• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 1,288 Views, 9 Comments

Equestria Hearts: Unbreakable Bonds - Samski13

A teenager keyblade master is called to equestria to defeat the evil that resides there

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Apathy Appears

Hello readers! I tried a different style this time let me know if you like it! If you do I'll write this way for the rest of the story

*somewhere deep in the everfree forest*
Leaves rustle and twigs crack under the foot of the entity making his was through the Everfree forest. Animals and other fierce predictors sense his presence but most stay way, some even run from him. The reason? A feeling, not of pain, hate, or bitterness but of nothing, the feeling of no emotion. While they feel nothing he feels the opposite, he can feel all of their emotions, especially their fear. He feeds off of fear and all other emotions just trying to fill the void of his own emotionless state. His sociopathic nature is displayed on his face, a face that has held no emotion for many years, flickers of past lives play in his mind. Just long enough to encrease his yearning and curiosity but not long enough to register on any emotional level. The entity soon reaches his destination. This is the spot, he thinks to himself, this is where is where I have been called to. He finally takes time to take in his surroundings, mossy stones dark and cracking from years upon years of abandonment and dampness. Windows depicting various scenes of ponies where all around the room, although most were broken and faded making it impossible to discern what they showed. "hmm the dominate race on this world are ponies." he spoke out loud. His voice was cold and he spoke with a sharp manner that demanded attention, like a frozen spike being driven into your chest spreading frost across your body. He decided it would be easier to move around the land if he looked like its natives and soon he had taken the form of a dark blue unicorn with sliver and black hair. No sooner had he finished then he suddenly heard the voice in his head although much louder now. "Excellent I seen you have heeded my words and travelled to this world." the voice whispered.
"Who are you? Why have you called me to this place?" The pony asked bluntly.
"you shall learn this all in good time," the voice said, soon a cloud of darkness came into the room and took the form of a pure black pony. "I will tell you this, there is a way to recover your memories and give you back the emotions that you crave, but you must work with me in order to get them back." the black pony finished.
"I will assist you." the dark blue pony replied bluntly.
"You may call me the Nightmare, what are you called?" nightmare asked.
The dark blue pony looked up and said, " My name is-"

"Apathy!" I yelled as I awoke with a start. Shaking the nightmare away I focused on the scream that woke me up. I rushed down stairs and found Twilight being attacked by numerous heartless. She noticed me and yelled, "Sam! Help me I've been holding them off but they still keep coming!" I was about to summon my Keyblade and charge in when a thought occurred. The heartless were only going for her not me, that must mean. "Twilight! Focus all of you emotions into a single mass!" I yelled. "Why!" she yelled back. "Just do it!" I yelled back and I began to fight off some of the heartless. I saw Twilight focus and soon in a bright flash a purple keyblade appeared. It was slightly bent at the hilt with three stars acting as the teeth of the blade and with Twilight's cutie mark as the key chain. Twilight's jaw hit the floor and she soon recovered and used her magic to grab the blade and help me vanquish the rest of the heartless. Soon both of us were laying on the floor wrapping our heads around the situation. Twilight recoved faster than me and attacked me with questions, "what was that? How did I do that? Why did those things come after me?" I held up a hoof to silence her. I composed myself and replied, " that was a kayblade, you are a keyblade wielded so am I. Well technically I am a keyblade master. You were chosen by the blade to be its owner it is because you are a pure heart an very powerful. Those things are called the heartless, as their name suggests they have no hearts and try to take others hearts for their own. The stinger a heart the more attracted they are, since you now wield a keyblade they will always be after you since you have a strong heart. The only way to truly defeat a heartless is too defeat it with a keyblade."
Twilight thought this through then asked, "do the heartless do anything else?"
Remembering one of the reports that Ansem wrote I recited, "The Heartless feed on others’ hearts, and they yearn for that energy core. That thing beyond the door must be a heart, too–the heart of this world. There is no proof, but, having felt that immense energy, I am certain. That was the heart of the world.
The Heartless are trying to take hearts not only from all living creatures, but from the planet itself. But what do they mean to do with the heart of the world?"
Twilight looked at me confused I then tested to make things clearer by explaining a little bit more.
"every world has a heart the it is the heartless goal to find the heart of a world and consume it that is why they are on your world. Thy are looking for its heart. In order to stop them we have to find the keyhole to the world and lock it so the heartless and consume the world."
"okay.." Twilight said slowly, " so by we you mean you and me?"
"not just is the keyblade is always in threes.... Twilight! Quick we have to find your friends! One of them is in danger!" I shouted.
"What why?" Twilight replied in disbelief.
"there are always at least three keyblade wielders, and I only see two here and who else is as strong in the heart as your friends." I replied in a panic.
"you're right!" she replied, " quick let's get going!"

*meanwhile in across town*

A pony opened a door and peered down the steps into the basement. It was pitch black down there an the pony hesitated for a second but the she began to walk down the stairs saying to herself with a smile, "I just have to giggle at the ghostly!"

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