• Published 29th May 2014
  • 4,393 Views, 47 Comments

Project Accelerator - Wildcard25

A teen boy after spending three years experimented on, breaks free and using the gift the scientists bestowed upon him broke through the barrier and into a world of magic and equines. Will he find peace after living a nightmare for three years?

  • ...

Ponyville, What a Town

The next morning at the Ponyville castle of Twilight and HQ of her friends, Twilight and Spike had left their domain so they could head to the hospital to visit Jake.

As they walked, Spike spoke up, "I can't believe Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want to come to Ponyville to personally meet Jake."

"Well, I can," Twilight replied, "After all, how often do we get a new species to appear in Equestria?"

"Point." Spike agreed.

When they reached the hospital, they saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash waiting, "Morning, girls." Twilight greeted her.

"Morning, Twilight." Applejack greeted her.

"Morning, Spike." Rainbow greeted the dragon.

"Morning, girls." Spike greeted them.

"We were just waiting for you two to show up." Applejack said.

"Well, let's go." Twilight said, as they entered the hospital.

When they were admitted into Jake's room, they saw a nurse at his bedside with a basin of water and a sponge, "Oh hey, girls. Good morning." he greeted them.

"Morning, Jake." Applejack greeted him.

"Are we interrupting something?" Spike asked.

"Not at all. I just finished getting my sponge bath. Hey, thanks again, nurse."

"My pleasure, Mr. McGinnis." she replied, before taking her leave.

"Well Jake, we talked to the doctor, and you can leave today." Twilight explained.

"Finally," he got out of the bed and stretched, "Ooh, I feel stiff!" he groaned, before he lifted his right foot up to look under it. He sighed in relief, "Thank God, running that fast didn't burn my soles off."

He walked to the closet and found his white body suit hanging up. He went behind a curtain and changed into it. He looked at it and sighed, "Personally, I hate wearing this."

"Well ya won't have to worry about that for long, sugarcube." Applejack said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Don't worry, you'll find out. Come on, let's go." Twilight said, as they left the room.

Jake realized, "Oh, right. Rainbow, this was an awesome read." he handed her book back.

"Told ya so. And I can get you the rest of the works."

"Sweet." he smiled.

When they stepped out of the hospital, Jake did a double take as he looked at all his surroundings, "Am I really outside?"

"Where else?" Rainbow asked, as the four saw the human was walking around in awe at everything around him.

Jake got down to the ground and brushed his hand over some blades of grass, "Grass. Soil," he laid his hand on some dirt. He saw a tree and laid his hand on it, "A tree," he finally looked up at the sky feeling more nostalgic, "The sky, the clouds, and the sun!"

Rainbow spoke to her friends, "I think we lost him."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Rainbow Dash, Jake told us he was kept indoors and in captivity for three years. You can't blame him for being excited like this."

Jake took a deep breath, "Ah, fresh air. I missed this."

"Come on, Jake. Let's show you around." Applejack spoke up.

"Coming!" he went over to join them, as they walked on.

As the three ponies and dragon showed Jake around Ponyville, he looked at everything in wonder. While he was shocked to see he was no longer in his own world, it didn't bother him as much seeing as how he had been contained for three years in the facility, "Wow, this town is so amazing." he said.

"Glad you think so." Applejack said.

"You seem to be taking things very well for a guy who crossed over from his own dimension." Spike noted.

"I haven't stepped outside the facility for three years. I almost forgot what my world itself was like." he replied.

"So you were never made up to date for the last three years with what went on in your world?" Twilight asked in shock.

"Well the scientists would brief me on some of the more important things happening in the world like politics, religion, and other mass media. Still, hearing about it and watching it wasn't enough. I was still missing out on a lot of stuff that can only be achieved or learned up close and by personal experience."

"Well hope you're ready to learn a lot here, Jake." Rainbow nudged his shoulder.

"That reminds me. Last night, I did a lot of thinking, and I decided something."

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

"I don't want to be called Jake as much as before."

"Why not?" Twilight looked at him with confusion.

"Because that was the name of me during my old life. I want to start things fresh, with a new identity."

"So what do ya wanna us to start calling you now?" Applejack inquired with a raised brow.

"Call me, Accelerator." he answered.

"Huh?" they asked.

"You want us to start calling you what those scientist guys called you?" Spike asked in surprise.

"They called me Project Accelerator. The Project part is dropped because I'm not longer an experiment. Now, I'm just Accelerator." he answered.

"Well, if you say so." Applejack replied.

"Well, Accelerator sounds like a sweet name," Rainbow admitted, "But it could sound even cooler."

"Cooler?" Accelerator asked.

"Yeah. I think I'll call you Accel. That sounds cool."

"If you say so." Accelerator replied, feeling it was best to go with it.

As they continued walking, all the ponies were looking at him with looks of confusion and wonder. Accelerator himself looked at them in wonder, seeing so many types of ponies ranging from earth, pegasus, and unicorn, 'Three types of ponies, different mane, different coats, and all have unique tattoos on their flanks.' he thought to himself.

"Hey, Accel." Rainbow spoke up, snapping him out of this thoughts.


"We're at our first stop." Twilight said, as they stood outside Rarity's place.

"What is this?" he looked up at the place.

"This is Carousel Boutique. Rarity owns this place, and lives here." Twilight explained.

"A boutique, huh?" Accelerator looked up at the place.

"That gals, all about fashion and stuff." Applejack put in.

"Obviously." Accelerator crossed his arms.

They entered the place, and Accelerator looked around seeing the décor, "Wow. Just like a boutique should be."

Rarity trotted over from one of her mannequins, "Ah good morning, everypony. And Mr. McGinnis, nice to see you up and about."

"Thanks, and let's skip the formalities, huh?"

"Quite right," she agreed, "Now then, the girls brought you here because I believe you deserve a more fitting set of clothes."

"Yeah, I've been wearing multiple pairs of this for the last three years. And I'm tired of it."

"Well say no more. With Rarity around, you'll be styling." she said.

"I see."

"Now then, I will first require your measurements." she began.

"Ok." He followed her to a spot, where she levitated some measuring tape, a notepad, and a quill.

She started taking all his measurements, and when she was done she spoke, "Ok, now to get to work."

"Ok, I'll be right over there." he motioned to a corner, and zipped to that location.

As he waited patiently with Spike, Rainbow, Twilight, and Applejack, Rarity was at work making him a suitable outfit. Rarity spoke up, "Jacob, it's all ready."

"Cool," he zipped over to her, "And for the record, try calling me Accelerator." Rarity gave him a confused look, before turning to the girls and Spike who shrugged.

"Very well, now try these on." she levitated him an outfit all folded up.

"Thanks." he went behind a changing screen, and within a second he stepped out into the open out of his jumpsuit and into his new duds.

He was now wearing a silver tracksuit with blue trims, and on his feet were a pair of white cross trainers, "So what do you think?" he asked.

Applejack whistled, "Now that's more like it."

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"Much better." Twilight added.

"Cool." Spike gave a thumb's up.

"Very smashing, Accelerator." Rarity smiled.

"Thanks, you really did a great job here, Rarity," Accelerator said, while looking at his new outfit.

"Though it could use a little touch up," Rainbow said, before she flew off and came back with something, "Here put these on." she tossed him, what she had and he caught them.

He saw she gave him a pair of aviator goggles, "Goggles?"

"Yeah, I mean if you're running at my speed a lot of stuff must get in your eyes." she explained.

"Actually, yeah," Accelerator nodded, before dawning them with the goggles resting on his forehead, "Well?"

Rarity gasped, "It's perfect. Rainbow Dash, you're a genius!"

"Yeah, I know." she admitted with pride.

"Well, now that I look more presentable, can we see more of this town?" Accelerator asked, hopefully.

"Sure, coming, Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"I'll meet up with you later. I just have a bit more stuff to take care of." she replied.

"Ok, see ya then." Applejack said, as they left the boutique.

As they continued to walk through Ponyville, Accelerator continued to enjoy the town. Suddenly he stopped and saw an earth pony carrying some crates of fruits and vegetables before he lost balance and the crates fell with some of the produce rolling out. Accelerator suddenly overcome with an urge, zipped over to the pony, "Hey, need some help?"

"Uh..." the pony trailed, so Accelerator spoke.

"Leave it to me," he ran around collecting all the rolled out produce, before putting them back in their crates and set them all on top of a table by the pony's stand, "Nothing to it." he said, while leaning against the counter.

The earth pony started to smile seeing his stand was set up perfectly, "Thank you, Mr..."

"Call me Accelerator," he answered, "Well see ya around." he zipped back to the girls and Spike.

"That was very nice of you." Twilight said.

"I just did what I felt was right."

"And it certainly was right." Applejack replied.


"Come on, let's keep moving." Rainbow said, as they pressed on.

Soon they stopped over by Fluttershy's cottage, as they saw their shy pegasus friend feeling all the animals, "Hey, Fluttershy!" Rainbow called.

She jumped a bit in fright, before realizing it was her friends, "Oh, good morning everypony. And good morning to you, Mr. Jake."

Rainbow leaned in, "He prefers Accelerator now."

The shy one gasped, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

Accelerator chuckled, "It's quite all right. I just decided that this morning. You sure have a lot of animals here."

"Oh, yes. I absolutely love to take care of animals."

"Clearly," he spotted a bear amongst all the animals, "Whoa, is that a bear?!" he backed away.

"Oh don't worry. Mr. Bear is very gentle, aren't you, boy?" Fluttershy asked, as she rubbed the bear's head who in turn hugged her, and she giggled.

Accelerator looked in amaze, seeing such a shy pegasus could tame something as ferocious as a bear. He then looked across the cottage and saw a deep thick forest, "What's that over there?"

The group saw what he was looking at, and Applejack spoke, "That there's the Everfree Forest."

"Everfree Forest?"

"Yeah, and trust us, you don't ever wanna go in there alone." the cowgirl pony said.

"Why not?"

"The forest isn't natural." Rainbow explained.

"How so?"

"Well the animals tend to themselves, plants grow on their own, and the weather happens on its own." Fluttershy explained in worry.

Accelerator looked at them in confusion, "And that's bad, why?"

Twilight spoke to the girls, "Remember, from the world Accelerator is from the laws and physics of our world don't quite apply."

Accelerator feeling there was more to this world than how it looked spoke, "I'm gonna need to do some long research about this world."

"And I can provide you with the books you need." Twilight confirmed.

Rainbow nudged them along, "Research later. Coming, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, of course." she followed them.

Soon the group was coming up on Sweet Apple Acres, "Welcome to my home, Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack told Accelerator.

"Wow, I've never been on a farm before." the human said.

"Well, come on." Applejack said, as they moved along.

As they walked along the farm land, they saw three ponies coming over to them, "Hey, everypony." Applejack greeted them.

"There ya are, Applejack." the elder Granny Smith said.

"Where were ya this morning?" the little Applebloom asked.

"Just seeing a new friend. Why don't yall come meet him?" Accelerator suddenly zipped over, surprising them, "Everypony, I'd like ya to meet Accelerator."

"Hi." he greeted them.

"Accel, meet my kin. This here's Applebloom, Big Macintosh, and Granny Smith."

"Well, nice to meetcha, sonny." Granny Smith greeted him.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed.

"Wow, what are ya?" Applebloom asked, as she trotted around him.

"I'm a human."

"Hu-man?" Applebloom asked in confusion, before looking at their granny.

"Never seen anything like that in mah life." she replied.

"So you all run this farm?" Accelerator asked.

"Ya got that right. We grow the best apples in all Equestria." Granny Smith explained.

Big Mac picked one out of a bushel and tossed it to him, "Try one for yourself."

Accelerator caught the fruit before eyeing it in amaze, "An actual apple," he gasped, before taking a bite out of it. His eyes widened as a smile curled his face, "So juicy!" he continued to eat it, "That was delicious! You have any idea how long it's been since I've had a fresh juicy apple like that?" he asked the ponies.

"What did they feed you in that facility?" Rainbow asked.

"You don't wanna know." he replied with a shudder.

"Well we'd love to get to know ya more, but as ya can see we got a lot of loading to do." Big Mac said, while motioning to all the bushels of apples that needed to be brought to the barn.

"Hey, I can take care of that," Accelerator offered. Suddenly he picked up one bushel and dashed into the barn, and came back for another one, until they were all safely in the barn, "Finished!"

The Apple family blinked before realizing what just happened, "Well I'll be, you're faster than a herd of stampeding buffalo!" Granny Smith said.

"That was so cool!" Applebloom cheered, as Accelerator chuckled at her excitement and ruffled her mane.

"Ah don't believe it," Big Mac gasped, "Yah just saved us some time."

"Just helping out is all."

"Well we thank ya kindly for yer help." Granny thanked him.

"Any time." he saluted her.

"Well we'll be seeing ya, got a lot more to show him." Applejack said, as they took off.

As they walked back to town, Accelerator suddenly saw a castle on top of a crystal tree, "Whoa, look at that. Who lives in a place like that?" he asked.

"That, would be mine and Spike's home." Twilight answered.

He did a double take, "You two live in a castle?" they nodded, "But don't you have to be like royalty to live in such a place?"

"Well Twilight's a princess, ya know?" Spike said.

"Princess? You didn't say you were a princess, Twilight!" he gasped.

"I don't really like expressing the title." she replied.

"Modest, huh?"

"Yeah," she smiled sheepishly, "But it's not just my castle. It's for my friends as well. And it's also a library."


"Yeah, all the knowledge you need about Equestria can be found here."


"Speaking of sweet, there's one last place we want to show you." Rainbow said.

"What's that?"

"Come with us." Applejack said, as they showed their friend along.

They brought Accelerator up to Sugarcube Corner, "Whoa, what's this place?"

"This is Sugarcube Corner." Fluttershy explained.

"Sugarcube Corner?"

"Yeah, this is where all the best sweets are made in Ponyville." Spike explained.

"Sweets, as in sugar?" Accelerator asked hopefully.

"Of course." Twilight answered.

"Sweet! Sugar is just the kind of thing I need to keep my energy and speed up." he smiled.

"Well, come on." Rainbow said, as they headed up to the place.

Upon entering the place, party poppers sounded and streams fell onto them. Accelerator saw all sorts of ponies form town gathered together with Pinkie Pie, including Rarity, with a sign hanging from the ceiling reading 'Welcome to Ponyville.'.

"Surprise!" Pinkie and the ponies cheered.

"Whoa, what's the occasion?" Accelerator asked, feeling taken aback by the sudden surprise.

"You're the occasion." Pinkie answered, as she slid by his side.


"Yeah, this is your Welcome to Ponyville party."

"A welcome party for me?" Accelerator asked, as a tear started forming into his eye.

Seeing him look ready to cry, Applejack spoke, "Now what's wrong, sugarcube?"

"Yeah, parties are supposed to be happy not sad." Pinkie added.

"I'm not sad," he replied, as he wiped his tear away, "I'm happy. I haven't had a party for anything in three years." he smiled.

Seeing that he was shedding tears of joy, Pinkie smiled and rubbed his shoulder, "Well come on, let's give you that party long overdue!"

And so the party began, with every pony present partaking in the party games, and indulging in the confections prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Accelerator was eating bits of cake, while savoring every last bit, "Oh, so delicious." he salivated.

"Accelerator! Accelerator!" Applebloom called, as she approached him with her two friends.

"Hey, Applebloom. Oh, and who're these two?" he noticed them.

"My name's Sweetie Belle, I'm Rarity's sister." the unicorn filly answered.

"And I'm Scootaloo, and I'm Rainbow Dash's surrogate sister." the pegasus filly answered.

"And together we are the..." Applebloom began, until the three announced, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!"

Accelerator covered his ears from their announcement, before looking confused, "The what Crusaders?"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders," Sweetie Belle replied, "We're crusading all over to find our hidden talents so we can earn our cutie marks."

"And what's a cutie mark?"

"it's a symbol ponies earn when they find their true talent." Applebloom answered.

Accelerator started realizing something, "Oh, so that explains all the images on the pony's flanks."

"Do your kind get cutie marks?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, I'm afraid. When we find something we're really good at we just stick with it. We don't receive some emblem that shows it."

"Well we're gonna try and try and we won't stop until we find our hidden talents." Scootaloo declared.

"And when we do we'll have our cutie marks!" Applebloom cheered.

Accelerator smiled, "You girls sure remind me of my own little sister."

"We do?" Sweetie Belle asked in interest.

"Yeah, always full of excitement and energy. Just like you three," he smiled at the filly's, before thinking, 'I'm sure she'd be surprised if she saw this place.'

"Thanks, and is it true you can run at the same speed as Rainbow Dash can fly?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well she and I were neck in neck when we first met. But I'm not sure which of us is the fastest." he answered.

Rainbow flew in, "Well it's obvious I would be the fastest." she boasted.

Accelerator did a double take before speaking, "Oh, already deciding that, are you?"

"Well, you did crash." she reminded him.

"Only because I was looking at you!"

"Not your best excuse." she smirked.

"Why am I even arguing about this?" he asked rhetorically, until they broke out into laughter.

Suddenly a mare called out, "It's the princess!" Accelerator saw every pony present started bowing. When he looked up ahead he saw what they were bowing too. It was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna the two royal sisters and rulers of Equestria.

"Accelerator, bow!" Twilight whispered, as he joined Twilight and her friends in the bow.

"Who're they?" he asked.

"That's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," Twilight whispered back, "Princess Celestia's my mentor. I owe just about all the magic I know to her."

"Wow." He gasped as he watched the two approach.

"You may rise, everypony." Celestia ordered, and they did so.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" the mane six and Spike called as they went over.

"It is good to see you all this afternoon," Princess Luna greeted them, "And it seems we arrived just in time for Pinkie's party."

"And where is the guest of honor, Twilight?" Celestia inquired, and suddenly saw the guest of honor at their side.

"You talking about me?"

The two princesses felt a bit startled at his sudden appearance, "Forgive us, but we didn't see you there." Luna said.

"Well I move as fast as the eye can blink." he explained.

"Clearly. Please, allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Princess Celestia."

"And I am Princess Luna."

"My name's Jake McGinnis, but you can call me Accelerator."

Luna pondered, "A fitting name for a creature with your ability."

"Oh, you've heard of my power?" he inquired.

"Twilight told my sister and I in a letter about you and how you arrived here." the Princess of the sun began.

"She also mentioned about the life you had before arriving here," Luna added, as the two sisters gave him solemn looks, "We are sorry to hear you went through such trials."

Accelerator spoke up, "Well, that's in the past now. Because I'm free from all that. Though I'm in another dimension different from my own, I'm still free."

"And we welcome you to Equestria." Celestia added.

"Thank you, your excellencies." he bowed his head.

"And how have you enjoyed Ponyville so far?" Celestia inquired.

"Truthfully, this place is amazing. The ponies here are nice, the food is delicious, and dare I say it this place is just magical." he beamed.

"Indeed it is." Luna smiled.

"But there's still so much I don't know about Equestria. I feel like a fish out of water." he added.

The two sisters smiled, as Celestia spoke, "Well you'll find no better ponies to teach you than Twilight Sparkle and her friends."


"Yes, for they are true embodiment's of friendship, and will show you just how powerful friendship can really be." Luna stated.

Accelerator thought, 'Sounds kinda cheesy the way she says it, but hell it's better than learning under those scientists,' he spoke up, "I'll look forward to that, but I unfortunately have no place to stay."

"Not to worry, the castle has more than enough spare bedrooms." Twilight answered.

"Really, Twilight?"

"Yeah, and that way I can help educate you on Equestria."

Accelerator smiled, "Thanks, Twi. You really must be a great friend, in fact all of you have proven to be great friends." he smiled at the girls and Spike who gathered around him. He lowered himself down as they hugged him.

"Now let's get back to the party!" Pinkie cheered.

"Would you two like to stay and enjoy it?" Twilight asked her two fellow princesses.

"Well we don't have to get back right away." Celestia admitted.

"So yes, we would be honored to partake in this most auspicious occasion." Luna added.

"Well all right yall, let's party!" Applejack cheered as the party continued.

Accelerator seeing Pinkie bring over a DJ pony known as Vinyl Scratch or DJ Pon3, started playing music on her turntable, though to himself, 'Hmm, I've never tried it before.' he then went to the center and tried break dancing. Utilizing his acceleration power onto his back he was able to spin like a pro. The ponies cheered at his performance, while the girls and Spike smiled knowing with a new friend would come all kinds of excitement.

Meanwhile back in Accelerator's world, at the facility outside Los Angeles. The head scientist Dr. Vellian Dagger was looking over his assistant's shoulders, "Well, anything?"

"We've been analyzing the spot where the boy vanished, and we've found readings that he did in fact break the barrier of space and time." one began.

"I knew it." Dagger frowned that his hunch was right.

"More so, we've analyzed the data and found out the tear he caused is still there," another added, "Which means there may still be a chance to properly locate him. With the right devices of course."

"Good." Dagger smirked.

"The problem however is the tear is self restoring. Meaning once it completely heals there won't be another way to follow his trail." a third stated.

"What?! How long do we have?"

"By calculations, about a week and a half."

Dagger frowned, "Then we'll have to act fast. I'm going to put in a call with one of our brother facilities and have them loan us some of their machines. I hate to ask, but we have no other choice."

"Sir, do we really need to find him?"

"What was that?" he turned to one of the assistants.

"Well the project is completed, so can't we make the clones we promised the government we'd make for them without the boy?"

"NO!" Dagger bellowed, "The boy is everything! It cannot be done without him. We need to incorporate his DNA into our new test subjects in order for it to work."

"But sir, we have plenty samples of his DNA. Will that not suffice?" the second asked.

Dagger glared at him, "I cannot risk solely using the only DNA samples we have. We want the replicas to be perfect. And to do that we need the real thing here. I don't care if it bankrupts me, we must get him back!"

"Yes, sir." the assistants agreed as they got right to work on analyzing more of the data, as Dagger left.

As he walked down the hall of the facility, he thought to himself, 'Jacob, run while you can. No matter where you go, I will find you. You cannot escape.'