• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,285 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


  • ...

Eye of the Storm

Rainbow Dash flew through Ponyville, looking for her friends and wondering if they were all right after the battle with Gilda. “Come on, guys,” she said to herself, “where are you?” She stopped flying when she saw Fluttershy flying by. “Fluttershy!” She then flew over to Fluttershy, who looked over in surprise.

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked. “We thought you would be gone longer.”

“Is everypony all right after the battle with Gilda?”

“Um, yeah. Nopony really got hurt.”

“Good.” Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief. “After I had left the battle to take Derpy to Twilight, I wasn’t sure how you had all fared.”

“Gilda put up a bit of a fight, but we managed to beat her. She’s not gonna bother us any time soon. In fact, Pinkie’s throwing a party at Sugarcube Corner for the Pony Rangers right now. The whole town’s invited.”

“The Rangers aren’t going to show up, uh, ‘in person’ are they?”

“We aren’t going to be morphed, if that’s what you’re asking. Same as all the other parties Pinkie throws for the Rangers.”

“Okay. Sounds good. Let’s go.” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy then made their way to Sugarcube Corner for the party.

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot, Twilight was still looking the Thunder Coin over to see what it could do for her and the Rangers. She continuously moved between looking the Coin and Derpy over. “It doesn’t make sense,” Twilight said. “The power of the Thunder Coin is drawn from magic. A pegasus couldn’t possibly control this power. Unless...” She galloped over to Derpy and looked back over her, using her magic to preform some kind of scanning spell, using it to scan every bit of Derpy. She then galloped over to the table nearby, where she recorded her finding on paper. “Spike, get some more paper. I’ve got a lot to take down and I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I need to learn.”

Spike looked over to find Twilight standing at the other end of the room, watching her and the table full of papers. “Okay...” he said, walking out of the room to get more paper. “Does she really need that much?” he mumbled to himself after he left the room. Twilight could hear Spike’s comment, but ignored it and resumed her work.

Meanwhile, back at the moon base, Nightmare was scolding Trixie for her mistake. “I’m not sure about you,” she said, “but I plainly saw Derpy in that last battle, alive and well.”

“I apologize, my lord,” Trixie replied. “I will admit, it was a severe mistake, but one anyone here could have easily made, I’m sure.”

“Yes. Anyone here could have made this mistake...” Nightmare began walking over to the observation deck and looked out on Equestria. “It was a mistake that just about everyone here has made before. Everyone here but me has underestimated the power of the Pony Rangers. That includes Derpy.”

“Just to be clear,” Trixie cautiously said, “is it the mistake that Derpy made or was it Derpy we underestimated, as well?”

“Both.” Nightmare walked back over to Trixie. “Derpy never knew her own strength and that caused her to fail time and time again. But she never knew her true power. The true power that I bestowed upon her.” Nightmare began walking out of the room into the interior room where Zecora was busy tending to Gilda’s injuries.

“You put up quite a fight,” Zecora said, “but these injuries are all you have to show for your plight. You broke not one, but two of your wings, and now I’m stuck doing these mundane things.”

Gilda looked up as Nightmare walked in. “Do I really have to listen to this?” she asked, causing Zecora to pull heavily on Gilda’s wing. “Ow! Watch it.”

“I apologize if sitting here, for you, is a bore. If you want to be entertained, why don’t you ask the Manticore?”

The Manticore looked up from the other side of the room. “What?” he asked. “Why am I suddenly mentioned after 10 chapters?”

“Not true,” Gilda said. “Don’t you remember the chapter ‘Trixie’s Tricks’?”

“Yeah, but I was only mentioned once and I didn’t have a speaking role or an action scene.”

“Nevertheless, you give me an idea,” Nightmare said. “You’re the strongest one on this base when it comes to physical strength. You should go down and make sure those Rangers pay for defeating Derpy. After all, you haven’t had an action scene in 10 chapters, remember?”

“I wouldn’t argue with that idea,” Gilda said. “I mean, I only had to wait about three chapters before I returned. Kind of like what happened with Trixie and Babs Seed.”

“If we can stop breaking the fourth wall,” Nightmare impatiently said, “I would like you to get down there and fight the Rangers now.”

“Yes, my lord,” Manticore said. He was about to walk out when Nightmare stopped him.

“Don’t run away at the first sign of danger, this time.”

“I promise to fight to the end, this time.” Manticore then left and headed for Equestria.

Meanwhile, Dash and the other Rangers were enjoying Pinkie’s third party this week. You would have thought the five ponies were about partied out, but Pinkie’s parties were the perfect way to relax after so many consecutive battles with Nightmare’s minnions. Everypony in Ponyville was there, including the Rangers as well as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were watching the Rangers from the other side of the room. “I’m not too sure about what you said, Sweetie Belle,” Applebloom said to her friend. “I mean, Applejack is strong and hard working, but I just couldn’t see her as a Pony Ranger.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo added. “And I’m sure Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be a Ranger, either. As awesome as she is, I just don’t see her working so well with other ponies like the Rangers do.”

“But-” Sweetie Belle tried to say. “But I heard Rarity talking about Canterlot and stuff. Surely that counts for something, doesn’t it?”

“Sorry, Sweetie Belle,” Applebloom said, “but let’s face it, Rarity would be the last pony in Ponyville to be a Pony Ranger and everypony else just doesn’t seem to fit.”

(“I thought the last pony in Ponyville to be a Ranger was that crazy stallion, Time Turner,” Scootaloo commented.)

Sweetie Belle just sighed and looked over at Rarity and her friends, who were laughing at something Pinkie said. “I was so sure...” She was about to say more, but she was stopped by an explosion from outside, causing everypony to start panicking and galloping all over the place.

“What was that?” Rarity shouted.

“Sounds like Nightmare, to me,” Rainbow Dash said. “Come on, everypony.” The Rangers galloped out of Sugarcube Corner to find Manticore leading a large number of Putty Ponies through Ponyville, destroying just about everything in their path. “Looks like somepony’s not happy about Derpy being down for real, this time.”

Manticore heard Rainbow Dash and turned around quickly. “Ah. The Pony Rangers,” he said. “I was wondering when you’d show up. Putties, attack!” The Putty Ponies then began charging at the Rangers, who each pulled out their morphers.

“IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!” Rainbow Dash shouted.






The now morphed Rangers charged back at the Putty Ponies and began knocking them down left and right.

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot, Twilight was still busy looking Derpy over, still taking down tons of notes. (Literally, well over 2,000 pounds worth.) “Come on,” Twilight said, “Show me something. Anything!”

While Twilight was busy doing this, Derpy began twitching a little behind her back before completely opening her eyes. She looked around quietly, careful not to alert Twilight that she was awake. The first thing she noticed was that she was bound pretty well, so getting out quietly would be a bit of a challenge. She rolled her head over to find her Thunder Coin a little ways away from where she was bound. After examining her situation for a little while, Derpy began trying to escape her binds. It didn’t take long for her to escape, but it was still enough time for Twilight to hear Derpy and turn around. “No!” Derpy shouted, breaking the last of her binds. She then dashed over to try to get the Thunder Coin, but Twilight used her magic to snatch it away just before Derpy could reach it. “That is mine! Give it back to me!”

“No,” Twilight replied. “I’ll guard it with my life if it means saving the Rangers.”

“Be careful what you wish for, Twi.” Derpy then charged at Twilight, who teleported out of the way just in time to avoid Derpy’s attack. Twilight then took her opportunity to try to attack the stunned Derpy. However, Derpy recovered faster than Twilight anticipated and struck her hard in the face. She then tried to reach for the Thunder Coin, but Twilight pulled the Coin away just in time. “You’re going to give that to me, Twilight. You can’t save your Princess if you’re dead.”

“Stopping Nightmare is top priority, and from what I’ve seen, you’re still working with her.”

“No, I’m not. I’ve finished working with Nightmare Moon. I’m working for only myself now.” Derpy then began advancing on Twilight, who began backing up. “And I want my Coin back so I can destroy Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight was pretty intimidated, backing up while Derpy advanced on her. “I-I’ll never let that happen.” Twilight tried her best not to sound intimidated, but she knew Derpy was deadly with or without her powers.

“Come on, Twilly,” Derpy said, her voice low and sinister as ever. “We both know you’re backed into a corner, here.”

Twilight was about to respond, but then she hit the wall and realized that she was literally backed into a corner. There was no escape, but then she got a rather stupid idea. The Thunder Coin floated next to her, and it could just be Twilight’s salvation. “You want your powers so badly?” Twilight placed the Thunder Coin in her hoof.

“No,” Derpy said, realizing Twilight’s intentions. “Don’t!”

Derpy charged at Twilight, but Twilight had already performed the action. She held the Coin out in front of her and shouted “THUNDER!” There was a massive flash of green light that actually knocked Derpy back a little.

“This can’t be,” Derpy said, shielding her eyes against Twilight. When the light finally died down, Derpy couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing before her was Twilight, but she was morphed into the Green Ranger. She looked almost exactly like Derpy when she was morphed, only the armor conformed to Twilight’s horn rather than Derpy’s wings, now. “How...?”

Twilight took a second to examine herself, only just realizing that she had just morphed for the first time. “Okay...” she said slowly to herself. “This is... actually kind of cool.”

“You may have the power of Thunder, but you still have no idea how to control it.” Derpy then charged at Twilight.

“I’ve been told I’m a fast learner,” Twilight replied, readying herself for Derpy’s attack. Just before Derpy hit her, however, she swung her body around to kick Derpy off to the side. “Woah. I wasn’t even trying to do that.”

Derpy was knocked to the far wall, but she shook it off quickly. “Now you’re in for it.” She then charged towards Twilight once again. (Do I sound like a broken record or what?)

“Bring it, Derpy.” Twilight then began charging back at Derpy. Derpy swerved out of the way just before Twilight could attack. Twilight couldn’t react fast enough and Derpy spun to kick Twilight, though to little effect. Twilight took the opportunity and fired a bolt of magic at Derpy, who was unable to block or avoid the attack. Derpy recovered, but she was slightly beaten.

“You may wield the power of thunder,” Derpy said, panting. “But one way or another, I’ll destroy you and the rest of the Pony Rangers. I promise you that.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Derpy,” Twilight said, her voice getting lower. “But I’m afraid your time is up.” Twilight then began charging her horn with more energy than ever before.

“Yes,” Derpy said quietly. “This will work out quite well... Embrace the darkness, Twilight Sparkle. Embrace the limitless power of Thunder!”

“I’ve had just about enough of you, Derpy!” Twilight then fired a massive bolt of magic, which was purple with a slight green hue to it. It fired at Derpy faster than she could react and hit her square in the face, knocking her against the far wall.

“Heh,” Derpy said weakly. “I knew you could do it, Twilly.” Derpy was barely able to stand and was panting heavily. “Congratulations. You were, indeed, the final end of me.” Derpy then tried her best to stand straight up and extended her wings and arms, making herself as wide as possible. “Now, what are you waiting for? Do it.”

Twilight was so overcome with a strange rage, she couldn’t stop herself when she used her magic to raise Derpy into the air. “You’re finished! SCATTER SHOT!” Twilight used her magic to fire several bolts of magic in several directions, each one coming back around straight towards Derpy. Before Derpy could defend herself or Twilight could stop herself, all of the blasts of magic hit Derpy all at once, resulting in a massive explosion where Derpy once was. Twilight just looked on for a moment before shaking her head violently and de-morphing. Only then did she realize what she had just done. “What? But- but I couldn’t have...” Twilight collapsed to the ground in the shock of what had happened. “How could I...?” She then looked down to find the Thunder Coin still in her hoof. “The Thunder Coin... it made me do it. But how...?” Twilight dropped the Thunder Coin and scooted back away from it. Her eyes then began tearing up. “Derpy... I’m so, so sorry.” She lowered her head into her foreleg and began crying uncontrollably, laying in the center of the trashed computer room which reflected Twilight’s thoughts perfectly.

Meanwhile, the other Rangers were having a hard time with Manticore. He never really fought the Rangers before, but he was really showing his power, now. “Ha,” he said, knocking Fluttershy and Pinkie back in one swing of his paw. “I really thought you ponies would be more of a challenge.” Rarity tried to attack Manticore from behind, but he flicked her away with his tail. “Guess I was wrong.”

While the battle was going on, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were galloping by, trying to avoid the stampede of panicked ponies. Sweetie Belle happened to look over to find the Rangers battling the Manticore. “Girls,” she called to the other two fillies. “Come on. Let’s go watch.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Scootaloo asked. “What if we get caught in the crossfire or something?”

“That won’t happen. We can just duck behind those conveniently placed barrels over there.” Sweetie Belle indicated a pile of barrels kind of far from where the battle was taking place but still close enough to give the fillies a decent view of the battle. “Come on.” Sweetie Belle galloped over and ducked behind the barrels, indicating for the others to follow.

Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at each other for a moment. “Has she lost her mind?” Applebloom quietly asked. Scootaloo just shrugged and followed Sweetie Belle. Applebloom was about to try and call Scootaloo back, but she was already gone. “Fine.” Applebloom then trotted over to join the others and watched the battle from behind the barrels.

While the fillies were taking cover to watch the battle, the Rangers were still getting pummeled by the Manticore. “There’s no way we can beat this guy,” Pinkie said, narrowly avoiding a blow from the Manticore. “Any ideas, Rainbow Dash?”

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash replied, “but I’ve got pretty much nothing. I could probably call Twilight for whatever backup she could provide. Cover me, Rangers. I’m gonna duck behind those barrels over there.” Rainbow Dash pulled out her morpher and ducked behind the barreles. She was about to contact Twilight when she realized that the fillies were there, also.

“Woah!” Scootaloo said. “You’re a Pony Ranger!”

“Scooaloo? What are you doing here?”

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “How do you know my name?”

“Oh, I, uh, overheard it from when you three were talking. Now, you fillies need to get out of here. It’s way to dangerous.”

“But-” Sweetie Belle tried to say.

“Hey, don’t you think your big sisters would be a little upset if you fillies got hurt?”

Scootaloo looked down. “I guess Rainbow Dash would be pretty upset if something happened to me.”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “I’m sure she would, kid. I’m sure she would.”

“Hey,” Scootaloo said, looking up suddenly. “She wouldn’t happen to be a Pony Ranger, would she?”

“Heh. Now you know I couldn’t tell you whether or not she was, right? I hardly even know the pony. Now get going before the battle gets out of hoof.”

“Okay.” Scootaloo galloped off, followed closely by the other fillies.

“I’d be very upset if you got hurt, Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash said to herself once the fillies were gone. She then remembered why she was there in the first place and tried to contact Twilight.

Back at Canterlot, Twilight was still in the center of the trashed room, crying. After a while, Spike walked in, rather confused over what he saw. “Twilight,” Spike said, “are you okay?”

Hearing Spike’s voice snapped her back to reality, but all she could do was point at the Thunder Coin still on the ground in front of her. “It wasn’t my fault,” she said in a hoarse voice. (Pun not really intended.) “The Coin had some kind of power. I couldn’t stop myself in time.”

“Stop yourself from what?”

“Derpy. She’s... gone. She’s gone and it’s all my fault.”

“What? But you couldn’t have. Why did you do it?”

“I didn’t. The Thunder Coin had some kind of power over me. It... it nearly consumed me, even. How can I go on, Spike? How can I move on from this? I just took another pony’s life! Tell me, how am I supposed to fix that? How can I make it better?”

Spike walked over and put his hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “The sad truth is, there’s no real way to fix it or make it better. But it wasn’t just anypony that you took. It was a villain, and a particularly dangerous one, at that. Also, it wasn’t by your hooves that she was taken, it was by her own. She knew you would never be able to do it on your own, so she did it for you so you would still have to suffer from it.” Spike sat down next to Twilight, never removing his hand form her shoulder. “The point is, it was through no fault of your own. You were just caught off guard and she took advantage of it. But now that she’s gone, you don’t have to worry about her taking advantage of you, anymore. You’re free from her grip and can choose your own destiny from here.”

Twilight looked up and wiped her tears away. “You know what, Spike? You’re right. As out-of-character as that speech was, you really helped me, there.” Twilight got up and walked over the Thunder Coin, picking it up and just looking at it in her hoof. “My destiny is my own. No matter where it begins, it can only end the way I make it end.” Just then, the communications console began ringing. Twilight trotted over and answered. “Go for Twi. What’s up, Dashie?”

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash called. “We need your help. Can you do anything?”

Twilight looked over at Spike, who gave a little wink. “Yeah,” Twilight finally replied. “Backup is on the way. Hold tight.”

“Thanks.” Rainbow Dash then disconnected.

Twilight breathed an exasperated sigh before walking back to the center of the room. “Wish me luck, Spike. I’m heading for Ponyville.” Twilight looked back down at the Thunder Coin. “I am no longer your’s.” She then cast her teleportation spell towards Ponyville.

Back at Ponyville, the Pony Rangers were still getting pummeled. The Manticore had dealt significant damage to all five Rangers and didn’t even seem tired, himself. “Ha,” he laughed. “I don’t know why I thought you would be a challenge. Maybe the others really are true weaklings to not have beaten you before.” Rarity and Pinkie tried to get the jump on him while he was talking, but in one single swipe of his paw, he knocked them both back and de-morphed them. Applejack tried to do a head-on charge while he was distracted, but that didn’t work either and she was thrown into the other two, also being de-morphed. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy tried to do an aerial attack, but the Manticore could also fly. He flew up and knocked them both hard to the ground using his tail, de-morphing them both before they even hit the ground. The Manticore landed and walked up to the pile of downed Pony Rangers. “I guess that was fun... at least for a second, it was.” He then raised his claw to deliver the final blow, but was knocked to the side by a blast of magic.

“Not so fast, Manticore,” shouted the pony who fired the blast of magic. The Rangers looked over to find that it was Twilight who had bailed them out. “We aren’t done yet.”

The Manticore got up slowly and dusted himself off. “And who might you be, little pony?”

“I’ll give you three guesses.” Twilight then summoned the Thunder Coin with her magic and held it out in front of her with her hoof “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME! THUNDER!” Twilight then morphed as she did before. She donned the Green Ranger armor, only conforming to her as a unicorn rather than as a pegasus. This caused Manticore to step back a little.

“No,” he said. “This can’t be possible.”

“Everypony else saw Twilight morph into the Green Ranger, right?” Rainbow Dash asked. The others silently nodded in reply.

“Nopony here saw anything incorrectly,” Twilight said. “You’re all looking at the new Green Pony Ranger. A force for good, protecting harmony and banishing all darkness that would wish harm upon Equestria.”

“And you think you can beat me single-hoofedly?” Manticore asked.

“I could always try.” Twilight then began charging at the Manticore, who began charging back at Twilight. Manticore was about to strike, but Twilight easily teleported behind him and bucked him to the ground.

“Grr. Lucky shot.” He tried to turn around to strike Twilight again, but Twilight, once again, teleported to evade the attack. Manticore couldn’t turn around in time to block, evade, or even see Twilight’s attack, which sent him flying into a nearby building. Twilight then fired a blast of magic at him, but he recovered just in time to avoid this attack. Twilight, however, expected this and teleported right up in front of the Manticore. She then began delivering a volley of punches and kicks to his face, knocking him farther and farther back. Eventually, the Manticore was so off balance, he looked like he was about to fall over at the slightest breeze. Twilight took advantage of this and gave him one hard buck to his face, causing him to fly across the battlefield and into another building. Twilight then used her magic to fire the Scatter Shot right at Manticore. He was barely able to get up when he got blasted by the full force of the attack, sending him flying far out of town, defeated.

“Woo hoo!” Pinkie shouted, running up to Twilight along with the other Rangers. “Twilight saved the day for us!”

“Ya know somethin’, sugarcube?” Applejack said. “When I first saw ya, I didn’t think you’d be half the hero I see you as, today.”

“Twilight’s an official Ranger!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “This is so awesome! Now Nightmare won’t stand a chance against us.”

“Wait a second,” Fluttershy said. “If you’re the new Green Ranger, then what happened to Derpy?”

Twilight was about to respond when a blast of magic fell from the sky and crashed around where the Manticore was flung. He then grew to about 30 stories tall, completely recovered from the previous battle. “No time to talk right now,” Twilight said. “I’m summoning the Dinozords now.”

“Alright, Rangers,” Rainbow Dash said to the others. “IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!”






The Pony Rangers jumped into their zords while Twilight stayed on the ground, trying to figure out how she was going to summon the Dragonzord from the moon base. She figured she could just use her magic to bring it down, but that would probably take a little more effort than she would be willing to spare for combat. Still, what was the worst that could happen? The others have dealt with these kinds of situations before. She turned around to find the Megazord get thrown across the field by the Manticore. “I suppose I could give them a little more backup,” she said to herself. She then planted her hooves firmly into the ground and took a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.” She then tried to use her magic to summon the Dragonzord from the moon base. However, it didn’t take nearly as much effort as she expected and the Dragonzord landed in front of her, waiting for its pilot to lead it. “Aw yeah. This is going to be fun.” Twilight then teleported into the Dragonzord cockpit and took a second to try to figure out how she was supposed to drive it before realizing that she could use her magic on it like with the other zords. Was there anything magic couldn’t do? “Hold on, Rangers. I’m coming!”

“‘Bout time, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash replied with the Megazord’s loudspeaker. The Rangers were caught in a headlock from the Manticore and were unable to do anything to defend themselves.

“Dragonzord finger rockets, go!” Twilight shouted as she fired her rockets at the Manticore to knock him off of the Rangers. She scored a direct hit and knocked the Manticore right onto his back. She then charged at the Manticore, swinging the Dragonzord around at the last second to strike him with her zord’s tail. Twilight got another direct hit and knocked Manticore further back. “Fire blast!” Twilight then launched the Dragonzord’s fire breath attack, singeing Manticore’s tail.

“Wow!” Pinkie said. “Twilight’s really owning that Manticore!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added. “I can’t believe I didn’t trust her in the beginning.”

“Ooh, one more trick,” Twilight said to both the downed Manticore and the Rangers. “It’s time to deliver the final blow, and I know exactly how to do that.” She then turned the Dragonzord to the Megazord. “Do you Rangers truely trust me?”

The Rangers looked at each other for a moment, wondering what kind of question that was and what the answer really and truely should be. Finally, Rainbow Dash said “Yes, we do trust you, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Good, because there’s something I’ve been itching to try ever since I first saw the Dragonzord.” Twilight then began charging a spell. “DRAGON-MEGAZORD COMBINATION SPELL! DRAGONZORD, MORPH!” The Dragonzord leapt up into the air and began releasing pressurized air. It then split down the middle except for its head and the two halves began rotating around the head, the legs bending as well to form a 90 degree angle with the two halves of its torso region. The chestplate broke off and replaced the Pterodactyl zord, which moved around to the back of the Megazord and extended its wings. The rest of the Dragonzord then lowered onto the Megazord, forming a type of armor. The Megazord’s Power Sword then broke into two halves, each landing in either hand of the Megazord.

“DRAGON-MEGAZORD, READY!” the Rangers shouted in unison. The Dragon-Megazord then took an offensive stance towards the Manticore, both swords in striking position.

“You really think I’m scared of that?” Manticore shouted. “I’ll tear you apart zord by zord!” He then charged at the Rangers, but the Rangers were quicker on the draw and swung their swords right at Manticore, striking him twice.

“That’s two strikes!” Pinkie shouted. “One more and you’re out!”

“My thoughts exactly, Pinkie,” Twilight added. “Let’s get airborne to finish this guy.”

“We can fly in the Dragon-Megazord?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sweet!”

“Sounds kind of dangerous,” Fluttershy commented.

“Don’t worry, everypony,” Twilight said. “I’ve simulated every possible outcome of the Dragon-Megazord’s actions in Canterlot before. We should be okay.” Twilight then turned to Pinkie Pie. “Are you up for this, Pinkie?”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash shouted. “You’re letting Pinkie do the flying?”

“She is the one who controls the Pterodactyl zord. I have every confidence that she’ll succeed at her task.”

“Don’t worry, Dashie,” Pinkie said. “I can do this.” Pinkie then activated the Pterodactyl zord’s jets, sending the Dragon-Megazord flying into the air.

“We’re flying!” Applejack shouted. “We’re really flying!”

“Um, Twilight,” Rarity said. “Now that we’re in the air, what do we do now?”

“Get ready to fire everything,” Twilight replied. “DRAGON-MEGAZORD, FINAL BLAST! ALL WEAPONS IN FIRING POSITION!”

The Rangers then got all their zords’ weapons into firing position, aimed right at the Manticore. The Manticore looked up and said “Oh, this doesn’t look good.”

“POWER OF HARMONY,” the Rangers shouted in unison, “FINAL BLAST!” All of the Megazord’s weapons then rained down upon the Manticore, who was completely exposed and unable to do anything about any of the rockets/bullets/energy beams.

“Now, Pinkie,” Twilight said, “get us in closer for the final slash.”

“Okie dokie loki,” Pinkie said, sending the Megazord flying straight at the Manticore.

“FINAL SLASH!” the Rangers shouted. The Megazord pulled both of its blades back in preparation for the attack. Just before the Megazord hit the Manticore, the Rangers swung both blades in a scissors formation, hitting the Manticore directly.

“Gahh!” Manticore shouted, crackling with energy. “You Pony Rangers are going to pay for this! You hear me?” He then fell slowly to the ground. “YOU RANGERS ARE GOING TO PAAAAAAAAAAAY!” He hit the ground and erupted in a glorious explosion.

The Rangers were cheering and celebrating in the Megazord cockpit. “My little ponies,” Twilight said, “victory is ours.”

“Ooh, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted. “You should come back to Ponyville with us! I’m going to throw one heck of a party now that we’ve actually destroyed one of Nightmare’s minions.”

“Yeah... about that,” Twilight said, looking away from the Rangers. “We should go back to Canterlot, first.”

Back on the moon base, Nightmare’s remaining minnions were staring in shock as Manticore was destroyed by the Rangers. “I do not believe my eye,” Zecora said. “Did the Manticore just-”

“In a way, no,” Nightmare interrupted. “All three of you, come with me.” She then walked into the center room of the base. The other three looked at each other for a moment, then decided to follow Nightmare.

“Um, Lord Nightmare,” Gilda said, “how come you didn’t teleport Manticore back here before he was destroyed?”

“Because he was little more than a guina pig,” Nightmare replied. “For a while, I’ve been working on a spell that will help all four of you to fight at your full potential.”

“A spell for helping us fight at our full potential?” Trixie asked. “But how is that supposed to help if Manticore’s been destroyed?”

“Because the spell I had in mind... is a resurrection spell.” Nightmare stopped in the center of the room and indicated with her hoof for the others to step back. She then began charging her horn with magic, straining kind of loudly to cast the spell. The entire room was glowing brightly and sparks were flying all over the place from Nightmare’s horn. After a whlie, a massive ball of light appeared before Nightmare, causing her to stop casting the spell and breathe heavily. “My minions, I give to you... success.” Just as she finished saying this, the light faded and standing in the middle of where it originally was was Manticore himself.

“Huh?” he asked. “What’s going on?”

“I have revived you, Manticore,” Nightmare said. “Now you may fight another day.” She then turned to the others. “The same goes for all of you. I expect you all to fight to the end from here on out.”

“Yes, Nightmare Moon,” they all said in unison, bowing.

Nightmare then turned away and walked out of the room, smiling. “Good.” She then laughed evilly to herself, walking out of the room.

Meanwhile, back in Canterlot, Twilight told the Rangers about what had happened earlier with Derpy. “You seriously... finished Derpy?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight silently nodded her head. “I just don’t know what went wrong,” she said. “It’s as though the Thunder Coin... possesed me, for lack of a better word.”

“I’m so sorry, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, putting her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder.

“I just hope you all could forgive me for what I did.”

“Of course we could forgive you,” Pinkie said. “We all understand that it wasn’t really you who did it.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, raising her head and almost smiling.

“Of course,” Rarity said. “Derpy was dangerous. Somepony had to stop her before she hurt somepony else.”

Rainbow Dash looked over and found something on the ground. She walked over to it without the others noticing. When she picked it up, she found that it was one of Derpy’s feathers. She hid it behind her own wing and walked over to join the others. “What do you think, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked when Dash walked back over to join the group.

“Uhh, sure. It could work,” Dash replied.

“Okay. Then it seems everypony’s in agreement.” Twilight then pulled out the Thunder Coin and walked over to Celestia’s empty time warp. “Here goes nothing. THUNDER!” She then morphed and braced herself to cast her spell for bringing Celestia back. “This is going to hurt.” She then took a deep breath and began casting the spell.

“We should clear out, everypony,” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s give Twilight some room to work.” The other ponies then walked out of the room to wait for Twilight’s word.

After about an hour of waiting, Twilight poked her head outside and called for the other Rangers. “My friends,” she said, “I am happy to report... success!”

The other Rangers excitedly galloped into the computer room to find Princess Celestia back in her time warp. “Hello again, Rangers,” she said. “It’s good to see you all again.”

“It’s good to see you, as well, Princess,” Rainbow Dash said.

“So... what have I missed? I notice Twilight has joined you, so I assume much has happened.”

“Not much,” Twilight replied. “Except Derpy’s finally... gone.”

“Well that’s a good thing,” Celestia said. “With Derpy gone, you Rangers are closer to victory. And Twilight, you are that much closer to being ready for your destiny. You’re still pretty far, but you have made a giant leap forward.”

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.” Twilight then turned back to the Rangers. “Now that Celestia is back, we need to get focused back on the mission at hoof. Defeating Nightmare Moon and saving Equestria.”

“Then it looks like all six of us have a lot to do,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wait,” Twilight said. “Do you mean...”

“Yes. Twilight Sparkle, I am happy to announce that all five of us have decided to make you an official Pony Ranger.” Rainbow Dash then put her hoof out in front of Twilight.

“Thank you,” Twilight said, putting her hoof on Rainbow Dash’s. The other Rangers then joined in, putting their hooves in the circle.

“For all of us together,” Rainbow Dash said. “We fight as one.”

“We protect one another,” the other Rangers shouted in unison, “until the battle is done!” They all raised their hooves into the air and began cheering.

“Hey,” Pinkie said, “that should be our official phrase. Kind of like those weird Power Rangers on TV.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Later that evening, Rainbow Dash was standing at the edge of Cloudsdale, holding Derpy’s feather. “I never wanted anything to happen to you, my friend,” she said to the feather. “I always knew there was good in you, but you never listened. I’m sorry this had to happen to you, but now you’re free from Nightmare’s grasp.” She then released the feather into the wind, watching it flutter and flip out into the distance. “Fly free, my fallen friend. Fly free.”

The feather flew through the wind for a few hours, being blown around continuously by changing winds and other flying animals. After a while, it finally landed softly on the ground far from where it was released... in front of a grey hoof.

Author's Note:

I suppose I could have split this chapter into two parts... Oh well. Anyway, I'm going to take a break from MLPR now. Don't worry, I promise not to cancel the series like I did last time.

Also, SPOILER! That last sentence at the end of the chapter, (After a while, it finally landed softly on the ground far from where it was released... in front of a grey hoof.) yeah, that's implying that Derpy somehow survived. Okay, bye.