• Published 30th Jul 2013
  • 4,734 Views, 99 Comments

Falling Petals - BronyWriter

Cheerilee discorded

  • ...

Epilogue: Slipping

It was five hours before anybody managed to locate Cheerilee. A search party had been organized about an hour after she had run off. They had split into groups of five, each searching a different section of Ponyville. It was the group led by Twilight that eventually located her in the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. She was leaning against a tree, shivering like it was ten below. The only words that anypony managed to get out of her were 'I failed them.' She repeated them like it was the most important mantra she knew.

Twilight carried her back to Ponyville on her back and led her into her cottage. Throughout the entire trip, Cheerilee never lost the blank stare that had been plastered on her face the entire time. When Twilight put her in bed, Cheerilee curled up into a ball and began stroking her tail, still repeating that she had somehow failed her students.

Twilight had sent the rest of them off and had promised to keep an eye on Cheerilee for the night. She set up a small mattress not far from the bed and sat on it, her eyes never leaving the shivering form in front of her. She slowly reached a hoof out to Cheerilee and gently stroked her mane. "It's okay, Cheerilee. You're safe."

"I failed them. I yelled at them. I made them sad."

"You didn't, Cheerilee," Twilight insisted. "They love you."

"I failed them. They don't trust me anymore. I'm a terrible teacher."

"Cheerilee, that's not true! They adore you!"

"I failed them!"


"I failed them!"



Comments ( 43 )

3004276 Added an epilogue to give a touch more finality to show just how far off the deep end she went.

I use to think Discord wasn't so bad; all he did was make it rain chocolate milk and pull pranks. but now I know he was a evil Frankenstein spirit of chaos.


Alright. This is a bit better. Still has the sense much more could happen, but the ending is a bit better now.

Also... Did you do this in the space of 30 minutes? Impressive.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Oh... I knew this story was sad, but I thought it would have a happy ending... I was wrong.

will there be a sequel id like to see her get back to teaching and cheright :)

3004673 Probably not. No point.

3004740 lord brony has spoken all hail lord brony



bad end is bad, bro :applecry:


me too, but I think that the fanfic was based on Cheerliee mental breakdown, not Discord's moral :unsuresweetie:

3005460 It's a good story. Sad ending is sad, yes. But it's a good story. :|

3005460 Bad end like... tragic or Transformers 3 bad?


Yep, It's a good story :derpytongue2: but with a bad end :fluttercry:


Tragic, don't worry :raritywink:

Well, I'm glad you decided to do a fic on the whole darker side of Discord. Also, I'm new to FIMFiction, and I'm thinking of starting a new storyverse, can you give me some tips?:fluttercry:

3007614 Well, I'd need more specifics before I could give tips.

3007657Well, I was thinking of a main Human in Equestria theme, but with different branches. I've planned out three-one where the character remembers that he is a brony and keeps his knowledge, one where the character forgets everything about Equestria, and one I'm really excited about where the character gets Twilight to create a magical sword for him and goes total badass. I've already sketched out the weapons and everything. Also, to make it easier on myself, I'm going to write as if I was in Equestria, so I don't have to make a character from scratch. I'd like to be your editor for Wanderings of a Non-Brony so that I can edit your stuff while you edit mine, and so it's easier to communicate with you.

3007735 Sorry, but I already have an editor lined up, but I can give you tips.

The most important thing about writing a HiE story (or any story for that matter) is to make the characters and relationships feel real. Your human and Twilight can't be friends from day one, there has to be buildup there. Twilight has to have reasonable motive to want to make the guy a sword, do you know what I mean? On top of that, when he goes total badass, there has to be a reason for that. So for example, TD in my Wanderings story has had years of training to fight with the weapons he has, and he started from a reasonable level for somebody like him.

3007757Ah. Shame. Well, thanks a lot for the tips, I'll be sure to keep them in mind. I would appreciate it if you would follow me(is that possible here?) and give me tips as I write out the story. Also, should I juggle two or three branches at a time, or should I conclude one before working on another?

3007794 We'll have to see. I have a ton of my own writing, possibly another setup in the fandom, as well as real life jobs. We'll see.

3007835 I completely understand. I'm just saying, if you were to find the time to follow and read my stories, I would really appreciate it. Thanks for all the help!:twilightsmile:

Oh my, that was brutal. Impressive. Most impressive.

This pleases me.

In all seriousness though, Discord deserves the title of "The biggest bitch in all of BronyWriter's Equestria", with some characters from KillerRarityverse on 2nd and 3rd places (I don't want to post spoilers here, though).

I belive this song represents this story greatly.

Liked the idea and the first two chapters were good. The last chapter seemed to go by so fast and the epilogue was eh. Didn't feel like your heart was really into this story. Still, the ending made me feel all dark and depressed. I think it's mostly because this story gave me flashbacks to my own panic attacks so I can fill in the blanks and sorta draw it out in my head.

~Have a good one.

Well, I like Cherilee.
Despite that I liked this story.
Am I a bad person now?

3019580 I can agree, but I think it fits Cheerilee's Garden a bit more

I really don't know why I was expecting this to have a happy ending.

Great story, good 'dark' end.

This is a great story about Cheerilee being broken by Discord. I can easily see how something like that could have such a dramatic effect on Cheerilee, and have no trouble believing that Discord would be able to make something like this happen, or that he would if he thought it would be funny.
Worse than KillerRarityvesre Celestia and Diamond Tiara? Also if those weren't your two, who were they?

She eventually gets over it. These episodes with her all happened afterwords.

Secret Of My Excess
Family Appreciation Day
Hearts And Hooves Day
Ponyville Confidential

When you first wrote the fic, you had my interest.

Then, you had my attention.

You still have it.

Darn you BronyWriter.

Darn you for being such a good writer that I just spent the last 5 hours going through and reading more and more of your stories.


Poor Cheerilee....very well written.

I gave them failing grades!


And that's it¿

This comment broke me.

Damn you for making me laugh after such a hard hitting story ;~;

She's going to need a lot more than counseling.
Anyways, wonderful story, great job, I loved it!

I think I've been reading too many dark fics. When I started this I thought Discord had killed her illusory students one by one and made her watch.

I get the feeling that even after the events of "Twilight's Kingdom", she still keeps looking suspiciously at him.

*injects Cheeriliee with pony meth* There you go! All better! :pinkiecrazy:

Aw i could never get mad at cheerilee if she was my teacher :applecry:

Geez, I forgot just how hard hitting this end chapter was. This Cheerilee truly does show how cruel DIscord was in ways that caused not only physical damage to the world, but mental damage. That's his specialty, mental manipulation and damage.

In this story, he literally drove Cheerilee to the point of snapping her sanity in two. You can see this when it was told that Cheerilee had gotten into that pose Twilight had gotten into whilst she was panicking at the park in Lesson Zero. And those final lines hit home just how damaged her mental state became because of Discords meddling.

Great story, one that's honestly very well written and I think accurately shows that Discord could have caused infinite more damage than he did in the actual show.

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