• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 8,097 Views, 785 Comments

when slenderman left me in paradise - Jimbob

slenderman isn't all that bad i suppose

  • ...

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Doc and I have a little chat



“Hey doc what’s up?” the doctor was walking towards me as I munched on a muffin. The Princess had made some excuse about ‘cleaning up the throne room’ for a wedding or something. I wasn’t paying attention I had been a little preoccupied with the platter of food they had brought back.

Two days in some kinda coma really works up an appetite. The Doctor, or Doctor Whooves or whatever he prefers to go by, was walking towards me with a long face.

[Heh long face]

{We’re so witty}

“Jake I’m afraid I have some bad news.” Hmmm if I recall correctly bad news is normally unpleasant, but I have been wrong before.

“Give it too me straight doc I have less than a day don’t I?” he looked confused.

“What? No when we were scanning you while you were in the coma we noticed some abnormal brain waves. While some of the ponies were unsure of what to make of it I noticed it was quite similar to the Multiple Personality disorder. Tell me do you often hear voices in your head?” instead of answering like a normal person I just began to laugh like a lunatic.

“Doc don’t tell me that I never told you” I panted in between laughs.

“Told me what!?” he shouted with exasperation.

“The demon living in my skull!” I cackled manically. He stared at me and reached up and tapped my head.

“Strange there were no signs of brain damage.” He muttered to himself. What he didn’t notice was a tendril of shadow reach out and tap him on the shoulder.

“Yes?” he said as he turned around. He froze when he saw the tendril, when the tendril made no move towards him he carefully reached into his pocket and pulled out something shiny. And holy shit that’s his sonic screwdriver DO WANT! He began to scan the tendril.

“Incredible it so shows no signs of life yet moves around so naturally.”

“Eeyup that’s demon magic for you” he stared at me.

“No, there is no way that you have a demon inside your head letting you do this.”

“Sure I do!”

“Prove it! Make a something else appear!” I focused and the tendril slowly wrapped around the doctor’s head.


“Come on Doctor the mares love a fez!” I howled with laughter as the Doctor inspected his new headpiece. He sighed and didn’t even bother removing the fez.

“So I suppose this means you really do have a demon living in you.”

“Eeyup, by the way Doc are we back in Ponyville or what?” I didn’t think we were back in Ponyville but that’s were he worked.

“Well actually we I found out about the whole ‘coma after defending the Princess thing’ I step forward claiming to be somewhat of an expert on primate physiology and the Princess request me to help heal you.” Defending the Princess? What new level of bullshittery is this? If I recall correctly I very angrily attempt to take her life. Note to self: Ask Princess why she lied.

“So you lied to the Princess of the sun just to get closer to me? I’m honored really but I’m already in a relationship.”

“Not lying, I know plenty about primates and what’s this about a relationship?”

“Oh nothing you need to worry about” moving on.

“Oh but I think I will worry about it, you have plenty of dirt on me somehow and now you owe me some answers! Staring with this mysterious relationship.” Really? Out of all the questions he could have asked he asked about my love life? Fine, at least I don’t have to explain the whole ‘you’re a TV show’ thing.

“Fine, you ever met Rarity?”

“Really? I never thought she’d be your type”

“Oh she not I just wanted to set you off in the wrong direction, I’m really dating Twilight”

“Ahh now she does seem more like your type.”

“How so?”

“well for starters you’re something completely new to this world, that’s what piqued her interest, then you go around acting loud, brash, and funny but still willing to throw you life in the wind for a couple of fillies you never met might have started to make her like you more intimately. The fact that you seemed to get along with most ponies and those fillies without even being angry that they went into the forest will also help, shows you could be a good father, and finally when you saved her from the Manticores and nearly getting yourself killed was something nopony had ever done for her showed her you cared about her.” Holy shit.

“That’s, deep man. How long have you had to think about this, and how did you know about the Manticores?”
“well it’s a small town word travels fast, and to be quite honest I just made the deductions based on what I’ve heard about you and Twilight’s less than social behavior, to be honest you’ve probably had a huge impact on her life you being her first coltfriend.”

“Technically boyfriend, I’m not a pony.”

“Yeah whatever, now how do you know about me and the Tardis?”

“Ummm you know I really think I should be hitting the hay you know still recovering from coma and all that jazz.”

“Oh no you don’t! I will get my answers!”

“Listen Doc trust me when I say that some things are probably better off not knowing.”

“Jake I’m the Doctor I think I can handle it.”

“Doc seriously if I tell you then you might have a mental breakdown.”

“I’ll deal with it! Now explain yourself!” I sighed

“Fine, alright Doc here's the deal; where I’m from you’re a TV show.”

“A what?”

“A TV show Doc people from all around the world watch you and your companions travel through time and space to save the universe time and time again.”

“You mean there’s people out there watching me? Me save the humans from Cybermen? And me stopping plagues from destroying everything?”

“Well, yes most people are sure it’s just a thing of fiction but I guess you’re quite real.” He looked indifferent.

“You okay Doc?”

“I’m not sure, I mean this is quite shocking and everything but I’m also kinda proud that there’s people out there who saw what good I’ve done for the universe and are cheering me on.”

“Sorry Doc I tried to warn you but I’m glad you found a silver lining to it all.” He smiled ruefully.

“I’m a timelord Jake if you think that finding out my adventures were being recorded is the most shocking thing to happen to me then that show is dead wrong.” I chuckled a bit.

“I suppose so.” The Doctor Head towards the door.

“Do try and get some sleep Jake I’m sure there’s a certain mare coming to visit you tomorrow.” He chuckled.

“Whatever you say Doc.” I said as I lay down and let sleep take hold.

A/N: Wasn't sure whether or not to fill The Doctor lemme know what you think.

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