• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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323. Their power has yet been shown.

Author's Note:

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

It is not the same as Breath of the Wild, lots of fun with physics.

Do I need to give any more information as to what actually has me distracted lately?

-???, Oleander-

“ROAD-ROLLER DA!” Shouted the vampire menace known as Dio, I had taken a real beating from the guy even if I could cancel out his time freeze move, everyone else still got froze except for Fred and me.

“Oh, come on, now that’s just plain ridiculous!” There wasn’t a road roller or ‘steam roller’ within several hundred miles of this fight and he just happened to manifest one. Also where was ‘a Jojo’ when you needed them? This is like the other times we had to deal with Dio and his time stretching shenanigans. Apparently he figured out dimensional hopping, but that just caused “Jojo’s” to appear wherever he ends up going. “Meeting Dio again is not my idea of a good day…”

“VOLTAIC CHAINS!” That’s when the Azure Striker ‘Gunvolt’ showed up and stopped the road roller in place, much to Dio’s consternation, I had honestly thought Dio had managed to somehow kill Gunvolt. The wolf with the thick blue and white fur grinned as his braid whipped about. “Apparently my ‘Prevasion’ trumps time stopping, it’s trumped a lot of things really!”

“Since you have the Steam Roller held in place… HIS FACE IS MINE TO RUIN, NOBODY TRIES TO STEAL OLLIE FROM ME.” Yeah Fred was mad and it was kind of hot to seem him looking so worried about me.

“Seriously what kind of ‘stand’ are you!” Dio was living with a misconception that Fred was a stand, understandable considering he’s always protecting my back when he’s out and about.

“Hopefully the kind that just won’t die, it’s going to take more than you to put down the toughest pony from the Planet Pandora!” A badly bloodied, diamond bodied, Buttina Stalliona marched up to the current fight slowly loading shells into her two magical shotguns at the same time.

She was limping quite a bit, but she had a massive grin on her face. There were a lot of destroyed machines left in her wake and she was running on pure unleaded adrenaline. As a creature of Pandora and a quasi-vault hunter, nothing would truly stop Butt from enjoying a challenging fight.

“So nice to see you again Gunvolt, was kind of looking forward to finding a different dog though… but it’s nice to have some back up.” I popped a bone in my neck and my key-blade appeared near me ready to continue the bloody brawl.

“I have no idea what’s going on anymore, but evil vampire dude looks to be chewing off more than he can possibly take, count me in!” Sakuraba Neku was apparently game too, he flicked up several badges or pins into the air and he caught them in his right hand. His hand started glowing with power as he got ready for an incredible fight.

“Then join the gang, we have cupcakes!” Buttina stated crazily as she fired a cascade of elements as the thing called a ‘stand’ that protected Dio Brando, vampire demon hellion, from the neighing destruction that was a Boomacorn blast. This was soon followed by its lover the Unicornsplosion firing cutesy exploding unicorn projectiles everywhere that bounced in Dio’s general direction.

Don’t ask why Stalliona’s shotguns were married, I wasn’t questioning anything tangentially related to Pandora anymore after the whole ‘Skag for Pom’ incident occurred.

Some would say a gun was useless in a ‘stand’ fight, then they probably haven’t met ‘The Diamond Bodied Diva’ herself, Butt Stallion.

Buttina, one of the best friends I could have ever met, was going to give Dio even more trouble than trying to kidnap me to be his dark bride was worth. If Fred doesn’t get to him first.

It was quite flattering though to see Fred so protective of me as he put me in his chest and went to town with me feeding him all the love and strength he would ever need.

The fight would have a few rough patches, but I think we could do it without anyone dying, the conditions we would be in afterwards would be quite suspect though.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei, Illusio, Sleeping/Mental Realm, Mental Shibuya Crossing, Dolly-

Whether I knew it or not, I felt like I was mimicking someone with this stance as I closed my eyes and waited for the incoming weapons, I needed to time this correctly.

I was hurting, battered, beaten and much like Pom on the back paw, but I was going to show this guy that you don’t mess with my bond to my partner! Yes, I could feel him trying to keep Pom out and the bond opening wider and wider by a second.

It was only a matter of time before Pom came for me, let’s see how long I can hold this bastard in place so she can get in some hits of her own. I hope this power is going to work the way I think it will.

I could feel the wind of a hundreds of weapons raining down around me, I slashed my right paw outwards and then… I opened my eyes.

-Dolly? (Winds of change) Vs. Gilgamesh (slightly genocidal hero)-

Hundreds of weapons were sent flying back by the blade of wind Dolly held in her paw as she shot forward spinning. Nothing had changed about her outward appearance, but the wind flowed with her movements

“Brain save, flow rave, psycho’s in for a hot kick~.” Dolly lashed her right hind leg out as she spun and Gilgamesh surprisingly deflected the blade of air with a sword he pulled from a portal with a grin. He continued to block as Dolly lashed out at him with several more spinning blows with blades of wind erupting with each strike from every paw. Dolly dropped to the ground, then hopped backwards out of the way of several spears exploding against the ground. “Recollect and reset, showing you what you’re going to get~!”

“Missed me, B-lister, it’s not over cow~.” Gilgamesh sang back as he struck out with the sword and Dolly flickered back twisting through the air to avoid multiple weapons that fired at her, it looked like her body was made of wind with how she deftly avoid them with the spinning dodge. “Let’s reframe, I’m THE king, don’t you know anything~?”

Dolly twisted through a series of weapons and they seemingly passed through her while she was in the dodging motion as if she were made of the wind itself.

“Old take, cold fake, face needs a hot brick, twisted mister, bold with bolstering~.” Followed up a spinning Dolly who was creating a whirlwind to deflect the high speed weapon being launched at her. She started firing bullets of wind from both paws as she hovered about, not staying in place as she dodged and continued to attempt to blast Gilgamesh as he actively wielded the average looking sword to deflect the bullets of air with incredibly suspicious grace. She did a ‘twisting dodge’ to avoid several axes that came spinning at her from all direction. “Kick it up, I’m the pup, step outside and see the world, your effects are defects, now take a blast to the moon~!”

Holding her left paw forward Dolly gripped it with her right and the charge of energy building up in it blasted outwards like a shotgun that turned into a massive spike of energy.

Gilgamesh just simply blocked the attack, but it shredded the three shields he summoned through the portals to take the hit for him. His grin was actually widening, as if he somehow knew the exact amount of power required to block Dolly’s wind based energy shotgun from hitting him.

“Lame save, brain cave, doggy on a hot streak, redirect, reset, showing I’m the best bet~.” As he sang Gilgamesh was launching an assault of boxes, cars, magazines, bicycles, swords, axes, canes and basically whatever else he could launch from his portal. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t drag real world things into Dolly’s brain. He watched as Dolly danced, duck, dived and did twisting dodges all over the place to avoid his constant assault. He barely had to move an inch as he kept Dolly busy with but the barest of thoughts. “Wistful, wishes, it’s not over now, psychic beam, you’re a teen, need I more mental drains~?”

A fountain of pink blasts of energy rained down on Dolly as she dodged and one managed to blast her onto her side, she was already badly roughed up and all Gilgamesh needed was one good direct hit. Dolly in turn would need a lot of hits before Gilgamesh went down.

“Bold take, could break, face needs a hard kick, misty twister, bold with bolstering~.” Dolly took another impact from a blunt object with her left paw and threw on a wind shield around herself as she continued to dodge hectically and tried to close in to strike Gilgamesh, failing that she fired several wind bullets from both paws. The damage they dealt when they did hit was negligible, but it was adding up over time. “Kick it up, fight on pup, step inside and show the world this kings attacks don’t have effects, take a howl to the moon~!”

Gilgamesh seeing what Dolly was doing when she blocked blunt attacks, immediately switched all the weapons he was launching to be sharp or far too large for Dolly to get energy from. She was still getting energy from the sharp weapons, but was getting injured from having to time her blocks on the blunter portions of the weapons launched at her.

When Dolly howled the world seemed to shift to nighttime and slowly Gilgamesh blinked and saw a lot of people walking dogs through the crossing.

“Morning daze, canine queens, on their way to be the best, to the rest~” Looking to see a Dolly singing, she had a leash on was styled to look like a show dog. “Honest, I once had that dream, belle of society becoming a shell in my community~.”

Dolly disappeared into the crowd with the biped walking her.

“Corner it or spin it, the sound flows, it followed me until I was brought home, dragged by the power of dreams, that power has yet been shown~!” That’s when Gilgamesh felt something as he was blasted in to a nearby building with an echoing cry.

“Buster wolf!” Yet Pom wasn’t around to do the attack and that had confused Gilgamesh, who heard her shouting it before he took a powerful blow to the forehead before being hit with an explosion that sent him through some glass.

He was back a second later by coming through a portal.

“Morning days, nightmare dreams, bring out the best, from the rest~.” Dolly stated this time walking by without a leash among a lot of other dogs on leashes and with a friendly four legged figure slowly following behind against the movements of the crowds. They looked to be talking amiably to one another as the dog preferred her freedom to follow her heart instead of becoming a show dog. “Honest, I once had a dream, strengths in society, the bells rang with our unity~.”

Gilgamesh focused and saw where Dolly was actually sitting, in the exact center of the crossing staring him down without a single hint of movement. He launched several cars at her from all angles yet they didn’t hit her as they all deflected or swirled around the dog as something whipped up the powerful winds around her.

“Cornered, I’ll spin it, the sound flows, followed until we’re home, dragged by the power of dreams, our power has yet been shown~!” Screamed Dolly whose heart shined as a sphere of green came into existence around her and it left Pom in her place with a glowing forehead, shining the same color that Dolly’s heart did, as she came out of the green bubble.

Pom launched herself at Gilgamesh and pulled her right hoof back and prepared to thrust it forward a green flash and Dolly swapped into place. Pom didn’t need to dodge the spear that would have taken her in the chest, as Dolly kicked off it and was suddenly swapped with Pom again in a flash of green and bashed Gilgamesh’s head through a cement wall with her left hoof before she kicked off and landed in the center of the crossing.

Pom looking around at the crossing, the flaming vehicles and the fact that Dolly had been trapped here, she glared as an unamused Gilgamesh floated back out. He looked a little pissed, but was curious.

“How?” Gilgamesh asked. “The Kadabra and Alakazam aren’t strong enough to get you in here on their own strength!”

“Tell that to my bond with Dolly, now you’ve got both of us to deal with!” Pom was actually showing a wild fury as her wool shifted to that of a wolf and multiple spiritual wolves popped up around her and she disappeared into the mass of shifting canines.

“What the… hmm… so there is more to your bond than first meets the eye…” Gilgamesh started creating more portals. “Might even be a match for me if you can effectively figure out how to do this in the waking world.”

“I’m going to figure out what you’re trying to do and I will stop you.” Pom said quietly, but it was heard because all the canines said it at the exact same time, further muddling where she was in relation to Gilgamesh.

“Do you really want to stop me though?” Gilgamesh smiles as he prepared hundreds of weapons.

“Hmph…” Pom narrowed her eyes, readied her hooves and prepared to start springing around. She was now part of the fight and quite willing to protect Dolly from further injury with her own body. There’s a lot she would sacrifice for others.

The signal that the battle was to continue was a semi-truck coming out of the building at mach speed, yet Pom not only managed to roll to the side and dodge it, she kicked off onto the side of the vehicles cargo and used that to slam a rising left hind hoof into Gilgamesh’s chin before being blasted backwards by a powerful psychic attack.

Pom, upside down, caught herself on her front hooves and flipped to be on all fours facing Gilgamesh.

“Brain wave, song rave, psycho took a high kick, recollect and select, show me your best bet~.” Pom dodged every attack with incredible speed, in fact it was hard for Gilgamesh to even hit her or know where she is at any given moment with the crowd of doppelganger spirit wolves confusing him until he was hit by a club thrown that had some of Dolly’s blood on it.

Somewhere in the midst of all the dodging she was doing, Pom had thrown that club at a speed Gilgamesh couldn’t even detect if he wanted to remain focused on where Pom actually was as she ran around leaving blurs and after images of herself.

“Friction, blisters, it’s quite over now~.” Pom slapped her front two hooves together as she crossing her front legs and all the canines ignited alongside her ignited herself and were all now mentally on fire. “Psycho brain, you’re so keen, you need more bandied brains.”

“Burn break, cold take, freaks got a hard kick~.” Gilgamesh attempted to fire blasts of winds from his numerous portals, but it wouldn’t put out the flames nor did it seem to hit Pom despite being an area attack.

“Mr. Twisted, hoist with bolstering~.” Pom suddenly appeared in the air above with Dolly in her hooves as she spun and launched the flaming Dalmatian at Gilgamesh. “Here’s a pup, burn it up, step to the side, sure this world has its defects, but we can still bark to the moon~!”

Gilgamesh was hit with a spiral flaming tornado bullet in the shape of Dolly he tried to retaliate and skewer the dog with several spears popping from portals in a circle around Dolly as she kicked off.

Gilgamesh received a nasty burn from where Dolly slammed into him, but Gilgamesh was taking less damage than his opponents were since he had a larger stake in the mental world even if Pom’s inclusions put him on the back hand… he didn’t have any feet to speak of to be on the back foot.

With a flicker of a green sphere around both of them, Pom and Dolly switched places and Pom managed to avoid the spears without with a fast movement of a single hoof to swing out of the encircling spear trap that Dolly wouldn’t have been able to pull off as the spears slammed inward on her.

“Same wave, brain wave, psycho will need a hard kick~” Both Pom and Dolly sang as they dodged and swapped places in flashes of green spheres, coming out of said spheres in different orientations or movements. Usually they swap when the other was more capable of avoiding injury as Gilgamesh continued to turn up the heat on attacking the both of them, they were dodging everything he could throw at them and Gilgamesh even shot a few kitchen sinks and toilets at them for good measure. “Setup and select, show us your well met~!”

It was beginning to come close to actually frustrating Gilgamesh who came here to kill the dog. Pom’s sudden inclusion was making it much harder than how simple it was thought to be from the start. The spirit wolves were also protecting Dolly’s movements as both of them were now in the same place instead of just one, he couldn’t focus one down as the other would come at him.

“Rhythmic twisters, it’s not over now, psychic beam, dodging things, I need more plans it seems~.” Gilgamesh grumbled as his smile turned to a frown and he was throwing whatever he could at them, Psychic attacks, Hyperspace Hole portals launching things and they were still managing to dodge everything. It almost seemed like they weren’t making nearly as much of an effort to do so as he was trying to even hit them now, Dolly was much slower than Pom being injured, but she could still move with ridiculous grace. It boggled Gilgamesh’s mind somewhat as he angled the spears and fired a literal rain of them them at the two. “Stick it up, take it up, step aside and see the world is doomed to defects, why bow to that moon~?”

Then again, Gilgamesh considered that they probably didn’t know about Moon Cell quite yet, not even what it was or what it was currently doing. Wouldn’t that be a nice surprise for them? He idly wondered if they could really stop the power of a world’s entire history slamming down on them to eradicate this poor world he’s come to love. Which is why he was doing all of this, these guys needed to toughen up if at least some of them are to survive, better some of the strongest of the strong lived than none at all.

That’s a good reason for attempting a genocidal rampage to strengthen this world right? At least Gilgamesh currently thought so, survival of the fittest was something he played with quite a few times.

The swarm of spirit wolves seemed to randomly explode into some object to block them from hitting Pom or Dolly defensively, but it also doubled as an attack when said objects came flying right back at Gilgamesh who silently opened a portal and redirected the objects before they could hit him.

“There’s not just two at play here… there’s actually three of them… but where’s the third one?” Gilgamesh grumbled to himself as he watched the chaos of the battlefield with some mild delight, but it was incredible that neither of the two he was aiming at would just drop dead already. “Are they controlling the wolves?”

They might actually make Gilgamesh actually take this fight a little more seriously, given he had yet to pull out his most powerful weapons, so far the Gates of Babylon were mostly adequate for his needs. They were almost good enough for him to be serious even if they weren’t heroic spirits in the traditional sense.

It made Gilgamesh wonder why Cu Chulainn wasn’t coming after him, the guy knew he was here in Illusio at least. What was more important than him, Gilgamesh, as to have the literal mutt of a mystical spear warrior so distracted from stopping his current schemes? It was curious, but he was too busy watched a green moon shaped cocoon in Chrysalia to really give Cu Chulainn any attention. The spear fisted mutt apparently wasn’t interested in coming at him for some reason and who was Gilgamesh to guess as to why that was.

The singing started up again and Gilgamesh noted that it was giving his opponents powers, yet he didn’t know how to stop the music or even knew where it was coming from.

“Morning days, endless dreams, we’re on our way at the behest, of the rest~.” Multiple Pom’s sang as they calmly walked along the crosswalks and all the stuff Gilgamesh was throwing at her and Dolly just went through them or was hitting nothing. Several of the Pom’s transformed into random sheep of similar nature. “Honest, I once had a dream, to be part of a society, one with a shell of a unity~.”

Gilgamesh blinked as the entire crosswalk was filled with various sheep of different shapes and sizes, Pom’s people apparently because these sheep seemed off in some way, more intelligent. They were using their own memories as defensive tools, it was sad to say that it was working. He was getting glimpses of the worlds these two came from and their bond was getting even stronger to the point even he couldn’t disrupt or squeeze them off from one another.

“Exiled, I spent it, the sound grows, follows us to our home, dragged by the power of dreams, our power has yet been shown~!” Gilgamesh had been so distracted by the image of Pom being sent away from home to live in a harsh place, with a lot of weirdly friendly canines, he hadn’t the foggiest idea as to how both Pom and Dolly had erupted from one of his own portals at him from behind.

They both slammed into Gilgamesh and smashed him down into the center of the devastated crossing before separating off to either side of him as they pushed off.

Using his psychic powers to douse the flames on his present mental representation, he was starting to feel actual pain in his physical body from that last one.

Gilgamesh pulled his face out of the street grumbling from the mental pain and exhaustion, his head was hurting quite a bit now. They might actually defeat him mentally, which would actually be something of a feat to do, where in reality they would be suffering from burn wounds and loss of stamina by now, that wasn’t quite the case here in the mental realm and they obviously knew it given they were now sharing strength.

Dolly couldn’t functionally die without going through all of Pom’s strength while they were connected like this and Gilgamesh, for all his power, couldn’t actually see a way to break a bond that even gods would have major problems snapping apart… if they even could, since he couldn’t break their bond.

“Golden rays, Chrysomallus dreams, finding way to their eternal rest, their test~.” Pom grew a pair of golden wings and Gilgamesh seemed to be terrified of the idea of seeing them as Pom’s form started to glow of a golden color, she was actually actively taking control of the mental realm and wresting it from Gilgamesh’s grasp. “Honest, masters of their dream, part of a society, bound to any community~.”

Gilgamesh could see exactly why Moon Cell would direly want Pom to be dead, if for no other reason than the anti-magic properties she has alone. He could certainly see what else would have the Moon Cell terrified that she’d come after it, because now he was actually wary of having earned Pom’s ire too.

“We haven’t seen it, the sound flows, follows until we’re home, dragged by the power of dreams… that power is yet unknown~!” Pom sang as she hovered into the air glistening a golden color. Dolly echoed the last words as the entire world froze and suddenly the streets were no longer full of fire, destruction and projectiles flying every which way.

It seem everything had fixed itself in the mere blink of an eye, no long was there any danger except what Pom and Dolly represented as peace reigned over the mental worlds as three minds united.

Gilgamesh was still iffy on what the third mind exactly was doing or what it even was, because it only seemed to exist in the bond between these two.

“The power is yet unknown~!” As the two screamed this, Gilgamesh tried to back out of the dream only to find… HE COULDN’T.

Gilgamesh paled slightly and tried to regain his twisted grin as sweat start spilling off of his form, sure he couldn’t die in the dream unlike the ones he had been attack, but he was going to be in a world of hurt now.

A literal form of ‘world of hurt’ no less, for when he tried to create a portal to get away… he couldn’t do that either.

Any chance of denying the mental reality as to what was about to happen was lost… as Pom just took complete control of the mental world and canceled out his ability to teleport, open portals or even defend himself mentally. The only thing Gilgamesh could do was look into Pom’s mind and see the vast oceans of thought that not even a super computer could follow in this moment.

“Ready to fly?” Pom asked calmly as a golden sphere engulfed her and with a flap of her wings she was airborned.

“Then fly!” Dolly shouted eagerly, as a golden sphere engulfed her next.

“Brain wave, same wave, psycho gets the high flick, reflect, select, show him he’s best met~!” Chains of wind erupted from all around Gilgamesh and bound him in the air in the middle of the crossing, they were going through and around him holding him place as they slashed him up with the chains coming from multiple portals.

Dolly slide forward and low on her hind legs with her paws emitting energy as if she was riding a skateboard until they connected with one of the chains and then she started grinding along them to slam into Gilgamesh she enters a portal and comes out of another one going even faster.

While she was doing that Pom teleported around and started launching Thousand Spears attacks and flinging balls of fired at Gilgamesh.

Dolly even got in a few wind blade slashes from her paw as she flashed by him at an insane speed.

“Twisters, blisters, it’s all over now, psycho brain, you’re ‘too’ tame, we need more handy flames~…” The music of the ‘heart song’ was just about up as the both Pom and Dolly wailed on Gilgamesh with fire, wind and multiple explosions when they timed their attacks perfectly to create a combined concerto of carnage with him at the epicenter of it incapable of avoiding it.

“Now what’s going on in your head?” Pom gripped Gilgamesh by the chest and slammed her forehead against his and forcefully ground her forehead against his until she got a glimpse of Gilgamesh’s plans, she floated back and away with a single flap from her large golden wings from Gilgamesh’s chained up form with a look of horror on her face.

Gilgamesh grinned weakly as Pom shared the news with Dolly who looked equally horrified.

“Well now you know some of it, heh heh heh, see you when you get to the castle in Illusio… I would say it’s been fun, but you’ve actually surprised me quite a bit this night.” Now if only Gilgamesh knew how to get out of here without those two landing a finishing blow on his beleaguered mind and putting him out commission in the mental realms for a while. “Good job of that by the way, gave me some actual trouble, let’s see how you’ll do against me in reality where I’m far more powerful than you are.”

This misstep would cost him dearly and Himura ‘Psychic Edge’ Kenshin was undoubtedly going to capitalize on it. He already had plans for that anyway, but this was still quite a setback.

Pom took a stance facing away from him and was about to go into a Buster Wolf when a third voice shocked both Pom and Dolly.

“Are you two okay…” The third entity asked quietly before Pom could voice the start of her attack. “Leave my mother and big sister alone… Buster Wolf: Searching Hunter!”

-Illusio, Castle of Illusion, throne room, Gilgamesh-

I felt three large holes ripped into my chest physically, that attack actually had more of an effect than any other and then an explosion of unknown origin occurred.

I was blasted backwards through my throne and into the stone wall where I was buried and would be stuck for the next three hours with a bleeding wound that for some reason wasn’t coagulating or scabbing up and was refusing to shut or scar.

I had to force the damaging wound shut with my psychic powers.

There was something in that attack that prevented recovering from wounds, it was like a noble phantasm had gone off in my face and I didn’t even see what had hit me. I would still survive the attack of course, it would take a lot more than that to kill the greatness that was Gilgamesh, but still… the injury was haunting as much as the purpose behind it.

My body was weakened quite badly from whatever that being was that was trapped within the strength of the bond between those two.

It was something that would refuse to tear or snap, the bond being made practically unbreakable to the point that something beyond death had resurged from it for a scant few seconds to give him a clear warning to never do that again.

A strength I would do well to not underestimate twice if they could all beat me together mentally.

A fully awakened Chrysomallus was quite a worrying thing to see in the mental realm, thankfully it seemed that sheep didn’t have her wings or true fully unlocked ability in the waking world. I have erred greatly in earning the ire of a ‘conceptually powered sacrificial sheep’.

Now who was insane enough to ever let an entire intelligent race of them come into existence? Much less breed?!

-Equus, a few days into the future, Meadow Hills, Queen Novo (Lambkin form)-

“Achoo!” I rubbed my nose and continued to show my daughter around the mostly peaceful lambkin lands.

Thankfully my sneeze wasn’t interpreted as anything threatening by the surrounding locals who became a bit shifty, but eventually calmed down.

I also made sure to not say several words I knew that were quite triggering for Lambkin and it was quite hard when there were many things that would definitely set off a lambkin’s outrageous amount of what many would call paranoia, if one weren’t in the know that they were actually right about a lot of things.

I had already asked that Skystar let me do the talking if we needed anything on this trip, because Lambkins were quite skittish around Lambkins they’ve never met before.

“Excuse me, what was your name miss?” A lambkin asked and I gave the first answer that came to mind.

“Posey Idon, Poseidon for short.” After a moment of being closely scrutinized by the lambkin they shrugged and continued on their way.

“Huh, that’s a nice name, almost sounds like the mother of lambkin kind for some reason.” Yikes, lambkin were quite more astute than I previously though.

Must be all the seer blood in them giving them hints, we should be a bit more careful from now on.


A shadowing Abyssinian everyone would know the name of because of the unnatural green hair, who was on a nearby roof, narrowed her eyes at Posey Idon and the pearl transformation necklace.

She started to silently follow the two out place seeming lambkin using the ‘passive sustained power’ of the ninja mask of the dark blue ninja suit.

One would think the bright green back length hair poking out of the suit would make the Abyssinian less stealthy, but magical side effects of stealth masks and all that.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei, present, Outskirts of Kadabraville, Pom-

With a gasp I woke up and quickly uncovered Dolly’s head from my wool as I looked down at her, she looked back up at me with wide eyes after gasping herself and waking up from what would have been a deadly nightmare.

I had taken quite a few hits, but my wool had automatically sealed any of my injuries. I smiled a little, now I had not only automatic armor, but I could heal from piercing injuries in my sleep… not exactly something I want to be doing often though.

No, bad Pom, my mind was getting very off track with barely any sleep and it almost being morning.

We were both sweating and surrounded by our worried friends and Dolly’s injuries were quite horrible as I dug her out of my wool with my hooves.

Dolly continued to weakly look at me with a sense of hope and I knew what she was about to ask.

Even I felt that last attack, the burning raw power in it alone really let Gilgamesh have it.

“Dormarch…” Dolly said with a tail that could barely wag, she was suffering incarnate and looked like it despite her mood being as bright, if not brighter, than it has been over the last few weeks.

She was in a lot of pain and yet she still had the energy to get excited.

“Dolly… we both felt him die… but I’m willing to believe he’s somehow still with us in spirit. Which I would totally be okay with, especially if there was more we could do.” I turned to Mentalis and stated. “I have an idea as to what Gilgamesh is up to, we need to kill him quickly!”

“Kill? That’s…” Quite understandable that you’d be upset Ocellus, but in this case Gilgamesh needed to die and soon. “Seems like a bit of a leap for you Pom.”

Yeah, because I had an idea of what he was going to do. He actually kinds of wanted us to kill him too, for he wasn’t going to stop and there was nothing to convince him to do so. What he wanted was rather simple, for Pokémon world to be strong enough for the oncoming glimpses of an apocalypse. I don’t think he was going to be the cause of it either, but something else drove him to these extremes.

Gilgamesh almost seemed to be pure evil, but in the right context… he’d be a hero, a rather horrifying one no less.

He said fighting him in reality would be harder, well I certainly believed him, it was going to take whatever we could get to bring him down and we had to or else terrible things were about to happen and Gilgamesh was currently building up to it.

At least we just bought ourselves some time to get to Cerebrum City and from there to the Castle of Illusion the place where the current King of Illusio lives.

I tried to stand up and fell over, much to Dolly’s worry as she couldn’t even get up with her injuries.

Darn it, that’s right, I sacrificed my body to physical exhaustion in the mental realm… I need to be more careful about that.

“Get us to Cerebrum, quickly… I’m… going to be asleep for a while…” I conked out immediately.


Something was up with Pom, what did she do to herself to be incapable of standing. Ugh, too tired to think, I need some actual sleep.

I dragged myself over to Pom, cuddled up to her and fell back to an actual restful sleep, everything hurts so much I was glad I was too ‘dog-on tired’ to really stay awake for long.

Dormarch, if you can hear my thoughts, please find a way to come back to us.

I felt a small warm pulse in my chest.

Information required? What in the...? Nope sleeping, worry about that later.

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