• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 18th


Comments ( 33 )

i can't read this.

it gets uncomfortable lying on the floor.

Because rape is a perfectly justifiable punishment for doing your job too well.


Sexual assault for the sake of entertainment? No me gusta. Don't try and defend it; If the lady says stop, you stop. No exceptions, god damn it.

.....Conflicting emotions. THE WALLS CANT HANDLE THIS!!!!!!!!

325025 None told you to lie on the floor.

325346 Nope. And also nope. I'm not saying it is, nor am I defending it.

The main reason it got made as said, was to balance out the "only males can rape" ratio. (and on the note of it, I am making a male rape fic. Will actually be interesting to see how people react to that. Since it will from what I know be the first of it's kind of that genre, at least in the MLP fandom. And I actually do not enjoy to write or read about these kind of topics, I write because I have a syndrome induced urge to see "balance".)

And I take it you didn't read the fic? Trixie was told she could tell them to stop, or leave at any time. She'd only just have to pay for the damage herself. Yes, it is immoral and blackmailing. But tbh, if I have to compared it to straight out rape, I'd pick blackmailing. Then she at least has a choice. (and Trixie was randomly chosen by a dice roll, nothing against her really. Same goes for Dash)

325498 Not entirely sure what to take that as, but ok.


i don't have a desk or a bed

325636 Don't see why you'd be trying to read stuff in the first place then... unless you'd only got after really short stories or sumit.


Well ok, it's not straight-up rape. But it still easily passes as sexual assault.

You know, if anything you've just painted the protagonists as horrible ponies. Trixie technically didn't do anything wrong. She put on a free show that the crowd enjoyed and humiliated those who tried to heckle her, which is a performer's right. Sure she was unprofessional, but she didn't do anything wrong. How that warrants blackmail and sexual assault is beyond me. It's not her fault other ponies are gullible as fuck.

I can't see this justified at all. I'd never consider sexual abuse as a viable form of punishment. Especially for such a petty reason.


if i could read upside down i would.
also, i enjoy long stories with plenty of plot. sexual themes are a bonus

Alright, I won't talk about the theme or plot much, because it is what it is. A bunch of mares get together to rape Trixie. While I oppose rape in all forms, I found myself getting into this story. The characters are well-written, the story moves at a good pace, and aside from some missteps, you have a nice, varied word choice. I would suggest going over it and fixing these. For example, "There's room for one then one mare here!" should be "There's room for more than one mare here!"

There's my opinion. I dislike it for being about rape, but like it for being an original, creative story.

I'm not exactly squeamish, so the whole 'rape story' thing didn't scare me off. If you get past that, it's actually a very nice story. Hell, it isn't even a brutal rape.

Rainbow is characterized poorly though; she drifts into and out of the personality of the standard RD personality (fanon and canon are fairly similar here, so that which falls under the overlap would probably qualify for 'standard'), with her speech patterns following accordingly.

325657 That it does.
And really, I know it paints them as more "evil", but who says that's not viable? Trixie is the victim here. And besides, very few fan fictions are really "accurate" so to speak. But like you said, it's not her fault, but they're making her pay for it. Just take the Mare-Do-Well episode, they had little problem making fun of Dash, quite quickly forgetting most what she had done. (like that one guy explained very well in the analyze about the episode.) And overall, just were plain cruel to her. I'm not trying to pass it off a "canon-believable" and I admit the story is mostly duct taped, but it's not made to be a romantic fic, it's not made to be a pure rape fic, nor gore. It's a psychologically aimed fic, which yes, would need a better story and execution to pass as anything above average.

Firstly, "petty reason" being that she indirectly caused parts of the town to be ruined due to two stupid colts that her boasting got to. But no, it's not really "justified", but like said: Few fics are. I can admit that compared to a no-brainier like cupcakes, which doesn't require any story and is just there for shock and awe effect it falls flat due to it's actually trying to have a story. And if you compare it to ex Rarity's generous plan, (not sure if you've read or heard about either) neither of them makes much sense. One has as a goal to have Trixie "lightly" tormented and gangbanged, just for the sake of having a fic with said content. And the other is about Rarity causing her friends to be raped, and no male in that story seems to mind, neither mare, all just being "K, neat. We'll rape your friends." as well as some kinda awkward reasoning's and moments. Point being, if I tried to make a story with good story and continuity, I'd state so. And said story would likely have a [Sad] label.

Like I wrote on the story info, if you want to read about Trixie being gangbanged, then read it, otherwise, look for a better story. Only thing this offers as "better" then the pure rape stories is that she's not being forced to it, she can tell them to stop and just walk away from it, gather the bits and buy her possessions back. And she isn't being wrecked or (greatly) injured. I don't approve of rape content in general, but if I have to see it in any kind, I'd prefer the "willing, non-consensual" type. So yeah, while I prefer to read stories with some more story in this, I sadly can't offer much in this one, but I can go with that very few "darker" types of fics tend to have a reasonable logic behind what is being done in the story.

325661 Well, sadly I couldn't get to much story in this one, like my other ones that solely focused on a single purpose.

325701 Thanks. As said, the overall story arc could need more flesh on it to make more sense, and I just in general have problems with writing IC due to syndromes. But I think I got some parts correctly. Dash's "soft side" was based on the times she's shown insecure in the show, imo it hints a bit towards that she has a more "sensitive" side to her. As well as some other scenes where she shows kindness, but yeah, she's mostly brash. And ah, thanks for noticing that. As said, I never managed to get a proofreader for this story, but thanks for your time.

325984 Thanks. And yeah, as I said to the other, it's not really rape (theoretically, it's willing non-consensual, but essentially goes after the same principals.) And yeah, I know, I had a hard time Writing Dash, and in hindsight AJ might have been better for the role of "leader". But if you are referring mainly to her "softer side", she has proven a few times that she does have something beneath her stoic facade. But anyhow, thanks for your review.

I don't care what anypony else says. I like your ideas. You play with fanfiction that is rare. Like f2m rape and f2f gangbangs. I love it. Though, I am a little curious if you're a man or woman.

I would be super excited if you were a fellow lady erotica writer. Lol.

474205 Thank you. Really appreciate it. I try to try things either not done before, or that well explored.

And I'm female. And so far the only one I know that pays overly much attention to the vulva in writing/general haha. Can say it's not been met that positively, "interesting" or "new concept" at best.


I like that. Its unexpected. I would have liked the end to be longer with more mares on Trixie at once, but other than that I liked this a lot.

How long were they standing there, though? Dash was pissed she came too quickly and said not to tell anypony but weren't they already there?

475035 Good to hear. And I guess I can do "unexpected" rather well hehe. It is possible I'll do a "more than one mare" fic at some time, although really ought to include more stallions, even if I'm a bit... not well versed with them ^^'

And they came in when Dash opened the door, have kinda forgot parts of the story, but she opens a door at some time, that's when they come in. Dash had "first dibs" with alone time with Trixie. Trixie doesn't noticed them come in as the room is so poorly lit apart from the table she is on.

Certainly wish there was more focus on Spitfire in there. That was an... interesting story. These darker kinds of stories must be your specialty.


3400425 Well, yeah, this one had a bigger focus on her, mainly since the story content allowed it xP Was a bit hard in the other as the dialogue followed a entirely different character x3
And I guess you sort of can say that... I aimed to write a lot of counterparts to stories that had none. And a ton of stories I found monotone and overworked was just darker kinds of stories. Others just turned that way randomly. It's not always I end up with I aimed to create xP

If there's no futa I won't read it.

7006408 There's plenty of fics around focused on guys with tits. This clearly states that there are no dudes in this story.
If you're after such stories, you can just go to this sites biggest futa fanatic, hate group: Futaquestria. No use in looking for them where they don't exist~

7010297 Every healthy man has a tit, not every man has fully developed mammary glands. I just wanted to make sure there was futa in this story before I read it, seeing as there isn't, I won't.
Just because I look for futa in stories like this, doesn't mean I'm a big fan of futa or anything.

7011523 A "guy with tits" is a futa archetype, one that 90+ % of all porn futa uses. Plus, considering these are ponies, the males don't even have tits nor mammaries xP
And while this fic in particular had a bit of a trailing off in the description; Do know I, unlike morons, always tag what genders and/or what content my stories are. As to avoid people having to read things they have no interest in.

Atm, I only have one futa story to my memory, maybe two... (A twlight+fluttershy) and I am working on another one that Twi-fi network and Kinkie-pinkie has requested. But no telling when that will be done.

And by "stories like this", you mean rape/abuse stories? Guessing you're one of those that demands it has to be a guy that does the raping? :P For whatever, likely arbitrary reason x3 And well, still, that doesn't get rid of the fact that this site has a group for futa fanatics, nor that they promote hating on non-futa stories. So, the tone of your comment, plus the fact you are in said hate-group. (that still seems to be too freaking lazy to swap to a decent looking avatar) Seemed to point towards that you were one of their obsessed zealots, out to slander non-futa, non-cock worship stories. Ain't the first time I've seen that happen.

7012163 By "stories like this" I just mean F X F stories. I prefer when reading any female on female that one female is futa.

7012264 Then it's not a F x F story anymore xD
Then it's a Female on Futa. A futa ain't a chick you know :P Heck, 9/10 futa porn wise are male in identity. Most just refer to them by female pronoun as the character was originally female before genderswapped, because they think that's what they're supposed to be called or out of habit. Or the age old excuse of "otherwise it would be gay" xD But yeah, I write mostly lesbian stuff, if you want opposite gender stories, you best look elsewhere. I only got the one fem x fut story. And some M x F straight ones.

7016886 I always tended to think Futa's had both male and female parts.

7018414 Depends on what archetype the futa is. Many can't seem to agree on whether it has both, only male, male+testicles and etc.
The big part however is that they're not female. Nor are they male. They're futa. Most of them are male in identity though, so they can supplement a male fully. Be the classic "dude" so to speak.

Now why Trixie got the alicorn amulet makes sense

Revenge making the mares pay for what they did,after that twilight yelled at rainbow for this and if this ever happens again the princess is getting involved.

I think I recall what you refer to.
It has just been several years heh xP

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