• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 374 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Wake Up Call

"Bon Bon. Bonnie!" tender voice whispered in Bon Bon's ear, she opened her eyes to see Lyra lying next to her
"Hey honey," Bon Bon said rolling over to face her marefriend,

"Now that you're retired we have all the free time in the world! I got some hayfries in the oven, I'll serenade you with some music and if your lucky.." she said giving a sultry look and winking at her this made Bon Bon blush furiously.
"How would I be so lucky?" Bon Bon said with a smile, nudging herself closer to the mare she cared for since the day she laid eyes on her.
"all you have to do is..." nudging closer
"WAKE UP!" her voice changed to a harsh male voice snapping Bon Bon out of her comatose state, her good eye jolted open to the sight of a stallion with an angered look on his face, as instict took over she grabbed the stallion by his vest and rolled him over the bed and slammed him onto the floor.

"Where am I!?" She spat but before she could get an answer she was kicked off the stallion with his hind legs sending her crashing into the wall, as she tried to stand up on all fours she fell over, then for the first time she looked to her hind legs and there was nothing but a stub where the leg used to be.
"what happened to me"

"The accident when you saved that worthless sack of sh- listen you've been in a coma for ten months, things have gone from bad to worse to what it is now! You are in the Ponyville Intensive Care Center, insurgents are coming this way to seize the city, we have to leave now. Quick put this on!" he said throwing a metallic peg leg at her, she quickly slipped it on and spent a minute or two gathering herself and getting used the the stiffness of the leg.

"You ready?" he said, Bon Bon could tell from the looks of this stallion he knew what he was doing, probably her replacement from her 'absence'.

"Y-yea I think so, lets get out of here." she replied slowly walking to the door to look outside, as she did she noticed the hospital was empty and they were the last ones.

"Where is everyone?" she said with a hint of concern in her voice if someone evacuated a hospital, staff included, it had to be bad.

"They are already evacuated, Princess Sparkle's orders."

"That little faith in our army?" she said with a smirk.

"You haven't seen what we're up against yet.." the stallion snapped giving a serious glare at her.
"lets go we'll walk and talk."

"I never caught you na-"

"It's Sifty, and you're the legendary Commander Drops well 'petty officer Sweetie Drops' now, McTalk had you demoted for disrespecting him even while you were in a coma

"Wow, That's low." she said in disbelief

"yeah, and guess what? Ambassador McTalk is now High Commander McTalk, talk about the good ol' boys committee!"
Bon Bon didn't like the sound of things already for there to be high commanders there had to be a serious conflict going on, which meant-
"listen, I know this might be too much to ask but, where is Lyra?"

"Lyra is.. Lyra was"

"WHERE. IS. LYRA." she said adding emphisis to every word slowly stepping closer and closer to Sifty with a fire in her eyes.

"Lyra went MIA six weeks ago, her unit was patrolling the outskirts of Ponyville for insurgents, I'm sorry we-"



"Who did this?"

"the insurgents"

"WHO ARE THE INSURGENTS!" she said tipping a wheeled cart over letting the contents cover the floor

"Ponies, mostly earth they don't seem to have a leader but they have someone on the inside giving them intel. Listen, I know you're mad, confused, hurt, I get it, but we HAVE to leave NOW."

"Promise me this, if we find who did this. We make them pay.." she said coldly


As they made their way to the exit of the hospital, a squad of Celestial Guardsmen were holed up in the house across the street, while a few were on ground level to direct any stray ponies. Each armed with new weapons Bon Bon had never seen instead of the old flint styled rifles that were standard issue, everypony had lever action rifles and the old uniforms were what looked more tactical than artsy.

"Seems like the army got an upgrade while I was out."

"Yea, most of the stuff that you had is standard issue now, times have changes ma'am."

"Yea..they sure have.." she said sighing looking around Ponyville, the once small town was now a well sized market city shops lined the street and she could make off in the distance the Library in the afternoon sky, it was taller than she remembered, losing her self in the memories of the past,remembering Lyra and all their friends.

"This is Sifty, the HVT has been collected, Returning to FOB immediately! Sift out."

"We have to leave the insurgents have entered the city, EVERYPONY fall back!"

"what!? we're just GIVING UP ponyville!" She said snapping out of her daydream.

"yes, we are, but we're going to counter attack soon!"

"fine, lets go." she started walking down the stairway when within seconds the once peaceful street was sent into disarray as two shimmering objects swooped by with a loud buzzing whir littering the street with small canisters that bursted open covering the street and houses with a vaporous liquid.

Bon Bon turned around to see what the source of the liquid was, it was those flying machines the Shadowbolt was talking about! What looked like a pair of wings with two propellers on the back with a tail to control it, and an EARTH pony was flying it!
"what the hay did I miss?" Bon Bon asked herself in disbelief, in nine months the earth ponies had access to fast flying craft without the assistance of pegasi! but her awe was cut short as she saw something that sent a shiver down her spine and made he peg leg tap erratically on the ground . A gigantic metal machine with multiple engines a toothy mouth was flying right at them and in an instant multiple flashes came from the wings of the craft.

"This isn't good"

"Oh Buck! GET OFF THE STREETS!" Sifty exclaimed pulling Bon Bon and himself back into the Lobby of the Hospital as the street filled with thousands of bullets in a hail of fire and destruction, there was silence and then three seconds later The air filled with what sounded like a thousand hogs yelling in rage right into her ears and then the craft flew over covering the city in it's shadow then its engines could be heard, it sounded as if an eagle had screamed into a loudspeaker.

"What was that thing!?" She exclaimed with the distinct sound of fear in her voice

"WHAT?" Sifty said rubbing his ears

"What was that!"

"That was only the beginning, we have to leave before the copperhead are deployed."

"Is anyone alive out there?"

"H-help!" They could faintly hear in the rubble of the building, running to the wreckage they noticed a uniformed unicorn mare with a red mane hiding in the ditch on the side of the road Bon Bon noticed her horn was missing,
"Oh my, your horn!" Bon Bon exclaimed

"Oh, that happens all the time." She said jumping up searching ditch for her horn and finding it with a "AHA!" bandaging it back into place she flicked it a few times and it sparked back to life as if it never fell off using her magic she picked up her rifle and slung it on her back.
"See good as new!" she said giving a toothy grin then her face fell flat.

"Commander Drops!" she exclaimed giving a salute with her hoof.

"Please, Bon Bon will do"

"Okay, Bon Bon!" she said giggling to herself for a mare in this situation she seemed rather calm.

"Kids these days.." Bon Bon said to herself as they started galloping through the city weaving from blockades destroyed by the flying metal craft to not be spotted by the patrolling fliers. Night had fallen and they took a break in a house that's door was blown open, being in a coma for so long put a toll on Bon Bon's stamina.

"Bon Bon! Your eyepatch!" The pony said pointing her hoof at the eye where Bon Bon's eyepatch was usually seated but it was bare.

"oh buck." she said using her hood to cover her bad eye, but losing balance on her prosthetic hoof and falling over.

"you alright ma'am, here, I always have a spare eyepatch just in case you can have it!" she said putting the eyepatch on Bon Bon's face, covering her bad eye.

"that must've hurt!" she blurted then covering her mouth with her hooves meekly letting a "sorry" slip out.

"It did, and don't be you didn't do this to me." she said not wanting to bring up bad memories.

"Who did it?"

"Those two traitors are behind bars, so its taken care of, now if you dont mind I don't want to talk about it."

"oh, okay.." the mare said obviously taking the comment personally

"Hey, I've only told one person this and she was close to me its not something I like to share, but hey Thanks for the patch, what's your name?"

She hesitated to tell her name but eventually she overcame her shyness and said, "My name is Backfire.."

"Nice name kid, Mines Sweetie Drops but I prefer Bon Bon." she reached out her hoof to give a bump and Backfire gladly partook in the gesture.

In the corner of her eye she say something shimmering and loud stomping noises coming closer. Bon Bon gave a motion signaling everypony to get down

"Sifty, come here."

"What is it?" he said slowly creeping towards the window.

"What are those?" Bon Bon Said pointing at the row of shimmering lights in the distance.

"Copperheads, We have to go, now." he said the way he keeps saying copperheads made Bon Bon feel uneasy,
"What could be worse than that thing that tried to kill us earlier today?" Bon Bon asked.

"Those things." Backfire said with a serious tone.

Sifty approached the opening in the house,
"At the count of three we run as fast as we can to that building over there, and make our way through the alleys, Copperheads are too bulky to navigate the alleys, and we get to the FOB and prepare for the counter assault."



"Thr-" a Glowing white flare shot into the air and various spotlight shone on the house they occupied.

"RUN!" Backfire shouted charging up her horn and shooting a beam straight into the pillar of a building sending the entire side of the structure collapsing on the Invaders.

"Hey! It worked!" Backfire exclaimed jumping for joy.

"No time for celebratons! RUN!" sifty said dragging her along, Bon Bon followed in tow hobbling behind as fast as she could but before they could make it to the house a Copperhead came bursting through the wall, with a low growling noise it approached the trio, in one arm three barrels and a large belt of ammunition connected to it and the other, a huge claw for what looked like for loading and unloading. The thing was armored from head to toe with a decorative skull of a pony attached to the front for intimidation, and from Bon Bon's perspective, it was working, until it walked past a boutique and in front of a mirror, in it's reflection, she could see the back half of the copperhead there was a pony controlling the contraption and its backside is completely vulnerable!



"you seeing this?"

"seeing what?"

"the mirror."

"His backside!" Sifty said as if something had dawned on him.

"I have a plan."

"What are you-"

"Wait!" Bon Bon said holding her hoof up,
"It's me you want, Commander Sweetie Drops, the HVT!" she said side stepping, the pilot pivoting the walker to point towards Bon Bon, forgetting the other two.
"Thats right, you want me!" still circling the walker then the walker stomped the ground sending Bon Bon to the ground.

"You think that trick would let you get behind me?" The pilot said as if insulted, "well answer me!"

"who said anything about me?"

"Huh?" without a second to lose, Sifty snapped into action into action, jumping on the exposed back of the pilot screaming various profanities at the pilot while pummeling his foe with heavy blows to the head with his hoof. Within seconds the pilot was beaten to a pulp and Sifty had removed him from the machine and the machine powered down.

"Nice one!" Bon Bon said Sifty giving a nod back.

Sifty checked the body of the pilot for any sort of intelligence that could be of use.

"Now what?" Backfire said to Sifty

"We follow the plan."

"What plan, the one that just got foiled and is about to have the enemy breathing down out neck"

"Guys," Bon Bon said

"What you have a better idea?" Sifty said, the stress getting at him.


both the mare and stallion turned to see Bon Bon sitting in the copperheads seat.

"I think I found our escape plan" she said with a smug look, hitting the large button that said START the machine whirring to life once more with a few sparks and violent tugs the copperhead stood back up and the internal HUD lit up
[AMMO: 100%]

"Lets clear a path!"