• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,648 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

  • ...

To battle

Chapter 8

Cole awoke and looked around, and smiled. He was in his room with Flash next to him.

He shifted and let her snuggle closer to him.

Cole smiled as he thought about what they had done. She never let him have a turn with her body, but it was still fun.

The door to his room opened and a fellow Nightblade walked in, "Princess Luna request your presence in the meeting room. You may want to hurry my friend."

Cole jumped out of bed and pulled on his gear and cloak, "Lead the way my friend."

Cole and the Nightblade, who was one of Cole's old friends, walked down the hall and into a room with other Nightblades and Princess Luna already there.

"Welcome Cole, hope you had fun, because now its time to be serious." Luna said while looking at him.

Cole looked around and sat down in a empty chair, only a few feet from Luna.

"Okay, now that everypony is here, lets begin. As you all know, the dark ones are slowly preparing to kill every thing they left alive. They have already taken the town north of here, and their next target is the town to the west. But we are not going to let them take it, we are not going to even let them get their."

Cole looked around and saw that every pony was talking to each other about what the Princess had just said.

"What do you want us to do Princess?" Asked a Nightblade Cole knew all to well.

"Well Blitz, I want you to take all available Nightblades and take on the Dark ones before they reach the town. I have had Necro upgrade all your gear to take on the Dark ones."

Blitz is the leader of the Nightblades, a black Pegasus with enough muscle to back him up.

"Yes Princess, I will send all of them once they are prepped and ready."

Luna looked at Blitz then to Cole, "No Blitz, not all Nightblades. I want Cole here and his friends to stay here. They are the only ones to fight and survive a battle against the Dark ones."

Cole almost jumped up, "Princess, please send me, Link, and Vespi to the battle, leave Flash here. We are the only ones who really know how to fight them."

She looked a little angry at him, "Cole, you are not going and that is final." She then softens her gaze, "We can't lose you four, your all special to the fight against the Dark ones."

Cole was getting a little annoyed at her not letting him fight, "Princess, we are just normal Nightblades. Our job is to protect you, but also the rest of Equestria."

"No Cole, your all special. You are the only ones to be exposed to the Dark ones substance's."

Cole looked at her, confused, "What do you mean."

"Your blood is different from everypony else. Your the only ones who can be used to create a virus to kill the Dark ones."

Before Cole could question her any more, a Nightblade scientist ran into the room, "Princess, Princess."

Luna looked at him, "Calm down, what is it."

He ran in front of her and bowed, "Princess, we have just found out where the Dark ones are setting up base."

Luna looked very happy at this, "Where, where are they hiding."

"Outside of where Manehattan use to be, in a cave. But the cave is not just any cave, it looks small, but the inside is huge. Bigger than this bunker, and they have over ten thousand Dark ones already there."

Luna sat back, looking worried at what she just heard, "Ten thousand."

Blitz stepped forward, "What should we do Princess."

She looked up, with a look of defeat, "We can't fight ten thousand, we will die before we even began. Their weapons will kill us before we even have a chance to try and fight."

They all murmured to each other.

Necro walked in, "Princess, I think I have a solution to our Dark ones weapons problem."

She looked up at him, and stood. "Tell us Necro."

He walked to the front of the room, "Well has you all know, the Dark ones weapons run on energy from the sun, which is probably why they attacked at high noon."

Blitz walked up to him, "Well, whats your point."

Necro looked happy, clearly enjoying telling everything hes learned, "Well, without the sun, all their weapons and equipment is useless, all they will have is their bare hands to fight us.'

A white pony stood up, a Silent Night, and looked at Necro, "If you haven't noticed, but the sun is always up."

Necro looked at him, "I know, but the Princess here has the power to only lower the sun and raise the moon." He looked at all the other Nightblades, "You see, if the Princess lowers the sun and rises the moon, then the Dark ones will be defenseless against us."

Luna looked at him, "Yes I could do that, but that could cause the return of Nightmare moon. Because if I do that, she will be getting what she wants, eternal night."

Necro looked at her, his smile still there, "Yes that could happen, but we have a plan to stop her if she posses your body. Now, what would you rather happen, the Dark ones kill everypony or Nightmare Moon return but be removed easily."

She thought about this, "You have a point Necro." She looked at all the other Nightblades, "Well what does everypony think, should we go with this plan."

Every pony said yes at the same time.

Blitz walked towards Luna, "What are your orders Princess."

"Get your Nightblades ready and send them to the cave to confront the Dark ones, I will lower the sun and raise the moon as soon as your ready to leave."

Blitz yelled, "Nightblades, go to the armory and grab your new gear. Prepare to move out, and tell all the other Nightblades to do the same."

Cole walked through all the ponies, who were running out of the room. He walked up to the Princess, "Princess, let me, Link, and Vespi go, we will be a lot more useful there."

She thought it over, "If Flash stays, you stay. Link and Vespi may go if they please, but two of you must stay here."

Cole looked at her, "Please let me go Princess."

"If you go, Flash goes." She said, sounding annoyed.

Cole looked down in defeat, "Fine, I'll stay. Link and Vespi can go if they want."

She smiled, "Don't worry Cole, your helping out more being here."

He bowed, "Yes Princess."

Necro walked by and tapped his hoof to Cole's side, "Cole, I have something for you."

"Okay, what is it."

He pulled out the bracelet he had made out of the Dark ones weapon, "Here, I've made it so it works off a alternate power source, darkness. Took me forever but I got it."

Cole smiled a little, "Thanks Necro, you always have something new."

Necro smiled back, "It was no problem Cole, happy to help."

He turned and left, leaving Cole and Luna alone.

Cole put the bracelet on his hoof and felt the needles go into his skin, he felt a cold sensation go through out his body.

Luna started to walk out of the room, "Cole, I hope you know your friends won't go unless you all go right."

Cole looked down and smiled, "I know."

She continued and left the room, leaving Cole to sit there and think about the battle he was about to miss.

A few minutes later, a young filly, probably one of the Nightblades kids, ran by screaming, "ITS NIGHT OUTSIDE, PRINCESS LUNA DID IT!"

Cole jumped at the screams, but slowly relaxed, so she did it. Its night for the first time in two years.

Cole smiled, well at least he would know that Flash and the others would be okay.

He sat up and walked out of the room and down to the dinning hall.

When he got their, Vespi and his wife, Delia, was already there. Holding hoofs and eating.

Cole walked in and laughed, "I see you two are back in the swing of things."

Vespi looked up and shook his head, "Hey, you have a mare too. Can't make fun of my anymore."

Cole sat across from them and laughed, "You got lucky, I have so many things I can say right now, but can't."

Vespi smiled, "To bad."

Delia looked at Cole, "So I heard you and Flash are together."

Cole smiled and looked around nervous that everypony already knew. "Uhh, yeah, we are officially together and everything."

She smiled warmly, "That's good to hear."

Vespi smirked, "Also, everypony heard what you two was doing in your room. I hope that was her who was moaning that loud."

Cole's eyes widened with surprise and embarrassment, he didn't know he was being that loud. "Oh, well... that was... its just..."

Vespi started laughing like crazy, "Oh I knew it, I knew it. I knew you was a moaner when I saw you two in bed together that one night back at Necro's house."

Cole looked at him, blushing slightly, "What do you mean."

Vespi smiled, "Nothing."

Delia laughed and looked at Cole, "Oh don't worry about it. Vespi here is the same, once I get full control of him, he moans and screams in pleasure louder than you did."

Cole started laughing and fell back in his chair, and held his stomach with his hoofs. "Vespi, you wimp."

Vespi stood and drug Delia out of the room, "Uhh, we need to be going, come on Delia."

Cole slowly stood and wiped the tears out of his eyes, that was funny.

He left the dinning hall and walked till he saw Link out side of Cole's room.

"Hey Link, hows it going."

Link looked up and looked a little down, "Oh hey Cole."

Cole walked up to his friend, "What is it Link?"

"Its my brother, hes going to that battle. I want to go, but I can't leave you here."

Cole put his hoof on his shoulder, "Link, just go. We will be okay here, only thing dangerous here is the boredom."

Link smiled weakly, "But what if I don't make it, what will you guys do."

Cole slapped him on the back, "Link, we will be fine and you will come back. Now if you don't make up your mind, I will have Vespi make it for you."

Link laughed half heartily, "I guess I'll go, you sure you guys will be okay."

Cole started walking into his room, "Yes Link we will, now go before they leave you behind."

Link walked away, head held high.

Cole walked into his room and saw that Flash was already gone, probably walking around the bunker. He decided to go find her.

He walked out of the room and walked around for a hour. He walked by the room which was Luna's.

He looked in to see her pacing, a worried look on her face.

"Princess, whats wrong."

She looked up, sad, "Cole, the Nightblades are losing. The Dark ones may not have their weapons, but they still have their hands, and they are butchering the Nightblades. Its horrible, they don't stand a chance."

Cole looked at her in shock, "How do you know."

She looked at him, sadness in her eyes, "I can see it through the eyes of Blitz, its horrible."

Cole walked in, "Princess, you must let me go their."

She sighed, "I will send you with a spell to get you there faster, but you must make sure that Vespi and Flash stay here."

"They will Princess."

"Go see Necro, see if he has anything for you."

Cole all but ran to Necro's lab, after talking a little with Necro. Necro had nothing else to give but information, "If you can destroy the main core to the base they built, then they should all either die or something. We don't know that much as of right now."

"How do I destroy it."

"With this." He pulls out a device that was round but rough. "This here is a bomb, powerful enough to destroy this bunker in seconds. Just place it at the center of the base and let it do its work."

Cole put it in his bag, "Thank you Necro, your a life saver."

"Don't mention it, please come back alive my friend."

Cole ran back to the Princess, "Princess, I'm ready send me now."

"Okay, prepare your self."

She aimed her horn at him and light surrounded him. A second later he was in outside, in the dark.

He looked around, he was on a hill just above the battle. He pulled down his goggles, thankful that they allowed all Nightblades to see in the dark.

What he saw below him was horrifying, Nightblades and Dark ones engaged in full on battle. The Dark ones was ripping Nightblades in half and Nightblades was cutting Dark ones in half, but the Dark ones was clearly winning.

Cole ran forwards, but stopped, remembering that he had to get inside the cave to plant the bomb.

Then he saw somepony running towards him, it was Link.

"Oh my.. Cole what are you doing here."

Cole looked at the cave, "We need to put a bomb in their, come with me Link. I could use your help."

"You'll need all the help you can get." Said a familiar voice.

He turned to see Blitz, his cloak covered in blood. "How did you know."

"Princess Luna told me, she's been talking to me through my mind. She's said we need to protect you with our lives to get that bomb down their."

Cole smiled, glad to have help, "Thanks, now please lets hurry."

They ran around the battling crowd and ran into the cave. It was small upon entering but huge on the inside.

"Wow." Link said in surprise at the size of the cave.


Cole turned to see a small group of Dark ones running towards them, like they know their plan.

They ran deep into the cave till they came upon a large room with a lot of machines in the middle.

Blitz looked around, "Let the Princess tell us if this is the place."

They sat there and waited for a minute till Blitz spoke again. "Okay, this is the place, she says place it next to the biggest of the machines."

Cole and Link run forward and place it next to the largest of machines.

Once it was places and armed, Link looked at the timer, "Six minutes? That's kinda lot of time don't you think."

"It is, but it was set that way... wait feel that?" The ground was shaking, like something was taking heavy steps.

"Yeah, what is it?" Asked Link, looking worried.

They turned and almost screamed in horror.

Behind Blitz was a huge nasty looking Dark one, bigger than the rest and more evil looking.

Link screamed out, "Blitz, behind you."

Blitz whipped out his sword and spun around.

He turned around and looked up slowly, his sword dropped from his mouth as it hung open in surprise.

The beast looked down and brought down its fist, right down onto Blitz. Blood and guts flew out from under the beast fist as it slammed down onto Blitz.

Cole looked in horror as the beast raised its fist, revealing nothing but a cloak and blood where Blitz once stood.

"What are we suppose to do Cole. Cole? Cole what are we to do?" Asked Link sounding desperate.

Cole stood their, unable to move. He couldn't get the image of Blitz out of his head, and he had to do something.

The beast started walking forwards, a sort of smile on its face.

Cole couldn't do anything but watch as it got closer to him and Link. 'Cole move, now.' said a voice in his head.

He slowly backed away followed by Link, what was they going to do.