• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,648 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

  • ...

A talk with the enemy

Chapter 6

"Come on Cole, we're almost there." Said Spark.

Cole ran to catch up, "I'm coming."

Spark stopped, "I can't believe this has happened, those things destroyed every thing."

Cole stopped beside her, "I know, but as Nightblades, its our jobs to protect Princess Luna. We have to get back to the palace."

Spark ran forward, "Then come on, we must hurry."

Cole sprinted after her, "Stay next to me Spark, I don't want to lose you."

Spark smiled, "Really my love, you think I would really leave your side."

Cole smiled, "Of course my love, just worried."

They ran till they saw the area where the palace should be.

"No, it can't be. The palace is destroyed." Spark said walking forward.

"We were to late." Cole said slumping to the ground and putting his face in his hoofs.

Cole looked up to see a Pegasus holding Spark in the air, a sword to her throat.

"Give me your weapon and I may let her live."

Cole jumped up, "Drop her now, or you will experience a fate worst than hell."

The Pegasus smiled coldly, "Drop her, as you wish." The Pegasus cut sparks throat and let her drop to the ground.

Cole looked in shock as his lover slumped to the ground, dead.

He looked at the smiling Pegasus with evil in his eyes, "You bastard."

The Pegasus tilted his head back and laughed, "You told me to drop her, you didn't say how." He looked down to see Cole flying towards him, hatred in his eyes.

Cole tackled the Pegasus to the ground and sat up on his chest.

Cole started slamming his hooves into the Pegasus's face, each hit causing blood to pour out of its nose, mouth, and eyes.

"YOU WORTHLESS." Cole slammed his hooves down on his jaw, causing it to brake, "PIECE OF SHIT." He brought both hooves down, causing the Pegasus's head to slightly cave in. "YOU WILL PAY IN HELL!"

Cole screamed in rage and slammed his hooves into the Pegasus's head. The whole head caved in on itself, blood and brains oozing out of cracks.

Cole stood up and looked at Spark, his rage was replaced with sadness.

Cole awoke in a cold sweat, and he sat up. Why was he having dreams of his past. He winced at the memory of Spark, his first love. He had let her die, after all they had been through.

He shook his head, no need to dread the past.

He looked over to Flash, who was still asleep next to him. He smiled, remembering what they had done.

He laid back down, and she snuggled up to him.

Cole lay there thinking about the events of the past two years.

The door opened, and Necro walked in.

"Oh good, your awake. I'm happy to tell you that your sword is done, and that the weapon has been changed to fit on your hoof."

Cole looked at him, "That's good to hear, thanks."

Necro smiled, proud of himself, "It was no problem. It was fun to work on both of them. Just one thing, the bracelet can over heat, so fire it one shot at a time."

"Wait, how do I even use it?"

Necro looked exited, "I was hoping you would ask. Once you put it on, little needles will go into your skin and attach to your nervous system. From there it will connect to your brain, this will give you the ability to fire it at will, just will it to fire. Its like moving your wings, it will come natural to you."

Cole thought about this, "So, its that easy."

"Yes, a filly could do it with ease."

Cole smiled, "I like that. Now tell me about my sword."

Necro looked happier, he must love explaining this, "Your sword is a master piece. I was able to combine the substance from The Dark ones technology and diamonds to form a unbreakable blade. It is extremely sharp, it cut my desk in half and some of the floor when I dropped it."

Now it was Cole's turn to be happy, "It's that sharp. I can't wait to test it out."

Necro smiled, "I feel sorry for the poor pony to who faces you."

Cole smiled, then started thinking of something, "If its not to much to ask, can you build me some different weapons and work on my gear."

Necro almost jumped with excitement, "Yes yes, of course I would be happy to."

"Thanks, my cloak and gear on the chair."

Necro grabbed his gear and ran out of the room, a big smile on his face.

Cole relaxed back into bed and let out a sigh.

Flash put a hoof over his chest and laid her head next to his.

Cole smiled and kissed her on the cheek, "Afternoon."

She smiled, "That was fun."

"I know, want to do it later."

She giggled and kissed him, "You know it."

Cole rubbed her side, "And lets make it last longer this time."

Before Flash could reply, a scream came from out side and something hit the wall.

Cole jumped up, "Whats going on."

A sword came through the wall, and blood started seeping through.

Link ran in, fully dressed in his gear, "What happened."

Cole put his sword on and pulled it out, "I think Vespi needs our help. Hurry."

Cole ran out of the house, wearing nothing but his sword.

What lay in front of him was something he had not expected.

The ground in front of him was littered with dead ponies, at least fifty.

Cole looked around till he saw Vespi. He was fighting a group of nine ponies.

Vespi struck one pony in the throat with his short blade, causing blood to pour onto the ground. Then he bucked one in the head, breaking the neck, and cut through three of their necks with ease.

He sprung forward, embedding his blade deep into the chest of a unlucky pony.

The remaining ponies did the smart thing, they turned and ran.

Vespi turned to look at his friends, with a smile on his face, "And that my friends, is how a Silent Night does it."

Cole laughed and looked at all the dead ponies, "How long have you been fighting, we didn't even know this was happening."

Vespi smiled proudly, "That's how good I am."

Link laughed and shook his head, "Couldn't wait for us could you."

Vespi smirked, "Now why would I let you three come and..."

His head shoot up and he grabbed his sword in his mouth. He swung his head to the side, then throw his sword at Cole.

Cole looked in shock, why was Vespi his friend throwing a sword at him.

As Cole closed his eyes and awaited the cold blade to embedded into him, he heard the sound of meat being cut.

He looked up to see the sword in midair, stuck. Blood pouring out of no ware.

Then a creature materialized in front of them.

It turned around and looked at Vespi, it let out a low growl.

Cole acted on instinct, and swung his sword. The legs of the creature fell out from under it and it fell to the ground.

Vespi ran forward, pulled his sword from the creature and put it to its neck.

"NO! Wait Vespi." Said a excited Necro.

He came out of the house and stood in front of the beast, "Don't kill it yet."

Vespi looked at him, "What the hell is it."

Necro cleared his throat, "Its a Dark one."

Everypony jumped back in surprise, except Cole and Vespi.

"What, a Dark one?"

"Yes, a Dark one. They have returned and I want to know why."

Cole looked at the Dark one, who was looking straight at Vespi, hatred in its eyes. "But Necro, this one is skinnier and doesn't have a suit like the other one. The last one had a battle suit or something, this one has what looks like a torn lab coat."

Necro looked at him, "Well of course, there are two different types of Dark ones, the smart ones, the one we have here, and the stupid brute ones, the one you fought."

Cole looked surprised, "Two types?"

"Yes." He looked at the Dark one, "I know you can understand me and I know you have a voice changer. So turn it on and talk to us now, or I will have my friend here cut you to pieces."

The Dark one raised its hand up to its throat and turned a nob. A faint crackling noise came from it, "You ponies are so clueless. We the Abaryims, are a proud race. I will not answer your useless questions."

Necro looked at Cole, "Kick him, show him some pony hospitality."

Cole smiled and kicked the Dark one in the chest.

It coughed and laughed.

Cole kicked it five more times and pulled his sword up and chopped off its right arm.

It winced, "Fine you damn ponies."

"Why are you here, why did you destroy everything." Necro said with anger but also excitement in his voice.

"We came here to take this world as our own. Our world has become toxic, thanks to us introls, or the ones you refer to as the smart ones. We looked through the universe till we came upon this planet, with its perfect habitat for us to live on. You ponies was to easy to take out, but we didn't expect some of you to live. I guess we should have bombed more of the planet before leaving."

Necro processed the information, "I see, now tell me about your race."

The Dark one laughed, "I will tell you this, seeing as you won't live to see it. But we have constructed a base here, a mega fortress. Right under your snouts, we are preparing to kill you all."

Cole stepped forward, "What do you mean we won't live to see it."

The Dark one laughed again, "This whole time, I've been transmitting my location to the rest of the Abaryims, they should be here soon. You can't survive our beams and missiles."

Necro ran into the house, "Do want you want Vespi."

Cole stopped him, "Wait one second Vespi." He looked at the Dark one, "Why was you following me."

The Dark one looked at him, "You are the only pony to have the ability to be like us, we was going to experiment on you and your three friends here." It laughed again, "I was going to take the pleasure to work on that mare there my self."

Cole looked at him with furry in his eyes, "You son of a horse." He brought his sword down on its head.

Vespi jumped back, "Hey, he was mine."

"Sorry about that."

Necro walked out with Cole's gear, "Here, I've done all I can. The hood can not be cut or destroyed, thank their technology for that. I also made some boots to go on your hooves, they increase the power behind each punch."

He tossed the Nightblades Special Operations Battle Suit to Cole, "That suit can now take all of their weapons, just don't get hit in the head."

Cole pulled on all his gear, "Thanks, this will come in handy.'

Flash walked up to him, "Whats going to happen."

Before he could answer, they heard a loud scream, not a scream they had ever heard before.

On the hill a fourth of a mile away, a crowd of Dark ones appeared. They all looked mad.

"What the hell." Vespi said as he spun around.

The Dark ones raised their right arms at the same time. Then missiles started flying towards the small house and the Nightblades.

"GET DOWN!" Yelled Link.

Cole jumped on Flash.

The whole place exploded, wood, rock, sand, and metal flying everywhere.

As the dust settled, Cole stood up. His cloak, thanks to Necro had protected him and Flash from the explosion.

Flash looked up at him, "Are you okay?"

Cole looked around, "Yes, but were are the others?"

Then two cloaked ponies stood up, one with a injured pony under it.

Good everypony was okay, except for Necro, who looked pretty banged up.

Cole looked at the crowd of Dark ones, they were slowly coming towards them.

Cole and the other three night blades brought up their swords, prepared to take on the advancing crowd of Dark ones.