• Published 13th Mar 2014
  • 1,215 Views, 22 Comments

Bows and Feelings - Fluttercheer

Scootaloo thinks about an unexpected feeling that wearing one of Apple Bloom's bows caused in her. Is Apple Bloom really just a friend for her?

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Chapter 1

Scootaloo was tired. She spent the whole night in Apple Bloom's wardrobe and could find hardly any sleep there. The inside of the wardrobe was uncomfortable. Even the bows, that she piled up to improvise a bed, didn't help. And the fact that Applejack came in every half hour to check after Apple Bloom was also not helpful.

Every time when she just managed it to fall asleep, Applejack entered the room to ask Apple Bloom something.

At one time, she came with a glass of water and then she thought that she heard Apple Bloom coughing. And it was going on like that for the whole night.

And after Applejack found out that Apple Bloom was gone she couldn't sleep either because Rarity, that came over to look after her and Sweetie while Applejack followed Apple Bloom, moralized her and Sweetie Belle the whole time.

Apple Bloom returned together with Applejack several hours after Rarity arrived at the farm. She was telling something about a chimera in a fire swamp that wanted to eat her, but luckily she was fine. Applejack managed it to defeat the chimera and to rescue her, and Scootaloo felt relieved over it that Apple Bloom returned safely.

Now, Scootaloo was on her way home. She only wanted to slip in her bed and catch up on her sleep. When she had reached her house, she opened the door, trotted in slowly and shut it with a kick of one of her back hooves, so that a loud bang echoed through the house.

She trudged up the stairs. When the entrance of her bedroom came in sight, she increased her tempo, eager to finally find some sleep. As she sped to the door, something pink fell out of her mane. She stopped and looked down. It was one of Apple Bloom's bows, the one she had worn in her room.

Right. She brought it over with her when she left the farm. Scootaloo picked the bow up and continued her way to her room, more slowly now. When she had entered her room, she immediately climbed into her bed and slipped under the blanket. Before she closed her eyes, she put the bow into her mane. For some reason she liked it. And this was something that confused the little filly.

Ever since she could remember she never wanted to wear bows. She always considered bows as cheesy and uncool. But when she had worn Apple Bloom's bow, she found out that she felt comfortable with wearing bows. And now that she had put it into her mane again she felt much better than on her way home when she wasn't wearing it. Scootaloo couldn't understand that. Why she liked it to wear bows suddenly?

“Were I wrong?”, she thought. “Have I never liked it to wear bows just because I never tried it?” She rolled to the side and glanced around the room for some moments. Cheerilee always said that it lies in the eye of the beholder if something is cool or not and that tastes can change over time. She rolled on her back again and took the bow out of her mane. She held it in front of her face with both hooves and inspected it.

It was made of a cheap fabric. Not one of the expensive ones of which Sweetie Belle talked so often, the ones that Rarity's richest customers ordered for their dresses. She examined one side very carefully and then turned it round to look at the other side, and examined it in the same way. Despite the cheap fabric that was used it still looked nice. She stroked the fabric with her hoof. She liked the feeling that the fabric created on her hooves. Even when it was only a cheap one it felt like the most valuable silk to her nonetheless. “No, it doesn't look nice.”, she thought. “It looks beautiful.” She continued stroking it, this time more gentle. Yeah, she really liked it. Maybe Cheerilee was right.

She pulled back the blanket a little so that her chest was free and pressed the bow against her. Scootaloo smiled. Even through her fur, she could feel the silkiness. Pressing the bow against her body like this generated a warm, cozy feeling in her chest. “It's strange to feel something like this for a simple bow, but it can't be wrong when it feels so good.”, she thought to herself.

For some minutes Scootaloo just laid there, enjoying the feeling.

Then she began to wonder again. She had noticed that the emotions she felt when she was wearing Apple Bloom's bow or when she was simply holding it in her hooves were the same like the emotions she felt when she thought on her scooter. That confused her even more.

She loved her scooter. Ever since Cheerilee bought it for her no day passed on which she wasn't racing through Ponyville with it. She had to practice first, but she got the hang out of it soon and since then nothing could stop her anymore. She learned many tricks in all these years and became a master in performing stunts with her scooter. She even became so fast that some pegasi in town couldn't keep up with her anymore. And she had undergone so many exciting things with her scooter. Like the one day when she ended up in the hospital and her scooter was almost ruined.

She was trying a new stunt, a Double Backflip. She practiced this stunt hard; she even skipped school on some days to master it. When she entered the Ponyville skate park on this day, she knew that she was ready.

She raced over the ramp, yanked her scooter up and managed to do the first half of the trick without problems, but when she started with the second 360° spin a bird flew into her way. She tried to dodge it and this ruined everything. She was loosing control in mid-air, felt to the ground and hit the edge of the ramp on the other side with her right foreleg. She also made the mistake to approach the ramp too fast which caused her scooter to be knocked down into a thousand pieces.

After she thudded down onto the edge, she couldn't move her foreleg anymore and it was distorted in an awkward way. She didn't feel any pain first, but the treatment in the hospital turned out as the most painful experience in her life up until this point. It was a compound fracture and it took months until the fracture was healed completely. Her scooter could be repaired too, but it took her weeks to convince Cheerilee to let her driving it again.

Her scooter meant as much as her life to her. No. Her scooter was her life! She even could say the same about her helmet that she got on the same day.

“But this bow?” she thought. “It doesn't mean anything to me. I just have it since last night, that's not enough time to develop such a strong bond to it. Do I really feel the same for it?” She lifted the bow up from her chest, held it in front of her face and rubbed over the thin fabric again. She thought on the cold metal of her scooter and how she felt when she touched it. No. It was not the same feeling. It was similar, but different. “Cold.....”, she murmured. Suddenly the feeling felt familiar. She remembered on it that she already felt it one time before. It was in last winter.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and she headed out into the north of Equestria on their own to get polar expedition cutie marks. They hadn't told anypony about it because they knew their families would have never allowed it. They only left a letter in Apple Bloom's room just in case something should happen to them. And something did happen to them.

They underestimated how quick the weather could change in northern Equestria and were surprised by a snowstorm before they could reach their destination, the Crystal Empire. Luckily they found an ice cave to take shelter in and even managed it to make a little fire by burning one of their saddle bags with matches that Apple Bloom brought with her. But the fire didn't last long and so they had to cuddle against each other to keep themselves warm.

Apple Bloom sat in the middle, with Sweetie Belle to her left while she snuggled against her right side. Her head rested on Apple Bloom's chest. She could feel her chest rising and sinking when she breathed. It had something very soothing to it to feel the movements of Apple Bloom's chest at her face and it made her feeling cozy in a way she never felt before.

Thanks to Twilight they were saved on this day. After Applejack found the letter she asked Twilight for help, who sent a letter to the Crystal Empire. Twilight's brother was the one that found them in the cave and brought them safely to the Empire. They got away with colds and after they could warm up a little, they made their journey home. Scootaloo was just happy that they survived this adventure and forgot the feeling quick. But now it was back. Yes, it felt the same way. But why?

Scootaloo tried to remember if she ever felt this cozy feeling again after that day in the cave, but she couldn't. There were no doubts. She only felt it one time before, when she was cuddling with Apple Bloom in the cave. And they never cuddled again after it.

Suddenly, Scootaloo felt a pain in her chest. The wonderful feeling she felt since she lied down in her bed with the bow was replaced with another one: Sadness. She was sad suddenly and a feeling of hopelessness hit her.

“It was such a long time since I cuddled with Apple Bloom and we never did it again..... What if she doesn't want to cuddle with me anymore?” She shook her head. “Wait, why did I thought this?”, she asked herself, now feeling surprised. “I never wanted to cuddle with Apple Bloom again!”

But the feeling didn't go away. And her explanation felt like she had just lied to herself. But still, this feeling couldn't be right! She tried to ignore it for some minutes, but it only grew stronger the more she tried it.

She couldn't deny it anymore: She wanted to cuddle with Apple Bloom again and the thought that they never did it ever again since the cave made her sad. “Does that mean that I..... No! This is ridiculous! We are only friends! Yeah, we are close friends and I like her very much, but..... I..... I don't love her!” Again the feeling of lying to herself. “But why do I feel like this then?”

She looked down to Apple Bloom's bow that was lying on her chest again now. Suddenly, she asked herself how it smells. Another strange thought in her head. But she couldn't resist. She picked it up, held it to her nose and sniffed at it. First slowly, then she took a deep breath. “It smells like Apple Bloom.”, she thought. The cozy feeling returned, now stronger than before. It spread out from her chest down to her stomach. Her stomach began to tingle. She pulled down the blanket more and stared at her stomach curiously. “Are these the butterflies everypony is talking about, the ones that you can feel in your stomach when you have a crush on somepony?”

She couldn't come up with a better explanation. It did feel like she had butterflies in her stomach after all. Scootaloo knew what this meant. The suspicion that she felt more for her best friend than she ever thought began to grow stronger. The filly rolled to the side. She held the bow to her nose again and sniffed on it a third time. And then again. She liked the smell of Apple Bloom on the bow and don't wanted to stop. She felt addicted to it. She tried to think of something else what this feeling could mean, but she couldn't come up with an idea. She sniffed on the bow again.

“Maybe I really love Apple Bloom.”, she thought. Scootaloo began to feel immensely happy suddenly. The feeling of sadness over the thought that Apple Bloom doesn't want to cuddle with her anymore, that she still felt a little, vanished and it was replaced by a wave of joy. She grinned unconsciously and turned on her back again. Now that she had spoken it out she knew it. She pressed the bow harder against her.

“Yeah, I love Apple Bloom!”, she thought. Then she sat up and shouted: “I love Apple Bloom!” And then again: “I love Apple Bloom!” She let herself fall down onto her pillow again and laughed. She was feeling free now; it was like a big stone felt off of her heart. Deep inside her she knew that she had to tell it to Apple Bloom someday and that meet her would be different from now on. But that wasn't important now. The only important thing now was this feeling, the feeling to love somepony.

“And the best thing is”, she thought, “that I will her meet again today!” She grinned. Now she was really glad for it that Apple Bloom insisted on it to held their next Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting this afternoon, even when she said how tired she was. Suddenly she felt worn out again.

Since she put Apple Bloom's bow into her mane minutes earlier her tiredness was completely blown off. Her big feelings for Apple Bloom and all the thoughts she did in the last minutes had dispelled all the tiredness how she realized now. But now that she had become aware of her feelings it returned.

Scootaloo yawned. She reached down and pulled the blanket up to her until it was under her chin, covering Apple Bloom's bow that lied still on her chest. Scootaloo slid her hooves under the blanket and embraced the pink little bow. She smiled again. She couldn't wait for it to see Apple Bloom again today, but now she needed some sleep to become rested up for their meeting.

She snuggled against her pillow and slowly delved into sleep. Her thoughts circled around their meeting today while she drifted away more and more. “Apple Bloom.”, she whispered a last time and then she was fallen asleep.

Comments ( 21 )

Very cute indeed. :scootangel:

Maybe I should read your other stories, if only to fully understand the relationship you've got going between Scootaloo and Cheerilee.


Surprisingly, there should be a space between those two words.


I do believe the class refer to her as 'Miss. Cheerilee.' However, it is but a small preferability.

She stroke the fabric with her hoof.

Small error. I believe it should be 'stroked' or 'stokes' depending on the sentences continuation.


I believe (Considering they're a species, akin to Humans.) that it should be spelt 'Pegasi'

She was trying a new stunt, a Double Backflip. She practiced this stunt hard,

Instead of a comma, I believe it should be a semi-colon: ;

“But this bow?”,

Remove the comma.

Suddenly, the feeling felt familiar.

This is what's called a fragment, very annoying, I know. However I believe it can be fixed by removing the comma and full stop in order to keep the sentence going, preventing it from being so.

Luckily they found a ice cave

Sorry, it should be 'an' not 'a'

Yes, it felt the same way. But why?

Unfortunately, another fragment. Easily solved by removing the full stop between the two and perhaps using an ellipses instead.

“Wait, why did I thought this?”,

Sorry, but the comma is not necessary.

“Yeah, I love Apple Bloom!”,

Unneeded comma.

She was feeling free now, it was like a big stone felt off of her heart.

Semi colon would be of better use here.

Her big feelings for Apple Bloom and all the thoughts she did in the last minutes had disspelled all the tiredness how she realized now. But now that she had become aware of her feelings it returned.

Small spelling error (The only one intact.) is should be a single 'S' not two.

I must say, I rather liked this fiction. Inner conflict is often cliche however I do believe it was used effectively here. The self doubt in one's emotions and the finding of love from a mere piece of apparel is very interesting indeed. And I do think this website is seriously lacking in good Scootaloom content that is actually to be considered 'good' and it is nice of me to announce this officially fell into that tier.

Good day.

Thanks for your comment! It makes me happy that you like it! :scootangel:

And if you are interested in the relationship between Scootaloo and Cheerilee, you should read Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity.
It doesn't belong to the same timeline like "Bows and Feelings", but I use this relationship for my whole fanfiction universe and I plan to explain their relationship in chapter 2.


First, thanks for your comment! I really appreciate your feedback! :scootangel:

Surprisingly, there should be a space between those two words.

I looked that up and found it indeed listed as a mistake. However, I also read that it's used more and more often in that way, which may cause that it become accepted soon, since language is living and is subjected to change if enough people change how they talk/write.
But anyway, according to my researches, it's still more common to write it separated so I will fix that.

I do believe the class refer to her as 'Miss. Cheerilee.' However, it is but a small preferability.

Aside from the fact that I do remember Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle calling her "Cheerilee" one time, I intended it that way.
That Cheerilee bought Scootaloo her scooter is a hint on their relationship.

Small error. I believe it should be 'stroked' or 'stokes' depending on the sentences continuation.

Right and thanks for the sharp eye! Will fix that!

I believe (Considering they're a species, akin to Humans.) that it should be spelt 'Pegasi'

I found conflicting sources for that. I think it can be written in both ways.

Instead of a comma, I believe it should be a semi-colon: ;

Semi colon would be of better use here.

Semicolon use is something new to me, so far I thought there's no rule that makes it necessary to use that. But I looked it up too and found you were right, so, this will be fixed.

Remove the comma.

Will be fixed!

This is what's called a fragment, very annoying, I know. However I believe it can be fixed by removing the comma and full stop in order to keep the sentence going, preventing it from being so.

Unfortunately, another fragment. Easily solved by removing the full stop between the two and perhaps using an ellipses instead.

It's the first time I heard of fragments and looked that up too.
The fragments I used here are called "intentional fragments". It's not a mistake.
But you're right with the comma in the first one, I just forgot to remove that. :scootangel:

Sorry, it should be 'an' not 'a'

And another rule learned! Thanks!

Sorry, but the comma is not necessary.

Unneeded comma.

I tried to find a rule for this case, but couldn't find a source unfortunately.
But when you speak these sentences out, you make a short pause after "Wait" and "Yeah", which is a good way to find out if a comma is needed or not, so, I guess there should be one.

Small spelling error (The only one intact.) is should be a single 'S' not two.

Thanks for the sharp eye again, will be fixed!

Thanks for all the tips! Although I couldn't agree on everything, you still helped me to find some mistakes and fixing them! And I learned some grammar rules in the process that will help me avoid these mistakes in the future!

I must say, I rather liked this fiction. Inner conflict is often cliche however I do believe it was used effectively here. The self doubt in one's emotions and the finding of love from a mere piece of apparel is very interesting indeed. And I do think this website is seriously lacking in good Scootaloom content that is actually to be considered 'good' and it is nice of me to announce this officially fell into that tier.

Oh wow, that's more praise than I hoped to get for this fanfiction! :raritystarry:
I consider myself as really sucking when it's about writing romantic stories, it either turns out as emotionless or it get's cheesy.
It can't be that good, can it?
Thanks for enjoying it and the kinds words! :scootangel:

And you're right with the Scootabloom fic's. There are almost none. There is almost no Scootabloom fanwork in general even, you can only find a hooffull on Scootabloom fanarts over on Deviantart, I'm not kidding.
All while the ScootaBelle shipping flourishes, which is kinda unfair.
If I would be better in writing romantic stories I would write my own Scootabloom fic, no, I would flood FIMFiction.net with those fics! :scootangel:

4079346 Your nice words are heralded and your thanks is very much appreciated, you thank you. If you ever need assistance on a story or anything of the sort, don't fret to ask. I will reply almost immediately. Now, I believe I shall depart to my room to acquire much needed sleep.

Good Day (Or night in my current case, however the implication is still present.)

4079377 Thanks for your offer! I gladly accept it!
And good night to you too! :scootangel:

Well, that was cute. I don't exactly ship it, but it was still cute.:yay:

I'll just say this though: the way it was written made it hard to read. Sometimes the bad grammar jolted me out of the story and it didn't feel right. Not just the grammar, though. The flow of the story was very stop-and-go. You never really described any of the surroundings. Describe the atmosphere of the room, describe how her hoofsteps were heavy as she dragged herself to her room. Add in something to immerse me into the story, because with the vague descriptions here, it was very hard for me to picture anything. Did her wings ever flutter in excitement? Did her eyes ever widen, did her voice crack? I'm picking up what you're putting down, but I need more. :raritydespair:
Also, something else isn't right here. You wrote that she put the bow in her mane before she lied down, but then she has it in her hooves. I suppose that, yeah, she took it out of her mane, but there was nothing indicating it. It was just "In her mane-in her hooves". This happened again toward the end.:trixieshiftleft:

That's not to say that this story is bad, though. I'm mainly looking at formatting here. I really like the concept and I like the emotions. I like how you hinted that Cheerilee is related to Scootaloo and I like how you compared her affection toward Applebloom to that of her scooter. It was very cute and actually very deep, and I loved that. :pinkiesmile:

Anyway, I'm reviewing for Weekly Watch, and even though I'm not an official reviewer yet, I thought I'd contribute anyway. :twilightsmile:


Thank you for this comment! It shows me again how important it is to get feedback, because, I thought I already described enough.
To take the stairs scene for example, I thought it would be better not to describe much, because Scootaloo is tired and wants only to go to bed as fast as she can, and that every description of her surroundings would just give the feeling that she isn't in such a hurry anymore suddenly.
But now that I thought over it, this is nonsense, only because I describe the surroundings it doesn't mean that Scootaloo recognizes that all and pays attention, cause a description must not be written by her point of view. Thanks for pointing this out!
I already seriously thought to submit this to EQD, especially because I could clean quite a bunch of grammar mistakes thanks to my last commenter here, but now I will wait with that.
I guess it's time for me to get some serious support when it's about english grammar, I thought I only make a few mistakes, but it seems that there are more than I thought.
So, I will search through the various groups here that can help me with that before I write something new.
And I will eventually give that one here a makeover.

Also, something else isn't right here. You wrote that she put the bow in her mane before she lied down, but then she has it in her hooves. I suppose that, yeah, she took it out of her mane, but there was nothing indicating it. It was just "In her mane-in her hooves". This happened again toward the end.:trixieshiftleft:

No, I was explaining that:

She rolled on her back again and took the bow out of her mane. She held it in front of her face with both hooves and inspected it.

It seems that you weren't captured by my story enough because of missing descriptions of the surroundings, so, is this maybe the reason why you overread it?
I always thought on describing everything as detailed as possible already when I wrote "The Best Present She Could Wish For", but somehow I just realized now how important it is to describe not only the thoughts and actions of characters, but also their surrounding area, sounds, the look of things, architecture, lighting conditions, ect.
I think I was not aware of it how important that is until now. Thanks for making me realizing that!

And thanks for the compliments too! The idea with the feelings for her scooter in comparison to her feelings for Applebloom/her bow came completely spontaneously while writing (like most things I write, I rarely plan a story) and I thought it would be a good way to show that off.
I'm glad that it turned out like I have planned it. :pinkiehappy: Really, thank you for your comment! :scootangel:
It let me make a giant leap forward!

4080354 You're very welcome! And here is a writing guide that helped me while I was writing my stories! It's very well-written and it makes a lot of good points, and I'm a better writer because of it. I hope it helps you out as well. :twilightsmile:

4080366 Awesome! :scootangel: Thanks, I will read that!

4080434 Not a problem! :pinkiehappy:


No problem, I'll just wait!
Oh, and don't rush your story. Take your time for writing it.
It's not necessarily healthy to have a schedule for ending a fanfiction, since this could limitate you too much.
Just take time for it, there's no need to rush your story.

Comment posted by WishSeeker deleted May 13th, 2015

I like this story and i really hope to see more of it in the future :scootangel:


YAY, I love it when older stories get new readers! I'm glad you liked it and thanks for the fave! :scootangel:
And maybe I will write more Scootabloom in the future, because Scootabloom is OTP and there's a severe lack of Scootabloom shipping in the fandom and if I do, then you're in for a treat because I'm a lot better now than I was when writing this story!

Edit: And thanks for submitting the story to the ScootaBloom group! :scootangel: :applecry:


I just saw that my fanfic is the first one you favourited after registering here, which is a huge honor, thanks for that and for the follow! :scootangel:

No problem, I always like reading older stories but only recently registered, I love how you also reply to comments, so thx. :twilightblush:


And not only that, I'm also the first one you follow here! I'm running out of "thanks" supplies, but I have to give you one more:

Thank you so much! :scootangel:


Oh and I would love to see more Scootabloom. I think people forget about these two but a come back is in order.

I may even start to write a few stories of my own but first I want to read more of other people's work.

So again thx for taking the time to reply. :scootangel:


It's always a pleasure to talk with readers who like my stories. :scootangel:
Also, a comeback of Scootabloom? Is something planned in that regards? Please tell me about it!

This story is adorable.


And of a rare kind. There should be more Scootabloom in the fandom. Much more. But for some reason, Scootaloo always gets shipped with Sweetie Belle, even though Applebloom and her fit together much better. And then Tender Taps came and he stole Applebloom for the shipfics.
Scootabloom was never allowed to truly live. :pinkiesad2:

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