• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 371 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Out the Door of my War-Bird,

The War-Bird flew over the enemy trench, the ponies inhabiting it looking up, some abandoning their post and fleeing into the woods. Bon Bon wasted no time flicking the various switches on the weapon, causing the barrels to spin after a few seconds a green light lit up on the side of the weapon.
"LETS DO THIS!" Bon Bon said pressing the large trigger on the handle of the gun, with a loud roar the weapon fired into the enemy trench filling it with bullets and what was left of the enemy.
"HOLY CELESTIA!" Bon Bon said in surprise, not expecting such destruction from the weapon.

"You havent seen anything yet bonnie, load the ammo belt with the orange tips!" The Co-Pilot said with a overly excited grin. Without hesitating she pulled the ammo belt out and replaced it with the ammo belt next to it with the orange tips, after going through the routine to load and prime the weapon the green light came on,
"IT'S LOADED!" She yelled,

"Bonnie! We have you on the headset you don't have to yell!"


The War-Bird flew past the trenches and over the treetops

"We gotta take out those Flak Cannons!" Scootaloo said,

"GOT IT!" Bon Bon said excitedly

Backfire leaning over to sifty, who had the expression that he would rather be on the ground.

"I think she's enjoying this a bit much.."

"Its the adrenaline," Sifty replied
Then Bon Bon opened fire on the Flak Cannon crews with the new ammo she loaded and on contact it ignited setting the deployment ablaze, igniting the ammo boxes causing them to explode, Bon Bon laughing as if she had just gotten off of a thrill ride.
"I hope." Sifty added.
After a few passes the Cannons were destroyed and all the ammo was expended, Scootaloo came on the radio.
"Alright enough fun, let's get to the bunker."

As the War-Bird flew over the Trench line Bon Bon noticed the battle was still raging, the tanks on the hill were shelling the enemy line, War-Birds landing to let their troops out, the gunship variants swooping and making passes. After a while the battle became nothing but flashes and cracks in the distance, as if it was a thunderstorm. Approaching the bunker on the side of the river the War-Bird descended and landed on the makeshift dirt landing pad, Bon Bon noticed the door of the bunker opening and ponies stepping out.

"Looks like the welcoming committee is here to greet us." She said as they stepped out of the War-Bird, A squad coming in to take their place inside and a crew to refuel and reload it.

As they approached the group a enraged McTalk blew right past Bon Bon and began yelling at Backfire

"YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? I SHOULD CHARGE YOU WITH TREASON, GET BACK OUT TH-" McTalk was interrupted by Sifty Grabbing him by the Tie of his uniform, McTalks entourage didn't raise their weapons, most enjoying the moment that they wish they could do.

"You listen to me you bag of meat! I have orders from THE PRINCESS HERSELF to complete my mission using ANY MEANS, she's with me, an do not think for one second I will not shove my hoof so far down your throat you will taste it in the afterlife!" He snarled

"Contain your animal Drops, Thats an order!" McTalk hissed

"Hey, I'm Retired!" She replied holding her hooves up in a 'its not my problem' manner.
Realizing the trouble her was in he went from iron willed to pleading,
"Alright! I'm Sorry for yelling at her, I wont charge her with treason! Just let me go!"

after a nod from Bon Bon Sifty let go of McTalk, who straightened his tie with some words muttered under his breath. He then looked at the stallion next to him
"Dont just stand there, Breif him!" he said stumbling back into the bunker, looking back every few steps to make sure Sifty was not following.

"Sorry about him, he's an ass." The soldier in a flak jacket and helmet with a black heart drawn on it with paint said.

"You can say that again, whats this about briefing?" Sifty said.

"Orders from the Princess, we are going to raid Ponyville in Swiftboats using the river as means of attack at night, you are to accompany us in the assault to rescue a downed scout."

"When do we leave?"

"Three hours sir."

"I'll be there, Carry on." Sifty said the soldier saluted and went on his way, as soon as the soldier was gone Sifty was thrown off guard by a sudden hug from Backfire causing him to blush

"Thanks for standing up for me.."

"I wasn't gonna let some Prick like him talk to you like that, he's lucky he's got an army guarding him.."

after a few seconds of silence they broke the hug and gave each other a smile and looked for Bon Bon, who was on the dock looking at the picture of Lyra she had taken from her house, she thought to herself that she had to go back into Ponyville, get some closure, if Lyra was alive rescue her, then she was done, she would head to Fillydelphia, sit the war out with her parents and live the rest of her life in peace. She loved the adrenaline she got from fighting, but at the end of the day, when the rush died down all she excitement felt was replaced by guilt and a desire to get away from it all. She had her demons she used to silence them with berry at the pub, then she met Lyra..
Bon Bon's Thought were broken by Sifty nudging her on the shoulder.

"You alright?" he said sitting next to Bon Bon

"Not really.." She replied

"Whats the matter?"

"I need to find her, this war, it isn't mine to fight!"

"It's everypony's war Bonnie, we'll find her, I promise."

"Dont make promises you can't keep."

"I don't." He said sternly.
The feeling that Sifty was telling the truth gave her that boost of confidence to not argue with him, and a faint smile grew on her face. Sifty continued

"Listen, I'm going back into Ponyville in three hours."

"Mind if I tag along, you know, to get some answers?"

"If you think you're up it, sure."

"Think you can keep me in check?" She said with a cocky grin.

"I'm freelance Bonnie, anthing goes!" Sifty said returning a grin extending his hoof for a bump, to which Bon Bon gladly returned the gesture to.

--Three Hours Later--

A swift boat pulled up to the dock. A Unicorn mare in Shutter Shades and a Non-Regulation hat behind the controls waved to the trio on the dock.

"The Radio said I was picking up one pony."
Backfire started to backpedal, but Sifty stopped her, Standing his ground the mare on the boat and Sifty stared at each other for a good minute the tension rising in the air before it was broken by laughter between the two and a hug.

"Man, we got you two good!" The mare said, extending her hoof out to shake Bon Bon and Backfire.
"The names Story, But you can call me SP for short, you guys ready to party?"

"Ready doesn't EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE IT!" Sifty said, jumping onto the boat and extending a hoof to help backfire on board, who gladly accepted the assistance. Bon Bon helped herself down before Sifty could offer to.

Looking around the boat she noticed it was very personalized.

"I take it you don't care too much for the rules?" Bon Bon asked

"See that sign up there," she said pointing at a metal sheet with STAY AWESOME etched into it, "THAT is my rule!" she finished with a smile that Bon Bon could only smile back to.

"I like that rule."

"Who doesn't?" SP replied

Then she turned on the engine and the boat roared to life, first puttering then it hit full speed down the river towards Ponyville. Bon Bon taking a seat across from Sifty and Backfire, She looked around, the sky filled with smoke and the occasional War-Bird passing over. Then two Gunships broke formation and followed the Boat. Confused Bon Bon asked

"Why are they following us?"

"We're breaking through some dams the militia built so we asked for some extra firepower."

"Makes sense to me," Bon Bon replied, "Hey, you got a FM radio on this thing?"

"Yea, I'd go crazy if I didn't!" SP replied.

"Turn it to the Classics, I wanna hear some of my times music!"

Everyone but Bon Bon Groaned as the radio blared a rock and roll/12-bar blues song, Bon Bon nodding her head to the music selection, Though for the situation the music was very poorly fitting, Bon Bon did not care, She felt like she was young again.