• Published 29th Jul 2013
  • 1,995 Views, 16 Comments

Once Kissed, Twice Fluttershy - JC Borch

Rainbow Dash returns from camp as a baby

  • ...

Part 2/2


Rarity levitated the last twigs and burs out of Sweetie Belle’s mane. She deposited the unwanted material in the trashcan next to her sewing machine. “Now Sweetie Belle, I hope you won’t so recklessly enter the Everfree Forest again.”

“No, Rarity,” she sighed and looked away. Finishing touch was a napkin to get all the mud from her face, to which Sweetie Belle protested more adamantly with flailing and spitting.

“There you are.” Rarity sat on her stool opposite her sister on the ottoman. “You girls be glad Applejack went after you.”

“Oh, shucks. T’aint nothing,” Applejack replied and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. She sat on another stool with her hind hooves in warm water. “Just wish Applebloom coulda avoided that lake.”

“Or those thorny bushes,” Scootaloo added on Sweetie Belle’s left. She had already been taken care of and several band-aids covered her body. Apple Bloom said nothing, resting her head on her hooves on Sweetie Belle’s right.

“What were you even doing in there? That forest is dangerous and so… icky.” Rarity looked at each of them in turn, her stern gaze demanding an explanation.

“We were trying to find the Sacred Hairy Pony of Canterlot,” Scootaloo mentioned briefly, then looked up excitedly at Rarity. “I just know she’s got something do with Rainbow Dash.”

“Did Ah not tell ya the Sacred Hairy Pony of Canterlot does not exist?” Applejack chided. All three fillies looked down shamefaced. “If Ah had not decided that ya had been gone fer too long, ya could have drowned… or cut yerself badly… or fallen to yer doom.” She looked first Apple Bloom, then at Scootaloo and lastly at Sweetie Belle.

“We’re sorry,” they replied in unison with general sincerity from their mishaps in their voices.

“Didn’t even earn us our cutie marks,” Scootaloo added.

Rarity said with her knitting and worked on making an oversized onesie, one that might fit an adult pony. Little yellow lightning bolts intermingled with the one tone blue colour. She couldn’t but smile at the Crusaders at the end. “You look like you could need some–” she began, but was interrupted by a knocking on the boutique door. “That’s strange, I thought I had put up a ‘Closed’ sign.”

She crossed the work floor where she had set up arrangements for her friends and sister. The knocking came again. To see who it was, she checked out the display window on the left side. A light blue pegasus with a short rainbow mane impatiently tapped his hoof on the door. She squealed slightly, making the others turn their heads towards her. She ignored them and straightened her hair before slowly opening up.

“The Carousel Boutique is closed right now but I’d be willing to make an exception for you.” She fluttered her eyelids and leant up alluringly against the doorframe. The pegasus chuckled nervously.

“My name is Bifröst, new to town and looking for the hospital. I hope I’m not inconveniencing you. This was just the first place I landed and–”

“Oh my…” She looked first up at his hair, then at his cutie mark that was similar to one a certain pony she knew owned. “Oh my! You’re Rainbow’s brother,” she exclaimed happily. “Wow. She never told me you’d be this handsome.”

“In fact, Ah think she mention’d ya all of once,” Applejack added and came up next to Rarity, suspicion marking her tone.

Again, he chuckled nervously. “We had a bit of a falling out. Boy, I figured this would be a one-horse town, but does everypony know each other here?”

“Beg yer pardon?” Applejack menacingly took a step forward.

“Ah, no, forgive my indiscretion. I’ve been so worried about my sister I’m getting a little stressed. Can you take me to her?”

“She’s staying with Fluttershy at the moment,” Sweetie Belle said and poked through next to Applejack.

“Why don’t we escort you?” Rarity levitated the onesie, complete with an adorable little hood and built-in pacifier on a string, up into the air. “I’m done with this thing anyway, and I want her to have it.”

“The letter did not specify the state of emergency… what exactly is wrong with her?” He eyed the onesie with some reservation and backed away nervously from it.

“She… uh,” Applejack began and scratched her neck.

“She thinks she’s a baby,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, someone put a spell on her and everything!” Scootaloo added.

“Who would do such a monstrous thing?” Bifröst asked, but got no reply from any of them. They were all contemplating the myriad of enemies they had made over the years and the levels to which they would go. “Well, I will appreciate it if you would take me to her. I’m anxious to see her again and talk some more with my sister’s friends.”


Rainbow Dash looked down from her cloud hovering slightly above ground at all the animals below her. They were all chattering and screeching, but Rainbow chose to remain perched on her cloud. She watched them carefully to see what they would do next.

“R-Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy called out and dropped the flower basket she had held in her mouth. She hurried down the path from her hut to the other side of the brook. “I haven’t seen you in almost a year, what are you doing in Ponyville of all places?”

“Well…” Rainbow Dash avoided Fluttershy’s eyes. “I need to do some extracurricular activities to be accepted into the Wonderbolts. I’m also below their age limit, so I decided to arrange the weather for this little town.”

At first Fluttershy stared wide-eyed up at Rainbow, but she quickly giggled. “I’m happy that you did. It’s been lonely without you.”

“Don’t tell me the Coach went back to Cloudsdale again.”

“Dad went home yesterday. Told me I was big enough to stay here on my own now. I’ve been a little scared, but now that you’re here, I know everything is going to be all right.” A rabbit peeked out between her ears and glared at Rainbow Dash. “This is someone I want you to meet. Angel, this is Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash smiled weakly as Angel stuck out his tongue at her. “Charming little fellow, isn’t he?” Rainbow replied.

“So where are you staying? There’s an extra bed in the hut, if you need it.”

“No, thanks. I’m good.” Rainbow stood up on her cloud to stretch, flexing her neck and wings while she was at it. “My mom gave me a big allowance.”

“Oh,” Fluttershy quietly said, realising she had never heard such a trait about her friend before. She shook her head to clear it. “So are you renting somewhere?”

“Nah, got me this sweet house built up in the sky.” Rainbow turned on her back and kicked her legs up with hooves behind her neck. “Mom had it built, of course. I told her I just wanted something small but no, it can’t ever be good enough for her precious daughter.”

“You, um… want to come in at least? And catch up?”

Rainbow lifted an eyebrow. “That’s kind of why I came here. You still make those delicious buttered scones?”


“You should have seen her when she was small,” Bifröst said and put down his tea for fear of spilling it all over the table inside Fluttershy’s hut. “She was so timid, she couldn’t even go to the bathroom alone!”

“Rainbow Dash? Get out of here!” Twilight replied and sampled her own tea. The others as well were warming up to him. The mood was getting festive and the talking loud. Only Fluttershy sat at the end of the long table, fidgeting with her hair and keeping an eye on Rainbow Dash.

“No it’s true. Then she enters flight school and suddenly she’s too busy for me.” He took a big drink from his cup, allowing Spike to get in a crumb-filled word.

“So how come Rainbow Dash never talks about you?” he asked from the right side.

“Oh, well, my sister can be a little headstrong. You see…” He placed his elbows up on the table, spilling both his tea and tray with cookies, but didn’t even attend to it. “Our father was a Wonderbolt and loved flying. I think she’s got some of his hot blood. Of course, our mother wanted her to do something more worthwhile. Like me. I have a very important role as weather manager.”

The others began to eye him more suspiciously. Spike, on the other hand, kept shovelling in the cookies. “And? Why wouldn’t your mother want her to be a Wonderbolt?” he asked with mouth full.

“She’s… a unicorn. Mom and dad met during an air show in Canterlot.” Bifröst rolled his eyes and laughed it off. “But dad was always away on exciting adventures to other countries. We hardly ever saw him.”

“Hold on a moment,” Pinkie interjected and lifted a hoof up into the air. “You’re telling us that Rainbow Dash is half unicorn, half pegasus?”

“Uh-huh. So anyway, our father died while Rainbow was very young. Our mom didn’t know what to do, I mean, obviously she couldn’t teach my sister to fly and I was off doing my own thing in Cloudsdale. So she sent little Rainbow Dash off alone to flight school and then it was my job to look after her.”

“That’s not true!” Fluttershy piped up. All gazes turned to her. Even Spike stopped chewing. Less confident, Fluttershy sat down again. “Listen… Bifröst. I know that you are her sister, but you’ve never taken care of her.”

“And I suppose you did?” he replied and got up from his chair. “I took her to shows and that Equestrian Games announcement and other things she liked.”

“Oh man, and I thought this would be boring,” Spike said with resumed voracity of the cookies.

“That’s not being a brother!” Fluttershy leant in over the table with tears forming on her angered face. “You just did a bunch of nice things for her, like a friend. She never talks about you and I want to know why.”

“You want to know why? Because your little girlfriend in that oversized stroller is a spoiled brat. She never had to work a day in her life. Mom gives her shares of the family wealth but I can’t do anything right to please that old hag.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “Rainbow works for free here in Ponyville as the weather guardian. She doesn’t live in excess, she’s been standing up for herself her whole life. If you had been a real brother, you would have noticed when she needed someone to talk to and… and you would have been there for her.”

“I don’t need any of this, all right?” Bifröst threw down his napkin. “She’s my sister, I’m taking her home.”

“No.” Rarity stepped out from Bifröst’s right and blocked his path. “I think we’ve heard enough out of you, mister. I can see why Rainbow never talked about you.”

“Too bad this doesn’t work that way,” he said with rising glee in his voice. “As a member of her family, I have every legal right to take her back with me.”

“Actually you don’t. I’m her appointed guardian,” Fluttershy said and placed herself in front of the stroller. “Rainbow Dash expressly consented in case something happened to her that I should be the one taking care of her. Not you.”

Bifröst gritted his teeth. The others were up from their seats as well. Though he looked ready for a fight, he instead snorted angrily and turned around. “This isn’t over. I’m getting my sis back one way or the other.”

Spike wiped his mouth and waited until he heard the door slam before looking at Fluttershy. “Did she really write a consent like that?”

“No, but he doesn’t know.” She winked at him. The others broke out in laughter and quickly stormed around her in a big hug.

“Ooh, I just know that creep had something to do with Rainbow’s accident,” Pinkie said.

“We don’t have any proof, you guys.” Fluttershy fluttered back shyly to her seat, rocking the stroller back and forth to soothe the upset Rainbow Dash in her new onesie. “We just need to get Rainbow back and then everything will be all right. Won’t it?”

“’Course it will, ya’ll,” Applejack said and flicked her hat further up on her head. “In the meantime, Ah think someone better keep an eye him. That guy is more slithery than a snake on a hot bun.”

“Thank you. I… I think I’d just like to be alone for now.” Despite their protests, Fluttershy reassured them with her usual calm smile. Yet when the door closed, Fluttershy bent over the stroller and cried. “Why can’t you just tell me what happened to you? I don’t know what to do without you.”


Bifröst flew into the night. There was no purpose to his wandering, he just needed to vent. He cursed himself under his breath… for his failure to keep a straight face, for messing up his plan and for not knowing what to do next. He circled the skies for hours to clear his mind before returning to his home in Cloudsdale. It was just a small one among rows of similar houses, and he didn’t own a lot of furniture. But in his dreams he entered his mansion and greeted all the staff that looked up at him as a god. He was Lord Bifröst and commanded respect without having to demand it. A voice from his left snapped him back.

“That didn’t go so well, now did it?” The old pony wrapped in the white robes stepped out of a room on the right.

“What are you doing in my house, Darkheart? Get out!” he bellowed but the robed pony shook his head.

“If you double my previous demand, I’d be willing to carry out the job for you. I now know all the circumstances. There’s no way I can fail a second time.”

Bifröst considered it for a moment. At least he was less angry when he replied. “Doubling the price is outrageous.”

“Oh, well, you don’t need my help anyway.” The old pony made for the doorway and brushed, not by accident, up against the pegasus. “You were doing such a good job on your own, and I just know how eager you are to involve even more shady characters in your plot.”

“Fine!” he yelled at him, but not without grinding his teeth first. “But I’d better see some damn results this time or you will not see one stinking bit.”

The old pony did not reply, leaving the home of Bifröst before the owner could change his mind or turn his wrath on him.


“What’n the hay’re ya three doing?” Applejack asked and released the garden hose.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nearly jumped ten feet into the air. They quickly turned around with broad smiles. Behind them Applejack could see a large wet patch of mud on Sweet Apple Acres. She lifted her eyebrow suspiciously. “Nothing,” they sang.

“What were ya doin’ with the hose? Water ain’t free, not even cheap.” Applejack pushed past them. Shears and loose clumps of hair were filtered into the mud. “Didcha rescue another pup?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom said a little too quickly. “I mean, yeah, that’s we did.”

“We just found him… abandoned… in the mud,” Scootaloo added.

“So where is he now?” Applejack asked, halfway between convinced and not.

“He… must have… run off?” Sweetie Belle suggested while tapping her muzzle. “Real shy around grownups, you know.”

Applejack observed them for a minute. “Ya’d better get this mess cleaned up.”


Pinkie Pie loomed over the round cake with a bag of cream between her hoofs. Her brow was thick with sweat, her tongue sticking out an angle. Slowly a message formed in pink letters on the white background: ‘GET WELL SOON.’ Gently she removed herself to observe her cake with bated breath. Once she had assured herself she drew in a long sigh of wind.

“All done,” she said tiredly and wiped her brow, when a pressing question hit her suddenly. “Is Rainbow Dash even allowed to eat cake? No wait, what are you saying, Pinkie! She only thinks she’s a baby.” She giggled at herself and then stuffed a see-through plastic box around the cake. She hummed a cheerful melody as she walked out of the Sugarcube Corner with the parcel on her back.

It was not a big cake but hours of planning had gone into it. Not too intricate, but not too simple either. And the message had to be something cheerful but also sensitive of the situation. And once she had finally gotten to baking the cake, it had been a nightmare of perfection but now she was finally on her way. Not towards Fluttershy’s hut where Rainbow ordinarily lived these days, but rather towards Twilight’s library where all the friends had decided to gather.

So lost was she in her internal recounting of that day’s events that she did not see the elderly pony. She bumped into him and felt with horror the cake vaulting off her back. Barely before she could even gasp a blue aura surrounded it, just as it was about to hit Sweetie Drops in the face. Pinkie smiled sheepishly as the earth pony glared at her and continued on her way.

“Thank you so much, strangerony! You won’t believe how much work I put into that.” The cake hovered back on her back again. “I haven’t seen you before. Who are you?”

The old stallion bowed deeply before her. His coat was white by birth, in contrast to his mane that had whitened with age and now contained no traces of whatever its former colour could have been. “I am the travelling doctor Feelgood. This is my first trip to your lovely town ever, so I would be surprised if you had seen me before.”

“Ooh!” Pinkie looked him up and down. There was still strength to be found in wrinkled body and he did not appear in the least encumbered by his age. He stood proud with eyes sparkling with life and a smile telling endless tales. “I’m sorry that I don’t know anypony needing your assistance.”

“Don’t you? I am pretty sure your cake said ‘GET WELL SOON.’ Remember, it isn’t every day that doctor Feelgood is in town.”

“Oh right!” She giggled with the sudden realisation but flicked her hoof. “You can’t help Rainbow Dash. She’s got re… retro… retrogr…”

“Retrograde… amnesia?” the doctor suggested with a wink, to which Pinkie nodded fervently, nearly losing her cake off again. “Yes, a serious ailment indeed. No amount of love from close ones or objects of affections can cure that, despite common belief. Still, it couldn’t be punitive of me to have a look.”

“All right, but I’m just warning you,” Pinkie smiled as she passed him. “Not even Twilight has been able to help her.”

Doctor Feelgood followed her to the library, looking with deep interest even at mundane everyday objects and inhaling the fresh air deeply. He winked and smiled at everypony he met. When they came to the library, only Fluttershy had arrived with Rainbow Dash. The doctor caught sight of Twilight and raced inside with speed that betrayed his age.

“Good Heavens!” he exclaimed and spread out Twilight’s left wing. She yelped in surprise, turning her head rapidly. “An alicorn… am I the presence of royalty here?”

“Yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle and who’re you?” she asked while dragging her wing back to her body.

“Many pardons.” The doctor genuflected deeply. “I am Feelgood, a travelling doctor of some merit in my time. I bumped into your charming friend over here and was made aware of a predicament inside your circle.”

Twilight looked up at Pinkie who was placing the cake on a long table near some punch and a fruit bowl. Deciding that Pinkie was a better judge of character than herself, she repaid the doctor his smile and bowed her own head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think there’s anything you can do. I’ve researched all memory spells and hexes, and even those with amnesic side effects, but I have found nothing that could help her.”

“Is it you then?” the doctor asked, to which Fluttershy blushed and shook her head. She was more wary of strangers, even if Pinkie Pie had okayed them. She gently nudged her head towards the oversized stroller. Rainbow Dash looked a little bored and smacked her lips dully. Doctor Feelgood made a double take of her and then adjusted his moustache. “By Celestia, this is certainly out of the ordinary! One might even think she’s been cursed.”

“Well this isn’t normal behaviour for her,” Twilight insisted and went to Rainbow’s other side. A toy giraffe flew up in the air enveloped by her aura. Rainbow began reaching for it, but Twilight bobbed it up and down just outside of her reach.

“I made no implication,” Feelgood said with an apologetic bow. “But surely this isn’t just head trauma?”

Twilight shook her head and the plush giraffe fell down in Rainbow Dash’s face. “No, I’ve tried many healing spells. There’s something inside her mind that is bouncing my spells back.”

The old doctor scratched his chin, looking contemplatively at Rainbow Dash. With the stuffed toy in her mouth she looked back at him. “Is it not at all possible that the amnesia is unrelated to the spell? What you felt could have been a barrier that simply prevented you from healing her.” Twilight was about to protest, but found that such a simple explanation had eluded her all along. Doctor Feelgood bathed Rainbow Dash in his blue magic. She chewed her toy slowly while observing what was going on around her. There was no negative backlash at all. The doctor stepped away from the stroller with a satisfied smile.

“What did you do? Is she…” Fluttershy leant in over the stroller, but then it was Twilight’s turn to try her magic.

“Amazing. I don’t feel anything… I have to try my healing spells again!” Twilight ran from the stroller and yanked Spike away from the punch with her magic. Fluttershy looked up puzzled at the old pony. Who was he that he could just so easily take care of it? Pinkie Pie sprang in between them with a plate of cake in her mouth that she nudged towards the doctor.

“Oh, thank you very much. I’ll just take this as payment for such a simple job.” With the cake hovering in front of him, the doctor made his way outside again. Pinkie waved eagerly at him as he left. “Remember that her memory won’t just return, but now at least she will have a chance to recover.”


Doctor Feelgood wandered down Ponyville, humming to himself and licking his lips from the strawberry jam. A figure with rainbow mane came out of a dark alley with a pair of binoculars around his neck.

“What are you doing? Don’t tell me you actually lifted your own barrier?”

The doctor looked puzzled at Bifröst. “Have we met before?”

“Cut the pretence, assassin. I know it is you. I can recognise your coat and your voice, even if it isn’t muffled any longer.”

“My good sir, I do believe you must have me mistaken!” Doctor Feelgood chuckled. “I’m just a travelling doctor for hire and cake bribes. If you know someone in need, just give me a call.”

Bifröst gritted his teeth. Only his strong restraint on himself kept him from lashing out. Could such a coincidence exist? Or was he just that unlucky? Whatever Bifröst believed didn’t change the matter. Another figure joined him in the alley, seemingly appearing from between the dumpsters.

“Is that really you?” Bifröst called out and turned his head rapidly away from the doctor. The newcomer nodded once.

“As we agreed. Why, is something the matter? Are you having other meetings with assassins in such dark and… dirty allies?”

“Spare me,” Bifröst said and spat on the ground. “There’s trouble. An old doctor was able to remove your spell on Rainbow Dash. She could wake up at any moment.”

Darkheart was quiet for a moment. Though Bifröst could not see much of his hidden face, something about the old stallion made it look like he was suppressing an emotion at hearing the fact. The voice that came out was as cold and doddery as usual. “You need not worry. She will not know who tried for her life.”

“Maybe not, but it won’t take her two tries to realise who ordered the hit. So whatever you do, do it now before she has a chance to wake up and smell the hay.” Bifröst went all up in the old pony’s face, but Darkheart remained as solid as stone.

“Patience, young one. Things like these take great amounts of stealth and planning.”

“And blasting her out of the sky from a hot air balloon was the essence of subterfuge, I suppose?”

The old assassin observed him with his hard eyes. “My craft is my business, not yours. All you care about is results.”

“No, I also care about my involvement going unproved. You take care of my sister and I’ll see what the deal is with that doctor. He can act all innocently, but I won’t trust him further than I can throw him.”

Bifröst spread his wings and jumped up into the sky. He was gone in the blink of an eye. Darkheart sighed deeply. “Not going to make things easy, are you?”


“This is bad,” Scootaloo said, galloping down Ponyville’s streets along with her friends. “How could you just let him disappear like that?”

“Me?” Sweetie Belle shrieked affronted. “Apple Bloom was supposed to keep an eye on him.”

“Ah was not! Ah was keeping a lookout for mah sister,” Apple Bloom interjected. The three fillies shouted at each other for a while longer until Scootaloo at length shook her head.

“Look, this is getting us nowhere. Let’s just try to find him again before he does something. I don’t think he’s entirely well.”

The other two reluctantly quieted down, trying to come up with new arguments, until Sweetie Belle stopped in the middle road. The others looked back after her, about to question her sudden halt. She simply pointed down an adjacent street. A white unicorn of some age was investigating the throat of one of Ponyville’s residents. Derpy sat very still out in front of the grocery store with mouth open while the doctor shone his horn light down her windpipe. The girls gasped in unison of horror.

“Well, I see a little inflammation here. I recommend you try not to speak for a while, young mare.”

The three crusaders surrounded him, nudging with their heads to make him go. Derpy cocked her head and looked in puzzlement with her tongue sticking out at the doctor.

“Look, you can’t just walk around like this already,” Sweetie Belle grunted with her head pushing behind him. “We just got you up and about again.”

“I assure you girls that I am perfectly fine. Please allow me to do what I do best,” he protested, but without struggling hard against them.

“Lookie here, Mistah, it was you who came ta us first,” Apple Bloom said from his left.

“Yeah, you just stumbled out of the forest and collapsed right down in front of us,” Scootaloo added from his right.

“And I thank you deeply for taking care of me. I find it safe to say I did not look my best after so many years out of my mind, but I really must protest. There are things I need to do.” They managed to get him out of town and Doctor Feelgood stopped struggling. Instead he looked curiously at the fillies. “But perhaps if I told you my story you’d be willing to help me.”

The three crusaders exchanged first sceptical looks, then worried ones. “No, that’s all right,” Sweetie Belle said and patted him on the shoulder. “Let’s just get you back to the clubhouse and decide what to do with you.”

“You see, it all began when I was a young colt so many years ago I don’t even know. I used my splendid magic powers as a travelling doctor for hire and that’s when I came to Canterlot. I was even invited to the court and entertained the Princess, I did. For three days straight!”

All of them groaned and hung their heads, using minimal effort to guide him on the way. He simply followed without thinking from within their rank. “But my magic power was not enjoyed by all, no siree. I became the envy of the court wizard. Do Celestia still have one? Anyway, I was making my way to Ponyville when he confronted me. I tried talking him out of a battle but he was impossible to reason with. He was furious!”

“Then what happened?” Applejack asked and sat down on the floor. The Crusaders looked up, surprised to see they had gotten all the way back home and even more so that Applejack had been waiting for them. She seemed genuinely interested in the story and nodded in appreciation.

“Oh, the battle was fierce,” the good doctor continued undaunted. “Lasted for three days, no less. We were both on our last legs. We realised each of us had one spell left. It was in that moment the nastiest hexes came to mind. Mine disfigured his skin, leaving only a strip of flesh around his eyes. His, on the other hoof, bereaved me of my mind. Raving mad I fled into the Everfree Forest where I’ve lived ever since.”

Not even the Crusaders could avoid being enraptured by the tale. “Gosh,” Apple Bloom said, sitting up against her sister with the other two on each side of them. “But how come yer not still The Sacred Hairy Pony of Canterlot?”

“Magic is such a fickle thing. You never know what will happen, even with spells you’ve cast a hundred times.” Doctor Feelgood inched closer to them so he could lower his voices to a barely audible whisper. “The two spells locked together, reflecting each other and sealed our magic away.”

“But…” Apple Bloom looked away to think for a moment. “That means ya weren’t the one who cast the disfigurement spell? He was!”

The doctor needed. “Indeed. But for all this time, the court wizard has been trying to gather his magic powers again by stealing the life force of others. And he has been feeding himself as an assassin to this end.”

Applejack paled visibly. Without another word, she got up from the clubhouse floor and sped down the ramp, taking two steps at a time. The three Crusaders poked their heads out to look for her, their faces filled with puzzlement. The creaking of the floorboards brought them back to the old stallion. He was sitting up straight again and observed them stoically.

“But the more power he stole, the more the bond of magic was weakened. I regained my mind as he regained his magic.”

“But he must have realised that?” Sweetie Belle enquired and propped herself up on her hooves.

“Oh, but he probably thought me dead. Out of my mind, living in the forest? I probably only survived because I couldn’t think too much of the situation.” The good doctor chuckled heartily as if telling someone else’s story, making the Crusaders exchange nervous glances.

“So is this guy or whatever close to getting his powers back?” Scootaloo asked concerned. “I mean, he’s had all this time.”

“He probably has more stolen power now than he was born with. But there is still one thing he needs to break the magical barrier that restricts his body. A powerful rune of magic was created at our confrontation. Unless he can acquire that, he will live forever with that hideously scarred body he tried to give me. He has been searching a long time, but it was I who found it first. Your amnesic friend was carrying it.”

“Huh?” Scootaloo asked, but Sweetie Belle bounced up on her hooves.

“Ooh, ooh, I know!” she exclaimed. “That was the thing I thought was a game piece, right? With the butterfly on it?”

“Indeed.” The doctor nodded knowingly and continued. “When I touched it, my mind returned to me at once. Almost a more maddening experience than getting it taken from me. Had I not been so dazed, I would not have given it to your yellow friend. Although I think Rainbow Dash intended it for her. The rune looks similar to her cutie mark. No doubt a gesture of camaraderie.”

“Then we should go back to Fluttershy’s cottage,” Scootaloo suggested and looked round at her friends. “I’m sure the stone is still there.”

Sweetie Belle nodded her head feverishly. “Mm! I doubt she would just carry it around with her.”


Fluttershy sat with Rainbow Dash again. This time there was no excuse. She ought to wake up soon. But no matter how intently she willed it, Rainbow Dash still just sat in her oversized stroller and babbled. The get-together had not developed entirely fruitful either. Applejack was running late from checking up on the Crusaders. Seems like they had another scheme in hatching that required close watching. And after the doctor had showed up and freed Rainbow Dash, Twilight was suddenly busy finding healing spells all over again together with Spike. It was just Rarity opposite her of the table and Pinkie Pie doing random things as per usual.

“Do you think they will return soon?” Fluttershy asked and rubbed her cup instead of putting it to her lips. “I really thought a small party would do well for Rainbow’s memory, but if we’re not all here, it’s not going to help much.”

“Don’t you worry too much about that.” Rarity had no trouble sipping to her lemonade however, and closed her eyes to enjoy it all the more. “You know how they are. They wouldn’t want to miss a formal invitation like this for anything in the world.”

Fluttershy finally took the mug up to her lips as well. The sugary goodness was enough to put her in a better mood. “I… I suppose.”

Rainbow began to gurgle dissatisfied for some reason and pouted. Before Fluttershy could do anything, however, Pinkie Pie had jumped over to the stroller and managed to make several silly faces in just the few moments it normally took someone to just decide on a mien.

“Heeeeeeeeeere’s Pinkie!”

A cold wind blew in as the door opened. All of them looked up expectantly to find Applejack entering, but the figure was draped in white robes that covered his entire body except for the eyes.

“Oh. What are you doing here now? Didn’t we agree we would need some time to work this out?” Fluttershy asked.

The figure nodded solemnly and responded in a raspy voice. “Yes, but that backstabber Bifröst is getting impatient from the doctor’s removal of my spell. We need to put a plan into action now.”

Pinkie Pie jumped down on the floor right in front of the figure. “Hold on a Pinkie moment here, we still don’t know how to make him incriminate himself. That’s the important part.”

“When I said we needed to put a plan into action, I meant the one I’ve brought with me. You will all act like I cast a sleeping spell on you. Then I will make a loud bang, and Bifröst will enter and think his sister killed, hopefully blabbering in the process.”

“But shouldn’t Rarity dress up like you again? Like she did when making the new contract?” Pinkie asked and threw her hoof towards her.

“No, it is imperative that I do this part,” he said with a shake of his head. “It will be suspicious if he has begun to suspect her. For that matter, where are the rest of you?”

“Right here,” Twilight said and flew down from the balcony alone. She landed with a book hovering above her. Spike remained upstairs to rifle through the books in her absence. “It’s a good plan and I think it’s going to work, but can you wait until Applejack is here?”

“He has already observed me enter. If we do not hurry this up, he really will start to suspect something,” Darkheart said.

Fluttershy fidgeted with her cup. It was a nice table cloth, but there were already cake stains on it. She held her breath as she very slowly tipped her cup and spilled the content, before laying her head down on the empty plate. The others stared at her, so she squeaked, “Authenticity?”

“Good initiative,” Darkheart said. “Now hurry it up. Bifröst will rue the day he dared cross me.”

The others followed Fluttershy’s example and rested their heads on the table as well, or lay down on the floor. The assassin observed them, waiting. Not a single emotion betrayed his calm, exposed eyes. He moved across the floor towards the stroller. Rainbow looked up at him curiously.

“Now it’s time for a game of disappearing ponies,” he whispered and bowed his head. The horn came closer and closer to Rainbow’s forehead. She only smacked her lips dully.

“Get away from her!” Applejack bellowed and rushed inside. “Ah know what ya are.”

“It’s all right, darling. He’s just pretending,” Rarity said without moving much other than her lips, sprawled over the table.

Still Applejack galloped hard into the room and pounded into him so that Darkheart stumbled away. “Ya don’t understand. This guy wants ta steal Rainbow’s mind completely! He’s only here ta finish the job.” She towered over him, panting and heaving. Darkheart lay on the floor with his eyes going wild with mania.

“You imbecile! He killed her. What matters a little sacrifice like this if I can stop him?” A blast of magic sprang from Darkheart’s horn and Applejack was tossed clean across the room.

“Applejack!” Twilight screamed and broke her sleeping pretence, but Darkheart blasted her as well. Both mares were out cold. Darkheart looked at the last two as they got up from the table.

“No one move. I’ll give you a dose as well.” His horn quickly pointed at first Fluttershy and then at Rarity and back. None of them said anything, but Fluttershy was whimpering slightly and Rarity gasped. “If I can just have your friend’s mind I’ll be able to stop him.”

“Stop who?” a jovial voice asked. Doctor Feelgood trod inside with the Cutie Mark Crusaders around him. Darkheart opened his eyes wide.

“You are too late, brother. Her mind is as good as mine.” Darkheart turned his horn back to Rainbow Dash. With the glowing light on her forehead, she began to cry.

Doctor Feelgood leisurely strolled inside. The Crusaders saw the downed figures and the frightened mares and went to their respective sister to check on them. Scootaloo went along with the doctor with a runic stone in her mouth. “You know I can’t permit you to take her mind,” he said. A light shone from his horn as well. Darkheart was lifted off his hooves before he could do anything to Rainbow Dash.

“No! Put me down this instant!”

Doctor Feelgood released the magic with a toss of his head and Darkheart fell to the floor, away from Rainbow Dash and nearer the door. “And you were so close too, but in the end it will be me who wins. You have to learn to leave a little inside them and they’ll make excellent servants.” The doctor went to Darkheart’s side with his kind eyes staring down at him.

Bifröst swooped in through a window he broke in the process and pinned Darkheart to the floor. His eyes were distant as he coldly peered down at the frantically tossing assassin under him. His chest heaving with frustration, Darkheart ignited his horn again. The light that sprang forth acted as a buffer and pushed them apart. A web sprang out to cover Bifröst and plaster him up against the wall, right next to where he broke in. Darkheart then turned his eyes back to doctor Feelgood. “It was you killed who her, all because she loved me and not you!” Bitter tears streamed from Darkheart’s eyes and stained the fabric that hid him from view.

“Don’t delude yourself. You were too young for her and she knew that. She was going to choose me but you couldn’t accept that it,” the doctor said calmly. A new spell erupted from his horn that Darkheart barely managed to counter.

Meanwhile Scootaloo stood with the stone in her mouth. She looked first at Darkheart and next at Feelgood. Any sense of confidence had been whisked away. She realised then that she truly didn’t know who either of them was.

Darkheart strained his head away from the barrier so he could look at her. “You have the stone. Give it to me so I can put an end to this,” he groaned, but the doctor pushed behind his beam so Darkheart had to devote all his attention to the spell.

Doctor Feelgood turned to look at Scootaloo with his confident smile that spoke in great volumes of his benevolence. But was it a fake? “Give it to me, little filly. I promise he will never hurt anypony ever again.” The warmness that exuded from him was soothing. Scootaloo ventured closer to him.

The magical confrontation sent sparks angrily hissing all over the library. It was fireworks without the danger of fire. Darkheart groaned, forcing his voice through. “I’m sorry about what I did to your friend, but he’s the one in control of her brother. I couldn’t take his mind because it was already his.”

Tears streamed down Scootaloo’s face. She looked from one to the other with the stone quavering in her mouth. The light that spilled from the magical confrontation obscured everything with a blinding mist. All she could see was the two white stallions fighting with all their might.

“You’re lying! It wasn’t until this morning that he had enough mind to even come out of the forest. Why should I trust you, with a name like yours?”

“Why do you think he was able to recover? He draws his power from Bifröst and I in turn from his sister. That’s how it works, regardless of whatever else he has told you, so whatever I’m guilty of he is too.” Distraught tears welled up in Darkheart’s eyes as he looked at Scootaloo’s frustrated face.

The mist crept up Scootaloo’s legs. The faces of the fighters disappeared. She could only hear their frenzied screams that dwindled to whispered pleas. The stone in her mouth warmed up. She spat it out as it glowed red hot and took a few steps back. The mist of light filled the entire room with a white blanket but, like reaching a peak, it retracted again. Scootaloo fell back as another shape darted past her. The light faded slowly, being sucked up by the runic stone.

Spike hurried down the stairs to embrace the latter, putting down a book to do so. “Are you all right?” he asked, to which Twilight simply beamed down at him.

They all flocked around the Twilight, hoping to get some answer. Pinkie Pie parted the cloth and peeked out from under the table. “I’m guessing the pretence is over?” she asked, to which they all nodded and looked at her questioningly. The stone finished sucking up the light. Neither Darkheart nor Feelgood were anywhere to see, but Bifröst stood with a hoof on top of the stone, panting. Rainbow Dash stood next to him with cheeks burning, her hoof also on top of it. None of them said anything. Pinkie gasped and rocketed out of her hiding spot and threw her arms around Dash. “You’re back to normal again! And what is he doing here?”

Bifröst scratched his neck nervously and smiled sheepishly, but Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. “This is my embarrassing big brother,” she explained. Everyone turned their attention towards her and him instead.

“Wait… so he isn’t trying to kill you over inheritance?” Sweetie Belle asked with a raised eyebrow. Rarity still sat at the table and wrapped her hoof around her. Rainbow snorted.

“This big lug couldn’t hurt a fly if he ever tried to.” Rainbow was harsh in her tone, but Bifröst rubbed up against her, making her blush and looking away… but not resisting either. Sweetie Belle broke free of Rarity and went up to the pegasus.

“But he hired an assassin and acted really mean and everything.”

Fluttershy found the book that Spike had dropped, the story of ‘The Two Brothers,’ and flipped the first page. She gasped, so before anyone could say anything or Bifröst defend himself, everyone looked up at Fluttershy. “No, he didn’t.” She pushed the opened book along the floor towards Twilight.

“I remember reading this story when I was just a foal,” she said and curiously flipped the pages. “Not much of a fairy tale though. I can’t even remember what it’s about.”

Spike fidgeted nervously with his tail before speaking up. “You read it to me once, you know. It was the first book you ever read for me.”

Everyone turned to look at him instead, but he simply focused on Twilight. She smiled back at him.

“It really has been a long time, hasn’t it? Perhaps I should read it just one more time. Does anyone remember this story?”

Vague murmuring and weak nodding or shaking broke out among them. Twilight turned to the first, yellowed page and cleared her throat.

“Once upon a time there were two unicorn brothers, Feelgood the older and Quickwork the younger. They were inseparable, doing everything together and honing their powers,” she began and sat down with everyone else gathering around her. “But one day a beautiful mare entered the brothers’ peaceful hamlet and they both fell in love with her. Friendly competition became bitter rivalry over her favour. Eventually the two brothers agreed to let her decide and left her alone in their house.

When they returned however, they found her dead on the floor. Neither brother would take the blame and instead blamed the other. Their duel lasted for days. Not until they had destroyed the house and nearly their hamlet as well did they split and went each their own way. Feelgood chose to become a travelling doctor and use his powers for helping. Quickwork could not bear the loss of his love however. He hid his face and his name, becoming Darkheart and sought employ with Celestia as her court magician.”

The pages were all richly decorated with an artist’s rendering of the scenes. Especially the Crusaders enjoyed the vividly detailed depictions of the duel and huddled close around Twilight to see them better. “The years passed and the two brothers never saw each other for all that time. But as fate would have it, Doctor Feelgood came to Canterlot on his travels. He did not recognise his younger brother and entertained the court for three days straight with his seeming miracles. The bitterness and envy boiled up in Darkheart. He followed his older brother out of the city to the mysterious Everfree Forest where they resumed their duel age old duel.

There was nothing around them to stop them. The battle lasted for weeks, exhausting both brothers, neither willing to concede, both seeking revenge for their lost love. With one last spell, Darkheart was disfigured and Feelgood maddened.” Twilight flipped the page and breath caught in her throat. There Celestia was, casting a spell, her horn aglow with the runic stone hovering above her. Twilight swallowed and continued.

“Only Princess Celestia’s intervention prevented them from ever duelling again. She sealed the two brothers’ magic away in a stone with the ancient symbol of kindness on it as a last gesture. Darkheart slipped away from her and spent many years trying to regain his power by stealing it from others. He died with a heart as damaged as his body. Feelgood, with his mind robbed, roamed the Everfree Forest where he died like the beasts that therein lived. But it is said that should two siblings ever touch that runic stone of kindness, their spirits would revive to continue their duel… for as far as they can control their hosts.”

Twilight took a moment to get her bearing before looking at the very last page. “This book is supposed to be over three hundred years old, well before there was a Ponyville. Rainbow Dash… how did you get that stone?” she asked the appropriate pegasus.

“I just found it in a flea market,” she grumbled, and then shot her brother a nasty glare. He smiled nervously with all teeth showing. “I knew I shouldn’t have shown it to you. You ruin everything.”

The runic stone hovered up from the floor, enveloped in Twilight’s magic. She was careful not to touch it herself. “I’d better get this back to Canterlot. Spike, you can probably blow it back to Celestia but first we need to find a large enough envelope. I don’t want to think about what would happen if she and Luna touched it.”

“That was such a cool story!” Apple Bloom burst out and commenced to jump around the library. “But what about the Sacred Hairy Pony of Canterlot? Was that really him?”

“The Everfree Forest is full of stories as it is old. We’d better get back, young lady. Ya have a large mess ta clean up back home.”

Applejack hurried behind her sister and they vanished out of the door behind Twilight and Spike.

Sweetie Belle however was still tapping her muzzle in wonderment. “But what happened to the stone? How did that end up in a flea market?”

Rarity went up to her and looked down at her with a playful smile. “You can think of that while you help out with the mess.” As Sweetie Belle continued to protest and fidget, Rarity merely shook her head. “Does it really matter, Sweetie? The important thing is that the stone will be safe now.”

They two went out of the library, leaving only a blushing Rainbow Dash awkwardly scratching her neck and avoiding the remaining ponies’ eyes. “You’d… better get along as well, squirt. We’ll talk later, all right?”

“But…” Scootaloo replied, but saw how Rainbow Dash was gently nodding at Fluttershy. “Right. Later, then!”

Bifröst seemed oddly misplaced in the library, not wanting to abandon his sister already but still looking for an excuse to leave her alone with Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie, completely oblivious to anything, noisily ate the remaining cake and slurped the punch. Rainbow impatiently drummed her hoof on the floor. “Pinkie Pie, why don’t you show Bifröst around town? I’m sure he’d like to see it.”

“Sure!” Pinkie spat with chocolate smeared over face and cheeks bulging. She swallowed in one large gulp and then licked her face clean in a single swipe. Bifröst chuckled and followed her outside. Finally being alone however did not mean either of them knew what to say, still sitting on the floor next to each other.

“L-listen, I’m sorry that I kissed you, Fluttershy. I didn’t know what to do and you just mean so much to me. I can remember everything that has happened. I know that it was unfair of me…” she said, continuing to spout a lot of unconnected statements and apologies while examining the floor beneath her.

At first Fluttershy blushed. She had not realised Rainbow would actually have heard her. As Rainbow kept rambling on and the sentences blurred together, however, she took a deep breath. Rainbow was too caught up in her long ranting to notice Fluttershy leaning closer. Closer. Closer. All the while closing her eyes before their lips touched. Just for a moment before she pulled away again. “I know I said all those things that you heard in the stroller, and I never meant for you to hear them, but… I realised how scared I was of losing you. I don’t want to feel that again. For you, I want to try,” she said and put her shoulder on hers.

Rainbow had no reply. She stared at Fluttershy with open eyes at first, but eventually put her head on hers as well. “It sure has been a crazy week.” They sat on the library floor, leaning up against each other with tails intertwining. “I just hope my next gift for you won’t try to kill us all as well.”

Comments ( 11 )

This was a good story. And I dont see why the six dislikes. There probably just some fuck faces that didnt understand.
It was a good story though.


First I was like, :rainbowhuh: then I was like, :ajbemused: and then I was like, :twilightsmile:

That was...surreal. Good thing I love things like that. F:yay:king kudos to you for being so inventive, I honestly didn't know where this story heading, even the Flutterdash moments were bizarre and more or else along the lines "Pattycakes" yet still enjoyable.

Well done :twilightsmile:

The ending was so D'AAAAAAWWWWWWWW over 9000!!!!!!!! :yay:

It was pretty good, and very unique. The most unpredictable and original thing I have seen recently.

I believe you're referring to the doctor scene? That was just my mandatory Simpsons joke, sorry :rainbowlaugh:

Well that was a total mindfuck. I like it:pinkiehappy:

This was... interesting. I really enjoyed how different it is from any other Flutterdash I've read. A few spelling and grammar mistakes, but, overall, good job. :twilightsmile:

3195963 Damn, I thought I had gotten rid of all the mistakes! Nevertheless, I'm glad you enjoyed it C:


Messes with the mind on so many levels and you did it so well. I really thought Dash's brother was evil. Even Fluttershy helped set up that notion. The reveal at the end was so well pulled off and left me wishing there was a little more to the excellent story.


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