• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,649 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

  • ...

True Love

Chapter 5

"Come on you worthless filly, take the damn pain." Said a angry Nightblade instructor to a young Cole.

"If you can't take the pain, then we'll just have to give you more." He said as he slammed the club into Cole's left foreleg, resulting in a loud snap.

Cole fell to the ground, resisting the erge to scream in pain.

"What? Is this to much."

He hit Cole multiple times in the legs until three loud and sickening cracks were heard.

"If you want to be a Nightblade you worthless filly, then you need to learn to resist pain." He brought the club down on Cole's jaw. The crack made all the other Nightblade trainees wince.

Cole's eyes filled with tears, but he held them back.

"Cry, I dare you."

He brought the club down on Cole's side, making him turn onto his back, his broken legs laying at awkward positions.

The instructor brought the club down on his chest, making a few ribs break and puncher the skin.

"He's done. You did well trainee, if you survive you wounds, you will begin the real training."

Cole opened his eyes fast and looked around. He was sweating from the dream he had just had, a dream of his past.

He started to move, but felt a sharp pain in his back. He fell back on the bed, wait bed.

He looked at were he was. He was in a small room with bare wooden walls. He glanced to his left to see Flash, fast asleep in a chair, her head resting on the bed where he laid.

He looked down at his body, but a blanket covered him. He pulled it off to reveal bandages wrapped around his body.

What happened, last thing he remembers is kissing Flash goodbye and hitting the ground. Wait, kissing Flash. He looked over at her, still asleep.

He smiled, even if it hurt his head to do so. Flash was the second mare he had ever cared about. He put his left hoof on her shoulder and shook her.

She jumped and looked around. Then she looked at Cole and smiled. "Your awake."

Cole started to speak, but his voice was rough and dry, "How long... was I out."

Flash smiled, still happy to see him awake, "Two weeks, I haven't left your side since we got here."

Cole smiled at this, "What happened after we hit the ground."

She looked a little sad at remembering the moment, "Its a long story."

"I have time, I'm not going anywhere."

She smiled, "Okay, well after we hit the ground, me and Link thought you was dead. Then you started breathing again and I told Link we need to get you to someplace with a doctor. He told me the chances of a doctor was slim." She cleared her throat, "After a while, I convinced him to at least try. I tried to pick you up, but I wasn't strong enough to lift you. So Link carried you. We walked for about a hour before running into a earth pony. You won't ever guess who it was."

"Who was it?" Cole asked.

"Vespi, remember him."

Cole smiled, he remembered him alright. They had been good friends during training.

Vespi was a earth pony, so he wasn't in the same Nightblades group as Cole and the others. He had been in the Silent Nights, a group of skilled assassins. They were the best of the best when it came to stealthy kills.

He was brown with a black mane and tail. His cutie mark was a black V, the symbol for the Silent Nights.

He was a easy going pony, probably the most relaxed and laid back pony in the Nightblades, but he could be very serious when he wanted to be.

"Well we ran into him, and after he saw you. He took us to a pony he was working for."

"Wait, what do you mean he was working for."

"Oh, hes offering his skills to others. He's been doing a lot of bodyguard work lately."

"Oh, well continue."

"The pony he was working for was a doctor, lucky us. Well after he set your bones and bandages you, he told us to wait for you to wake up, and two weeks later, here we are."

Cole smiled, "And you said you've been by my side the whole time." He put his hoof on hers.

She smiled brightly, "Yes, I couldn't bring myself to leave you."

Cole looked around, "Where's Link?"

"He's outside with Vespi, they are guarding the house for the doctor."

"So I take it we are at the doctors house."

"Yes, we couldn't move you after the bandages were put on."

Cole smiled, "Come here and give me a hug."

She blushed, "Why?"

"I just want to hold you."

She smiled and slowly got on the bed, careful not to hurt him. She slowly rapped her hoofs around his chest and laid her head next to his neck.

Cole put his hoofs around her mid section and pulled her close, ignoring the pain.


"What is it." He said as he nuzzled her neck.

"I... I... umm." She stuttered.

He kissed her neck, "I love you to Flash."

"How did you know that was what I was trying to say?"

"I just knew."

She smiled and nuzzled his neck.

Cole smiled. Despite all the pain he was in, he felt better than he had in years.

He stroked her purple mane with his right hoof.

She kissed his neck, "When you heal, I'll show you how much I love you."

Cole smiled, knowing what she meant, "And I'll show you how much I really love you."

She tighten her embrace slightly, "I can't wait."

He pushed her head up till her face was in front of his.

He pulled her into a deep kiss. He licked her teeth, asking for permission to enter. She opened her mouth and he pushed his tongue into her mouth and began to explore.

He tongue entered his mouth and ran along his gums. Their tongues met and ran along each other.

They broke the kiss slowly, both with a hug smile on their face. Cole kissed her cheek and pulled her into a tight embrace.

She snuggled into his embrace, "Cole, I love you."

Cole smiled and nuzzled her cheek, "I love you to Flash."

The door across the room opened and in walked Link.

"Hey Flash I need... Oh so I see you two love birds are already at it." Link said with a smirk.

Cole smiled, "Link, leave us along for a while, you already ruined one moment. You can talk to me later."

"Fine, I don't want to see this stuff any way." He said while leaving the room.

Flash went back to snuggling up to Cole.

Cole smiled, he was happy, something rare for him

3 days later.

Cole stood up, he was finally able to walk, and it felt good to be wearing all of his gear again.The Nightblades special operations battle suit was on under his cloak, that thing may have saved his life. He pulled his goggles down but left his hood on his shoulders, no use in wearing it right now.

He hadn't talked to Vespi yet, he had stayed outside the whole three days.

Cole walked out of the house and into the bright sun. The doctor who's real name is Necro, a very nice brown earth pony with a grey mane and tail, was walking around his garden.

Cole looked around till he saw Vespi, fully dressed in his Cloak, goggles and the battle suit, Flash must have given it to him.

"Vespi my friend, how have you been."

Vespi spun around and smiled, "Cole, its good to see you after so long." He walked over to Cole.

Cole raised his hoof and Vespi raised his, they slammed them together.

Vespi smiled, "How many ponies have you killed Cole."

Cole went into thought, "At least a few hundred, what about you."

Vespi grinned, "I lost count at two thousand."

Cole laughed, "Of course you would kill that many. Makes me wish I wasn't a Pegasus, then I could have joined the Silent Nights instead of the Dark Nights."

The Dark Nights were the elite part of the Nightblades, they were specialized in killing fast. They were the main ones who protected Princess Luna.

"Your a better Dark Night than I would have ever been, but you would never have been able to to be a Silent Night."

"Oh and why is that."

Vespi smiled, "You Dark Blades are trained to fight, but we Silent Nights were trained to fight and be able to take on crowds with ease."

Cole laughed, "I can fight a crowd easily."

"But not the way a Silent Night would."

"True, but I think..."

He was interrupted by Necro, "Uhh, hey Cole I need to ask you something."

Cole looked at Necro, "Okay, what is it."

Necro looked around, "Lets talk in private."

"Okay, lead the way."

Necro lead him to the house and to a small door, "You go in first."

"Where does that door lead."

"My lab."

Cole looked at him, "Lab? I thought you was a doctor."

Necro smiled, "I'm also a scientist, former scientist for Princess Celestia."

"I never saw you at the palace."

"I was under the ground, in the lab with the rest of the scientist. But I left it a week before The Dark ones arrived, and came here and set up this lab."

They went down into the lab, not much down here but weird machines and tubes.

Then he saw something on a table, "Hey, did you get that out of my bag."

Necro looked at it, "Yes, that's what I want to talk to you about."

"Okay, what did you want to know."

"Where did you get it."

"Oh, I got it off a creature that attacked me and Link, Link had cut it off during the battle."

Necro looked shocked, "What did the creature look like?"

"It stood on two legs and was almost nothing but muscle. It wore a suit made of metal and weird objects, it had a mask on over its face."

Necro ran over to the arm and looked it over, "This is not good, this is not good."

Cole walked up to him, "Whats not good?"

Necro looked at him, "This is terrible, The Dark ones have returned."

Cole's face turned into a look of shock, "How, they left years ago."

"No they didn't leave, they just went into hiding. They must have decided it was time to finish the job they started."

Cole looked at Necro, "Our swords barley did anything against them, how are we suppose to fight them."

Necro looked at him, "Fight them? Why try, they are to powerful."

"We killed one already, shouldn't be that hard."

"Yes one, and how hard was it. Now think about fighting a hundred of them at once, its impossible."

Cole sighed, hes right. How can they fight that many if it took him and Link both to just kill one.

"Can you do any thing to help us fight them."

Necro looked around, "Well, yes I can. I can add a stronger substance to your sword that can cut through anything, even diamond."

"But my sword is already a diamond edged."

"Yes, but this substance is stronger and sharper than diamond. Its from a Dark ones weapon, very advanced."

Cole pulled out his sword, "Do it, I want to be able to slice through them with ease."

Necro took his sword and smiled, "My pleasure, and see that arm on the table, its a weapon that fires out beams. The good thing is its powered by the sun, so unlimited amount of use."

Cole smiled, "I want that thing."

"Of course, I'm already getting it ready to fit on you hoof."


"Now leave, I need to be alone to do this."

Cole turned to leave, "Thank you comrade."

He walked back up to the house and looked around, nopony was in the room.

He walked back into the room where he slept, and saw Flash in bed.

She smiled, "I've been waiting for you Cole."

Cole looked around the room, "Uhhh, what do you mean."

"Remember when I told you I would show you how much I love you after you healed."

Cole smirked, "Oh that's right."

"Well come on then tough colt."

Cole slipped off his cloak and gear and walked to the bed.

She reached over to him and pulled him into the bed next to her.

Cole ran his hoof along her back, "You ready Flash."

She smiled, "Are you?"


He gently pushed her on to her back until he was positioned on top of her. He started to deeply kiss her, slowly moving his lower half down to her lower half.

She broke the kiss and reached down and guided him into her.

When he penetrated her, she let out a moan of pleasure. She smirked and pulled him back into a kiss.

He started thrusting back and forth into her, slowly picking up speed.

Flash started to moan and laid her head back. Cole started kissing her neck while he continued thrusting into her.

She started to move under him, she let out a loud moan, "Cole, I'm about to.." She moaned loudly before having her first organism.

Cole speed up, and started thrusting faster. "Flash, I'm about to do it."

She moaned, "Do it."

He pushed in as far as he could before releasing his seed deep into her.

He fell on top of her, breathing loudly.

Flash, also breathing loudly, put her hoofs around him.

Cole smiled, "Flash, that was great."

She smiled, "Who said we was done."

Before he could question her, she turned them around and was on top of him.

She started kissing him, then slowly started kissing down his body. She kissed his chest,lower chest, stomach, and below his stomach.

She looked up at him and smiled before taking his member in her mouth.

Cole gasped in pleasure.

She started slowly going up and down with her head.

The door opened and somepony laughed, but then the door closed again.

They didn't hear it, Flash continued to bob up and down on him.

Cole let out a sigh of pleasure as he released his loud into her mouth. He heard a sucking sound coming from Flash, and he felt a tongue running around his member.

Flash came up beside him and snuggled up close to him.

He pulled her into a tight embrace and smiled.

Life was good.