• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 374 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Epilogue and things to come.

Years later Bon Bon sat in a small rocking chair, her hair now covered in gray hair, strands of Blue and Pink fighting back the age, wrinkles now started to form on her face yet she maintained a fit lifestyle for a mare her age, a small pennant with a lyre rested around her neck,

"And that's how I saved the world," She thought to herself, "again." She said to a filly and colt, ensnared in her story, the filly raised her hoof,

"Mrs. Drops, What happened to McTalk?" She asked Bon Bon let out a sigh,

"To be honest, I don't have a clue, the last time I heard he emptied his bank and wiped all records of him from existence, he's practically a ghost." She said a hint of anger in her voice as she hoped she would have had the chance to finish old business. A small colt spoke up

"Dad said if he ever saw him again he was gonna k-"

"If I know your father he wouldn't want you saying that in front of a lady now would he?" Bon Bon cut off the almost swearing colt, the colt covering his mouth as his pupils shrank causing Bon Bon to chuckle,

"I don't wanna sound rude, but Aunt Bonnie's gotta stretch her legs." Bon Bon left her rocking chair and walked out to the backyard of their house in the outskirts of Ponyville, Lyra was tending to some vegetables in the garden,

"They wanted to hear the story again didn't they?" Lyra asked with a grin,

"Yea, they always do, but one day I'm gonna be too old to remember this kinda stuff you know?"

"You? Nah, you still remember our anniversary and when I forgot four years ago."

"Seven." Bon Bon corrected

"See!" Lyra said with a matter of fact tone,

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna go talk with Pa for a bit, watch the lil ones." Bon Bon said, Lyra nodding and walking into the house, Bon Bon steadily trotted over to the tree under it in the shade was a small tombstone,



"Hey Pa, it's me again, been sometime since I just came up here and talked, things are going good, Lyra's getting faster than me though, gotta change that!" Bon Bon snickered, "Aniseed is doing just fine, she's off seeing the world as some Bounty Hunter, Mercenary whatever, I know you'll keep her safe Dad, well, I know it hasn't been that long but I miss you every day, I'll take care of Ma and myself and keep Lyra in check." Bon Bon walked away from the tombstone stopping to look back,

"Love you Dad."

Brushing away a few tears she reentered the house Lyra was playing with the children, after the war the government let her keep her legs as she had gotten accustomed to walking on two legs, as such the children climbed over Lyra as if she was a jungle gym, Bon Bon then heard a knocking at the door, when she opened the door she was greeted to the sight of Backfire and Sifty, Backfire wearing a spring dress and Sifty still wearing the same vest from years ago,

"Hey Bonnie!" Backfire said, "How were the twins?"

"Good, They sat through the story again."

"Did you tell them the part where I threw the machete?" Sifty interrupted the two,

"Yes Sifty I did."

"Good, I like that part." He said with a proud grin, Backfire looking around the house,

"Hey wheres Anni?"

"Manehatten something important came up, wouldn't say much else." Bon Bon said, "Care to stay for dinner we're having salad!"

"We would be Honored!" Backfire said smiling the three old friends spent the night reminiscing about old times, and current affairs, after the war Sifty continued his job as the personal 'bodyguard' of Luna and the Royal Family, after Bon Bon destroyed Archangel the remaining forces surrendered on fair terms and Equestria was unified in a month under the same banner, not as the lunar coalition but Equestria as it was before the war. As the years passed grudges faded and things returned to as normal as they could, Technology had found a middle ground on the ordeal of who should be able to use what through moderation and common sense. Bon Bon never kept up with politics as even today it aggravated her to no end, though she would occasionally turn on the news to stay in touch, or get the news from her Daughter Aniseed, who after the war was adopted to the name Aniseed Drops, then The couple was banned from entering fifty feet of the orphanage as they had a heated hoof fight on who would be the mother, which is Bon Bon.

"So how's Princess Twilight doing Sifty?" Bon Bon asked

"Alright, though it's kinda weird."

"What is?"

"Sometimes the Princess comes running out of her chambers in a frenzy saying she forgot to raise the sun when the sun is clearly in the sky!"

Bon Bon smirked, knowing the reason why, but did not say anything as it was in her eyes need to know, and nopony needed to know. She then looked into the sinking sun letting out a sigh, later that night Backfire and Sifty had taken their kids and left, leaving Lyra and Bon Bon alone the two laid on the couch,

"Whats the matter?" Lyra asked stroking Bon Bon's mane,

"I'm worried about Aniseed."

"Don't, She's a big girl, she can handle herself.." Lyra said comforting the mare,

Aniseed crashed through the window of the Doughnut Shop, rolling onto her hooves, a gang of stallions in leather jackets surrounding her,

"When you look for House, you look for trouble!" The leader said,

"Ha! All I see are a bunch of colts in thrift store jackets!" She mocked, the lead stallion charging at her with a switchblade, back-stepping her horn lit up, the form of a small diamond dog's fist shaped around her hoof she delivered a gut punch to the stallion then using the hand to grab the stallions leg and threw him into the other ponies, she fought the ponies one by one, not noticing another appearing from around the corner with a Crowbar held in a magic aura, as the pony made his way into the fray unnoticed he raised the crow bar to strike her down, Aniseed turning just in time to see the crowbar flying towards her, before it could make contact, a loud bang covered the block and the aura dissipated and the pony fell to the floor a bullet hole in the back of his head, his friends scrambled into the shadow of the night, through the window of the doughnut shop Ringo the Griffon holstered his large revolver,

"That's why you don't mock first!" He lectured, Aniseed's ears drooped

"I had it under control!" She defended,

"Yea, and then I'd have to face the wrath of your parents," he let out a sarcastic laugh, "no."

"Thanks," She said her head hung low,

"Not a Problem! You'll be like your mother in no time!" Ringo assured, taking the mare into the shop, ordering a cup of coffee and a doughnut for her,

"So, we have no new leads on House, but we have practically closed down most of his smuggling rings in Manehatten, so now what?"

"I was talking with a friend of mine, he believes he may have a location on House and the rest of the Syndicate remnants in Las Pegasus, so tommorrow he is meeting you at the airpo-"

"NO,NO,NO I am NOT getting on a plane!" Aniseed snapped, waving her hooves,

"Aww, you used to love flying in my saddle bag when you were a little filly!"

"Yea, but you're a living creature, those metal death traps, NO!"

"Anni.." Ringo said tapping his talon on the counter,

"Fine! I'll go, but I want sixty percent of the paycheck!"

"Deal," Ringo nodded, handing the mare two tickets, "He will meet you there, prolly the only griffon than me in Manehatten so you wont miss him, just be careful he's a handful."

"I'm a big girl!" She quipped,

"You're only twenty!"

"Twenty-two thank you very much!" She scowled finishing her coffee, she stepped away from the counter, "Now if you excuse me I have to pack!" a playful grin on her face as she waved goodbye, peeking through the broken window as she left,

"Sorry for the window!"

"I'll put it on your tab." The barpony said, Aniseed trotting into the dark to her apartment, Ringo walking to the window pulled the blinds down, The barpony changing form into Ritz, the elderly patron in the corner changing to Aya,

"You sure she can handle herself, I can send a few watchers if you'd like?" Ritz offered

"She can handle herself." Ringo declined the offer, "if worse comes to worst, my friend can help."

"I hope your right." Ritz said cleaning some glassware, meanwhile Aniseed was in her apartment cleaning the machine pistols Dash had let her keep as a gift for her ninth birthday, smiling to her mothers reaction, dragging Dash out of the room and giving her a stern lecture. Looking at the television in the apartment the screen tearing from time to time due to interference, the news reporting on the anniversary of armistice and how they were having a big ceremony for a 'special forces' team that raided the Solar Bunker and destroyed Archangel ending the war.

She shut off the television, put the weapons away, and set the alarm for tomorrow.

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