• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 1,287 Views, 9 Comments

Equestria Hearts: Unbreakable Bonds - Samski13

A teenager keyblade master is called to equestria to defeat the evil that resides there

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Chapter 2: Big Mac the savior

I was still laughing as I appeared in the middle of the Everfree forest, but my laughter was cut short when I heard a noise some where in the undergrowth. As I looked into the woods it suddenly became darker and a chill ran down my spine. Then from the darkness pure black creatures with unblinking yellow eyes came out and launched themselves at me. "Heartless." I say to myself as I grit my teeth and summon Light Bringer, the best weapon in this situation. Light Bringer is my Keyblade a black shaft with multiple white shafts wrapping around the back one and with three white points in the shape of a three point crown coming off the end. I use my Molecular Manipulator or MM to increase my speed, then I take my stance to have a look at what I'm up against.

20 Shadows and 15 Neo-Shadows, I sigh in relief I thought it was going to be much worst. Suddenly two Neo-Shadows attack. Taken by surprise I dodge roll and then leap and overhand smash one of the Neo-Shadows it exploded in a puff of blackness and a single red heart rose up and disappeared. I then proceed to go on the offensive attacking the Shadows all the tell yelling like a mad man. As I fought I thought to myself "man I'm glad these are only Purebloods and no Emblems."

I suppose this is a good time to explain the heartless. There are two forms, Purebloods and Emblems. The first is created when someone's heart is filled with darkness and the second are created and tend to take the shape of something that relates to the world that it is found on. Both are made of a lost heart and are completely without emotion. They also can and will attack people and take their hearts creating even more darkness. I will explain them more later right now I need to make sure I don't get my but kicked!


At this time over at sweet apple acres Big Mac a big red earth pony had just escaped his sister Applejack's insane rambling about some creature hitting her with a pie and then disappearing. " heh heh" Big Mac chuckled to himself, " that girl is crazier than that time she tried to buck all of sweet apple acres by herself. Yah know? I might go see if Zecora has any of that plant growth potion left some of the new trees aren't growin like they should." and with that Big Mac set off into the Everfree forest. As he got closer to Zecora's but he heard some crazy yelling intrigued by the yells Big Mac went to check it out. As he got closer it got quiet then all of a sudden "Are you kidding me! What in the world is that thing!" followed by the unmistakeable roar of a manticore.


As I fought through wave and wave of heartless I couldn't help but smile it was fun and it reminded me of when I first became the joyful wanderer so many years ago. POOF! With that the last heartless was gone I gave a laugh but then turned around suddenly when I heard another noise behind me. "come at me bro!" I yelled " I am Sam the bringer of all things good and you shall go quietly into the night!" I continued a little too cocky for my own good. As I faced my enemy my jaw dropped behind me was a huge creature that looked like a combination of a lion and a scorpion. "Are you kidding me! What in the world is that thing!" I yelled. "Whatever it is it's under control of the heartless but it doesn't look like any Emblem heartless I've ever seen." I whispered to my self. Then the beast charged driving me back blow after blow, I tripped on a root and it's stinger drove into me injecting me with venom. I grimaced in pain as I felt the poison in my veins, it felt like fire. My vision was blurry and I thought as the beast was preparing to strike, "at least the world is a happy one so when I die my regeneration will be quick." oh yeah if I die I have to use the happiness of the world I died on to come back. I could of swore the creature was smiling at me as it prepared to kill me but then all of a sudden it flew to the side a crashed into a tree! I look over and saw a big red pony sanding next to where it had been. I had been saved by a pony... I don't know if I should be reviewed or embarrassed.


Big Mac ran into the clearing and saw a creature he had never seen before being knocked around by the biggest manticore he had ever seen. Something seem off about the beast it had yellow eyes and was darker than normal. Suddenly the smaller pinkish creature fell and was stabbed by the manticore's stinger. Big Mac saw the look of pain and surprise on the creature's face and he knew he had to help so be ran over a bucked the manticore as hard as he could propelling it into a tree. The manticore recovered fast and attacked Big Mac giving the farm horse may deep cuts and bruises. But with one final buck the manticore fell stunned. Then all of a sudden the pinkish creature leaped past Big Mac and struck the creature turning it into a black cloud.


As I lay against the tree I saw the large stallion fighting with this mysterious heartless. He was getting more injured by the second but then he stunned the beast with a kick so I used my strength to leap up and destroy the heartless before it could recover. After that I fell back goths ground the red pony came up to me and even though he was bleeding too asked if I was okay. I shook my head no, at that point I lifted my keyblade I shouted "Cureaga!" healing both out wounds. This surprised the pony but he realized what I had done. I may of been healed but the poison was still killing me. I asked him with a raspy voice, " do you have any antidote?" he said " no I don't but I could take you to someone who does. My name is Big Mac by the way." " thanks Big Mac I'm Sam but how about we get that antidote before all your work goes to waste." I weakly smile back at him. Big Mac said, " okay lean on me I'll take you to Zecora." " thank you so mu-" was all I could manage to say. Big Mac chuckled at this and began to wake towards Zecora's house but the whole time his head was full of questions.


" none of you girls could find it!" exclaimed Twilight

"no it is just gone! Just wait till I get my hooves on it!" threatened Rainbow Dash

"I can't wait till we find him! I'm going to throw him a huge party!" said Pinkie Pie as she hopped around the library.

" that beast ruined my mane it took forever to wash it,it doesn't deserve a party pinkie, and how do you know it was a he anyway?" grumbled Rarity.

" well duh! He sounded like a he silly!" giggled Pinkie Pie

" um girls maybe we could go see if Zecora knows anything about what he is.. That is.. If you want too.." muttered fluttershy

"that's a great idea fluttershy! Let's head over right now I've been meaning to visit Zecora so I could get some more tea." said Twilight, " Rainbow Dash you fly over to sweet apple acres and grab Appejack I'm sure she wants to came as well."

"you got it Twilight I'll back back in ten seconds flat!"

"okay Rainbow, the rest if you girls let's get ready to go into the Everfree first." exclaimed Twilight

Hi readers samski13 here I want to thank you for reading my story and I encourage any suggestions for my story! If you can't already tell this is going to be a mix of MLP FiM and kingdom hearts. Who knows if people want it I might have some people form the kingdom hearts games show up! Thanks again for reading and have a nice day/night