• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 2,634 Views, 21 Comments

A Shy Letter - marineproductions100

Fluttershy has been invited to have tea with Derpy. Fluttershy, with Angel's help, has finally got the courage to face her fears and tell Derpy her true feelings towards her.

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A Letter From Her?

A Shy Letter

Written By: Cameron

Inspired by so many lovely ships. (many)

Chapter 1: A Letter From Her?

Fluttershy's Cottage.

Celestia's sun was high in the sky. Rainbow Dash got up early and cleared all the clouds for this beautiful day. The birds were singing, there was a breeze that flow through Ponyville. Not too cold and not too warm, just perfect. Not too rough and not too gentle, just perfect. Fluttershy was outside her cottage lying in the sun. Enjoying it's warm rays on her yellow coat. While enjoying her sunbathing, Fluttershy waits for her mail from Ponyville's one and only mail pony. Eagerly waiting to see the pegasus with the blonde mane that goes perfectly with her grey coat and her adorable lazy golden eyes.

Fluttershy looked up at the sky and saw her mail pony. Derpy slowly lowered herself to the ground and gently landed right next to Fluttershy. Derpy approached Fluttershy at a small pace. She was really happy today and there was something different about her. She was wearing something above her muzzle. She was wearing glasses? Fluttershy smiled, while Derpy was approaching her. She got up and met Derpy halfway. "Hello Derpy." Fluttershy greeted.

"Hello Fluttershy. Beautiful weather we're having?" Derpy asked.

"Oh yes, its simply wonderful." Fluttershy replied.

"I brought you a letter. Just one letter today unfortunately."

"Really? Well at least I got one letter. I don't mind. Who's it from?" Fluttershy tilted her head at the mail pony.

"Oh I'm not allowed to know that sort of thing. I just deliver the letters." Derpy reached into her saddlebag and pulled out an envelope with her mouth. She leaned her head over towards Fluttershy to grab.

Fluttershy obtained the letter and placed it on the ground. Without even looking at the letter, Fluttershy drew her attention back towards Derpy. "I see something different about you today. You have glasses?"

Derpy adjusted her spectacles on her nuzzle. "Yeah, Twilight made them for my eyes. She put a spell on the glasses to help my eyes stay straight instead of wandering all over the place. They really work and I haven't made a single crash today."

"That's wonderful. I'm glad to hear that."

Derpy looked at the letter and back up at Fluttershy. "Aren't you gonna open your letter?"

Fluttershy looked down at the letter (which was by her forehooves). "Oh, right." Fluttershy sat down on her haunches and noticed that the letter was blank. "There's no name on it." Fluttershy looked up at Derpy.

Derpy looked up at the sky and started making circles in the dirt. "Maybe you should open it up and it may have the name inside it." Derpy suggested. She looked back at Fluttershy.

"O-Okay." Fluttershy ripped off the top of the letter and pulled out a sheet of paper. The paper had a picture of a muffin and a cup of tea. It also had these big letters that were in golden: YOU'RE INVITED. "What's this?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's an invitation to my little tea party and you're invited." Derpy replied. "It's tonight at eight o' clock. Dinky's having a sleepover at Applejack's with her cutie mark crusading friends. So it'll start after I drop off Dinky. Would you be able to make it?"

"I-I.....would l-love to come. Of course." Fluttershy stuttered. "I'll b-be by at e-eight o' cl-clock."

"Great! I'll see you tonight." Derpy turned around to face away from Fluttershy. She flexed out her wings and right before she could take off, she looked back at Fluttershy. "Goodbye 'Shy."

"B-Bye Derpy." Fluttershy waved her hoof and Derpy took off into the air.

Fluttershy picked up the letter with her mouth and started to make her way towards her cottage. Once she was inside, she went straight to the couch and collapsed right on it. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Fluttershy cheered into a pillow that she grabbed. "She invited me over to join her in an activity this time." Fluttershy looked at the wall on the other side of the room. It had a coo-coo clock in the form of a bird house. Fluttershy looked at the time. It was three-fifty. "That's plenty of time for me to get ready for the tea party."

Seven o' clock, Sweet Apple Acres.

Derpy and Dinky were trotting up to the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. They saw Applejack and Big Macintosh bucking apple trees. Applejack stopped bucking an apple tree to go and greet Derpy. "Well howdy Derpy. Lovely weather we having today? Ain't it?" Applejack greeted.

"Oh yes, very. I wanted to thank you for taking Dinky to have her little sleepover with her friends." Derpy acknowledged.

"Do you know where Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom are?" Dinky asked.

"They're inside waiting for you sugarcube." Applejack replied to Dinky's question. Applejack pointed towards the house.

Dinky hugged her mother. Derpy wrapped her left forehoof around Dinky. "Have a good time here and be good." Derpy said.

"I will mommy." Dinky acknowledged Derpy's request.

"Okay. Go have a good time with your friends. Applejack will drop you off tomorrow." Derpy stopped hugging Dinky to let her run towards the house.

Dinky started running towards the house, but before she disappeared into the house, she yelled back, "Okay. I love you!"

"I love you too muffin!" Derpy yelled back.

Applejack dropped her hoof and drew her attention towards Derpy. "So did'ja take mah advice?" Applejack asked.

"Yes and she'll be coming over tonight." Derpy replied.

"Ah told 'ya that she'd come. Ah think 'ya have a chance, Derpy." Applejack smiled. "Now if 'ya want 'ta know if Fluttershy here is into 'ya. Try 'ta get her 'ta look at yer rump. That way so 'ya can be safe in case if you decide 'ta change yer mind."

A shade of red started to form on Derpy's cheeks. "T-Thanks for the advice. I th-think I gotta go and g-get ready." Derpy stuttered.

"Ah shucks no need 'ta stutter. Just go and have ah nice day, Derpy."

"Okay. Goodbye Applejack, you too." Derpy waved and then headed out of Sweet Apple Acres.

Seven-thirty, Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy was about to head out of her cottage and down to Derpy's when she felt something hit the back of her head. She turned around to see a half eaten carrot dropping to the ground and Angel waving his paws in the air. "Oh Angel, did I forget to feed you?" Fluttershy asked the bunny.

The bunny shook his head and started to do charades with his arms. His paws would touch the center of his chest and then he'd stretch them out forward at arms length. "Throwing?" Fluttershy guessed. The bunny shook its head and continued doing the same charade. "Passing?" The bunny shook his head again and continued doing the same thing. Fluttershy tapped her chin with her hoof. "Confessing?"

The bunny quickly nodded and then started drawing a shape of a heart of the location of its heart. "Heart huh? Is it hurting?" The bunny shook his head and continued drawing the shape of a heart. "Feelings?" Fluttershy guessed. The bunny quickly nodded and then pointed to the letter that Fluttershy left on the couch.

"Confessing, feelings, letter?" Fluttershy started tapping her hoof on her chin again and then started rubbing it. After two minutes of dwelling on the bunnies charades, Fluttershy's face lit up and she quickly drew her attention towards the bunny. "You mean I should confess my feelings towards Derpy tonight at the tea party?" Fluttershy asked.

Angel nodded his head and fell onto his back. Fluttershy drew her attention at the door and took a deep breathe. "Your right Angel. I have to tell her and if she can't accept it. Then, we'll just let time tell. Two years of keeping a secret and I'm done. Fluttershy's finally going to tell her." Fluttershy took two steps towards the door and then coward down. "Maybe I can keep at it for another two years." Angel got up and kicked Fluttershy in the hind legs and Fluttershy walked out the door.

Angel locked the door behind Fluttershy. The door handle started shaking. "Oh then. Okay, I'll be back, Angel." Hoofsteps started to fade and Angel slapped his face with his paw with a long sigh.

Derpy's house, eight o' clock.

Fluttershy knocked on the door and was greeted by Derpy who still had her glasses on from their previous meet. "Fluttershy, so glad you could make it." Derpy greeted.

"Hello Derpy. May I come in?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course, of course. Just sit on the couch and I'll bring out our tea" Derpy replied.

"That sounds lovely." Fluttershy walked into the house and made her way towards the couch. Once she sat down on the couch, she saw Derpy walking into the kitchen. Except, Fluttershy noticed that Derpy's hips were swaying left to right and her tail was going the opposite way of her hips. Making it almost noticeable to see her flower. Fluttershy snapped herself out of the trance and a shade of pink started to burn on her cheeks.

After about five minutes, Derpy came back out with a plate in her mouth, Fluttershy's blushing ceased. The plate had two muffins and two cups of tea. In between the tea and the muffins was a small bowl with sugar cubes. Derpy gently placed the plate on a wooden table that was in front of the couch. Derpy dropped two sugar cubes into her tea and took a sip from her cup.

Fluttershy dropped two sugar cubes as well and took of sip of her cup. Fluttershy looked down at the muffin. That looks delicious. It's blueberry, too. My favorite. Fluttershy thought. Fluttershy picked up the muffin and took a bite out of it. It was delicious. A ton of flavors started to burst into her mouth and it was so yummy. "Derpy this is wonderful." Fluttershy complimented.

"Thank you 'Shy. I didn't think that they were that good. But I'm glad you enjoy it." Derpy smiled at the compliment.

"You're really good at making muffins, Derpy." Fluttershy took another bite of her muffin. Before she knew it, half of her muffin was gone. Derpy just watched Fluttershy munching on the muffin. Fluttershy took a break from the muffin and placed it back onto the plate. A shade of pink reappeared on her cheeks.

"No need to be embarrassed." Derpy placed her hoof on Fluttershy's. "You were just hungry, I'm assuming."

Fluttershy was lost into Derpy's eyes. Usually they would wander all over the place and she wouldn't really feel like this. But the glasses really did their job and Fluttershy could actually stare into Derpy's eyes. "Derpy, I have something to confess."

Derpy slighted moved her head closer. "What would that be?" Derpy asked.

"I love you." Fluttershy mumbled.

"I couldn't hear you. Could you speak up, please?"

Fluttershy took a deep breathe and then blew it all out. "I love you, Derpy. I've loved you for two years and I'm tired of holding it in. If you hate me for it and don't want to be my friend anymore, I'll understand."

"I would never hate you Fluttershy. I would never want to ruin our relationship. Plus I have something to confess, too." Fluttershy moved her head closer to Fluttershy's ear and whispered; "I love you, too."

"R-Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes." Derpy replied. "Do you want me to prove it?"

"I believe you but its just th-"

"But I want to." Derpy interrupted Fluttershy.

Derpy moved her head closer to Fluttershy's. Fluttershy did the same. Their lips locked onto each other. Derpy wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy's waist and Fluttershy did the same. Derpy slowly leaned back and Fluttershy slowly leaned forward. Soon, Derpy was completely on her back and Fluttershy was lying on top of her.

Fluttershy broke the kiss just to go right back into a new one. Their tails started to wrap around each other. Fluttershy unwrapped Derpy with one of her hooves and placed it on Derpy's chest. Derpy broke the kiss to go back into a new one. Except more differently this time. Derpy opened her mouth and Fluttershy did the same. Both pegasi's tongues were met at the entrance ways of each other's mouths.

Derpy started to rub Fluttershy's flanks with her hooves. Making outlines of Fluttershy's cutie marks. A moan came from Fluttershy's throat and Derpy was pleased. Both pegasi pulled their tongues back into their mouths and ended the kiss. Fluttershy looked into Derpy's eyes. "I can't believe I waited two years for this." Fluttershy said.

"Neither can I." Derpy said.

Fluttershy tilted her head away from Derpy's for a yawn to escape her mouth. "I'm getting tired."

"Where would you like to sleep? Couch or bedroom?" Derpy asked.

"Couch. Because this is really nice right now." Fluttershy replied.

"Here let me roll over so we're side to side." Derpy slowly moved Fluttershy onto her left side. Both mares were now eye to eye contact. "Goodnight 'Shy." Derpy gave Fluttershy a quick kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight Derpy." Fluttershy closed her eyes and soon was asleep.

After about five minutes of watching Fluttershy sleep, Derpy closed her eyes. Her mind started to drift away from her and soon she was asleep, too.



Written By: Cameron

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed the first Chapter. I'm trying to give this writing romantic pony stories (a.k.a. shipping) another chance. Also for those who read my story "I Understand." It didn't end up on the updated stories list for some reason. So if you want to read the final chapter than go ahead and do so.

Thank you to these people for their tips and advice: Dianwei32, SLthethird, and fferror.

Thank you for taking time out of your day and lives just to read this. It means a lot. Have a good day or night. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 21 )

DerpyShy? I can honestly say that I've never seen this pairing. I can't see where this ship would come from though. Mind you, I'm not saying it's impossible, just that I personally can't figure out how it would happen.

3496309 Its quite a nice pairing, actually, one of the first clopfics I read on this website was a derpyshy. If you're curious, it's here, and it isn't just a jump-into-sex clopfic, there's some story to it, and it's quite romantic :3
i just noticed it has the same picture too, heh.
It isnt my OTP, but it certainly isnt a bad one~

Well firstly i want to say its not a bad fic, its quite cute. I just personally think it could be done much better; I mean, there's barely a hint of awkwardness from Fluttershy's shyness, I would think that that would be a rather prominent feature! Again, not saying its bad, just maybe...too easy?

3496645 Thanks for the tips. I'll have it re-edited soon. And um thank you.

3496309 This is a little challenge I accepted from my friend. Since I see I'm already going on the downfall, I have no idea how this'll turn out. But I have my fingers crossed plus I'm the kind of person who puts out ships of pairs you'd never really expect. :yay:

Okay, after reading the story, I have to say that it is very... average. The idea has potential, but the initial conflict (Fluttershy and Derpy confessing their feelings for one another) gets resolved way too quickly. We're told that Derpy and 'Shy love one another, but not why. We don't know what they each love about the other, or why Derpy hasn't made a move before now. (Small side note: If Angel was going to throw something at 'Shy, it would be something small like a carrot, not a metal bowl. Something that big/heavy would A) be very hard for Angel to get the necessary angle and distance on the throw, and B) hurt 'Shy if/when it hit her.)

There were some minor grammatical mistakes and a few spelling errors, nothing big enough to be story breaking, but also too many to ignore or let you really get immersed in the story. There's also no set up for anything after this. The story is marked incomplete, and you've said there will be more chapters, but everything got wrapped up in a neat little bow in this one. Overall, it's average, as I said earlier. I'd give it a 5/10 in its current state, but with some easy fixes and a comb through by a decent editor, it could easily go up to a 6 or 6.5

3497357 shh. Patience is key to success. Though real reason will come. Now, just hush. Though I thank you for your constructive criticism and I am not 100% today. Right now I'm just going to ignore everything. Right now its just up there and it'll be fixed. Don't worry I'm not mad. (not sick either) just not happy. Thank you again for your constructive criticism. Have a good day or night.

Derpy slowly leaned back and Fluttershy slowly leaned forward. (while kissing) Soon, Derpy was completely on her back and Fluttershy was lying on top of her.

1: There are better ways to confirm whether or not they are still kissing than to put parenthesis in the middle of your story like that.

2: It was already clear that they were still kissing.

3497801 *sigh* alright. I don't know if I made it clear to anyone at all. It'll be edited. Just give me some time to get to it. I know your just trying to help and I'm not mad. At all. I'm just not motivated to edit it yet. But thank you and I'm sorry if I irritated you. (even the tiniest bit irritated) Have a good day.


One more little thing for whenever you get around to editing. Don't be afraid of pronouns and other descriptors. While it's true that Lavender Unicorn Syndrome (LUS) can be a problem, it's just as much of a problem to always refer to characters by their names.

Let me stress that the story is pretty good, these are small issues that are easily fixable. I understand that you're not going to be editing it right now, I'm just trying to give you some ideas for things to fix when you do get around to editing.

Not too shabby.:pinkiesmile:
It was pretty good but it needs a little more emotion on Derpy's part. :derpytongue2:
Shy is golden for sure. :ajsmug:

I couldn't heart you.


I'm tired of holing it in


A cute, touching one-shot, and a pairing I haven't seen nearly enough of. Thanks for a fun story.

4145860 Thanks for pointing out my typos. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

4145933 That enough cookie to feed Pinkie for a day!:pinkiegasp:

FlutterDerp? Ok, this was a pairing that I had never thought would have even considered. I liked the story and thought you did a good job.


This Ship is To Cute!!! #FlutterDerp Forever:yay::heart::derpytongue2:

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