• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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120. Have a Bathysphere’s Assaulting Lightning Limbs.

Author's Note:

Music: Magnus Von Grapple Boss Fight, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door.

It sounds like the boss music I would hear if I had to fight Professor Nimnul in a RPG made about the Rescue Rangers.

-Equus, world leader’s summit, Twilight-

“Now let’s…” I started to say when someone shouted.

“Wait, I’m here!” Jaded La Perm ran in and took a seat.

“Jaded this a summit for the world leaders and delegates.” I sighed, knowing I probably shouldn’t have addressed her in any capacity.

“I’m the delegate of Airship Wemauliya.” Jade said with a bright and friendly toothy grin, thus the formation of a headache began.

“Pray tell, how did this country of Airship Wemauliya come about?” The Saddle Arabian delegate, Amira, was sweating in her seat.

“Oh we seceded from Equestria this morning, then signed an alliance treaty with the Storm Kingdom, Equestria and one other country so larger countries don’t try to invade our humble little country. It was a heartwarming tale of thirty minute or so of bureaucracy I really don’t want to relive.” Jade sent a friendly smile in the Saddle Arabian delegate’s direction. “By the way, Brenda and Savanna wanted me to tell you hello.”

I was going to have a long talk with Fizzle about this when this summit was over.

“I’m both terrified and mollified on a number of levels, but tell them that they are welcome to visit anytime that ‘you’ are not around.” Felt sorry for Amira having to deal with Jaded at this meeting. “How did you even end up as the delegate and what are you newest plans to ruin Saddle Arabia?”

“No plans, just happy little accidents, my herd wife put her hoof down on me hard for my absurd hatred of Saddle Arabia. As for how I became the delegate, I was voted in by a majority vote and I came to help deal with the world economy problems with a few suggestions.” Jade has, admittedly in recent history, calmed down and has gotten better… somewhat. “Also the Storm Queen told me to hold up the meeting until she arrived since she is a world leader too. She’s busy trying to drag in the last member of the summit, he’s being quite stubborn because he’s still trying to plan on how to legally get rice porridge and cheese recognized as a major export from his republic.”

“As long as she’s not trying to take over the world.” Amira stated with barely restrained terror.

“That would be too much trouble and a huge hassle, I would never do that.” At least Jade was entirely honest on that front. “Even if I could by saying ten words or less at this meeting.”

Migraine starting…

“Okay, I’m here… I just had to find the ruler of… what was it called again?” We all turned to see Fizzle wearing a dress of dark silver, dark purple and the symbol of the Storm Queen on it. Following her in was the last world leader. “Please tell me that Jade didn’t go with the take over the world plan already.”

“Hello… I’m the Emperor of the Religious Republic of Chaosica, have you heard of our lord and savior The Gouda Cheese?” Discord the draconequus stated with gleeful cheer and a bright grin, my migraine just tripled immediately at the fact that he was wearing a really bad alicorn costume with big googly inflatable eyes.

“For what it’s worth, I’m apologizing for absolutely everything ahead of time as the Storm Queen, your friend and a member of your royal guard for what is about to occur here Twilight.” Fizzle stated flatly as she took a seat next to the ‘delegate’ from Airship Wemauliya. “That said, I still love my sanity challenging wife.”

“Let the games begin!” Stated Discord as he took a seat on the ceiling above everyone with a smile and poured himself a cup of dirt and rings a bell that looks like it was used for a boxing ring. “I do so love a good cup of Dirt Tea, though cleaning the pot for Fluttershy afterwards is always a bother.”

-Earth, New York, streets close to the power station, Dolly-

“Okay, so can you two figure something out while I’m distracting him?” This was already going to go poorly, I could already tell.

“Of course darling, we’ll try to do it quickly…” Bianca was looking at the machine down the street warily and she started move towards the power station while not taking her eyes off it. “Just be careful, Professor Nimnul is very dangerous. Please run if he hurts you too much, he’s not particularly kind to animals.”

“We’ll take care of logistics Dolly, because I seriously doubt we’d be much help against that thing.” Bernard looked at me in concern. “Just try to give us as much time as possible, five minutes at the very least to figure something out and we'll send help soon. Come on Bianca!”

I turned to that ball shaped robot thing that has taken out several police cars. Bullets didn’t seem to effect it much, mostly because it was basically a walking tank.

I’m a dog on a skateboard, with a skateboard strap and a badly damaged helmet for safety. At what point would I honestly ever get it into my head that I could actually beat this thing? Sure I get into trouble, but I wasn’t an idiot.

Still going to try though, because this guy was seriously hurting people. I approached him slowly on my skateboard and eventually came stopped a fair distance away. I barked at him challengingly because he wouldn’t understand any of my insults and began growling loudly.

The guy looked like a cross between a chicken, a duck and a Pelican. Pelican because the short guy had the jowls for it, he wasn’t intimidated by my posturing in the slightest.

“Hoo-hoo-hoo… If you that think for even a second that I’m going to lose my latest invention to a dog like you, well then, you’re ‘dead’ wrong!” After adjusting his glasses, this Nimrod guy swung both the machine’s arms outwards as he screamed this at me. He pointed the finger on the right hand at me. “I made this combat machine specifically for pests like you in mind; so if you seriously think you can take me on, then you have more screws loose in your head then I do in mine!”

All I had to do was distract him from the power station by making a huge nuisance of myself, well let’s get this started.

“Bow-Waka-Wow!” I shot forward on my skateboard and immediately veered to the left and hopped up onto the hood of a car as a blast of electricity flew by me scorching a large section of the street coming from the machine’s seemingly gloved hands. The triangular toe boot shaped legs were also of interest.

Ramping off the car’s windshield, I slammed my skateboard against the metal wired bubble covering this guy. Barely even dented the glass on this thing. Only a second later I was in pain as a huge flash surged from the machine and expanded outwards for a few seconds to send me flying back past the car I used to launch myself at him.

Finding myself tumbling through the air, I managed to orient myself to tumble along the ground to avoid getting hurt after being nearly fried like that. I really did not want to smell like a hot dog for the remainder of my short life.

I slowly picking myself up and used my skateboard to prop myself up further, looking at the machine with disbelief as the guy inside grinned madly at me.

“I’ve always loved the power of lightning, the surge of electricity, why the very movements of electrons and protons are at my very fingertips. Well I’m harnessing this power once more to show the world what I’m capable of once again!” Slowly the energy began building on the hands of the machine. “How did you like my rodent proof surge protector? No rodent is climbing into or even onto my machine to disable it this time!”

Okay, that seriously stung a lot. That’s even with my board taking the brunt of what just hit me. Still had to keep this guy busy somehow and away from the power station.

So how was I going to do it if he could just knock me away like that? Maybe hit and run was the best I could do, I could make him waste a lot of energy activating that shield thing.

“Whoa!” I wrapped my strap around my body and rolled to the side as a beam of electricity arced forward and past me blackening the ground and causing my fur to stand on end.

The things the beam barely touched in the surroundings, like abandoned cars or anything made of metal, immediately became electrified death traps.

I’m thankful that I was a short furred breed of dog, also this guy was outright actively trying to kill me!

The two cylinders on the back of the machine began pumping up and down faster, it also started glowing ominously.

“Now say hello to the end all of the B-ALL’s special attack!” It brought both its arms up and then slammed them down filling the entire street with a wall of energy spreading outwards from the machine.

It wasn’t destroying buildings, but anything that could be set on fire, shattered, electrified and or melted was doing so as the wave came at me.

So yeah, I’m definitely terrified of this nerd machine.

I got my board under me by popping it onto its tail with a hop, so I had its nose to the sky. With my rear paws on the nose of it, balancing my entire body on top of it really, I leaped upwards as hard as I could. Following that, I yanked the strap upwards with all I had to send my skateboard flying upwards above me.

The skateboard’s weight pulled me upwards slightly and gave me enough height to clear the shockwave that felt like it grazed my tail.

With another pull of my skateboard strap and a flip, I swung my board around me once to being back under me, I landed the trick standing proudly on my board and skidded to an immediate stop. I looked back to see that the shockwave had petered out shortly after passing by me.

No longer able I to feel my tail, I was glad to see that it was even still there when I looked.

I smacked my tail, it was completely numb.

I saw that everything living that was struck by that shockwave was now completely incapable of more than twitching, I hoped that didn’t just seriously injure anyone.

“Good use of physics doggy, or did you do that completely by accident hmm?” He was already marching the machine towards me. “Do you really think that little tricks like that is going to help you take me down?”

I barked at him angrily twice, my tricks were not little! It took years of not listening to anyone for me to get this talented with a skateboard, probably would have learned faster if I had stopped to listen and wouldn’t have broken so many bones to learn lessons the hard way!

I’m angry now, I was going to bring this fight to him since his machine stopped looking like it was electrified.

Charging forward on my skateboard, he swung at me when I closed in. Popping my skateboard into the air I bounced off the swiping right hand, I clutched at my strap with my front two paws and swung my skateboard into overhead swing.

I knocked a few chips of glass out of the top of his machine with my vertically oriented skateboard. It wasn’t much, but it was something at least to prove I could be a threat.

My rear paws slammed into the glass bubble and I grabbed the skateboard as it came at me and swung it in a horizontal swipe that caused several more chips of glass to fly off the upper portion of the bubble.

I kicked off and flicked the skateboard behind me on the strap, avoiding the left hand trying to grab me by landing on its arm, I brought my skateboard forward and down hard vertically as I kicked off of it. I actually made a tiny crack in the bubble and rocked the machine back slightly.

Pulling my board to me as it bounced back, it was soon under my paws. Once I landed, I immediately pushed myself backwards with my rear left leg to avoid another rightwards swipe while performing a manual while going backwards.

“You seem to have an instinctual working knowledge of mass time’s velocity, but the amount of damage you can do will not be able to slow my machine down in the slightest!” Blind-mole is right, those glasses really looked like a pair of glass hockey pucks taped together, unless I can keep widening the cracks and eventually damage that metal mesh reinforcing the glass.

The thing then quickly raised its right foot and tried to stomp down on me. I pushed backwards again continuing my manual and was shaken slightly by the force of the stomp.

How was a dog like me supposed to keep their balance under these conditions? The chip damage I was causing was superficial at best.

Looking left and right, I noticed that the metal objects were no long electrified and… wow the tires on those cars are melting. That’s so cool, heh it’s all droopy and stuff!

No, bad Dolly, focus on the dangerous thing right in front of you!

I spun and sped away from the machine and veered around to quickly ollie my way onto the hood of the nearest car and then launched from the windshield like I had previously at the walking metal baseball.

Putting my weight behind my skateboard and leaning into it, I only to bounced off the bubble like the first time.

Barely chipped off a few more pieces of glass and cracking the bubble slightly again as I landed on the street. I quickly kicked the board into hopping to the right and avoided being stepped on by the thing.

Getting off my board, I had an idea as I took it into my front paws and got onto my hind legs.

I was about launch an attack when I saw a spark, I quickly leapt backwards as the machine encompassed itself with a burst of energy. At least I avoided it this time.

“Aw… and I waited for the right moment to activate the surge protector too!” Professor Dim-bulb swung the left hand forward and fired off a bolt, I hopped to the left. The right came up and fired off another ball of lightning and I hopped back and to the right.

I hopped backwards several times, stumbling a few times, to get some distance. I just needed an opening.

“Why don’t you be a good little doggy, and take a nice zap?!” The machine’s hands fired three balls of energy, two to the sides of me and one large combined one straight at me from both of the hands.

“Ah?!” What do I do?!

Out of reflex, I took hold of my board by the axels and turned it to cover my body.

I was hit with a blast that knocked me into the air, sparking energy flowed past me on the left and right. I also received a bit of a mild shock.

Landing on my hind paws without faltering, I glared around my board at the mad scientist while continuing to hold it up like a riot shield with the back end facing the sky.

My deck was perfectly fine after that.

“What in the… what is that skateboard made of? I know skateboards shouldn’t be nearly that durable!” Jokes on you Proffessor Chinned-Vole, I’ve done a lot of stuff to my deck that in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have. “No matter, you can’t keep blocking like that forever!”

Instead of firing a blast of electricity, he fired two beams from both hands, I slammed the nose of my board against the street and crouched behind it.

“Why did I sign up for this?” Clenched my teeth, I put my shoulder against my board and stood up to the pressure of one of the beams splashing across it. “Oh right, for Pom!”

I looked at it and still no damage to it, the strap however was a bit crispy, huh.

“I might have to get a sample of your skateboard after this mutt!” The Limb-toll guy stated.

“You’ll have my skateboard when you can take it from my cold dead paws!” I barked out at him.

“I’m assuming that’s over your dead body… gladly!” He fired three bursts of lightning at me and started marching his machine straight at me, it’s a good thing it was slow at walking or else I would already be dead.

I lifted the board off the ground and twisted to the left out of the path of the first shot, spun and ducked under the second and then, grabbing the front axle of my board I swung it hard at the third ball of energy following an odd feeling.

“I really have no clue what I’m doing anymore!” I stated just before my second favorite ‘thing’ in this world, as far as possessions go my rubber chicken was still my number one favorite thing ever and I left that with my beloved little sisters, collided with the ball of energy.

I followed through with the swing and… the ball of energy went flying back the way it came as I flopped over onto my face.

This was much to my surprise as the crazy scientists, as it went at the machine that was building up energy. When it struck the machine, it caused a huge burst of energy that had the red headed crazy guy screaming in anger.

“What the, no, no, no, how did you even do that?! You just can’t disperse all that energy I was saving for another special attack by hitting one of my lightning blasts back at me!” He shouted as he continued marching the machine for me, now in an angry fervor. “What you just did was not even scientifically possible, electrical energy doesn’t work like that!”

I looked at my board and saw a faint glow on it before it disappeared. Did I just use magic with my deck? Cool, now if only I can figure out how I can do something like that all the time on purpose.

I hefted my board up and started charging the machine on my two hind legs while I wielded the board by its back axel.

I stopped short as the left leg stomped forward, I jumped straight up as the foot slammed into the ground. I then dove forward to roll under the right mechanical hand grasping for me and got back onto my hind legs to swing my board into my target.

My board struck the back of the knee joint on the machine’s left leg, the only partially unarmored portions of the machine were the joints.

I saw that I actually did some damage there and tried to get away, only for the machine to quickly turn and I saw the back of its left hand coming towards my face…

What the… oh my head… why was my nose bleeding? My body was hurting and I was on my back.

I sat up and saw the machine stomp towards me, I tried to get my skateboard only for the machine to lower its right arm and then simply flicked it into the distance from my grasping left paw.

I looked up at the machine as it loomed over me and the nasty smile I was receiving from the pilot, the right hand came down at me in an overhead swing.


“Remember that kicking upwards is one of the rolls you can do to escape danger as something is bearing down on you.” I nodded at Pom’s words, that she was teaching me something made me happy. That she wasn’t doing it by making it a boring lecture was a plus for me, she was actively showing me how to do these things herself and I was doing them alongside her. “It always help to learn how to recover by rolling in any direction when you’ve been knocked down. I’m good at defense and evasion. You’ll have to figure everything else out yourself after I’m done teaching you the basics.”

-End flashback-

I quickly kicked upwards and rolled backwards and the slap of the machine’s hand hitting the ground launched me upwards slightly and I flipped right back onto my paws.

The left hand tried to grab me and I rolled away from it, narrowly getting out of its range before it could wrap it’s digits around my torso.

I tried to turn and run, but felt myself flop onto my stomach and then I was lifted into the air.

“What, but… oh no… my tail.” Not good, this was not good, I needed help! Since I was now being held aloft by my tail, which I couldn’t feel getting grabbed at all, now in the crook of the machine’s right hands thumb.

I wouldn’t know if he was crushing my tail or not unless the numbness wears off.

“Well now that I have you, it’s time to put an end to you being a nuisance. I already have too many animals trying to stop me already, I’m not letting another one be added to that list!” The arm of the machine lit up and everything was pain. “Yes, fry little doggy, bet you’re not feeling so hot now!”

The torture soon ended and I was gasping in pain, how much energy did he just put through my body? Better yet, why am I still alive or even able to still feel pain?!

“Still alive? Well aren’t you an interesting one, how about another go?” His voice drifted out of my hearing as my world was agonizing pain, he was currently electrocuting me to death. “Well… huh? You still got some fight in you?”

“Sorry… everyone.” I yipped quietly before more pain flooded me and I unleashed howls of agony.

“Huh? Why won’t you die?!” Good question cherry faerie, why am I not giving up the cornbread yet when my world brain bacon?!? The left hand of the machine reached up and clasped itself around my entire torso, the hand rotated upright holding me pointing towards the bubble. “You know what, I’m just going to crush you instead of wasting any more energy on you!”

I gasped and tried to take in a breath of air, maybe my last before he pulps me entirely…

-Dolly’s Memories-

“Hi I’m Dylan, I miss my dad like you miss your mom.” Dylan…

“I’m going to be your new mother. I know I can’t replace your old one, but I’m going to try and do my best to make you smile again.” Mom…

“Dolly, sweetie, can you give Delilah a chance for me?” Dad…

“Mommy helped us with our owies!” My brothers and sisters…

“Tune in next time to see Bolt save Penny with his newest ability The Super Bark.” Ugh… that was just so cheesy, yet the puppies loved it.

I watched Pom exhale a blast of raw energy from her mouth and it blew apart the target...

Wait… I have to... concentrate on how she did that…

“You know what.” Wait… Dawkins? Why would I... “I bet you can’t get every pup to breakfast with a single shout.”

Can I really do it… a real super bark… like Pom?

-Outside Dolly’s head, Nimnul-

“I would ask you if you have any last words, but I wouldn’t understand them anyway!” I went to pulp the pooch...

Shattered metal and glass everywhere, I covered my face and started screaming, yet I couldn't hear anything.

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