• Published 16th Mar 2014
  • 12,112 Views, 532 Comments

The Witch of the Everfree Forest! - FLUTTERxxDASH

The Witch, to some a faerie, to most just a tale the tell kids to stay away from the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle had been alive for thousands of years, she has met and even taught many individuals but for the last one hundreds years, none have come in

  • ...

As a new Day begins.

The Witch Of The Everfree Forest!

Written By

Serra Quill

"This is really annoying, I know I'm not doing it wrong, I can feel the magic," Flopping to the floor, Scootaloo crosses her arm looking back at the dragon, happily munching down on a small hoard of sapphires. Groaning again she turns over to her stomach and holds her head in her hands, "with all the weird stuff yesterday, school being closed and Twilight not around I thought you would know more than... "she'll be back soon."

Shrugging his shoulders, Spike throws another crystal in his maw with a crunch, "its what it is, she disappears sometimes. Plus, this is something you would be doing anyway, I'm sure she is fine and will explain what was happening anyway, the suns up ain't it," with a grin, pointing one clawed finger at the baby blue sky above. Getting up from the ground, shaking his body as his scales rippled, sitting onto his back legs much like a dog would, "and anyway, I thought you would be happy with a day off from what you tell me how "boring" and "pointless" school is."

Frowning at Spikes sarcastic tone, "fair point, I still don't like the fact that Twilight isn't here tho, I also don't want to go back home." Picking up a stone, she began chucking and catching it in the air, "I just want her to be here to teach me, I get the "how" to do this, I just can't seem to get it to work like yesterday. Maybe I'm just useless..."

Laying down into an easier position to see Scootaloos face, Spike chuckled, "Maybe?" he stated, making Scootaloo look at him in incredulity, waving his arm at her with a chuckle, "though, only if you believe yourself to be useless, the only one stopping you from being all you can be is yourself right? its not the action of not being able to do something that makes you useless, its the inaction of not even trying to improve yourself that makes one useless. In my eyes, I see someone whos willing to improve, making them not so useless to me, am I wrong?" raising an eyebrow.

Scootaloo twiddled her thumbs, looking around before grumbling, "I guess so, still doesn't change the fact that I can't do it."

Spike moved closer and gently flicked the small girl on the forehead, making her jump and rub the spot where he got her, a cheeky grin coming over his face. Using one claw he drew a small circle on the ground in the dirt, pointing at it, "Sit here for me, I'll tell you a secret." An annoyed Scootaloo moving over to the spot and sat down with a harrumph, "okay, like before, close your eyes," to which Scootaloo did, "now, don't think."

Scootaloo immediately opened her eyes, "WHAT?! what do you mean don't think... that makes no sense, I have to concentrate on the feeling of the magic, or else I wo-"

Flicking her forehead again, making her eep once more, "just do it, trust me a little."

Scootaloo clenched her fist in irritation, "fine, but stop flicking me, its annoying," calming herself down again, she closed her eyes, breathing deep like Twilight had told her to.

Spike watched as the little girl's features slowly calmed down, a leaf beside her slowly drifting across the ground in the wind, "that's it, now just listen to my voice, feel the air brush past you. Focus only on what you feel, on what you felt as you used the spell, not on how to use it, let your body remember the feeling."

Letting her arms rest on her legs, she felt her pants ruffle in the wind, the air brushing across her primaries and secondaries on her wings. Letting herself get lost in the feeling of the winds, the ever-changing temperatures that all Valkyries are sensitive to. Finally feeling a warmth grow behind her eyes, she let the feeling overtake her as she felt the zap of magic once more, opening her eyes to see varying colours.

Spike had been blowing hot air around her, letting it brush past the circle she sat withing, only barely touching upon her. But it was enough for her to remember the feeling of when Twilight held her hands and helped her the first time she used the spell. Jumping up and down, "I did it! I can see the air! Thanks!" she all but shouted, running at the dragon before nearly bouncing off with her hug, Spike just taking it like the big lug he was and patting the little girl on the back with a grin.

"not so useless huh? though now comes the hard part and I think Twilight might be happy if her apprentice can at least get halfway up the boulder right?" Spike questioned, pointing at the stone on the boulder in front of them.

With a challenging smile, Scootaloo span on her heels, "no probs dude! I got this," opening her wings, she ran at the boulder, following the air to the place she would get the best "lift," "Let's do this..."

In all my years, this has to be the oddest day of my life... not one but three of them, I'm going to go grey with all this stress. With a plop, another sugar cube was added to the third cup, making it two for the first, none for the second and five for the Princess'. Letting the tea leaf infuser drift for a few seconds more before Sugar Lumps pulled it away from the rose engraved clay teapot, I hope they like it at least.

Placing it all onto the move able tray, Sugar began to wheel it to Princess' personal social space in the Royal quarters, only being two minutes from the Royal kitchen that she was stationed it didn't take much time at all. Walking in to hear her Princess, "Luna, you have jam all over your cheeks," with a dainty chuckle, she saw the Princess rub the small blue haired girls cheeks with a napkin.

Struggling to get away from Celestia, Luna grumbled as she was cleaned, "tis not mine fault, I am not used to having such a small body... you know my magic is depleted sister." crossing her arms.

If she wasn't the Princess' small sister, therefore being a Princess herself and apparently over a thousand years old at least to Sugars knowledge, it would have been a seen that she would have squeed at the adorable childlike woman. Celestia noticing her, waving her over, "Tea Princess? I hope the usual is alright for your 'sisters'?" passing the cups off to the table that was between the cream coloured suites.

Celestia smiled as she picked up the cup of tea, breathing in the aroma, "As delectable smell as always Sugar, though I think it will only pass for Luna's tastebuds, she prefers a much stronger blend," at the panic on Sugars face, Celestia cheekily winked at her with a small smile, "its fine as it is my dear, why don't you have yourself a break?" Celestia said, to which Sugar bowed with a smile, pushing the cart out of the room with a click of the door.

Celestia smiled down at the cup as she looked over to Luna, who drank the tea albeit with reluctance, though as she looked over to Twilight, she herself seemed to be enjoying the brew.

Breathing a sigh, Twilight placed the cup back on the knitted mat, "you never seem to change what you like Tia, you really need some change sometimes," Twilight said with a grin.

Celestia laughed slightly, between them Luna had finally given up and placed her mug down, looking around at the pristine white walls and gold ornate around, "I see that the castle is well looked after, I assume the subjects still love their princess."

Celestia grimaced at the remark, until Luna grinned over to her, "Especially thine large tuccus sister, you have gained quite a few pounds," she chuckled.

Twilight burst out laughing at Celestia's shocked expression, wiping a tear away as Celestia raised a cushion in magic before launching it at Luna, making the small girl topple backwards off the buffet she was just able to sit on. Just before Luna sent it right back. Making the challenge clear as cushions began firing back and forth as Twilight slowly finished her tea.

Minutes later, with a clink, Twilight placed her cup onto the tray on the side ready to be taken away, looking over to her sisters in a pile, chests heaving from exhaustion, snapping her fingers as she placed feathers back in the cushions. Tea that was spilt was placed back into and reheated in their respective cups, the one curtain that had been torn was mended and finally, her sisters were drifted back into their places.

Celestia sat back, wiping the sweat off her brow, "it has been too long since I have just let go like that, I have missed you both so much." saying this as Luna came over to her side, sitting at head height with her chest, hugging her. Celestia slowly rubbing her fingers through Lunas hair.

Twilight looking on with a smile, "I am just glad that Luna is back with us, I am sorry for not talking again Tia, I was scar-"

Holding a hand up, Celestia shook her head, "Don't, its fine, what has been done is in the past. Please, let us look to the future since some subjects already know, why don't you move here... officially?" Celestia said, her eyes full of hope.

Twilight smiled sadly at her two little sisters, even Luna eyed her from her position with tired eyes, "you know I cant Tia, I'm not royalty for starters, not to mention I believe there is not enough green here for me." Celestia looked down-trodden. Twilight stretched across the table and grabbed ahold of Celestias hand, "but it doesn't mean I won't visit, you don't need to hide me anymore either. I will openly traverse around as I am sure there is no one left awake under the stars who know of the past. Though I still shall remain adamant that I am not a Princess, okay?"

Celestia chuckled, "You can say it all you want Twily, but I am afraid that the masses will think differently, what with you being almost as tall as I am, they will think you are an alicorn like we two are, you have lived a long life with more magical knowledge than any other being this world has seen. I won't push a position onto you that you don't want but I believe it an impossible task for the people of this world to think you not a "Princess" of this realm."

Twilight groaned, cuffing one hand in the other as she thought, "still, even if they think me so, I will refuse the role of a Princess as I will be busy with my apprentice," with a smile, she snapped her fingers again, since Sugar hadn't been back yet and she wanted another cup of tea, tea leafs popped into existence in a ball of water that floated in the air as steam slowly rose off the colour changing liquid. Just before dropping into a see-through glass cup.

Celestias brow rose, "An apprentice? truly? its been near eight hundred years since the last one hasn't it?" Picking her reheated tea back up, making it slightly hotter with her own magic and taking a sip.

Twilight nodded, humming in delight at her own brew, "Indeed, the little changeling did make for a wonderful apprentice, though I think little Scootaloo will make for a much more enthusiastic student." noticing the inquisitive look upon Celestia and Lunas face she carried on, "She has a spark not many have these days... no I'm lying, she isn't the only one with the spark, her two friends are in much the same when it comes to having such inquisitive minds. Scootaloo though, I find to be much like myself when we first met," She said with a grimace, "though not like my position as a slave, just the same feeling."

Celestia also didn't like the sound of having someone in a similar situation to what Twilight was, "what is wrong, is she orphaned? or something worse?"

Twilight shook her head, "No," snapping her fingers a crystal ball of obsidian appeared before flashing lavender as the girl in question appeared across it, showing both her sisters her new apprentice, "not an orphan, not like we were. Though not far from it with the way she talks about her parents, she says she has an aunt who has helped when she could but her home situation is in dire need of repair. From how I see it, she was neglected, with defects that could have been fixed with care and proper attention. I have been filtering magic through her body to speed up the healing process on her wings... it will not be easy. I would like to take her away from her parents, in an official manner if you would help me." She asked, a pleading look upon her features.

Celestia looked down to Luna who had fallen "asleep," "I can, but the law is much different now big sister, there is things you must do before you can officially adopt the young girl. Though I will fully support you if the parents are found guilty of neglect, not to mention another niece would be wonderful to have."

This time Twilights brow rose, "Another?"

Huffing and panting, that's all she could do right now, looking at that little blue crystal on the boulder as Spikes snoring could be heard behind her, Scootaloo rolled to a sitting position and lent upon her hands, spanning her wings wide as she felt them throb. An itch underneath her muscles had been bugging her like her feathers were out of place, even after letting them recall beneath her sigils and recalling them, she knew they were perfectly preened. Rose coloured light began to glow over the tattoo like symbols on her back as her golden brown wings disappeared in light speckles.

With a huff she got to her feet, "Time for a break," making her way past Spike, to the small pond behind him, dunking her head underneath the surface she began to take large gulps, resurfacing for a few seconds for air before dunking right back in. As she was underneath she saw a fish swim past, pulling her head out she sat back against a tree that was near her with a smile. Even after so many attempts that she stopped counting, something about this part of the forest just made her completely chill. Hearing the call of birds, the trickle of the water down her back and Spikes snoring the perfect place to just be herself.

She sat there for a while, watching as a line of ants brought leaves and twigs over to their hill as she got her breath back, wiping the sweat away, guess I cant slack off either huh? she thought as she hopped up, One more time! as she cast her Valkyrie magic, unbeknownst to her, her wings were half an inch longer than the last casting, as well as the muscle on her back, was more defined.

She looked up at the boulder with a grin, noticing the last mark she made being three quarters the way up, she rubbed at her nose before she cast her sight magic in the blink of an eye without any trouble this time, crouching as she felt the updraft around her and launching into the air, this time I will reach you!

I am so done, so... so done. Not only one sister but two, how did I not know this. Its such a failure, I know every book in the canterlot archives, not to mention Celestia has let me at all her private documents, but none has anything to do with Princess Twilight. Sunset was slowly making a grove in her carpet, well, her old carpet anyway. Finally waking up from passing out, as she walked around her room she began to hear Pinkies giggle from her sitting room, making her way over she all but fell over as the pink menace burst through the door.

"Oops, sorry Sunny, didn't mean to get'cha," Pinks said as she grabbed Sunsets hand, pulling her through into the sitting room where all but Rarity were sat. Pinkie was already somehow sat on the sofa munching on a muffin whilst waving energetically at Sunset from across the room.

Shaking her head Sunset walked in and sat down on one of the floors bean bags, sinking into the crunchy feeling of the styrofoam beads, "Wheres Rares?" asking whilst Pinkie grabbed five more muffins, stuffing two of them in her top, somehow no bulges where they were placed were visible, gunna ignore the physics behind that.

Aj moved the plate of muffins away from Pinkie with a frown, "shes reapplying her frou frou makeup, makin hersel' all purty again, the usual. What about you, feeling better after sleepin fer a bit?"

Sunset scratched the top of her head, "define better... how long have I been asleep?!"

Aj turned her wrist over to look at her watch, "bout' seven hours lug, got a kip mysel' only one who hasn't had no sleep is Pinks," Aj said, whilst slapping the drooling Pinkies hand away from the last two muffins.

Fluttershy daintily nibbled at her muffin, her first muffin, "I was really worried when you collapsed, though with the shock of three Princess' I'm not all too surprised," a worried look on her face, "do you think that Twilight was the witch?" looking at Sunset.

Sunset was about to answer before Aj chuckled, "Ah tried tah tell yall before we go further in bout her, that's her alright Shy, now we know why the stories span generations."

Sunset shook her head, "that cant be true though, she is just a fairy tale!"

Everybody in the room looked at her with an incredulous manner, Dash being the one to speak up, "so was Nightmare Moon egghead, or have you forgot?" snarking from her spot on a high cupboard which she used her wings to get to, just liking to be in a higher place in the room.

Sunset opened her mouth to retort, pointing one finger at Dash before letting it drop to her side, "point taken I guess... so do we know where the Princess is?"

Pinking grabbed her head from behind as she was pulled Sunset back to look at her eyes, "Sure, shes with Twily and little woona in the Royal Quarters!"

Sunset jumped up, "they're both here, then... then... " was all she said, before sprinting out the door past a surprised Rarity walking into the room.

"My word, Sunset!" Rarity said, shouting down the hallway, "Slow down dear, you're going to cause an accident," though it fell on deaf ears as Sunset had already run around the corner and down toward the Princesses Quarters. With a shake of her head, she went to sit down and take the last muffin that was being save for her, though as she reached across the table an arm snaked its way from underneath the white cloth and snatched the treat under the table before an audible "nom" was heard. Rarity looked aghast at the action as Aj shook her head, "I guess Pinkie didn't have her morning cake then with all that has happened, I didn't need the muffin anyway, I have been trying to slim down for summer anyways I guess..."

"so tell me Tia, how long have you been training your Apprentice? she seemed quite adept at magic and had a very raw amount from what I could feel."

Celestia smiled at the many memories running through her head, "Since her childhood, she was one of my maid's children, sadly the maid had passed away and I saw talent in young Sunset. Instead of letting her raw talent go to waste I took her under wing as a student... as well as a daughter," with a smile she felt Luna rise up and look at her.

"I have a not only one but two nieces, with possibly a third? When will we meet her then Tia?" Luna said with a face splitting grin, " we wish to meet her immediatly! right now!"

Twilight smiled at Lunas childlike antics, knowing it to just be her finally letting her feelings be known instead of repressing herself, "yes Tia, please do call on young Sunset so we can get a good look at our dear-"

All of a sudden the door to the room swung open as a frazzled looking Sunset appeared, just before her face turned ghost white, grabbing the door and slowly closing it. Celestia sighed as she waited a few seconds, before the door opened again with a less panic looking Sunset who came into the room, twiddling her thumbs, before bowing, "Princess I-"

Celestia got up from the suite and came over to Sunset, standing behind her with her hands on her shoulder making Sunset stop mid-sentence, "Sisters, I would like you to meet your niece, Sunset Shimmer!" She said with a smile.

Sunset looked flabbergasted as she was all but pile drived by Luna with a giggle, "Hello young one, we art your Aunt Luna!" the young looking girl said, a head height smaller than Sunset herself.

"er... Hi," was all Sunset could say before she saw the woman in a purple dress raise from the opposite suite her mother sat upon, "Hello dear, its a pleasure to meet my sister's daughter, I am Twilight, or if you prefer you could call me Aunty?"

Sunset shook her head, "I could never Princess! I-"

Celestia chuckled before patting Sunset on the back, turning to Twilight, "I told you people would be confused big sister, even your own niece believes you to be a Princess."

Shaking her head, Twilight felt as Luna stood ahold onto her leg beside her, "we are family Sunset, there is no need for barriers, as well as the fact that I am no Princess." Twilight told, brushing Luna on the top of the head and receiving a full smile in return, "so please, can you call us by name?"

Sunset seemed to struggle with the idea of not calling the Princess' Princess, even her own Mother, though, in the end, she acquiesced. "I guess I could do that, A-Aunty Twilight," she said with a stumble of words before she could feel Luna back on her stomach again with childlike wonder expecting something, "a-and you too, Aunty Luna," with a smile, she hugged Luna back.

Unbeknownst to the four in the room, the rest of Sunsets friends and Sugar herself was peeking into the room, all Daw'ing at the scene within the room, even dash, though if you were to ask her she would deny it.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, not gonna lie, I'm still gonna take it super slow, I just can't fire them out. I have to do this stuff on a tablet now, so I am sorry if the quality has dipped, I will try to get the last three chapters cleaned up as soon as I can. Anyways, I hope you have liked the continuation so far?

Comments ( 19 )

It is alive again!!!!!!!!!!

This was nice, but I did notice some minor errors (like apostrophes missing from places they clearly needed to be). But all in all, a cute chapter

New chapter! And Sunset is finally introduced to Twilight. I predict she would skip out to Everfree Forest every now and then to get doses of forgotten magic.


Daww'ing. or Daww-ing. You really want two "w"s for "aww" and its derivatives to properly communicate the drawn-out sound. (Compare "oh" vs. "ohh")

i can see dash doing that

it lives,
i hope candace end up being twilight's great great great great granddaughter or somethng like that,

poor sunset you so confused, dont worry you get to spend time with your new aunty twilight in ponyville since u most likey be liveing there, since form the look of it twilight going to be stay in area.....

i hope twilight remember to tell them about her son Spike

even dash, though if you were to ask her she would deny it

I saw that Dashie!!!!!

Biggest concern I have is the comma-abuse. On mobile. Can't quote errors specific. God I hate phones .

Please update soon.

and form what we can tell better magic teacher

When are you gonna post the next chapter? This story is really good

Unfortunately I think it is safe to say that this story has been abandoned/cancelled as it has almost been a year since this story got updated also activity by the author.

Hopefully the author can prove me wrong and continue the story.

need more little woona

well see as it stop being update for a year or two then few new updates I don't think it dead, I just think the writer is busy with rl or other projects.

The feels! More please! I'm dying to see how the rest of Equestria deals with the return of Luna and the reveal of Twilight :pinkiehappy:

I'm excited to see what happens next!

That's a great story, both on the writing and the characters that mix very well. Keep up the good work!

Another awesome story. Hope it returns. :twilightsmile:

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