• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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237. Doughty Dalmatians and... valley'd.

-A day later, San Fransokyo Park, Pom-

Ocellus and Smolder were going on a date. I reminded them to not buy too much aside what Smolder wanted to eat and to start heading back after the sun has set, anything we needed to carry would be on us. Those two were going to work a few things out and talk about Smolder’s use of greed growth.

Shanty was practicing with her new weapon and I didn’t know how to feel about the repurposed scythe shaped leg looking like Sly Cooper’s cane, she probably learned how to wield it from watching him. At least Tanya blunted the blades somewhat… not that it would stop Shanty from using the edges to cut through things if she wanted to her magic to it.

The decisions that the group had to make without me had led them to being somewhat unsure of themselves. We also had a small argument over whether we would be taking Arceus’s deal knowing what it would very much likely entail considering all our sarcasm around saving the world.

If Arceus could put me in direct contact with Tianhuo, along with any of our friends and families back home including my god puppies. Then it just might be worth the deal with the suspect god.

To the end of Dodo returning to stature when his egg shaped ball of metal finally did something, we got him several Hunter Drones to eat when he finally… can machines hatch? We didn’t know if the Hunter Drone parts would work, but Shanty assured us that Dodo would find a way to appreciate it.

As for me, I was trying to relax. That was even with a bittersweet sadness gripping both Dolly and me. I also wanted to talk to Dolly about… well… a lot of things. Like how she was going to say good-bye to this wonderfully dangerous, wacky and sometimes beautiful world, from what I’ve seen… the world could be a little less life threatening towards me. At least an average person here can avoid trouble where I seemingly cannot.

Nothing was more upsetting than seeing a happy, brave and proud dog like Dolly in an incredibly depressing slump, there was also the thing Arceus said about Dolly being addicted to some form of magic.

Apparently the spell was called ‘Haste’ and gave Dolly an incredible speed boost that synergized with all her abilities quite nicely, again another thing like my Dancing Flame with its own naturally occurring downsides, but it also had the drawback of increasing Dolly’s aggression unless she took a break of two hours between uses.

She can use it once every hour and thus the buildup of aggression that led to her attacking Arceus, she at least controlled herself well enough and didn’t attack anyone she knew as a friend, but it was still bad when she got angry at the people trying to help ease the pain we were all experiencing.

I wanted to talk to Dolly about our bond. If she was to still be following me, then she was going to need to say goodbye to her family while we still had the chance. She seemed reticent to use the Digivice to call them and she didn’t want to go play with any other dogs… or even me. All she wanted to do was stay by my side and try to relax like me.

“Hey… uh… Pom…” Was Dolly finally going to talk about things with me? I looked at her, she had an adorable, feisty and had a positive attitude. Key word is ‘had’, because she wasn’t acting like herself anymore. Here she was still cute, but her feistiness dropped off a cliff somewhere and her positive attitude seemed nonexistent aside from getting stuck on the idea that we could somehow revive Dormarch. Still, she wanted to stay by my side despite how poorly things have gone for the both of us. “I… need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”

It felt like she was going to start talking, but then… she likely just got cold paws or doesn’t know what to say to me. I wasn’t very confrontational, but I may have to be to get Dolly to even open up with me about things that needed to be said and discussed. There was still a lot of raw pain and having my physical health back did nothing for my mental scars and health.

I leaned my back against the tree and looked at the sky, it was a partly cloudy day today. Quite nice, the world was quiet and there wasn’t another threat to my life jumping out of the shadows every other minute. The park was full of other people and a variety of animals… there was the oddity of one kid having a pet flamingo that drew my attention for a minute.

“Hey Pom, can we go do something fun now?” If one didn’t know any better they would think the dog that came up to me was Dolly, they would be wrong. Sure the voice and similarities matched, but I was smarter than that.

“… Nice try, but I know you’re not Dolly, which of her brothers or sisters are you?” I was taking a guess as to the Dalmatian that was mimicking Dolly’s appearance.

“Darn it, I thought that would work!” The Dalmatian was doing a pretty good imitation of the eldest sister’s voice and didn’t quite land the appearance. “I’m Ditto Dalmatian and the entire family is here to see Dolly… how did you figure me out Pom?”

“Well for one Dolly is in a depressed slump because of Dormarch and misery loves company, ironically you don’t have some of the spot colorations in the right spots and your body shape is noticeably different than hers should someone take a closer look.” I paused when I noticed that I currently wasn’t immediately beset by ninety seven Dalmatians, two parents, the zombie chicken Spot and a robot dog. “That was the long answer, the short answer is that I have a familiar bond to her and know where she is at all times. You can’t trick a bond like that.”

“Oh right… that…” Ditto slumped and whined a bit, I think she was using her actual voice now. “Being hero isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. We’ve known that for quite a while, but still… the reality of it doesn’t hit until we all lose a little brother.”

“It’s alright.” I started to gently pet Ditto. “I think you did a really good job of mimicking Dolly’s usual exuberance, I could use some of that good cheer.”

“Really?!” Ditto perked up slightly, tail wagging. “Do you think I could get as good as Ocellus some day?”

“Not unless you become a shape shifter or get good enough at magic, but otherwise mimicking things through other means like technology or ingenuity can be just as interesting. Just don’t hurt yourself doing it.” I bet Dolly could go a hundred days and never stop finding things to talk about when it comes to her family, which led me to question how they got here since Ditto is one of the Dalmatian family members.

“Heh I am the go to puppy in case someone needs a stunt double or a stand in! Dallas, Destiny and Déjà vu have used me a few times, the people never really notice in the commercials.” I’m guessing the reason Ditto is telling me this is because she wanted some alone time with someone comfortable to talk to. I was going to be a top choice for that for just about any dog. She then changed her voice to sounding differently entirely. “Like, yeah, baby foxes are the best!”

“That’s some talent you have there.” I said with halfway good cheer, but the sentiment was meant fully.

“Yeah, we always eventually get our spots, but talent… that is something you have to go looking for.” Ditto smiled up at me and then went back to resting as I continued to pet her. “Also you don’t go looking over the horizon for what you can find right next to you. In that sense, I’m going to find Dolly if I stay right where I am. The bonus is being able to enjoy your company while I can before all my brothers and sisters swarm you… they really want to comfort Dolly, you and all your friends with the traditional Dalmatian Family way.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I stated sardonically.

“You’re welcome, now can you itch a spot on my back that’s hard to reach…” I started to do so. “Higher and to the right.”

“Ugh… the line for that tree was horrible, but I think I can see why so many dogs like it. It’s a really good tree.” Dolly then stopped and looked at me scratching her sisters back. “Pom… I’m pretty sure you’re aware that that is not me right?”

“Feeling a bit jealous?” Ditto said with Dolly’s voice and peppy attitude that Dolly usually sported.

“Wait…” After taking one sniff, Dolly’s eyes narrowed on the Dalmatian. “Ditto, what are you doing here?!”

“This… HUG!” Ditto shouting it exactly like how Dolly would when I was a guest at the Dalmatian house so long ago.

She leapt onto Dolly and wrapped her paws around her to pin her down, Dolly’s eyes went wide and her pupils shrunk as a cascade of black and white came in from all sides around us.

Ditto was apparently the setup for a snuggle ambush, all she needed to do was shout a trigger word that would get all the puppies moving.

Dolly’s family knew she could jump high into the air and basically had super powers, they weren’t going to leave anything to chance when it comes to catching her off guard.

-Five minutes later-

Dolly eventually got to a point where she could almost pull herself free looking a little less depressed at having so many of her brothers and sisters pile on to cuddle up to her. I noted that the one still clinging onto her back like a limpet was Dorothy, trying so hard to make her big sister smile with a hug.

The tiniest puppy was anything if not determined to cling on to her big sisters back.

“Guys come on, you can’t keep this up forever… you can’t… right?” Dolly was starting to get worried when all her brothers and sisters weren’t willing to let her go of her legs or stop crowding her while asking questions.

“Yeah, they are all worried about you Dolly, I am too.” Dylan showed up to throw a paw around Dolly’s neck and hugged her.

“Since when did you become so affectionate?” Dolly muttered as she dug her face into his shoulder.

“Since the family just lost someone and we’re about to lose contact with another concerning we heard Pom and her group finally have a way out of this world. Also several madcap adventures with a zombie chicken that 'we' will not be getting into, let’s just say that I was always Bark Brigade material and leave it at that.” Dylan backed away and looked to me. “Ocellus told us everything, we came as soon as we had a free method that wouldn’t cost us too much money.”

“Someone brought the entire family here?” I queried out loud. “What idiot would get away with transporting that many dogs without being checked by international security? I mean, admittedly we got into this country through cargo, but still!”

“Hey Pom, I see you found the Dalmatian family!” Launchpad stated jovially as he came up to me, the kitten he was carrying with him barked cheerfully in the form of baby puppy babble. That is going to be one confused cat when it grows up. “Didn’t want them to get lost or anything. So I’m going to make sure they are all here before taking a break. When you need a ride home you know who to look for Mrs. D.”

“Of course Launchpad, though I really wish the landing wasn’t nearly as legendary as several people warned us it would be.” Delilah was actually making a series of soft toned friendly sounding barks before she gave Launchpad an affectionate nuzzle. “Scared me nearly halfway to death, thought I’d wake up in a hospital without all my children or my husband Doug by my side. The return trip is going to be just as bad, I can already tell…”

“Well you got our family here in one piece. We owe you a lot buddy, I don’t know how we can ever repay for helping me see my eldest off!” Doug did the same soft nuzzle and friendly barking too with a wagging tail thrown in.

“Don’t mention it Mrs. And Mr. D, always glad to help out a family… even if I don’t know what you’re saying. I can kind of guess though.” I don’t think Launchpad was ever going to change, he’s a hero in his own right and he’s also one the scariest people behind the controls of any vehicle that I’ve ever met.

I’d hate to see what he can do with an Equus built airship, but he’s been a permanent friend of ours through thick and thin as soon as we met.

“His crashes are quite terrifying.” Dylan stated with a thousand yard stare. “I mean statistically speaking, one of us should have been hurt more than a mild bump to the head when three fourths of the plane burst into fire before impacting the ground... at mach two. Don't know who invented that giant flan creating machine, but it certainly saved us a lot of pain.”

“I concur, that we are all alive says a lot about Mr. McQuacks skill as a pilot.” Dawkins pause and leaned against his robot while tapping his chin thoughtfully. “Going somewhere with him makes one realize how precious life can be, considering his flying anything always inevitably ends in a crash. I’m surprised his fatality rate is still zero even with all of us as passengers.”

“You got a mild bump to your head?” Dolly said almost knowingly with a grin, the first one I’ve seen since I’ve woken up.

“Yes Dolly... it was me.” Drawled out Dylan, before pointing out a nasty looking knot on his head. “Plane crashes are quite terrifying to begin with, but I think Launchpad somehow made my fear of planes, helicopters and heights even worse. Still if I am to go up into space... I'm going to have to get into another vehicle with Launchpad.”

“Yeah, but you will always survive a Launchpad crash… somehow.” I muttered with the wisdom of having been in several Launchpad related incidents where ridiculous unexplainable havoc happens, even the Chaos Lord of Equus Discord couldn't explain chaos of that magnitude.

Launchpad even always escapes being financially responsible for all the collateral damage considering that no one can seem to pin the blame on pilot error or that he’s doing it on purpose, so suing him really doesn’t get anyone anywhere. I think it kind of balances out with the bad karma that Launchpad can’t get insurance for any vehicle he is about to use.

“Say guys, do you want me to draw the puppies away for some play time while you talk with Dolly in some privacy?” These last few days we were in this world would be the last chance Dolly would get with her family. She barely got so many opportunities to spend time with her parents like this.

“Please and thank you Pom.” Delilah said to me while making sure to hug Dolly with more affection than she would normally give.

“Hey, look at this… a ball.” Ninety three puppies worth of attention were suddenly all on me. Da Vinci, the artist puppy, stayed near her parents and motioned for me to get on with it. Suddenly I had puppies jumping and barking at me to throw it. “How about I teach you all a game other than fetch? Ever heard of hacky sack?”


“Hey mom, dad… um guys?” Whereas a mass of the family went with Pom, with Dylan chaperoning their game. There were three siblings that stayed behind. Da Vinci, Deepak and Dante.

“I just wanted to give you something... my goodness that looks fun.” Da Vinci reached into her pack. She pulled out an art journal. “This is for you, please look it over when you’re feeling lost, lonely or are just missing us.”

I opened it with a paw looked at the illustration of Dormarch looking to the stars and smiled fondly, Da Vinci caught his likeness perfectly. Da Vinci hugged up against my side with a smile on her face.

“Just so you know I won’t be able to get predictions to help wherever you’re going, but it’s likely to be dangerous sis.” Of that, Dante Dalmatian, I have no doubt. Dante hugged me too, making me realized that Da Vinci still hadn’t left and was still latched onto me. "Love you big sis."

Pom and the others have been kind of throwing it out there that Arceus guy is very suspiciously insistent on Pom coming to his world. Also the guy radiated with an incredible amount of power and even stopped my ‘Haste’ instantly five seconds after having activated it.

“I just wanted to say that no matter where you go, you’ll be carrying a piece of us with you.” Deepak stated having join in on the cuddling. “It’s almost like you’re carrying a piece of him too. Just know that we love you sis, now talk to mom and dad.”

I didn’t even need to ask who Deepak was talking about as he and my other siblings left me with Dorothy, Dad and Mom.

Speaking of dad…

“Hey dad…” I said as he came up to me and pulled me close while putting Dorothy on his head.

“Yes honey?” Dad was smothering and loving as usual, he was like this because we lost mom early and he had to make up for that until he got married to Delilah who became mom too.

It’s kind of like why Dylan acts overly protective of our family and is all about cleanliness, now that I think about didn’t Dylan’s father die from… oh… wow… I can see why Dylan and Doug are alike now and I feel bad about not paying attention to things sooner. Certainly explains the uptight clean freak nature and a love of established order that Dylan had going on and I kind of just ignored it.

“Did you ever tell me about your first date with… my biological mother?” I ask, because I had a feeling and I wanted it to be true.

“No, I don’t think I ever talked much about it, because we all needed to move on at some point. I’m glad to have met Delilah, she’s at least patient and knows I’ll never forget my first love… like I’ll never forget her either.” Doug nosed against Delilah’s neck and she placed hers on top of his. I smiled at the two and Dorothy happily giggling away on top of Dad’s head while looking at me, apparently having achieved something.

“Well I think I saw her, maybe even talked with her. She apparently likes Delilah, can’t imagine why she wouldn’t, she said you’re first date was good despite what you did to the steak.” I noticed there was a look of wonder of dad’s face. “She said it was a ‘mis-steak’. She walked through a door afterwards with a smile, but I just bonked my nose on it. Oh right and I was kind of out it after Dormarch... yeah...”

After a moment dad sniffled and the big goof hefted me up against his chest.

“That’s… good to hear… really good actually honey. There’s no possible way you could have known that too.” Dad sounded really happy.

“Makes me wonder about my late husband, haven’t forgotten him either. Never forget those who leave and those who are still here.” Delilah, mom, I wouldn’t expect you to forget about anyone you love, even when you started loving my dad. “Don’t know what to think about this psychologically, but thankfully I’m a physical problems nurse and not a psychological one.”

“Oh really, since what about… ulp…” That was when my step mother hugged me, she was actually showing me far more physical affection than I ever thought she would and was being quite open about it. I started hugging her back and felt my tail revving up.

“Sorry about not giving you more attention Dolly love, you’re still my daughter and you'll have to live with it.” Aw, come on mom, this is the sappiest I’ve ever seen or felt you be. “I know I tend to have an aversion to showing affection openly… but you try being a part of as large a family as mine and being nearly constantly hugged, cuddled and nuzzled by hundreds of cousins, sisters and brothers every five minutes. I learned how to avoid the affection and still wanted to become a nurse dog, which worked out as you very well know. I didn’t think I would want to build a family as large and as messy as that, now that it’s about to become less without you and Pom… well… just know that you’ll be very much missed.”

“This is the most affection I think you’ve ever shown… well any pup.” Step mother was not the most touchy feely of dogs, but this felt nice. “You know, considering Dylan is your favorite.”

No matter how many times I say that, Delilah never actually denies it.

“He was my first puppy Dolly, can you truly blame me when I first saw him open his eyes and experienced the world around him? Still, if you think I love my spunky skater super hero dog of a daughter any less, then you’d be wrong.” Mom, dad and Dorothy came together for me. “You’re a lot braver than we thought. You had so many dreams… you were interested in being a fire fighter like your father, you wanted to be a professional athlete and then there’s the whole thing with you wanting to possibly be a police dog.”

“Technically Pom is a guard of the place she works at back home on her planet, so police dog is still the likeliest outcome for me. That and my powers are kind of cheating on the athlete side of things and it wouldn't feel right using them for more than shows and while I'm a show off, I'm not a 'show dog'. Once I leave this world… well… I won’t be a super hero or sidekick anymore will I?” My family came all this way out here to cheer me up, then dog gone it, I will cheer up and try to make our remaining time on this world mean something before I had to go. “Pom wasn’t big on the hero thing to begin with anyway and was humoring me about it, but also might have even liked it a tiny bit for all her complaining.”

“Dolly, please don’t forget your family now or that you were born to this world.” Delilah continued to cuddle me and I just relaxed into the comfort of my parent’s warmth, I heard a giggling as Dorothy joined in on my face

I tried to brighten up. I would then go on to spend some quality time with every last one of my siblings, the Dimitri Trio and Delgado were who I would start off with. I had less in common with the girly pups in the family.

-Several Days later and some hours, Dylan Dalmatian-

Everyone in our family around felt it when this Arceus guy appeared. I looked to Spot.

“Yeah, definitely a god, nothing can put out quite a presence like that if it wasn’t.” Spot received a look from Arceus, but he didn’t seem to comment on what he saw in our favorite female zombie chicken. He quietly shook his head and moved on from Spot to look at Pom. “Terrifying.”

“Have you decided?” Arceus stated as Pom move to the front of her group.

I was excited to get into space through Scrooge McDuck restarting his space industry and was glad that Dolly got me an open invitation for it.

Still, it seemed like Dolly was getting into bigger and crazier things than even I would have imagined. The world seemed so big for us already, now it seems even bigger and Dolly was putting a dimension between us. Dolly showing the ability to handle responsibility was something I never thought I’d see out of her, not that she had changed much and now we got her back in a good mood she was like her old self.

Only Dolly was now capable of running up walls, gliding, wielding her skateboard like a lethal weapon and able to do absurd things she wasn’t capable of before. She became something of fragile speedster and glass cannon like from my Poodle Wolf games character builds, ‘gods speed’ personified my sister in more ways than one. May the winds of fortune blow her way.

“A few things, can you swear that you won’t eventually ask me to outright save your world and that you can get me a connection with Tianhuo?” Pom asked.

“Yes.” Arceus stated while bowing his head to Pom.

“… I’ll accept your terms to aid the kingdom however ‘I’ see fit.” We soon watched as Pom and the others go through the portal opened by the local heroes into some grassy plains.

Dolly stopped before the portal and then looked back at us nervously. She waved at us with a weak grin before she looked forward and took a deep breath. She rearranged her skateboard across her back, adjusted her helmet on her head and then took a few steps back before charging forward and leaping through the portal with an incredible leaping flip.

“Bow-Whacka-Wow!” Was the last thing I heard from my sister as the portal closed. As long as Ditto can replicate her catchphrase, we wouldn’t have any troubles remembering Dolly fondly. For that was the sound of a canine causing a caper.

Also that world wasn’t nearly ready for Dolly at all, neither was she ready for it, but we can’t always be prepared for everything. At least we managed to cheer her back up, but if she could find a way to revive Dormarch, then we might eventually find a way to contact Equus to go there.

-???, Pom-

“If I turn around…” It seems like they knew what I was going to ask.

“Aside from the plains in front of us… valley equals yes Pom.” Ocellus informed succinctly, so I didn’t bother turning around.

“Ugh, again, Arceus just had to be a jerk and had to start us off in another freaking valley… I wonder what the alternative was that would be worse than going through this again! I think Shanty was the only who ended up near a valley in that last world.” Smolder then said something thoughtfully. “You know we were all hoping to not end up in a valley when those possum princesses sent us to that ‘World Where Dreams Can Come True’. Probably the only reason why we weren’t all in valleys in the last world.”

“Well at least one dream came true, for about as long as we were in that world, we really didn’t deal with valleys all too much.” There was just about everything else about that world that was arguably worse and a kitchen sink though, which my mind decidedly pointed out quite vibrantly. “We also ended up in places that were most comfortable to us. Smolder and Ocellus, friends, family and riches which fits you’re natures. I ended up surrounded by Dolly’s friends and family in a dog park. Shanty end up in a place with a seedy underbelly where she can meet a crew that she wouldn’t mind spending time with to learn some new tricks to help her achieve her dreams, given her need to be 'the pirate that what steals rum from everyone'. I really shouldn’t have been surprised in the slightest how things ended up. So the world did as it said, our dreams can come true… and I hope that Arceus eventually gets back to me soon about…”

A portal opened up to a starry space and a white and gold gilded device similar to what where known as phones used in the previous world plopped onto the ground. Arceus had a favored theme it seems. I took it and looked it over, I stashed it away in my pack and started to look around. First off, explore our surroundings, secure shelter and find the nearest food source.

“It’s not always going to be rum, but yes, most of it will be being rum.” Shanty said with a grin and waggling brows while grabbing at her cane strapped to her back.

“Sounds about right, all supplies are here including the Hunter Drone scraps for Dodo.” Ocellus confirmed as she checked things over. “Whatever Arceus just sent you is probably how you’re going to communicate with Tianhuo.”

“Everyone in one piece? No screaming, no fighting or anything immediately on fire nearby?” Paranoia was of course ratcheted up by quite a bit.

“No nothing of that sort be going on currently… it is being a quiet day here.” Shanty stated while looking around.

“Say Pom, is that being a castle in the distance.” Pointing at it with a paw, well yes I can see what kingdom we were supposed to help immediately. We were basically facing a road leading down from the valley's single mountain towards it.

“Woolooloo, I got some apples, woolooloo, would you like some too~?” We all jumped and turned to the white sheep with thick wool among our group, there were two braids of wool framing his face as he came up to us with a basket and a smile. He was wearing a saddlebags over his absurdly thick wool like ponies do back on Equus. “Hi there, I’m Geoffry. You can call me Geoff, I'm a cleric of this kingdom! You’re all very sexy and beautiful, welcome to the lands where my people tend to be called the ‘Exceedingly Persistent Perverts of the Plains’! You’re really strange looking Pokémon, definitely not from around here and that makes you quite exotically attractive. Never seen a charizard so small without a tail flame or a wooloo quite like you fluffy lady 'Rowr'. Don’t know what the others are, but that Skiddo looks more like a water type variant. I’m guessing at ages here and I'm young too, but you would be the oldest so equally safest option to hit on near constantly.”

Thanks, I might hate you already.

“Excuse me sir, but we’re not Pokémon.” That got a curious response more than a bothered one from this strange guy who hummed thoughtfully while eying us like we were all attractive. To be fair, I would like to feel attractive and the guy did just say he was a pervert quite openly. “Also my name is Pom, this is Smolder, that's Ocellus, the canine is Dolly and we kind of just arrive in the world… can you tell us where we are and show us a map of the current continent or even the general region?”

“Oh we’re just outside Arceus Valley, a verdant green range to east of the kingdom I’m a part of. As for a map of the world, sure, I always have one on me. Have an apple on me while I get it out.” Geoff despite, being awkwardly round, managed to swiftly retrieve the map and spread it out before us.

“Well that clears it, Arceus is definitely a god.” Ocellus said flatly.

“Guys got a big ego then.” Smolder continued.

“Yeah, one that is being the literal size of an entire continent.” Shanty wasn’t wrong as I looked at the map and Geoff pointed at our current location within a small region that this kingdom apparently entailed. It was small so maybe we really wouldn’t be getting into anything too big here?

Oh who was I kidding?! We’re doomed! We're all going to die... hopefully some day far off!

“Arceus? What does he have to do with our continent nice eyes?” Geoff was going to get real old quickly. “Don’t mind me if you don’t want to, in fact hurt me as much as you want. I enjoy pain! All wooloo like me are perverts and if they aren’t, then they must be very much closeted about it. Anyway, I welcome you to the realm of the eighteen kingdoms, because Arceus probably brought you here for a reason if you aren’t Pokémon my lovely, tall and lithe outsider.”

“I’m gay.” I said flatly to maybe hopefully throw him off.

“Give me time to find Manaphy and a willing female wooloo, then I can get a sex change easily enough so that that won’t be a problem!” He seemed to take my saying that I didn’t like males as a challenge. “Still would like to keep my name Geoff though… so… apples?”

Shanty just took one and bit into it because she couldn’t resist free tempting offers.

“Yay, a taker, I have a new friend!” Geoff seemed to have a positive attitude, how about I try to curb his enthusiasm.

“I’m married.” I stated a second later.

“That’s nice, but do you need a third and how sexy is you’re wife? I can and will make that Manaphy thing happen.” Geoff stated cheerfully. “I don’t take it your wife is here and you’re travelers from beyond so… maybe I’ll just follow you home and get her to agree to all the cuddles, all of them!”

“If I said no to that even then.” I hoped this wasn’t going to be a constant in this world.

“Okay, I know when I’m about to be friend zoned to the Distortion World and back. Still new friends is a big plus on my day like finding giant apples for a small feast!” Geoff stated happily, his mood never dipping once.

“As to answer your question about Arceus, this continent is shaped exactly like Arceus if you were looking at him from the side. See here is his head and these are his legs, his tail and the long bit at the back of his head.” We were in the southeastern portion of the continent in the back legs, this… was going to be a long one. "Basically the entire continent is an outline of him."

"Ooh... no wonder some people say this world was made in 'his' image, we just never thought to take it literally... even after we had it all mapped out too!" If Geoff was a sign of how things were starting, I dread our new oncoming adventures. "Have you ever met any Pokémon before our god Arceus? You seemed confused at seeing me at first sight, so if not... then let me be you're guide to this kingdom in particular and let me tell you what we Pokémon are and can do! This world is full of people and beings like me."

"Goddess Jiutian I hope not!" I immediately blurted out.

Author's Note:

Yep, COVID sucks. At least I'm of a blood type that's resistant to the more lethal parts of it and have been vaccinated to minimize things further.

Sure I can't sleep, my forehead burns and sinuses are a mess and the worst thing is constant throat pain, but could have been worse.

I was supposed to post this a few hours earlier, so I added some page to it to really get a start on where Pom's group ended up.

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