• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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260. A restored friend.

Author's Note:

Music: Golden Saucer Theme, FF7 (Any version, jukebox)

-Ponyville, Twilight-

“Okay Jaded… what are you up to today?” I ask as I ignored Cadence for the moment.

Cadence shot me a look.

I’d do the ladybug thing later Cadenza! I silently promised her with my eyes.

She smiled.

“Today is my day off, I’m doing exactly jack all.” Finding that hard to believe Jaded, I can see your plans to turn Saddle Arabia into a sinkhole in your shorts.

Other than something I was going to have to stop from happening later, she was just sitting at a table looking content. Note to self, don’t think about the fact that I was looking at her shorts.

A jackalope jumped onto the table and chittered.

“Not talking about you.” Jade stated lazily. “Also not on my day off Jackass, go play with Angel.”

The jackalope looked sad and then started to leave.

“That was mean of you.” I stated with concern.

“Not really Twilight, it was that particular jackalopes name.” Really Cadence, huh. “Yeah, Fluttershy just calls him Jack. He won’t respond to anything else or anyone else, other than Fluttershy, unless they say his full name otherwise.”

“So what are you doing here Cadence?” I mean she didn’t say she was visiting Ponyville or anything.

“Being lazy, we’re going to play some Ogres and Oubliettes later.” There was one other question that Cadence should really be answering for me.

“Okay… well what’s with the Kraken then?” My view panned slightly to the left to tentacles of the creature that seemed to be calmly working over Cadence’s back.

“That’s just Nurse Escargot, apparently anything can get a medical license in Equestria if they try hard enough. He’s the best masseuse and Dr. Bones main physical therapy expert. I don’t honestly think you should fix that particular loophole, not when Escargot put in all that time.” Cadence sighed audibly as something popped in her back. I’ve heard about this, also I still couldn’t exactly stop animals from getting medical licenses as long as they live up to having them. “So… want to spend time the rest of the day being lazy with us?”

“Sure!” I needed a break. Celestia never tried to use her vacation days, probably for all the backpay from being princess, but I’m not exactly my mentor now am I?

“Okay what in tarnation did you say to Jackass to make him look so upset Jaded?” Never thought I’d hear that word from Applejack’s mouth.

“Told him I’m taking the day off from weirdness or the general hijinks, didn’t want to play or get hurt by our usual general shenanigans.” After having said that, Jaded got a look of understanding from Applejack.

“Ah... so what are you doing?” This was going to snowball into everyone in Ponyville taking a day off wasn’t it? Jaded couldn't 'normally' be lazy either! “I could use a break too.”

-Hours later-

I was right, but at least the town wide picnic was a huge success even if no one was doing their job today. I wonder, was anyone else was having as much a lazy day as we were?

It was a little weird to see Pinkie acting tame and taking time off from being a wild party obsessed friend.

-Ransei, Aurora Kingdom Castle, Shanty-

“So what do you think they will be doing with them?” I be asking because I be having no clue what we were going to do with all the Pokémon we beat up yesterday.

“Well… I’m sure King Evan will figure out something, the Riolu and Lucario can’t keep attacking Aurora. The Aurora Kingdom could probably hold them indefinitely, but I’m betting without Cu Chulainn guy they won’t have the wherewithal to really keep attacking the kingdom. At least Pom took care of that particularly major problem.” Smolder was being fairly reassuring, but I still had some worries.

“Do you think Ocellus and Dolly will be helping Pom well enough?” It be quite amazing for me to see Pom becoming stronger, but even I can be telling that she has issues.

“I’m sure they are already working her down from any depressive mood she might be slipping into.” Now that was actually reassuring Smolder. “There’s also all the other friends we’ve made, Pom will be fine.”

“You be meaning most of us that are currently here and hurting?” Looking about, most of the friends we had were here being cared for by what I saw as just a moderately bigger version of Happiny.

“Okay you have a point, but at least Pom made sure Chan got help right?” That was one of the nicer things she be doing Smolder.

“Here’s your soup Ms. Shanty.” The Indeedee Foffo stated in a humble tone as he place a tray over my lap.

“Be careful it’s hot and Mr. Schlurp fresh!” Fiffi stated with good cheer as she laid out a platter of gems for Smolder to eat. “You’re gratitude is as nourishing as the food we brought you, do either of you want anything to drink.”

“If you be having rum, you’ll be getting all the gratitude you want from me!” I would be fairly gracious for it most certainly.

“No alcohol for my patients!” Chan shouted and I be a bit miffed with her.

“Fruit juice then.” I leaned back and tried to figure out how I could ferment it quickly enough for my needs, in any case hot soup should not be wasted!

“That battle was quite horrible.” Favela said from nearby. “I went down before Shanty did!”

“Don’t always measure your own strength by another’s accomplishments, Pom already did that enough and eventually figured out she was getting strong on her own merits.” I be learning much from Pom, how to live was one of the better things I’ve learned. “You are being strong Favela, but you just need to train more. Don’t do it obsessively, we’re friends and friends will always help you get where you want to be. Also I be thinking about adding you to my crew… I don’t be thinking your weak at all. It’s just that the guys we fought were strong and you survived the battle with less wounds than the others!”

Favela is being incredible and cool, she is also being a living bush and having a crew mate that works for adventure and fun would be easy for me to take care of. Just had to be keeping her away from fire is all, she could use her Surf move to handle that.

“It’s going to take a lot of rum to get me to start calling you Captain Shanty… aside from the fact that I just did.” Favela be smiling at me and I be smiling back, the grassy goat was cool.

“Well doesn’t that sound promising for your future prospects Shanty?” I knew Smolder was going to spend her time wherever Ocellus lived, but I had more adventure planned for my plate when we made it back to Equus.

“Yeah, just have to be living long enough to…” I froze and trailed off when I felt it, a surge of emotions not my own through my bond and my grin could light up the room. “Ms. Chan, can you be getting my egg? He’s finally coming out of his long sleep and he wants me to see him wake up!”

“He who?” Favela be asking and my grin just broadened.

“Dodo!” I stated plainly as Chan brought the metal egg now covered in lines, but nary a crack in the shell. Dodo was not a regular egg though, so why should I be expecting him to hatch like a regular egg?

It had been since the disastrous battling at the volcano… hard to think it hasn’t really been that long. Barely a few weeks, it certainly be feeling far longer than that. Was it the pain and suffering as much as the joys and fun we’ve all been having together on the way?

Chan sat the egg down on the bed and I stretched out before moving my hooves forward to grab Dodo. I felt him silently telling me how to place the metal egg so he can begin operating as my friend again.

Lifting the heavy metal egg, now covered in various lines, I started to rotate it until Dodo sent me a feeling that I had it gotten it correct.

“Doesn’t look to be hatching to me.” Chan commented as she started to go look over her patients.

“Who said he would be hatching? He survived losing most of his body and has been trying to restore himself since then. He hasn’t been awake much, but now… I be getting my buddy back!” Dodo was not someone I ever wanted to lose, Pom taught me all about how strong bonds like this could get.

Dolly and... Dormarch... they proved that strength time and again.


Systems operations… currently limited… hatching sequence begun.

Checkup Magical Harmony OS… all six support programs operational.

Memories, ninety percent restored. Memories before Shanty have been entirely lost… completely optimal losses incurred.

Beak beam weapon system… still missing parts for restoration.

Baked goods manufacturing module… fully operational and marked important function five hundred nineteen times by PinkPie.exe. Bonded companion Shanty will at least be appreciative of its continued existence. Prioritizing it might not have been entirely the best idea, but it was still currently saved as a primary needed function.

Biological reactor… functional. Able to eat and regain energy, need to do so immediately.

Wings and flight thrusters… new and unusual, integration of 'eggmobile' flight module schematics successful. Need more resources to become available for use, also need to increase size.

Current size… gyro cuckoo bio machine. Massive resources required to return to viable acceptable supporting and protective riding size.

All new capabilities… we’ll work on it as we go as a fixer upper according to Apple.exe. We’ve kept our bond partner waiting long enough.

Current location… unknown…

Reestablishing current location correctly… next to Shanty. Location doesn’t matter otherwise.

Happiness levels of bond partner rising, personal happiness levels also rising.

Beginning unfolding and transformative sequences.

Life companion functions… restart.

Dodo is awake… hello friend!


The bottom of the egg be pushing the entire top of it upwards and then the extension be splitting in two, the extension split into three front toes and a rear. I realized that was Dodo’s legs and feet. It slowly got those two legs under it as all the lines became more apparent as parts of the egg started folding or unfolding with strange noises.

The two sides of the egg spread out and started turning into metallic wings. He be having wings now?! He just be legs, a torso, neck and head previously. So this will be interesting.

The back end of the egg unfolded into several flexible looking pipes and the small front stretched and jutted out as its beak and eyes started appearing from the strangely folding metal. The top of the egg stretched out forward and parts of it turned turn tube like revealing Dodo’s neck.

Once fully complete, the egg be unfolding completely into a smaller version of Dodo who be looking to me.

Dodo let out a friendly, familiar sounding, happy warble in greeting. He may be looking a little bit different, but that be my Dodo… except…

“Can you still do beams?” I ask because we were in a dangerous world, he be shaking his head no. “Well that’s okay because we have plenty of stuff for you to eat so you can be doing that again!”

He be warbling again, then opening his beak wide.

“What do you be…?!” I held out my right hoof and caught a cupcake in it, I be happy with the news that he could still be doing that! “You be thinking the baked goods more important than your ability to defend yourself? That’s my silly Dodo alright!”

Dodo warbled cheerfully as I started crying and hugging him. His toothless beak suddenly having retractable razor sharp fangs and its blunt toes be poking out claws and flexing upwards. Not completely defenseless then, as I watched the beak fangs and talon knives disappear back into him as I held him.

“That has got to be the weirdest hatching Favela has ever seen.” That be, Favela, because Dodo didn’t be hatching. He is just being the whole egg.

“Do you still be having the junk we brought with us in storage? Bring Dodo to it, he be hungry.” That and he be needing to grow.


“Foffo, can you and Fiffi please get on that for me?” The two were Legendary sends and would be worth every Poké their assistance provided, also all of gratitude they could ever need to live for the next month or so. I was an overworked lady that tended to lovable idiots. “I have an important patient that I urgently need to check on.”

-Cu Chulainn-

I came to with a start and immense amounts of pain. My body was ravaged, I could hardly move and the pain was almost blinding. I didn’t see what that sheep had done, but she had soundly beaten me to within an inch of my life it seems.

What I was curious about is…

Why was I still alive?

“Oh your awake, please don’t try to move much. Your right arm took some serious damage from the Rescue Team leader.” What was a ‘rescue team’? Not something I have heard of in this world, then again I didn’t have my ears open for much and have only seen Pugilis, Aurora, Greenleaf and Ignis. “For what it’s worth, I think she’s sorry for what she had to do to you. Also the King Evan of Aurora wishes to speak with you.”

Also, I had heard the reputation of Chansey as being fierce beings of healing. The kindness her aura radiated was as blinding as my pain was, which showed me the truth of my situation.

I would stay here and heal, or else. It made me feel like a little puppy… which I technically was when I was still a Riolu before evolving in battle. Had I been wrong about how a Riolu evolves into a Lucario?

Maybe it was camaraderie and defending people that actually created such strength to change for the better… I had been so wrong before. It wasn’t the main reason for my assaults and raids on Aurora, but it was a factor... also my noble phantasm was shattered and I couldn't access it.

“Stop looking so morose, that’s my job with having to take care of so many idiots!” The Chansey stated while rubbing at her forehead. “I’ll go get our king so he can talk to you.”

My reasons for attacking Aurora might be quite moot at this point.

-One discussion later-

I have erred… GREATLY.

King Evan still didn’t look at me as if I were evil, he saw hope where I saw nothing but the follies of my actions once I told him some things.

“If you want to make it up to us, then start a rescue team somewhere when you get all better!” Evan didn’t seem like the brightest sort, or even the strongest, but he did have a charisma unnatural. “It would certainly take an amount of pressure off of Pom.”

“What is a Rescue Team exactly?” It sounded new to the continent of Ransei, because it apparently was.

“Something great, it’s never too later to turn yourself around you know! I feel like you should be a hero, you just wandered off to the wayside a little bit.” King Evan was far too nice for his own good, I could read his aura and it glowed brightly with his honest heart. Also... he wasn't wrong.

The one to form the first rescue team service in Ransei was one Pom, the sheep like being with that strange aura. I will eventually get better and tell her what she wanted to know… I’m just surprised I’m not a prisoner in this kingdom and am but a guest, a guest they beat in combat of whom they were defending against.

I leaned back, closed my eyes and would let my body heal as Chan ordered.


Dodo was taken to where the stuff we got for him was waiting, he was eating every last bit of the alien lizard technology we got for him. At least I could feel he was.

There was enough of those drone thing parts and he’d be spitting beams again before I knew it.

I was so happy knowing Dodo was okay and able to move again, it was getting quite hard to carry him around everywhere.

Still healing off my bruises though… with half a cupcake in hoof. Those Sitrus berries sped up the healing of all our friends involved in the battle, King Evan be owing Pom a lot for thinking ahead.

“You sure do eat a lot Ms. Shanty.” Foffo kept brining me food and I be grateful to him for it.

“Yeah, I be needing to heal so of course I be eating a lot.” I drowned my throat with another hunger quenching bowl of soup. Took so long to make and downed in five seconds. “Thank you.”

“The gratitude you feel is more than enough, plus I believe we will be paid for this given this is official Rescue Team business Ms. Shanty.” Foffo stated cheerfully.

“That’s right, you are two are worth the Poké and I’ll be paying out of pocket myself for your services.” Chan be stating with a less bitter tone. “Becoming a Chansey certainly hasn’t made my prospect any easier as being King Evan’s primary medical care giver as castle staff.”

Dodo warbled as he came back chewing on something. He be slightly bigger, but still not big enough to ride. He be looking less egg shaped and more a slightly smaller version of himself with wings being the difference.

I be feeling particularly happy today.

“How about a song?” My grin was met with some perked ears, I’d show them why I was named Shanty. “Maybe one about our victory?”

“Sure… I could go for some good cheer while we’re all still recovering.” Favela was looking to me as if she wanted to join, but she not be knowing the song… not yet anyway. I have yet to even begin singing it!

I be needing to finish my cupcake first! Swallowing the other half, I shook my head and let my sweat mist into the air around me to create a rainbow in the light filtering into the room as I got up off the bed. I was already humming the tune I was going to sing to.

“Let me tell you a story, the greatest of glories, of the heroes those travelers that are on the road right now~!” I sprang into it immediately surprising the Pokémon, but Dodo was warbling the tune as I started singing it. “They’ve know of pains and struggles, but that doesn’t stop them from continuing to push forward, and how~!”

“Who are the travelers, what do they do, can you see them come up to any trouble and just push right on straight through~?” I continued as I looked around the room at all the Pokémon who were listening. “That’s their secret strength, they keep going with greatest of friends and a tankard of rum, now doesn’t that sound, quite dumb~?”

“They are heroes, through and through, no matter what the trouble they all get into~!” My cheerful voice was making them all bounce their heads to the song. “They traveled a long road now and they all need a little break, to listen and share their stories all around~.”

“For where they stopped, is a tavern where they sing, in boundless rounds and with the hope that no fights in there springs~.” I grinned as I looked about, I had an audience, even a Riolu or two was listening. “Fantasy of knights-, with mystical mages and magical lights-, all raising toasts to some of their greatest fights-, but nothing quite tells a great tale and never without fail-, like a true story of those who come to wander-, through all the violence on which they can ponder-, only to come out on the other side… with- nothing more than a little bit of yarn to sell~!”

“So with their tales of glory, they have a story, to spin into a tapestry and will put it out for sale~. For they will do so without fail, they travel the road, even if they do not know, where to go~!” I grin and the lyrical lilt in my voice was enticing. “Everywhere they go, a problem springs up, they can’t leave the tavern without something about to erupt~. Are they cursed, do they want to stop~? on that, I hear, yes’s, and no’s~!”

“Were they great, were they strong, even though everything around them always does seemingly go quite wrong~?!” I drew out a few gasps. “With your friends, you can’t go wrong, no matter how the road grows so long~!”

“Just remember, who is at your side, at the end of the day and if they can stay that way to say that everything will be okay~!” I hugged Dodo and he pulled me into a hug with his wings, I think that be why he is having them. Maybe also for flying, but we’ll see about that. “Never lose your best friends, those who will go with you to no ends, to protect you with their lives and you can always return that favor by the fives~! Now we all need some rest, at the night’s tiresome behest, it’s either that or wander into an evil forest, to get back to kicking some more butt and earning more of that exploratory glory~!”

“Let me tell you a story, the greatest of glories, of the heroes those travelers that are on the road right now~!” Favela sang and she be having a great voice for it. She also be picking up on the theme of the adventure starting, but never ending and be doing exactly what I wanted.

“They’ve know of pains and struggles, but that doesn’t stop them from continuing to push forward, and how~!” Quetal, Shine and Dazzle sang together loudly.

“Who are the travelers, what do they do, can you see them come up to any trouble and just push right on straight through~?” The Rockruff brothers sang in earnestly, likely thinking of Pom.

“That’s their secret strength, they keep going with greatest of friends and a tankard of rum~.” Foffo sang with a proper sounding voice.

“Now doesn’t that sound, quite dumb~?” Fiffi giggled as Shanty took a glass and downed it as she provided some energetic dancing for everyone.

“They are heroes, through and through, no matter what the trouble they all get into~!” Geoff sang with a hint of laughter. “They traveled a long road now and they all need a little break, to listen and share their stories all around~.”

“For where they stopped, is a tavern where they sing, in boundless rounds and with the hope that no fights in there springs~.” Some of the badly injured Rattata sang in good cheer.

“Fantasy of knights-, with mystical mages and magical lights-, all raising toasts to some of their greatest fights-, but nothing quite tells a great tale and never without fail-, like a true story of those who come to wander-, through all the violence on which they can ponder-, only to come out on the other side… with- nothing more than a little bit of yarn to sell~!” Chan surprisingly joined in with a cheerful smile.

“So with their tales of glory, they have a story, to spin into a tapestry and will put it out for sale~.” The Torchic with bandages around her head and butt continued.

“For they will do so without fail, they travel the road, even if they do not know, where to go~!” Honedge joined in next, his slightly dented form sounded quite jovial.

“Everywhere they go, a problem springs up, they can’t leave the tavern without something about to erupt~.” Some of the Riolu sang.

“Are they cursed, do they want to stop~? On the road of life, I hear yes’s, and no’s~!” Shanty broke in changing the story slightly and notably. Everyone got the idea, they were all on the road of life and some would continue where other could not or they would all go down branching paths.

“Were they great, were they strong, even though everything around them always does seemingly go quite wrong~?!” Half the room sang out as if asking the other half.

“With your friends, you can’t go wrong, no matter how the road grows so long~!” The other half of the room responded.

“Just remember, who is at your side, at the end of the day and if they can stay that way to say that everything will be okay~!” Evan joined in, bringing in Maiden Jig and wrapped a paw around her with a great hug.

“Never lose your best friends, those who will go with you to no ends, to protect you with their lives and you can always return that favor by the fives~!” Even as grumpy as Maiden Jig was, she joined in too.

“Now we all need some rest, at the night’s tiresome behest, it’s either that or wander into an evil forest, to get back to kicking some more butt and earning more of that exploratory glory~!” Everyone sang with a bit of laughter.

“And that be the road, of life~.” I started finishing up while nodding. “With friends to help you there’s far less strife and the glory comes from sharing the good and bad times being with all the others in your story~!”

Really wish I had a drink right about now, Dodo nuzzled up to me warbling cheerfully and he would be walking the road with me again as my familiar and good friend.

I can lead a good round at a tavern if I kept this up and there was a tavern waiting back on Equus for me to do some singing, maybe I’ll even see that goat captain again, because our stories aren’t over yet and I still need to become captain of my own ship!


Heh, Shanty really knows how to sing and live up to her namesake, not to mention she got everyone involved in it. Wish Pom and Ocellus were here, but they had business at the guild and were probably taking a break like we were here in Aurora Castle’s infirmary.

Yeah my bruises still hurt, but Shanty’s singing just made them sting instead of throb… huh… maybe Ocellus should look into Shanty’s singing to see if it was quite as magical as I thought it was.

“What happened in here, I felt a huge burst of good cheer over here. It even encompassed all of Helper’s Hamlet.” Well Ocellus, Shanty might have talents geared towards being one of the best pirates I will ever hear of in my long life.

“Just Shanty getting us to quit focusing on our injuries and cheering everyone up with a song… so…” I trailed off and then grinned. Thinking about a song of drunken heroes traveling in large circle and ending back up in the same tavern they left with tall tales. “Let me tell you a story, the greatest of glories, of the heroes those travelers that are on the road right now~!”

Shanty grinned and started up again.

-Fields outside of Helper’s Hamlet, evening, Dolly-

Come on, I can do all kinds of skateboard tricks.

I can manipulate momentum of things on touch, provided it’s not going to imminently kill me.

I can even throw rocks that hit like a tank shell, because yes, I just tested adding momentum to a rock and throwing it through the swirling winds of an aero equals incredibly fast rock that can hit harder than a bullet. I can only do that about three times before my magic bottoms out.

I’m well aware that my magical capacity sucks, but I had a way to fix that with some tempo related blocks during a fight.

I’m no longer without a dangerous projectile attack if I have something small enough for me to throw… not that I had problems with casting Aero at a distance away from myself. Aero was kind of useless against those Lucario until I throw something through it.

I’m an awesome, if relatively small, Dalmatian.

I can glide through the air, leap higher than any dog, run up walls and along the ceiling, but breaking into a higher range of air moving magic is beyond me? Even if I can feel it sitting right there?!

I don’t believe for a second that I can’t do it! Dalmatians can do ‘anything’ and I’m proving it with my Pom as my witness!

“Build.” The simplistic minded Bidoof said next to me.

“Tackle me.” I tapped the board to show the Bidoof that I wanted to hit me, I jumped and the Bidoof tackled into my board and I absorbed energy from the impact that was not one I created. Trying to go beyond my meager limit of magical strength gave me a headache, but restoring my magical strength before I did allowed me to do more and practice.

Even then the fatigue of taking attacks would wear on me after so many hits.

The Bidoof weren’t the brightest Pokémon around, but they were very helpful once they know what you wanted them to do.

I got inward wind, outward wind, shielding wind, I can charge my board with it. It was always the wind… something I actually loved on a hot day, a nice cool breeze while I watched the pups running around.

Pom needed me to be strong enough to keep up with her and keep her in a good mood. I knew how haste worked, it didn’t have any alternatives other than extending the time it worked for based on how much magic I put into it.

I’ve never actually done this much thinking in my whole dog gone life! I like to just… do stuff, basically wing it, doing fun things and keeping Pom’s backside safe and happy.

My heart was in it, my body was in it, I think even my soul was in it with something else in there… probably not important… but my mind… yeah…

Keeping up with Pom’s impossible outside the box thinking was hard, especially when she jumps a level in capability and I’m still steadily slowly working on my own strengths. My body wasn’t going to miraculously get tougher or bigger aside from normal growth, I wasn’t going to go total muscle dog. I was primarily built for moving and speed, which was my thing.

What part of my cunning was I missing here? I knew I could think laps around my much smarter brothers back in my home world, because they get so easily distracted when I wanted them to look the other way and they fell for my pranks or shenanigans multiple times. They tended to focus far too much on their own ideas of things, which as we know is not necessarily wrong like aliens, mythological beings and what not so what was I…

Was it… had it really been that simple? Well my brother’s wouldn’t be wrong in saying I’m an idiot sometimes.

Aero is what ‘Aero’ does, but never push its boundaries like I’m trying to do. So… did that mean there were spells that were different that did that same exact thing but greater?

So if I want a more powerful spell, then I need something that’s not just ‘Aero’… something… more…

I can feel it at the tip of my panting tongue.

The wind shifted around me and I inhaled through my nose, felt the breeze of the world moving even as I sat out here in the grass in a place my brothers and sister would have loved to run around in freely. A thought came to me on the wind ‘something’ about the word ‘Aurora’.

“Something like an add-on to the spell, why the word Aurora… Au-ro-ra? Ra? Aero… and Ra.” I paused and considered it. Something clicked in my head… I held out my right paw while channeling magic. “Aerora?”

The world exploded into swirling tornados of wind far more powerful than a normal Aero, I could summon two at once doing two entirely different things. I could combine them together into one big tornado, I could split them further and spread them over entire groups all with the strength of a normal Aero, stack two tornadoes on top of each other to launch me high into the sky. My head was suddenly filled with the possibilities of having more powerful swirling winds of greater strength at my beck and call.

“Hah, figured… OW, oh dog my head… that is a costly one!” Could definitely only do that once every other block or so, because that drained me a lot. After holding my head for a bit and the winds died down, I leaned back. “I know you can’t understand me, but… thanks for the help there buddy.”

“Build.” The Bidoof stated, as they normally do. Maybe they weren’t so simple minded after all, he seemed to pick up on my meaning easily enough.

I let my ears whip about in the normal wind and smiled to the Bidoof who was smiling back at me. We both relaxed there on the hillside watching the evening sun dip beyond the horizon, looking in the direction of Helper’s Hamlet.

The darkness of the future, whatever we’re heading into next, wasn’t going to stop this Dalmatian!

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