• Published 16th Oct 2011
  • 1,649 Views, 18 Comments

To The End - Kickass222urmom

Equestria becomes a post-apocalyptic world, can a colt survive it with his friends

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A Trip To Town

"So my friend, do you think that little town ahead of us is safe?" Asked Link.

Cole looked ahead, "Of course my friend, I went through there once. Nice place to rest and trade, one of the last places left with a little order."

They were walking upon one of the few towns that had ponies in it that were not looking to fight. The town was more of a rest stop and trading post than any thing else.

Link looked at the town, "So you mean we can sleep in real beds and eat real food."

"Yes, as long as you have something to trade."

Link smiled and pulled up his cloak to reveal a long bag strapped to his side. "I think I have plenty to trade. Everything in this bag is trophy's from my kills and my best finds. Swords, knives, you name it."

Cole smiled at this, "You keep trophy's of your kills too." He pulled up his cloak to reveal he also had a bag along his side, "Swords, knives, jewelry, and a few odds and ends."

Link looked at the town again, "Then lets go my friend, I want some real food."

Upon walking into the town, they saw a few ponies with saddlebags walking in and out of buildings. Some of the buildings still stood. The town had a hotel, bar, a few houses, a general store serving as trading post, and a warehouse.

Cole looked around the small town, "We should see about getting a room."

Link walked towards the hotel, "Come my friend."

They walked into the hotel, the building was well kept, but dirt still covered the floors. They pulled down their hoods.

They walked over to the desk, the receptionist looked up at them.

The receptionist was a light blue colt with rough features. He had a scar that ran down from his right eye to his mouth. His mane was also blue and was short.

"Yes?" He asked with a bored face.

Before Cole could say anything, Link moved in front of him.

"Me and my friend here would like a room." He placed a gold necklace on the desk in front of the receptionist, "I think this will cover the room."

The receptionist reached over and picked up a set of keys in his mouth. He placed it on the desk in front of them.

"Go down the hall, third door on the left."

Link smiled, "Thank you my good sir." He picked up the keys with his mouth, and started to walk towards their room. Cole followed him.

When they walked into the room, Cole took notice of the single double bed in the room and the small table in the corner.

Link walked over to the bed, "I haven't seen a bed in so long. I can't wait to sleep in it later."

Cole laughed, "Lets eat before we think about sleep."

Link stretched, "Fine, but lets hurry. I'm starving over here."

They walked out of the hotel and across the dirt street to the bar.

Upon walking into the bar, they were met with a sour smell. The ponies here was either at the bar or staggering around.

Cole walked up to the bar and took a seat. Link sat down beside him, "Here, use this to buy our food and drinks." He placed a nice looking knife in front of Cole.

Cole grinned, "When are you going to let me pay for something?"

Link smirked, "The day I die." He joked.

The bartender walked up to them, "What can I get you two colts?" He asked.

Cole cleared his throat, "I would like your strongest cider and anything with hay in it."

Link smiled, "I'll have what hes having."

"I think this knife will cover it."

The bartender examined the knife, "Okay, coming up." He picked up the knife and walked down the bar.

Cole turned around and observed the ponies around him. Most of them looked to be hardened wastelanders, but a few looked like they couldn't last a day in the waste.

Cole heard a light thud behind him, once he turned around he saw that the bartender had brought out their food and drinks.

Link started stuffing his food into his mouth without even checking what it was.

Cole looked at the food, it was hay, flowers, and a few fruits mixed together. He picked up the cider and swirled it around in the glass. He put it to his lips and let it slowly pour into his mouth. The taste was strong and it almost made him gag, but it was the way he liked it.

He took a long swig from the cider before putting it down and moving to the food.

Half way through the food, Cole heard Link gag, he must have finally taken a drink from the cider.

"Wow! My friend, this cider is strong." He took another swig, "Just the way I like it."

He turned around in his seat and looked around the room, "Cole."

Cole looked at him, "What is it?"

"Look, that pony in the corner is wearing a cloak like ours."

Cole turned around and looked at the corner where the cloaked pony was. The pony had its hood down over its face.

"Give me a minute my friend." Cole said as he got off his seat and started walking towards the cloaked pony.

When he got closer, he noticed that it was a Pegasus with a blue coat. The Pegasus's cloak covered the rest of its body, so he couldn't see any other features.

"Hey." Cole said once he was in front of the Pegasus.

The Pegasus looked up at him.

He could tell that the Pegasus was a mare by her face, even if she was wearing goggles similar to his.

"Cole, is that you." She questioned.

Cole smiled and pulled up his goggles, revealing his red eyes.

The Pegasus pulled back her hood, revealing her purple mane. She looked at him and smiled, "Cole, your alive. I though you was dead."

He smiled, "I'm alive Flash, and so is Link."

Flash was a mare who was also a Nightblade. She was a blue Pegasus with brown eyes. Her cutie mark was the same as Cole's and links, but had wings on the shield.

She was by far the fastest Nightblade, living up to her name. She was also very skilled with her sword, which she had decorated with flowers and blood.

She stands and walks over and hugs Cole. "I'm so happy to see that you survived."

Cole stood there, why is she being so emotional, Nightblades don't show this much emotion.

She stepped back smiling, "Its great to see you Cole."

Link walked up next to Cole, "Well, Flash. I'm happy to see a fellow Nightblade and friend is alive."

Flash looked at Link, "Its good to see you alive also Link."

"Where are you staying Flash?" Asked Cole.

She looked at him, "Oh, I was just passing through this town, so I have no ware to stay."

Cole thinks for a second, "Well would you like to join me and Link. We could us your skills and it would be great to have all the Nightblades together. You can stay with us if you like."

Her eyes brighten at this, "Yes, I would love to join you two. Where are you staying."

Cole was a little taken back by the way she was acting, "We are staying at the hotel across the street. After we get done eating, we will head back there. Link is tired and so am I, so I think its time to rest."

Link turned around and headed back to the bar to finish his food.

Cole turned around to follow when Flash appeared beside him. She looked unnaturally happy for a Nightblade.

He sat down at his seat and started to finish his food. He looked to his right a Link, he was chugging his cider.

Cole put the last of the food in his mouth and finished off the cider. He turned around, "You two ready to turn in for the night."

"Yes, I need to rest for a while." Link said while standing up.

Flash looked happier, "Yes, lets hurry. I'm tired as can be."

The three Nightblades walked across the street and into the hotel. When they walked into the hotel room which was theirs, they all noticed the single double bed.

Cole sighed, "Well it looks like we all have to sleep in the bed together, unless somepony wants to sleep on the floor."

Link looked at him, "The hell I'm sleeping on the floor, I'm sleeping on that bed, even if I have to fight you two."

Flash smiled, "I don't mind sleeping in the bed with you two, we had to do it sometimes anyways when we were at the Nightblades HQ."

"Well lets get ready for bed then shall we." Cole said.

Cole slipped off his cloak and bags and put them in a pile, then he pulled off his sword and put it on top of the pile. He looked over at the other two, Link had just finished taking off his cloak and gear and was heading towards the bed. Flash however had just gotten her cloak off, she had a saddlebag and two long bags strapped to her.

She piled her gear next to the table and walked towards the bed, "Come on Cole, your just standing there."

Cole shook his head, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Link was already in bed, on the right side of the bed.

Flash got in bed and looked at Cole, "I get the middle, you can have the outside."

Cole laughed slightly, "Okay, just move over."

He climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to him.

"Good night Cole, good night Link." Flash said with a yawn.

"Good night you two." Cole said was he rolled onto his back.

"Mmhf." Mumbled Link, who was already on the verge of falling asleep.

Cole lay there for a while, trying to relax and fall asleep. But sleep wouldn't come, he wasn't use to being in a place were he didn't have to be on guard.

He looked out the window at the sun, which was high in the sky. He sighed and shifted a little.

Flash turned over and snuggled up close to Cole.

Cole looked down at her, she had a smile on her face.

"Flash, are you even asleep." Cole said with a grin on his face.

She looked at him in surprise, "Your awake, I thought you feel asleep."

Cole smiled and put his hoofs to his face, "No not yet. Can't sleep, I'm to use to being on guard all the time."

She smiled, "Well your safe here, you don't have to be on guard."

Cole moved his hoofs from his face and smiled at her, "I know, its just kinda hard to relax."

"Just try and relax, okay."

Cole grinned, "I'll have to sooner or later."

"Go to sleep, both of you." Said a annoyed Link.

"Link, I thought you feel asleep" Cole said.

"I did but you two woke me up with your talking, now go to sleep or I'll make you."

Cole smiled to him self, "Of course my friend, I will go to sleep."

He laid his head back down and sighed.

Flash moved closer to him and put her hoof over him and snuggled close to him.

Cole was surprised at this, he though about making her get off him, but he decided to let it be. Strangely for him, he liked the the feel of her body against his and her slow hot breath against his neck.

He felt himself relax, slowly falling asleep. Before he fell asleep, he felt Flash lay her head on his chest. Then he fell into a restful and peaceful sleep.