• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 374 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Loose screws and Loose ends..

In Ponyville, Backfire was playing cards with Aniseed, Lightning Dust reading a paper, when Canvas and Hilt came into Bon Bon's house,

"Backfire, we need to talk outside." Canvas motioned towards the door,

"Whats the matter?"

"Outside, now." Hilt ordered,

"Fine, I'm coming." Backfire rolled her eyes and stepped outside. Canvas speaking up

"There's a chance Bon Bon is arriving soon, a carriage was spotted rolling through the woods, scouts can only identify Sifty and another stallion as of now." Canvas said as Backfires face lit up,

"That's great news! Aniseed will be so hap-"

"We just go orders from Command to either capture or.." Canvas stopped

"Or we kill her." Hilt said without hesitation,


"Command believe she is working with Lyra and is responsible for the Hijacking or the Aurora and the reason we lost Appleoosa." Canvas said giving Backfire the letter of their orders,

"What about Aniseed?"

"What about her?" Hilt said, Canvas punching him with his hoof, "What was that for!?"

"She'll be fine at the orphanage in town, a filly like her should be adopted in no time."

"She won't like this, not one bit.." Backfire warned,

"She doesn't have to." Hilt walked through the door into Bon Bon's house, looking around, he turned around to realize the windows were open, Facehoofing,

"We have a problem."


Bon Bon was sitting in the interrogation room of the Ponyville Police Department, she looked through the window, then a well decorated pony spoke up,

"Miss Drops, I've read you're record, commendable but there's one problem."

"That would be?" She asked with a raised brow,

"You're a hero, but we don't need heroes Miss Drops we need SOLDIERS."

"I don't see the difference." She said folding her hooves,

"A soldier follows orders, a HERO does what they feel is right, you and your friend Miss Heartstrings stole a weapon and you saved thousands, but that weapon could have been used to save MILLIONS."

"I had no idea she would do such a thing, I was, you know? CAPTURED! Besides I didn't see you try anything to help!"

"WE HAD MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS AT HAND!" He shouted back, regaining his posture he folded the page, "Where is L-"

"I'm not saying a damn thing until I see Aniseed and my Family is granted Pardons."

"You don't get to make demands!" He snapped,

"Yet here you are."

"Alright,I can promise you family and friends have full pardons IF you cooperate with us." Dodging the subject of Aniseed, Bon Bon calling the pony out,

"WHERE IS ANISEED!" Bon Bon slammed her hooves on the side of the table causing the pony to reach for his sidearm but hesitated to remove it from the holster,

"You will talk to me with respect!"

"Just who are you anyways?"

"I am General Eyrus, I have kil-"

"Alright Eyrus, lemme tell you one thing, I have killed Changelings, Dragons, Ponies, Griffons, and Saddle Arabians and I sleep like a baby, so if you're trying to intimidate me, just stop." Eyrus paused when Bon Bon caught his bluff, he flipped through the dossier noticing most of the pages blacked out,

"Why are these hidden?"

"Cause they're classified, I figured someone of your rank would know that by now."

"I know that, but a 'Candy Salespony', doesn't have redacted records!"

"Maybe it's a secret recipe?" Bon Bon said with a smirk, a blood vessel could be seen on his forehead

"I wan't to help you but you are making this very difficult.."

"Then say what you want and get out of my face." She demanded,

"You will infiltrate the Bunker complex containing Celestia and McTalk and his weapon, if the weapon is deployed from the bunker," He pulled out another file showing pictures of the bunker and a cleared path to where the weapon entered the bunker, "we will consider the mission a failure and deploy the tower, we have found a defector, the notorious Time Turner, who has told us the reason it has not DECIMATED our forces, is its power consumption is extremely high, we have only encountered it twice and both times the forces suffered massive casualties."

"Where is the bunker?" Eyrus pointing on the map to the location,

"If you succeed, Full Pardons for everypony, I promise."

"This is a Suicide mission isn't it?"

"The odds are low." He honestly stated,

"Can I see my family one more time?"

"You may, but the plane leaves tonight."

"You seem confident I'd agree to this."

"Because I know you want this war over as much as I do, so we have a deal?"

"Yea, we do."

Bon Bon was escorted to her house where everypony was staying, as she said her goodbyes to everypony she reached her Mother,

"So who's this Aniseed filly?" Lemon Drops said with a grin, Bon Bons heart jumped,

"SHE'S HERE!?" she said looking around,

"Upstairs, she's in your room, maybe you should go talk to her."

"I will, Ma, if something happens, can you keep her safe, she's a handful but I-"

"You will come back, for her." Lemon Drops said with a sten nod, Bon Bon hugging her mother, her father joining in the hug,

"End this Bonnie." Dudley said, as they broke the hug Bon Bon walked up the steps of her house and into her room Aniseed balled up in the middle of the bed,

"Anni?" Bon Bon said Laying on the bed next to Aniseed, who crawled next to her,

"Why?" she said,

"Why what?"

"Why do you have to fight, why can't we just leave and go with Lyra like you said we would?"

"Because, Somepony has to do the right thing, this war will never end unless I do this."

"Why you though?"

"If I don't they will take you and my parents away, I can't let them do that." Bon Bon sighed squeezing the filly,

"Is that all?"

"No, I saw what that thing did to Appleoosa, I can't let it be used again on anypony, I must destroy it entirely if anypony else got their hooves on it they would only rebuild it for their purpose."

"What if you don't come back?" Aniseed asked, Bon Bon paused, Aniseed would not accept a comforting lie, so she told her the truth,

"Then you have to live on, for me. You must promise that you will take care of Dudley and Lemon, if you need any help, Sifty and Backfire will be there for you, just NEVER give up, and always do what is right, even if you stand alone." Bon Bon said looking the filly in the eyes,

"I promise." Aniseed said, Bon Bon kissing her on the forehead,

"Good, never forget that I love you, now I have to go now, so behave, and don't run away again!" Bon Bon said with a stern look.

Bon Bon left the house and entered the truck that drove to the makeshift airstrip, Backfire looked around the house,

"Where's Ringo?"

--Two hours later--
Bon Bon was in the back of the large aircraft, the hatch opened to the cloudy skies over the bunker the green light lit up signaling for her to jump, as she began her freefall she reached the minimum deployment altitude, pulling the chute she landed in the woods next to the bunker's entrance, she noticed multiple ponies in white body armor standing guard by the entrance signaling that McTalk was there,

"Showtime Bonnie!" She thought to herself as she approached the first guard using a hidden hoofblade she stabbed the guard multiple times the other guards running to the source of the noise, reacting to their presence Bon Bon bucked the stallion into the other two guards causing them to stumble and in two jabs silenced them both, wiping the blood off her hooves, she looked behind her scanning the grounds as she inspected the corpses of the Ivory guards while dragging them into the shadows, Bon Bon snatched one of the ponies ID tags slidding it into the reader unlocking the elevator she stopped on the third floor: Research & Development

Bon Bon stepped out of the elevator looking around she noticed the open warehouse filled with prototype weapons dismantled and laid out across multiple tables, A brown coated stallion shot up from his work and looked Bon Bon straight in the eye,

"You're not with the EDI are you?" He said slowly stepping back, Bon Bon holding her ground,

"Nope," She said looking at the stallion who sighed in relief,

"I thought he was sending one of his goons to get rid of me!"

"Get rid of you?"

"McTalk's been holding me and my team since the beginning of the war, we're prisoners of our own government!"

"Celestia let him get away with this?"

"This is classified, but a few months before the war, Celestia was possessed with this SHADOW, it made her, violent, very sporadic, but when she acquired the amulet it only got worse, after the amulets destruction she encased herself in some sort of cocoon to purge the force out, now McTalk is using her to power Archangel. Please listen, McTalk is mad, you have to do something!"

"I Plan on it, Where is Celestia?" Time Turner leading Bon Bon to the elevator, pressing the button it shot to the bottom floor, when the door opened the cocooned Celestia shone brightly illuminating the entire room, Time Turners jaw hung low,



"She never glowed like this, this is new!" the inner scientist inside came out as he examined the cocoon, Bon Bon walking up to it extended her hoof and touched the Cocoon, she was suddenly blinded by a white light and when she regained her vision she was in a grass field Celestia sitting looking into the stars, noticing Bon Bon she smiled beckoning the mare over

"Ah, Miss Drops!"


"Please call me Princess, I am ashamed enough of my actions already." She said the smile fading to one of guilt Bon Bon rested her hoof on Celestias

"What happened?"

"A few months before the war, Luna accompanied me to the Chrystal Kingdom as we had heard rumors of King Sombra hiding in the frozen caverns, attacking travelers to increase his strength, after we had found him he had put up a tough battle, we thought him defeated, I was wrong, when I realized what had happened it was too late, he was in control."

"So this whole time?"

"Yes, it was not of my own will, I had hoped somepony would notice my changes, but instead they ENCOURAGED it, imagine seeing your peaceful kingdom being changed to one of hate and prejudice in front of your eyes and there was nothing you could do to stop it." This was the first time Bon Bon had seem the princess cry,

"Que-Princess, where are we?"

"This is the ethereal field, when an Alicorn is in the state that I am, we go here to heal or purge any corruptions, when your Changeling friend spared my life and destroyed the amulet weakening me to a state where I could take back control, and here we are now."

"Changeling Friend? Tatau.."

"I am truly sorry, I tried everything in my power, I-I couldn't stop myself."

"He gave his life for you, if I know Tatau, he saved you because he thinks you have purpose still, and I need your help."

"I know,"

"You do?"

"Yes, I may be comatose, but I can still sense the world around me, I fear McTalk may be corrupted with the same magic as me, I knew him before the war, he was rotten then, now I doubt he even has a good side."

"So will you help me."

"Yes," The Princess said nodding "It will not be easy, his men are all loyal to his bitpurse or blinded by the dark magic, and will fight us to the end, he is prepping the launch of Archangel."

"Archangel?" Bon Bon raised a brow as Celestia guiltily looking at the ground,

"It was a weapon we had created to deter invasions from enemy forces, we intended to never use the weapon though, it seems McTalk uncovered the schematics and built him a smaller variant."

"A SMALLER variant!?"

"Yes the original was only pilotable by an Alicorn as the power needed was immense."

"I don't mean to sound rude, but how can I kill it?"

"You can't" Celestia said in sorrow,

"What!" Bon Bon looked confused,

"The only thing that could possible stop it is if he personally ejected!"

"Then come on, we have work to do."

"I can't," Celestia said,


"The corruption still exists inside me, it will take years to fully remove its taint.."

"Celestia, we have to go though, they WILL use the tower on this base,"

"I know, Foresight is as much a gift as a curse."

"If you die who will raise the sun!?"

"My faithful student of course, she was always meant to be my successor, despite what many believe, we are just as mortal as the average pony, we are just extremely gifted, my sister has many years ahead of her, and so does my pupil, if anything happens, it will be fine."

"you used if, why won't you tell me what happens?" Bon Bon curiously asked,

"Because there is always choice, and if I influence in anyway I could doom Equestria to a reign of darkness, now go." Celestia ordered,

"I will NOT leave you here Celestia!"

"I wasn't asking," her eyes glowing white, "GO, END THIS WAR, THAT IS MY ORDER TO YOU!" the light intensified blinding Bon Bon again when she moved her hoof she was back in the room, time turner examining the cocoon,

"You okay?" he cautiously asked,

"How long was I in there?"

"What are you talking about? You touched it a few moments ago, what happened?"

"Not important, where is McTalk?"

"In Archangels Hangar, what are you going to do?"

"I know we can't directly stop it, but if we can force an ejection!" Bon Bon said Time Turner running to the phone on the wall pressed a few buttons after he conversed with the ponies on the other line his face smiled,

"Good news! We have a few shaped charges and an anti-tank launcher in the armory, it can't hurt it but it can sure slow it down!"

"So what are we going to do?"

"I have a plan, go to the hangar, STALL HIM, we will go along as it happens!"

"Right!" Bon Bon ran to the elevator,

"What floor?"


"Thank you!" Bon Bon shouted pressing the button the elevator shooting up to the sixth floor the door opened and Bon Bon was greeted by two scientists who sighed in relief,

"You must be here to help, come on!" The scientists took Bon Bon into the armory, she stood in the middle of the weapon filled room, she stepped forward to grab a rifle but the scientists stopped her,

"No, you won't last a second with that, you need the N.O.M.A.D!"


"A New-age One Man Army Device." As he explained the systems the unicorn held Bon Bon vertically, the other pony slipping off Bon Bon's false leg and replacing it with a shaped leg and placed a balancing tool on her other leg, the pony letting her down she stood Bipedal like Lyra had.

"I can walk on two legs?" Bon Bon said walking around to get her bearings

"Yes, only three are in existence so far, Prototype stuff so please don't break it!" the Scientist pleaded, then they placed her on a platform with two hoof marks in the center, placing her hoof and false leg into position mechanisms started to activate as pieces of armor magically levitated from the wall and attached to her Body locking into place, a large body armor piece was placed on the mare with the assistance of the two scientists, Bon Bon looking in the reflective glass, her armor was like Lyra's, the helmet came down from above and settled around Bon Bon as the helmet sealed with a click, the HUD lit up displaying various vital signatures, Bon Bon looked up towards the door small red diamonds appeared on her HUD. Looking at the scientists,

"I need a weapon." She said, the scientists stepping out of the way to reveal her weapon, Bon Bon smiled under her mask,

"That'll do!"

The scientists helped Bon Bon attach the large ammo box to her back, then they guided the weapons into position,

"Alright, crash course of the plan, we are going to set the charges on the exit tunnel for Archangel, you need to stop McTalk from reaching the machine, everypony who is going to try and stop you is behind that door, give us time and STALL McTalk!"

"Alright who am I up against?"

"A bunch of McTalks Ivory Guard, A Wonderbolt, and that crazy merc."


"Yea, and if I heard correctly they're pretty pissed."

"Thanks for the heads up." Bon Bon nodded, the scientist stood in front of the mare,

"Calibrations, follow my hoof." He raised his hoof, Bon Bon watching the hoof she noticed a large shoulder weapon following her head movements, "Good! It's calibrated, now to your left is your Shoulder-Launched Anti-Tank Launcher just fire and forget, the weapon loads automatically, you have twenty shots so make them count, this weapon on the other hand," nodding towards the large black box hooked to the underside of her hoof, "is the focused particle weapon, its charged by magic but its been modified for your use, when the weapon rings rotate the gear on the side for seven seconds and you will be ready to fire again. Now your armor can take small arms fire but that does NOT mean you are invincible, so stay in cover, and PLEASE don't break it!" Bon Bon walked towards the door, the red diamonds growing larger,

"No promises." She said opening the door and firing wildly into the hallway with the beam weapon, the door shutting behind her,

"They ALWAYS say that!"


Ringo scanned the front entrance of the bunker,

"Where are the guards?"

"Oh they're dead!" a female voice said behind him causing him to jump, his eyes focused in the night sky to the sight of the cross-eyed mailmare.

"Derpy?" Ringo said in suprise,

"Who'd you expect Santa Hooves!?"

"What are you doing out here?"

"What are YOU doing out here?"

"I asked first!" Derpy said crossing her hooves

"Fine, I followed Bon Bon here, I feel she might need some help."

"Oh, we can help each other!"

"We can?"

"Yes my sweet timey wimey muffin is the head researcher in the base come on!" Derpy started skipping towards the bases entrance, Ringo confused, decided he had nothing better planned out so he went along with the mail-mare who went to the elevator as they did it shot open to the sight of Time Turner and his scientists each with a saddlebag of satchel charges,

"MUFFIN!" Derpy said jumping at him causing him to let out a yelp,

"It's good to see you too honey."

"Where have you been!" she said not in a question but a demand.

"Appleoosa, I would have told you but it was all so sudden."

"Fine, but you have some explaining to do!" Ringo cutting in,

"I'm sorry I have to ruin this," using his claws to quote, "'heartwarming' occasion, but what the hay are you doing with those charges and where is Bon Bon?"

"Bon Bon? OH! She stalling McTalk so we can seal off the tunnel," Time Turner said pointing to the large now open double doors that lead through a winding tunnel.

"If Project Archangel leaves this base, he will be unstoppable!" Time Turner said emphasizing the urgency.

"Fine, wha-" Ringo was cut off by a loud mechanical scream from the tunnel,

"Archangel is online, HURRY!" Ringo and the ponies jumped into a small car and drove down the tunnel stopping at certain points for the scientists to set charges, when the last one was set Time Turner flicked on his radio,



As static filled the air, Derpy flew into the Driver seat of the car,

"Ringo, get in the car and man the gun, we're going in!" Ringo hopped in the back as Derpy ordered deploying a large mounted weapon and loading it, Time Turner running to Derpy,

"What are you doing!? You can't go in there!"

"Timey, you take the scientists out of here, if I'm not back in twenty promise me you will set the charges off?"

"I Can't!"

"You will." Derpy glared at him with her one eye, the other looking at the lighting.

"Fine, but you come back now!"

"Okey dokey!" She slammed the pedal sending the car screeching forward, Ringo bracing for his life,
As the door closed Bon Bon took cover behind a crate, the small diamonds getting closer, until one was right around the corner, Bon Bon turned the corner and delivered a kick with the new leg, Bon Bon hearing a mechanism inside the leg shifting delivering an extra strike on the pony, the sound of bones cracking made Bon Bon cringe, but she continued to fire at the group of Ivory Guardsmen, each with small sidearms her HUD informing her of their minimal threat she stood in the open and began a charge towards the ponies, the bullets ricocheting and being absorbed by the armor,

"SOMEPONY STOP HER!" one of the guardsman shouted,

"I'm Trying!" The other said, Bon Bon in close range of the ponies swung with her hoof to deliver a punch hitting the soldier in the helmet causing it to split in half, the now helmetless pony shook in place as she delivered a headbutt knocking him out, the other ponies backing up continued to shoot at Bon Bon, looking at the ponies small green X marks highlighted over the diamonds on her hud, after she tagged the last pony the shoulder cannon locked on and shot one shot at each pony sending them to the floor,

"I see why Lyra loves this thing!" Bon Bon said to herself, in the now body filled hallway as she opened the door at the end of the hall she walked through the door and into a large control room, through the large windows she noticed the cockpit of Archangel open and unmanned, in front of her McTalk, a bruised Rainbow Dash, and a handful of Ivory Guardsmen.

"I had hoped they would have held you longer." McTalk said honestly,

"Sorry to disappoint." Bon Bon said sarcastically,

"So what is your next move?"

"Well, I was going to kick your flank so hard your non-existent children would feel it, but I'm feeling generous, give up and I'll let you have a trail first." Bon Bon said giving her ultimatum, as she did the door behind her opened and she felt a barrel on the exposed part of her armor,

"Miss me Bonnibelle?" A angry voice whispered, Bon Bon could tell who,


"It'll take more than that to kill me!" Screwloose stepping in front of Bon Bon, most of her face burned, the teeth visible through a hole, suddenly a team of mercenaries swarmed the control room pointing their guns at McTalk's men before they could react the mercenaries fired killing the last of his guard, Dash taking cover behind a desk,


"You think I'd actually work WITH YOU?" She laughed, "No I just need to get close to this beautiful piece of work," walking towards the door of Archangel, "All I have to do is put in this key and press go!" McTalk patting his pockets,


"Aww, thank you! Now if you don't mind I have another war to start!" Screwloose trotted through the door, then she peeked in her head, "Oh Dashie, Bon Bon wasn't lying, I killed Soarin' I bet he screamed like a bitch when he burned, alright boys, kill them." she said in a cool tone closing the door and stepping into Archangel. Her Mercs prepared to shoot but Dash popped up and sprayed her machine pistols through the room screaming at the top of her lungs, killing all of the Mercs in one swipe,

"STOP HER!" Dash ordered Bon Bon smashing through the door and firing her beam at the cockpit, the hatch closing before it made contact,

"BUCK!" Bon Bon shouted,

The Machine screamed to life, the gears spinning and grinding as the lights covering the machine activated, then the machine started to speak it's commands,



Rainbow Dash's face was one of horror as her friends were in the Chrystal Kingdom,

"Listen I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm sorry, Please you have to help stop this thing!"

"I was planning on it!" Bon Bon said running and jumping on top of the cockpit she began to fire wildly at the transparent glass, the shots being absorbed, the machine started to move causing her to lose balance and fall, Rainbow Dash swooped down and caught the mare,

"You're heavy!" She said using all her strength to carry her,

"It's the armor!" she quipped, as Dash set her down the quadrupedal machine turned around in the large underground warehouse, the back of the machine smashing into the wall, Bon Bon aimed her missile launcher at the machine and fired two shots that struck for no effect.

"This thing has to have a weakness!" Dash said,

"Not any that we can use directly!" Bon Bon said trying to find something they could use, then the room lit to a crimson hue and a loud voice came on the speaker,

"The Emergency Self Destruct Sequence has been activated, please reach the minimum safe distance in T-Minus ten minutes."

"McTalk!" Dash snarled the decorated pony was last seen running through the door and out of site,

"It looks like it's just us girls!" Screwloose said over a speaker, then over the intercom McTalk came online,

"I hate to leave in such a haste, but I have a train to catch, anyways, for giving me a chance to escape you have earned my gratitude, and I figure I'll Throw you a bone, Automated Systems, Attack Project Archangel, I hope we do not meet again!" The microphone cut off and various drones climbed over the machine, some running into the gears to jam them others wildly shooting at it, Screwloose became preooccupied with the drone when a car came zooming down the smaller tunnel and drifting to a stop in front of the two,

"GET IN NOW!" Ringo yelled, the two gladly complied, as the car burned out it peeled away from the large machine,

"YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY THAT EASY!" Screwloose screamed as she brushed past the drones and tried to fit the giant machine through the smaller tunnel but the large missile silo prevented her, instead she took the larger path, the machine making a fast pace towards the car, the dividers between the tunnels giving enough space to see each other,

"She's gaining on us!" Dash said, as she did Archangels main weapon charged up and shot a focused beam barely missing the car but striking the support of the smaller tunnel causing it to start to collapse, Derpy changed gears and jumped the dividers into the bigger tunnel driving in reverse the group was face to face with the machine,

"SHOOT!" Ringo said, everypony fired at Screwloose, Bon Bon's missiles causing it to flinch, but it persisted, Bon Bon reached for the radio, Derpy pulling the brake causing the car to make a one-eighty.

"This is Drops, Lunar command do you read!?"

"Command here, Status?"

"Archangel is active, I am retreating out of the tunnels of the base, I need the tower at the ready when it steps outside!"

"Roger that, standing by at your mark!"

"Get us out of here!" Bon Bon ordered Derpy who out of nowhere pulled out her own detonator and pressed the button the explosive covering the cave detonated the line of explosions could be seem behind them and gaining on them fast,

"WHAT THE HAY DID YOU DO!" Ringo snapped

"I IMPROVISED!" She said with a wall eyed grin the tunnel began to collapse around them, Derpy without any expression but a carefree grin dodged the falling debris, the entrance to the tunnel was in sight,

"We made it!" Rainbow Dash said excited, when a missile hit the back of the car sending everypony flying in the air, Ringo, Derpy, and Dash all took to the sky with their wings, but Bon Bon flew from the car and skidded across the pavement, the armor only lightly cushioning the fall yet Bon Bon felt the impact as she rolled a few times and came to a stop outside the entrance of the bunker, Bon Bon painfully rolled over noticing that archangel's cockpit was in the open she called in the strike, what sounded like a hammer hitting steel echoed through the woods surrounding the Bunker, everyponies ears rang as a blue beam struck the cockpit multiple times, when the strike was finished Archangel was splayed out of on the ground the cockpit cracked and the pilot inside bleeding from the head, but it started to move, Bon Bon felt a surge of rage course through her veins, the only thing running through her head: Screwloose WILL die. Bon Bon stood up and ran at the machine her leg augments giving out, the weight of the armor coming down on her, unhooking the straps and locks the armor fell off, throwing the ones that didn't aside Bon Bon made her way to the cracked cockpit, grabbing a rock she began to slam it on the window, the crack getting larger, Screwlooses face turned from on of snide superiority to fear as the window smashed open and Bon Bon fell into the tiny space with her, Bon Bon laid out punch after punch to the mare, thinking only of what Screwloose said she would do to Aniseed and Lyra. As rain started to pour Bon Bon's rage faded, looking at her blood coated hooves she saw what was left of the now beaten to a pulp Ex Squad Member, Bon Bon reached into Screw's pocket and pulled out a cigar, stepping out of the cockpit she took a seat in the now muddy ground, Lunar forces started to converge on the location, Luna herself stepping out of one of the vehicles lighting the cigar she sat in the rain in silence.