• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,648 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

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Unexpected turn of events

Chapter 7

The crowd of Dark ones swarmed towards the Nightblades.

"What are we going to do?" Asked Link, looking scared but also excited.

Cole brought up his sword, "We fight, what else."

"Well lets hurry up and die." Said Vespi with a grin on his face.

Flash moved forward, "Lets go down with honor."

Cole looked at the horde of Dark ones, slowly making their way to them. "Nightblades, prepare to fight."

The four Nightblades started moving forwards.

"Wait, what about Necro," Said Flash.

"Link, protect him."

"All ways me isn't it." Link said as he put Necro on his back and under his cloak.

Vespi ran forward, towards the oncoming crowd.

Cole ran after him, followed by Link and Flash, "Oh no, your not having all the fun Vespi."

The Dark ones raised their arms. Their arms started morphing into blades, the blades were like spinning saws.

Cole was the first to make contact. A Dark one brought down its spinning blade, Cole jumped to the side. Cole felt a sharp pain in his side. He felt himself go flying away from the crowd and slammed into the ground.

What happened, did one hit him. Cole stood but felt like falling back down, the pain in his side was almost to much.

He looked up to see Vespi, who already had a group of Dark ones laying at his hooves. He was doing to well.

He couldn't see Flash or Link, but he knew they were fighting.

Cole ran back towards the crowd of Dark ones.

He ran towards some who had their backs to him. Cole swung his sword, watching as two Dark ones fall to the ground in to pieces.

He saw Flash fly through the crowd at her top speed and land on the other side.

The Dark ones that was in her path stood there motionless, but then they all slumped to the ground, all missing body parts.

A Dark one came at Cole and swung its spinning blade at Cole.

Cole brought his sword up and went to block, but instead cut the Dark ones blade in half.

Both Cole and the Dark one looked at the clean cut on the blade.

Cole took the moment of surprise and leaped forward, taking off the Dark ones legs.

Cole stomped its head in and turned to see a Dark one.

The Dark one kicked Cole, sending him into the air and back down to the ground.

As he began to stand, he felt big meaty arms wrap around him. A Dark one had him in a sort of headlock.

It turned around with Cole in its arm and looked at another Dark one. It raised its arm and pointed it at Cole.

Cole watched as a missile came out of its arm and flew towards him and the Dark one holding him.

Cole had seconds to act, he slammed his head back into the Dark ones masked face. A loud crack was heard and it dropped Cole, putting its hands to its face.

Cole grabbed his sword and dived forwards, away from the Dark one. There was a explosion behind him and a leg flew past him.

Before Cole could act, another Dark one hit him. Cole winced and swung his sword. The Dark one backed away and was blown to pieces.

Cole looked in shock, how did he do that?

Then three Dark ones advanced on him, bringing their fist down on to him.

Cole hit the ground and swiped his sword side ways, taking out their legs. He slowly stood, but something slammed into him. He fell to the ground with something one him.

He pushed what ever was on him off, but then he noticed what it was. It was his friend Link, blood pouring from his mouth. Necro rolled off his back and moaned.

Cole looked at his friend. A Dark one ran at him and raised his arm, Cole brought his sword up and chopped off its arm. A second Dark one pushed the handles one out of the way and grabbed Cole by the neck.

Cole heard a sound come from the Dark one, it sounded like a laugh. It brought up its hand with the blade and swung it at Cole, who couldn't move.

Cole kicked out with his hind legs and barely dodged the attack. The blade came back and Cole kicked out again, but this time the blade went through his suit and cut across his chest.

He gasped in pain and surprise, he felt his rips snap and his lungs heat up.

There was a blue and black blur behind the Dark one, its head slid off its shoulders and it dropped Cole.

Cole slumped to the ground coughing. Flash landed beside him, and Vespi jumped in front of him.

"Cole, are you okay," She looked at his chest, which was cut deeply. Her eyes watered up, "No, no. Not again, please Cole, please." She pleaded with tears running down her face and on to Cole's.

"Flash.." Cole began but started coughing.

Link walked up with Necro on his back again, "I don't think we can make it."

The four Nightblades stood in the middle of a hug crowd of Dark ones.

Vespi looked around, "Why are they not moving in."

Necro talked for the first time since this began, but it was with great effort, "They are awaiting a introl to give them their next order, its only a matter of time till they move in."

Flash grabbed Cole's hoof, "I'm not losing him, even if I have to die to let him live."

The Dark ones around them all raised their arms and pointed them at them, all preparing to fire more missiles at them.

Flash put her head on his shoulder and prepared for the end.

Vespi looked down in defeat, and Link looked at his surroundings, "I knew I would die with my friends, I just didn't think it would happen so soon."

Cole looked around and put his hooves around Flash, "I love you Flash."

Flash started to cry, something very rare to see a Nightblade do, "I love you to Cole."

Everything around them filled with light.

Cole lay there holding Flash, this didn't feel like death and I don't feel dead.

He opened his eyes to see that they were in a large room.

Flash also noticed and she sat up, looking around.

Cole looked around him, and he gasped at what he saw.

Nightblades, all around them. He looked at his chest to see it healed, whats going on here.

He stood up and looked at the Nightblades that surrounded them. Link and Vespi did the same, even Necro who was also fully healed.

"Welcome back Nightblades, we had thought we had lost you all." Said a familiar female voice.

Cole turned around and gasped, he and the others bowed, "Princess."

Princess Luna stood a few feet away, horn still glowing from the transportation spell she had just cast.

"Arise Nightblades, your troubles with the waste are over."

Cole stood, "But Princess, we thought you had died in the beginning, how are you still here?"

She stood there, smiling. "Shortly before the Dark ones arrived, a Nightblade came to me and told me that the scientist had picked up something coming this way. They had said it was dangerous and that we should head to the Nightblades emergency bunker, forty miles under the ground."

Cole and his friends took this all in, Link stepped forward, "Wait, then how did you survive and where is Princess Celestia?"

Luna looked sad, "She didn't make it, she didn't believe me or the Nightblades. So I teleported me and the Nightblades down here, we survived, like so many other ponies should have."

"Why did you wait so long to bring us here?" Asked Cole.

"We could only do it once, so we waited for you all to be close to each other."

Cole looked around, "So, every Nightblade is alive. That's great to hear."

Luna looked unhappy again, "Not all, we lost so many trying to battled the Dark ones a few days ago. But now that we have Necro, he can fix our weapons to battle the Dark ones."

Necro looked unexpected happy, "Oh thank you Princess, I would love to fix every weapon to fight the Dark ones, just lead me to the lab."

Luna smiled, "I missed that happy sprite of yours Necro." She looked at a Nightblade beside her, a Pegasus that Cole knew. "Take Necro to the lab."

The Nightblade looked up, "Yes Princess." He looked to Necro, "This way my friend."

Necro almost ran after him, they walked out of the room.

Luna looked at Cole, "Now I know the happy couple wants some time to them selves, you know were the rooms are, this bunker is just like the Nightblades HQ."

Flash blushed, "Thank you Princess."

Cole bowed, "You are to kind Princess."

She smiled, "Now go, have fun." She turned to Vespi, "Vespi, your wife is down the hall, shes waiting."

Vespi jumped with excitement, "Shes alive, thank you Princess."

He ran towards the door leading to the halls, Vespi's wife was also a Nightblade, but a Pegasus.

Cole and Flash started walking towards their room, but not before hearing what she had to say to Link.

"Link, you will very happy to hear that your brother is alive."

Link looked happy, "Really? Where is he."

"Right here."

A dark cloaked pony stepped out and ran to Link, give him a hug.

Cole and Flash walked through the doors and towards their room.

They walked in and Flash instantly throw off her cloak and gear. She jumped up into the air and landed on the bed.

She looked at Cole and put on a seductive smile, "Well, I'm waiting."

Cole smiled and stripped off his gear and climbed into bed and on top of Flash.

She turned over and was now on top, "Oh no you don't. I want it first."

She started sliding down his chest and stomach to his lower half. She looked up and smiled, just like last time.

Cole shook when she took his member in her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down. She let out a moan of pleasure every time it hit the back of her throat.

Cole tried not to moan in pleasure, but it was to hard to resist. He moaned, "Flash, you are..." He felt a burning sensation, "Flash, I'm about to release."

Flash started going faster and sucking harder, Cole tried to hold it back, but the pleasure was to much for him to handle. He let his load go into her mouth.

Flash gasped at the large amount that had just filled her mouth.

Cole heard her sucking, and he felt her lick the head. She came up beside him and put her hoof on his chest.

Cole smiled weakly, still recovering from the pleasure he had just experienced, "Flash, you are great at that, next time I get a turn with you."

She put a hoof on his member, "Who said it was over." She said with a devilish grin.

Cole smiled, "My turn."

She laughed, but keep looking at him seductively, "Your mine for now."

Cole laid his head back and smiled, "Oh no."

She got on top of him, and started her part up against his stomach.

Cole lay there, enjoying him self. Waiting for him to have his turn with her body.