• Published 14th Jun 2014
  • 3,718 Views, 4 Comments

The Art of Attraction - Anonymule

Princess Celestia uncovers one of Rarity's most personal secrets. Will this lead to embarrassment for the unicorn mare, or will it lead to something neither of them expected??

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The Art of Attraction

The Art of Attraction




Ponies scurried hastily from place to place. Hanging up banners, picking up litter, and general maintenance that was deemed necessary for the princess’ visit. Local merchants and hotel owners were gearing up for the ceremonies that would take place in a few days time.There was sure to be an influx of equines from all over Equestria, heading to the small town of Ponyville to witness history in the making. The Royal Pony Sisters were coming down from Canterlot as Princess Cadence made her way from The Crystal Empire in order to bless the new castle, as well as the new princess it would house.

The hustle and bustle of the already loud afternoon was shattered by the blare of trumpets indicating the arrival of royalty. Ponies’ eyes took to the cloudless sky, a credit to the local weather team, to see a familiar golden chariot being pulled by two elite pegasi guards of the Royal Army. Making room so the chariot could land, the locals shuffled to either side of the path that ran through the town center.

Slowing their descent, both of the royal guards gave a few counter flaps in synch with one another as they began to land. They landed as gently as they could on the cobbled path of Mane Street. Her Majesty, Princess Celestia waved to the cheering ponies as she exited her chariot. She walked by the guards, nodding at them to signal to head back to the castle she shared with her little sister.

Clearing her throat, Princess Celestia called out to the crowd in her regal tone. “My beloved subjects please, carry on with what you were doing prior to my arrival. I have come to check up on preparations for the upcoming blessing of The Castle of Friendship.” Following her orders, the ponies around her went back to what they were doing beforehoof. Princess Celestia began to walk, her tail following behind her as she regally made her way down the street.

At the end of Mane Street, after a short walk, Princess Celestia stepped in the shadow of her destination. The architecture of the building in front of her was only surpassed by her Royal Palace, and was truly a remarkable sight. Much like the pony that inhabited this feat of architectural design, the lines that made up the walls of this structure were well balanced and proportional to the rest of the design. Colorful the building is, but not gaudy, the colors complimented each other in a pleasing manner.

Reaching for the door, Princess Celestia knocked three times in short sequence. Classical music was playing loudly from within The Carousel Boutique. the musical piece, with Princess Celestia recognised as Neightovenes fifth symphony in the key of C, was soon drowned out by hooves meeting the tile floor of the establishment.The door opened to reveal the owner of The Carousel Boutique, Rarity, who had downed a light but lovely maroon sundress.

“Your Majesty, it is quite the honor.” Rarity bowed to her Princess in respect before rising to her hooves.

“Oh no, the pleasure is mine, Lady Rarity.” Princess Celestia beamed a smile, showcasing her perfect pearly white teeth.

Rarity felt giddy after receiving a surprise visit from a Princess. “I must say, Princess, I have been hard at work designing the gowns for you and rest of the princesses to wear at the blessing ceremony and I have been absolutely itching to show you what I came up with!” Rarity puffed out her chest in pride and smiled back to her royal guest.

“I am sure you have. May I come in?” Princess Celestia asked in her regal tone.

“You needn’t ask my dearest Princess, my door is always welcome to royalty.” Rarity thought for a moment before adding. “Well, except for Prince Blueblood, he will require a six day notice,” she joked.

Princess Celestia chuckled, knowing the rather rough meeting that Rarity and her distant nephew had last. “I may not be a vampony, but, I still feel the need to ask for permission before I enter the home of one of my subjects,” the royal mare jested back.

“Then you may enter, for now.” Rarity winked before leading the Princess into her not-so-humble abode.

Princess Celestia’s eyes scanned the room beyond the foyer, noticing the intricate designs the walls displayed proudly. The home of the bearer of generosity was immaculate to say the least. Every object in the room had a place, and every place served a purpose. Princess Celestia admired her surroundings while following Rarity towards the studio at the back of boutique.

Her work is astonishing, I may ask that she design some tapestry for the new castle after her work on my and the fellow princesses gowns is completed, the sun princess thought. Lost in thought, the regal alicorn nearly tripped over Rarity who had stopped in front of her.

“Oh, pardon me, your majesty. I just wanted to show you my workroom.” Rarity apologized while rubbing the spot where they had collided with each other.

“Don’t worry yourself. I should have been paying attention to where I was going.” Princess Celestia waved a hoof at Rarity. “I would love to be shown around your center of creativity. I’m sure it will be just as lovely as the rest of your boutique.”

“Why thank you, Princess. It is an honor and a privilege to hear that from you.” Rarity beamed excitedly.

Princess Celestia Nodded and smiled back. “Please, call me Celestia. We are being much too formal around each other.”

“Of course your maj— I mean Celestia,” Rarity corrected, unused to using her Princess’s real name instead of her royal title.

“Ahem,” she cleared her throat before turning her attention to her right. “To the left of you is my chalkboard. I transfer the sketches from parchment to there in order to add the finer details before deciding on a design.”

Turning away from the chalkboard, Rarity announced the next area of her studio. “In front of me is my catwalk. I use that to see how my designs will look on my clients before they head out into public.”

Rotating once more, Rarity faced her pride and joy. Her workbench and its accompanying sewing machine were directly in front of the both of them. “This is my favorite thing in the entire world,” she said, pointing to her sewing machine. “It is the best sewing machine that bits can buy. Why, with it I could sew the hide of a dragon if I needed too.” Rarity faced Princess Celestia. “This concludes the short tour of my design studio.”

“I wouldn’t expect any less from a mare of your artistic standing.” Princess Celestia grinned widely while speaking her praise.

“Thank you, Celestia, for your kind words.” Rarity paused before asking, “do you have the body measurements? I’ve already measured Twilight earlier in the week.”

“Yes I have them, here you are.” Princess Celestia reached under her wing with her magic, grabbed the envelope containing the measurements, and gave the envelope to Rarity.

Rarity took the envelope in her own magic and began to look through it. “All of the measurements are here, well except for yours, they seem to be missing.”

Princess Celestia frowned. “I apologize. I will bring them to on my next visit.”

“Don’t you worry about it Princess. I can take your measurements while you are here.,” Rarity suggested to Princess Celestia.

“I wouldn’t want to waste your time for one of my mistakes.” Princess Celestia shied away from the suggestion, not wanting to add onto an already heavy workload.

“Oh, it will be no trouble at all! I insist I take your measurements.” Rarity stated with vigor.

The Princess thought for a moment. “Alright, if you insist,” she exhaled deeply.

“Very well, then.” Rarity floated a sketchpad over to the princess in her magic. “Before I measure you, I’d like for you to look at these designs I came up with for the ceremony.”

Princess Celestia took the sketchpad in her own magic and studied the designs carefully. “I like the train of this design. As well as the collar of this one here. I adore that pattern on this design but would adore it even more if it had less jewels embedded in it.” She returned the sketchpad to Rarity after having her thoughts heard.

“I can combine the different design elements for you and put them together in a pleasing manner.” Rarity circled the selected items to make a note of what to combine and how to combine them.

“I would be most grateful.” Princess Celestia nodded in agreement.

Rarity returned to her workbench and grabbed a sheet of parchment to brainstorm on an improved design. “While I brainstorm, I suppose we could chat for a bit. Please, take a seat anywhere you wish.”

The Princess did just that and elected to sit on one of the sitting pillows Rarity had strewn about the room. She swallowed briefly, “I suppose you have heard about what happened in Canterlot over the weekend?”

Rarity stayed glued to her parchment but conversed nonetheless. “Why, yes I heard a supermarket got raided by some hooligan who managed to leave a gaping hole in the roof. What I don’t know is who did it, the paper withheld the name of the perpetrator.”

“I thought as much.” The Princess sighed deeply. “What I am about to tell you must remain a secret. You are to tell no one, understand?”

Rarity turned to face her majesty. “My lips are sealed.”

“It was my sister, Princess Luna, she—”

“I’m sorry to interrupt but, why would your sister raid a supermarket?” Rarity inquired, enthralled by where the conversation was heading.

Princess Celestia shook her head softly. “She didn’t mean to raid the supermarket.” The princess looked around as if her sister would jump out at any moment. “You see, when she is hungry, she tends to sleep walk and find something to eat. This time she must have gotten lost and instead of raiding our royal pantry, she raided that supermarket for her favorite snack.”

“And her favorite snack is?” Rarity motioned with her hoof.

“Moonpies, she raided the supermarket for Moonpies. Somehow, she managed to gobble down five hundred bits worth of the treat,” Princess Celestia deadpanned.

Rarity matched Princess Celestia’s blank face. Imagining what she would do if Sweetie Belle was caught eating such a large amount of Moonpies. “My, that is quite the achievement. Do you know what flavor they were? My favorite flavor is chocolate.”

Princess Celestia dead panned once more. “No, I do not know what flavors she ate. In her slumberous state, she didn’t even bother to unwrap the Moonpies before she consumed them. Princess Luna’s late night snack came back to bite her, however; she’s been on the royal throne since this morning, if you catch my drift. On a side note, I prefer the banana flavored ones.”

“I feel for her though, passing plastic isn’t going to be easy.” Rarity commented before turning back around to her work. They sat in silence for a few moments before Rarity gasped aloud, nearly falling off her chair. Princess Celestia held a hoof to her chest to keep her heart from breaking out of her ribcage.

“I think I have just the right fabric in the other room. I have more sketchpads in the top drawer of my workstation; see if you can find anything else, you want to add to the gowns.” Rarity excused herself and dashed out of the room, leaving Princess Celestia all by her lonesome.

The Sun Princess’s hooves clacked against the floor as she made her way over to Rarity’s workstation. Her horn became aglow as she laid her regalia and crown on the shelf above. Princess Celestia swiftly jerked her head to her left. A satisfying crack could be heard throughout the room. Oh, I needed that. The sun goddess swiveled her head around on her long neck, which had become stiff after wearing her heavy chest piece for so long.

The uppermost drawer of Rarity’s desk slid open to reveal sketchpads as well as spare pieces of parchment that Rarity used in her artistic process. After feeling around with her magic, Princess Celestia came across an object that felt a great deal heavier than the other objects located in the drawer. Taking care not to leave Rarity’s drawer in a mess, the sun princess pulled the object from the drawer.

It was a large red art book. Opening the cover, Princess Celestia saw that this book did not contain sketches of dresses, as the others had; its pages were filled with sketches of ponies. Some of the drawings showcased her outfits on ponies in different poses, while others seemed more like portraits. The lines were crisp and sharp; the shading on each drawing added a sense of realism that made each individual piece a masterpiece in its own right. She flipped through the art book admiring each page, until she reached the last.

Eyes widening in surprise, Princess Celestia stared at the artwork with her mouth hanging open. This particular piece of art was different from the rest. While the art didn’t show anything explicit, it was clear that a great deal of sensuality went into its creation. It was centered on a mare on her side, staring deeply at those who admired her body. The mare’s proportions were tremendous. The Princess’s face reddened as she came to a realization. The coat of the mare was a pure white, her mane and tail appeared to be expertly styled. The solar goddess gasped aloud when she saw that this wasn’t just artwork of any old mare, it was artwork of her.

Over her long life, this certainly wasn’t the first time she has come across such art. She was just surprised at the source of it. The room around her seemed to rise in temperature. Flattered, but confused all the while, Princess Celestia returned the red art book back to its place in the drawer.

Should I confront her? Princess Celestia wondered. It had been a long time since the last time anypony has expressed any interest in her beyond platonically. Her thoughts were interrupted as Rarity reentered the room.

“It took a bit of work, but I believe I have found the perfect materials for the gowns.” Rarity said in triumph, unaware of her secret hobby being discovered.

Princess Celestia stayed quiet, her mouth all of a sudden dry.

“My Princess, you look all the more beautiful without your regalia.” Rarity complimented the princess who was in the buff. She didn’t wait for a response. “I think that this sunny colored silk would compliment all of you well.” She held the said roll of silk in front of The Princess, looking to get her thoughts.

Shaking her head Princess Celestia stammered. “Ah yes, it… would look quite lovely.”She blanked, an uneasy sensation resided in the pit of her stomach. It felt as if a group of butterflies had invaded her. She looked away from Rarity’s piercing gaze that seemed to gaze inside of her soul.

“Just let me make a note of this…” Rarity’s quill scribbled the information next to the design that was on her desk. “Are you ready for me to measure you?” she asked turning around to face the sun princess.

“I suppose…” Princess Celestia answered softly.

Rarity levitated the measuring tape from her desk and the placed the tip space between the solar princess’s shoulders leading across her back to just above her dock. Rarity saw the Princess fidget a bit but wrote it off as chills from the metal tips of her measuring tape. Next, Rarity measured Princess Celestia’s legs, paying attention not to pinch her Royal Highness. She measured the sun goddess's middle in three places: the barrel, just over the stomach, and finally above the waist.

Rarity prodded at Princess Celestia’s wings. “Can you please unfurl your wings? I need to see how big to make the slit in the side of the dress.”

“Yes, of course…” The Princess blushed as her wings rose to their full height, tips touching the room’s ceiling.

Rarity took a moment to gaze upon the magnificent wings that were in front of her. The muscles of the princess looked strong but soft in shape. Rarity took the measurement as fast she could; knowing how sensitive the wings could be.

While Rarity wrote on her sketchpad, Princess Celestia felt the need to speak up. “I was looking through your sketches, and I must say you are skilled.” She finished, waiting for a response.

“Why thank you, your majesty.” Rarity got up from her stool. “Now, before I forget, I need to measure your neck to decide how I should construct the collar.” She wrapped the measuring tape around the large neck of the regal mare.

“I was surprised by one of the drawings though,” Princess Celestia said before taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing. She thought.

“Hmm?” Rarity inquired.

“I must say that I am flattered but, your drawing of me towards the end of that red art book left quite the impression.” The sun princess was met the eyes of Rarity whose expression changed dramatically.

“Red art book…?” Rarity’s heart sank, her azure eyes met the large all consuming pale magenta eyes of her Royal Highness. The body language of the alicorn mare in front of her seemed to change. Small tears began to bead at the corners of her eyes. Oh, Rarity, you’ve done it now, your little hobby will get you labeled as some type of pervert! Rarity screamed inside her head as she stared at the princess with a terrified frown.

Princess Celestia walked over to the stunned mare. Rarity almost jumped out of her skin when the princess laid a hoof on her back. “Wipe away your tears, my subject. I am not at all mad at you.” She nuzzled Rarity’s side before standing to her full height. “It has been a long time since a pony has taken interest in me. I knew that it was inevitable to happen again, I just didn’t think it would be you.” The Princess began to circle around Rarity.

“From what I’ve heard from Princess Twilight, it seems you’re seeking a wealthy stallion to pursue.” The Princess clicked her tongue before continuing. “Your attention to detail in that artwork, however, leads me to believe otherwise.”

“I… admire beauty in all its forms y-your m-m-majesty and I… uh—” Rarity stuttered as her mind drew a blank. She didn’t know whether to flee or soil herself but found herself unable to, as if her hooves were encased in cement.

Princess Celestia turned to face the window on the right side of the room and looked out upon the setting sun that she set into motion with a quick spell. “Tell me, my dear, when was the last time you had a lover?” she asked expectantly, matching gazes with the still flabbergasted mare.

“I… I can’t remember… it has been far too long ago.” Rarity stood weakly as it felt her legs would soon give out.

“I remember,” The Princess sighed. “A few centuries ago I came across a poet who captivated me. We met in secret until he died of disease. I have been alone since then. Do you know what that can do to a mare?”

“I can’t say I have.”Rarity blurted out.

“It can make her hunger for such affection, and it has been a while since I’ve had my fill.,” Princess Celestia said huskily in a seductive tone that threatened to melt Rarity where she stood.

“I… um—” Rarity’s vision went white as Princess Celestia’s lips were upon hers. The Princess’s larger lips dominated hers in a battle of soft supple flesh. Her lungs were emptied by the sudden attack as she melted into the kiss. As suddenly as it started it had ended and she felt the princess pull away.

“Was that the first time you were kissed by another mare?” Princess Celestia asked, licking her lips.

“It was,” Rarity stated simply.

“Would you like another?” The solar princess moved her mane away from her face.

“I would,” Rarity answered by throwing her hooves around the princess’s large neck.

Their mouths met again, fueled by a burning passion that resided deeply between them. Rarity loved how soft and warm her ruler’s lips were. Accustomed to the more rough lips and techniques of stallions, the soft lips and caring technique of Princess Celestia were a welcomed change. Entwined together they stayed locked at the lips while enjoying the feeling of each other’s mouth. Rarity returned Princess Celestia’s loving motions with fervor.

Here she was, Rarity, a mare who’d never thought she would kiss another mare is now kissing the mare. The mare by which other mares would compare themselves to, in terms of beauty and grace. Her mind was reduced to mush because of the embrace the two of them were having. She didn’t know if this kiss would last forever but she sure hoped it would.

On the other side of the kiss, The Princess reveled in the feeling of it. Far too long it has been since she’d felt the touch of another. Perhaps the two of them could become lovers. Princess Celestia was indeed powerful but she couldn’t see what the future would hold; she could only hope she wouldn’t be alone any more.

The two of them were so focused on getting their tongues tangled they failed to see the shadowy figure by the doorway. It was there for a moment before disappearing quickly. Unaware of the intruder they continued to sample each other’s spittle.Falling to the floor, Rarity and Princess Celestia, wrapped their legs around one another in a tight loving embrace.



Comments ( 4 )

Next time I see Princess Luna, I shall bring Moon Pies. And, being a proper Southerner, I will also bring Royal Crown Cola.

Sooooo..... Who was this intruder? Luna?

I really enjoyed the premise of this fic...I feel it should have been longer...was a bit rushed at the end...also left me wondering who the intruder was....jealous twilight? Jealous spike? Bloated princess Luna? Lol good job tho on a sweet little one shot :)

This was honestly the cutest Rarilestia fimfiction I have ever read. Even though, I haven't read any other Rarilestia.

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