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It Is Finished · 4:59am Nov 7th, 2012

(Picture by Darkflame)

Well, actually, it needs to be fully proofread and edited, but all things considered, it is finished.

I must apologies to you marsupials for my silence as of late. Well, I suppose it's not that I've been quiet, I just haven't had anything special to say.

There is a reason fort that, of course. Other than wasting my life away on the Internet, I've been fumbling desperately to finish a certain monster that I have created. You may be quite aware of this monster. She's two and a half feet tall and breathes hot flaming philosophy.

(I'll give you a hint; she's not the one with the bazooka.)

Well, at least in my mind, poni poni poni are two feet tall. They're way more cuddable that way. Anyone who doesn't believe that can go die from a flare gun ten inches from a health pack in TF2. F'naaa.

So, yes. It is finished, at least in rough draft form. These are not gargantuan globs of strawberry preserves, my fair marsupials. These are tiny things, fragile and brittle, like kidney stones. You can fit all of BP18, BP19, and BP20 shoulder to shoulder inside the Morning Dew Chapter and still have room to tango.

That doesn't change the fact that they were really dayum hard to write. After all, kidney stones come out painfully and full of all sorts of yuck like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. Only, in this case, Morpheus isn't graceful enough to dodge the punches. Background Pony is prepared to go all T.S. Eliot on the Mos Eisley of our collective subconscious, and that's not the most cheerful thing to witness, much less to be at the sinking helm of. Anyone who's ever had to stand in the room and watch your dying cat be put to sleep may understand. Anyone who owns a dog should be off reading Sonic Fanfiction anyways.

(Extremely fucking relevant)

So, we come to the matter of posting this female dog. How do we go about doing it? I'm ready to kill the beast like Gaston with shrunken nuts. So long as my pre-readers are along for the ride (and we must realize that they are human beings with organs of their own to preserve {not so much with cryogenic freezing but with self respect [in other words, they've helped me through hellwater and deserve a breather ~TILDA~]}), then I think I can aim for something soon. Like the end of Disc 1 at the tip of Masamune soon. Like sometime in the next four days soon.

BP18 is essentially its own animal. Not only that, but most of the fine ninja lemurs of SATGF have tackled it already. I intend to edit that tomorrow. Assuming everything goes well, I can have that up late tomorrow evening or very early on November Eighth.

BP19 and BP20 are queer little ducks. They're inseperable, like a massive drop kick and the concussion to follow. Unless the marsupial audience has decided to become Scott Steiner overnight, I expect these two installments to sell. Either they'll have eyes tearing, or torches and pitchforks banging outside my window. Long story short, I gotta post them at the same time, and I think I know just the right occasion for such a train wreck.

So, assuming all goes as planned, Background Pony Chapters 19 and 20 shall both go up, simultaneously, on November Tenth. Wham, right in the Faustular. How's that for history, crystal ponies?

Again, this is going to be a day by day thing, and it's not like the conclusion of Background Pony is the arrival of the Space Pope or something. But, it's what I'm aiming for. Assuming my faithful pre-readers don't crucify me for the declaration, and barring I don't die from a holiday retail related incident, this Saturday is what I'm aiming for. Goodbye, farewell, and amen.

Now onto other, more smexy things in the world of skirts.

Starting with...


Whew. Yeah. So I wrote chapter 5 of this animal. It was pretty meh, but I had fun doing it. It's not nearly as awesome as this beast of a chapter, presented by everyone's favorite Jack Skellington of Jubilation, Ponky Aiken.

No wait. That's not him. This is him. Sorry, I get confused easily. I blame the basking sharks.

So if you have the time, go and check out this little abomination of cooperative vomit. But definitely check out chapter three. It's the tastiest vomit of vomits, cuz it's full of :Ponkyvomit:

Needthistool's Audio Reading of Background Pony Chapter 2

Some of you may remember this marsupial. He did an uber sexy read of Background Pony Chapter 1. I made an exuberant mention of him here. Well, it turns out he's back again, attributing his talents to a chapter of the fic that I wrote so damn long ago that even I forgot the title until I heard it drip like ambrosia from his godlike lips. If you too would like to sip nectar on the vestiges of Youtube Mt. Olympus, check out his entire presentation. It's guaranteed to not make you jump off a town hall rooftop in the midst of existential amnesiac ennui.

Needthistool Presents BP02: Lunatic's Dream.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Wait, what's this? Short Skirts and Explosions Can Talk?

For those of you who may or may not be in the know, there's a certain famous lemur who prowls the desert grass of Fimfiction, looking for unsuspecting authors to pounce upon and eviscerate with his red hot spotlight-sharing claws. He's extended this grace to the likes of a few pony fic writers you may have heard of, and now he's extending the same offer of audio disembowlment to me.

This isn't exactly something that's come from left field. Ages ago, before I experimented with my brony self, Wanderer D offered me a chance to be interviewed on the dirty dirty Interwebs, and I said "nay." Truth is, I'm not exactly the most social robot butterfly, and my voice--when it's not stuttering or spitting out huge globules of fuck--sounds roughly like Hugo Weaving with water on the brain.

Well, the conversation came up again a week and a half ago. In a lethargic yawn, I asked him who else would be on the panel. When he mentioned that Vimbert and Chromosome would be sharing the auditory chair, I do believe my keyboard flew through the ceiling. I said "yes" with the thunder of an angry Nietzsche, but only after Christopher Reevesing my way around the equator several times in a flaming wheelchair. I think I scared him, cuz Wanderer shat out a bunch of blog posts before eventually crawling back to me, trembling like Jim Broadbent during an extravagant dance number, and I'm pretty sure he said something to the exent of "I was afk, what was that spazzfest for?"

Since then, Cold in Gardez has joined the party, and he brings honor, smexxiness, awesomeness, and extra materia. Seriously, go check out his stuff, and make sure you junction Ifrit and Shiva to him. Cuz he's beyond awesome.

Apparently this shindig is gonna go down on November 20th, which is as good as ever a last day for me to enjoy before retail sucks my colon out from my bowels. I'm saving the year's last bottle of Dr. Pepper for then, because everyone wants to hear a ogreriffic Agent Smith belching between slurred attempts at turning pastel colored ponies into a topic of super serious literary debate. For anyone who really wants to launch the slings and arrows of your angry questions at me, go click on this blue hyperlink and spam the latiaspheliac's blog with them, and from then you can proceed to map out your escape route from the schoolbook depository overlooking where the livestream will pass through downtown Skypeville.

I mean it. Go there, dammit. Don't spam this blog with your questions. I will telepathically think anti-feminist mascots into your cerebral cortex.

KaPOW... there goes your first kiss.

You know what would be awesome? If someone drew Princess Belle riding a latias while waving around a bottle of Jack Daniels. That's a marriage made only in Fimfiction.

Yeah, I think this blog is done.

Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 1,662 views ·
Comments ( 84 )

That picture is EXACTLY how I imagined it would be. YES!

The worst thing is... I just had to put down my cat two weeks ago.

On happier notes, does this mean we will get more EoP?


That's Quite A Lot To Take In Sir..
Excuse Me While I Go Dunk My Head Underwater.

What is this? I don't even-

Its as entertaining as reading any tf2 update

Well, all good things must come to an end....
and holy hell that was a long blog post.

Wait, there is already a reading of this? CRAPPPPPPPPP!!!! I was planning on making

What dafuq did I just read? :rainbowhuh:

:pinkiegasp: The end! Oh my god! You better give us a satisfactory conclusion and epilogue and not go all Serial Experiment Evengelion on us! :twilightangry2:

I'm going to have to set aside some hours to read it all!!!

My face feels like magic.
Saturday might not work for me. I need time to read... [what chapter am I on?] the last twelve chapters of that female dog. I would just flip a Leroy Jenkins at it but with the way my legally binding contract I don't remember making with the state is going, I'm going to need more of a Duke Nukem Forever, y'know? Just not as shitty.

D'awww, thanks Skirts. You're a real pal.

Good things ahead. Lots of very, very good things.

I am spraying joy from several orifices.

Lyra is blocking the view :trixieshiftleft:

I always imagined the unsung realm with... well... more green colors... but i like how blue is dominating the place

I think I'm going to have to hold off on the premiere just because I want it to cheer me up after getting roundhoused by the end of BP.

Any Swedish Fish?

Twilight is really, really enjoying that sub. She even had to tie herself down to eat it. I commend the effort!

Also, the end of BP! Awesome to finally see the conclusion, but sad that it's over. Like a sad awesome.

Seems like a crapton of great stuff in the near future as well.

The final chapters of background pony and the start of season 3 on the same day? wow, just wow.

So, assuming all goes as planned, Background Pony Chapters 19 and 20 shall both go up, simultaneously, on November Tenth.

I got what I came for

Background Pony is almost over.
I reply... this.

The following sentence is surprisingly relevant: apparently my name is Pilate. That or I'm more rusty with my binary than I thought.

You sir, are literally a person I look up to. I'm gonna cry incredibly hard when I finally finish Background Pony, man. It IS the greatest story I've ever laid my eyes on, period. Along with Tommy Giles Rogers and Matthew Gray Gubler you are an idol to me. And for that I congratulate you. Thank you so much for putting me through this kind of amazing reading experience. :heart:

Well dammit. The end of BP, is neigh.
I'm still on Ch. 10. So, either I'm going to take a vacation from life for the next few days and catch up, or I'll just have to release my rage way after it's the cool thing to do. Hopefully there's still enough left of you by then to vent/throw praises at.
Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

>can go die from a flare gun ten inches from a health pack in TF2
I am a pyro and I support this message.

I'm glad I woke up to this, although I'll save my thanks for you writing Background Pony when I've read it all and I'm probably reduced to a trembling, sobbing wreck.

As for the interview...thingy with the other authors, it's understandable that you'd be a bit nervous before hand. If I had the opportunity I'd go for it faster than a facehugger leaps onto someone's face but just before it'd start I would be reluctant. My voice is extremely monotonousness so I often just put on really loud and weird voices because I'm a weird freak eccentric. Whatever the case, I'll have fun listening to you and the others! Should prove interesting.

November 10th...

I cannot contain this excitement.

So anyone else going to re-read BP once it ends? I think I need to get the whole story in one big artery clogging chunk to get the full effect. That'll keep me occupied for at least a week.

I don't even know why.

i cannot express in words just how eager i am to read the final few chapters to BP.

MOAR BP FINALLYYYYYY :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Not enough Princess Leia, she's a Disney Princess now too you know!

Why must good things come to an end? To be hones I was hoping the last 3 chapters would be long, but I kinda figured that wouldn't be possible. Well, no matter what fate has in store for Lyra, we will never forget her. Well, not until we are senile or dead or in the future with flying cars and holodecks and grandkids to make us forget everything we once thought we knew about life.

Still no mention of EoP... Come on Skirts, I'm dying here. BP isn't depressing enough, I need my EoP fix.

Awwww yeah!!!! This is gonna be an epic couple of days :pinkiehappy:

Plus that binary. . . I'm confuzzled and speculating :pinkiegasp:

EDIT: . . . nevermind, I get it now. (I'm so slow sometimes >.>)

Looking forward to the panel, I shall mark my calender.... but more importantly..... BACKGROUND PONY IS FINISHED!!! Sweet, now I can finally start reading it... I caved before and started reading it, but quickly ran out of material. I was disappointed. But now I can go back :yay:

that blog post quite possibly contained more blue text than Chapter XI (eleven) of Background pony.


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How do you find the time to write so much? You must be writing around 5k words a day, and i mean a day, not every other week or 4 or 5 days a week like other hardcore authors. There's so much going on in your head, and I want to eat it all, but I think I'll need a bigger spoon.

Looking forward to it. I've been holding off on the last few chapters of BP, knowing it's coming to an end I wanted to get a few hundred words in for the last go. Most fanfiction epics kinda stall at the grand finale; here's hoping you can keep up your usual standards.

I'm also really looking forward to that livestream thing. The last one was damn cool, and this time around we have somewhat more prolific authors; maybe we'll have a little more variety in stories discussed.

So.... background pony to end nov 10th hopefully? This is all i tried to get out of your crazy blog cause i didnt understand much else

As with most of SS&E blogs.....I have absolutely NO IDEA what he was trying to tell me...:rainbowhuh:

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