• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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375. Slush Rush.

-Pokémon Realm, Mystery Dungeon, Icy Ruins, Floor B13, Dolly-

I think we lost the large bouncing purple spiky thing in the maze, but we were running through the corridors blind and that wasn’t a good thing. Nearly bashed Pom’s face against the corners twice, Dormarch was at least doing a good job at making sure our collectively backs were covered.

Could have used that Sitrus Berry though, didn’t know that Dormarch would be dragged down the staircase with us as soon as I booked it. I was kind of missing the weight of the Digivice thing on my neck, but it did belong to my little bro and he didn’t seem upset about having it back given how he was stuck with it previously.

There’s a lot of stuff going through my head now and we had to find a way out before we get crushed or whatever a place like this does when it collapses.

We randomly came to a room and there was a staircase, there was a Pokémon in the way and it was wandering around the staircase aimlessly. Didn’t see any way to heal Pom, when was she going to wake up?

I checked Pom’s injuries through our bond, yeah I can see why she wasn’t waking up. Nothing for it, we had to fight… or… I glanced at Dormarch.

“Dormarch, use Search Hunter to get to the staircase.” Just confirming something here, so we don’t have to have a problem fighting the nearby monster. Said monster was an orange refrigerator wobbling around randomly in the room we stood outside of and it hadn’t noticed us yet, I really didn’t want to get into a fight with an ice box and I didn’t want to lose a fight with a stupid ice box.

Dormarch glanced at me and I swapped places with him, he immediately did that teleporting trick and was down the staircase, seconds later I was sitting next to him in another room.

“So just one of us has to reach an exit?” I asked idly as we were in a room full of stuff, I think I saw some of those healing blueberries here, score!

“We should stick together, given the monsters in this place can appear out of nowhere almost anywhere… well except in a teleport fragmentation scenario.” Now Dormarch was looking at what I was. “Oran berries, we could use those immediately!”

“Quick question, and I know I shouldn’t be asking this now of all times, but what happened with the Doe guy?” The eye roll I received as Dormarch quickly went to grab up one of the berries for Pom.

“His name is Fou… or at least that’s what mom calls him Dolly. I’d estimate he’s still alive, if he hasn’t left the Mystery Dungeon, then he could be in front of us or behind us.” He could be anywhere really, that is what you were saying Dormarch.

“Let’s loot this room and find the staircase!” What panic attack? Dolly D. Dalmatian wasn’t afraid of a beast that nearly caved her face in, no way. I’m completely fine despite nearly having half my face clawed off in one blow by him.

“I can feel you panicking about Fou possibly coming after us Dolly.” Right Dormarch was part of our bonds again. “We need to keep our heads about us here.”

“Well it’s best not to wait for it to happen right, so a little hurrying would be expected given we were just chased by a spike firing mutant vertical clam, what among this stuff do you think is useful? These orbs do really weird things right?” My stomach rumbled, I ignore the three or so orbs and quickly picked up some bananas that were sitting on the floor. Not caring about whether they were safe to eat or not, I split them and tossed half to Dormarch. “Eat up, while we have a chance.”

“Right.” Dormarch peeled the two bananas I gave him and I watched him eat them as I ate my bananas, they were really good and really fresh bananas… had to wonder about them being in a place like this and still tasting so good.

Needed to watch my sugar intake afterwards though, it was getting pretty high from eating that apple earlier and I knew what was healthy… Mother Delilah drilled that into my head even if I did like junk food for dogs. Wonder if peanut butter is a thing we can get more of, might comfort me about not having kibble… stop craving the kibble Dolly… you can’t get any here.

“What about the seeds?” I saw the few seeds around on the floor.

“Do we want to risk another exploding seed that almost took off mom’s head?” Dormarch asked as he was more interesting in a blue scarf that looks similar to the Pecha Scarf I had around my neck.

Hey, I remembered what Pecha Berries were! Instant anti-poison stuff, so very mystical that I could possibly walk through toxic waste and be fine.

“Fair, but one might be a reviver.” It did need to be said and if we had one of those, then I knew Pom would be much safer than she was right now.

“Can’t risk it, we only have an idea of what the berries do.” Dormarch had already gathered the two Oran Berries that were in the room, those were definitely for Pom.

“Should we take any of these orbs or just break them immediately?” We had no idea what they would do. “I think they generally do good things.”

“Giving the healing berries to Pom is a first priority at the moment… and watching out for traps. I have a vague recollection of you and Pom setting off numerous horrific traps already.” Yeah, with a room full of stuff like this, I’d almost expect that trap where everything turns into monsters to be around here somewhere. “Besides the orbs may have dangerous effects too, we can’t always rely on them to be a good thing.”

“Still going to carry them though, if it comes right down to it we’ll use them and hope for the best.” Since turning to stone or doing that and teleporting to a staircase has been exceedingly useful. I picked up the three orbs and stashed them with our floating Pom balloon. Shouldn’t that have worn off by now? Dormarch immediately got the two berries between his claws and I carefully took control of Pom’s body to open her mouth, he slowly squeezed the juice out of them and I made her swallow the good stuff down. I could even taste it because I was controlling Pom, so that was nice. “Yeah, I can feel that Pom is getting better from that already. So taking that scarf?”

“Yeah, no clue what it does, but… wearing it seems to be doing something. So it’s something like your Pecha Scarves.” It at least looked nice around my little bro’s neck, blue was a good color for him.

“As long as it doesn’t do anything horrible, it looks nice on you. Now that we got some healing for Pom and her complexion is looking better…” As soon as I said it, Pom suddenly flopped to the floor on her back. “Still looks healthy, Float!”

“How many more times can you do that?” Asked Dormarch for obvious reasons as he sent Pom worried looks as she hovered right back into the air.

“Unless I can get a recharge soon, not many.” I had like three in me at the moment, but that’s because the spell wasn’t as intensive on my skull as my other ones. “So do you think Pom would appreciate these giant jelly beans too?”

“Its food, grab them and then let’s move out before a Pokémon shows up, we’ll use them in an emergency.” Sounds good to me Dormarch.

Took a minute to pick up the strange jelly beans, they were more like fruit gummies and then we needed to start looking for that staircase down.

Dormarch took the lead and was striking the floor with the umbrella spear as we made for an exit, this room had been a decent treasure trove.

I wonder if Dylan would be jealous of me traversing a dungeon in real life and not just his pretend fantasy of Poodlewolf.

Dormarch revealed a trap with his careful floor smacking and we avoided being skewered by iron spikes coming up from the floor.

Then again, Dylan would be more worried that I ended up in such a dangerous place to begin with and would fret over me. The only way he’s going to know about this is after the fact and I have already survived it, which is why we needed to get out of here ASAP. Really needed to show them that Dormarch was back among the living, just needed to survive imminent death first.

We quickly exited the room with loot after going around the spike trap and came to another room after a corridor sections, no staircases.

Moving on, we came to a room with the staircase, we immediately ran into it. So we had some luck this floor, don’t know about the next.

Once again we were on a new floor in a blink and next to each other, we quickly looked around and prepared for a fight. One Pokémon, lithe, icy blue colors and like one of the foxes Pom befriended before we came in here.

“I’ve got this.” Dormarch was a lot healthier than I was, even roughed up, but his battle record was… not too bad actually, he wasn’t exactly formally trained by Pom on how to fight and it showed. Wonder how good he would be with training, did wonders for me.

“Right, I’ll watch Pom while you deal with it.” I moved back while Dormarch blocked a blast of fog from the fox’s mouth by opening the spear.

I didn’t know what cold was aside from that occasional chilly wind. If I’m always warm, then at least Pom wouldn’t freeze over with me nearby.

The ice blue fox suddenly glowed white and lunged forward, Dormarch planted the back end of the spear against the floor and braced as the fox hit the canopy with a ‘clang’ and bounced off into the wall.

Yeah, didn’t know if the canopy of the lance-sol was made of metal or not, but that, it looked like it hurt.

Dormarch closed up the weapon and then ran forwards and swung it into the fox’s head making them disappear like most of the monsters we’ve beaten here.

“Come on!” Dormarch stated as he cautiously tested the floor and led us to an exit from this room.

-A few floors later, fifteen minutes left, B19-

The last few floors were not too hard, we avoided the large majority of dangerous monsters and spent a lot of time peeking into rooms and going around them if they proved too dangerous. Like those ice hedgehogs with lifeless eyes with intent to slaughter us with their big claws. I swear those things were more like ice blue porcupines of death with how they sometimes surged at us rolling up into balls of ice blades that reminded me of one of Shanty’s techniques and a video game porcupine who has a half successful series and awesome music.

In any case, if I can’t bring Pom near the exit then Dormarch can just teleport to the staircase and drag us along to the next floor.

“Ice bear turn around, different way, different way!” Dormarch called out from the corner ahead and turn around I did as he started coming back this way, the large ice bears were scary to deal with and one has already roughed Dormarch up for his troubles in actually beating it.

Sure He still managed to take one down, but that was enough to let him know that it was better that we avoided the bears, especially when they were in tight corridors with us.

We went back to an intersection as Pokémon were now more often mindlessly stalking the corridors between rooms. It was Dormarch’s turn to choose a direction, other than the one we came from.

“Left!” Dormarch called out as he came up to me and we heard stomping from the corridor we just retreated from.

Taking a left, at the end of the corridor we came to a dead end with no other entrances, thankfully the small room had the staircase in it as the stomping grew worse from the direction we came from.

“Fou!” A roar shook the whole floor as fighting took place, the sounds of claws on fur and flesh could be heard faintly heard.

Both Dormarch and I froze in horror.

“You remember how I said Fou could be anywhere… yeah, thankfully we know where he is now.” Dormarch shivered with a weak smile, we both dove for the staircase together. “The unfortunate side of that information is how close to us he currently is and he’s still after mom.”

We were on the next floor when things started rumbling badly and I could even feel a chill breeze flow through the dungeon… that… that definitely wasn’t a good kind of wind, it was ominous and had my hackles jumping for the ceiling. I couldn’t get cold, but that… there was something chilling in the air when I felt it.

“Dolly, we have to get moving faster, I think the Mystery Dungeon is about to collapse.” Dormarch was right, we also needed to stay ahead of Enmity before he caught up to us.

“Mhhh… co-collapse… what…” Pom slowly opened her eyes and we looked to her, as she stirred in the air above the back end of my board. “Where… Dormarch, oh my goodness!”

“I’m here, and I’m mostly okay!” Dormarch called out and Pom flipped in air to… not stand on her hooves. She quickly untangled herself from the board strap and took a few quick step on air to hover above Dormarch while looking down, it’s kind of weird that she had some control over her floating. “No amount of therapy will ever solve the things that are wrong with me mentally, so let’s just go with me being perfectly fine.”

“Um… awkward question, but…” Yes Pom, I had to use float on you to move you around, I thought it was better than me puppeteering your body into danger while leaving my own exposed. It’s not like I could control both of them at the same time, don’t exactly have the doggy brain power for that. Sent her an abridged recent history on things. “Right, thanks for filling me in Dolly. It should cancel itself out soon right? I kind of want my hooves on the floor.”

“We’re down at least twenty floors and we don’t have much time left as the dungeon is threatening to collapse.” Dormarch stated while looking up at Pom hovering above him.

“Correction, dungeon is likely already in a state of collapse, it has yet to reach the floor you are currently on.” Well Yiggy had no filter or emotions to speak of, no point in getting angry at them for stressing Pom out. “The spatial anomaly fluctuations are worsening as we talk, I advise finding exits faster.”


Happy hug and cuddle stuff for later, finding a way out of here now!

“Spear?” I asked and held out a hoof, Dormarch quickly tossed it up to me. I held it tightly and at the ready as I lunged forward by kicking my hind legs and took out a vertically opening clam thing when it opened up. The pearl with a face inside it didn’t see it coming in time to close up. I jammed the weapon home hard enough to make the monster immediately disappear. “Thank you.”

“Oh and Fou was right behind us before we got here.” Dolly dropped idly.

“I say we follow Yggdrasil System’s advice.” I immediately started for one of the three exits to this room with Dormarch riding on Dolly’s board as I ran on air, this was really weird floating along like I was some kind of flying reindeer.

Sure Velvet says she’s not a flying reindeer, but she’s from a place called rein and she could kick off the air nearly infinitely so it’s technically flying given she can gain height like that.

Pom, now was not the time to let your mind wander while you were in danger. Dormarch looks roughed up, Dolly has a somewhat bad injury and we needed to get out of here like yesterday… they also fed me the only two healing berries they managed to acquire over the last number of floors and Dolly could have used one of them.

They were bound to be my good dogs through and through and I couldn’t help but sigh at the idea they didn’t consider letting Dolly have one of the healing berries to deal with her facial trauma.

I made my way over to a corridor, despite floating in the air the exact movements were as if I was on the floor itself. It made it easy to navigate until I stopped floating, Can’t wait to get my hooves back on the solid floor.

Down the corridor, we ended up in a room, no staircase here. I went to the nearest corridor out and kept going with Dolly and Dormarch behind me as we came upon another room with three other exits.

“Is this what you two have been dealing with?” I asked as I looked into the room and ran forward, Dolly took a step and backed off as a trap went off.

“Yes, also floating definitely has its advantages.” Dormarch stated as he and Dolly went around the trap and I had just passed over it.

“Fou!” We all froze for a moment at hearing the distant sound of the beast and we didn’t see him.

I immediately made my way for a corridor in the opposite direction of that angry noise, at least the Feral Pokémon would be drawn to him more than us with how loud he is. Dolly and Dormarch certainly didn’t disagree with the direction we were going.

“I would ask how he’s still coming after us, but I’m of the opinion that he just wasn’t natural to begin with.” Having seen the kind of attack I witnessed Dormarch use against him, I’m surprised Fou is still capable of being viably threatening.

Next room two Pokémon, I darted to the side in the air avoiding some nasty icicles and then dashed forward and downwards to slammed home the lance into the ice bears gut pushing them back. It tried to claw at me and I just hovered out of reach, then had to avoid an icicle attack from a floating snowflake thing that started to stretch out chain like tendrils for me.

A Retriever bark and a subsequent skateboard slam from Dolly kept the snowflake off me as I focused on avoid the claws swipes from the ice bear. Pokémon that occurred here in the Mystery Dungeon just seemed to work together when it came to attacking dungeon intruders.

Okay the bear’s limbs were making it a bit rough to approach, so I reeled back the spear and chucked it into the bear’s skull. The bear disappeared immediately with a meaty smack of the spearing smashing them between the eyes instead of a worse place like on their icy beard which would have taken the impact more.

I turned to fire a bark blast into the glowing snowflake monster that was attacking my lovable companions. The blast sent it into the wall and after bouncing off, it was slammed back into the wall immediately by Dormarch firing off a Retriever Bark and Dolly performed an overhead edge of her board finisher that took it out.

“Fou?!” Okay that one sounded much closer.

I didn’t say anything I made for the corridor and both Dolly and Dormarch didn’t need to be told to follow me as we went down the winding corridor, only one of us needed to reach the exit for all of us to exit. So why hadn’t Fou followed us down when we entered the last exit, does it have to do with the fact that we were a group?

We eventually reached the room and found the staircase, Fou appeared at the other end of the room as soon we got here. He glared at me angrily, his hair flared wildly as he growled in my direction.

Dolly quickly took something from the bag and threw it as hard as she could at Fou, it was one of those orbs?

The orb shattered, against Fou and… it didn’t seem to do anything Fou glared and looked a little off as if his eyes started sliding right off me. He then started running straight at us… we all moved to the side and then he just was past us… and continued going down the corridor we just came through? What the… I don’t even… how? I knew he was staring at us previously, what did that orb do to him exactly?

“Well that was weird.” Dolly stated simply as we watched Fou disappear.

“I think that orb may have made him lose sight of us or we might have become invisible to him in a myriad of ways.” Dormarch stated as he lunged down the staircase. “He looked a bit confused there for a moment.”

We appeared at the top of a snowy mountain, however I noted that I didn’t see anything for miles on end in the distance aside from the bottom of the mountain.

“Phew, we’re finally out.” Dolly relaxed.

“Negative, detecting the surroundings you are still within spatial anomaly, however the exit to the spatial anomaly is here. Detecting stable reality down the end icy valley far below you, beyond the frozen lake.” Looking at the indicated valley that Yggdrasil System mentioned, we were in the mouth of a cave high up at the start of it. Above the cave was a lot of what I recognized as loose snow, unlike Zootopia this place didn’t have a claustrophobic fissure valley at least.

“I think I see the exit…” Dormarch stated while pointing as the world began rumbling quite badly, the sky started cracking above where we were. “Not good.”

“Heightened dimensional instability, collapse imminent.” Thanks for informing us of that Yggdrasil System.

“Dormarch can you put Dolly inside the Digivice?” I quickly asked.

“No, I’d need time we probably don’t have.” Nice and snappy answer Dormarch.

“Can you at least store her board, this spear and yourself?” Dormarch nodded and he put himself in the digivice after taking Dolly’s skateboard and the paralance, Dolly hooked the device to her neck and climbed up onto my back.

“Fou!” Fou appeared behind us and he looked fairly angry, well time to make him even angrier!

I needed to add even more fear to my lambkin brain so I could effectively use it!

I let out a bark blast above the cave entrance and snow started rumbling.

“Haste me!” There was no hesitation in my asking for it.

“Haste!” As soon as the effect of Dolly’s spell took hold I immediately blitzed forward away from Fou who was still in the middle of hitting an afterimage of me as an avalanche started.

-Insert “Rift’s Collapsing, Hurry Up!!” (A Hat in Time X Wario Land 4 Mashup) here-

Pom was rushing down the slope the speed of fear burning in her heart, the Haste doubling her natural capabilities and when Fou tried to surge out of the second avalanche he got caught in because of her, she exhaled and burst ahead of the thundering snow with a Dancing Flame which she started to cyclic breath to keep bursting forward with every single breathe.

Pom’s hooves were are blur as Dolly hung on for dear life as Pom continued to blur down the slope faster than a snowboarder would.

An ice pillar erupted from the ground a Pom flickered left and had to flicker to the right as several more started popping up her path. She wasn’t even a quarter of the way down the slope and into the valley proper when ice pillars started sprouting up everywhere.

Two pillars burst out of the ground almost horizontally ahead of Pom. She kicked her rear half and slid under them before they collapsed downwards. Sending snow flying up behind them as Dolly looked back and clung to speeding Pom tighter as icicles came flying up out of the avalanche.

Pom flicked her head back at Dolly and Dolly started relaying the massive flying bits of ice coming at them were going.

With the information Dolly was relaying to her Pom dodge left and right as large pillars of sharpened ice rained from above or popped up from below.

Pom’s eyes were frantically shifting left, right, up and down so fast it didn’t even look like she was moving them at all as she was frantically trying to keep up with everything while trying to stay ahead of the avalanche she started to give herself motivation to run as hard as she could.

She tried to avoid on pillar when it shift into her path and she quickly used her front left leg to narrowly pivot around it and then it started moving after her as she regained control of her dangerous downwards dash.

Dolly quickly relayed that that ice pillar was alive, seven yellow dots appearing on it in a cross shape focused on Pom as it too gave chase along with the avalanche. It raised its left arm and shot forward to swipe at them from behind as more ice pillars popped up from the ground or came out of the sky.

“Aero!” In an effort to clear the quickly closing wall with no space to dodge through, Dolly sent them flying with a ring of wind.

Pom was launched into the air over a series of pillars that popped up and the ice pillar monster smashed through them all in a single powerful blow and was about to hit a falling Pom with its right arm, only for Fou to come flying out of the Avalanche to start viciously clawing up the ice pillar Pokémon.

Pom was falling at an angle and had little wool to slow her decent or create glide wings so she inhaled and when she felt her hooves touch the slope she exhaled and was once again running full speed which was far faster than they had been falling.

“Incoming!” At Dolly’s shout and looking at the two white fluffy poodle moth like Pokémon flying down, Pom paid attention as she dodge several more pillars of ice at speeds that if she were to ram into them directly she would surely break her neck if she hit them with her forehead.

The two moths fired off Bug Buzz attacks and the green sound wave blasts tore through the snow and ice as Pom ran along dodging around pillars. Leaning under some that landed in front of her then started leaning at acute angles and popping up over pillars that barely raised out of the ground above hoof level in an attempt to trip her.

One of the moths fired a blast of snow that Pom ducked and narrowly clipped a pillar with her right leg making her tumble until Dolly redirected their momentum to put her back on her hooves. Dolly also shifted them to the side to avoid a second snow blast from the other moth.

Both moths fired green rays of sound with Bug Buzz and was slowly inching them inwards. That the icy moths were managing to keep pace with Pom’s insane speed was impressive.

“Okay, that’s it!” Dormarch popped out of the digivice and immediately flashed into the left the moth and tore into its right wing with the spear held in his claws. This sent it tumbling into the snow to be absorbed into the avalanche.

With a second flash he then shoulder checked the other moth to the side and straight into an ice pillar where it splattered back first as Pom passed by it. It left Pom coughing and sputtering as bits of goo had got into her mouth and slowed her cyclic breathing down a bit before she managed to recover.

With two more bursts of Search Hunter, Dormarch made it back to the Digivice on Dolly’s neck.

No more ice pillars seemed to be popping up from the ground, but there was still a number of them raining from the sky.

To avoid five falling pillars Pom had to kick off three in quick succession, that were in the middle of falling to the ground, this sent those pillars spinning away from the recoil of Pom kicking off them at high speeds.

Afterward Pom had to flip herself upright and tried not to stumble as she landed on a large patch of ice roughly and she continued to speed towards the frozen lake with two shadowy afterimages trailing after her.

A though occurred to Pom and Dolly, Dormarch added to the thought and Pom narrowed her eyes at the sky as the falling ice pillars were going to break the frozen lake.

The first step onto the thin ice and the pillar slamming into almost sent her raining face first into the water, she managed to jump and have a tired Dolly reorient her with her momentum control.

Pom continued to run across the fragile ice that shattered and broke under her hooves as the surging snow from the avalanche slowed due to the shattering lake and churning freezing waters.

Continuing to keep an insane pace as she crossed the ice, Pom barely stayed ahead of the quickly breaking thin ice left in her wake. Several more ice pillars struck the lake and sit large chunks of ice capsizing all over the place, Pom kicked off the ice as something tried to pull her into the freezing depths from below.

She ran along the near vertical section of ice and kicked off before it was decimated by a pillar of ice ramming into it and flipped sideways to start running along another vertical section of ice, she could see the exit in the distance at the end of the lake.

Looking to her left at the sky, Pom narrowed her eyes and then jumped upwards into a falling ice pillars flipping it so it was horizontal and she was running along the length of it as it fell towards the lake.

As the pillar hit the lake she surged forward off of it without slowing her pace, she was even running on the ice ahead of it in seconds.

They were almost there, Pom could see the end in sight and her body was struggling to keep up with the forces she was putting on it.

Thirteen ice pillars rained from the sky and tore the bits of ice of the lake ahead of Pom apart, she narrowed her eyes and started to inhale.

While Pom was preparing to do something incredible Dolly was looking back and saw that the false sky was shattering and the mountain, the slope and everything behind them looked to be turning into shards of glass and breaking apart.

Exhaling as she ran out of ice, Pom ran along the top of the water for several steps inhaling and exhaling again when she started to sink to begin inhaling again.

Pom was successfully running across the top of the choppy water with no surface tension through pure panic and adrenaline, she was forcing herself across the water through sheer determination.

Large walrus Pokémon tried to tear into her with her teeth as they leapt from the water, falling ice pillars caused waves and blasts of ice cold water to drench her and Dolly, the ice pillar Pokémon caught up to them as running on the water was slowing Pom down drastically. Even then the ice pillar Pokémon couldn’t exactly keep up with the continuous frantic pace.

Fou could be seen moving along the edge of the lake and was starting to mimic Pom’s incredible speed by comparing it to his own and was progressively getting faster by the second.

With each burst forward, with each exhale, Pom continued to pressure herself to keep running with the speed of fear that lambkin were known for.

Surprisingly, despite every single volatile thing going on around her, Pom kept her focus forward and was even picking up speed as Dolly boosted her momentum.

“HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The colors of the collapsing dimension warped around Pom and Dolly, the shattering glass was almost touching upon her as she reached the end of the lake and before the breaking glass of the dimension could reach her she touched solid land and surged forwards so fast she left a trail of colors behind her as everything stretched while exploding into nothingness behind her.

Fou managed to slip into her wake and used the vacuum Pom was creating to keep pace, but he could not actually catch up to her as she pulled away.

The whole strange dimensional world crashed completely a split second after Fou entered the exit.

-Nixtorm, Mystery Dungeon entrance, Pom-

In a burst of white light, I was suddenly up in the air and falling toward the ground. I pulled Dolly from my back and curled up around her as I hit the snow and several rocks hard as I went bouncing across the landscape.

I eventually skid to a stop.

Okay, body in agony, completely out of breath and that was the fastest I think I’ve ever gone in my life and I’m still hyped up on adrenaline because I think my Haste ended five seconds ago and I was still going under inertia, but still alive… and with Dormarch!

“Fou!” I layed there as Fou rose up over me he leaned forward glaring into my frightened eyes, he eventually leaned back, snorted, crossed his arms, looked away from me and huffed. “Fou…”


“Fou.” He simply stated again in the same tone and then started to scamper off on all fours and left me and Dolly alive, he wasn’t taking advantage of my condition to kill me?

Why? I’m kind of confused now, so he didn’t want to kill me this time.

Living really hurts right now my poor abused lungs, heart and everything else wrong with me at this given moment.

“Heh heh, whoo… wish I could get that kind of ride all the time Pom!” Dolly stated as she pried her way out of my death grip and Dormarch popped out of the digivice looking at me worriedly.

“You’re health is again on the lower end of things…” Dormarch sighed as he nuzzled me. “I’m glad we managed to make it through all that. Just take a deep breath and relax, don’t try to talk.”

“Sorry to say this, but we’re taking advantage of you guys!” Meowth stated as he and Team Pocket showed up with a tied up Weavile, Curdle in a jam jar and several familiar gagged and bound foxes.

“Why is….” I started coughing, my lungs really couldn’t take too much more punishment. “Curdle in… a jam jar?”

“I said don’t try to talk Pom, if you need to talk I can do it for you.” Such a good boy Dormarch was, it was so nice to have him back and fretting over my health, because I obviously wasn’t going to do that for myself. “Also sorry about causing you’re legs to turn golden.”

I looked at my front legs covered in a golden glow and suppressed it.

“It… ugh… okay...” I said, he simply pointed a claw and I looked at a golden glow starting to creep up my right hind leg and quashed that immediately. “Still… kay…”

Dormarch pointed to my front right leg and I looked at what he was pointing at because I crushed the Chrysomallus glow going on and then noticed a small portion of my wool on my front right leg above the hoof had turned a golden color… that’s not good, it no longer needed to glow since it was now naturally gold.

I was going to start hyperventilating when I felt Dolly’s soothing paw rub the back of my neck and Dormarch wrapped his goofy claws around me and squeezed me tight with tears in his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, very touching, now let me tell you how it’s going to go from here…” Meowth started to say and I just calmly opened the slightly modified bag, because Dormarch needed materials for Dolly’s eyepatch from somewhere and upturned it and spilled out all the contents in Team Pocket’s direction. Not caring about any of it one bit. After a bit of silence Meowth decided to say something. “Right then, you already guessed what we wanted for your friends and your lives. Well you’re friend Curdle was kind of hard to keep tied up, she kept slipping the string shot bonds being a pile of cream and everything we decided to stuff her in a jar. Apparently doesn’t need to breathe either and if we put air holes in it, we’re fairly sure she would have escaped through them. Also, thank you for doing business with us, we’ll drag you back to town, let you loose and won’t leave you out here in the middle of nowhere to freeze to death, how nice of us right?”

You said this while taking up most of the items we picked up in the Mystery Dungeon. Surprsingly they didn’t take the stuff I was wearing, the stuff Dolly was wearing and they let me keep the mysterious spear… hooray… wished I could be a little more enthusiastic about not having to walk at the very.

“Scourge pick them up all and let’s get a moving!” Meowth stated jovially.

Curdle could at least look a little upset about being trapped in a jar once used for preservatives, I don’t even care about the blatant extortion going on here.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“That was an impressive feat of speed, agility and pure adrenaline fueled terror.” My dry commentary was followed by me slurping up some tasty noodles from a hot soup bowl offered by Tiamat.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mortal ‘book it’ quite as hard as that.” Mew then started slurping up their own soup noisily.

“Now to redirect her towards Valora sooner rather than her going on her own later after a rest break she very much deserves right now.” Celebi stated as we watched Team Pocket carry them back towards civilization. “We need to start quickly countering Moon Cell before they start getting even more bright ideas and Pom is a major distraction for the magic computer, since anti-magic entity is kind of a major weakness for it.”

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