• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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302. Gregariously Obvious Asset Taking Pirates.

Author's Note:

Music: With Catlike Tread- Pirates of Penzance.

-Pokemon World, Evening, Violight, Violight Castle, Jail Cell, Dolly-

“Now I would like to speak to the leader of the odd expedition that went to and came back from this… other world.” Gin-Flea-Toe was looking at us with those freaky eyes of hers and I got up as while wondering what she was doing when she moved something form her back. “I have called Proffessor Pong, his assistant a Rotom named Ping and the Grubbin you met to get the full story of what happened in his laboratory before coming down here. Ping was out on business so he didn’t know anything.”

I also saw a big mouse with bright blue eyes, orange fur and a long tail with a rounded tip tail. I felt the large slightly chunky bipedal mouse look my way and felt my bond with Pom flare and the huge mouse was left clutched at her head and looked between me and Pom with a slight amount of shock.

Pom was staring at the mouse flatly as if she just tried to touch our bond or do something close to it, familiar bonds were no joking matter and Pom took the connection we had seriously once I finally got her to take me on as a partner and stop trying to reject me.

After being under this bond for so long and having figured out all the implications of it… well suffice it to say, anyone that tries to mess with our bond deserves the slap to the face for trying to invade our privacy like the giant mouse-kangaroo thing just attempted.

Pom calmly ran a calming hoof down my back because I was agitated and continued to stare at the giant kangaroo mouse thing in the eyes and they look away with embarrassment at being caught out.

Turning my attention back to what Limp-Cheeto was doing and with a few twists of her paw she pointed the top of the jar at me and I saw that Lit was perfectly fine. Upon seeing me he happily squeaked and hopped out of the jar and scuttled my way.

“Please, for the sake of continued peace around here, don’t do anything rash until I get back Dolly. I’m the closest thing our groups have to a leader Ms. Tachibana.” What was I going to do Pom? I was just likely to call my family and show them how cool my pet electric tick Lit was! I wasn’t planning some massive crazy jailbreak and wrecking this place… but if they hurt you Pom, well I’d immediately know and would probably do just that and live up to my now famous ‘Caper Canine’ moniker. “At least wait for me to call for help before doing anything rash Dolly, please.”

“Yeah, sure Pom… no doing something crazy unless you ask me to.” I was happily hugging Lit to my chest and my tail was going a mile a minute that they hadn’t hurt the little guy, the cute bug snuggled against my chest purring happily. “I’ll just spend my time talking to my fam, they probably have the tablet charged and ready for another interdimensional call from me. Need to let them know my jail time hasn’t been too horrible... food could be better though.”

Pom raised a gentle brow at me.

“Okay, so I know I’m out of kibble again, but I promise I will try to not freak out about it.” Of course there was some ire from me that that that Blackmail Uber guy had bought a small bag that barely lasted me a day after getting out of that strange world. “Hey, I can go a week without kibble, you’ll see!”

“Alright let’s go, that was just me making sure my family wouldn’t do anything dumb at this point in our incarceration.” Pom sighed dramatically as she was led away by the Magnet-Tight guard guys and Bin-Primo.

After Pom, the guards and that largest cat I’ll likely see in my life, Dim-CEO, left. I calmly pulled out the Digi-vice and decided to call my family and see who would pick up when they could while Lit crawled up my chest and to the right side of my neck while looking at me in curiosity.

As my called was waiting to go through the dimensional boundaries… I heard a familiar voice singing.

“Stars, clouds, skies and stuff, this poetry is making me lose my ruff… Stars, clouds…~” They were using my voice as a ringtone? Heh, nice-…

“Hello you have contacted the Dalmatian residence and… oh good heavens Dolly what is that thing on you!” Dawkins eyes had been closed for the first part of that and when he opened them he freaked out when he saw Lit and spooked the poor guy to backing down my neck.

“You remember when I said I got an alien pet ‘elec-tick’… yeah… you kind of spooked the poor guy after he went through and interrogation or whatever’s happening here. Say hello to one of my brothers Lit, hey its okay… Dawkins didn’t mean to scare you.” I felt Lit crawl back up to my shoulder, squeaked cutely and then waved a tiny blue pointed leg at Dawkins.

“That’s… pretty large for a tick Dolly.” It was pretty cool, right Dawkins?

“I know he’s an omnivore, but he prefers lightning and berries… would probably cause the power bill to go through the roof if he was allowed access to a wall socket. He can completely drain any power source from something like nothing else, he’s already done it twice… to things with a lot of juice in them. He’d make a really good threat to the robots I’ve fought, given how often Pom and I end up running into them we’re definitely keeping him around.” I muttered while rolling my eyes. “He’s an awesome little dude.”

“Oh… so….” I saw Da Vinci wander onto screen and with one glance, the colorful puppy just stopped to stare at Lit. “Cute! I need to paint such an inspiration.”

That’s when Da Vinci ran off noisily, I wonder if I should tell her about the bipedal art dogs with paintbrushes for tails in this world that look like Snoopy from those Peanut comics... I’m pretty sure this world had a Woodstock equivalent too.

-???, ???-

“I suddenly get this feeling we’re being used for a visual gag.” A large yellow lightning bird called a Zapdos stated as they sat in front a Smeargle doing a cartoony portrait of them together as friends. “Also I’ve been getting messages from Articuno for Help up north.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s nothing, Articuno can handle whatever it is for a little while longer. I mean if she has the time to write with her talons it can’t be too bad.” The Smeargle had no idea how wrong they were when a dilapidated zombie made of disastrous information and grit was continually hassling the kingdom of Nixtorm. “She’s really quite tough and what can functionally challenge her in her own domain of ice and snow?”

There was a clear threat that definitively warranted attention as would later be found out.

-Violight Castle, Jail Cell, Dolly-

“I’m grabbing a screenshot of this, such a fascinating species…” Yep, brainy bro was already geeking out about seeing Lit for the first time and producing a blob of electricity in the shape of a heart. “You previously said they can spit electricity as a defense mechanism, what’s their amperage and volts?”

“Dawkins, do I really need to point out that it’s me you’re talking to?” I said bluntly while jabbing a paw digit at him.

“Oh… right… the least scientific dog that became a super hero, the irony of the existence of magic is still twisting my brain into knots.” Yeah, magic would do that Dawkins. I wonder what Dylan would think of Lit, would he freak out positively or negatively. It was quite toss-up really, but freaking out was a certainty. “Let me go get a few of our siblings so they can meet Lit, since scientific queries is clearly out of the question.”

-Throne room, Pom-

“Now treat me as if I didn’t have your friend’s prisoner. I got the information I wanted from the Joltik, but I want your personal scope on the...” Ginchiyo would have continued further.

“Sorry to interrupt your meeting your highness, but it’s important that we discuss… Pom?” I turned and saw Maiden Jig the administrator of Aurora with an entourage of Mr. Edge, Flabebe and Shine.

They looked quite tired.

-Aurora defensive line, north side of Aurora-Ignis Bridge, Shanty-

“There’s no way that can possibly work Shanty, Favela doesn’t believe that for a cotton picking second and I can be picking up a lot of Cottonee up in a second!” Oh ye’ o’ little faith Favvy, but I can savvy the initial distrust of what I be suggesting being so bizarre. “Also since when did I be speaking like you!”

Pie plus rat, plus my good friend who was apparently labeled one without the usual negative connotations involved by a countries ruler, that verbal tic of mine was bound to be happening to you eventually Favela.

“Well… actually… it could… I mean sure it’s totally and absolutely ridiculous, but if Shanty can successfully starts a heart song centered on the subject of stealth. Well the narrative causality of the magical song will make you ridiculously stealthy even if you were singing the song at the top of your lungs in a blaringly obvious manner, wearing brightly lit neon signs and waving flashlights around wildly as if trying to get someone’s attention. The audacity of doing all that makes you practically undetectable and even if you were detected nobody would believe you’d do such a thing so blatantly. Of course it might actually require us to be singing at the top of our lungs for the best effect of making people ignore us entirely.” Yeah, if Ocellus said it be possible, then I was going to believe it was and not acknowledge that it shouldn’t be for any reason whatsoever. It’s when you be thinking you can’t do something that you lose the ability to and I certainly believe in heart songs after Pom, Ocellus and Mopsy helped save Cape Suzette with one… well mostly, the water in that city would still be being undrinkable for quite a while. “That’s part of the beauty of the rhythm of Equus and all lifeforms who live on our magical planet.”

“Wait… so it can be an actual thing?” Smolder asked.

“Oh yes, the more Equus or other magical beings involved in the song that can feel and do it alongside the ones who started it, the stronger the heart song magic gets in output values the more people who feed into it in harmony. Discordant singing or a counter song would weaken the song as to be a moot point for stealth purposes and we’d have to start before we’re seen or it won’t work.” Despite nervously pawing at her face with a hoof slightly, Ocellus didn’t seem too against the idea. “Dodo can pull the wagon Pom had the Bidoof commission for our personal transport around Ransei, even if Dodo is still a bit small he’s strong enough to move the supplies we pick up back across the bridge. The problem is keeping up a song about being silent for that long would be annoying and hard to pull off.”

“Oh watch me, nobody be better at shenanigans than an excellent pirate… I’m not at that level yet, but tonight they’ll rue the day they didn’t be hearing a particular shanty!” My grin was ear from ear and Favela seemed a little uncertain, but soon matched my smile.

“Yeah, you’re going to need us for this and if we can all sing this and get it to work with the choreography of stealing things…” Smolder grinned and rubbed her claws together.

“Smol… no greed.” Ocellus be stamping her right hoof cutely while glaring at the dragon. “These guys burned a portion of Greenleaf, at the very worst we can at least make sure they don’t get a good night’s sleep by being loud and obnoxious.”

“Speaking of burning Greenleaf, whatever supplies they have might have acquired from Greenleaf, we’re going to need more than a single wagon to wipe them out on a logistics front if this works.” Quetal tapped his right foot and closed his eyes in thought. “We need to do something about the invasion force still in Greenleaf. Even if we deal with their logistics and bring all the supplies back to Aurora, what’s to stop them from tearing Greenleaf apart further for more? Much less them coming after us to tear us apart. We need someone to take care of that and keep a stranglehold on the bridge here and the one between Greenleaf and Ignis. We don’t have enough units to do that, even if we can at least steal the supplies they need for whatever continued efforts successfully, we’d still be having a problem with them pillaging Aurora’s neighbor for more with impunity given ‘Grass Types’ can’t really stand up to ‘Fire Types’ very well.”

“So us helping ourselves to the stolen supplies would only make things worse in Greenleaf. Jiri at least might have spooked them into not wanting to deal with us…” Even then I don’t think we can be leaving Aurora’s northern bridge undefended long enough to hold the western bridge from Ignis to Greenleaf. “We can’t rely on that can we?”

“No, we can’t. We can still get help with raiding the Fire Type camp, but we need to think of the implications beyond doing that.” Quetal looked at the nearby Buizel. “How do you guys feel about helping Greenleaf to the west by raiding and hassling the fire types?”

“You kind of needed us here to stop the assault on you.” One of the Buizel said. “We’re not about to abandon an ally, not when Motochika is counting on us to help you out. Of course you held up pretty well on your own, mind you they didn’t stop coming until we came in to make a defensive perimeter.”

“… we kind of need you to go help Greenleaf, we’ll be fine. We held the bridge for three hours before you showed up.” Yeah and that was being a tough time Quetal. “Despite how tired we are, the fire type Pokémon got the worst end of it even if it’s more than five to one in their favor. The major injuries were to the Jiri’s bear unit.”

“Which is a better reason for us to not move. We water Pokémon don’t want Greenleaf to fall either, but they really don’t have their stuff in gear if a part of their territory is occupied. Splitting our team or making our unit attack and hold the Greenleaf-Ignis Bridge while leaving this bridge lightly defended wouldn’t be tangible to keeping Aurora from taking a huge hit.” The Buizel did be having a good grasp on the situation there. “I’m not saying we can’t take the other bridge and hold it, but we’d be lacking supplies to do it for long. Either we leave Greenleaf exposed to more fire type trouble or we gamble on your ability to hold Aurora’s bridge without our help.”

“This is being a tough choice…” We could sink the bridge here but Quetal be giving me reasons why we shouldn’t do that. “What if the Buizel took out the other bridge, making it impossible for Ignis to take supplies from Greenleaf?”

“Then we’ll have the ire of those militant fire types focused entirely on us, they still have hundreds of soldiers ready to attack us even if we dealt a large blow to them on our own thanks to Jiri’s efforts. Never seen a rabbit or bears as heroic as that unit in particular.” Okay that would be being bad Quetal, considering we barely be holding off an onslaught with a wing and prayer here. Most of us didn't have wings and I be doubting prayers would be answered by the god who put us here in the first place. “Even with the Buizel we’re quite outnumbered and if we lose the bridge for any reason, Aurora is going to fall when we lose the ability to bottleneck their forces. Still… we’re going through with Shanty’s raid, anything to get back at these guys for causing so many issues. The Buizel unit can decided what to do themselves, they are not under Aurora’s command and neither am I or my companions. All Aurora Military units should hold this bridge while we set out and cause them some delays, don’t know how Greenleaf will respond, but they’ll have to do something eventually.”

“Maybe we can seal the bridge off from being crossed and bolster our defenses so the Buizel don’t need to take the other bridge." Talia, Brigand Teeth’s sister suggested and I be suddenly getting a lightbulb over my head as the rat be giving me a grand plan. "We need like a giant fireproof gate here, if we were to have them put some siege weapons over here too maybe…”

“That’s brilliant, thanks for giving me an idea Talia!” Everyone looked to me as I figured something out. “Now we just need a lot of wagons, Tauros to pull them and Milktanks to load them. The fire types won’t be able to get back into Greenleaf and if there are any still there in Greenleaf they won’t be getting backup once the Bidoof are done.”

-An hour later as night fell, Aurora’s destroyed western bridge, Bidoof-

“Build!” We heaved and a small wooden bridge fell into position allowing us to cross into Greenleaf, we had an obstruction to set up on the bridge to the north in Greenleaf and had to make it so that we could still use the bridge again later, but fireproof. Nothing like a building challenge to make us happy!

Also we had to make sure we didn’t alert anyone to what we were doing, because we doubt Greenleaf would like us coming into their kingdom unannounced and building something on the bridge between them and Ignis.

Of course we would have rebuilt this bridge too, but nobody commissioned us to and Greenleaf was said to be looking into contractors. We didn’t want to steal work from other Pokémon so we left it destroyed and moved the Snorlax out of the way to a place where it wouldn’t immediately slaughter someone and would find some food if it woke up.

Moving north along the west side of the river we spotted a poorly built quick fort and there were fire types patrolling it, it was not near enough to the bridge that they’d notice us doing our work until we were well into it. Which is we we'd silently take care of the fort first. Once we were done here we’d remove the wooden bridge we used to get into Greenleaf and then remove it behind us coming back to Aurora. We’d cut off the fire types from any reinforcements first before we try to deal with the fort, we would also have other Bidoof looking into building a bridge gate to help stop or slow another invasions from Ignis.

So much to BUILD upon! We like the idea of being combat engineers and the problems presented had our minds buzzing with quite a few ideas!

-Fire type camp, southern Ignis, near Aurora and Greenleaf bridges, Cyndaquil-

“Dong Zhuo was quite mad, do you think Lu Bu will turn on him eventually? Hideyoshi isn’t bringing down such a huge threat on us as the other kingdoms, they’ve been kind of ignoring us up to this point and now I think we’re in big trouble…” Was it worth all the trouble that was likely coming for us from Aurora? I heard about that Buneary and the bears I wasn’t part of the offensive that tried to break into Aurora, but what I heard was absolutely terrifying and I really didn’t want to be put up against them if they were recovered enough tomorrow. “Hideyoshi might have made some horrible decisions, like the ridiculously heavy tax on bananas not being sold directly to him, but is he really all that bad?”

“Sure Dong is making even worse ones, but Hideyoshi needs to fix a lot of things before I would be even willing to consider working under him and he wasn’t a strong enough leader to prevent a civil war from happening. Besides Dong has gotten results numerous times and just recently with our invasion of Greenleaf the supplies we got from that will be enough to help us finish off Hideyoshi by sieging the capital constantly.” One of the Darumaka said. “Most of Hideyoshi’s forces are spent protecting the farmlands and small villages, seriously this civil war isn’t going to last much longer and Dong Zhuo actually pays very well and doesn’t have exceedingly dumb laws to worry about.”

“Yeah, but he’s not a very nice guy and I have a feeling he’ll do worse things to stay in power even if we do manage to take the capital of Ignis for him without being crushed by the other kingdoms.” The dormant volcano city of forges had held up this long.

“It’ll be fine, you’ll see. We’re not going to have to do another crazy thing with Lu Bu and Dong can lead a war on the rest of the kingdoms for all I care, Hideyoshi’s policies are just that bad since he took leadership.” I don’t think the Charmeleon had the right idea. “If we don’t succeed, then we’ll all get what’s coming to us at the very least and won’t have to worry about it for much longer afterwards.”

Lu Bu of course being the world’s most dangerous Unfezant who was quite unpleasant to be near. Red Hare was less volatile, but with Lu Bu they were the nightmare pair when fighting together. There was no escaping them tag teaming you on land.

“Did anybody hear that?” I asked as I looked around, something distinct and faint just sounded off in my ears.

“Hear what?” A tepid asked looking about.

“It sounded like the sound a fly would make if it farted… which is weird that I’d even know what that would sound like.” Nothing seemed out of place, except for the wagon tracks on the ground, I didn’t see any wagons… nor did we bring any wagons… that’s weird. Were we being haunted by ghost wagons?

-Currently happening in reality at this very moment among all the awake and sleeping fire Pokémon of Ignis rebelling forces, Shanty-

“With Skitty like tread, upon our prey we steal~!” We be in the middle of loading the various wagons and singing at the top of our lungs and they be ingoring us entirely, this is despite being in the line of sight of numerous Fire Pokémon. “With a sense of dread, what we’re doing is quite unreal~!”

“We won’t make a sound, not even as loud as a bird~!” Favela be singing next to me as we loaded the wagon with the camps supplies with Milktank helping us. “Even if all our hoof steps should be distinctly heard~!”

“Galvantula, Galvantula~!” The Milktank sang loudly and as obnoxiously as possible.

-With the campfire Pokémon, Cyndaquil-

“I feel as if something very strange is going on here.” Something was off, yet I didn’t know what.

“Look Cyndaquil, we know Dong might not be the greatest guy around, but he’s got this victory and we want to be on the right side of history.” Not very reassuring, considering I can’t help but feel the other kingdoms are going to crush us for attacking Greenleaf somehow. “All we need are those supplies and the logistics will be handled for the siege, nothing can possibly stop us from dealing with Hideyoshi now.”

-The thieves that are currently not being subtle about it at all, Quetal-

“With stealth we’re dealing with these creeps, while most of the fire types in this camp sleeps~!” I sang loudly while grinning at the absurdity of what we were doing, the fact that we were being ignored meant that the weirdness censor thing was a plausibility for how this is working.

We couldn’t just have brazenly walked into a camp with a bunch of wagons singing about how we were going to steal all this stuff right?

“Come, friends, who steal like me~!” Shanty grinned as she picked the lock on the box and loaded up a loot sack with its contents, then threw the box into the sack too. “True this elation, caused by sudden deprivation~!”

“Ra, ra, ra, ra…~” The Tauros chanted as everyone else sang waiting for the wagons to be loaded before setting back off for Aurora.

“Let’s steal lavishly, while doing so quite vocally~!” Favela joined by a walking into a tent and coming out with her own sack of stuff she threw into the back of a wagon.

“Come, friends, who steal like we~!” Milktank and Tauros sang together as we continued to steal everything in the camp because Favela suggest it, we had plenty of wagon space. “Much to our elation, succeeding without tribulation~!

“Ra, ra, ra, ra~.” Favela and I be chanting now.

“Let’s get to Piracy, with plundering everything we see~!” We were even starting to steal their tents and nobody be noticing it or waking up.

-Campfire, Cyndaquil-

“I don’t know, I mean I know Hideyoshi did that but… um… does anything feel off to the rest of you?” I looked around and noticed less tents than before with fire Pokémon sleeping on the cold hard ground, I’m pretty sure we at least had mattresses for everyone at the start of the day.

“It’s nothing, stop worrying!” A Raboot stated as he went to go back to sharpening his blade, but it and its sheath were gone. He just shrugged stuck a piece of straw in his mouth and leaned back to flop onto the ground as the log he had been leaning against was now gone.

“No... somethings definitely up and I don’t mean the civil war, something is going on here…” Nobody seemed to be taking my sudden sense of wrongness here seriously.

Maybe it was the fact that the campfire was gone…

-The totally out in the open thieves singing at the top of their lungs and are not actually invisible in the slightest, Shanty-

“With Skitty like tread, in silence led~!” We all sang as we slowly broke down the camp around fire type Pokémon. “With Skitty like tread, upon our prey we steal~!”

“Caution to the wind, insane this all does feel~!” Even I be admitting that this was absurd. “As we’re sneaking around, barely making the sound of a bird. One would think our hoof falls would be certainly heard~!"

“Come, friends, who steal with thee~!” We sang loudly as we exited what used to be a camp past the two guards who we just stole the spears off of. “Stealing to eradication, expecting no differentiation~.

“Let’s bury violently, their ability to be quite surly~!” This was going to be pretty interesting as we marched away singing loudly at the top of the longs.

-The two fire types watching as a bunch of wagons left at the entrance of what used to be a camp-

The fact that they broke out into song as soon as we saw them had us confused and then they started stealing everything while singing about it so brazenly that there was no possible way that no one in the camp wouldn’t and couldn’t have noticed it happening. Yet somehow, they did it all without waking up Dong Zhuo or alerting any of the many, MANY, camp guards that were around that should have raised a fuss as it was happening.

“Did we just seriously stand here and let that happen?” The Charmander, the small bipedal raptor with a flaming tail asked of their friend. “Or was that a fever dream…”

“Yes, but you have to admit that was quite impressive way to go about stealing our entire camp…” The fire spewing anteater called a Heatmor responded seeing the humor of the situation that nobody tried to stop them. “They confused us so hard that we had no idea what they had in mind until they were already doing it.”

“With Skitty like tread, upon our prey we steal! Our caution fled… no caution needed we feel-~!” They held a long note as they walked off into the horizon.

“Why that had to be the most brazen and outlandish thing I’ve ever seen done in my life.” The Heatmor said.

“Yeah, they just totally ignored us… wait, shouldn’t we be raising an alarm?” The charmander asked with a hint of desperation. “They did just take everything not nailed down.”

“With what, they stole all the alarm bells.” Heatmor just pointed out. “They were also singing at the top of their lungs, you’d think everyone in the camp would have noticed at least that much!”

“They also took all the food…” The Charmander said flatly with an equally flat gaze directed at the fire breathing metal-ant eater.

“Still you have to admit… there was no way that should have worked.” Heatmor continued.

“Oh totally, shouldn’t have happened given the absurdity they were pulling. Now if only we Fire Types weren’t so lazy at night aside from the blacksmiths that work the forges in the capital of Ignis…” Well the Charmander wanted to blame it on being nighttime, but still one would think Aurora sending musicians or at least musically talent people to steal everything out from under them was possibly the most bizarre thing they could cook up.

Nobody would eve believe the guards on watch if they told the truth about what just happened.

“Everyone wake up, we’ve been robbed!” A Cyndaquil shouted finally noticing the problem we noticed when we saw the Aurora contingent heading back to the south after having stolen everything… including the campfires.

“Okay, this is a good reason why we shouldn’t ever underestimate Aurora after this. What they just did was so damn strange, but fun sounding… and… I’m not even mad about it is the odd thing.” The Heatmor finally commented as he stood next to me.

“Well it was entertaining at least, but we’re functionally all kinds of screwed if we can’t get those supplies back.” The Charmander said dully.

-Heading back to Aurora with an entire camps worth of stolen stuff, Shanty-

“Come, friends, just sing with me… that was fun with no sense of urgency~!” We finished as we started crossing the bridge by a bunch of wide eyed Buizel.

“That… no… you… but… what? How did you do it without a fight?!” The lead Buizel of the unit asked with disbelief.

“I am being just that good at leading a song.” I stated as I be smiling to myself. “Yeah, don’t be worrying about it, but we may be having to protect the bridge from a full onslaught of angry fire types after whatever the Bidoof just be doing to secure Greenleaf.”

The Bidoof will fix the bridge after we’re done dealing with the problem, they attacked Aurora and that means they were no longer neutral civil war faction and all that would entail.

“That was possibly the most absurd thing to ever happen in the history of this world.” Ocellus stated with a smile.

-Greenleaf, hours before the morning started the next day, outside the Fire Type Quick Fort, Bidoof-

Reconstructing the fort into a giant reinforced cage wasn’t hard at all, but it took a bit of doing to dig under all the fire type Pokémon and build ‘Dig’ proof structures underneath them took some time. They also had to knock out the awake guards.

Building a three story tall and wide wall that the fire types couldn’t melt through if they tried was also an inspired bit of engineering and much easier than turning the fort into a giant cage.

“Build!” I shouted to my comrades.

“BUILD!” They responded as we made our way back to the broken bridge between Aurora and Greenleaf. We made way for home and would remove the small wooden log bridge we made to get here, then go sleep for the rest of the day back in the BUILD Guild.

What a tiring night of good hard work.

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