• Published 29th May 2014
  • 4,392 Views, 47 Comments

Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

  • ...

I Ran back Home

Last time, Accel and his pony friends confronted Dagger and his guards. With a little help from Ashley, Accel defeated Dagger and was planning to finish him off. With convincing from his friends, the speedster chose not to go through with it, and zipped off to be alone.

Accel was sitting under a tree on a hilltop outside Ponyville. After what he almost tried to do he was wrapped in guilt with himself. He let out a sigh, "I can't believe I almost tried to take a life. If I did that I don't think I'd be able to look at myself anymore. Even though I didn't do it, the idea of me almost willing to still scares me."

"Accelerator!" Twilight called, as Accel looked up seeing Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy flying. Ashley was riding atop Celestia's back, Spike were riding on Twilight, Sonic was atop Fluttershy, and Luna used her levitation on Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

They descended to the ground as Sonic, Spike, and Ashley dismounted from the ponies they were riding, "There ya are. We were looking for ya." Applejack said.

"How'd you know to come here?" Accel asked.

"Ashley led the way." Rarity answered, as Ashley held out the same speed force tracker Dagger used to find him.

"You cheated." Accel squinted at the adult.

"True, I cheated with using this. But we just had to come see you." she explained.

"You'd think we were just gonna let one of our pals zoom off like that?" Rainbow asked rhetorically, "Uh-huh. Not happening."

Accel smiled but sighed, "I'm sorry you all had to see me show that ugly side of myself. I guess my anger was just too strong for me to contain."

"We understand," Twilight replied, "Seeing Dagger again provoked it out of you."

"But it's over now, darling. Dagger can never harm you again." Rarity noted.

"Maybe, but what if something else comes up and my anger drives me to try and take a life again? I don't know if I'd be able to fight it like this time."

"Accelerator, it's all right to feel angry," Celestia comforted him, "But as long as you have friends like the girls and Spike, and me and my sister to look out for you then your anger will not drive you into doing something regretful."

"That is right," Luna added, "But even without us we know you are strong enough to control your anger so long as you don't forget about the ones close to you."

Sonic scurried over, and climbed onto Accel, as the boy pat his head, "See, even Sonic knows you're not bad at all." Fluttershy said.

Accel smiled, "Thanks for believing in me, Sonic. And thank you all for not giving up on me. And, Ashley, I don't think I could ever thank you enough for what you did."

"My pleasure, Jake." she answered.

"So, what happens now?" Spike wondered.

Ashley spoke up, "I'm going to go back home and set things right."

"Set things right?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. I'm going to tell the other scientists and assistants that Dagger, Jake, and his guards were taken down and he sent me back here for safety."

"Will they believe you?" Applejack asked.

"I was closest to Dagger. They trust me on the same level as they've trusted him." Ashely explained.

"It's true." Accel confirmed.

"So then what'll you do?" Twilight asked.

"I'll erase all memory, files, and DNA samples of Jake from our labs database, even the secret samples. I'll also be shutting down the project completely and cut off all deals we made with the government and everything else." Ashley explained.

"Ashley, you'd do that?" Accelerator gasped.

Ashley smiled, "Yes. And when it's over I'm gonna find work more fitting for me."

"You do deserve better." Accel nodded in agreement.

"You wanna come with me, Jake?" Ashley offered.

"Huh?" Accel and the ponies were confused.

"I'll take you back home where you can have your life again free from Dagger." she offered.

Accel looked at Ashley and back at his friends a few times before answering, "Thanks, but no thanks."

"Oh?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing would be better than to return home, but I've done a lot of good here in Equestria. And I wanna continue to do as much good as I possibly can."

Ashley smiled, "Spoken like a pure soul. Very well. I accept your answer, but here. Just in case you ever decide to come back." she gave him the portal device.

"I'll keep in mind," he smiled, "But first it's time to send you back."

Ashley nodded, as she set the coordinates for the facility, and projected the portal, "I guess this is it, huh?" she asked the teenager.

"For now." he answered.

"Before I go, there's one last thing I want to do."

"What's that?"

Ashley cupped his face, much to Accel's confusion as she answered, "This." and with that she planted his lips upon hers and they kissed passionately.

The ponies gasped, as Pinkie's jaw dropped so far it landed on the ground. Sonic covered his eyes with his hands, but peeked through his fingers. Rainbow watched with a hint of envy on her face. When Accel and Ashley parted, the teenager was stunned while Ashley giggled at his reaction.

"That was..." Accel trailed off.

"Yeah, I know," Ashley nodded, "I hope to see you again, Jake." she smiled and went through the portal that closed upon her departure.

Twilight flew over and laid a hoof on his shoulder, "Let's go home." Accel nodded and they all headed off.

The very next night, Accel, Spike, Sonic, and the girls were in Canterlot with Luna standing before him, "Are you ready, Accelerator?"

"Yes. I've been ready for this for a long time. Because I finally know what to tell them." Accel smiled.

Luna smiled and stood by Accel's side as her magic activated. The two were consumed by the magic before disappearing into thin air, taking the group by surprise.

Meanwhile that very night in the city of Milwaukee, at Jake's old home his parents Michael and Kristy along with his thirteen year old sister Pearl and his nine year old brother Adam were asleep.

Suddenly all of them woke up in a white void, "Hey, where are we?" Michael asked in shock.

"Mom, dad, what is this place?" Pearl asked.

"I don't know, Pearl." Kristy answered.

"I'm scared." Adam trembled as he held onto his mom.

"It's ok. Don't be afraid." a voice spoke out to them.

Upon hearing the voice, all four were worried, "Who's there?" Michael demanded.

"Look." Pearl motioned ahead, as they saw someone approaching them.

When the figure came into clear, it was Accelerator, but the family was unfamiliar with him, "Who're you?" Kristy asked in confusion.

"Guys, it's me." Accel answered.

The adults and their two kids looked at him getting a closer inspection before it dawned on each of them, "Jake?" Pearl gasped.

Jake smiled and nodded, "Jake?" his parents asked.

"Yes, mom and dad. It's me."

"But how?" Kristy asked.

"Is this, are you?" Michael stammered.

"No I'm not dead, dad. And this isn't a dream. Well, technically it is but I'm very much real." he assured his family.

The four weren't sure how this was possible, but they knew for sure it was their son talking to him. They ran and embraced him, with Accel returning the embrace to all of them, "Jake, it's been so long." Pearl said, with a tear in her eye.

"Three years." Accel nodded.

Kristy noticed his hair, "Son, what happened to your hair?"

"A lot of things have happened. Some good some bad, they're all intertwined. But I came here to tell you exactly what happened. But I should warn you it'll sound totally crazy, but trust me I won't lie."

"Tell us everything." Michael instructed, as Accel smiled.

So the family sat down, as Accelerator told his family everything that happened to him over the last three years. When he finished, they were all in shock.

"Son, this story you told us does as you say sound crazy." Michael admitted.

"I know, but it's all true. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"He does have a point, dad." Pearl admitted.

"I just can't believe the torture they put you through." Kristy said, while hugging her son.

"I hated it myself, but I survived and now I got acceleration." he replied.

"Those ponies you've been living with sound nice." Adam added.

"Trust me, they are some of the best friends I've ever made. They're like my second family."

"So what's gonna happen now?" Michael asked.

"I'm gonna stick around in Equestria a little while longer," he answered, "There's much more I want to learn from there and experience. But I won't be gone forever. Can you all wait for me?"

The four looked at each other, while sharing a smile. Kristy answered, "Of course we can."

Suddenly the area started fading away, "Hey, what's happening?" Pearl asked.

"My time here is up. It's time for me to go back." Accel answered.

"Jake." They said, before the area Jake was standing on broke off almost separating them. Jake reached out and took Pearl's hand.

"Don't worry guys. Remember this, just as you've always been with me, you are all with me as well," He explained, "I'll come to all of you someday. I promise!"

Pearl having faith that they will see him again announced, "WE KNOW YOU WILL!"

And with their Accel and Pearl lost their clasp as the family watched Accelerator fade away into the dream before he was gone, and they all woke up in their beds knowing in their hearts their son will find their way back to them.

Back in Canterlot Castle, Luna and Accelerator reappeared, with the ponies looking relieved, "So, did you do it?" Twilight asked Accel.

Accelerator smiled, "Yes. They're ok, and now they know I'm ok as well."

"They must've been so happy to see you again." Fluttershy noted.

"They sure were. And it felt good to see them again as well." Accelerator smiled, as Luna nodded having been watching the whole thing.

"So Accelerator, ya beat the bad guy, made peace with your fam. What's next for ya?" Applejack inquired.

Accelerator looked at his friends, before finding an answer, "I think I need a vacation." the group couldn't help but agree with him about needing one after all he went through.

And so Accelerator continued to live out his days in Equestria, taking up odd jobs to earn a good pay, celebrating more of Equestria's holidays, even going on many adventures with the ponies and Spike. With all he did for the good ponies of the land, Accel knew his power could truly be used for the greater good of Equestria... Maybe even his own world.

Three months later

In Ponyville one afternoon, Accelerator stood before the girls, Spike, Shining Armor, the three Princesses, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with Sonic on his shoulder, "Well, guys. This is it." he told them.

"You're really gonna do this?" Spike asked.

"Yes, Spike. It's time I headed home. Believe me the time I've spent here have been the greatest months of my life. But I think it's time I went home to my human family."

"Well, Accelerator, if this is what you want we have no right to stop you." Twilight said.

"Thanks, Twilight."

"You won't forget us will you?" Pinkie asked hopefully.

"Not a chance," Accel smiled, and held up the transport device, "And as long as I got this I'll always come back to you whenever I want."

"We're sure gonna miss you, Accelerator." Applebloom said.

"And I'll miss all of you as well," Accel began, as he approached each of them one by one, starting with Twilight, "You're a wonderful Princess, Twilight. Don't let anypony else tell you otherwise."

"Thanks, Accelerator." the two hugged, as Accel moved onto Applejack.

"I really did enjoy working at the farm with you and your family, Applejack."

"And we enjoyed having you help as well, sugarcube." Applejack admitted, and the two hugged.

Accel went to Fluttershy, "Thanks for introducing me to Sonic, Fluttershy. I'll continue to take care of him and respect all animals."

"I know you will, Accelerator. And Sonic you be a good monkey for him." she told the monkey who saluted, and the two hugged the Pegasus.

Accel went to Rarity, "Thanks again for making this outfit for me, Rarity. I've never met a pony or human for that matter who's as generous as you. I'll always remember you for that."

"Thank you so much, darling." Rarity hugged him, as he returned the gesture.

He zipped to Pinkie and spoke, "You're one of the funnest ponies I've ever known, Pinkie. Next time I come back, I want to have the biggest and bestest party you can ever throw for my return."

"It's a Pinkie Promise," Pinkie said, as both sealed it, "Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" the two laughed.

Accel went to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, it's been loads of fun."

"Sure has." she admitted.

"I want you to know wherever I go you and I will always share a special bond."

"Please, Accel, don't make me get all sappy."

"Ok, but at least let me do this." Accel said as he pecked Rainbow's cheek making her blush.

"Hey, why'd you go do that?!" Accel chuckled as her flustering.

"Looks like somepony's embarrassed." Rarity teased.

"I am not embarrassed!" Rainbow denied it, while keeping her head up high with pride.

As her friends continued to tease her, Accel went to Spike, "You take care of Twilight and the girls, Spike. I know deep down they really appreciate you and would even be lost without you."

"Thanks, Accelerator." they fist bumped.

Accel got down to the CMC's level, "You three take care of yourselves and each other. And I know one day you will find your cutie marks."

"Thanks, Accelerator." Sweetie Belle thanked him.

"We're sure gonna miss ya." Scootaloo added, as he hugged the three.

"Same here," he added. He got up and went to Shining Armor and Cadence, "You two make for excellent leaders in the Crystal Empire. And I know you'll continue to make sure it's safe from creeps like that Sombra guy."

"Thanks, Accelerator." Shining thanked him.

"And we hope to see you again." Cadence added, as she hugged him, and Accel fist/hoof bumped with Shining.

He approached the Princess sisters, and spoke, "I'll really miss you two a lot. You've been like second mothers to me."

"Hearing that brings joy to our hearts." Celestia admitted.

"And all my savings I've earned through my jobs are secured in your vault?" Accel inquired.

"It is." Luna assured him.

"Perfect. Well I guess this is it."

"Now wait a second!" a voice called out, as Discord popped in, "You weren't planning to leave without saying goodbye to me, now were you?"

Accel smirked, "Hadn't crossed my mind."

"It was wondeful to get to know you, Accelerator. Next time you come here, we should really get together for some real fun." Discord snickered.

"Right on, brother," he shook Discord's paw. So Discord stood with the rest of Accel's Equestria friends, as the boy used the device and opened up a portal, "Thanks for everything, guys. I'll see you all again someday." and with that he zipped off through the portal with Sonic in his arms. The portal closed, as the ponies, Spike, and Discord watched hoping that their human friend made it home ok. And knew that they would see him again one day.

Meanwhile the portal reopened up in an alley way, and exiting from it was Accel and Sonic. When the portal closed, Accelerator looked around before peeking out of the alley to see human pedestrians, cars, and everything that signaled he was back in his own world.

"I'm home," he gapsed, and picked Sonic up and spun around, "Sonic, we made it!"

Sonic chattered in dizziness from being spun around, until Accelerator stopped and noticed everything, "And we're right where we want to be. Milwaukee Wisconsin. I sure hope my parents were true to their word of waiting for me. But there's only one way to find out." he picked up Sonic and dashed off.

Accelerator halted outside his old house, "My home. I almost forgot what it was like. Everything looks the same," he walked up to the front door, "Well, Sonic, this is it."

He rang the doorbell and waited patiently, until the door opened up to reveal his mother, "Hello, can I help... you?" Kristy gasped upon who was at the door.

"Hi, mom." he greeted her.

Kristy's eyes filled up with tears, "Jake!" she embraced her son, who embraced her back, "Please come in. Michael, Pearl, Adam!" she called out as she showed her son inside.

Jake looked around his house seeing the place was in tip top shape, "House looks great."

Kristy spoke, "Glad you think so. I've even kept your room cleaned with everything untouched."

"Thanks, mom."

"What is it, honey?" Michael asked, as he came up form the basement, while Adam and Pearl came out of their rooms.

"Look who's back!" Kristy cheered, as the three saw Jake.

"Hi, guys."

"Jake!" the three ran over and embraced him.

"When did you get back?" Pearl asked.

"Not too long ago."

"How did you get back?" Adam asked.

"A little technology from a friend."

"Are you all right?" Michael inquired.

"I'm fine. Really I am, dad. And I came back with a friend." the family wondered, until Sonic climbed up onto Sonic's shoulder.

"A monkey!" Pearl and Adam gasped.

"Guys, this is Sonic. Sonic, meet my family." Accel introduced them, as Sonic made some noises, as Accel's siblings giggled. He spoke to his parents, "Can I keep him?"

"Is he house trained?" Kristy asked.

"Certainly. And he's quite helpful." Accel explained.

"Well, if you promise to take care of him." Michael said.

"It's a promise." his oldest son replied.

"This calls for a celebration." Kristy suggested, "We're going out for Pizza."

"Awesome!" Accel cheered, "But I'm gonna need some more clothes besides this."

"Don't worry. I bought plenty of new clothes for you just in case you would come back early. They're in your room."

"Thanks mom. I'll check them out." he went to his old bedroom and saw it was as his mom said. It was untouched and cleaned just the way he left it, "Oh, I missed this old room. And my old bed." he plopped onto it and relaxed. He looked at his monkey, and spoke, "I tell ya, Sonic, now that I'm home I'm gonna be living life to it's fullest and do a lot of good. And I know one way to do it." he smirked.

One night about a week after Jake returned from Equestria, three crooks were exiting a 7/11 while carrying bags of money, and one bag of stolen foods, "Come on let's go." one ordered the two.

They were about to head out, until one of the crooks who was carrying the bag of food suddenly saw it disappear from his hand, "Hey, it's gone."

"What's gone?" the third asked.

"The food."

"How can it be gone when you just had it?" the first asked rhetorically.

"I don't know either." he answered, until they saw the money was snatched from them, "Hey, where'd the money go?"

Suddenly all three crooks were getting punched from all around until they were roped up together, "What the hell's going on here?" one of them asked in confusion.

"You crooks are all tied up, that's what." a voice said, as they looked and saw Accelerator standing before them in the same tracksuit and goggles.

"Who're you?" one asked.

Accel smirked, "I'm Accelerator." he took a bite out of a chocolate bar.

One of the crooks saw that and spoke, "Hey, you can't steal what we stole!"

"I didn't steal this from you. I brought everything back inside and paid for this with my own money. You should try it sometime," he heard police sirens closing in, "And just in time. Catch you, guys never. Time for me to accelerate!" he dashed off leaving the crooks to brood, until the cops arrived.

Accelerator ran thought the streets of Milwaukee dodging any car that he was in the way of. Finally he ran off the road and up the side of a skyscraper. When he made it to the top he stopped and smiled to himself.

"I love acceleration." he took a bite out of his chocolate bar again.

Author's Note:

And this concludes this fic. I hope you enjoyed it, readers.

Comments ( 5 )

Mots acerena re moa pi do.
(Moter acceleration set to max rotations)
gotta go fast!

5363767 Not the banana. It's a cartoon thing that happens at the end of certain episodes of shows were a circle encloses around a figure. Sorry it wasn't written clear enough.

Eh.. This was okay...

Is there going to be a sequel?

A very nice story I'm looking forward to more of the like... Good workπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘:twilightblush:

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