• Published 8th Jul 2013
  • 374 Views, 1 Comments

Chronicles of Bon Bon - Anonimoose

In the future, Bon Bon awakens in a hospital bed her leg missing and a war raging outside, how it began she doesn't know, but shes about to become a part of something bigger than she ever expected!

  • ...


The ponies stood in the blazing shop, staring at each other, Bon Bon stared at the bipedal mare who stood in the doorway, her large weapon on her back letting both hooves hang at her sides. Bon Bon's head started spinning and she lost her balance, saving her from the hard landing was a magic aura picking her and Sifty up, levitating them to Skullface's hooves.

Bon Bon woke up lined up on a wall next to Sifty, Backfire, Story and a captured private, their front hooves tied with rope behind their backs
"Where are we?" Bon Bon said confused, looking around, then she saw in front of here three stallions, two wearing carnival like attire, and one in a business suit.
"You my dear, are in way over your little head." The stallion in the suit said.

"Blueblood!" Sifty Snarled, "You Traitor!"

"Traitor? ME?" Blueblood said offended

"You jumped sides when we were losing, you're nothing more than a spineless puss!" Sifty Spat

"No, You see since you all are going to die, I figure you should know the truth." Blueblood said looking at his hoof and cleaning it off with his jacket.

"You see," Flim said with a malicious grin, "We made a deal." Flam finished bearing the same grin.

"We found if we placed the princesses into secure bunkers far away from each other and placed a magic barrier over them, only what WE want them to hear gets through." Blueblood said.

"Indeed my friend!" The brothers said in unison.

"With just the right amount of information, The Princesses both think they're losing the war. In turn, Celestia buys more weapons from Flim and Flam and we buy ours from a 'Third Party Contractor'." he said nudging his head to Flim and Flam.
"We've worked real hard to make sure that everything looks so authentic too! The 'militia' is nothing but a bunch of under-trained mercenaries!" Blueblood said his monologue continued of his master plan to make this war an endless cycle and how with the demand for better technology it was only a matter of time before the Saddle Arabians and griffons would be dragged into the conflict for resources. The Bon Bon felt something loosen her restraints and place a familiar grip, her shotgun into her hooves, looking through the side of her eye she notices a golden aura placing a machete in Sifty's Hoof to cut the rope, and small side arms into SP and Backfire's hooves, looking up she noticed Skullface standing looking straight at her, her shoulder cannons laser pointer was flashing,
- .-- --- / .-.. . ..-. - / --- -. . / .-. .. --. .... - / - .... .-. . . / .. -. / -.-. . -. - . .-. (one left, two right, three in center)

"Why are you telling us this?" Bon Bon asked Broadly as not to let the trio onto whatever Skullface was planning.

"It's nothing personal," Blueblood said using his magic to pull out a small revolver, Shooting the head off the Random captured stallion. Backfire let out a panicking scream, getting a slap to the face from Flam. "It's just business."

"I'LL BUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" Sifty said his eyes burning with rage, instead of cutting the rope, he stood up RIPPING it apart, Targeting Flam the threw his Machete, striking him right between the eyes. Blueblood and Flim were immediately covered in a protective bubble as the pair cowardly ran away in terror of their plan gone awry, Bon Bon seizing the moment aimed her shotgun at the two ponies to her right blasting bother barrels at point blank range into their faces filling the air with a fine red mist. Bon Bon looked over to her left the pony primed his rifle to shoot her but in the blink of an eye what was a pony, now was only a crater and falling debris. Looking to the source, Bon Bon saw Skullface now wielding her large cannon, its barrel smoking.

"I SAID ONE LEFT!" Skullface said throwing Bon Bon's saddlebag at her, Bon Bon catching it and putting it on.

"You still didn't answer my question.." Bon Bon stated, reloading her shotgun.

"I'll tell you when we get out of here," Skullface said "We have to get out of here."

"Whats happening?"

"As of now all of you have been disavowed by your country for the murder of Soarin' and terrorism, we have to get out of Ponyville before the CDI's main force arrives."

"Who do you work for?" Bon Bon asked,

"The Good Guys." Skull Stated.

"Where will we go?" Backfire asked her hooves trembling due to the sudden realization, Sifty coming over to comfort the mare, though it did not lower her fear, she still felt better knowing she wasn't alone.

"The badlands in the territory of the Diamond Dog's, nopony will dare go there." Skull said

"Why should we trust you?" Sifty said

"Cause im the mare with the Big guns!" Skull Said reloading her cannon letting the oversized shell hit the ground with a loud *PING!*

In a split second a spotlight illuminated the group, a War-Bird circling them began to open fire from the door gun,

"WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE ASSHOLE!" Sifty shouted as the ponies dove for cover.

"They don't know that, as far as the army is concerned, you're all traitors." Skull said using a barrier to protect the group as they took refuge inside a building.
After letting out an onslaught of swear words, Sifty was eventually calmed down by Backfire.
"What do we do?" He asked,

"There's an armored truck at the end of the road, we will have to fight through the armies but I know we can make it."
As the ponies stacked up at the door, Skullface kicked it in with her hoof, the leg augments causing the door to fly off its hinges and into the street. The outside of the house was surrounded by the fourteen of the 'militia', In a booming voice Skullface yelled while kicking in the door, "PATRIOTS SHOW YOUR WORTH!" and in an instant half of the forces turned on their comrades executing all of the non-patriots before the door could hit the ground.

"Holy Celestia.." Bon Bon said in amazement, Skullface replied,
"I said I was with the good guys, didn't say it was Luna."
Turning to her comrades in arms Skullface gave the order to advance on the truck, the Patriots patrolled down the street gunning down the various mercenaries, When they reached the truck everypony loaded inside, Skullface and Bon Bon were the last ones in, as they entered the armored truck they sealed the back hatch, with the slam of Skullface's hoof on the side the Truck Started to drive escaping the city as tanks could be seen entering the city.

"I Guess I owe you one." Bon Bon said.

"and I owe you some answers." Skullface said lifting her mask, her mint colored mane shone in the night sky and her golden eye's paralyzed Bon Bon in place.

"Surprised to see me?" Lyra Heartstrings said with a smile.