• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2022


30 years old closet brony from the center of Europe. Just happily doing my thing in my corner of the internet.


This is just a story about Applebloom's pumpkin, how she decided to handle it and what the consequences were.

So this is a story about a pumpkin and... seriously, what is the probability that a story about a pumpkin might be interesting whatsoever?
About one in a thousand?
One in a million?
One in a billion?
Does such a probability really make sense anymore?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

For the picture, perhaps something from this comic?

I remember this one :twilightblush:. The pineapple joke was just so good.
But I even found thos two pictures of Applebloom and a pumpkin (with the most simple google search):
th03.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2013/295/6/3/apple_bloom_in_a_pumpkin_patch_by_reashi-d6rfz5b.jpg ยจ
But neither of them were close enough to the tone and theme of what I had written. (pumpkin seemed alive in the first one, and the second one feels kind of creepy)

But thanks for the advice anyway :pinkiesmile:.

Googling Applebloom and pumpkin produces a few images, but I too could tell that none of them fit this fic. The comic I linked has some slightly better options, but you're right that they don't quite fit either.

One other thing I would like to bring up. Why don't you use the chapters feature of fimfic? You put all your chapters in one chapter for some reason.


You put all your chapters in one chapter for some reason.

Well, I just didn't see the point. The story is pretty small and putting all in one chapter makes it so that the reader doesn't have to click anywhere while reading.
Multiple chapters only seem to have a reason being if the story was written in multiple times (but I only "publish" completed stuff) or for very long stories (very long means 10'000 words or more... I'm too used to write small stuff).

If you don't think it is worth splitting into chapters properly, than I don't think it is work mentioning the chapters within the fic at all.
An average adult reads about 300 words per minute, if the internet is to be believed. That means that this fic would take that average person around 20 minutes.
I think that is easily long enough that it is worth breaking down, if the story makes sense to have chapters at those points.

If you still want breaks in the flow of the story, but you don't want separate chapters, then I have seen many fics use a horizontal rule or some other similar symbolism to handle mid chapter breaks.


than I don't think it is work mentioning the chapters within the fic at all.

That's actually a very good point. I guess I just never really thought about the whole chapter thingy.

splitting into chapters properly

Never took the splitting into chapter that seriously. Probably was wrong if it's so important to you.

I need to think about it...

I appreciate that.
The question you have to ask yourself, is 'how representative is PiMan's opinion of the rest of the readers?' If I am the only person to mention your chaptering style, then all you can compare it with is the number of people who've chosen to say nothing or who have chosen to comment but not bring up the chapter style; the first group is difficult to make inferences about, and the second group can be taken as approving or apathetic.


The question you have to ask yourself, is 'how representative is PiMan's opinion of the rest of the readers?'

Given that there is no real way for me to answer objectively to that question, I'll have to fall back to my own personnal judgment.
And actually, I would usually just do what you propose, which is separating the chapters following the fimfiction system, as it doesn't require much effort from my part and wouldn't probably hurt anybody. I just feel there is something I'm forgetting and I can't put my finger on it...

[edit] Found it. I decided I would just separate the chapters to see if the world was going to explode (or something like that) and it came back to me.
If I separate the chapters, I'll see who has read the first chapters and not the others, or some weird stuff with the numbers. And as much as I would like it not to be true, my moral can be influenced by that. I know I write bad stuff, I know very few people are going to read it and even fewer could like it, but I need to keep some sort of illusion in place.
Sorry, your proposition is good, in that I should separate the chapters with the fimfiction system, I'm just too insecure to do it. Which is stupid, but I'm merely human and I've got to live with my weaknesses.

[edit2] Actually, I was just paranoid. The numbers do not appear anymore. So I can separate the chapters without much afterthoughts.

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