• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 1,287 Views, 9 Comments

Equestria Hearts: Unbreakable Bonds - Samski13

A teenager keyblade master is called to equestria to defeat the evil that resides there

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Party Problems

*Pinkie Pie's perspective*

"Aaaand done! Sam is going to be so surprised!" Pinkie happily stated. As more and more ponies began to arrive in order to surprise Sam Pinkie started to think to herself. "I hope he likes it, he seems like such a fun guy! I'm going to take this night to get to know him better, this is going to be amazing!"
Before Pinkie knew it it was almost time for the party.
Crash! Rainbow had flown full speed through the door, " get ready I just left him but he is crazy fast he will be here soon!" Rainbow panted with panic in her voice. Pinkie then chirped up, "I see him! Get ready everypony!"
With everypony quiet they could hear Sam talking as he reached the door. "Uh oh the lights are off his is bad." the door creaked open and Sam walked "Umm Twilight? I'm sorry about earlier please don't-"
"Surprise!" yelled everypony in the room.
Sam jumped ten feet in the air then crashed to the ground. Pinkie giggled then went over to help him up.
"Hi Sam! I threw this party for you!"
"Umm thanks pinkie it looks great" Sam replied
Pinkie looked Sam in the face and could see signs of happiness but mostly pain, regret, and he looked uncomfortable. Pinkie mane began to deflate and she walked over to a table sat down and began to think about what wrong. "everypony loves my parties, was the decoration wrong? Not enough friends? Or maybe it was to many ponies." As Pinkie continued to think her mane deflated completely. She looked over at Sam who had also separated himself himself from the party and was looking out a window. Twilight who had seen what happened walked over to Pinkie to talk to her. "It's okay Pinkie maybe he is just tired and doesn't want to party right now I'm sure he loved the surprise."
"Thanks Twilight but I don't think so, look at him he is having a horrible time" Pinkie almost cried. Twilight looked over at Sam and she couldn't help but agree his normal smiling happy face ha been replaced by one of depression to rival Pinkie. Sam then quickly looked around and snuck out the door. At this Pinkie nearly burst into tears. "He..he.. He hates it!"
"you know Pinkie I think I can handle the party why don't you go out and talk to Sam, maybe we are missing something." Twilight said.
" Thanks Twilight I'll do that"
Pinkie then walked out the door and began to follow Sam. At one point she lost track of him but then heard a faint noise and began to follow it as she got closer she saw it was Sam and he was singing,
"we swore that we would stick together travel around and make lives better but now our ties have been all broken and we have gone our separated ways. May the circle be unbroken, by and by lord by and by. There's a better home awaiting in the sky lord in the sky. Now it's been ages since I've seen you, and even longer since I called you friend, we both made our plans together, swore the party would never end."
Pinkie didn't know what to do all she could do was blink in shock.
"Pinkie.." Sam slowly said, "Have you ever had nightmares about lowering a friend?" at this Sam turned around and looked a Pinkie. Pinkie had no idea what to say suddenly a thought came to mind.
" I used to right after we defeated discord, I had lost all my friends that day and I had nightmares about it happening again." Pinkie quietly said.
Sam trotted over to Pinkie, sat down and began to talk.
"I had a friend probably the best friend I ever had. We traveled together and together we fought the darkness and saved worlds. Then one day while fighting on a world we found a gate to the darkness. Heartless poured out of it. Then only way to close the door was to have a person on each side, he said he would brave the darkness side. We were able to seal the door I was called a hero but I had lost what was most important to me, my friend. But while the people of the world were celebrating I was attacked by one more heartless. It was a tough battle but I soon gained the upper hand. But before I could finish it off the darkness pulled away and reviewed my friend. He had given into the darkness, there was nothing I could do."
Pinkie couldn't believe what she was hearing, how could Sam deal with this? Just hearing about it almost made her cry. Sam continued, "the last time he and I hung out was at a party we laughed and danced and had a good time, he turned to me and said, this party is like our friendship fun filled and happy, let's keep it like that. To which I relied may the party never end! Little did I know what was coming. The party ended soon than expected."
"I'm so so so sorry Sam I didn't mean to remind you. I should of never thrown that party."
"It's not your fault Pinkie, I mean how could you have known? I'm sorry for ruining your night and making you sad"
"it's fine maybe some other time we could do something together" Pinkie smiled at Sam.
"Pinkie I want you to promise me something. Although our party may end lets make it the biggest and the bestest." Sam said
"cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie quickly replied.
Sam then leaned over and gave Pinkie a huge hug. This surprised Pinkie at first but then blushing slightly she fully returned the hug, her mane poofing bad to normal.
"This means so much to me Pinkie thank you for following me and letting me talk."
"Anytime Sammy Bammy!" Pinkie happily said
" we'll I'm going to make it up to you Miss Pie, how about we kick this party up a couple notches" Sam winked mischievously. Pinkie giggled in delight and the two of them walked back to Twilight's home I order to have the time of their lives.