• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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359. A True Smile?

-Universe: ???, a place called France, person: costumed girl-

“So Barkk has been going on about this Doggy Messiah for how long Miss Hound?” Ladybug asked me.

“For a while now and since Trixx disappeared, even stated they would find the coordinate for the dimension the Doggy Messiah lives in eventually after having caught a whiff of them.” I rubbed my right shoulder warily. “When I transform into Miss Hound… I can even feel it, the fervor with which the words ‘Doggy Messiah’ are said and feel the joy of just knowing that they exist and that they are real. I can feel Barkk’s need to find her and give her a hug, it’s almost like a cult like itch while I’m transformed. Even now I feel the need to hug a sheep and protect her with my very being… I think my Kwami might be corrupted.”

“How would Barkk even find this Doggy Messiah anyway?” Ladybug asked me with clear worry in her voice.

“That’s the thing, Barkk thinks Trixx apparently let herself be captured on purpose by something she’s calling the friend of the Doggy Messiah. Barkk really didn’t make much sense, but I believe the Doggy Messiah exists just by becoming Miss Hound and it’s… strangely comforting that all dogs have an actually nice being to pray to even if she isn’t a goddess. She just seems to be an ordinary mortal sheep of above average intelligence.” Even I was praying that the Doggy Messiah would be alright as Miss Hound and that’s a weird feeling. “A being that is so kind and… ugh… you see what I mean… it’s really getting to me Ladybug, fix it! I mean, I know Barkk is all about adoration, but this is outright worship that actually makes sense in the context to me as Miss Hound and I should be doing it more too for the Doggy Messiah if fluffy and in need of protection by those who seek to be loyal to her… gah, stop messing with my head!”

“I can see where this would be a problem… but is it really that bad?” Ladybug asked as she put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze to let me know she was here for me.

“Yes, apparently the Doggy Messiah has been recognized by a major star dog of the Canis Major constellation and somehow that translates into every universe said constellation exists in slowly getting a bleed over ripple effect for all dogs to want to befriend her in life… or death… which is really weird.” Who knew that Kwami could make you a cultist, I certainly didn’t, besides the Doggy Messiah sounds like an anxiety riddled sheep that loves and is loved. Even I loved her… no that’s just the Miss Hound transformation talking, it’s a rather infectious happy feeling really to know that she exists. How do I even know this, what in the world was Barkk putting in my head?! “So do you have any ideas of how to help me? This is weird even for Miraculous and Kwami.”

“I can help, because I’m a dog!” We both jumped at the sight of a dog. It wearing a strange suit, glowing blue and had clean white fur. It had appeared out of nowhere and was simply floating there with his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he panted happy with a waggling tail. “All will be well. I like hugs, do you like hugs too? Hugs are great and they make the universe not hurt.”

Before I knew it I was hugging a corgi and it felt right somehow.

“Um… are you an alien breed of corgi?” I asked warily, even Ladybug seemed wary of the blue floating dog that was looking at us with affection and a very improbably strong feeling of ‘HOPE’ that came off it, like the hope that we would be its new friends.

That is very likely because he was adorable and friendly sounding.

“Oh is this that thing where people are calling me bread again? If so, then I’m delicious!” The glowing corgi stated jovially, not exactly the smartest alien dog I’ve ever met and I’ve only ever met Barkk. “I’ve been spreading the word that Doggy Messiah shines on us all who feel the song of the canine, she is peaceful and nothing to worry overly about, unless you have her personal ire which she will intone three words for. Only dogs with no prior attachments and a need to protect will truly contract with her to protect her from danger and she will care for them with the strength of a thousand suns of hugs I wish I could be a part of. She is the peace for all dogs to take solace in at the end of our lives for just knowing she exists out there somewhere, for we are usually loyal to the Queen of Canines. Bad dogs are always selfish in her presence and she’ll always quickly know about them. I’m not a bad boy though, I’m a good boy, even if I’ve never basked in her presence personally… I will never want her all to myself forever!”

“Uh… where did you come from?” Ladybug finally asked, being as confused as I was about the talking blue, glowing, floating and magical dog about the obviously existent and wonderful Doggy Messiah.

No seriously, does the worship have an off button or do I need to start being a hero faster so I can avoid becoming like Barkk and this… dog?

“Space, big space, all over the space, space is large, so wide and I can run everywhere in it and even chase my tail across the stars, many places I came from…-------- I are lost.” After a bit of staring the dog finally admitted with a whine and lowered his chin into his chest, but he didn’t stay upset for long as his cheerful enthusiasm came back a second later. It was almost as if ‘HOPE’ was his very being even in the most hopeless of situations that seemed impossible wouldn’t stop him. “Do you know where blue lanterns is? I only came here because I heard someone needing guidance on the Doggy Messiah! All will be well… for I… am a dog.”

That was obvious, but you weren’t a normal dog by any stretch of the imagination.

Eventually, without the Kwami known as Trixx on some kind of magical journey to find a what sounds like a friend of all dogs, we would add the ridiculously odd space dog to our repertoire to make up for the loss.

The dog of ‘HOPE’ was actually very helpful with healing injuries and became a registered emotional support animal. He was a normal corgi, well as normal as a corgi that exudes the very concept of ‘HOPE’ constantly could be anyway with healing powers and the supernatural ability of blue energy.

The dog simply became scarily good at being emotional support animal for anyone having a bad day and Ladybug was in need of him at times, he even hoped to meet the Doggy Messiah someday to give her a friendly lick before returning to the Blue Lanterns whoever they are as an organization. Barkk really liked hanging out with him too, the dog was exceptionally friendly.

May the Doggy Messiah be happy or at the very least okay wherever she goes… I actually seriously mean that. She sounded nice… also I strangely could understand dogs and their needs now even when I wasn’t transformed. I’ve become a dog whisperer, not that many people will ever know.

-???, Pom-

Among the random pillars I ran as quietly as I could, my wool cushioning my hooves. Absolutely knowing that I had to find a place to hide, being out in the open was a death sentence.

I gasped as I leaned my back against a pillar of ice and looked around the corner of it… I heard a fluctuating growling coming from the chilling darkness as fog flowed around the place.

I didn’t see whatever it was that was coming for me. The noise was unlike anything I’ve ever heard before, frightening and driving my baser instincts to run. I knew better than my baser instincts, but in this situation I was willing to work with them.

The ruins and caves around me were silent when I started to hold my breath and darted between pillars of ice and then hid under a toppled pillar of stone.

Only then did I allow myself to breathe a little, I was being hunted, targeted even, by a monstrosity that was hiding and moving in the shadows.

There was barely any light down here and only my limited night vision had let me stay one step ahead of it.

I huffed and puffed quietly as sat there, my eyes searched the spacious area of the ruins I was in, looking around and seeing nothing but ice, stone and the cloying darkness and cold foggy air around me.

Was it scarier to not know where the monster was or to know exactly where it was, but you couldn’t do a single thing about it?

I think nothing being there was as terrifying knowing that something had been, I turned my head to left as I thought I saw something move and held my breath as I saw a long metal tail slide out of sight.

That Skull Chaosdramon X thing was here too?!

The smell of rotted and poisoned fleshed filled my nostrils and my heart started to pound as much as I heard the soft stomps of feet on snow slinking away.

I couldn’t relax, never relax, danger was out to get me and it wasn’t something I could put up a fight against. How does one destroy information anyway? Well erasing the information would be the way to do it, but I didn’t have the power.

A gold glow started to creep up my front legs and I immediately squashed it before the light attracted the monster back to me and or the glow infected me further.

It was already covering half my body now… when and why had I let it get this far?!

Don’t grow wings, don’t be found by the thing, can’t drop my guard and I knew something was definitely after me and out to get me, that’s my natural state of life at this point. It’s not a trick of my mind, there was something in the darkness and the safety of this stone pillar was suspect.

Where do I go, what do I do?! I tried to keep my breathing slow and quiet as I heard a soft rumbling growl.

Had to keep my ears out, had to use what little sight I had, all I could smell was the rot now permeating the area. I could probably feel it’s movements through the ground with my hooves even if there was wool covering them.

Why was this monster focusing entirely on me? What could it be possibly seeking me out for? Why was I the designated target? It had even mostly ignored both Quetal and Dolly, it was only after me specifically!

It was too quiet, was it waiting for me to come out of cover or was it just waiting for me to move so it could get me with less effort? Did it even know where I was?

I could hear the sound of my own rapidly beating heart in my chest, how could the monster not hear that and know where I was already?

I can’t stay here, I can’t move, what can I do? I needed a way out!

Dolly was distant, she had no clue where Quetal was and their newest friend was laying low, she didn’t have her wolf transformation which she could only do once a day. She could probably do it more with the more familiars she was connected to.

She could use her Chrysomallus side to run, but her friends were lost in this place and getting to Dolly or Dolly coming to her would be hard to do as she didn’t know where they were in relation to her.

Also for some reason she couldn’t remember how she got into this situation in the first place in the dark fog and ice covered ruins with a mindless and heartless monster gunning for her, trying with every ounce of its power to kill her.

She didn’t have the strength, she didn’t have the magic and she was feeling oddly drained…

Terror was gripping at her as she tried to find at least a source of light, she wouldn’t dare move or make her own. Running was what she was good at, forward or backwards she knew how run and evade.

A distorted growl sounded off and I put my back to the underside of the fallen pillar shivering, looking left and right… nothing.

When I looked back to the left I froze as did the sickly creature in mid swing with its claw upon being surprised to be noticed as I backed away slightly and out of its swinging range, but was still under the large stone pillar. It had long white hair with red tips, its bipedal grey ethereal body was covered in red welts and its eyes… it didn’t have them as they were hollowed and leaking or dripping with strange black fluids that smelled strongly of something tainted.

Its fangs were glistening with a dark burgundy and a bit of Quetal’s feather sticking out of its teeth along with bits of brain… my horror rose as the ghastly creature opened its mouth wide and lunged for me pushing me onto my back and out from under the safety of the pillar.

Before I knew it, its claws were digging right into my chest while raising its other one high into the air. It only said one word.

“Foe…” The creature intoned menacingly before intending to bite and slash down at me at the same time.

Its ghostly sounding voice had unwittingly caused us to be lit up in a sickly yellow glow as the Skull Chaosdramon X descended on both of us with this creature having drawn its attention.

I started to flail with all I had trying to claw myself out from under this monster and run away from the other one.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Kingdom of Titania within the Fairy Dust Islands, ‘The Dream’-

“Pom, please wake up, you’re okay, everything is going to be okay, you’re safe, please just stop panicking and wake up, yeah that’s it, calm down! Listen to my voice, I am here, right here with you.” A pleading Dolly came into focus as my eyes opened and out hotel room was clawed up quite a bit… I was breathing heavily as my eyes darted about and looking out the nearby window at the bright pink sky. “It’s okay… I’m here… Dolly’s here… Quetal’s here too…. we’re here Pom…”

The inns bed sheets were torn to shreds, as was the bed, the walls and anything in the general vicinity that my hooves could reach. I was soon looking up at a worried Dolly with a paw pressed against my chest my hoof dangerously close from clawing her face off, I quickly dropped it and relaxed my body.

Dolly proceeded to gently hug, nuzzle and lick me a few times with a wagging tail and clearly was fearful for me and not of me after what just happened.

Seriously, if I were anyone else right now I’d be absolutely terrified of me for having a night terror and taking it all out on my surroundings like this.

“Night terror, I’ve had a few of those myself… wasn’t nearly as dangerous when trying to wake up though.” Quetal didn’t seem to be as worried about being near me as he immediately approached after what had just happened.

Though he did make a note to gesture at all the magical claw marks permeating the entire room that I had unleashed while looking at me with worry and not fear. He gently nuzzled me too in an awkward manner.

Why weren’t they scared of me after that?!

I heard Dolly whimper slightly as she snuggled against me, today was supposed to be the day we were going to see Lord Oberon right?

Okay, let’s just… let’s just ignore that this happened… at least it wasn’t a nightmare about Gilgamesh taking out an entire army and whoever else before Quetal heard and saw him die to a massive explosion that beggared belief. Given said could be practically seen from any kingdom in the Ransei Region.

Why couldn’t I say that I was alright? Why couldn’t I say anything?

“Foe.” That voice haunted the back of my mind even now and I looked around, but didn’t see anything but Dolly and Quetal worrying over me as they noticed a sudden panic in my eyes.

“Pom, I don’t know what you just heard, but you’re imagining it. Calm down and maybe we can get started on breakfast… alright?” Dolly was trying to be comforting and thankfully she was something adorable and cute to wake up to, not that she appreciated those terms when in reference to herself. She preferred terms that were cooler by a percentage about a fifth of a hundred.

“Good morning everyone and welcome to a new day in The… oh… what happened here?” Despite the smiling face Curdle’s body showed surprise that the room and bed were practically destroyed and Dolly was clinging to me protectively. “Did someone have a premonition, yeah those usually happen in the realm of ‘The Dream’ since it can sometimes live up to its name, this one seemed exceptionally brutal judging by the outcome. So, who wants pancakes with some of ‘me’ on them!”

I gagged audibly, but still didn’t say anything. Even Dolly and Quetal didn’t respond positively to the idea, while sending Curdle looks of slight disgust.

“Foe.” The night terror was still quite fresh in my mind as the image flashed again and my eyes darted about for a few seconds, I quietly got up and started to woodenly move for the nearest privy, toilet or bathtub I could find.

-Some time later, building at the literal heart of the city-

We entered and I had been rather quiet all morning after breakfast, aside from a few pranking attempts, which were intercepted by other Fairy Types to prevent us from being hit, we made our way to the heart of the city. Which was literally where the heart would be on a Ribombee.

“Hello there, can you give me your name?” Asked Oberon kindly.

“No thanks, I’m still using mine.” I answered succinctly remembering Fairy Types like playing with semantics sometimes.

“Thought I’d try at least that once and maybe get one by you, okay tell me your names and I’ll tell you why you’re here. My name is Lord Oberon as you well know, anybody who comes here will know or at least remember my name as being of some importance here in Titania.” Lord Oberon was… ridiculously adorable and tiny! How could someone so tiny sound so regal? He looked to be full of authority as he bowed to us in the air and I returned that with a bow of my own. “How polite. As you might surmise I am a Ribombee, a specialist at making poffins, a rather delicious snack cake recipe known throughout the Ransei Region. I also make pollen puffs… special recipe, very delicious and highly nutritious and capable of being consumed safely by anyone, good for long travels and easy to carry in large quantities. Aside from that, I’m obviously the ruler of the Kingdom of Titania alongside my wife who happens to be a lovely Florges that loves the gardens and is my beloved Fairy Queen, but she might be a bit too busy for you to ever meet her.”

I didn’t say anything and waited, as did Dolly and Quetal. Once it seemed like Lord Oberon wouldn’t continue on or had anything else to say, I introduced us.

“I am Pom, this is Quetal, Dolly and I’m sure you sent Curdle to act as a guide, she’s been a very good one so far… aside from all the attempts to make us eat her.” That last part was still a problem and goodness knows Curdle has a problem. As do most Milcery and Alcremie as far as I know at this point and time without having talked to the later and only the former. “Which is fairly awkward.”

“You are here because I graciously intercepted your instant transportation to Nixtorm before you would ever be ready to go there, unfortunately my aim for the redirection wasn’t closer to the shore and I’m terribly sorry for the er… rather ‘bumpy and wet mishap’ of your arrival to the island. You seem quite drawn to trouble as it is to you.” He spoke in a rather upper crust and gentle tone, almost like he thought he was the most important creature in the room and probably was despite his diminutive stature. I’ve seen other Fairy Types that were larger than him, but they all still deferred to Lord Oberon for a reason. “That is the reason you are here, because I willed it. Now if you are about to ask me for help, well I will gladly give you all the assistance you could ever need with crossing the sea to the north when you are ready to leave, I’ll even throw in as many food supplies as you can feasibly carry given the harshness of Nixtorm… provided you do just one thing for me.”

“What is it and how long will it take?” Airship travel would get us to Nixtorm safely without problem, it would also be fast and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything until we get into the frozen kingdom proper.

I noted he didn’t say he would provide us any further aid once we got there, a one way trip then and we had to be ready.

“Now you see, I hope you don’t misunderstand me when I say this and it is going to be an odd request overall… but I only wish for a ‘True Smile’ as I demand it.” Lord Oberon grinned and crossed his tiny arms while looking at me. “It can’t be a fake or trying to smile, it must be truly from the heart and heartfelt smile. I’ll give you some time to figure out how you’ll deliver to me such a smile, but until then I hope you’re accommodations are doing you well as guests of this kingdom. If anyone should prank you, please note that I told them to leave you be, the canine with you however is already lost cause given she’s already started a new war between herself and several others. Heard she was quite good even at giving and not receiving, a beast after my own heart really. As long as you endeavor to stay out of the pranking wars, they should endeavor to stay out of messing with you personally. With all that out of the way, duck.”

I didn’t think twice about the quickly or bluntly immediately given warning as I ducked down and forced Quetal to do the same with my right hoof. Dolly somehow preternaturally entered a flow-motion state and started dodging absolutely everything in what could only be the most incredibly odd series of events this large office for the small Lord Oberon has probably ever seen.

“I am so terribly sorry about this, but Fairy Types do have a few problems with holding back on new people, despite my ire being a good reason not to.” Stated Lord Oberon blandly as he fluttered among the sudden mess of his large office, we were entirely and miraculously enough untouched by the sudden incident.

“Whoa.” Dolly stated as she looked around at the devastated office. Cheese on the wooden ceiling fan, paint splattered everywhere and that was just the small stuff that just happened. “Guys really do like their pranks around here.”

“More like they like the chance at possibly getting one over on me as it were.” Lord Oberon stated dully with a slight grin to us. “I’m quite the cheeky one, or I’m told.”

“So when are you going to do it?” I asked.

“Do what?” Ah Lord Oberon’s sudden confusion made me realize what he was doing as he grinned at me with half lidded eyes.

“Right we’ll be going, I’ll try to figure out the answer over the next few hours.” While trying to get over my night terror episode and the anxiety that’s coming from that and just about every other source in my life.

I’m still functional physically, emotional and mentally, but also a complete and utter mess as well that’s doing a good job of hiding it all.

“Foe.” My eyes started darting about for whoever said that and I wondered if that was my mind reliving that one moment of my night terror.

I didn’t see anything wrong, aside from the office obviously devastated by a series of pranks that included a three story cake that came flipping into the room at Oberon as the door opened in the middle of the chaos. A chaos which Oberon somehow shield us from despite being in the middle of it all along with himself just as untouched as we were.

“See that you do and you might want to do something about those wandering eyes. Some things are veiled for a reason, do not look too deeply beyond it.” It was as if Lord Oberon seemingly oozed charm out of his pores when giving that warning, which is what Fairy Types are known for. He was more amused with me than anything, which was possibly worrying given the amount of pranks targeting him and people knowing we were near him at the time to launch this many at once and still managed to miss him and us. “Oh, and take a free weapon on your way out if you will, some jerk dumped them all over the Fairy Islands. Don’t really need them or have much use for them personally. Oh and if you eventually see Arthur or sometimes ‘Artoria’ as she goes by, tell her the lady of the lake says hello. She’s a blue furred canine with long red hair, might catch a fancy with you with that aura of yours, she’s currently a copy of a Legendary Pokémon known as Zacian. She’s busy running around with another canine a copy of the legendary Pokémon Zamazenta who’s named Mash. You’ll come across them eventually I’m sure, they are usually preceded by fog because they like their privacy.”

Gilgamesh launched an attack on the Fairy Dust Islands and I suspected that none of them were damaged and if I looked at the weapons as we exited… yep… I saw a few spears. The weapons obviously didn’t do any damage to the islands or themselves for that matter, was that just how terrifying Fairy Types could be on principle despite their size and unusual demeanors? I had a feeling the prankers didn’t miss on purpose so much as it was Lord Oberon doing something when he told us to duck.

I grabbed one of the weapons and looked it over and then looked back towards the office door to a smiling Lord Oberon, the lance styled spear I had chosen had a very unique design to it and it looked a bit cute and had fluffy ribbons. A little unusual, frilly and it seemed defensive given it didn’t have a sharp point.

I looked it over and hit a switch and the lance portion swirled, spiraling outwards, and flared out turning into a cheerful looking parasol or umbrella from the handle I had been holding, well that was pretty nifty. It didn’t seem to carry any kind of curse on it at the very least and felt right in my hooves. I’ll keep it, hopefully it doesn’t end up like all those other destroyed spears or doing something awful to me later.


She would choose to take ‘Artoria’s lance’ wouldn’t she? She is worthy of using it at its most basic of levels, but she would never be able to use it at its true and mighty full power. At least it will be indestructible and useful for her needs.

The weapon actively attracted her eye for the very reason that she wouldn’t abuse it. It can ensure the world’s stability and has many a strange power, but in her hooves, it would specialize in defense and striking speed so it chose to be an odd combination that is an ‘umbrella lance’ based on her attributes.

Quite fitting really that she got the ‘Spear of the end’ and it wasn’t even originally where she found it second before she did, it had actually moved there on its own and did so almost eagerly.

How quaint, she has a pet spear now… well if it chose to continue the charade of being an odd friendly looking weapon and she’s going to immediately notice the oddities with it when she faces some truly dangerous opponents.

Not that she could realize or unleash its true power, much less know that it was going to find a way to follow and protect her like a dog… she’s probably used to that by now anyway. At best it’ll be a nigh indestructible parasol and lance for her, a very unique one with quite the history that decided the cute puppy print patterns would catch Pom’s eyes on the lance’s shell.

Makes one wonder how Gilgamesh got it to then lazily and carelessly toss it away, I’m guessing it probably disguised itself as a regular spear to hopefully be thrown at some hapless opponent. Said hapless opponent was my Fairy Islands, so it was fair that the weapon chose to leave with someone who likes to travel in a form that’s good for traveling with.

I certainly couldn’t have wielded it, it usually ends up in the hands of the potentially doomed and I had a long life ahead of me.

Then disguised itself as something more defensive and not offensively centered once it found someone it liked, such as Pom.

Curiosities abound, but it is certainly adorable that it chose to befriend a queen in need of ‘strength’ where she has not much physically. Also it was not like Artoria could wield a lance in her current form anyway.

-Back at the only inn in ‘The Dream’ since they don’t get many visitors that come and go, training room, Pom-

“So Lord Oberon is being a jerk, there are two reasons why it is impossible for me to do what he asked of me.” I stated as I twirled and thrust the spear, practicing with the lances odd weight and candor, it seemed to fit in my hooves quite nicely. Which made it all the more suspicious that there was something off about the weapon, even if it was a cute umbrella with a puppy patterned print on it.

Training with this weapon gave me a sense of peace at least, I looked off to the side to see Quetal practicing his new move Beat Up. He stopped, looked to me and nodded, so he already figured it out.

“Huh, why would giving that guy a true smile be a problem Pom?” Dolly asked and she obviously took what Lord Oberon said at a half attention face value.

“One he wants me to give it to him while he’s in the middle of demanding it or however he demands when or how the smile is given to him.” That was just the first part of it as I sent the relevant information on why that’s a problem over to Dolly who wanted to know what the second thing was.

“Two giving him a ‘True Smile’ on demand means that it wouldn’t, in objective fact, be a ‘True Smile’, because a ‘True Smile’ comes from the heart and he just did something to be a huge jerk towards us making us not likely to give him the smile he wants ever.” Quetal answered for Dolly’s curiosity. “He’s willing to help us, clearly, but he’s got to challenge us about it first and this challenge seems impossible. At least Pom is not overthinking the problems and is in fact already aware of them.”

“So it’s not even possible?” It had Dolly angry and raring to prank Lord Oberon into oblivion. “Dude what a rip!”

“Now I didn’t say that it was impossible… he didn’t exactly declare who had to be doing the smiling. Just that someone had to be ‘smiling truly’ and he had to be demanding it at the time or telling us how or where to give the smile at the time and it has to still be by definition ‘True’.” I looked up at the ceiling as I leaned on the… para-lance? I needed to think about this. “Semantics are quite important here, Fairies are considered tricksters by nature. So he doesn’t expect ‘us’ to trick ‘him’ at all and manage to actually achieve this without thinking about it for a while. He intends for us to be stuck here for a few days.”

“Well do you want to talk about something else?” Dolly tried after coming up with nothing. “I mean aside from successfully pranking him, I got nothing about how to make him personally give a ‘True Smile’ much less anyone in the room with him. He’s seems quite unflappable or untouchable and he’s going to be as cruel to us as possible to make sure we can’t smile truly at him.”

“I want to discuss what the night terror Pom had was, please…” Quetal stopped training and came over to look me in the eyes with clear worry.

“Let’s keep training until lunch… maybe I’ll sing a whole song about it.” I had something in mind.

“Alright, does Dolly at least know what caused your terror?” Quetal asked and looked to Dolly shaking her head no, because I hadn’t shared that with her and he returned his gaze to me. “Let’s train.”

“Foe.” I jumped and looked about a wild panic.

“Since you’ve been having constant panic attacks since you woke up and training with that spear seems to have calmed you down a lot, you need to get your mind off whatever it is or it’ll haunt you for as long as we’re stuck here.” Quetal looked at Dolly and she nodded to him about something, but I decided to ignore the byplay and started running through a general routine of Huoshan Spear basics. Thought it would be awkward with a lance, but it seemed to work with me.

Also apparently two legendary dogs were going to bother me in the future, possibly more than that given they were copies of pre-existing legendary Pokémon… and how does Lord Oberon already know this stuff?

My levels of suspicion jumped quite a few notches as I went through the motions with the anxiety eating at my mind and kept hearing the word ‘foe’ randomly spoken since I woke up.


A light whitish gray furred beast with long white hair with pinkish red tips, red welts in it's flesh and its steely eyes moved through the forest as it avoided the sight of ‘The Destroyer of the Nixtorm Kingdom', but it wanted to see it for the beast was quite envious of its incredible power for being all but an indestructible corpse of unending suffering.

Author's Note:

Well Pom has a night Terror and she's now clamming up, as per usual her own anxiety is kicking her flank around.

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