• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,285 Views, 103 Comments

My Little Pony Rangers: Enter the Nightmare - Lance Skyes


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xanderman1201 Crossover Chapter #1 Part 3

Back in the dark room, the two ponies were acting very excitedly as they continued to play Slender: The Eight Pages. “Hurry up, Xanderman!” agent_cupcakes said. “We only have one page left! Hurry up and get to the rocks!”

“We’re out of stamina!” Xanderman replied. “I can’t go any faster!”

“Okay, then. I’m gonna turn around and look at Slenderman. I read somewhere that being startled by him gives Kate a stamina boost or something.”

“No! Wait!” Just then, agent_cupcakes turned around only to find that Slenderman was literally inches from the pair.

“Nyai!” agent_cupcakes shouted, practically throwing the mouse as he fell back in his chair, angling their view straight upwards. Hardly a second later, their game ended in a loss.

“What the hay was that?” Xanderman asked. “I mean, what does ‘nyai’ even mean?”

“It means... I dunno. Let’s just get back to the fic.”

The lavender unicorn took a huge leap towards the battlefield, grabbed the Thunder Coin with her hoof, and landed perfectly in front of every pony/zebra. “Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s me, Fluttershy,” Twilight said. “And you shouldn’t let this evil clone of me let you think otherwise.”

Think fast Twilight. How can you save the plan... Ah ha! the evil Twilight thought, before pointing an accusing hoof at the real green ranger Twilight. “Hey, give me back the Thunder Coin you fake.”

“I’m not the fake! You’re the fake! You stole the Thunder coin and then teleported me to the moon! It’s only by sheer luck that I managed to escape and get back here before you could hurt my friends!” the good Twilight retorted, pointing an accusing hoof of her own back at her doppelganger.

“Send you to the Moon? Do you have any idea how ridiculously preposterous that sounds? I’ve got talent, but not that much talent... not yet anyways. It’s obvious that you're some kind of clone sent by Nightmare Moon to steal my powers, confuse my friends, and replace me!”

“You’re just describing everything you’ve already done in an attempt to turn my friends against me, but it won’t work! I trust the bond of our friendship!”

“Guys, you can’t possibly believe this fraud, can you?”

“Guys, you know I’m the real me, right?”

Both Twilight’s looked towards the other Rangers expectantly, and Rainbow Dash came to a startling realization: She had no idea which Twilight was the real one. Both looked and acted like the real Twilight, and even though one of them had an implausible story, if said story turned out to be true, it meant the fake had been with them for a while, which was a bad thing.

“Well this is a nightmare in of itself,” Rainbow Dash said, massaging her head.

(“I swear to Celestia, agent_cupcakes,” Hunter shouted. “If you do that again, so help me...”)

“I don’t understand,” Applejack said. “How can there be two of ‘em?”

“Maybe one of them’s a Changeling,” Rarity said.

“What the hay is a Changeling?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Seriously?” the other Dash asked. “You are way behind if you don’t know what a Changeling is. Besides, the only logical explanation, if you can even comprehend logic, is that one of these Twilights are from my universe where Hunter and one of the Trixies are from and the other is from this universe.”

“Well there’s only one way to figure out how we’re going to tell the two apart,” Pinkie said, appearing suddenly from behind Hunter, actually startling the zebra. In an instant, the two Twilights were suddenly standing at two podiums right next to each other in a brightly lit room. On the front of each podium was the name Twilight Sparkle, and behind them hung a sign that said in huge flashing letters ‘Which Twilight is Which?’ Pinkie was standing in front of the two Twilights at her own podium and was holding several notecards. “Alright, contestants. Welcome to my brand new game show...”
Pinkie paused for a moment and put her hoof to her ear as the voices of a large crowd coming from nowhere shouted in unison, “Which Twilight is Which?”

“Now, here’s how the game works. I’m going to ask each contestant a question-”

“Uh, Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said. “We kind of don’t have time for this right now.”

“Pinkie Pie, what the hay are you doing and... why are there two of me standing over there?” asked yet another Twilight as she came running up to the scene, causing everypony to stare at her.

“Wait, now Trixie is confused too. How can there be three Twilight Sparkles if we’re all only from two separate worlds?” the Trixie’s questioned in unison.

“Now that’s something I’d like to know the answer to,” the Twilight who just came up to the scene said.

Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment before starting to strain doing... something. “What the hay are you doing?” the other Dash asked.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” the straining pegasus asked. “I said that if this day got any weirder, I was going to explode, so that’s what I’m trying to do right now.”

The other Dash rolled her eyes before continuing. “Dash, you are not a Creeper, you are not a Bomb-Omb, and you are not a Baneling from Starcraft 2.”

“Logic dictates that if there are three Twilights and only two worlds we could have come from,” one of the Twilights announced, “at least one of us has to be a clone of some sort.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking,” the other two replied in unison.

“But how do we know which one is which? How can we tell which one is real?” Pinkie questioned, looking back and forth between the three of them.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has an idea; who cares? Great and Powerful Trixie, would you mind assisting the Great and Powerful Trixie in destroying all of the Sparkles?”

“It would be the Great and Powerful Trixie’s pleasure to assist the Great and Powerful Trixie with this task.”

“I don’t think I could agree very much more,” Zecora said. “We could easily destroy them all amongst us four.”

“Wait, you mean we’re actually getting back to the fighting?” Hunter asked. “Thank goodness, I thought we were never getting back to the action. Time to die my little rangers.”

“Then it looks like there’s no time to waste,” one of the Twilights said, jumping off of her podium and pulling out her Thunder Coin.

“Hay!” the other Twilight shouted, jumping off of her podium. “You can’t use my Thunder Coin!”

As these two Twilights were fighting amongst each other, the third Twilight just stood there watching them. “Hay... whichever Twilight you are,” Rainbow Dash said. “Aren’t you going to try to get the Thunder Coin away from them?”

“Why would I?” Twilight asked. “It’s not like that’s mine or anything.”
“Well, at least we know this one isn’t your Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said to Rainbow Dash. The prismatic pegasus then turned back to the Twilight that wasn’t fighting. “That said, would you mind making sure the other Twilights don’t kill each other over that stupid coin while we deal with the bad guys?”

“Sure,” Twilight replied before walking over to where the other two were and contemplating how to stop their fighting.

Dash looked at Dash. “So, you and your team can take care of the Trixie’s, while my group takes on the real bad guys. Sound good?”

“No way,” the other Dash said. “Your Rangers can have the Trixies. We’re the only ones who know how to fight Zecora.”

“Really? There’s a special way to fight your evil zebra?”

“Well, not exactly. But she has some strange magic of her own that can catch you off guard pretty easily.”

“You say I have my own strange magic?” Zecora asked. The Rangers turned to where they thought she was standing, but much to their surprise, as well as Hunter’s, she was gone. “I guess it would be tragic, if I did not show you, especially if you are new.” Just then, a green cloud of dust appeared suddenly behind the two Dashes, followed quickly by two hooves hitting their faces.

Stumbling back, the Dash on the left lashed out with her hooves, only to pass right through the green cloud and get struck from behind. As this was happening, Rarity, Applejack, and Applejack all rushed the Trixies.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will not be defeated by such amateurs,” one of the Trixies said before firing a bolt of magic at the Yellow Ranger Applejack. This attack was deflected by the Blue Ranger Applejack, who used the energy released from her morphing to bounce the bolt of magic back at the Trixie who cast it.

“You may have stopped the Great and Powerful Trixie’s attack,” the other Trixie said, touching her horn with her hoof. “But the Great and Powerful Trixie, on the other hoof, has more than one trick up her sleeve.” Right as she finished saying this, her hoof began to glow and a bolt of lightning shot out as she cast her hoof out towards the Rangers. Rarity used her own magic to create a shield to defend against the attack, but it was destroyed when the bolt impacted, causing the unicorn to be knocked backwards. The Yellow Ranger Applejack took aim with the blaster on her right hoof, but one of Hunters tendrils grabbed her and threw her over at Fluttershy, who seemed to be having trouble remembering where she put her Morpher, knocking them both down.

Meanwhile, the two Rainbow Dashes were having a hard time fighting Zecora. This was mostly due to the fact that the zebra wouldn’t stay in one place for more than five seconds. She would appear, hit one of them, and then teleport again. If Hunter was the tendrils part of Slendermane, Zecora was definitely the part with the “Blink” ability. “How the hay are we supposed to fight her, anyway?” one of the Dashes asked.

“If you pay attention, the cloud of dust appears just a second before Zecora does,” the other Dash replied. Just then, another cloud of dust appeared behind that Rainbow Dash. “I’ve got you now!” Dash then bucked the cloud, causing Zecora to be sent flying out the other way.

“This is hard to believe,” Zecora said. “But you still cannot defeat me.” She then flung her hoof out, throwing several small pellets that exploded with a foul-smelling purple smoke as they impacted on the Dashes.

“Stink bombs?” one of the Dashes asked.

“No,” the other replied. “I think the stink is just a bonus. The smoke actually saps energy. If one of those things hits you, try to move away as fast as possible.”

“Lucky us, we’ve got a lot of energy to burn,” said Pinkie.

“Definitely. We should be super nice and take Zecora off of the Dashies’ hooves for them so they can focus on Hunter,” said another Pinkie who stepped out from right behind Pinkie.

For a brief moment, Rainbow was certain she was about to explode... twice. The other Rainbow was having trouble processing what she was seeing, as well.

“Ready Pinkie?”


The Pinkie on the left pulled out the Element of Laughter, and two golden Bands with Pink Gems appeared around the hooves of the Pinkie on the right.

“What?!” The second Dash said as she was now joining the first one in the “about to explode” category.


“Pink Ranger Power!”

Within seconds, there were two Pink Rangers leaping through the air, headed straight for Zecora.

“Okay...” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m officially confused. I had no idea Pinkie was a Ranger.”

“Really?” the other Dash asked. “I’m surprised.”

“I do not believe what I see,” Zecora said. “Two Pink Rangers coming after me? This day is very confusing indeed. Perhaps-” Zecora was cut off when the two Pinkies drop-bucked the zebra in the face.

{“Thanks, Pink Rangers!” Hunter shouted.)

“Hang on a second,” one of the Rainbow Dashes said. “There’s something oddly familiar about one of those two...”

“Yeah,” the other said. “I would guess that given the fact that one of them is apparently on your team.”

“No, that other one who I’m going to guess is yours.”

“That one? Well she’s been around for a while, but we never knew she was Pinkie until just now.” Just then, Rainbow Dash gasped with a sudden realization. “If Pinkie Pie is the Pink Ranger, then she’s been working with that Green Ranger to try to kill Twilight!”

If Rainbow Dash had fingers, she would have snapped them just then. “Your Pinkie Pie and that Green Ranger attacked us at Canterlot earlier today. But it seemed as though Pinkie didn’t want to really hurt anypony, so it’s not like she’s an evil Ranger per se, right?”

“Well... the two of them have helped us out of jams in the past, but still... why would Pinkie help the Green Ranger try to kill Twilight if she wasn’t evil or under some kind of mind control? I mean- Whoa!” Dash’s talk with Dash was unexpectedly cut off when one of Hunter’s tendrils latched onto her back leg and threw her like a ragdoll. Before the other Dash could react, she too had been thrown by the zebra foe’s Slenderman-style attacks.

“You really need to learn to pay more attention to the battle at hoof, Rangers,” Hunter said with an evil chuckle. “If you aren’t fighting back, then it’s no fun.”

Meanwhile, the two Applejacks and the Blue Ranger Rarity were still fighting the two Trixies. “Do you Pony Rangers still not understand that the power of the Great and Powerful Trixie is far beyond your own?” one of the Trixies asked, firing another bolt of lightning at the Rangers. All three of the Rangers jumped in different directions to avoid the attack. Yellow Ranger Applejack and Rarity barrel rolled to the left and right respectively while Blue Ranger Applejack jumped into the air and headed straight towards the Trixie on the right (the one who didn’t fire the bolt of lightning), landing right on her face with a solid flying kick. The other two Rangers, on the other hoof, kept their distance and fired their blasters at the Trixie who did fire the bolt of lightning. Both of these blasts hit Trixie before she had time to react, causing her to go flying back right on top of her downed counterpart.

Back with the fight with Zecora, the zebra was hard pressed to find an opening. The two Pinkie’s worked together flawlessly, as if they knew not only exactly what the other Pinkie was going to do, but what Zecora was going to do too. She appeared behind them, only to have her attack hit Pinkie’s shield leaving her open just long enough for the other Pinkie to jump kick her in the face. “I do not believe what I see,” Zecora said to herself. “How could they work so cooperatively?” The zebra had little time to even think about this before the other Pinkie galloped up to her and smacked her in the face with her shield, flawlessly followed by a buck from behind by the other Pinkie.

Meanwhile, the Dashes weren’t faring so well with Hunter. His tendrils of darkness had bound all of their legs, and they were kind of helpless at the moment.

“Well this really sucks,” Dash declared as she struggled to get free.

“For the record, I blame you for our current situation,” the other Dash announced, trying to use her wings to pull herself free. “If you’d have just gone on Trixie duty like I’d told you too, my team and I could have handled Hunter, and we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“For the last time-” Dash started. However, she was cut off when something suddenly flew by, slicing Hunter’s tendrils and freeing the Dashes. “What in Celestia’s name?” Whatever attacked Hunter came back around for several more passes, each time striking Hunter and knocking him around. After a few passes, Rainbow Dash realized that whatever was attacking Hunter was green. “It can’t be...” After one more hit that sent Hunter to the ground, the green thing finally landed nearby, facing away from the Dashes. It looked like a green Pony Ranger, but whoever it was had wings instead of the horn of whoever else attacked Canterlot earlier. “Hello?” The Green Ranger turned slightly to glance at Rainbow Dash, but then quickly galloped off, disappearing in a flash of green light. “I don’t believe it...”

“What the hay was that?” the other Rainbow Dash asked.

Dash was just looking in the direction of whoever that was galloped away in. “An old friend...” she finally said, not bothering to turn around. Then, quietly, she whispered to herself, “Thanks. I always knew there was good in you.”

“I grow bored with this,” Hunter announced. “I’ll see you foals later.” The evil zebra then teleported away from the battle.

“Coward! The Great and Powerful Trixie is having a bad day, and you don’t see her running!” one of the Trixie’s shouted while ducking an attack from Blue Ranger Applejack.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie believes it may be time to take it to the next level,” the other Trixie said, before pulling out a small medallion and raising it to the sky. “Ursa Emblem, grant the Great and Powerful Trixie the power of the stars!”

A sparkling mist that looked suspiciously like Nightmare Moon’s hair seeped out of the amulet and started whirling around Trixie, obscuring her from sight. The tornado began to grow massively before dispersing to reveal an Ursa major about the same size as the Megazord.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie likes where the Great and Powerful Trixie is going with this plan,” the other Trixie said. She then began charging her horn with lots of power. “I summon the powers of the moon. Mega spell, activate!” Trixie then fired a huge ball of energy up into the air, only to have it come back down and hit her perfectly, causing her entire body to crackle with energy. She then began growing until she was about the size of the Ursa Major.

“Great,” one of the Dashes said. “They’ve turned into ugly and uglier.”

“The question is, which one is which?” the other Dash replied with a smirk. Moment’s later both were flying away from the hoof of a giant angry Trixie that was trying to stomp them.

“Note to self,” the first Dash said to her counterpart, “stop pissing off the soldiers of the forces of darkness when they're bigger than you.”

The two Twilights who were originally fighting over the Thunder Coin saw the two Trixies grow, causing them both to look back over at the third Twilight who still had the Thunder Coin. “Give me my Thunder Coin,” one of them quickly said. “I need it to help the Rangers.”

“Don’t give her my Thunder Coin!” the other Twilight shouted. “She’s an evil Ranger imposter!”

“You still think I’m the imposter?” Twilight then began charging her horn with energy. “If I was the imposter and not from this world, how do you think I’d be able to do this? Zord summon spell, go!” Twilight’s horn then flared and went out before the Tyrannozord, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Sabre-Tooth Tiger, and Dragon zords all came stampeding towards the battlefield. “How do you like them apples?”

Knowing she’d been bested (since you can’t summon the zords twice in a row) the evil Twilight leapt at the third one, causing her to drop the Thunder Coin. The one slammed into the other, sending them tumbling down a downhill slope. By the time they came to a stop, even the other Twilight didn’t know which was which anymore.

“Gah! Get off of me you fake!”

“What? You're the one who attacked me!”

“Only because I saw you going for your morpher.”

“I’m not even a Pony Ranger!”

“I mean her morpher! I saw you going for it!”

“I was holding it the entire time! That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Both of you, quiet!” the other Twilight shouted. She then trotted up to the other two Twilights and got right up in their faces.. “I don’t care which of you is evil and which of you is an innocent bystander, but if you can’t tell, I have a town to save from an Ursa Major and an overgrown Trixie who still isn’t even a fourth of the size of her ego. (Hay, I don’t think she’s even an eighth of the size!) So if you two don’t mind, I’ll be going now.” Twilight then trotted off, stopping for a moment to pick up the Thunder Coin with her magic, then continuing towards where the other Rangers were gathered.

White Ranger smiled, turning to look at her clone. “There goes the only witness. Since i can’t replace her anymore, I guess I’ll just have to replace you...”

Meanwhile, over by all the other Rangers, Dash was looking unimpressed. “Really? Dinosaurs? I’ve seen better zords.”

“You do realize only two of those zords are actual dinosaurs, right?” Twilight asked. “You see, only the Tyrannozord and Triceratops zords are based on actual dinosaurs. The other three-” Before Twilight could continue, the world around her suddenly froze and a young green pegasus was standing next to her.

“Uh, Twilight,” the pegasus said, “we kind of don’t have time for a science lesson right now.” Before Twilight could respond, the pegasus disappeared and the world around her went back to normal.

“You were saying, Twilight?” one of the Applejacks asked.

“I was... did you see... I could have sworn... never mind. Let’s just take care of those Trixies.”
“Right.” The not-harmony force Dash said before turning back to look at the two brawling Twilight’s. “Hey, whichever one of you guys is our egghead, we need that portal open so we can call our Zords.”

One of the Twilight’s telekinetically threw the other one at a wall before turning to face Dash. “Sure thing. just give me a second.” Her horn lit up, shining brightly as she strained to open up a hole between two worlds. Two layers of overglow appeared on her horn before a swirling black portal, about thirty stories in diameter opened up just outside of the town. “Alright, it’s open. Call your zords.”

“Okay. Red Pegasus Zord!”

“Blue Unicorn Zord!”

“Yellow Pony Zord!”

Three giant robot ponies matching the descriptions the otherworldly rangers had called came charging through the portal. They were bigger than the dinozords, about half again their size. Dash, Blue Ranger Rarity, and Yellow Ranger Applejack all disappeared in flashes of their respective colors, appearing in the cockpits of their zords.

“Harmony Rangers,” Rainbow Dash called to the remaining Pony Rangers. “Let’s get into our own zords and show these Rangers from another world how a real Pony Ranger is supposed to fight.”

“Hang on a second, Dash,” Pinkie Pie called.

“Don’t worry about me,” the other Pinkie Pie said, knocking Zecora away with her shield. “I can handle a zebra on my own when it doesn’t have tendrils striking me from several directions.”

“In that case, no need to wait, Dash. Let’s go!” The six Rangers then all jumped up into the cockpits of their respective zords.

“Blue Ranger, standing by,” Applejack called from the Triceratops zord.

“Yellow Ranger, standing by,” Fluttershy called from the Sabre-Tooth Tiger zord.

“Pink Ranger, standing by,” Pinkie called from the Pterodactyl zord.

“Black Ranger, standing by,” Rarity called from the Mastodon zord.

“Green Ranger, standing by,” Twilight called from the Dragonzord.

“Everypony’s here,” Rainbow Dash said from the Tyrannozord. “Now let’s get started. Megazord formation sequence, go!”

“Flash formation spell, go!” Twilight said, casting a spell on the five zords. With Twilight casting the spell, the Megazord formed in ten seconds flat. The Tyrannozord leapt up into the air and tucked its legs in. The Triceratops and Sabre-Tooth Tiger zords leapt up as well and attached to the Tyrannozord’s legs, forming two larger legs. The Mastodon split from its neck and the two parts flew up to the Megazord. The head came up from behind and the tusks of the Mastodon extended over the Tyrannozord’s shoulders, forming arms, while the body came up in front and formed a chestplate. The Pterodactyl zord flew towards the Megazord and tucked its wings and head in to form a chestplate. Before the Pterodactyl attached the head of the Tyrannozord tucked itself into its chest and was replaced with a humanoid head. The Pterodactyl zord attached to the chest of the Megazord and two horns appeared from behind the Megazord’s head. The Power Sword then descended from the sky and landed right in the hand of the now completed Megazord.

“Megazord ready!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She then opened the comm channel to the Rangers in their now tiny looking Pony Zords. “How do you like them apples, Dash?”

“Meh,” the other Rainbow Dash replied. “Is that all you’ve got?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Twilight said from the Dragonzord. “How about we forget about keeping things simple and jump right into the real action, Dash?”

“Sounds like a plan, Twilight,” the first Rainbow Dash said.

“Then let’s go for it. Dragon-Megazord formation spell! Dragonzord, morph!” The Dragonzord let out a mighty roar before leaping up into the air. It then released pressurized air and began splitting in half from the neck down. The tail and chestplate detatched and the legs rotated to form 90 degree angles. On the Megazord, the Pterodactyl zord detatched and flew around to attach to the back of the Megazord, extending its wings. The Dragonzord then came up and lowered itself onto the shoulders of the Megazord, attaching to its arms and shoulders to form what looked like armor. The chestplate of the Dragonzord came up to form the new chestplate for the Megazord and the Dragonzord’s tail attached to the Pterodactyl zord. The Power Sword then split down the middle and the two halves landed in the Dragon-Megazord’s hands. The Dragon-Megazord then stood tall showing off its two blades and the wingspan of the Pterodactyl zord. It was a little taller than Trixie and the Ursa Major and certainly made the Pony Zords look puny.

“Dragon-Megazord, ready for battle!” all six of the Rangers shouted in unison.

“That...” Yellow Ranger Applejack tried to say. “That ain’t no small zord...”

“Still pretty lame,” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, you six must be pretty pathetic if you need such a powerful zord to take on Trixie.”

“Oh, we aren’t just taking on Trixie,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re going to take that Ursa Major off your hooves, also. Take a seat, Phony Rangers. We’ll show you how it’s done.”

“Yeah, not gonna happen. Megazord sequence, go!”

All three of the other worldly rangers hit a specific button on their control consoles at the same time. Thier Zords moved in close, shifting, twisting, coming apart, and reconnecting themselves, forming into one massive robot Alicorn, standing just as tall as the Trixie and the Ursa. The Red Harmony Force Ranger opened her mouth to comment on this, but the other Dash cut her off with a surprisingly well timed and completely mature remark.
“Shut up, we’re still cooler that you.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not fear either of you're Megazords,” the gigantic magician scoffed. “But just to be sure you cannot win, I’ll go ahead and invite some help.” Trixie cast a spell and in two flashes of light, two massive griffons, one mechanical and one flesh and feathers, appeared next to the unicorn and the Ursa.

“You brought the two Gildas into this battle too?” Harmony Force Dash asked. “Now that’s just plain cheating.”

“Oh, that isn’t cheating,” the Gilda next to Trixie said. The massive griffon then gestured towards Zecora with her talon. The zebra gave a quick nod in reply, shouted something that none of the Rangers could hear, and waved her hoof to the sky. Just then, a huge dragon about the size of the rest of the mega combatants descended and let out a mighty roar. “Now we’re cheating.”

“Five against two?” Harmony Dash asked.

“What’s the matter, Dash?” the other Rainbow Dash asked. “Intimidated?”

“No, I’m just surprised that they’d really stoop that low, that’s all. Anyway, now that the opportunity has presented itself, what would you say to a little wager?”

“Is now really the time for bets?” Twilight asked.

“I’m game for a wager,” the other Dash said, completely ignoring Twilight.

“We each take on the villains from each other’s worlds,” Harmony Dash proceeded. “That way, we can see who’s more adept in combat. After that, whoever gets to and defeats the dragon first is officially the ultimate team of Pony Rangers.”

“You’ve got yourself a deal. No way you can win, though.”

“Then what do you say we stop talking and get started? Harmony Force Rangers, go!” The Dragon-Megazord then began running at the mechanical griffon and Ursa Major.

“No way we’re letting them show us up. Alicorn Megazord, attack!” The mechanical alicorn then began galloping at top speed towards Gilda and Trixie.

The Alicorn Megazord reached Gilda first, charging up it’s horn for an attack as it reared up on it’s back legs and lashed out with it’s forehooves. Gilda blocked the attack, but the lightning from the Alicorn Megazord’s horn arced down, blasting the griffon in the back.

“Had enough, bird girl, or do you want us to keep going and take you down?” Dash taunted as Gilda got back up.

“Come on Gilda, they’re using a pathetic horsey megazord,” Trixie remarkred impatiently. “It’s nowhere near as powerful as the Rangers usual megazord. Take it out already!”

“Shut it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Ours might not be as strong as theirs, but it’s still the better of the two! You just watch and see.”

The Alicorn Megazord quickly took to the sky, it’s horn shining as bright as a star. It looped around and came back as Gilda took off to follow it. A barrage of laser fire sprayed forth from the horn, blasting the unfortunate griffon again and again, until the Megazord’s outstretched hooves slammed into Gilda, and the machine carried her up into the sky. They soon came back down, smashing all four hooves into Gilda’s stomach right as they hit the ground.
“We’ve got the advantage in speed, agility, coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness, not to mention we have swag and more weapons than they do. Our megazord is definitely the best.”

Meanwhile, the Harmony Force Rangers were proving that it was no hard task to take on an Ursa Major when you have six zords attacking in one Megazord. “Hay, Dash,” Twilight said as the Megazord gave two quick slashes to the Ursa. “Do you think we might have overpowered ourselves a little?”

“Probably,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Still, we do kind of need to show those fake Rangers up. They don’t bring their fight to our world without paying for it in whatever glory they think they have.”

“I suppose that’s a decent point, but don’t you think we’re trying a little too hard?”

“Not at all.” Just as Rainbow Dash said this, the Megazord fired several rockets at the Ursa, knocking it back even further. “Okay, we might have gone a little overboard, even in terms of keeping Equestria safe. I suppose there are boundaries.”

The Ursa slowly got up and shook off the attack it just took. “And it took you that long to figure that out?” Trixie shouted. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will admit that she has been bested in combat on occasion in the past, but the Great and Powerful Trixie believes that you Harmony Force Rangers could afford to dial it back a little. After all, the Great and Pow-” Trixie’s rant was cut short when the Megazord charged and gave her a powerful slash that shut her up and knocked her further back.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said. “Thanks to Trixie’s rant, I’m over my guilt for beating the hay out of her. What about you, Twilight?”

“Yup,” Twilight replied. “Same here.”

Meanwhile, the Alicorn Megazord had moved on to the other Trixie, who shot lightning at them as the approached. The Megazord defended itself with it’s wings, blocking most of the attack.

“Ha! You may have beaten Gilda, but the Great and Powerful Trixie is a vastly more difficult and challenging opponent as she is-”

Wham! Trixie was smacked in the face with an abandoned warehouse.

“Wow, you talk just as much as our Trixie. Congratulations, I wasn’t even aware that that was possible. Girls, let’s take her out in one shot. Primary Cannon, Activate!”

The alicorn megazord spread it’s wings, looking as if it was about to choose between taking flight or fight, then lowered it’s head to point it’s horn at Trixie. Electricity began racing all over it’s body, focusing itself into the horn. At the tip of the horn a bright sphere of energy appeared, looking rather ominous to Trixie, who took a step backwards in worry.

“What are you doing? Stop that! The Great and powerful Trixie doesn’t like that and demands that you cease this action at once! Stop it!” The unicorn began throwing spells at the mighty machine, but was horrified to learn that none of them seemed to have any effect, at best causing a few sparks and small explosions to appear.
By now the ball of energy at the end was rather big, about the size of one of the Dragon-Megazord’s fists, and made out of swirling red, yellow, and blue energy.
“Primary Cannon...FIRE!”
Just then, the Dragon-Megazord slammed into them from the side.
Moment’s before, the Dragon-Megazord had finished the Ursa-Trixie and moved on to the Griffon Battlezord, which did seem pretty small and pathetic compared to the Dragon-Megazord, but this didn’t cause Gilda to back down. “You six think you can scare me with that?” Gilda asked, slamming her claw down on a button on her control panel. “Missiles, fire!” At that moment, several missiles fired from the mechanical griffon towards the Megazord.

“Not good,” Rainbow Dash said to herself. “Power Sabers, defend!” The Megazord moved its twin sabers into a defensive position to block the missiles. This was successful for five of the missiles, but two more got around the defense and struck the Megazord.

“Now that’s playing dirty,” Pinkie said to herself. “Girls, I’m gonna take us out of the line of fire.” Pinkie then pressed several buttons on her control panel, causing the Megazord to take flight.

“You pathetic little ponies,” Gilda shouted. “Did you forget that I have wings as well?” The Griffon Battlezord then took off after the Megazord.

“I’m not going to say that was a horrible move,” Rarity commented, “but it doesn’t seem like it was that well planned out.”

“Don’t worry, Rarity,” Pinkie said. “I have a plan. Hold on to something!” The Megazord then began pulling up and flying back towards the the mechanical griffon. Gilda barely had any time to react before the Megazord passed right over her and slashed her with two quick strikes. As the mechanical griffon went down, the Megazord landed and took a triumphant stance. “You see? I had the whole thing under con-” Pinkie was cut short when a mysterious force blasted the Megazord and sent it flying into the Alicorn Megazord.

As the Alicorn Megazord was knocked over by the impact, it fired it’s attack, missing the target completely, and hitting a small mountain in the distance, which suddenly turned into a plateau as a result of the explosion. The two Megazords went down, thankfully only smashing the buildings in the abandoned warehouse district when they crashed. (Seriously, why do they even have an abandoned warehouse district?)

Something large, black, and white was standing just outside of town... and it looked like a really big unicorn robot.

“The Monochromatic Megazord! It’s about dang time White Ranger showed her ugly face!” the Dash in the alicorn megazord announced. “Hey Faker! Get your big fat Megazord off of ours! We need to go kick her flank!”

“What are you, crazy?” Harmony Dash asked. “You still have our Trixie to finish. We’ll take care of that... whatever it is.”

“Wait!” the other Dash shouted. However, the Dragon-Megazord had already taken off in the direction of the mechanical unicorn. “Those idiots. They’re going to be glue if they go up against Rangers Black and White. Come on, Rangers. We need to save them.” The Alicorn Megazord was about to take off when it was suddenly struck by a bolt of lighting.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will not be ignored,” Trixie shouted. “I haven’t even finished destroying you three.”

“We don’t have time for this,” Blue Ranger Rarity shouted.

“No we don’t,” Rainbow Dash added. “But it seems we have no choice.” The Alicorn Megazord then turned its attention back to Trixie, who quickly realized her mistake.

“Maybe this wasn’t the best of the Great and Powerful Trixie’s plans,” the massive magician said to herself.

Meanwhile, the Dragon-Megazord was flying at top speed towards the Monochrome Megazord. “Come and get it,” a voice said over the Megazord’s comm that could only belong to one of the pilots of the colorless zord. Twilight was sure she had heard that voice before, but she couldn’t quite place her hoof on where.

“Oh, we are totally going to take it,” Rainbow Dash shouted. “If by ‘it’, you mean victory! Now take this!” The Dragon-Megazord was within range to strike the Monochrome Megazord and about to strike with one of its sabers, but some invisible force had blocked the attack before it made contact. “What the-?”

“Really, Harmony Rangers?” a second pilot asked. Twilight was almost certain she had heard this voice before, as well, but again was unable to remember where. “You try a melee attack on two powerful and skilled unicorns? Sad.” Before the Harmony Rangers could react, they were struck by a blast of black and white magic energy emitting from the Monochromatic Megazord’s horn.

The Alicorn Megazord had just finished burying Trixie in abandoned warehouses when they saw the Dragon-Megazord get sent flying by the Monochromatic Megazord. (Ahh! Too many Megazords to keep track of! Make it stop!)

“Dang it, I told them they were out of their league!” Dash grumbled, as the Black and White Rangers charged up for a second attack. “If they get hit by that thing again, their Megazord is going to be totaled. Come on girls, we’ve got some Rangers to save. I want full power in the shields and the Wing shields in place for a hit. Be ready for massive damage and a counter attack as soon as we get hit.”

The Alicorn Megazord sprang into action, jumping in front of the downed Dragon-Megazord, moving it’s wings in front of itself to block the attack that was coming as a blue field of energy encased it’s body. The Monochromatic Megazord fired a beam of white and black energy that slammed into the Rangers defense, resulting in a large amount of sparks and explosions all across the alicorn Megazord’s body.

“Wing armor is compromised,” Applejack announced. “Flight systems are offline. Shields are holding at thirty percent power.”

“Main power grid is damaged and bleeding energy,” Rarity reported. “Auxiliary power will keep us at minimal operating capacity, but once we lose the shields we’re not getting them back without extensive repairs. Also, the magical weapons systems are shot.”

“In other words, we can take one more hit, and we can’t fight back,” Dash summarized. “Dang it! They’ve gotten even stronger! And thanks to those other Ranger idiots, they're going to annihilate us! I told them to leave it to us!”

The Dragon (the one Zecora summoned, in case anypony forgot like agent_cupcakes did) approached the two helpless megazords, hoping to finish one off. He raised his claws up to strike, but when he brought it down a black and white shield stopped his attack.
“No,” said one of the evil Megazords pilots. “Let them suffer with the knowledge of just how helpless they really are.” With that the air began to ripple and shimmer as the Dragon, the evil Megazord, the Griffon Battlezord, both Trixies, the giant Gilda, and Zecora all disappeared. On the ground, only one unconscious Twilight remained.

The damaged Alicorn Megazord approached the Dragon-Megazord. “I hope you Harmony Rangers are happy,” Dash said. “Just please tell me you can help repair the zords quickly. If they show up again and the zords aren’t fixed, we’re all gonna be toast.”

“Hay,” Green Ranger Twilight said, “our zords are damaged too.”

“That’s because you were completely out of your league and you knew it. We’re the only ones who can take on the Monochromatic Megazord, and we would have defeated them if you hadn’t gotten in the way.”

“Why I oughta...”

“No, Twilight,” Harmony Dash said. “I hate to admit it, but they’re right.” All five members of Dash’s team let out a collective gasp of confusion and shock. “I know you girls are surprised to see me admit such a thing, but we are faced with something way beyond our league. If we had just listened to those other Rangers, the zords might not be this damaged and those evil Rangers might already be finished. I guess what I’m trying to say to the other Rainbow Dash is...” Rainbow Dash paused for a moment before very quietly murmuring, “I’m sorry.”

“What was that?” the other Dash asked, pretending she didn’t hear Rainbow Dash but just wanted to hear her apologize again. “I didn’t quite catch that.”

“I said... I’M FLYING SORRY!!!!

The volume of how loud Dash shouted this nearly damaged the Alicorn Megazord’s comm system and certainly gave the other Rangers a headache. “All right,” Dash said, getting up and massaging her head. “Apology accepted. Now let’s get back to... wherever you keep your zords. And bring our egghead with us. One of those Rangers knocked her unconscious while we were busy fighting the Gildas and Trixies.”

“I’m on it,” Twilight said. She then began charging her horn with energy and in several flashes of light, the Megazords, Rangers, and the unconscious Twilight, were all teleported back to Canterlot.

Back on the Moon base, Blueblood smiled as he used a crystal ball to watch the Rangers take the unconscious Twilight with them. “Excellent. White Ranger’s back up plan is working just fine.” He turned to face the other assembled villains. “What’s our current status?”

Trixie sighed. “The Ursa Emblem is on it’s twenty four hour recharge, but is still usable. The Great and Powerful Trixie will be ready to take down their zords tomorrow.”

The Gilda in the unitard looked up from the machine part she was tinkering with, an oil stain on her face. “The damage to the Griffon Battlezord isn’t the worst I’ve ever seen. I should have it up and running by then if Trixie gives me a hand... er, hoof.”

Zecora watched her now bite-sized Dragon attack a number of plastic pony dolls that looked like the Rangers. “My ferocious Dragon is unharmed, and when the Rangers see it again they’ll be quite alarmed.”

Just then, Nightmare Moon walked into the room. “I trust everything went well and the Pony Rangers (with the exception of you two, Rangers White and Black) are destroyed?”

“Not quite yet,” the White Ranger said. “However, in this plan, the key is patience. With the exception of losing my cover as their Green Ranger, everything is falling into place. Don’t worry about a thing, Nightmare. The plan will be complete by tomorrow.”

“I certainly hope so.” Nightmare then began walking out of the room.

“Do you seriously rely on hope in this world?” Trixie asked Zecora. The zebra just shrugged in reply.

Back at Canterlot, both teams of Pony Rangers were gathered in the computer room. “Wow,” Rainbow Dash said, looking around.

“I know,” the other Dash replied. “Pretty sweet, huh?”

“No, it’s a total rip-off of our command center back in our world.”

“There really is no pleasing you, is there?”

Just then, Twilight came walking in from the other room. “That Twilight is going to be ok,” Twilight said to the others. “It must have been that third Twilight that knocked her unconscious.”

“And what about the zords?” one of the Applejacks asked.

“Well...” Twilight started, trotting over to her console. “Their designs are incredibly simple compared to our zords, but that doesn’t exactly mean they’ll be up and trotting in a matter of minutes. Since they’re unfamiliar to me, the repairs should take the rest of the day and part of tomorrow morning, but they’ll be ok.”

“So that means we’re stuck here until tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What if our evil Rangers show up again?”

“Only time will tell, I’m afraid.”

“Don’t feel so bad,” Harmony Dash said to her counterpart, giving her a slight prod with her elbow. “You’ve got us to keep you company.”

“I suppose that’s true,” the other Dash said. “Of course, that probably means I’m going to die of boredom even faster.”

“Now I highly doubt anypony’s gonna die of boredom,” Yellow Ranger Applejack said, trotting up to her Red Ranger. “How about this: since the bad guys are taking a break, how about we do some training?”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” both Dashes said in unison.

“Of course, I’d totally do better than you,” Harmony Dash said to her counterpart.

“Here we go again,” Twilight said to herself.

“Well, I’m going to go work on the zords,” Pinkie said, trotting towards the door. “Goodness knows my rangers can’t do zord work without help.”

“What about practice?” the other Pinkie asked as she trotted after her counterpart.

“I practiced with our Green Ranger; compared to that, you’re methods are nothing but warm ups.”

“In the meantime,” Twilight said, “I kind of want to study your fighting styles a little closer, new Rangers, er... your team does have a name like ours is ‘Harmony Force’, right?”

“Nope,” Dash answered. “We’ve never needed one, so we never bothered to think one up. Pony Rangers worked just fine by itself until today. Hay, why do you want to study our fighting styles, anyway?”

“I think I can figure out how you're evil Rangers fight if I know how you four or five do.”

“So in other words, you’re just trying to get the upper-hoof on us, right?”

“That’s pretty much it,” Rainbow Dash said.

“No it isn’t,” Twilight quickly said. “We’re getting the upper-hoof on the villains and using the best research material available to do so.”

“Well, I suppose we could pair off,” the other Dash said. “Watch out for Rarity’s kicks though, I broke two legs trying to block one once. AJ would have done more damage, but she’s still new to the whole “martial arts” thing, and still hasn’t quite got the hang of the proper technique.”

Yellow Ranger Applejack grumbled something under her breath, but didn’t say anything out loud.

“Sounds like an excellent idea,” Black Ranger Rarity said. “Now, then, I suppose I’ll be taking myself on.”

“Did you not hear what Rainbow Dash said?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I did, but what’s the worst that could happen if I take myself on?”

“I dunno,” Twilight said. “My best guess is that, upon you two making contact, the whole of time and space would collapse, the fabric of reality would tear, and all life would be sucked into the void of the Time Vortex.”

All of the others stared at Twilight with confused expressions for a moment. “Uh-huh...” Blue Ranger Rarity said. “Anyway, I’ll be taking myself on, I guess.”

“I could give you a few pointers if we go against each other,” Blue Ranger Applejack said to Yellow Ranger Applejack.

“And the best of the best will be decided amongst us,” the two Rainbow Dashes said in unison.

“Seriously,” Harmony Dash said, “stop doing that. You’re creeping me out worse than Tank did the first time I met him.”

“Oh, so you don’t know what a Changeling is, but you still have your own pet turtle?” the other Dash asked. “You guys aren’t just behind. You’re all over the place.”

Pinkie popped her head back into the room. “I’ll take on the winners.” She declared before exiting once again.

“Okay,” Twilight said. “Anyway, we don’t exactly have an actual training room, but there is plenty of space in the Pterodactyl zord’s hangar for us. After all, it is usually hanging on the ceiling, so the floor space is never used for anything. Now, it’s going to be a bit hot since it’s in a volcano, but all the more training value, right?”

“Again, that’s a warm-up for me,” Pinkie called. “No pun intended.”

“That’s great,” Rainbow Dash said. “Take us there now.”

“Okay,” Twilight said. She then teleported all of the Pony Rangers to the Pterodactyl zord’s hangar, where there really was a lot of space on the ground. The place was entirely metal and the perimeter of the room was a perfect square, fitting the Pterodactyl zord’s wingspan from corner to corner with plenty of room to spare. As for the zord itself, it was hanging at least fifty feet above the Rangers. “It’s improv, but it works.”

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash said, “let’s pair up and fight.”

The Rangers got into groups, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Pinkie, and Twilight standing off to the side.

“Go Harmony Rangers!” one Pinkie cheered.

“Hey, why are you rooting for my team?” the other Pinkie asked.

“Because I want a rematch, duh.”

“Shh,” Twilight said. “You’ll break everypony’s concentration.” The unicorn then materialized a bag of popcorn. “Popcorn, anypony?”

First to battle was the two Applejacks. “Y’all ready for this, partner?” Blue Ranger Applejack asked, placing her Element of Harmony on her neck.

“Am I ready?” Yellow Ranger Applejack asked, summoning her morphers. “Do you even know who you’re talkin’ to?”

“I’d reckon I do. ELEMENT OF HONESTY!” In a flash of blue light, Applejack’s full blue Ranger armor appeared and she took an offensive stance. “Harmony Force, Ranger Blue.”

“Bring it on, then. Yellow Ranger Power!”

The two Applejacks then charged at each other. Yellow Ranger leapt to attack Blue Ranger, but Blue Ranger did a quick slide which proceeded a reverse sky buck. (Which, in case anypony is as confused as both agent_cupcakes and xanderman1201 are, is where a pony stands on her forelegs, angles her hind legs upwards, and springs upwards using her forelegs resulting in a powerful kick that can deal decent damage to any enemy above the user, but is severely limited by gravity and their own weight.) This caught Yellow Ranger off guard and she fell on her side. “Remember to keep your guard up in all locations at all times,” Blue Ranger said, landing perfectly on all fours. “Let that be your first lesson.”

“Okay,” Yellow Ranger said, getting up. “But this match ain’t done, is it?”

“Nope. I still got plenty left to teach you.”

Nearby, the two Rarities were starting their battle. Unlike the Applejacks, the Rarities decided to have an unmorphed fight.
“Okay, Darling, let’s do this,” the Blue Ranger said, striking a battle ready pose.

“Agreed, Darling,” said the Black ranger striking an equally battle ready pose.

The two rushed each other in a graceful manner. The Black Ranger’s spin kick was dodged and countered with two jabs and a karate chop, which were in turn countered with a back hoof strike and a traditional buck. The Blue ranger caught this buck with her forehooves, and then tossed her opponent.

“Seems you have a lot to learn, Darling.”

“And I suppose you’re going to teach me, Darling?”

“Of course, Darling.”

In another part of the hangar, the two Rainbow Dashes were slowly circling each other. “So,” Harmony Dash asked, “morphed or un-morphed? I’ll beat you either way, but I’m feeling nice enough to let you decide.”

“Morphed,” the other Dash said, summoning her morphers. “I wanna see what you’ve really got so I can prove more easily that I’m way cooler than you.”

“No problem.” Rainbow Dash then put on her Element of Harmony. “Except for that last part about you being cooler than me. ELEMENT OF LOYALTY!”

“Red Ranger Power!”

The two Rainbow Dashes then flew right at each other. Harmony Dash swerved upwards at the last moment before the two hit each other, but the other Dash followed in close pursuit. Harmony Dash tried flying quickly this way and that, doing her best to confuse her counterpart to little success.

“Really?” the other Dash asked. “You’re running away?”

“Not exactly,” Harmony Dash said, stopping suddenly and turning to strike her opponent before she had a chance to put on her brakes. Rainbow Dash was knocked back a little, but she quickly recovered.

“You call that an attack?” Dash taunted. “I barely felt that. My Fluttershy hits harder than that.” After a short pause, Dash added, “Heck, my Fluttershy’s pet bunny can hit harder than that.”

Meanwhile, back at the Rarities, Black ranger found herself in a tough spot. Blue Ranger was coming at her with lightning fast jabs, and it was taking all her concentration and focus just to dodge them.

“Well, Darling, I do admit, you may be just a tiny bit more athletic than me, and might have slightly better training in martial arts.”

Suddenly Blue Ranger found her hooves wrapped in the aura of her own magic, (well, actually, it was her opponent’s magic, but since she was her own opponent, it’s safe to say the magic belonged to Rarity) holding them to prevent her from moving.

“However, Darling, it seems I have you beat in the field of magic.”

“Not quite, Darling,” Blue Ranger said as her horn lit up. The plate of metal Black Ranger was standing on suddenly broke free and rose up into the air, causing the Black ranger to stumble and lose both her balance and her concentration.

“My Twilight assigned me a daily magical exercise routine, and let me tell you, Darling, it’s been working wonders with my magic.”

Back at the fight between the Applejacks, Yellow Ranger was taking a bit of a beating from the “lessons” Blue Ranger was giving her. “Lesson 48,” Blue Ranger said, “always know where your opponent is.”

“You do realize that 45 of those lessons had nothing to do with martial arts, right?” Yellow Ranger asked.

“Really? Because I was sure that one with the Ursa Swipe attack was-” Blue Ranger was cut off when Yellow Ranger charged up and bucked her opponent in the face.

“I believe that was the first lesson: don’t let your guard down.”

“Good... hit...” Blue Ranger said, lying on the floor holding her muzzle. “I’ll be alright. I’m just not used to somepony managing to lower my guard and get a successful hit in in that particular way, that’s all.”

“Well... I hope you're getting something useful out of this, Ms. Other Twilight, because I really don’t see much point to these matches,” Pinkie announced.

“You seem a bit more like a grump than I am; why is that?” the Harmony force Pinkie inquired of her counterpart.

“Well, when you spend a lot of your time hanging out with a jerk it kind of rubs off on you. Don’t worry though; I’m still my good old bubbly self on the inside.”

“Well as long as you’re the same on the inside, you’re still my friend.”

Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other with confused expressions for a moment. “I honestly expected two Pinkie Pies meeting to be a little more... explosive,” Twilight said.

“Why explosive?” Fluttershy asked.

“I dunno. I couldn’t think of a good term for ‘Oh sweet mother of Lauren Faust, all of Equestria is screwed.’”

“Actually, explosive might be an understatement.”

“You two do realize we’re right here, right?” one of the Pinkies asked.

“Yeah, even if only in body, cus my mind is kind of wandering in boredom and-oh look, something interesting is happening!”

The bystanders looked over to see Black ranger Rarity slap Blue ranger Rarity in the face. Blue Ranger returned with a slap of her own, and the whole thing quickly devolved into a standard cat-fight, complete with mane pulling, biting, and blinding bursts of magic to the face.

“Oh, wait, I was wrong. Never mind.”

Meanwhile, the two Rainbow Dashes were still having their epic duel far above the “battle” the Rarities were having, neither one seeming even slightly distracted by what was going on below them. “I’m genuinely impressed by your skills,” Harmony Dash said. “Really, I am.”

“Are you, now?” the other Dash asked. “Well there’s plenty more where that came from.” Dash then charged at Dash, aiming to send a hoof right into Dash’s face. However, Dash blocked Dash’s attack and followed up with a knee to the stomach. This attack didn’t phase Dash, though, as she did a backflip and bucked Dash in the face.

“I don’t know what you're gameplan is,” Dash said, backing away and rubbing her chin. “But I do know that my being impressed with you is quickly diminishing.”

“Ditto,” Dash replied.

Meanwhile Blue Ranger Rarity picked herself up off the floor, while the Black ranger simply laid there, not having the strength to get back up.

“What did we learn today, Darling?”

“Never call our outfits tackey.”

“And don’t you forget it,” the Blue ranger said, before helping her other self up. “I didn’t hurt you too bad, now did I?”

“Not at all, but I still feel I’m done for the day.”

“Well, that battle’s over,” Pinkie said. “I wonder how the Applejacks are doing.” This was answered by the Blue Ranger Applejack being thrown right into Pinkie.

“Good... throw...” Applejack said, apparently too exhausted to even keep her head upright.

“Well AJ seems to have improved,” Blue Ranger Rarity said. “Hay, where are the Rainbow Dashes?”

Right as Rarity asked this, the Pterodactyl zord came crashing down, nearly crushing several of the others. “That was totally your fault,” Harmony Dash shouted, getting up from lying on the back of the zord.

“You’re the one who hit it,” the other Dash said, slowly descending to help her counterpart up.

“I only hit it because you threw me into it.”

“I threw you into it because you were trying to buck me into the ceiling!”

“I saw you going for your sword!”

“You were trying to choke me!”

“Both of you stop!” Twilight shouted. Both Rainbow Dashes immediately stopped arguing and looked over at Twilight.

“So which one of us won?” Harmony Dash asked. “It was totally me because I didn’t try to cheat by using a weapon, wasn’t it?”

“If anything counts as cheating, a headlock has to be one of them.”

“I think that Zord work needs to wait,” Pinkie said to herself, before turning to Twilight. “Can you take everyone else back to the command room and come check on us later? I think we need to solve this before the problem gets any worse and I know just the way to do it.”

“Okay,” Twilight said. She then turned to the arguing Rainbow Dashes and sighed to herself. “Good luck, Pinkie. Everypony else, let’s get back to Canterlot.” The Rangers (except for the two Dashes and Pinkie Pie) all gathered around Twilight as the unicorn teleported everypony back to the computer room.

Back on the moon base, everyone was sitting around waiting for everyone to be ready for the next attack. The Trixies were playing Go Fish, Gilda and Gilda were playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Zecora was teaching Hunter how her magic works, even though Hunter was doing his best to not listen to Zecora’s rhymes, and Prince Blueblood was busy brushing his mane a hundred-something times. The evil Twilight, on the other hoof, wasn’t being so patient. She kept chasing Nightmare’s manticore, insisting that he spar with her, and it was definitely getting on the manticore’s nerves. After a while, Nightmare finally walked in to see how everyone was getting along. “Ah,” she said. “I see nopony’s killed each other yet.”

“Not for lack of trying, mind you,” Trixie announced. “White Ranger has been rather aggressive since she got back... but not in her usual way. She hasn’t insulted Trixie even once since she got back and, quite frankly, it’s freaking Trixie out.”

“Yeah, she just keeps trying to fight the Manticore. It’s really weird. It’s almost like it’s not really her,” the other Trixie said with a chuckle.

“Hmm...” Nightmare said to herself. “Well, it’s not like I know your Twilight that well, so I wouldn’t know what’s strange and what isn’t. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

“With all due respect, Nightmare,” one of the Gildas said, “it is most certainly far from nothing. When it comes to evil, she’s a close second to our own master, and he’s, well, the Dark Lord.”

“For her to act this way...” Trixie continued. “There’s just no explaining it. Even somepony as great and powerful as the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t explain it.”

“You aren’t that great and powerful, Trixie,” Twilight said, finally giving up trying to fight the manticore and trotting over to where the others were. “And everything’s perfectly fine, so stop worrying about me and start worrying about what I’m going to do to you if this next attack fails.” Twilight then huffed and quickly trotted off, closing her eyes to hide a nervous glint in them.

“I’m no expert,” Nightmare said, “but that sounded a little like overcompensation for something...”

Back at the Pterodactyl Zord’s hanger, Dash and Dash were giving their fullest attention to Pinkie... that is, when they weren’t busy giving each other dirty looks. Pinkie sighed, knowing it was going to take a long while to get them to stop doing that.

“Alright, you two need to stop bickering and start getting along,” Pinkie said, “so we’re going to do what me and my Green Ranger did to get learn how to get along.”

“What’s that?” one of the Dashes asked, wanting to get whatever was going to happen over and done with.

“I’m going to beat the ever-loving snot out of you both until you start playing nice.”

“Pfft,” Harmony Dash said. “You? Beat the ‘ever-loving snot’ out of me?” The other Dash started backing slowly away, but Harmony Dash took no notice. “No offence, Pinkie, but you don’t have nearly enough of the skills needed to even lay a hoof on-” Dash was cut off abruptly when Pinkie charged up and gave her a powerful smack with her hoof, causing the prismatic pegasus to stumble backwards. “Ow! What the hay was that?”

“Just a little taste of what happens when you don’t take things seriously around me when I need you to take things seriously.” Pinkie then indicated the other Rainbow Dash. “She’s seen me in combat, albeit never in my unmorphed state, so she knew how to avoid the first strike.” Harmony Dash turned to give her counterpart another dirty look, but the other prismatic pegasus just gave a quick smirk. This resulted in earning them both another smack from Pinkie Pie. “No dirty looks, and no smirks. That’s one of the things I want to address during our little session. The whole point of this is to get you two to play nice, and nopony is leaving until we accomplish that, or you beat me.”

The pink pony adopted an awkward looking two legged stance, that didn’t look like it was even remotely practical for combat. “Let me know when you’re ready.”

“Ready!” both Dashes shouted together, before simultaneously leaping at her prepared to-


Both Dashes hit the floor three yards away from the pink pony, groaning in pain. Each tried to sort through their heads and figure out what had just happened, but neither could seem to remember, nor focus on trying to remember with Pinkie giggling at their misfortune, still standing in the same weird stance.

Quickly getting to their hooves, they tried again, this time going at her from the sides in hopes of-


The Dashes found themselves groaning on the floor, ten yards away from each other, with Pinkie standing exactly half way between them, chuckling at their misery.

The Dashes got to their hooves, and then took to the air, hoping to use their natural talent to their advantage as-


“Wow, you two are bad at this,” Pinkie laughed, as the Dashes struggled to get back up, finding themselves back in the exact same spots they had been in before the fighting started.

“How the hay are you doing that?” one of the Dashes asked.

“It’s simple, really,” Pinkie said, turning around quickly to strike the other Dash who thought she could get the drop on the pink pony. “I’m calm and collected (and have way more training) while you two are fighting while at the same time being at each other's throats.”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” the other Dash asked, getting up.

“It means exactly what it says. The only way you two are going to be able to do anything in combat is if you just put aside whatever differences you’re imagining you have and stop trying so desperately to show each other up.” Right as Pinkie finished saying this, the other Dash that Pinkie was facing away from tried to get the drop on her, despite the result that got for her counterpart.

Yeah, the same thing happened.

“My point,” Pinkie continued, “is that you two need to realize that you are not each other's enemies and learn to work together.” Pinkie then took an offensive stance. “Now, why don’t you two try again. But this time, try to work together. It’ll take more than one of any of you other Rangers to even hope to defeat me, anyway.”

Naturally, the Dashes egos and competitive spirit refused to allow them to accept this message.


“This is going to take longer than I thought.”

Back at the base, Blue Ranger Rarity and Yellow Ranger Applejack were “helping” Twilight fix the pony zords... and by “helping” I mean trying to help, but inadvertently being completely useless and the exact opposite of helpful.

“Are you two sure there’s nothing else you can do around here?” Twilight asked. “Maybe you could... share some tips with the others? Oh, or maybe you could go check on the other Twilight for me. She should be okay by now.”

“You just want us out of your mane, don’t you?” Applejack asked.

“Not exactly... I don’t mean... Yes, I do want you ‘out of my mane’. It’s not that I don’t enjoy your company, but... Seriously, though, somepony does need to check on the other Twilight.”

“Fine,” Rarity said. The two ponies then trotted out of the room. “A little rude, don’t you think?” Rarity said to Applejack as the two left.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and went back to work. “Glad that’s out of the way. Now then, back to work... How can these things be so simple in design yet so complicated to repair when they’re this badly damaged?”

Just then, Spike walked in from one of the doors (presumably somehow connected to that room he’s always walking in from) and yawned, stretching his arms. He blinked once or twice, before finally realizing what was wrong with the scene he was seeing.

“Twilight... when did we get new Zords?”

“Spike?” Twilight asked, rather startled at Spike’s sudden appearance after nearly three whole chapters. “What do you mean ‘new zords’? Have you been sleeping for the past...” Twilight took a second to look at her watch. “Wow, is it really that late?”

“Yeah, 3 AM is pretty late to be making so much noise with zord repairs. Which brings me back to my previous question: When did we get new zords?”

Twilight spent what might have been 20 or 30 minutes explaining to Spike what had happened over the course of the past several hours that he had been sleeping through.

“...So you see, Spike, we’re on the brink of disaster and these new zords that those other Pony Rangers pilot seem to be our only hope.”

Spike was silent for a moment before he finally replied to all of what Twilight had said. “You do realize that almost all of that is incredibly far fetched, right?”

Just then, the other Twilight walked in with Rarity. “Twilight’s alright, Twilight,” Rarity called as she walked in.

“What the-?” the confused baby dragon asked as he continuously looked back and forth between the two Twilights. After awhile, he finally just gave up, threw his arms in the air, and started walking off. “That’s it, I’m going back to bed.”

“Hang on, Spike,” Twilight said, hopping off of one of the pony zords and going after her baby dragon assistant. “I promise you aren’t dreaming and you aren’t hallucinating from lack of sleep.”

“And I’m guessing that we’ll need his help to get these Zords running again,” the other Twilight said. “Holy cow, I’ve never seen them in such bad condition before. What happened to them?”

“A full force blast from the Monochromatic Megazord,” Rarity explained. “We were trying to protect the other Rangers and their Zords. It didn’t turn out so well.”

“Dang, they must have gotten a lot stronger.”

“Wait,” the first Twilight said. “You mean that they aren’t normally this strong and that they have the potential to become stronger?”

“Well...” Rarity said. “That’s what we’re guessing, at least.”

“You guys do realize that I’m not following any of this, right?” Spike asked. “I woke up literally 45 minutes ago.”

“Good,” the other Twilight said. “I’m guessing that means you’ve had time for coffee.”

“Actually, I-” Spike didn’t have any time to continue before Twilight walked over to Twilight.

“Wow. You’ve done some pretty good work on these for never seeing them before today.”

“Well, they aren’t that complicated,” Twilight said. “Besides, a zord is a zord, right?” This was answered by the Blue Unicorn Zord whinnying intimidatingly and backing away from Twilight.

“More like a living machine, actually. While you’ve done some pretty decent repairs, you have to understand that what you’re doing is less similar to repairing a mechanical dragon and more like... nursing a foal back to health.”

“Really? Huh. I never thought of it like that.”

Meanwhile, back at the Pterodactyl Zord hanger, both Dashes lay groaning in pain on the floor, all but defeated, while Pinkie stood on all fours not to far away. The party pony had barely even broken a sweat holding off their attacks.

“We’ve got all night guys,” Pinkie said, “and I can keep this up for as long as I need to.”

“I don’t think we can beat her,” one of the Rainbow Dashes said.

“Once again, there’s your problem. You aren’t fighting as ‘we’, you’re fighting as ‘me and you’.” The two Rainbow Dashes looked at Pinkie for a moment with confusion and then looked back at each other.

“Do you have any idea what the hay she’s talking about?” the other Dash asked.

Harmony Dash thought for a moment in silence before answering. “Actually, I think I do.”

“Finally!” Pinkie said to herself. “I think we’re actually getting somewhere.”

“What she’s trying to teach us is that we need to accept that we’re both pretty much the same pony and we need to work together if we’re ever going to be successful.”

“YES!” Pinkie shouted. “Finally, you’ve got it! Now we can-”

“Now then, follow my lead and we’ll be able to beat her.”

“No way,” the other Dash said. “You follow me into battle and we’ll win.”

“Hay. My world. My rules.”

“You and I both know that I have more power than you!”

“Here we go again,” Pinkie said, facehoofing.

*Dramatic narrator voice* And so night turned to day, and the Dashes ended up passing out and sleeping in the hanger. Pinkie left when they’d fallen asleep, heading out to get breakfast (most likely a very sugary one), and Twilight, Twilight and Spike worked through the night, only successfully repairing a few of the zords.

Meanwhile, the residents and temporary residents of the moon base fared slightly better. The repairs on the Griffon Battlezord as well as the Monochromatic Megazord were completed with plenty of time for their pilots to get some shuteye, and the rest of the villains had completely rested and recovered for the battle at hoof.

At the same time, the residents of Ponyville rested easily, completely unaware of the battle that was going to take place in a matter of hours. The battle that could spell... the end of time itself.

Back in the void-like room, Xanderman was waving his hoof wildly in front of agent_cupcakes, shouting, “No, no, no. This isn’t going to be an ‘end of time’ battle.”

“Okay, fine,” agent_cupcakes said. “How about simply... ‘The end of Equestria as we know it’?”

“That works, I guess.”

“Anyway, we should leave that battle for the next part. An epic climax filling the entire space of one chapter.”

“Actually, that isn’t a bad idea, either.”

With that in mind, the two ponies rested after working tirelessly to write a particularly long chapter, eagerly awaiting the outcome of their efforts when they got back to work.

Author's Note:

I know this is well beyond late, given the fact that I'm already six chapters into season 2, but as I believe has already been established, Xanderman1201 has been having computer issues that kept this from being completed. Anyway, part four should be posted... sometime within the next couple months. Lol, XD. Seriously, though, thanks for your patience.