• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,648 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

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Another Battle

Cole stepped out of the small cave that he had used as a shelter. Upon stepping out of the cave, he was greeted by the bright sun.

The sun was up, at all times of the day. Since the princesses were gone, there was no way to raise and lower the sun and moon. Night had become nothing more than a long lost memory.

Cole shielded his eyes against the bright sun. He pulled the hood of the cloak he wore over his head and pulled down his goggles to shield his eyes against the bright light.

He looked at his side to make sure his sword was securely secured to him.

The sword had served him well for the many years hes had it. He had forged the sword himself. It was a beautifully made sword, with a slightly curved blade, and had a edge that could cut through bone like butter.

He scanned the area for any threats. The area was baron, no trees or plants for miles.

Seeing that there was no threats in the area, he set off for another long day of walking through the wastelands.

As he walked, he looked up to the skies, wishing he could spread his wings and take to the skies, but he knew if he did he would be announcing his presence and could draw unwanted attention to him. That was something he did not want.

He had learned that you trust nopony in the wastelands, no matter who they are. Trust doesn't exist out in the wastelands. Trusting somepony can lead to you laying in a ditch with a knife in your back.

He continued walking, thankful for the flat baron land. You could see for miles in every direction. It was close to impossible to for somepony to sneak up on you out here, unless you are not paying attention to your surroundings.

He walked for a few hours before coming upon a small town. Most of the buildings were either burned down or blown to pieces, but a few still stood or was staple enough to stand.

Places like this was dangerous, every building could hold ponies, ready to rip your throat out.

Cole looked at the small destroyed town, wondering if he should go through it or around. It would be faster to go through the town, but will also be dangerous, or he could go around and add another hour to his trip.

He weighed his options, safe or dangerous way. He looked at the town again, he could deal with what ever was in the town. He started to walk into the small town.

The town was silent, a normal thing for the waste. As he passed a house, he thought he saw a dark figure duck down in a window. He knew what was happening, who ever was here was doing a surround tactic. That was the favored tactic of wastelanders, they would surround their pry and move in on it.

As he stepped into what use to be a town square, six dark figures rushed out of the rubble and surrounded him.

Cole looked at the ponies around him, a few of them looked weak from starvation and carried makeshift weapons like wood clubs and poles.

"Look at what we have here. Another scumbag from the waste." Said the one that appeared to be the leader.

Cole just looked at him, showing no emotion on his half hidden face.

"Boss, let me have this one." Said a tough looking pony, the only one that looks well feed.

"He's yours Lace, and try to keep this one whole. We can't use the bodies if they are in pieces." Said the leader.

The pony named Lace begin moving towards Cole. He held a hammer type weapon in his mouth.

Cole looked down and smiled, did they not see his sword at his side.

When Lace was within three feet of Cole, Cole's head jerked to the left and then to the right. In his mouth was his sword, pulled out so fast that nopony had noticed.

Lace stood there confused at what just happened, but when he went to take a step forward, his two front legs fell out from under him. He slammed into the ground face first.

All the ponies gasped, this new pony had just cut the legs off of one of their best fighters, so fast that Lace or any other pony knew what just happened until it was to late.

Lace began to notice the pain coming from his bleeding stumps. He began to scream out in pain.

Cole looked down at him, no emotion playing on his face. He raised up his hoof and brought it down on Lace's head, caving it in and stopping the screams of pain.

The leader wiped the shocked look on his face away and looked at Cole with a smile on his face, "Well, it looks like we underestimated you, but all ponies have a weakness." He glanced at two brown ponies, "Daz, Stone, take care of this Pegasus."

They stepped forward, both holding metal poles in their mouths. They both had confidence in their steps, not knowing the true danger of the Pegasus in front of them.

The first pony, Stone, to reach him lashed out with his weapon. Cole easily moved to the side and swung his sword towards the brown colt. The colt dropped his pole, blinked, and slumped to the ground, neck cleanly cut.

The other one, Daz, stopped and looked over to his dead friend. Before he could act, Cole was beside him, sword raised. The sword came down and Cole turned to face the leader.

Daz looked straight ahead, then felt himself falling backwards. He had been cut in half, just above the stomach. His intestines and organs spilling onto the ground.

The three remaining ponies looked on in shock, how could this pony from the waste be able to kill three of them with no effort.

Two of the ponies turned and ran, but the leader stood his ground. "I see you are skilled with that sword of yours. Perhaps you would like to join me."

Cole looked at him, nothing on his face giving away what he was thinking.

"I trust nopony, especially one that just tried to have me killed. I will however let you leave with your life, if you leave now." Cole said with a bored voice.

The leader laughed and looked at Cole with a amused look on his face. "Showing mercy," he took a few steps closer to Cole, "I see we have found your weakness." He took a few more steps closer to Cole, now just five feet from him, "You know showing mercy can have unexpected results." He took a few more steps closer, now just three feet away. "Showing mercy out here is something you..."

Cole stepped closer and swung his sword outwards, and put his sword back in its sheath. He looked at the pony in front of him, "Who said I was showing mercy, I was just giving you a chance to escape with your life, but you chose death by approaching me."

He walked pass the pony and continued his long journey to no ware.

The leader blinked a few times and coughed. He felt him self falling and slammed into the ground. His body in front of him, jerking from the loss of its head.

Cole walked into the waste, he could see the two other ponies still running. This is a every day thing for him, always running into a new problem.

He saw something out of the corner of his eye, when he turned his head he saw the air twenty meters away wavy like gas. Then the mysterious wavy air disappeared.

Cole shook his head, the sun must be getting to him. He continued walking into the waste, his cloak had a few new small blood stains in it.

As he walked, he had no idea he was being watched by something that no pony would have expected, something evil that had been thought to not exist anymore.