• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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371. The Forgotten Message.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Aurora, Evan-

“Well it’s very clear to me now, we have to subjugate the eastern half of Ransei and unite everyone under one banner to prevent the destruction of our world!” I stated I slapped a paw against the ground.

The Psychic Types told me what was going on in the eastern side of the continent and I already knew what was happening in Terrera thanks to Jiri being there on the front lines of the fight for the Ground Types.

-Mystery Dungeon Anchor Point, Icy Ruins Special Zone, inside a partially collapsed building, Dolly-

Okay, so the building came out of nowhere and collapsed on top of us, I of course knocked Pom away and was not panicking like a headless chicken to bravely dive into the safest place I could find. The screaming was totally me just exercising my voice… heh. My life flashing right before my eyes had certainly not occurred and I was an awesome Dalmatian doing big and obviously dangerous things!

Since Pom and I were still connected, she immediately knew I was fine… well mostly, just a little stuck and lightly bruised by the smaller bits of stone that struck me. I even gave her the idea that this wouldn’t be hard to get out of, just time consuming and that’s somewhat of a problem for Pom.

I was still busy digging my way out of this mess, don’t know how the device could help us against Hull Pecks Monster, but it needed to be there to actually do anything.

Air wasn’t an issue there was a hole I was widening to get the rubble out of the way, slamming the rocks and stuff to the side or knocking them behind with with momentum enhanced strikes was slow going.

Surviving a collapsing buildings is something my father knows how to do in general, safety rules and all as a fire fighter. Starting to get a little homesick for my bigger ‘fam’... to think I’m actually glad that dad dropped that really boring seminar on the whole ‘fam’ that day.

“Hold on Pom, I’m coming!” However I flinched a second later when Pom basically screamed mentally to stay out of the fight when I get there. She needed me to try and figure out if I could use the device for anything else in stopping the mosnter or another way of helping.

Sure I was squishy, but I’m not made of explodium… was explodium an actual thing though? Pretty sure it was, video games always had a lot of things that explode that shouldn’t according to Dawkins.

I stopped digging and shivered and shuddered a bit, do not let the kibble cravings get to me now… though I was getting a bit twitchier, Pom was a higher priority than missing my favorite taste in life at the moment. Could use Haste to speed this up, but I think Pom might need it far more later if she’s still alive at that point and I suspect that she can’t survive an hour to wait for it.

-Icy Ruins Library, Pom-

I rushed through the large entrance archway that had no doors and stopped to blink a bit of dust out of my eyes that I kicked up just by running inside. There was nothing here except stone pillars and walls so thick that I don’t think Skull X could actually destroy them, unless he could somehow drop the Skull from his name and regain the use of his death cannons.

I looked behind me while taking a moment to catch my breath, it’s amazing how fear can make one run faster than a pony athlete. Technically the Earth Ponies always win track and field at athletic events and the Lambkins tend to run away from competition despite trying to send a team.

Put enough distance between me and them that I got a good look at the interior, cross walks, pillars, stone shelves in the walls with nothing in them that could be used for climbing and basically an overhead dome with a lot of ways to maneuver away from a large monster and avoid a faster smaller one too.

After counting to twenty five, I made my way for the nearest pillar, climbed straight up and proceeded to leap off onto the cross walks above the main floor. I started moving along them to the center of the building. I turned back to look at the entrance and sat down to wait.

Skull X charged through the entrance not five seconds later, spotted me and unleashed a bone chilling roar, also I think my entire skeleton was shaking from the vibrations. I could see the battered and fairly beaten form of Fou following Skull X in soon afterwards, his wounds were healing quickly as he looked between me and Skull X like a cat wondering which wingless canary it should eat first.

Skull X leapt up on clung onto the walk near the entrance and started to pull itself up, making a note of its agility despite its size and remembered that Digimon have a lack of overall mass meaning they weighed less than Pokémon in general. Also Skull X used to be twice its current size before Articuno forced it to run off, still too big for my capabilities and even Fou can’t deal with it easily.

I have to pay careful attentions to its grasping right claw, did not want to be grabbed by that thing after seeing what it had done to Fou and I can’t heal or walk off injuries like he could. Also I would save the para-lance for a point when I could no longer stand using my bestial side, provided I was still sane enough to even use it as a weapon once that wore off.

“It’s about time I declared it… I don’t know why you want me dead specifically, but we are enemies, Baa-Ram-Ewe!” I stated as I let them know I picked my battlefield and it was going to be here, I’m not leaving until I’m either dead or I’ve somehow figure out how to get Skull X to stop terrorizing Nixtorm and a way to survive Fou attacking me as well without killing him. “Arwwooooooo-~!”

Work cut out for me…

There were no way I could rely on Shock-Ram for this. I had to tap into my bestial side, I had to flip out and go nuts again like I had on Smolder… I hoped she and everyone else was okay after everything that happened in Illusio.

Let’s see if I could keep my sanity a little more intact this time… my front legs started to take on a golden glow as I took to standing on my hind legs and continued to howl my challenge.

Skull X, despite how big and heavy it looked, managed to climb up onto the walkway and started to slowly stomp it’s way for me and was growling as it got closer.

I narrowed my eyes at it as my front and rear hooves turns into wolf claws, my tail grew out my spine, my ears became triangular tipped and my muzzle lengthened mildly and felt the incisors grow out from my upper lips. I guess it was time to face a Zombie Robot Dragon and a Powerful Beast from some another world… my life is probably the lead in to one huge punchline.

This was going be like a rock between two hard places, and I’m the rock in this scenario.

A mist started swirling and spreading out from me. Still didn’t know how this all works exactly, but the illusionary wolves did at least represent all the familiars I have ever had.

That my maximum number of foggy wolves representing every canine I loved and bonded to as family would be quite heartwarming, if it wasn’t so darned creepy that I could even do this or instinctively know how to manipulate this like I was wearing a sock over my whole body.

I had no illusions about my chances of survival here… and I’m starting this fight already battered, no quick method of healing and I’m already starting to sacrifice my body again so I can even damage Skull X in the first place.

Just got to keep ‘it’ contained and use whatever I can spare…

-Pom (Canine Queen) Vs. Skull X (Undying corrupted data monstrosity) Vs. Fou (Beast of Comparison)-

Fou started the fight by clambering up the pillar to the ceiling and leaping off for Pom, with a sharp inhale the wild eyed Pom flickered from existence and dodge Fou who almost managed to strike her while she was moving at Dancing Flame speed having miraculously sped up to attempt hitting her as she blurred for Skull X.

Skull X opened its three glowing digits corroded into a myriad of sharp pointy bits of poisonous on its right grasping claw and slung its arm forward and even surprisingly extended it on a piston. This almost even caught Pom off guard mid lunge as she forced herself to narrowly slip between two of the three grasping bladed digits as they closed inwards.

Pom slammed into Skull X’s chest swiping both her golden claws one, twice and one swipe with her right hoof before she had to kick off when the left arm angled and proceed to try to stab her with the row of blades on its left arm.

Each blow dealt released a shower of cubes, showing the damage she dealt as she landed and Skull X immediately charged.

Fou tried to take the opportunity to pounce on her from behind, only for Pom to roll to the left, almost tumbling over the side of the walkway they were standing on. Skull X lunged and thrust its extending arm for Pom forcing her to dodge back towards Fou who slammed his left claw down into her chest quickly pinned her in place on her back before she could roll past him.

“If he kills me then wouldn’t that mean you would fail to achieve your objective?” Pom asked out quietly as Fou went to bite her face.

Skull X really shouldn’t care who killed Pom at all, all that had to happen was the very confirmation of Pom dying to fulfill its mission. Yet somehow Skull X responded by attacking Fou with a backhanded swipe of its left set of claw, which was more confusing to Pom than anything before Skull X tried to ram its right grasping claw into her again.

Pom rolled onto her hooves going under the claw and tried to get away only to get kicked in the chest by a quick kick from its right foot, launching her upwards slightly. Cracking her ribs from the impact that her wool couldn’t protect her from and stunning her.

Opening its mouth the draconic or dinosaur like head opened its mouth wide and its glowing skeletal skull with haunting eyes moved forward to snap her out of the air and take her life before she could react.

Only Fou save her life this time, by a leaping slam into it’s from below to smash the monsters jaws shut in a shower of light cubes and with the tilting back of Skull X’s head, Fou had a platform to leap directly for Pom.

Pom was given enough time to recover her senses enough to flip out of the path of the swipe Fou sent her way and landed on the floor on her hooves.

Fou landed behind her and quietly Pom reached up to her neck with her left hoof and it came away with a shock of fresh life fluid, Pom immediately prioritized stitching the neck wound shut with her wool.

Fou turned around and came at Pom with a bloody right claw and Skull jumped above her to either stomp the life out of her or attempt to bring both its claws down on her.

Pom spread her limbs out, wool wrapped around her hind legs and became frictionless and she pushed herself into sliding backwards with her glowing golden claws.

She deftly slipped to the right slightly under Fou’s upward left claw swipe and was promptly sent flying by Skull X slamming both its arms down on him, also the skeletal monster’s landing did some damage to the walkway which shook violent. The walkway stayed intact, but it cracked a bit.

Pom leaned to the side and watched Fou passed by and slammed into a pillar to start falling to the floor below, she cringed a bit and then turned and charged to attack Skull X again.

Skull X swung its right hip forward and its tail whipped out, extending as it did so.

Instead of avoiding it Pom leapt at it grabbed the tail and rode it as it swung back behind it while shrinking back to its normal length. Taking the opportunity Pom let go of the tail when it flicked upwards before completely returning to normal.

Inhaling as she dropped onto the base of Skull X’s tail, she exhaled and blasted up its back leaving a series of crisscrossing glowing marks that sent cubes of light flying in every direction out of it.


The last bit of rubble shifted to the side and I flopped out into freedom onto my face. I was panting from the exertion, but I was alright.

“Okay… I’m out… need to help Pom.” I quickly stood up and looked about and slung my board forward and hopped on, there was enough solid ground here to board my way to her. Just had to avoid the snow patches.

I didn’t mind saving or helping Pom, done it a few times already and was ready and willing to do it again. I’d just use my momentum ability to get my board going and then I’ll be there in no time. It seems like Pom was starting to lose it mentally and I want her to stay focused.

-Back to the fight in progress-

Skull X leaned its head back and snapped at Pom she kicked off its nose and landed on a pillar breathing roughly. The glow around her left leg started to worsen slightly, Pom gritted her teeth, began growling and focused on holding the increasing threat of the golden glow at bay.

Crouching down Skull X was about to leap up and attack Pom. When it went to leap and was in mid-air, it was blindsided by a white haired streak that slammed into its side and sent it flying.

Pom watched silently as Fou landed with his fangs bared at her, before letting loose a roar that he was ready to continue fighting both her and Skull X.

As she clung to the pillar Pom’s eyes started to gain flecks of red and gold and her body started to quiver.

There was a silence then both Pom and Fou leapt at one another, Fou loosed a mighty slash and hit… nothing but a strange quickly dissipating mist?!

A second later the actual Pom stomped into his spine with her four hooves sending him flipping to slam back first into the stone walkway, then she came down on him a second time stomping into his lower pelvic region with as much force as her body could create.

She didn’t have super strength, but the area around the lower half of Fou’s body being cratered into the floor still had to hurt immensely.

Pom once said that anything goes in a fight for survival, she wasn’t willing to give that advice to Shanty if she wasn’t going to heed the idea herself. Fighting dirty was a necessary in some cases and she immediately bounded away towards Skull X, which was slightly smaller than before, while in it was in the middle of climbing back onto the walkway. The digimon also seemed to be getting faster the smaller it got.

Fou laid there with a wide eyed look of shock, pain and something else, before slowly coming to his senses. He wouldn’t be pulling himself out of that walkway crater within the next minute or so.

Pom leapt towards Skull X as it climbed back up after being knocked from the walkways by Fou and suddenly took one of the innermost of the three blades on its left arm to the right shoulder when it extended far faster than it previously had.

It sent Pom flying back with a large gash to slam into the walk way and almost bounce of, she managed to cling to the edge of it with a claw. Her wound was swiftly sealed by quickly staining amount of limited white wool she had and Pom didn’t have too much more wool she could put to sealing off her wounds.

With a roar Skull X leaped for Pom pulling back its right arm and spinning it’s three grasping claws up into a drill. The Digivice wasn’t the end all be all on what the monster was capable of apparently, since rotating or extending its own body parts hadn’t come up as a form of attack… at least traditional attack as far as it was concerned.

Instead of pulling herself up Pom let got and fell away from the edge of the walkway as the drill dug into and scoured the edge where she had been.

Skull X stomped forward and looked over the edge, but it didn’t see Pom falling to the floor or on the floor already. It entered search mode looking for its rather speedy high priority target.

On the underside of the walkway, clinging to it upside down with her hind legs, Pom carefully turned and started to walk upside her hind legs across the bottom of the walkway as she quietly could. She still had some sanity left to not be acting nearly as rabid as her opponents and this moment of rest would give her some time to recover.

Meanwhile Fou started to pull himself from the crater and his rather painful injury was already healing.

Skull X turned about looking at the entrance and around the walkways for Pom, its head sweeping around for Pom.

Pom came out from under the walkway in its supposed blind spot its tail immediately whipped out for her. Pom kicked off the floor and launched over the the tail as it swept past under her, Skull X swung out it’s right arms spinning drill and extended it while doing so.

Pom, still in mid hop, managed to flip backwards narrowly avoiding the tip of the drill as it passed by her chin and immediately landed on the stone walkway to start hopping backwards rapidly.

Skull X turned towards Pom and tried to stab at her with the three claws on its left arm extending in attempt to spear her as she retreated and tried to charge her down by alternating its launching its left and right arm and even tried to sweep its tail into her while doing so.

Pom ducked under the tail as it swept over her head and followed by flipping sideways to the right over it again when it swept back for her. She landed on the middle of the portion of the walkway leading towards the right back corner of the building and lunged forward under the stabbing left claw avoiding getting skewered and start to slash its left leg rapidly with her claws.

With each swipe, more cubes bled off of Skull X’s form, until it raised its left leg and its food started glowing. Pom’s eyes narrowed and she leapt up to cling to its belly before it managed to stomp it down.

The shockwave spread out explosively and the walkway beneath Skull X cracked and crumbled a bit as it shook violently.

Pom clawed Skull X’s chest as much as she could before having to leap to its left shoulder when it slapped its spinning grasping claw at Pom and barely damaged itself in the attempt. One she was on its shoulder she raised her left claw and slammed it down into the monsters shoulder, to rake her magic claws straight into it.

It was becoming fairly obvious that Skull X didn’t feel pain, nor did it flinch at the meager damage Pom was causing it, for each small wound she inflicted at best the wound would quickly seal up and Skull X would only get marginally smaller.

Skull X swung its back cannons into rotating forward at Pom and the massive air pressure from the speed of rotation, since Pom was unfortunately not anchoring herself to its shoulder in that moment, launched the lightweight ewe flying towards the back wall while she landed with a crouch and kicked off to land on the walkway.

A small tornado erupted from Skull X’s back as its cannons spun in place on its back before it stopped and started to move towards Pom again.

In this moment Fou landed on Skull X’s tail and started to attack it, he went completely ignored even as he dealt some damage. Fou for his part was comparing his speed to that of Pom’s and was comparing his strength to that of Skull X, in both cases he got overall stronger to match the dangers both his opponents represented.

Pom hopped forward at the charging Skull X hopped back as it dugs it’s left claw into the stone and then fired a bark break into the slightly ruptured walkway.


Almost there, and… A huge noise came from a building and a lot of dust was seen flying out of the open archway.

I carefully padded up next to the doorway and looked inside, to see a long bridge of stone had collapsed and Pom was sliding under a spinning drill that chased her down to between Skull guy’s legs, being near the right leg before she quickly rolled to the right as she passed between them.

Apparently big fluffy white haired villain guy landed behind the right expecting her and the tail from Skeleton Mcgee slapped the white beast sending him flying back first into to a pillar. If that were me, my spine would be snapped in half, but not the enemy guy just simply started picking himself up.

Pom made it to the floor and galloped a few feet away on her glowing front claws and rear paws as the mechanical skeleton turned around to roar after her.

I calmly pulled the device from under my scarf and three collars, because I still liked wearing all this stuff, probably the least naked dog in my ‘fam’ aside from DJ with his headphones or Da Vinci who also wore a scarf.

“Okay Yiggy, please tell me there is something you can do.” I stated as the device flicked on and I continued to watch as Pom fought a three way battle and was on the losing end of things if both of those monster were ganging up on her. She wasn’t doing so hot mentally and was beginning to slip.

“Drawing in and absorbing excess floating data from local damaged Digimon, not enough to data create a full digimon partner.” I just stared at the device, how were we going to get his mind out of Pom’s head and his emotions out of my heart? “Familiar data detected.”

“Yeah, yeah, its chaos whatever’s data… is there something we don’t know Yiggy?” I asked as I watched Pom get the back of her head slammed into the floor with that nemesis guy grasping onto her head.

Pom was still aware, but that blow really took a bit of fight out of her and she was futilely trying to get Fou’s claw off her face as he started squeeze her skull.

Okay, how to help Pom, she needed to break free of that before he popped her skull like a balloon… skeleton dinosaur was about to cream them both because Enemy is not paying attention.

“Gravity!” I called and timed it so well that the skeleton monsters left claw was hit with sudden weight it didn’t have before, so instead of moving forward the limb went straight down earlier than it expected and threw the entire metal dragon things off balance.

Its left claw slammed down onto Foe’s thick amount of white hair and fur making him let go of Pom. Thankfully it had missed a chance to crush Pom as she pulled herself to her paws after getting free of Foe’s grip and put some distance between her and them.

Pom looked scared and was slightly confused, almost felt like a wild animal if I didn’t know she was keeping her mind a little even now.

“Yes, you have one unread message.” Wait… what? Since when?!

“What?” I asked.

My confusion came from the fact that I could call my ‘fam’, but they couldn’t call me. We’ve already tried that and apparently the interdimensional connection was on my end of things, meaning the device and whatever Dormarch did to let it be possible.

How could we have a message, we didn’t have any messages before coming into this dimension… so where did one come from?

“Who is it from?” I asked as I kept an eye on the developing situation inside the building, this place was all ice and stone.

“A Monitamon of the local digital realm that has the contact information for this digital device, they have finished their investigation into the existence of the lost not native Dalmamon… would you like to read the information now?” Wait, that TV headed guy that Pom paid off actually found something where, when and how?!

“YES!” Now may not seem like the time for this, but Pom was still breathing. Sure she was hurting a lot, but she was doing okay for the time being. This was about Dormarch… or at least where his body might be so we could bring him back!


Client: Digidestined Pom.

Subject: Information on lost remains of a Dalmamon known by the name of Dormarch.

Payment: Given upfront, amounting to more than a million digital credits for Data Divers use. It has been assumed that the mass of credits possibly came from beaten up Golbimon of the Basher Bullies gang, not that it matters to us as payment given is payment received.

Those Employed to find resulting information: Black Tailmon Uver since digital blockades don’t bother him he was brought in to assist in the endeavor, Ultros’s entire Monitamon Information Force including initially paid Monitamon sending this message, after some convincing Hi-Vision Monitamon was included in the efforts, Ultros himself and finally Etemon due to information recently acquired to confirm data is fully legitimate before sending to client Pom Pawdore Lambchop’s Digivice.

End Results: Major, if highly unfortunate, Success! See Information is below for more details.


“Wait… they were successful?!” I flinched as I felt Pom take a nasty blow and looked to see her limping on her right leg a bit and her eyes were looking a bit wilder than I remember them being and she was doing the whole fog wolves thing again. It seemed to be really confusing Skull and Rival as they tried attacking Pom in several places she simply wasn’t. At least I always knew where she was. “They… they actually found something?! I thought that there would be nothing left of Dormarch’s body or soul… however that works when he’s alive in my connection to Pom.”

I was getting the gist that this was really quite important, this message was sent to us… how many days ago?! We could have been on top of this the entire time... should have been too… well nothing for it now to find out what happened to my little bro’s soul and body, because he apparently doesn’t need those to still count as half alive.

My eyes started reading the information that followed.


First operation: Searching of the local digital world, signs of unique Dalmamon traces were found.

Location around where Etemon escaped from the unknown alternative digital realm.

Second operation: Required Black Tailmon Uver, dangerous operation led to alternative investigation into digital world structure next door to Yggdrasil System made Digital World. Avoided five hundred and eight seven incidences of near capture to fully investigate Dalmamon traces.

History of subject Dalmamon designated "Dormarch":

Information received shows that the digital core of subject Dalmamon had become severely bugged before ending up in an alternative digital realm. This was due in part to a virus made to specifically eradicate Digimon, but wasn’t completely destroyed.

We are filing it as ‘a’ D-Reaper virus, as seen in prior cases where such a viruses exist and the ‘X virus’ is also under D-Reaper virus classification filing though noted to be ‘D-Reaper X’ for specifics given the various Digitial Reaper type virus incidents that have occurred within the Yggdrasil Systems.

Digimon Core was apparently stripped of present targeted D-Reaper virus before complete destruction by the unknown digital realm system.

There was at least one failed attempted revival of Dalmamon prior to being restored to working order, restoration was previously impossible for the unknown system due in part to the digital soul core missing at least one or more key processes of data remnants to restore the digital soul core to working order.

The reasoning for these suppositions can be traced back to Etemon’s exploration of the unknown digital realm, where a drop of digital blood was stolen from him. Digital blood may have been used to recreate whatever data the Dalmamon may have left behind upon D-Reaper destruction and was immediately used to create…


“… Pom…” I said slowly as it began sinking it why this was all starting to sound quite familiar, super familiar, so horribly familiar and my hackles were raising by the second. “Your luck is both amazing and horrible.”

I started to hyperventilate and started reading from the beginning again… maybe they were wrong about what they found?

No… I couldn’t actually ignore the words on screen just because my mind wanted to blank them out.

‘Chaosdramon X’.

I scrolled down a bit and continued reading.


Most Dalmamon seem to naturally carry data of Machinedramon as part of their mundane search engine operations packets, this with the bit of digital data from Etemon to restore minor missing key functions to create an operational if barely functional digital core after being badly fragmented by prior incidents to becoming lost while infected with a D-Reaper virus.

Whatever data was added on by what is now being called an enemy to the Yggdrasil System of worlds, plus using the ‘Reaper Virus’ software to recreate an 'X Virus Vaccine' effect created a Chaosdramon X that is currently being puppeteered by said enemy system that Yggdrasil is now trying to protect all digital realms in existence from.

It is in fact the very same Chaosdramon X that attacked you on the way into and out of our digital realm, we have confirmed all data pointing to this being the end results of what ultimately happened to your Dalmamon.

It is now very much possible that your Digimon partner is now being sent out to kill you by the unnamed enemy system to prevent recovery of said partner. This has not worked out so well in the past for either party.


My eyes were wide and I felt a chill, I actually felt the biting cold around me for once. For once all the warmth I had in me fled my body.

I can even feel my pupils shrinking as I silently sent this information to Pom in a slow manner as my eyes trailed downwards. I reread all of it again in excruciating detail, I can see why it said it was an unfortunate success now.

The information slowly pierced into my brain as looked at the monstrous skeletal metal dragon… one horrific zombie robot thing that I would be calling my 'little brother' in other circumstances attacking Pom in the stone building as I sat outside the archway watching it happen.

My eyes drifted back downwards, there was a little bit more to read... I scrolled the screen to keep reading as there was more to the message.


If you can find some way to restore your digital partner’s memories, emotions and or subvert the current systems in place controlling the body, then you may be able to recover the functionality of your Dalamamon partner.

Signs point to this being on a level of improbable to completely impossible without a way to restore the lost key bits of the digital soul core that were likely destroyed by the application of a 'D-Reaper' type of virus.

This would require you to have the Dalmamon’s missing bits of key data to be mostly or entirely intact, which is clearly impossible and there is no sign of where such backup data could be found and is presumed to have been erased from existence by the virus.

We are sorry for your loss.

-Monitamon of the Data Divers gang.



A small bit of hope blossomed in my chest, because we did actually have the missing bits of Dormarch, the most important parts of him even!

So how were we going to put them back into that thing and then expect Dormarch to be alright with any of it?

-The fight in progress, Pom-

I had leapt into the air at Skull X and suddenly the information Dolly was sending to me through our bond fully hit home and caused me to stall in mid-air.

In my shock and horror I completely lost hold of my bestial transformation and my glowing golden claws dropped too as I flopped to the floor on my back.

I could feel the look of absolute horror crossing my face as Skull Chaosdramon X came at me, I frantically started kick at the floor and scrambled to crabwalk backwards away from it.

I shouldn’t have dropped my bestial form, because I still had some time left on it and now I wouldn’t be able to get that back for twenty four hours and I didn’t exactly have that time right now. Plus there was Fou to think about.

I felt a burst of confidence and hope from Dolly, sometimes I wished I had her optimism.

“Dormarch, if you can hear me… we found your body.” I said quietly in a blunt manner as Skull X descended on me.

Frustration, anger, sorrow, madness, I felt all these thing and blinked as Fou protected me from the claw and even deflected the spinning drill with an impressive show of strength.

“Fou!” At least Fou still wanted to be the one to kill me first, so he saved me to do it himself later and continued to battle the monster while I had shown a lack of will in continuing the fight.

That what it was, wasn’t it? Fou… he just seeks battle to compare himself to ever stronger opponents without much rhyme or reason, it was kind of sad in a way… but understandable for a beast with a mind to want to challenge themselves to reach heights unknown.

Yes, Dolly, I… I’m so tired.. beaten… I don’t have your energy you know.

Dolly… what are you doing?!


I ran up to Pom with a stern look on my face

“Getting mad, we need both to get mad Pom and stay mad! I want you to take back my little bro’s body and beat the ever loving snot out of Adversary… come on Pom, get up! I know you don’t have super strength, but I still want you to get up and go at them with everything you have. Dormarch needs us to save his body from being used to kill you!” I stated as I came up to Pom with Rival getting Trashed as much as my little bro’s body was as they continued to fight each other in the background. “He’d never forgive himself, I’d never forgive you if you didn’t try to save him when he’s right in front of us and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if we didn’t use this opportunity to make a miracle happen!”

“Miracles are quite rare from what I’ve seen Dolly, it is unfortunate for that you’re talking to a living and breathing legend of a walking one.” Huh, what did Pom…? Oh, is this the whole Chrysomallus thing again?

“Fine, you talked me into it and you’re right that we need to get mad and stay mad, but know that we’re possibly going to be quite mangled after this. Already wasted my bestial mode, might as well make another sacrifice as there isn’t anything of myself I wouldn’t give to have Dormarch back in my life. Dolly strengthen the connection of our bond, I need to talk to Dormarch about all of this for a moment.” Didn’t even need to tell me twice Pom. “Get ready to back me up, because we’re not walking away from this one and we need to put whatever we can into it.”

Pom unslung the lance umbrella from her back and glared at both Antagonist and Dormarch’s Body, then I saw a red spark in Pom’s eye and I felt her tap into something deep within herself and then I can feel an explosion of absolutely loathing rolling off of her.

Whoa, Pom’s mad… like actually mad, truly a terrifying feeling when I’m connected and could see how angry Pom was. She slowly brought the spear up into an offensive stance and while tears dropped from her eyes, her right eye was twitching fiercely.

Uh… what was she about to do and why were her eyes sparkling red without the gold? Why did it look like she was about to flip out even worse than when she goes into bestial mode? Was that even possible for someone like Pom.

“Dolly, assist me where you can…” Pom said calmly and started to stalk forward towards the two still fighting. “And please, stay out of my way.”

Author's Note:

So yeah, the existence of Machinedramon Data comes back with a vengeance and everything is explained as to what happened to Dormarch's Digital Core and how Moon Cell was able to facilitate such a monster so quickly from Etemon's digital blood.

His core ended up in 'a' digital realm, but simply not one run by Yggdrasil System.

Also had a nice and early holiday party, no more holiday parties for the rest of the year.

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