• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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333. Whiffs of Portents.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Cerebrum City, Middle Tier, Xatu-

Being a green bird with white wings and some colorful highlights along with a long feather sticking out the back of my head, it made made me feel like I should be put on some kind of totem pole sometimes with my appearance.

As a Psychic Type, I was fairly concerned about the shadow I saw approaching me in the future.

Its shape was that of Cotton Murkrow, I’d know the silhouette anywhere. If what I heard about the explosion in the lower docks was anything to go off of, it was most likely that that was her doing and she was in the city.

Was she here to stop the rebellion, stop Gilgamesh or stop a tragedy? Who knows, with Avia’s infamous Spymaster Cotton Murkrow!

I had quickly packed and opened my door to a true horror, Xatu were known for being slow due to always having our sights in the future… which means we’re visibly blind to what is directly in front of us unless we take our eyes off the future which takes a bit of doing.

I should have just flown for it even if the Sigilyph patrol would have hit me with Gravity and it would end with my body being crushed into a paste upon being slammed into the ground

“Hello~-.” The way Cotton drew it out and smiled at me terrified me, I tried to shout for anyone who would help me as she approached me with a plank of wood. “This is a kidnapping Xatu, hope you don’t be minding if I take you alive, it is in my Ex-per-tease based opinion that you need a few lumps.”

I didn’t care if it was a rebel, anyone from Gilgamesh’s forces or anyone else like the Dark Types that have managed to smuggle themselves into the city in one way or another for who they happened to be working for. I released a loud screech to try and draw attention to myself.

The last thing I felt was a blow to the skull and a small vision of Central Illusio’s destruction before blacking out.

-Cerebrum City, Lower Tier, new hiding spot, Pom-

“Are you getting enough nutrients Smolder?” It was a major concern that we weren’t feeding Smolder properly, that greed growth before we came to this world was quite energy intensive. It hadn’t seem to have affected her before, but now I was starting to notice mild signs that something was wrong with Smolder.

“Could use more a lot more gems in my diet, but I’m mostly fine.” At least my soup was being enjoyed, but I could tell Smolder wasn’t getting her full nutritional value from what I made and it was upsetting that she was trying to downplay it. Could dragons even suffer from malnourishment when they could practically eat and digest almost anything?

“Smolder should be fine, provided she doesn’t go through a greed growth.” Ocellus would know more about dragons than I would, I know a lot about longma at least. She would know more about dragons and I might have to ask her later.

The bottom layer of Cerebrum, as we have come to find out through the scouting efforts of Quetal, Shine and a Morpeko, houses most of the engineers, guards, maintenance and weirdly the Starmie fire fighters. Engineers are to keep the city floating through a hidden Psychic Crystal room to provide flotation for the city like a levitation generator.

Gilgamesh wanted the city to stay floating at least, for if something happened to the city, then so to would something happen to the Castle of Illusion high above it. Said castle was is in an insanely defendable position of being at least a quarter to half a mile higher than the city we were currently in, at least that’s according to what the Levanny knew having lived here for their entire lives under the rule of the previous king.

One of the few ways to get up that high would be a balloon, a teleporter that only works for anything but Dark Types and the most dangerous way would be standing on psychic crystals or magnetic floating rocks in this region and having a Psychic that was an expert in levitation push us up there.

That the often mentioned teleporters didn’t work for Dark Types would put us at a disadvantage if we wanted to go that route and it was the likely route we would have to take, as I really doubt a balloon would be able to launch from this city without being hit by the Gravity move we were told about that dropped the Ponyta Prowlers airship that used to exist out of the sky.

So we were aiming to use the teleporter that was likely to be guarded by the worst of the worst, those going through the teleporter would need to be of sound mind and equally sound body. I would definitely not qualify and I would want to go through the teleporters. Those who stayed behind would probably be fighting for their very lives. Not like having to fight Gilgamesh directly would be any easier for those who went up, because without Dark Type countering the Psychic Energy we would eventually start feeling the effects on our minds.

I swear Gilgamesh could even be watching us right now and laughing about how insignificant we seemed and we wouldn’t know a salt lick of it.


The green crescent shaped creature just sat in the tree in Chrysalia, I still wondered how it was supposed to end in my defeat and I scoffed at the idea.

Yet I kept coming back to it.


“So how are your ribs and legs Pom?” After the incident Shine had used Pain Split on Pom and then expressed an insane amount of discomfort with how much pain Pom was trying to ignore being in with cracked ribs after she tried to block and break the blade wielded by Sanosuke the Rebel.

Normally we would be allies with the rebels, but that guy just started attacking us out of nowhere because I had taken on the form of a Sigilyph and likely thought that my sitting still was suspicious. He certainly didn’t seem to be a Psychic Type that actually uses his brain for anything from what I felt from him, the guy was quite hot-blooded like Smolder can be sometimes. At least his emotions weren’t pure malice, more like pure excitement to be doing something.

There’s also the fact that Dolly was actively taking on Pom’s pain as well, when Pom really didn’t want her to be doing that at all or in the first place.

We’re all a little nuts even without the oppressive psychic energy in the air I could almost feel, taste or even possibly manipulate. In fact, I was oddly suited to psychic energies and they felt rather soothing. I think some minor psychic ability comes with being an empathic entity. I’m pretty sure unicorns would get a similar feeling around Psychic Energy given their magic works off their minds ability to concentrate.

“Put enough Sitrus Berry juice in me and I’ll walk it off.” If Pom kept getting injured or pushing herself so harshly we were going to run out of our medical Sitrus Berries supply rather quickly. “Also, yes, I am aware we have a limited amount of them Ocellus. No, I don’t read minds, but you know I do read expressions fairly well.”

“That said, are we going to try for the tier above us tomorrow?” Quetal asked as he looked to Dodo eating a lot more than the rest of us, he had used a lot of energy for that forward burst and I was beginning to recognize the signs of demand not quite meeting up to the amount of supplies we have. “We kind of need to get out of the one noted for having guards everywhere.”

“Well yes, we have to if we’re going to find enough supplies to keep up with everyone’s use of them.” Among my friends, the most supply heavy users tended to be Shanty for food and drink, Pom for medical stuff or cooking and finally Dodo for any amount of scrap metal or food we can actually spare to feed him and he couldn’t go without food forever despite looking mechanical. The Araquanids were also a bit of a drain for their given sizes. The Morpeko were, despite ironically being known for the word ‘hangry’ in this world, the least likely to use a large amount of our supplies.

Also Smolder… I was getting kind of worried about her health when I noticed Pom focusing on her every once in a while. Smolder hasn’t had a lot of opportunity to eat gems in recent history and it doesn’t help that she was found to be rather susceptible to psychic energy.

“I concur, we’ll have to make a bid for the tier above us tomorrow, apparently it’s where they teleport in supplies from the ground below through the heavily guarded teleporters and where a person would end up if they tried to get through from there.” Shine felt uneasy about our current predicament.

“At least you guys be finding a nice quiet spot to rest for a while.” Shanty is talking about after the incident with ‘Sanosuke the Rebel’ and meeting up with our scouts.

Quetal had led us directly to the area that was perfect for our needs that’s out of the way, out of sight and most importantly can’t possibly draw attention from anyone towards us.

Oddly enough it was closer to the center of the city and near the large central spiraling ramps leading up to the tier above, said ramps were positively swamped with Sigilyph guards on top of other psychic types working under Gilgamesh’s regime.

Teleporting was the most used method for getting between floors, but if you wanted to go between tiers on foot or through levitation if teleportation is out of the question, then there were the five pillars. Four of which were at each corner of the city near where a humongous psychic crystal that were below the city, the last was in the center of the city and near where we were.

Our location was in one of the buildings that was large enough to fit a wagon and the sliding doors around here allowed us to take up a relatively safe occupancy… because this building obviously hadn’t been used in a while. This city felt quite ancient and likely had been floating in the sky for a long time.

“How sure are you that this place isn’t patrolled?” Canard asked out of concern as we sat in a circle next to the wagon. Dodo warbled in worry and his attention was focused on Shanty as she patted his side gently.

“It’s covered in a layer of dust, we’re fairly sure nobody has cleaned here in a while.” All the building down here looked the same and only some of them were clean Quetal, yet you said the Sigilyph basically lived down here. There was some reason to worry about the Sigilyph not having to touch the floor, walls or doors given they were always floating about and could manipulate things with psychic energy. “Also this place smells like it hasn’t had a Sigilyph occupy it in a long time, which is if you’re worried about the fact that they can sleep while floating in the air like Abra are known to do and wouldn’t need to touch anything to move about.”

Well that was one less concern off my mind. What was concerning was that the insides of all the buildings were very different upon entrance, the streets were fairly clear visibility in being lit brightly by psychic crystals.

The insides of buildings was a different story entirely as they wildly varied in corridors, stairs and doors in a fairly maze like quality, if we were being effected by psychic energy… how much worse would that even be? There’s also the idea that all the buildings down here on the lowest tier seemed incredibly sparse of plants or other forms of furniture.

“So how did you find out this was the floor for guards, engineers and fire fighters?” Basically all the public services on one floor seemed a little odd, at least until we get an eye on the other floors.

“Phantom Force allows me to skulk about in the shadows. Aside from the light the crystals give off, there’s plenty of shadows for me to use to get around.” So Shine was our professional on scouting right now. “I’m the one that got most of this information for us, but I’m not about to go to the floor above by myself.”

“That’s fair, we wouldn’t want anyone going alone anywhere anyway. We stick to teams and watch each other’s backs.” Canard stated with his arms cross as Sami gave him a slightly appraising look alongside Cleffa. “We need to stick together and any attempts to split our group up is going to end poorly until we can open up a safe communication with the rebels in Cerebrum. Sanosuke was a minor setback and we have to convince the rebels we aren’t against them, Sanosuke is probably telling them what he thinks to be the truth.”

“Good luck, what is that? It’s a foreign concept to me.” At least Pom helped me with being able to identify sarcasm and I’m fairly sure that was a large amount of it and it was rhetorical question.

I noticed Shanty and Smolder looking to me.

“I’m not nearly that bad… anymore…” I added that last bit and they nodded in acceptance. “Let’s turn in for the… well… how can we tell what time it is in here again?”

-Eight or more hours of interrupted rest later and some change of travel, outside the central spiral, Shanty-

“I don’t be seeing anyone covering the entrance up.” As I be saying this, Shine be popping out of the shadows with a small and barely heard ‘bamf’ noise as smoke came off of her.

“We need to be careful, there are quite a number of Sigilyph patrolling the central spiral, but I didn’t see that Medicham anywhere. We should be wary of rebels as much as Gilgamesh’s forces at the moment. I saw a much more major problem though, there are tons of Woobat sniffing around…. before you ask they are the nose focused version of Zubat and as equally annoying in large swarms thanks to all the snorting they do.” That… was being kind of hard to imagine Shine, I didn’t think anything could be being as annoying as Zubat. “They are slightly more dangerous given they are Psychics with an unusual focus on psychic smelling and being the only entities that smell things through psychic powers. They are definitely not to be taken lightly despite looking like flying pig noses.”

“Hmm… any way we can get by them without drawing attention to ourselves?” Pom was looking at Smolder every once in a while, did something be wrong with her?

“They have poor eyesight, but their noses, aside from having an impossible sense of smell for tracking targets, also produce ultrasonic waves for echolocation like a Zubat or normal bat would.” Shine could be getting by them obviously as long as she swims through the shadows, the rest of us are not being so lucky.

“What if we hit them with an impossibly bad or attractive scent?” Now there be an idea Canard.

“What would be attractive to a Woobat?” Favela be wanting to talk more, but she be too wary of Pom since she tore those Hypno guys apart. At least she still be confiding in and trusting me, wouldn’t have a good crew member be afraid of my friends, even if she did be consuming some blood and flesh.

Pom being a predator or a omnivore didn’t be bothering me too much, she be having enough dog like attributes and this one in particular was one she obviously didn’t relish in having.

“Bug Types, they are drawn to attacking and love going after the smell of us… don’t ask how voracious Woobats can get, I’ve heard some horror stories of Bug Types being eaten alive by them and yes they’re quite carnivorous.” Stated Ninjask as he clung to an Araquanid, his wing is almost being fully healed from the small amount of Sitrus juice we be giving him. “We wouldn’t be able to get the wagon within fifty feet of the climbing spiral before we’re attacked by them. They would sniff us out and are likely the cleaners to keep regular bugs from overpopulating or thriving in the city, best pest exterminators around and we’re some pests they’ll want to exterminate.”

“Are they really that scary?” Charjabug seemed to be asking in wonderment.

“Have you ever wanted to be eaten alive by a pack of winged noses? They are far more intelligent and dangerous than Zubats are.” Ninjask be talking like he be having an experience with some of these flying nose things. “Them having psychic powers just make them more dangerous than Zubat are in general when swarming someone.”

“What would be a smell to keep them away then?” I be putting it out there that we would rather not be attracting attention. “If they be drawing all the Sigilyph to us, then we won’t be able to be putting up much of a fight and we’re trying not to caught or killed here.”

“Shh… everyone be quiet.” We all turned to Mundo and he stood by the slightly open sliding door, after a moment the tension left his form as his eyes seemed to track a shadow passing by the doorway. After another ten seconds of silence he turned to us. “Okay, the Sigilyph are certainly patrolling in larger numbers, either they are looking for us or they are looking for the Ponyta Prowlers. Quite frankly we don’t want the Woobat smelling us or those Sigilyph spotting us.”

“What next, a Psychic Type with an ability focused entirely around their sense of taste?” Pom’s sarcasm be making a few people chuckle. “Anyway, is there something they don’t like smelling like Shanty asked and even if there were, would we even be able to get it if we don’t have it from here?”

“Not likely, such supplies would be in the upper city levels of Cerebrum.” The female Leavanny answered. “This is familiar, I’ve been here before just a lot higher up the central spiral, when the previous king was still around. The next tier up is were the teleporters to and from the ground are at along with a lot of storage space, merchant districts and a lot of other things. Teleporters used to bring in supplies do go through there as do civilians traveling to and from Cerebrum, however there has been a lockdown on any comings and goings in the city and a number of Pokémon that weren’t Psychic Types were all kicked out of Cerebrum. I was one of them, I’m a textile work and working on that balloon brought some feeling back into me.”

“Do we have to take out these Woobat?” Sighed Pom audibly.

“Yes, I’d think so, there’s too many of them in the way according to Shine.” Ninjask said as he raised a leg to draw attention to him. “I have an idea as to how we can do it, but we’d need a volunteer, someone who could brave the Woobat and start running from them really fast. They’d also need to draw only the Woobats, draw any Sigilyph and we’ll be swamped by them.”

“I’ll do it!” Is it me or is Charjabug a little bit dim to be volunteering for something like this.

“Let me guess, we’re making an ambush and taking out enough that we can punch through and get lost before the Sigilyph show up.” Getting a nod for his guess, Canard looked around to everyone. “Good, but again we’re not sending anyone alone so we’ll need more than Charjabug nearby… do they go after any bug smell.”

“Yes, why?” Ninjask tilted his head.

“Well…” Whatever Canard was about to be saying was interrupted.

“I volunteer to go with Charjabug and help him lure the Woobat in.” Ocellus immediately announced and I be giving her a glance, she is being, unusually enough, very brave here.

“I know the move Grasswhistle…” The male Leavanny threw out. “It’ll help lure or attract attention and can put a few of the Woobat to sleep.”

“We don’t have much choice about being here, but we can still help the situation, I know something about the area above. I think I might know a place we can go, at least a warehouse we can scavenge or get help from depending on the situation.” The female Leavanny be taking up a positioned with the quickly formed team. “Just don’t… let us lose our minds again.”

“Okay four is enough for a lure, I guess it’s settled that we’ll set up an ambush.” Canard turned be motioning for us to prepare for heading out. “Look at it this way Pom, at least you’re not endangering yourself again.”

“No, but I will eventually. Do Woobats have any potentially problematic abilities we need to be worried about?” The answer was no, not that it would sooth Pom’s mood very much that it was a good thing.

Also it is being bad that Pom just be reminding us that she runs towards danger if someone needed help.

-Ten minutes later, inner central spiral of Cerebrum, Ocellus-

Those are Woobat? Pig shaped noses, with a single large heart shaped nostril… which took up anywhere from a quarter to half their whole face. Small bat wings, they were quite fluffy too. Single large fangs in their mouths for biting into and tearing out chunks of flesh from a target or crunching through a Bug Types carapace. Their overall body shape was a sphere with wings… they were simple looking yet, there was something about the single oversized nostril that irked me a bit given it was heart shaped.

A slight flash of flames came over me and I was definitely prepared for this now, thank goodness for my adaptability.

“Uh what was that for?” The Male Leavanny asked.

“Just something incase things go south.” I changed out the material my carapace is made of for something a little sturdier and added a little something to my throat for an extra defensive measure, if a Woobat bites me then it’s likely they’ll lose their main central fang. Better them getting hurt than me.

“Well I’m glad that I don’t see any Swoobats in that swarm of Woobats.” As the male Leavanny just pointed out, none of their evolutions were present here.

Swoobats are the evolved form and they grew heads, feet and tails. Compare to Golbats being evolved Zubat’s in gaining eyes, an even bigger mouth and their two stalactite or branch clinging tails turn into tiny claws. Pokémon were fascinating to research, but we had business to attend to.

Sticking close to the wall of the building we moved forward and Charjabug looked determined to help, he had the positive energy at least if not the capability to do big things being shaped like a bread box.

At the corner of the building we looked out at the distance of the several curving ramps around the large central open space going all the way up to the roof, but not the surface of this floating continent city place.

My gaze then shifts to the ramp nearest to us swarming with the snorting and sniffing nose bats that were primarily blue and a few green ones, there were quite a few, if still fairly present, distant Sigilyph and we had to make sure not to draw their attention. Now how to get the bats attention without drawing the Sigilyph, we couldn’t do anything flashy or loud.

“Hm… that breeze spell Twilight researched?” I mumbled in thought as I ignited my horn and tried to keep the brightness of it down. The wind whistled through the area and seeing what I was doing, the male Leavanny held his two leaf covered scythe arms up and start blowing into them.

The music was rather joyful sounding and bouncy and it carried on the wind hopefully along with our scents. I wonder if Changelings were bug enough to count as an attractive smell. The wind I was generating was once used by Twilight to stop an Ursa Minor, said wind was directed and it would only go by the Woobat as the Leavanny continued to play his rather peppy tune.

“Usually this move is use for making Pokemon fall asleep… but you make it an artform.” The Female Leavanny complimented.

The Male Leavanny stopped for a moment and smiled.

“Why thank you, I prefer the musical arts to the clothing production ones our particular species is known for.” He responded cheerfully before going back to playing his music on his two leaf limbs.

It didn’t take long for us to start drawing the Woobats, we’re certainly glad they didn’t alert the nearby Sigilyph with their movements as they started to peel away from the ramp and fly in our general direction. The snorting and sniffing they were doing and the wild, decidedly hungry, sounds they made was mildly worrying as we slowly backed away towards the ambush point at the intersection.

“Any sign of patrolling Sigilyph?” I asked quietly as we continued to back away from the quickly oncoming swarm, I haven’t seen this many bats since the Zubat attacking us with Ignis. Can we even get all of them, I can’t count the number coming at us.

“We’re still clear, Pom would be the one to tell us to abort.” Charjabug answered as he continued scooting backwards.

This was definitely one of those moments where I didn’t feel very safe, Dodo’s world was still the most terrifying one to me even as I was about to be swarmed by one fang bats starting to swoop down on us as we entered the intersection. I’m pretty sure it was the intersection west of the central spiral given the direction we entered the city from.

We were almost on the opposite side of the intersection where I saw a grinning Sami wave to us and give a thumbs up from the nearby alleyway that we were still good to go as she hefted her bazooka onto her soldiers and focus her sight on the air in the middle of the intersection.

They did remember that we can’t do anything too flashy right?! We were actively trying to avoid attracting the attention of the Sigilyph eyes to us.

As soon as my hooves were planted on the far side of the intersection I shut off the spell as at least one hundred or more of these Woobat creatures swooped down us with open mouths with fangs and came hurtling at us horizontally into the middle of the intersection.

I prepared my horn, the Leavanny held up their arms and Charjabug lit up. Just when the wave of Woobat was about to hit us the first two Araquanids made their presences known with two blasts of boiling water.

Unfortunately for the Woobats they were caught off guard in the powerful crossfire as the streams slammed into them from both the left and right, they were screeching and trying to fly backwards and away from the trap when the Woobats behind them were suddenly hit with more Scald attacks.

Some stragglers tried to fly away into a different street only to be struck by a hockey stick by Canard if they were flying too low, a jet of air from Pom’s legs if they tried to get too high, a burst of energy stars that wouldn’t miss from Quetal and exploding seed bombs from Favela and the Leavanny.

The seed bombs weren’t as effective, but they did disorient and blast the Woobat back into the four constant streams of boiling hot water knocking the lot of them out of the air and I even fired a few magic missiles to make sure none of them escaped to draw attention to our ambush. I saw Smolder contain a few of them with smacks from her ribbon as we piled on the pain from all sides and pressed the lured Woobat inwards.

That last bit with Charjabug and the Morpeko proved to be too much, as seconds later the boiling streams were aimed to catch last bit of Woobat still capable of having a thought in their heads as their panicking and confused emotions were cut out by the bliss of unconsciousness by electrified boiling water streams.

Once again the Violight and Chrysalia initiatives were proving quite good at working together as allies, I can see why they were friendly nations to one another with this kind of team work. Even if a majority of Chrysalia would rather keep to themselves, the soldiers of Chrysalia were proving open to traveling and keeping good relations with their neighbors.

What would have been one hectic fight against hundreds of flying nose bats, actually turned out to be a one sided complete takedown of all the Woobat in the vicinity of the ramp we were needing to use. I really didn’t like their quickly quashed screeches of pain, but this was definitely necessary. Also I don’t think Psychic Types knew what stairs were judging by the architecture being built to the specifications of manipulating your surroundings with your mind.

“Okay, let’s move before anyone notices! Lady Leavanny give us some directions to this warehouse you mentioned once we get up to the next tier!” Pom motioned for us to pile back into the wagon as we left a bunch of groaning pained bats laying in the center of the intersection as our ambush has fully paid off. “Though I doubt things will be any easier from here on.”

“I’d agree, once the Sigilyph patrols notice the Woobats, they are going to be swarming everywhere.” Quetal helped me up onto the wagon and then we were setting off and up the ramp as fast as Dodo could get us moving before anyone noticed.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“They are doing well so far…” Chicken corn chowder was on today’s menu, it was a hit apparently.

“Seriously, the cocooned creature? That’s quite a diabolical bit of misdirection.” Tiamat commented idle as her heads enjoyed some of the chowder prepared by me.

“Amusing and a lot of talented beings are being thrown into this one area, but how long before they run into some real trouble?” Bahamut asked as he chewed on a portion of bread loaf that was the lid to his bread bowl. “Situations like this are usually powder kegged by now.”

“We’ll see that in the next ten minutes, and it won’t be for the reasons you might think.” Answered Celebi with a worried look. “Also a Xatu has apparently been captured by that odd Murkrow, even I don’t know what she’s up to.”

“Possibly the destruction of Cerebrum City itself, regardless of whether or not that isn’t too great an idea.” I could easily find out, but I’d rather see where this goes.

“Maybe it’s just being set up as the backup plan? I noticed some of the other odd things she’s doing. In any case whatever Gilgamesh is attempting could be stopped if the Castle of Illusion loses its support structure via the loss of the city below it. The results would be absolutely devastating for Illusio though.” Of course Mew was still interested in my attempts to perfectly pop popcorn down to the last kernel, the results were delicious with a perfect balance of cheese dust, hot liquid butter sprinkling and a nice dose of other flavorings on request. She had a bucket with a bit of fried pickle dust flavoring added onto the cheese and butter. Still, I have not perfected the correct method to make popcorn perfect, but I can make it very good. “Also something is wrong with one of the Ponyta Prowlers.”

“Ah yes, the one with a crisis of faith… how interestingly maneuvered.” Tiamat was interested in the chaos.

Bahamut was more interested in the applied heroics and dangers the people we were watching would get into.

I was more interesting in the friendships going on personally, the comradery and the teamwork to deal with rather insurmountable odds.

“Moon Cell just summoned Ifrit… must be using a Saint Graph Core and Digimon data mixed, quite the abomination it’s making there.” Bahamut sat up and had a wild eyed look to him. “Unfortunately it does not look like it can break the boundaries from the digital realms… and it’s being sent to attack the local digital realm Yggdrasil.sys the digital goddess watches over. I believe the intention is to break the lockdown and invade that realm while already invading yours from Valora.”

“The Steel Types are holding fairly well, but summoning powerful monsters and… wait… dad… where did Lu Bu’s soul go?” Mew immediately drew my attention to the empty container that had not been broken.

“Oh, tasty, Lu Bu mixed with the flames of the hulky Ifrit… makes for a gorgeous ‘fiery’ hunk of an amalgamation.” Tiamat was the first one to cotton onto what had just happened. Lu Bu had managed to incarnate in the freshly summoned Ifrit. “Thankfully for your lot, he can’t exactly manifest in reality… yet… he might be able to do so if he managed to break through Yggdrasil’s realm. He may want revenge on the still living Hideyoshi and that fun little, lovely, ‘Capricornus’ descendant.”

“Well he chose a bit of a poor form to take on Shanty with, Lu Bu might be able to manifest again if he can break the lockdown on Yggdrasil’s neighboring realm and then using that to piggyback into the Pokémon reality provided he can get enough information to… ah crap.” Mew turned to me with wide and calculating eyes full of fear, I could feel the silent prayers for my beloved genetics catalogue. “Father?”

“Well, that might actually be a huge problem that would require my acknowledgement of Moon Cell as a very viable threat. I already knew it was, that… that is kind of an impressive step up with Lu Bu’s help.” I stated bluntly. “All legendary Pokémon are to go on high alert, minus you, Hoopa and Celebi! Suicune spread the word to your siblings Raikou and Entei, then tell Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza. From there spread to every other trio, I’ll personally talk to Dialga and Palkia.”

Suicune nodded a mouthful of chicken corn chowder being quickly swallowed and their face covered in such happy consumption of my efforts, I summoned a wet rag and wiped their face off and sent the ultimate ‘swimming pool cleaner’ on their way.

The less some of my children knew about the why or how they were created, the better for everyone. I still loved them all though.

Author's Note:

Capricornus? Really Darkon?

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