• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,648 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

  • ...

A Great Lose

Cole opened his eyes slowly, he was looking up at the ceiling. He yawned, he hadn't had that good of a sleep in two years.

He looked over at his two companions, Link was still asleep with the covers wrapped tightly around him. It looked like he had had a fight in his sleep. Cole smiled, he always was a rough sleeper.

He looked down to Flash, who had her hoofs wrapped around him and her head on his chest. Cole couldn't help but smile at this, why would she, a Nightblade, be so attached to him. They were just friends before The Dark ones arrived, and now it seemed like she has developed new and stronger feelings for him.

He would have to be careful around her so that he doesn't hurt her. He was going to protect her, he wasn't going to let her get hurt on his watch. It had already happened once, and he wasn't going to let it happen again.

Cole smiled, well he could enjoy this one moment. He put his hoofs over Flash and held her close to him.

Flash snuggled up closer to Cole. She had a smile on her face and her grip on him tighten slightly.

He nuzzled her mane, "Come on Flash wake up."

She opened her eyes sleepily and looked up at him. She smiled brightly, "Good morning Cole."

Cole smiled, "Morning Flash, did you have a good sleep last night."

Flash nuzzled his neck, "Yes, thanks to you."

Link turned over, "Are you two already awake, how am..." He noticed that they were embracing each other and he smiled. "So, it finally happened. You two have finally hooked up, I new it would happen sooner or later."

Flash laid her head back down on Cole's chest and smiled, "Go back to sleep Link."

Link shook his head, "I am, but can you two wait and do it when I'm not in the room."

Cole laughed, "Fine, just go back to sleep."

Link smiled and rolled over.

Flash looked back up at Cole, "So.."

Cole looked at her, "So what?"

She blushed, something that Cole has never seen a Nightblade do. "Does this make us a couple."

Cole laid his head back and smiled, "I guess, you do want to right?"

She moved her head under his neck, "Of course."

He tightened his grip around her, "Then its settled, me and you are a couple."

Flash yawned, "You do know that I'm still tired right. You woke me up early. The sun is still high in the sky."

Cole laughed, "Of course its still high in the sky, it never goes down remember."

She smiled, "I know, I was just joking." She yawned and snuggled up close to him. "Let me sleep for a little while longer."


She fell asleep with her arms around him and her head resting on his chest.

Cole smiled, he was enjoying himself.

Five hours later.

Cole walked out of the bar where he and his fellow Nightblades had just ate.

Link pulled his hood back over his head and pulled his goggles back in place, "Well you two ready to head back in to the waste."

Cole and Flash also pulled their hood and goggles back into place, and Cole looked around, "Well I guess we should, no use staying in this town any longer."

Then Flash's eyes light up, "Wait, before we leave, I have something for you two." She started walking towards the hotel, "Come on, follow me. I can't believe I forgot to give those to you."

Once they walked into the hotel room, she lifted up her cloak and dropped the bag she had strapped to her back onto the ground.

She opened it to reveal five special suits.

Cole instantly recognized them as the Nightblades special operations battle suits. The suits covered the waist and legs, but didn't cover the head. It was black with a few pockets on it. The suit could protect you from a blade,magic, and impact. It was specially made for them by the princesses them selves.

Link walked over and picked one up, "Were did you get those Flash. I thought you only got them for dangerous missions."

She smiled proudly, "They gave them to me for a mission, but I kept them after it was over. I said I lost them, and I'm glad i did."

Cole picked up one and looked it over. He smiled, "Perfect, I always wanted one."

He slipped off his cloak and gear. He saw that Link and Flash was doing the same. He pulled on the suit and placed his bags back on his back and side.

Flash walked over, already dressed in her suit and gear. She picked up his sword and placed it on his side, "There you go Cole."

Cole smiled, "I could have done that you know." He slipped his cloak back on.

Link grinned, "I fell like I could take on the waste by my self."

Flash smiled, "You won't have to with us around."

Link looked at them, "Lets fly this time." He looked at Cole, "Come on, we are safer in a group."

Cole thought about the idea, "Well I suppose it would be okay, but only for the day."

Link almost jumped with excitement, "Finally, I get to spread my wings and enjoy my self."

Cole smiled at the thought of flying again, "Lets go then my friends."

They walked out of the hotel, spread their wings and took off.

"Where are we heading Cole." Asked link, clearly enjoying himself.

"Where ever we end up." Cole said, who also seemed to be enjoying himself.

They flew for a few hours, and throughout the whole time, Flash kept flying close to Cole.

Cole was enjoying her affection for him.

He looked over at her, she was flying with a smile on her face.

"Uhhh, comrades. Are those Pegasus flying towards us." Link said while pointing ahead.

They all stopped and looked at the approaching crowd of Pegasus. Cole could see at least twenty two of them.

The crowd stopped fifteen yards away and a Pegasus flew forward.

"Hello fellow Pegasus. Tell me, why are you flying in my air space."

The Pegasus in front of them was brown and appeared to be the leader of the group.

Cole looked at him, "What do you think we are doing. We are flying, what else."

The brown Pegasus looked at Cole, "I don't need your mouth you infidel."

Cole flew forward a little, but Link put his hoof in front of him and whispered, "Don't provoke them, lets try to avoid a fight with them.'

The brown Pegasus looked at Flash and smiled, "Oh and what do we have here. A mare, and a nice looking mare at that."

Cole flew in front of her, "Back off."

The brown Pegasus smiled, "We haven't seen a mare Pegasus in a while." He pointed behind him at the Pegasus's, which were all colt's. "Why don't you come here you pretty little mare and we will show you a good time."

Flash became angry at this, "Go buck you self."

The brown Pegasus smiled, "That's no way to treat your future master."

Cole and Link drew theirs swords and faced the crowd of Pegasus's.

"If you want her, your going to have to go through us." Cole said with evil in his voice.

Flash drew her sword, "Your not leaving me out of this."

The brown Pegasus laughed, "What can you three do against us." He turned around and yelled to the crowd of Pegasus, "Kill the two colts, bring me the mare."

The Pegasus's yelled in response and drew their weapons, swords. This was the first time Cole had saw any other pony other than his group who carried swords.

The brown Pegasus pointed his hoof towards Cole and his friends, "Do it."

The crowd of Pegasus swarmed towards them.

"Well, this should be interesting." Link said while taking his sword in his mouth.

"When I go forward, I want you two to follow behind me, cut through their ranks." Cole said as he put his sword in his mouth.

As the crowd of Pegasus neared them, Cole shot forward, Flash and Link by his side.

When they made contact with the crowd, they began swinging their swords.

Pegasus feel from the, missing legs, heads, and their lower half of their bodies.

Cole flew out the other side of the crowd and turned around just in time to block a attack from one of the Pegasus. He easily counter the weak attack and cut the top part of the Pegasus's head off.

He looked over to Link, who was taking on four Pegasus at once. He started to fly towards him when he saw that Flash was fighting five at once.

Before he could decide who to help, three Pegasus flew in front of of him. The first one came at him, resulting in the lose of his head. The other two hesitated, which resulted in them losing blood through holes in their throats.

Cole looked at over to Flash, who now had only two to fight. She can handle her self, he looked to Link to see that he also was doing okay.

"Doing nothing in battle, bad mistake."

Cole spun around, taking the head off the brown Pegasus who had started this whole thing.

Four Pegasus flew up to him, swords raised. He brought his sword up, ready to finish this. Before he could make a move, there was a flash of blue and black behind the four Pegasus. They floated their for a second, looks of confusion on their faces, before they fell to the ground in two pieces.

Flash flew up beside him, "How ya doing Cole."

"You know me, surviving."

Link flew up beside them and looked at the remaining Pegasus, only six left.

"You two ready to finish this." Cole said with a smile.

"Yes Cole. Each of us get two, this should be a little fun." Link said with a smirk.

Flash shot forward and engaged three of the Pegasus, while the other three flew towards Cole and Link.

"Does she even listen." Link said moving forwards.

"From time to time, but not today." Cole said as he flew forwards.

The first Pegasus swung his sword at Link, the swing was to soon and missed. Link brought his sword up wards, splitting the Pegasus down the middle of its face and chest. As it fell to the ground, Link pushed his sword deep into the second Pegasus's chest.

Cole flew towards the last one, and swung his sword. The Pegasus dodged his attack and swung at Cole. As Cole went to block the attack, the Pegasus throw his sword pass Cole and tackled Cole, rapping his hoofs around his wings.

They started falling towards the ground. The Pegasus knew he couldn't win in a fair fight, so he was going to take Cole with him.

As the two speed towards the ground, Cole let his sword fall out of his mouth, "What the buck are you doing."

The Pegasus didn't move, "Killing you."

Cole looked up to see Flash coming towards them, sword in mouth.

Before the Pegasus knew what happened, he felt his lower half of his body fall away. His eyes went wide and lost his grip on Cole. Cole took the moment to push away the top half of the Pegasus and spread his wings.

As he turned to face the ground, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop him self completely. He braced for impact, but he felt something lace onto him. He looked down to see that Flash was under him, she was going to let her body take the impact.

He felt a tear come out of his eye, he wasn't going to let her sacrifice her self to save him. He spun around so that he was on bottom and would take the full blow of the impact.

She looked at him, tears in her eyes, "No." She whispered.

He kissed her and pulled her tight.

When they hit the ground, their was a sicking thud.

Link looked on in shock as his two friends lay on the ground, not moving.

He flew down to them, "Why."

Then Flash started to move. Link ran over to her, "Flash are you okay? Don't move, you could be hurt."

But she was looking at Cole, who wasn't moving. "He stopped me from taking the impact. Why, why would he do that." She gently laid her head on his chest. "It was suppose to be me."

As Link watched Flash cry on their friend, he felt his eyes fell with tears. Their last friend had just died, leaving them alone in the world.

Flash sobbed, "I.. I... I loved him." She cried harder.