• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 374 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...

Setting the Trap.

Another week had passed and Bon Bon was fast asleep with Aniseed snuggled next to her, the smiling when suddenly the cave started to fill with smoke, Lightning Dust shook Bon Bon,

"Drops! They found us lets GO!" Bon Bon's eye shot open and she woke Aniseed up

"Come on Anni!" she said grabbing the small radio, her outfit and the Crossbow, Lightning Dust grabbing up the old rifle while Aniseed slipped on both of Rainbow Dashes custom machine pistols, Bon Bon was about to stuff the food in her saddlebag when a white and red canister with a flame painted on it was thrown into the cave enterance,

"GRENADE GET DOWN!" Bon Bon screamed as she jumped on top of Aniseed, throwing a blanket over to cover her from the blast, the canister exploded in a ball of flames and ignited the food the trio had stocked up on, throwing the blanket off she noticed Lightning Dust had taken cover behind a corner of the cave,

"They're in here!" The pony said outside the cave in a muffled voice, his silhouette came into view of Bon Bon who snatched up the tiny remote from beside the now ruined bedding, as she waited the pony stepped into the cave and saw the three,

"GOTCHA!" He said reaching for his rifle but before he could unsling it she had pressed the button and the pony that stood exploded into a red mist, the walls began to shake,

"We gotta go!" Bon Bon said leading the group outside to the sight of the woods ablaze,

"What are they doing!?" Lightning Dust screamed looking around at the chaos.

"They're trying to burn us out." Bon Bon said, she saw in the distance flashlights coming her direction to respond

"So what are we going to do?"

"You have to take Aniseed and get out of here!" Bon Bon ordered the two ponies did not like the sound of this plan

"What!? You're insane!" Lightning Dust

"No, I'm giving you a chance, they're looking for me, not you two, take Aniseed and get her to safety!" she then knelt to Aniseeds level.

"I need you to be safe," she started to cry a little, "Please." Aniseed jumped at her giving her a hug and began to sob

"I don't want to lose you too, everyone I love is taken from me." she said trying to hold back her tears.

"Anni, I will come back for you, I promise." Bon Bon said looking into the fillies eyes, "As long as you promise to be safe for me."

"I promise." Aniseed said tearfully nodding, Bon Bon held her for a little longer, the lights getting closer she let go, her heart fighting every move, she looked at lightning
"You keep her safe."

"I will." she said the two gave shook hooves and Lightning Dust placed Aniseed on her back and ran the other direction deeper into the woods towards the long trek to Ponyville, Bon Bon looking at the lights flicked her hoof causing the crossbow to unfold a small sight popped up as she pulled back the bowstring and loaded the bolt, waiting until the group was nearby then she breathed in she held her breath to focus, noticing the lead pony shouting out orders she pulled the trigger, the bolt struck the pony in the neck, the other mercs panicked by the elimination of their leader.

"It came from this way!" the mercs ran towards the cave only to find their other comrades remains painted on the cave walls,

"Sweet Celestia, what happened!?" They said to each other, trying to create a plan to search the woods for the mare worth a million bits, meanwhile she had ran over to the body of the now deceased pony a look of panic frozen on his face, Bon Bon searched the pony for anything useful and took his grenade belt, and earpiece and radio set, placing it in her ear so she could hear every movement, and a small hoof blade, slipping it on the hoof without the crossbow,

"She ain't here anymore, lets go check on flint and call it in." Bon Bon overheard the conversation and placed a grenade under the stallion she used some of the tape she acquired from Ringo to weigh it down, then she used a string from the ponies coat to wrap around the large hoop pin.

"You want war, you got war you bastards.." Bon Bon coldly said to herself, all she wanted was to live in peace, but every time something had to happen to her, Wonderbolts, Screwloose, EDI, Lunar Coalition, Blueblood, McTalk, she was sick of it all, today she'd send the message to them all that if they got in her way they will die. After setting the
trap she hid behind a tree as the group made it back to their friend,

"Aw buck! He's dead man!" the first merc said

"You think!? He has a bolt in his neck!" the second merc snapped back

"Both of you shut up! We gotta call this in, help me find his radio." another said, she heard them patting down the ponies body, when suddenly she heard a loud metallic ping,

"BUCK GRE-" a loud bang shattered through the woods, Bon Bon stood up the grenade she taped down was not the one she had expected, as she looked at the remnants of the ponies scattering the woods and a large crater where the trap was, the radio came to life,

"Red team, STATUS NOW!" Screwloose demanded over the radio,

"RED TEAM, BUCKING ANSWER!" she repeated then she ordered all the teams to close in on the source of the explosion, Bon Bon picked up the only intact weapon, a belt fed weapon and slung it on her back, then she pulled out her viewing scope and looked through the woods mentally tagging each of the fire teams, three teams of four, she waited nearby until they all regrouped at the small crater in the ground,

"Loose, Red is gone."


"They're dead!"

"Do you know where she is?" Screwloose demanded an answer

"Negativ-wait a minute, sweet celestia! GET DOWN!" the radio was filled with the sound of the belt fed machine-gun tearing through the grouped ponies and griffons, mowing them down in four sweeps the belt ran out and Bon Bon threw the weapon aside.
There was complete radio silence after the events transpired, Rainbow Dash and Screwloose sat silent inside a small command truck outside of the woods,

"What the hay just happened?" Rainbow Dash said, not comprehending the situation overheard. Screwloose replied in a calm, carefree manner,

"She killed the first wave, so what? You send your pawns in to face the queen then BAM you get her with yours!"

"You're Sick, those are living things not chess pieces!"

"Noponies gonna miss them!" "besides, SUPREME Commander McTalk has given me a bottomless bitpurse, so I can just buy some more." then she trotted beside Dash "Come on, we can work together! besides, I have a plan to root her out."

"That is?" Dash said confused,

"We set up a trap of her own!" she said opening Bon Bon's file and pointing to the picture of her parents.


Bon Bon spent the next two days alone in the cold woods, Bon Bon made her way to an open snow coated field, hiding behind a fallen tree, pulling out her scope she looked down range seeing two ponies, an aged stallion and a mare, Bon Bon had not seen any patrols in the past two days since she dealt with the ones by the cave. Focusing in she got a good look at the two ponies, her heart sank, it was Dudley and Lemon Drops, the two bound up and had a patch of cloth over their eyes. Bon Bon's Radio cracked alive.

"Bon Bon, you're losing your edge, even I know modern radios have proximity sensors!" Screwloose mocked over the radio, Bon Bon remained silent. "Now lets get down to buisness, here's how it's going to go down, we have you surrounded and we have a wonderful family reunion right here, so give up or this will become the resting place of the Drops family."

Bon Bon clicked on the microphone on the radio,
"You'll kill them anyways!"

"No she won't," the armored Wonderbolt came out of the woods, "If you come peacefully I promise we will let them go at the DMZ, no strings attached."

"I'd take the offer Bonnibelle," Screwloose said, "You have ten seconds."

Bon Bon began to think over he situation, if she fought back she was a goner, if she didn't give up, her parents were dead, and she was surrounded


"I'm coming out." Bon Bon said in defeat, she removed her weapons and stuffed them into the hallow trunk of the tree. covering the hole with a rock, she then made a off course path to appear like she came from a different angle to hide her gear. As she stepped into the open she noticed multiple squads hidden in trenched on the other side of the field, waiting for her to try anything. "Let them go." Bon Bon said,

"No." Screwloose said, as she did two bullets zipped from the treeline striking Bon Bon in the fake leg causing it to shatter into tiny red pieces, Bon Bon fell into the snow, when she looked up Screwloose was over her with her hoof raised when it came down Bon Bon saw nothing but darkness..

"Take her to the Reformation Camp.." Dash said, the sound of War-birds approaching as Bon Bon faded out.

--ONE DAY LATER: New Paradiso--

The group sat in the bar of the village, ever since the fall of the patriots they slowly rebuilt a small force of local ponies and the remainder of the patriots, they had spent months planning an assault on Fillydelphia, all for two ponies. Suddenly Mir kicked in the door,

"TURN ON THE RADIO, EDI NEWS NOW!" He ordered as the bartender turned the dial of the radio,

\\-J Belle here with the news: Our biggest report, Notorious Terrorist Sweetie Drops who was terrorizing the local populace of Fillydelphia was captured in a daring raid by the heroic Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash, Reports say she has pleaded guilty to counts of treason and is to be executed on Supreme Commander McTalks Birthday in two weeks. This is DJ Belle Signing off, Back to your favorites tunes!//

"Did she just?" Ritz looked at lyra, Ritz now covered in markings like Tatau was his eyes changed from a teal to glazed white.

"She's alive!" The still armored Lyra said excited

"Not in fourteen days." The Bartender said,

"Mir, can we make it to Fillydelphia in time?" Mir thought, a frown grew,

"Luna's forces seized anything that could be used as transportation so as far as that, we're stuck on this island until the cargo ships in three weeks.."

"I have an idea!" Lyra opened the storage compartment in her armor and unfurled a image of the half destroyed Mansion, in the background a Lunar Coalition Carrier with mutiple mimicked Peacemakers on its runway, in the back of the carrier was a large silo, "This was taken a week ago by our scouts, inside is a Magic-powered Missile, if we detonate it midair over the EDI territory, it will cripple anything mechanical for a good day or two, this will give Bon Bon enough time to escape from wherever she is."

"You're putting a lot of faith in blind luck." Mir said,

"Well it's the only thing we can do to help." Lyra said pleading to the group. The bartender said as he slipped on a flak jacket and grabbed a bazooka from under the counter,
"sink some Lunar pricks boat and possibly save a mare, I'm in."

"The bartenders in, so I'm in!" Mir said


"We're gonna need some backup, Attack at Dawn, I'll take care of the forces on the ground.." Ritz said downing the bottle of his potent beverage, jumping down from the barstool he made his way to the cellar, with the press of a button a hole opened in the floor and he dropped down using his one wing to slow the long descent, when he reached the bottom he was inside a large spacious cavern, cracking his neck he breathed in and his markings glowed. Ritz let out a disharmonious scream echoing throughout the cavern, he spoke in the Changeling tongue, to the average pony it sounded nothing more than ear piercing screams, but to the Changelings it was the call of a leader to send his swarm to battle, as he continued his chant the walls began to rustle and millions of the swarm looked at their leader heeding his command, the ground began to crack around ritz as three gigantic six eyed changelings that resembled an arachnid more than a pony rose from the ground. Ritz's multi-toned voice was harsh and filled with hate, in his language he spoke,

"Take the city, leave the boat."

The Swarm mobilized flying around the cavern the three large Changelings started to use their sharp claws to tunnel through the stone walls of the cave towards the city.


Sifty and Ringo were halfway to Fillydelphia,

"You don't talk much do you?" Ringo said,


"So, got any family?"


"So how DID you meet Backfire?"

"She was on the team with me and Bon Bon."

"She's usually very shy you must be some Casanova, that or you have a-" he was cut off by the sound of snow crunching,

"Shut your beak and get down!" Sifty ordered scowling at the Griffon, as they waited a mare came into view of the two, when they stood up they pointed their rifles at the mare,

"Don't move!" Sifty said,

"I was about to say the same." The mare said with a smirk, then behind them was a filly with two machine pistols on her hooves.

"Drop em'!" She said her voice to the point

"YOU AGAIN," Ringo said, "Can't you just fight fair?!"

The filly noticed the pony was wielding a machete and remembered the story's Bon Bon told her,


"That's me, Do I know you?" He said his voice remained neutral. Aniseed lowered her weapons and a glimmer of hope shone in her eyes.

"Dust! It's Sifty, he can help us!"

After the group filled each other in on recent events as they ate, the filly savoring the meal, while Lightning gobbled it up quickly.

"So where is she now?"

"We went separate ways when they attacked, I fear she may have been captured or worse.." Dust said handing him a makeshift map of the forest she grabbed before they left,

"I see, Ringo, take them back to Ponyville and meet me at the cave where they were, QUIETLY!"

"As you wish Boss, come on you two." Ringo placed Aniseed in his messangerbag and the two flew away leaving Sifty alone in the woods.

"Bonnie what have you gotten yourself into?" he said continuing on his way.