• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 371 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Surrounded and Superweapons

Bon Bon was blinded by the light, when she looked again a wave of magic covered the sky in a shockwave clearing the clouds out of the sky. Moments later the sound of engines grinding to a halt created panic as War-birds turbines stopped turning sending the crafts falling to the ground, the tanks unable to move blocked passageways and trapped ponies in their hulls, Bon Bon looked to her right to see a wounded Tank next to her, throwing him over her shoulder she made her way through the carnage, the ponies that were trying to kill her were too occupied with avoiding the falling metal to mind her slipping around them, noticing another building that was missing a wall she jumped into the building for cover from the chaos, setting Tank down in the corner of the cafe she checked his wounds, he was bleeding but it was nothing serious, grabbing a towel she handed it to the stallion,

"Keep pressure on it." She ordered, Tanks eyes widened as he jumped at Bon Bon knocking her over, the corner of the wall was riddled with bullets, Bon Bon looking to the source she noticed an angry Dash,

"You put up a good fight, but its over!" She said the fully armored mare reloaded the machine pistol and prepared to finish Bon Bon off but was cut off when somepony shot her with a shotgun sending her flying into the wall, her body armor absorbing the blow but knocking her unconscious,

"I SAID SHE'S MINE!" Screwloose said loading another slug into the shotgun, she pulled the lever to fire but the weapon jammed, Screwloose attempted to clear the jam, but before she could Bon Bon was in her face and delivered a right hook then a back leg kick breaking the shotgun in half, Screwloose rolled on the floor, standing up she shook off the blow, as she did a transport war bird crashed into the floor above the ponies igniting the second floor on fire.


"You're a lunatic, you needed help! YOU STILL DO!"

"I'm NOT CRAZY!" Screwloose charged at Bon Bon, she swung her hoof at Bon Bon who blocked but before she could react Screwloose kneed her in the gut causing Bon Bon to fall to the ground

"You trained me years ago, always go for the cheapshots, you must have gotten soft!" She said kicking the downed mare, "WHEN I KILL YOU, I WILL KILL EVERYTHING YOU CARE FOR, FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THAT WHORE LYRA!" Screwloose reared back for a fatal buck but as she did a fire lit inside Bon Bon, who rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding the bone-shattering kick grabbing the back leg she grabbed the back with her hoof and delivered a punch right into the knee, the leg caving in Screwloose fell in pain,

"NOPONY BUCKS WITH LYRA!" Bon Bon sat on top of the screaming Screwloose and deilvered consecutive punches to her face, her nose broken and bleeding from the barrage of punches, Rainbow Dash snapped awake to the sight of Bon Bon as she picked the mare up in a show of strength and stood on her hind legs, throwing her into the street Screwloose rolling on the floor outside the cafe Screwloose looking up to see a rifle that had fallen out of the War-bird that crashed. Bon Bon started breathing heavily as she slowly walked towards Tank, helping him up the two made their way out the back. Then Screwloose shot up with the rifle,

"DIE DROPS!" Screwloose screamed, then the building groaned as the front of the buildings front supports gave out sending the War-bird crashing to the ground in front of the shop and rubble filled the floor below, when the dust settled Bon Bon looked around the area suddenly the backdoor shot open and Dudley Drops appeared ordering everpony to stay out of the unstable building, he made his way into the room,

"Sweetie!" He said in relief tearfully hugging his daughter,

"Dad!" The two sat in a hug until the sound of clicking was heard, Bon Bon turning around to see Dash pinned under a pile of rubble, both machine pistols aimed at her, yet the guns were too damaged to fire, Bon Bon approached the mare and gave one swift punch, then she walked away Dash spoke up,

"So what now? You gonna kill me?" she said spitting in Bon Bon's direction,

"No, I wont, but I wont save you either."

"What!?" Dash said panic in her voice,

"This building has a good, ten fifteen minutes until it collapses in on itself, lets see if the how fast the fastest team in Equestria really is."


"Keep telling yourself that." Bon Bon said carrying Tank out, Dudley following behind as they left the cafe,

"You're going to leave her to die?" Dudley said about to give a lecture to her daughter."

"She'll live, besides, I've had enough of the 'Fastest Flyer in Equestria' for a lifetime!" The three ponies made their way back to the group in the powerless city, the Drops embraced each other in a group hug, Lemon Drops noticing Bon Bon's false leg,

"What happened!?"

"The job did," Bon Bon said, "I can explain later but can we get out of here, I just want to get a real meal for once!" Bon Bon chuckled as the group readied to leave the city, the skies clear of War-Birds meant the ponies could safely walk through the streets, as they did, EDI soldiers were tending to their comrades ignoring the group, some seeing them but as they tried to shoot their magic charged weapons to no effect threw their hooves up in defeat at the groups advantage, when they returned to the drops household the drops packed up their belongings into a old self drawn carriage and loaded essential belongings into the back, the rest was thrown into a personal vault to prevent anything valuable from being looted, as the ponies jumped into the back of the carriage, Sifty volunteered to help pull the cart, as the group rode out of town, they made a stop to collect Bon Bon's gear hidden in the fallen tree, after that they rode towards Ponyville, for the first time in years the city was quiet and there was no skyline, the only thing lighting the sky was the stars and the moon.

--Six Days and seven hours before launch--

The War-Bird zipped over the battlefield, outside the rear hatch the battlefield raged near the War-Factory of the EDI in Appleoosa, the occasional bullet struck the side of the War-bird, McTalk sat unfazed, his personal guard accompanying him as they landed on the helipad of the factory, McTalk walked through the factory, Ponies were in a frenzy building the guardian tanks, and rolling them into battle to be used, McTalk brushing past the workers opened the door to Time Turners private office, the pony writing a letter,

"Supreme Commander, What a suprise!" He said weakly saluting, his eyes droopy and complexion showed that he hasn't been in the sun for quite some time.

"Enough with the formalities, is the weapon ready?" McTalk said tapping impatiently, Time Turners face changed to one of horror,

"You said you wouldn't use it unless it was of dire importance!" He pleaded,

"THIS IS OF IMPORTANCE!" He screamed slapping the stallion to the floor, "and if you want to see your family again you will lead me to it!" Time Turner sighed and stood up in defeat, the walls beginning to shake from the impact of shells.

"Very well, right this way.." The two walked through the descending hallway to a large warehouse,

"Is it operational and to my specifications?"

"Y-Yes sir." Time Turner said ashamed of his creation,

"Good, guards take this stallion to my transport, I want him on lockdown." McTalk ordered coldly,

"WHAT!?" Time Turner said betrayed, "You said I could go!"

"I lied." He said with a smirk as he trotted over to the open cockpit, taking a seat he pressed a few buttons and the cockpit closed and snapped into place, the HUD lighting online.



Braeburn charged the line with the Lunar Coalition Copperheads and the Buffalo Tribe, the Guardian Tanks began to retreat behind the walls of the factory,

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAW!" Braeburn whooped at their victory over the oppressing force, Lunar planes began zipping over their heads and striking the factory with bombs, after a few minutes of shelling War-birds could be seen evacuating their posts in droves,

"WE WON! WE WON! WE-" A large groan roared from the factory suddenly the roof of the factory exploded and a Large quadrupedal the size of the factory, the walls collapsing out of the way,

"Sweet Celestia! SHOOT IT!" A soldier could be heard, the whole force firing at the strange machine that stood its ground, occasionally flinching from the shells of the Coppedheads, the Ponies had to reload their weapons, The Machines movements screeched making the sound of screams, it braced into a firing position as multiple flaps opened on the four legs of the craft, then a loud beep made the ponies cover their ears as the missiles zipped into the sky targeting the flying planes turning them into balls of flame and wreckage, Braeburn running over to a Lunar Soldier,

"You gotta take that thing down!" He begged,

"WE'RE TRYING!" He yelled back in a panicked voice snatching up a radio, he tuned it to the emergency frequency,

"This is Private Sparks, I Repeat this is Private Sparks!"

"Private Sparks, This is the LNS Aurora, this broadcast is for emergencies only, you are t-"

"LISTEN, There's a Massive, THING, it just came out of nowhere, it's not reacting to our weapons, WE NEED HELP!"

"Stay calm Private, Where are you?"

"Appleoosa." He said his voice cracking, There was a pause in the radio the machine started to move forward,

"We have been authorized to use the M.M:MK VIII, your orders are to hold your position while we prep the launch, out."

"When can we expect support sir?"

"As soon a-what they hay is going on out side, OH BUCK CHANGL-" The radio went to static the pony standing in fear, he looked up to see the Large machine charged up a cannon attached to his head, the panels on its back shifting and heating to a red hot, the machine swept across the line eviscerating everything in its path.


McTalk looked at the carnage from the peephole,
"Status." He commanded,


"To think they wanted to do more tests!" He said snickering, imagining the wars end in his reach..