

“Twilight, wait,” Rainbow Dash said, trying to stop Twilight’s relentless shaking of Spike. “You need to calm down. Don’t you remember those medical spells you used on me that time Derpy and I knocked each other unconscious?”

Twilight paused for a moment and turned to Rainbow Dash, her eyes full of tears. Tears that were unintentionally hiding a hint of confusion at what Rainbow Dash said. After all, she was probably trying to destroy the Pony Rangers from her world in her world when what Rainbow Dash said took place. “Oh, right,” the unicorn finally said. “Give me some space. This one might be close.” Rainbow Dash took a few steps back while Twilight took a deep breath and got ready to try to cast a spell that she had never really bothered to study before.

Before she even had a chance to cast the spell, Spike began to groan, and his eyes slowly opened. “Ow... What happened? I feel like I got- Gah!”

He let out a startled cry as Twilight swept him up into the most bone crushingly tight hug he’d ever received in her life. His limbs flailed and he started making a noise not dissimilar to that of a strangled cat as he attempted to breathe while caught in the death grip.

“You’re alive! Oh thank Celestia, you’re alive!” Twilight exclaimed with joy.

“Grahkkragkhkrhk!” Spike managed to choke out in response.

“When I saw you get hit with that blast, I thought for sure that I had lost you!” she continued, oblivious to his need for air.

“Ghrkarlckgragrrhd!” Spike insisted, shooting a pleading look at Rainbow Dash, who wasn’t sure if she should feel relieved that he was okay, concerned for his current well being, or very very amused with the noises he was making.

While this was going on, Rarity and Fluttershy trotted over to where the others were, wondering three things. Where did the two strange Pony Rangers go? Why did they leave? And why was Twilight suddenly trying to strangle Spike? “Twilight,” Rarity said, trotting up to the unicorn who wasn’t releasing her suffocating dragon assistant. (Or at least the good Twilight’s assistant.) “What in Equestria is going on?”

Hearing Rarity’s voice, Twilight turned to Rarity and finally released Spike, who instantly began gasping for air and did his best to crawl away from Twilight before she caught him again. “I’m actually not sure, for once,” Twilight half-lied. She knew the two Pony Rangers who had attacked just then, but had no idea what they were doing in this world. “But one thing I do know is that this situation we have with new foes from another world is getting out of hoof.”

Back in Ponyville, a black portal opened up in an alley, depositing four very familiar ponies on the ground. The leader of the group quickly got to her hooves and dusted herself off. She said something to the other three as they got up, and then they headed off in separate directions.

Applejack was having a late lunch with Pinkie Pie when Rarity went galloping past them towards the town library. “Howdy, Rarity,” Applejack said as she waved the unicorn over.

“Applejack?” Rarity asked with a confused voice. “I thought you went the other way. What are you doing here?”

“Uh, having lunch with Pinkie Pie. Why?”

“Wait a second...” Rarity mumbled to herself. “Alternate world means alternate ponies...”

“What was that?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, absolutely nothing,” Rarity quickly replied. “I was just... remembering a dream I had last night. It was really weird. We all sang this song, but it was in some odd language that nopony knew. Really crazy. Anyway, I’m really late for something. If you see Rainbow Dash, tell her I trotted by.” The unicorn then quickly galloped off towards the library, leaving two very confused earth ponies who just shrugged and continued eating their sandwiches.

A few short moment’s later Rainbow Dash walked out of a nearby alley. She looked around for a moment before spotting Applejack and Pinkie Pie and rushing over to them.

“Guys, we’ve got a situation. A pair of evil Rangers just attacked the base and almost took out Twilight. They also messed up the computer systems pretty badly too.”

“Oh no!” Pinkie shouted. “Wait. A pair of evil Rangers? What happened to just one? As though Derpy wasn’t enough.”

“Not just that, Pinkie,” Applejack said, “but if we can’t get those computer systems back up, Celestia knows what will happen. I mean, even Celestia won’t know what’s happening.”

“Is Twilight working on it?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, she’s working on it,” Rainbow Dash replied, “but it looks like it’ll take a while.”

“Well as long as Twilight’s on it, we should be okay. Oh, by the way, Rarity just came by. She told us to tell you that she trotted by.”

“What?” Dash asked with obvious confusion. “But she was just at the base with Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike and I.”

Just then, a pony that looked suspiciously like Twilight rounded a corner and ran past the group. A few seconds later, Lyra Heartstrings came around the same corner, spotted the Twilight, and ran after her, levitating a bag of bits. “Miss! You forgot your change!”

“Oh,” Twilight said, not slowing down. “You can go ahead and keep the change.”

“Hang on, wait!” Lyra shouted as she continued to chase Twilight.

“Has anypony else been noticing weird things going on here in the past day alone?” Applejack asked.

“I’ll say,” Rainbow Dash said. “I could have sworn Twilight was still at Canterlot working on the computer system.”

“Maybe she has a doppelganger,” Pinkie said. There was a slight pause before all three of the ponies burst out laughing.

“Now why would Twilight need a doppelganger?” Rainbow Dash asked while trying to stop laughing like a panting racehorse who just ran in the Indie 500.

There was a flash of light from the alley, before Rarity stepped out. She looked around for a moment before spotting the group and trotting over. “Rainbow Dash. If you're done filling in the others, Twilight says she want’s to speak to you about something back at the base.”

“Uh, okay,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Hold on a second,” Pinkie said. “Didn’t you just gallop off to the library, Rarity?”

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity said, confused.

“You just galloped by like you were in a hurry towards the library. Then, when you left, you told us to tell Rainbow Dash that you came by. We told Rainbow Dash when she got here and she told us that you were just at the base. Then Twilight came galloping out of the alley over there being chased by Lyra Heartstrings even though Rainbow Dash had just told us that Twilight was still at the base. So, the question remains...” Pinkie took a deep breath before shouting, “WHAT’S GOING ON WITH THIS TOWN!?”

The other three ponies just stared at Pinkie for a moment before Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Yeah... I’m just going to head back to Canterlot, now.” Dash then quickly flew away towards Canterlot. Seconds later, a number of screaming ponies started running away from the general area of the library, causing Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity to exchange worried glances, before rushing off to investigate.

When Dash arrived in Canterlot, she found Twilight hard at work on fixing the computers, while Spike was talking to Fluttershy nearby. Nopony seemed to notice her arrival, so Dash cleared her throat to get Twilight’s attention. The lavender unicorn quickly turned around.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash! You’re back. Right. Um, could you wait a moment in that random room Spike’s always walking in from while I finish up one more quick thing? I need to talk to you in private.”

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said, walking off. “By the way, do you think we’ve been referencing that room a bit much, lately?”

“Not at all. Now just wait in there while I finish this.” Rainbow Dash took a moment to look at Twilight with a confused look, but shrugged before continuing into the room.

Meanwhile, Spike and Fluttershy were still talking. “Who the hay were those two from before?” Spike asked, either naively or hopefully thinking Fluttershy had the answer.

“I honestly have no idea,” Fluttershy replied, shaking her head.

Spike scratched his chin and looked over at Twilight. “Hmm... I wonder if Twilight would know anything...”

“Probably not,” Fluttershy said. “Then again, though, that Green Ranger was acting like she knew exactly who Twilight was, so there might be a chance...” The shy pegasus turned to look at Twilight, just in time to see the door to the room that Spike was always walking out from close behind the lavender unicorn.

Once inside, Twilight looked at Rainbow and let out a heavy sigh, before slumping to the floor.

“Okay, so... what I’m about to ask you is something that you can say no to, and there won’t be any hard feelings if you do, okay?”

“Okay.” Rainbow replied, unsure of where this was going.

“That attack earlier... I’m a little ashamed to admit that it’s left me a little shaken up. I mean, yeah, bad guys have gotten in before without setting off the alarms, but all Trixie ever did was seal away Celestia and Zecora was just eavesdropping. Neither of them tried to... Neither one almost...” the lavender unicorn tried to get the words out, but they wouldn’t come. “The point is, I’m the only Ranger living here in Canterlot, and if those two come back before I get the computers back up, I won’t even have to wait for the Thunder Coin to get rid of me. They’ll do the job for it.” Besides the bit about the Thunder Coin, nothing she was saying was a lie. Here she was, the most cunning and devious villain who ever trotted across Equestria, and she was about to swallow all her pride and ask one of her mortal enemies for support.

“I guess what I’m saying is that I’m really scared right now, and it would really mean alot to me if you and one of the other girls could stay here tonight.”

“No problem,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Really?” Twilight asked, both happy in the fact that she would have protection from her enemies and horrified that she was having protection by her enemies. (Not “Ahh! it’s the Slender Man and I only have one page!” horrified, but more “Oh sweet mother of Lauren Faust, what did I do to deserve this?” horrified.)

“Yeah. I mean, I’m gonna have to come up with a hay of an excuse for Scootaloo as to why I’ll be gone all night and it would surely be the same if AJ or Rarity were to help too, but if it means keeping a fellow Ranger and a good friend safe, then we’d do anything.”

“Thanks Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, mentally gagging. “It really means alot to me.”

“Again, it’s no problem. You just get back to fixing the computer and I’ll talk to the others to see who wants to volunteer. Sound good?”

“Sounds great.” Please help me, Dark Lord, Twilight thought to herself.

Back in ponyville, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity all arrived near the library to see Rainbow Dash fighting several Putty Ponies, outnumbered by about twenty to one, and still kicking flank.

“Oh yeah, you totally just tasted the pain-bow.” she said immediately after she spin-bucked one in the face.

“Again?” Applejack asked. “I could have sworn Rainbow Dash just left for Canterlot.”

Rainbow Dash quickly threw a Putty Pony to the ground before turning around and noticing the other three ponies. “AJ? Rarity? What are you doing here? Nevermind, just come over here and lend me a hoof.”

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other for a moment, wondering how Rainbow Dash was here, but just shrugged and joined the battle, figuring there would be more time for explanations after these Putties were taken care of. “Hay,” Pinkie shouted, “what about me?”

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “How did Pinkie get here?” Dash then turned to Rarity and Applejack. “AJ, Rarity, you two take care of these things. I’ll go get Pinkie to safety.”

Before they could say anything to stop her, Dash took off, rocketing through the air, snatching Pinkie up and carrying her away from the battle. Moments later, Dash returned returned, slamming down in the middle of a large group of Putties, knocking them all away.

“Okay, so I know this is probably a bad time, since there’s apparently a bunch of Putties attacking,” Dash started, “but do you think one of you two could let Scoots sleep over tonight? Twilight’s a little shaken up from the attack earlier, and she asked me to spend the night in Canterlot, in case they come back.” She paused for a moment, looking around. “Hey, why isn’t Pinkie here? Wasn’t she with you two earlier?”

“You just got her out of here,” Applejack said, bucking a Putty to the ground. “Pinkie was right. There are some weird things going on around here.”

“Really?” Dash asked, not even bothering to turn around while taking a Putty by the throat and throwing it backwards. “How could I have just gotten Pinkie out of here if I just got back from Canterlot?”

“Well you are pretty fast,” Rarity said, taking a Putty with her magic and throwing it into two others. “I would assume you could fly in, get Pinkie to safety, and come back in about one minute, tops. Hay, wait a second.” Just as Rarity said this, she threw the last Putty Pony to the ground, leaving all twenty of them lying on the ground around the three ponies. “Why did you try to get Pinkie to safety, anyway?”

Just then, a rainbow colored blur slammed into a group of Putties, tossing them in a number of different directions.

“Okay, I’m back,” another Rainbow Dash said. “Sorry that took so long. We should end this quickly before she comes back.” Without saying another word, she began fighting some more Putties that had just appeared.

Applejack and Rarity looked at the newly arrived Rainbow, then at the other one, then back again, expressions of disbelief apparent on their faces. “I ask again,” Rarity said after a while. “What the hay is going on around here?”

“I might ask the same thing,” the Rainbow Dash who was already there said, staring down the newly-arrived Rainbow Dash, her expression resembling that of a snarling Timber Wolf.

“AJ, Rarity, be careful,” the other Rainbow Dash said, stepping in front of the other two ponies. “It’s some kind of clone sent by the White Ranger.”

“White Ranger?” Applejack asked. “There ain’t a White Pony Ranger.” The farm pony paused for a second before turning to Rarity and asking, “Is there?” The unicorn replied with a shrug.

“Of course there is. She’s only been trying to destroy us for... hang on.” The other Dash paused. “I’m forgetting something, aren’t I? Something important.” A Putty tried to jump her from behind, but she bucked it away without even looking. “Something Twilight said right before we all left... Oh well, I’m sure I’ll remember it later.”

There was a burst of red light around the other Dash’s ankles, as two bands appeared around her ankles, each with a single star-shaped red gem. “It’s morphing time! Red Ranger Power!”

In a brilliant flash of red, the other Dash suddenly appeared in a Red Ranger uniform similar to the uniforms of the Rangers that attacked the base. “I’m the best of the best! Red Pony Ranger!”

“What in tarnation?” Applejack shouted.

“I must be seeing things!” Rarity said.

“No way!” Rainbow Dash shouted (The one with Rarity and AJ). “Nopony impersonates me and gets away with it.” The angry pegasus then reached behind her wing, pulled out her Element of Harmony, and placed it on her neck. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! ELEMENT OF LOYALTY!” In a flash of red light, Dash morphed into her own Red Ranger uniform, which was more of a red colored set of full-body armor with a visor on the face. “Harmony Force, Ranger Red!”

“Hmph,” the other Dash grunted. “And you call me a poser. Your suit isn’t even that detailed.”

“If you say you’re the best of the best, what are you waiting for? Come at me and put your money where your muzzle is.”

“Gladly.” Dash said, before launching herself at Dash, kicking Dash hard in the chest, sending Dash back a few paces. Dash struck back hard, knocking Dash away from her, before leaping forward and trying to stomp on Dash, who rolled out of the way of Dash’s attack just in the nick of time. Dash got up and the two began circling each other, while Rarity and Applejack suddenly remembered that they were supposed to be fighting Putties, and went back to work on them.

“You’re not half bad... I’m still cooler, but you’re not half bad.” Dash said.

“Yeah right. I’m way cooler than some fake me.” Dash replied.

Dash and Dash both charged each other at the same time, both of them hitting themselves in the face, causing them to stumble away from themselves. They both recovered, and went back at it. The two of them were punching, kicking, grabbing, throwing, headbutting, and trying every last single move they could think of in an attempt to gain an advantage over themselves.

As she fought the Putties, Rarity couldn’t help but think that the fight was both epic beyond imaginable proportions, and that it would be highly confusing in the written form.

“Wow,” Dash said to Dash, panting a little. “You’re a pretty good fighter.”

“You’re not too bad, yourself,” Dash replied. “But you’re still one of the White Ranger’s minions, which means that, as much as I’d like to keep you around for round two sometime in the future, I’m gonna have to destroy you right here, right now.”

“I ask again, who is this White Ranger you keep talking about?” Right as Dash asked this, Dash rushed up, bucked Dash to the ground, pinned her, and raised her hoof to deliver the final blow.

“You really don’t know who the White Ranger is, do you?” Dash asked.

“For the last time...” Dash quickly spun around, reversing Dash’s pin, grabbed her foreleg, and held it behind her back. “...I don’t.” Dash then let Dash go, allowing Dash to slump to the ground in less defeat and more confusion. How could this clone of herself not be the work of the White Ranger? “I meant what I said earlier, by the way.”

“What do you mean?” Dash asked, getting up and turning to face Dash.

“You’re a pretty good fighter,” Dash replied. “It would be a shame if your talents were wasted working for Nightmare Moon.”

“Filly, are you crazy or something? Nightmare Moon got beaten by me and my friends years ago.” Dash replied.

“Um... no she hasn’t. She’s kind of still at large and attacking the town at least once a week.”

“I think you’ve lost your marbles or something, because me and my friends have already super rainbow blasted Nightmare and Discord, helped stop the crazy mega bug lady, and beaten the weird smoke dude with the stairs fetish that I will never understand. I mean, the dude could fly; why did he have so many stairs?”

Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment with a very confused expression on her face. “I have no idea what the hay you’re talking about. First of all, who is this ‘Discord’ guy?”

“Seriously? You seriously have no idea who Discord is? He’s only the most evil villain to walk/fly across the face of Equestria. He even got pwned by Fluttershy! How could you not know who he is after such an embarrassing defeat?”

“Maybe because you’re a crazy pony who has no idea what she’s talking about.” Rainbow Dash then turned and called out to the air while pointing at Rainbow Dash. “Total crazy fake me!”

“You’re the crazy fake,” the other Dash said, getting back up and dusting herself off. “And by the way, I totally went easy on you, so don’t go thinking you're better than me, Ms. totally-the-fake-Red-Ranger.”

“Oh, yeah right! I beat you fair and square, you just don’t want to admit it!” Dash announced.

“Ahem,” Rarity called from further away. “If you two are done quarreling, we could use a hoof with these Putty Ponies!”

The two Rainbow Dashes (*shrug*) looked at each other for a moment. “Bet I could take down more Putties than you can,” one of them said.

“Filly, please,” the other said. “These guys are way easier than the Dark Lord’s normal hoof soldiers. I’ll have ‘em all down before you can even lay a hoof on one.”

“Sure about that?” Hardly bothering to finish the sentence, the Rainbow Dash who said it flew off into the group of Putty Ponies.

“Hay! That’s cheating!” the other Rainbow Dash then followed her counterpart into the fray.

Meanwhile, back in the darkened room where the good Twilight Sparkle was being held captive and guarded by the evil Prince Blueblood, the evil Black Ranger had finally finished his life story up to that day. “Can I get my glass of water now?” Twilight asked.

“Hmm? Oh, right, of course. I’ll have one of the Trixie’s fetch it for you right away,” the evil Prince said before stepping out of the room, leaving Twilight alone and unguarded.

“Perfect,” Twilight said to herself. She took a moment to look around to make sure nopony else was looking before using her magic to try to untie the ropes she was bound to the chair with.

Meanwhile, back at the fighting, both Dash’s were doing a formidable job at beating the bad guys, which was getting on both their nerves, because neither one was doing better than the other.

I’m never going to a out do that faker like this, one of the Dashes thought to herself. Time to break out the big guns. There was a brilliant flash of red before a sword appeared in her right hoof. “Everypony get down and grab onto something! I’m going to take them all out in one shot!”

The other Rangers barely had time to do as they were told before she began flying in circles fast enough to generate a vortex that quickly sucked all the Putties up. The sound of her sword striking her enemies repeatedly rang out loud and clear despite the roar of the wind. Dash, Applejack, and Rarity were all barely managing to keep from being pulled in themselves.

“What the hay are you trying to do?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You’re going to wipe half this area off the map!” Without really thinking, the prismatic pegasus flew right into the vortex to try to stop the prismatic pegasus before she destroyed the surrounding area.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity shouted. “Either one, what are you thinking?” Just then, one of the Red Rangers was thrown right out of the vortex, followed by the other. After a mere second more, Putties began flying out of the vortex and all over the place, each one getting up quickly and stumbling around as a sorry excuse for retreating.

The two Rainbow Dashes impacted on the same building right next to each other and were de-morphed from the damage they had taken. “What the hay was that?” Dash asked Dash, slowly getting up.

“Saving Ponyville from a Phony Ranger,” the other Dash replied. “Ha. I just came up with that one. Give me a second. I need to write that one down.” Rainbow Dash then pulled out a pencil and notepad and wrote down the joke she just made. Two seconds later, it was smacked out of her hooves.

“I had that under completely under control! I’d have finished them off if you hadn’t interrupted!”

“Under control? Do you have any idea what could have happened if I didn’t stop you? Don’t answer that. What would have happened would be this library being uprooted, those houses over there being demolished, and my friends turned into swiss cheese!”

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, trotting up to the two Dashes. “While what Rainbow Dash did was, indeed, stupid and reckless, she did send the Putties retreating.”

“That I did,” Rainbow Dash said. “Probably would have finished them if somepony hadn’t stopped me out of sheer jealousy.”

“Jealousy?” the other Dash shouted, her expression quickly changed from angry to disgusted.

“Yeah, jealousy! Any intelligent pegasus could have seen that that tornado would need twice the speed I was putting into it to do what you said, so the only reason why you would have stopped me is because you’re either the stupidest pegasus ever or you’re jealous! Though given your performance, I’d have to say it was both!”

Rainbow Dash was at a loss for words trying to come up with something to counter what Rainbow Dash said. “I-I-I was...”

“Lucky for you, Dashie, that tornado did an okay enough job for those Putties to retreat.”

Somehow, Rainbow Dash had struck a nerve. There was only one pony who ever called Rainbow Dash ‘Dashie’ and that pony was gone. “Nopony calls me Dashie,” Rainbow Dash said, trotting up right into Rainbow Dash’s face, her voice getting an obvious tone of anger. “I don’t care if you’re faster than me, better at fighting than me, or even if you’re cooler than me, but get one thing through your head right now. There’s only one pony who calls me Dashie, and she’s... gone. So don’t go around calling me that and disrespecting my lost friend.”

Dash could tell she’d crossed a line, but being the stubborn pony she was, decided not to apologize. Instead she turned around and huffed. “Whatever. They’re probably sending a big monster or something here now, so you little pretend Rangers better clear out before you end up getting hurt.”

“Not a chance,” Applejack said.

“You’ve proven that you’re a competent fighter,” Rarity added, “but there’s no way the six of us are just going to hang out on the sidelines while you take on those villains on your own.”

“Six?” Dash questioned before turning around, “You guys need six Rangers to keep the city safe?”

“Yeah, there are six of us. what about it?” Applejack answered.

Dash broke down laughing, much to the other Rangers’ surprise. “You guys need six Rangers? And you think you're in my league? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in awhile!” She wiped a tear away. “Dude, we save the city with three Rangers on a good day, four or five on a bad one. We’ve never needed six rangers. That’s just being lazy.”

“Well this is just plain uncalled for,” Rarity said as the three other Rangers watched Rainbow Dash roll all over the ground, laughing her flank off.

“Ahem,” Rainbow Dash finally said to the laughing pegasus. “If you’re done, we’d very much appreciate it if you would be so kind as to leave.”

“Ha, there’s no way I’m leaving now,” Rainbow Dash said, finally finishing up with her laughing. “I have to see how pathetic you six are in action. I mean, what do you guys do, run around hitting each other? How can you be so bad at this that you need six Rangers?”

Before anypony could respond the air seemed to ripple and shimmer, before a familiar zebra duo appeared. Zecora and Hunter sized up their opponents, while Dash looked horrified.

“No way... that guy is HERE?!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Frick, now you guys have to leave!”

“What are you talking about?” the other Rainbow Dash said, pounding her hooves together. “I’ve been waiting for another shot at this guy.”

“Well, Hunter, what do we have here?” Zecora asked. “Two Red Rangers? I’m trembling with fear.”

“Augh... why did it have to be a rhyming zebra? I hate rhyming zebras...” Hunter complained.

“It don’t matter who’s talkin’ how,” Applejack said, pulling out her Element of Harmony. (If you can see the joke there, kudos to you.) “Rarity, you contact the others. Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash and I will hold these two off.” Applejack then put on her Element of Harmony, but she was quickly swatted away by one of Hunter’s tendrils before she could morph.

“Pathetic little pony,” Hunter said. “You need to be faster on the draw if you wish to have a chance in the big leagues.”

“You guys seriously need to back off and let me handle this guy. You don’t stand a chance against him!” Dash said as her morphers appeared around her hooves.

“No way. I already told you, I’ve been waiting to go round two with this guy. Why are you so scared of him anyways? He’s just a freaky Slender-zebra,” the other Dash replied as she put on her Element.

“You don’t get it. This guy took out Celestia when she had her Ranger powers, and ripped out a chunk of her soul. That’s why he sounds like her when he talks. He’s got all her powers added onto his own.”

“Well that’s...” Rainbow Dash actually wasn’t sure how to respond to what Rainbow Dash just told her. “...creepy, I guess?”

“On that, I have to agree,” Zecora said. “Your powers are, indeed, ‘creepy’.”

“Again with the rhyming!” Hunter shouted. “Please, just don’t talk. Okay?”

“It’s more that creepy. The guy stole the powers of the most powerful pony alive, and added them to his own. It’s downright health hazardous,” Dash said, before striking a pose at the same time.

“It’s Morphing time!”

“Red Ranger Power!”

“Really?” the other Rainbow Dash said. “That’s how you morph? I’ll show you how it’s done. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! ELEMENT OF LOYALTY!”

In the blink of an eye, both Red Rangers were morphed and ready to fight.

Meanwhile, back at the HQ, Twilight finally managed to get the communicators working again.

“There. All fixed,” Twilight said to herself. “Fluttershy, could you please test out the communicators while I try to move on to the next thing that needs work?” Just then, she could swear she was barely inches from vomiting. I can’t believe I just said “please”...and when asking an enemy to do something to boot. Ugh, I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that I did it, or the fact that it felt right to do it.
“Okay,” Fluttershy replied, turning on her comm. Just then, Rarity’s voice came shouting from the other end.

“-AND HUNTER IN PONYVILLE! WHERE ARE YOU, FLUTTERSHY?” Rarity screamed from the other end.

“Rarity?” Fluttershy asked. “Slow down. What’s going on?”

“I might ask the same thing. I’ve been trying to contact you for the past five minutes.”

“You forgot that the comm system was down, didn’t you?”

“I guess I did. Anyway, Zecora and Hunter are in Ponyville. The two Rainbow Dashes are trying to fight them, but it doesn’t seem to be going too well.”

“Two Rainbow Dashes?” Twilight asked out loud. “What’s going on down there, Rarity?”

Before Rarity could respond, an explosion was heard over the communicators.

“I stand corrected. Both the Trixies are down here too. No time to talk. Twilight, Fluttershy, we need you girls now.”

“We’ll be right there,” Twilight replied. Ugh. I can’t believe I have to do this. “Come on, Fluttershy. I’ll teleport us both down there.” Fluttershy nodded as she trotted up next to Twilight. “Ready?”

“Ready,” Fluttershy replied. With that, the two ponies disappeared in a flash of purple light.

Back in Ponyville, the two zebras and the two Trixies were pretty much tossing the two Rainbow Dashes around like rag dolls. Without any backup, the two would be glue in a matter of minutes. (Horse jokes. I think we can now agree that it’s smart for everypony to just plain stay away from them.)

“I told you to run while you had the chance!” one of the Dashes shouted while being thrown around by Hunter’s tendrils. “I’d be winning if you didn’t keep getting in my way!
Yeah right!” the other Dash shouted back. “You’d be getting your flanks kicked even worse if I wasn’t here.” Just then, she was smacked against a wall by another tendril.

More tendrils moved to grab the two of them, only to be cut down by a spray of laser fire, coming from their right. Two rangers, a yellow one and a blue one, charged onto the scene with what Dash could only describe as “Blasters” strapped to their front right hooves. The blue one was a unicorn and the yellow one was an earth pony.

“Are you two okay?” asked the Blue ranger, who sounded exactly like Rarity.

“I’m fine,” Rainbow Dash said. “You two got here just in the nick of time.”

“Who the hay are these two?” the other Dash asked.

“Really? You couldn’t possibly be that stupid. You were fighting alongside these two not ten minutes ago.”

“Rarity and Applejack?” Rainbow Dash pretty much gave up on trying to make sense of the world and its inhabitants. “I swear to Celestia, if this day gets any weirder, I’m going to explode!”

“Dash!” Rarity shouted. “Don’t you remember Twilight telling you to avoid your alternate self at all costs, on the off chance that meeting her would destroy all reality?!” There was a brief pause before Dash replied.

“Oh yeah. That’s what I was forgetting.” She then turned to her counterpart. “I guess you're not a clone of me after all; you're just the cheap knockoff version of myself.”

“If we weren’t about to get creamed by two zebras and two Trixies,” Rainbow Dash started, “I swear to Celestia...”

“You rang?” Hunter asked before maniacally laughing.

“Again, creepy. That’s all I have to say about you, Slender-zebra.”

“If we may get back to the task at hoof,” Zecora started.

“Finish that sentence,” Hunter said, “and you’ll be following these Pony Rangers real closely.”

Zecora was about to respond, but decided it probably was for the best if she kept quiet.

“Trixie demands that you all stop talking so much and pay attention to Trixie!” the Trixies shouted in unison, infuriated by the fact that their amazingly epic speech that explained exactly why Trixie was far superior to everypony else had gone on in the background completely unnoticed. (For the record, no, we do not have a copy of the speech to show you so that you can figure out just what about her is so great.)

Ignoring the Trixies’ outburst, Dash turned to Dash. “Well, now that my team is here, I don’t need you anymore. Why don’t you go play with Trixie while the real rangers deal with the real enemies?”

Rainbow Dash was about to respond when Twilight and Fluttershy teleported in. “Well now that my Rangers are here, I’d be happy to leave your side.” Dash then flew away and landed next to Twilight and Fluttershy.

“So what’s the situation?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ranger clones, zebra clones, and Trixie clones.”

“Ooh. Sounds rough.” Twilight said. Will those two Trixies ever cease to screw things up? At least they’re here with Hunter, so he should be able to keep them in line.

“Hay,” Fluttershy said, “where are Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack?

“Rarity and I are over here,” the Yellow Ranger Applejack said.

“Huh?” Twilight asked, pretending to not know what Applejack was talking about.

“Please don’t ask,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Look, are we going to stand around talking all day or are you all going to hurry up and get crushed by the magnificence of the Great and Powerful Trixie and the Great and Powerful Trixie?” the Trixie on the left questioned.

“Because if we’re not going to do this, Trixie was about to take Trixie for a spa day to make it up to Trixie for getting Trixie in trouble with Trixie’s... employer.” the Trixie on the right said, refusing to say the word “Superior” on the chance that it would send the wrong message.

“You’re not going to get your spa day anytime soon,” Twilight said, pulling out her Thunder Coin. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TI-”

STOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!” a familiar voice shouted in the distance, causing all combatants, antagonists and Rangers, to immediately pause and look over to the source of the noise. What they all found was a lavender unicorn galloping at top speed towards the battlefield.

“What the hay?” Twilight asked, just before her Thunder Coin was snatched right out of her hooves by magic and pulled towards the lavender unicorn in the distance. “No! Not now!”

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked as Twilight leapt, did a perfect front flip, and landed in front of everypony.

“It’s me, Fluttershy,” the second Twilight said. “And you shouldn’t let this evil clone make you think otherwise.”

Suddenly, the world disappeared and agent_cupcakes and Xanderman1201 were standing in their void-like room again. “What now?” Xanderman asked. “Another break?”

“No,” agent_cupcakes replied. “We were making part 2 too long, so I cut it here. We can continue working right now if you want, but on a new chapter because this one’s done.”

“Actually, a break doesn’t sound too bad.”

“Okay. What do you want to do to pass the time?”

“Hmm... we could try co-op Slender.”

“The Eight Pages? That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” agent_cupcakes then waved his hoof and a computer with a large screen and two chairs in front of it appeared. “This might get a bit uncomfortable, but it’s your idea this time around.”

“Okay. Just don’t scream like a little filly while we’re playing.”

The two ponies then began trotting over to the computer, sat down, and started up the game. “You do realize I’m a colt and not a filly, right?” agent_cupcakes asked.

“I know,” Xanderman replied. “And I also know you’re obsessed with Slender for some reason.”

agent_cupcakes paused for a moment before responding. “Well what am I supposed to play without Minecraft?”

Author's Note:

Okay, here's where the story gets REALLY confusing. Now, in addition to duplicate enemies, there's duplicate RANGERS! Expect the ensuing confusion to be a running gag in this crossover. Also, THAT GREEN RANGER FROM THE FIRST SCENE WAS NOT TWILIGHT OR DERPY, SO DON'T ASK ME!

One other thing: this is probably going to become a 4 or 5 part thing, so the word here is "patience". Sorry.