• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 7,750 Views, 95 Comments

My Lil' Daddy - Blazer

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My Lil' Daddy Chapter 3 (Unfinished)

Lights flashed on the other side of Twilight’s eyelids. Blearily blinking sleep from her eyes, the unicorn peered out from under her lavender comforter. Muffled voices of concern were barely audible, but still discernable from the otherwise silent atmosphere.

“Ah hope Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are gonna be fine. After seein’ somethin’ like that…”
“Just experiencing something like that… I can’t imagine what poor Sweetie could be going through.”
“At least they’re not hurt. I think I pulled a wing…”
“I think you should let me put a cast on it. I mean, if you don’t mind.”
“Maybe somepony should check on Twilight…?”
“Hi, Twilight!”

Pinkie filled Twilight’s half-lidded vision, prompting the startled unicorn to rapidly sit up with a yelp.

“P-Pinkie! Can you not?!”

“Twilight’s awaaaake!” Pinkie exclaimed, turning to the rest of the girls downstairs.

Spike was the first to arrive, stopping at the side of Twilight’s bed. “Did you sleep okay?” He asked, his expression one of concern.

“I think so; I don’t even remember dreaming about anything,” the unicorn replied, yawning as she stretched.

“So… everything feel okay, though? That… thing looked like it did a number on you.”

She gave him a warm smile. “Nothing feels broken or bruised, so you could say that.”

The rest of the girls trickled in, greeting her one-by-one until they were all gathered at the unicorn’s bedside, each mare making her concern known.

“What happened to you? You just sort of passed out!”
“We thought you got yer head banged up so bad by that hunk of scrap, that somethin’ would be outta place when you woke up.”
“You had me in a worried wreck, darling! You should be ashamed of yourself!”
“Rarity… It’s not her fault, though…”

Twilight pushed herself off of her mattress. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting and worrying. I feel okay, though. Honest! Quite refreshed, actually.”

Rainbow scoffed. “Only cause you slept for fifteen hours straight. Snored like a cow, too.”

“Rainbow! Please! Let’s not get racy, here!” Rarity exclaimed.

“It’s true; they snore pretty loud. Ask Applejack.”

“Girls! Please! Settle down!” Twilight barked.

It didn’t take long for silence to set in, which Twilight promptly took advantage of.

“Now, I’d like some questions answered before we start arguing. Whatever attacked Sweetie and Applebloom last night was definitely aiming to severely injure or… kill us. Whatever we’re dealing with is aggressive and dangerous, seeing as how all of us were practically swept aside by that creature.”
“Hey! I did fine!”
“Hush, Rainbow.”
“Who’s to say that there won’t be more of these on the way, though?” The unicorn asked no one in particular.
“Yeah; come to think of it, it did look a lot like our own rust-bucket we picked up the other day.” Dash mused.

“Wait, speaking of, where is Rusty?” Twilight asked.

The girls looked at each other, exchanging nervous glances.

“Well, we aren’t quite sure ourselves, Twilight,” Rarity replied.

“Is he alive? Is he okay?” The lavender unicorn prodded.

“Yes, yes! Of course he’s alive!” Rarity exclaimed.

“It’s jus’ the last part we ain’t too sure about…” Applejack added, frowning.


“How is he?”
“He will live, your highness. However, I can’t seem to get anything through to him. He hasn’t tried eating, drinking, or communicating with anypony, nor does he seem willing.”
“Troublesome. Has he shown any activity?”
“Not since I’ve last seen him. None of the nurses mentioned him ever moving away from the windowsill ever since he arrived here.”
“And you’ve already removed his restraints, as I’ve asked?”
“He was free to move about this hospital the whole time, your majesty. He just decides not to.”

The Solar Princess arrived at the specified room. Two Royal Guards snapped crisp salutes to her before moving away from the door, allowing entry. Before entering, Celestia gave the doctor a warm smile.

“Thank you for all you’ve done, doctor. I find myself in your debt, once again.”

The doctor sniffed. “Quite the contrary; I still find myself struggling to find ways to repay my own debt to you. Best of luck trying to reach that chap, though. I feel that he’s too far gone; I’d be in a similar state if what you’ve said is true.”

The Princess nodded. “As would I. Please take care, doctor.”
“I should say the same to you, Princess.”

As the doctor began his long trek back down the hallway, Celestia’s attention returned to the door in front of her. Ignoring the nervous glances from her guards, she closed her eyes, easing the door open with magic. The hinges creaked quietly, well-greased by the hospital’s staff. Stepping inside the room, she closed the door behind her, her gaze resting on the figure near the window.

The creature known as, “Rusty” by Twilight and her friends sat on the edge of a bed, which had bent in the middle under his immense weight. The Princess wasn’t even sure it was a “he,” although Twilight’s friends had described the creature having a masculine tone when they heard it yell after…

Willing the thoughts out of her head, the Princess’ mind returned to the task at hand: Unraveling the mystery behind the creature. As it was once simply obedient and did what was told before, it now answered to no one; she doubted even Twilight could get him to even turn his head.

With a polite cough, she broke the ice with a greeting.

“Hello, Rusty. That is your name, correct?”

As expected, no response from the creature.

“I believe we have met once before; I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria.”


“I’m just stopping by to see if you’re doing well.”

He continued to gaze outside, ignoring her entirely.

“Twilight is recovering as well, you see.”

He turned slightly, reacting to the name.

“So, you are listening,” Celestia mused.

Rusty turned to face the window again.

“I’m sorry about what happened at the barn. I wish I could have been there for Twilight and her friends; they are also important to me.”

There was a rumble as Rusty hummed in response.

“I apologize if I seem like I’m wasting your time,” the Princess said patiently. “I only wish to know something you know. I won’t bother you after that.”

This time, Rusty chose not to respond at all.

“For the sake of my ponies, I must know if you possess the Ring of Realms. It is a small metal band with a gate embossed on the top.”

After the silence that followed, Celestia assumed he did not know what it was, let alone know what it looked like.

It was as she feared. It would also explain as to how the other creature had arrived.

If this was the case, there could be more arriving soon.

“I appreciate your cooperation, Rusty. Remember, you are welcome to stay here as long as you’d like, but you are also free to leave. My guards will have to escort you, but they will not impede any progress you wish to make, save it doesn’t involve hurting anypony.”

Rusty ignored her completely. A frown managed to work its way onto her expression for a fraction of a second before being replaced by her warm smile. “I will be on my way. Inform one of my guards should you need me.”

Opening the door, she left the creature to sit at the windowsill. Turning to one of her guards, nodded at him. He nodded back.

“So, what now, Princess?”

“Show me the body.”

“Of course. This way.”

Author's Note:

And that's it. That's all I have for this third chapter. I honestly have no idea where to take this next. I've been thinking for the past year where to take this, since this is my most successful fic. However, I can't find a way to keep this going well, as well as keep it from being ruined. I started this story with no clear path as to where I wanted to go with it, and that ass-backwards method of writing has finally caught up to me.

I'm leaving this open-ended so people can take this wherever they will. As long as they link the original, I'd be fine with that.

I'm bummed myself, but there are more things I want to write. I can't keep starting all of these things and never finishing them. It's better this way, as if I tried to keep this going, it'd turn into a real piece of turd, which I don't want.

Nobody wants that. Turd smells.

Comments ( 21 )

Shit happens man, at least we have an ending and aren't just sitting here waiting.

It's cool.

Welcome back, friend :moustache:

hmm having no real direction of where to go with the story?
sounds awfully alot like my shitstorm of a story

well hope your other stories are easier to write

I'm currently working on a story, and I was wondering if I could use your version of Bioshock in one of the chapters, mate. Would you kindly let me now if I can?

4188179 By all means. All I ask is that you link the original somewhere.


The story has not been published, yet, and I'm still working on the first chapter, but it has to do with a group I created in AME, my ONLY shameless self-insert.

T'is sad that this is canceled. I liked the idea of it. I really did. Nice touch with the Bioshock 2 bits. I felt the pacing was nice, and it felt like playing Bioshock. It would have been somewhat interesting to have seen Jack there, but then I remember what they said about Jack concerning Bioshock 2. They said that he would last about two minutes before being killed. His transformation into a Big Daddy was one of my favorites, and while he didn't get the drill he still had all of his weapons and abilities.

It was, an absolute blast to play as him. Should you decide to continue this, I will of course be interested in it. I could make the suggestion about Elizabeth, including her in the story, but then I doubt that's something you'd really be interested in doing. It could possibly change things far too much.

Anyway, good job.

Have a favorite, follow, and a like.


HAHAHAHAHA wow this is why I never wright story's they end up ending horribly and I input my OC or they never end and they are usually the same always the same.
Oh well :derpytongue2:

That moment you get featured and cancel the story :applejackconfused:

Why cancel?
Why not post a thread in the Bioshock: Equestria group asking for someone else to take it over?

4189798 Good idea. Posted it as a thread. Thanks. :pinkiesmile:

404010 fuck I never realized famous people are commenting on my stories

You could ask another author to finish it for you.

4189968 Could you please link me the thread post?
I'd like to see who takes you up on it.

ITS ALIVE...wait no, its dead, again...damit

Did you run out of ideas is yhat why its cancelled?:fluttercry:

Comment posted by sinewystatue382 deleted Nov 26th, 2021
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