• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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335. Mental Compound Fracture, Pt. 1.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Cerebrum City, Upper Tier, Lumber Spry-

I clutched the crystal in my power and pressed it against my horn.

“Please hear my message Lord Oberon…” I hoped this reached him, getting this crystal to boost my psychic abilities without being noticed wasn’t easy. It was also hard to find a moment to do this, but we were all on break at the moment.

My hair rippled with the glow of Psychic power as I called out to the King of Titania and bade him heed my message of grave importance and ask what he would have me do.

Surprisingly, I received a response and a mission on top of the reason the Ponyta Prowlers originally came here, the loss of the airship was regrettable, but given the news… actually warranted as Oberon agreed with the spy from Avia.

I’m a little confused, but I would do as Oberon asked. I didn’t know if I was capable of it or not though, but Lord Oberon believed in me to act when it was necessary.

-Middle Tier, Warehouse, Pom-

I looked down at the unconscious Mandibuzz after having planted my hoof roughly in her head. We had to think of our next move, Gilgamesh caught our wagon and our civilians had been offloaded with enough Morepeko to keep them from going insane.

Canard was currently trying to figure out the logistics of our situation and I was starting to think of a way to get back at Gilgamesh for having to go through all of this crap. Also wanted Gilgamesh to stop what he was attempting with me specifically.

Dolly smiled when a particular thought crossed my mind.

“Why don’t we do that?” Dolly asked with a wagging tail, I’d have to bring it up with Canard first, but it was incredibly tempting.

“So we’re probably going to end up waiting for the rebels to show up, if not then we’ll set out to find them.” Canard murmured as he approached with Sami.

We’ve been brought up to speed on what Wobbuffet were about and how dangerous they were for pinning people down and leaving them open for attack by other Pokémon.

A Wobbuffets fighting capacity was very simple, all they could do was counter attacks and their ability Shadow Tag made it an absolute certainty that you had to attack them to escape.

The only way to avoid the counters, is to hit them with an attack that they were not preparing a counter for or just taking them out entirely in one singular blow. The latter is harder to pull off and much more recommended as the former is more likely and why you should be careful with how you attack them.

There’s also the fact that move Destiny Bond was a thing when a Wobbuffet started to become quite weak. Apparently they were great at taking a pummeling which allowed them to get off several devastating counters, taking them down in single powerful blow would guarantee you would avoid the move Destiny Bond. Destiny bond makes sure that if they go down, then so too does whoever attacked them while it’s active, however the window in which that move stays active is fairly short.

Plenty of good reasons why the Wobble Wardens were quite dangerous, especially when working with other Pokémon. Even I would be taken out immediately by Destiny Bond, so if the Wobbuffet in question knew it was going to be taken out in one blow or at least the next hit that strikes it, it would always use Destiny Bond and guarantee taking their opponent with them.

It’s how our friends got captured so quickly, once Dodo got tagged by the Shadow Tag ability, they could no longer evade the upper tier force that worked under Gilgamesh. I wonder if this was how the previous King of Illusio was killed, rendered helpless by Destiny Bond and then promptly killed while unable to defend himself, at least revolutions would be fast around here if that were the case.

It took me a moment to realize Canard was waiting for me to pay attention to him, once he knew my attention was on him by Dolly prompting him with a paw wave, he decided to start.

“Well supplies aren’t an issue, but we don’t have a wagon to load them into.” Yeah, losing more than half our combat strength in an instant would put a damper on things Canard. “We can only hope that our friends aren’t being physically tortured.”

“Concerning Psychic Types, they are more likely to go for mental torture, our friends will be fine physically. If Ocellus managed to prevent herself from being captured, then that would be helpful.” I trusted Ocellus to be at least somewhat capable of finding a good moment to disguise and disappear, even if it means leaving everyone else behind to attempt a rescue later.

“Can confirm, Psychic Types are not good at physical torture, that’d be something for the likes of Dark Types.” The nearby Munna stated as they were going about getting the warehouse back in order after the Mandibuzz ambush on us, I made a silent mental note to never be captured by Dark Types then.

Speaking of the vultures, they were now tied up and being kept in a back room and weren’t so much a problem now. Still what were the vultures from Yaksha up to and how did they manage to bypass the Sigilyph patrols enough to get this far into Cerebrum City, unless… they were already here to begin with.

“So what are we going to do from here?” Sami asked, making me glance to Dolly and she glanced back with an excited expression.

“Well I have an idea… Canard can you take care of these people while finding and contacting the rebellion? Dolly, Shanty and I are going to attempt a massive jailbreak. If they took our wagon to the floor above it won’t be hard to get them out of there with it.” At this point I had an idea as to what Cotton might be doing and what Gilgamesh was aiming for in regards to me, so therefore I’m going to do something like flip the board when it came to expectations.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea Pom?” Not really Shine, but what else were we going to do?

“Nope, but Dolly and I have an idea of what to do when we get up there. We know where Dodo is, so finding the facility won’t be too hard if they are all being held in the same place.” First we had to get some food in us, drink something and use the bathroom. “I have something to motivate Shanty once we get there.”

“Oh and what would be motivating me so much more than I already am to be rescuing our friends?” Funny you should ask Shanty.

“They have your rum.” My flat delivery was met with the sudden realization crossing Shanty’s face and then the pirate goats face slowly morphing into a serious and grim look, she wasn’t happy to have that pointed out to her. “Favela, are you coming with us or are you going to stick with Shine and Mundo?”

“Promise not to eat me?” As weird as it sounds coming from Favela, I acknowledged that she was still somewhat afraid of me.

“I promise not to bite you or ever do so while I’m in my right mind, unless I absolutely needed to, I can’t promise if I’m otherwise compromised mentally though. I really doubt I would eat anyone that is a friend of mine.” That was the truth and I’m sticking to the promise to not bite her unless I need to, we could really use Favela’s help on this. Also I really didn’t want to eat people, I might maul, mangle and otherwise, but it really depends on the situation and I’d rather not need to do it or take my canine abilities too far.

“She’s coming, even if she says no, we need to get my rum back… also Dodo and our friends of course!” Really wasn’t hard to see that Shanty had her priorities straight, as far as her priorities were concerned at least.

“Enough gabbing let’s go!” Dolly was, as usual, peppy and raring to get into things.

“Not yet Dolly, we need to be prepared and have something of a plan of how to get there before we set out.” Which is why I was going to ask the Munna if there was anything that functions as a toilet around here.

-A few hours later, Upper Tier, underside of the spiraling ramp between city tiers, Shanty-

“I know that we’re trying to be quiet Dolly, but I don’t think they’ll find us on the underside of the spiral when they’re too busy watching the top of it.” Pom be looking my way. “How’s Favela doing Shanty?”

“She’s obviously being quite terrified.” Considering how tightly I was being clamped onto by her vines, this climbing be a bit painful.

“Well it’s your show from here Shanty, which way is Dodo?” It didn’t be taking me even a second to answer that as soon as we got to the ceiling after we finished climbing the spiral.

“This way!” I pointed and then started walking along the ceiling of the upper tier. The city seemed to be better lit with Psychic Crystals and fancier designed architecture than the lower two tier, there is even being signs of technology, but it still be running with the stone and square or rectangle theme throughout. The images on the stone wasn’t much, just some artwork of various Pokémon.

“So you really think we can take out enough Wobble Wardens to actually get in and out without getting countered?” Favela actually be addressing Pom.

“Depends on how quiet we are with taking them down. From what the Munna told us about the Wobble Wardens, they can only Shadow Tag someone that they are aware of.” By which Pom means we be needing to take them down without anybody noticing and whatever one we took down had to be taken out in one stealthy blow. If there is being more than one, then we be needing to tag team them in quick succession before they could react to us. “At that point you have to knock them out or you’re stuck within a given radius of them.”

Canard be having the easier job, we actually had to worry about how we be approaching this mess. All he had to be doing was talk with people and keep some others safe… why didn’t Pom send him this way again to avoid this? She is being pragmatic and… oh right because I would be coming for Dodo anyway. Also Pom would be wanting to save Smolder and Ocellus.

Dodo be alive, but he wasn’t awake at the moment, but it didn’t seem like anyone was bothering our bond like Pom said hers was when psychic Pokémon touched it. Maybe they couldn’t be torturing Dodo mentally? They still have him trapped at least.

Things were being fairly quiet until we reached the outskirts of the compound within the city, then we be sitting outside staring at the complex and the guards all around it. It was where Dodo is being and I can feel him in there.

The complex had more metal in its design than any other part of the city and it actually doesn’t reach to the ceiling like the rest of the buildings.

“I suppose that’s what a Jynx looks like.” Pointing a hoof at the figures moving below, Pom had her hoof aimed at a wide land mermaid with big lips or a Pokémon biped in a dress and five fingered hands. Couldn’t really be seeing the legs under the dress, which I was beginning to think be a part of them like some of the Fighting Types we be seeing with boxing glove hands.

Kind of be reminding me of a female version of Mr. Mime as we be entering Illusio.

Jynx were said to be pretty fast and had a potential variety of nasty things they could do to someone, the problem was they be lacking entirely in physical capabilities and could not be handling physical hits very well. Which is why they were paired with the Wobble Wardens, like the Mandibuzz they were an all-female species, which was being a little weird to me like the Fighting Types having multiple all male species.

There were a number of Wobbuffet around, the blue tall blobs with strange small black tails with what looked like eyes on them be strange. The four little nubs at the bottom of the tall blobs be acting as feet and two angular limbs for arms with no digits, they have squinty eyed faces with a strange jagged looking mouth.

They be looking goofy as all get out, but they are still being dangerous if they be capturing the team from Chrysalia.

There were also Sigilyph, Drowzee and Hypno around, basically stuff we be seeing before and be knowing how to deal with… somewhat.

Don’t let the Drowzee or Hypno put us to sleep, don’t be seen by a Sigilyph and try to break the line of sight and attack close up where possible, be watching out for Woobat noses sniffing you out and all that, this is being a heavily fortified place and it is being understandable why when they be having prisoners here.

I can already be telling the combinations going on here. Wobbuffet be stopping you in place and a Sigilyph or Jynx be bombarding you safely from range with psychic or ice attacks, Woobat be swarming you with numbers and be decent at any range, Wobbuffet can’t attack if you don’t hit them first… what if you break sight, would the Shadow Tag be failing then?

“Say, do you be thinking Shadow Tag would be failing if we can break their line of sight like the Sigilyph?” It needed to be asked before we tried to break in and be breaking Pokémon out and I was the one to bring it up.

“Probably, but you would have to be near something to hide behind, doesn’t look like they have a lot of that down there.” Pom was resting as we overlooked the compound from a ledge of one of the nearby building, there being a lot of open space around the facility to be spotted and caught and not a lot of places to be hiding. It was brightly lit, heavily guarded and a veritable fortress compared to the rest of the city. It wouldn’t be hard to bet that there were Psychic Types that could sense us coming within a certain range. “So how are we going to do this Shanty, you should know how to approach this and you’re the lead on this being the stealth expert. I’ve got nothing at the moment.”

She be trusting me with this? Well okay, kind of wish I be having my Binocumcom… actually… it should be in the wagon with my rum. Sure I can’t communicate with the other binocucoms across dimensions like the device Dolly carried, but it would be being helpful in scouting things out.

“I want to be finding the wagon first to find my binocucom, they likely don’t have it as guarded.” Haven’t really used it much, but I kept it as a keepsake as being a part of the Cooper Gang. We could be using it here.

“Okay, wagon first, I can kind of smell something in the air that would lead us to it.” It be seeming that Pom had some help there, as Dolly took a sniff of the air as well and pointed in a given direction. “Yeah, that’s the general area I would think it is in. We’re in the east side of the upper city tier and, if my navigational aren’t entirely off, Dolly just pointed to the north side of the prison compound.”

“Say can Dolly be calling her family to get us in touch with Bentley?” We be needing a good plan and Bentley can really plan around anything.

“We’ll do that now, securing our wagon is going to be one of our first objectives. Dolly…” Pom turned to the spotted dog and she quickly retrieved the Digivice to call up the Dalmatian family.

-Thirty minutes later, Pom-

“So that’s what I would do with what information you’ve given me, then again I’m not in a situation where I’m dealing with psychic monsters and would need to be present to get a better idea of things as they are. One last piece of advice would to be careful with thinking any stray thoughts around them as a precaution, we’re kind of in the middle of something else and this Nayla lady really wants Mopsy dead thinking she’s you Pom. Mopsy’s been doing excellent work as a disguise artist at the very least and things have been really interesting since you split off with Shanty.” I could hear the clacking of Bentley typing at his keyboard. “If you can get Shanty’s Binocucom and then call me back, then I might be able to lend some more assistance than giving general ideas. Make sure you get back to a safe place like this before you call back. If I’m not available, then at least Dawkins can help at that point. Never met a smarter canine than him to bounce ideas off of… too bad dimensional travel is still kind of beyond me and I’ve been meaning to talk with Abigail Callaghan about it, aside from that I’m getting quite close to cracking time travel.”

“Thanks for the ideas Bentley!” Well we’ve gotten a Brainiac expert that was probably as smart if not smarter than I was, mind you my ability to outthink someone tended to be under stress and while using my version of the ‘Dancing Flame’ technique to its fullest.

“Don’t mention it, Bentley out, don’t forget to always hit me up with some more brain teasers later.” The turtle cut the call and then Dawkins was on the screen.

“We’ll call you if we’re successful.” I answered the unspoken question before he could think to ask it.

“Well alright then, I’m hoping to hear a call again, because it sounds like you’re in quite a spot as it were.” Dawkins disappeared and Dolly place the device back upon her neck under her mystical poison proofing scarf.

“Well Shanty?” I turned to the pirate goat.

“We’ll be following Bentley’s plan until it stops working, because they usually be working really well.” Shanty needed to be a bit more leadership role and she was taking this seriously. “I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”

-Five minutes later, north side of the compound near storage, Favela-

I, Favela, of sound body and mind, do hereby bequeath all my worldly belongings to my mother if this going terribly, terribly wrong. Pom was still Pom, but I am a little nervous to have her at my back where she could sink her teeth into my throat.

“Wait…” Hearing Pom, I be pausing and curling up into a bush, a Sigilyph be floating by the alleyway. Dolly be with Shanty and Dolly would be keeping us in contact with each other through her bond with Pom. “Okay it’s clear, move.”

I uncurled and carefully made my way forward and looked around the corner at the storage area, apparently something smelled and it was how we were going to track the wagon. Shanty and Dolly were doing something to the south of the compound to draw attention away from our infiltration.

We made it into the next alleyway, before a passing unit of Wobbuffet could see us. We made our way into a dead end lot like place like the one we stopped at in the lower tier before being attacked by that crazy Sanosuke guy. Therefore nobody would be checking this place for for us.

“Assuming direct control of Dolly now… watch my body for me Favela.” Pom’s eyes closed a second later it stretched out and yawned.

“I wonder how Pom’s going to do a campfire lighter in my body…” Dolly said while clearly in control of Pom’s body, it was like there was a switch in personality entirely. Pom always seemed to be chronically nervous, whereas Dolly was quite easygoing. “Stop being so worried about Pom hurting you, that’s the furthest thing from being anywhere near inside her mind at the moment… she’s more worried about us being captured.”

To see Pom’s body relax was… actually quite disturbing after getting to know someone like Pom for a while. Pom having a wolf like nature still stabbed at my instinctual fear of how dangerous she could truly be if she went fully wild and she only showed a light amount of that, it was terrifying.

All we I had to do was wait and then move with Pom when they set things off…

A huge explosion of white smoke appeared in a massive fog and sent Psychic Types moving in that direction. Be Safe Shanty…

“Don’t worry about Pom so much, also we got this Favela… switching out… now!” The demeanor in Pom’s body changed immediately as she shook her head. “Okay, that took some doing, maybe Dolly would be capable of throwing fireballs or creating a fog storm on her own like what I just did if she really put her mind to it. Let’s go Favela.”

I moved up next to Pom and hopped onto her back, her wool was really soft, it also became a really sticky the moment I was in a comfortable position and Pom started to move. Climbing up the wall of the alleyway as we were heading towards the entrance of the lot and clambering around the corner as panicked Psychic Types were drawn in to the south.

Pom leapt forward horizontally over to the storage area, the number of Pokémon on guard was still high. No windows, not like there was much to see inside a floating city enclosed in a floating landmass.

I shook my head and started focusing as Pom positioned herself above the two Sigilyph watching what we assumed to be the storage area. This prison compound was far from the three closest spirals to a different lower tiers, fairly understandable that they didn’t want people escaping.

Should things go horribly wrong here, I was to run for one of the smaller spirals and not the main central one we used to get up here. Mind you getting up the central spiral was easier when you could cling to any surface, the smaller ones would be easier to manage and for me to rappel down with my vines.

“Ready?” Whisper Pom and she sent me a slightly worried look.

“As I’ll ever be.” Remember no range attacks, only melee and the weak point was their eyes, at least the back of them which was directly below us.

Pom kicked off the wall and I felt myself become weightless as she detached me from her wool over in the direction of the Sigilyph on the right as she came down on the one on the left with a flip to bring her rear legs in line.

I stopped staring at Pom and angled my forehead for my Sigilyph, just in time too, I’d have missed if I was too busy watching Pom deal with the other one as we slammed into them. My horns slammed into the back of the Sigilyph and it immediately went limp as I rode it’s spherical body into the ground, there was an even louder impact to my left and I saw Pom bouncing off of the other Sigilyph she motioned me towards the door and I quickly slid off of and rolled next to her.

However pulling the door proved to be a bad idea as I immediately felt myself get locked into place by one of the two Wobbuffet waiting for us.

“Darn it…” This was a complication Pom and I hadn’t seen coming as the two Wobbuffet saluted at us and trapped us in a Shadow Tag. We tried to move to the sides of the doorway, but the Wobbuffet moved back slightly and prevented us from doing so and attacking them directly was a dangerous prospect given their counter happy natures.

“Wobbah Wobbah!” One of the Wobbuffet stated pointed at us.

“Uh… what?” Pom, I don’t think these Wobbuffet speak their own language.

“Buffet!” Said the second Wobbuffet challengingly.

“I, Favela, think they want us to try and attack them.” We’re not nearly that dumb, not when Counter and Mirror Coat possibly being a thing.

“Wob!” The first Wobbuffet that talked pointed at me and nodded while grinning.

“Well we can’t just stand here and wait for reinforcements to show up and attack us for them.” They’d likely use Mirror Coat for the moves I knew, the energy from Seed Bomb or Surf would blow back in our faces with twice the force. I could use Vine Whip if they were setting up Mirror Coat, but they could just as easily use Counter before I could hit them. “Tell me, did you know we would be coming?”

“Wobbuffet!” The evil grin on the second blob told us as much as we needed to know, once the other Pokémon came back from the distraction we’d be sitting ducks. Someone had to have told them we were coming to set up a trap.

“Well, nothing for it!” Pom leapt forth and pulled back both her hooves intent on thrusting them both forward into our what would be our captors that had been waiting beyond the door.

Both Wobbuffet braced for impact only to be surprised when Pom landed short of them by quickly slapping her hooves against the floor and pushing backwards, they were so confused until they were both hit from behind by two quickly fired massive blasts of lightning before they could do anything like put up a Mirror Coat.

“I thought I smelled ozone around here, good work Lit!” Pom said with a small smile as she held up a leg over her face to block out the brilliant flashes of energy scorching the two unprepared Wobbuffet from behind. “Where are Dazzle and Quetal?”

Lit whined out a tiny squeak as he quickly crawled up Pom’s offered leg and onto her back.

“Okay so they are likely in the prison…” Pom received a squeak from the tiny Electric Type bug, he sounded fairly sad about that. “Is the wagon here, we need to grab something and maybe move it.”

Lit crawled up onto Pom’s face and pointed with a leg while squeaking.

“Right, let’s go Favela. Did Ocellus escape being captured?” Pom received a positive squeak and a raised blue tipped leg. “Okay, so Ocellus did what I’d expected. We’re going to need to find her before we leave… I wonder how she avoided the Woobat patrols though. Her smell gets rather distinctive whenever she transforms, must have avoided going near any Woobat at least… or she turned into one. We’ll worry about that later.”

I was not trying to think of the fact that as we found a lot of supplies laying around, like a large amount of Poké sitting around that was likely stolen from the citizens of Cerebrum City and a lot of other stuff until Lit directed us to the wagon.

“Favela, can you help me pull the wagon to that open lot beyond the nearby alleyway?” Pom was looking to me for help and I shivered a bit, but I pulled out my vine whips and nodded. “Good, come on and help me pull the wagon. I didn’t pay those Bidoof very well just to let the wagon get stolen from us.”

I be looking into the wagon and afterwards I wrapped my vines around it and started pulling with Pom, how did Dodo make moving this thing look so effortless?! Even Lit was trying, but he was too small to really give it anymore momentum than what we were currently doing.

“Lit, get in the wagon and look for something like binoculars, you know what those are right?” At Pom’s prodding, Lit hopped into the wagon and started to search it. “It seems they haven’t had time to offload the supplies yet, so it should still be in there, it’s something that will smell like Shanty if that helps.”

Lit squeaked in reply as we started pulling the wagon.


Pom found the wagon and Lit. Yes, my little electric tick dude was fine! I should really focus on sticking close to Shanty, the Sigilyph were being a problem with their miracle eye being able to spot us in the fog as we maneuvered among the various buildings.

One could almost get lost in this place, if I didn’t know where Pom was at all times I’d feel less comfortable wandering off on my own.

“Dolly!” Shanty called out and turned a portion of the fog into a water wall that a Woobat slammed into and I quickly popped up to knocked it into a building with a harsh bone to its oversized nose. I was keeping my board across my back for protective reasons. “There be more where those are from, also I think there be more Sigilyph coming, we need to be being out of sight soon. Have Pom and Favela found it yet?”

I nodded.

“That’s great, let’s climb and make them lose track of us!” Shanty started up the side of a building and I quickly followed after her as she dragged the mass of fog with us and tried to keep the Woobat from smelling us through it. A beam of energy passed between making Shanty stall and look back of me. “Change of plans get on, I’m going to bubble us!”

Hopping onto Shanty and clinging to her with the stone bone in my mouth the water wrapped around us and thickened into a Bounding Bubble and we launched from the building as Shanty started manipulating it from the inside air pocket we occupied.

“Woohoo, let’s go!” We hit the street and like a huge bouncy ball we started rebounding off of building like crazy drawing the attention of Woobats and Sigilyph from all around, on top of many other guys that wanted to stop or slow us down. “This is awesome!”

“Try not be using up all our air please!” Shanty had us rolling along the street at quite a high speed, the Pokémon behind us couldn’t keep up with this bit of awesome as we started back for the prison compound after drawing them out far enough. “Also, yeah, this being pretty cool!”

We were bouncing off walls and the ground really fast as we continued to ricochet our way back to the compound in the general direction of the prison, I wonder how Shanty was keeping control of it all.

“I don’t be having much control, so our stop might be being a bit abrupt.” Oh… well that’s okay Shanty, I’m good with momentum. As for Shanty… not so much.

The bubble burst and Shanty used a bit of water to drag me onto her back and I clamped onto her as she spun three hundred and sixty degrees on the air and her hind hooves came together to land on… wow. How did she manage this at the speed we were going?

“Huh… so that’s how Sly be doing it. Could never be figuring out how this works, at least until now…” Shanty wobbled a bit on her hind legs as she tried to keep her balance on a very pointy spike on the barbed wire fence around the compound. She pulled out her cane scythe and suddenly she was perfectly balanced on the spike. “This is being pretty neat!”

I barked in agreement, this was pretty weird, how can someone stand on a spike like this?

“Huh… oh we’re fine Pom we’re not… oh… SHANTY!” I my bark caused Shanty to realize our situation.

Shanty jumped forward and twirled in the air to land on another spike as the several Woobat slammed each other with blades of air.

“Still being jealous that others can be doing cutting ranged attacks like that.” Says the goat who can apparently create a fog storm with my help… which I wasn’t a part of because Pom knows how to do it.

Huh… oh right, we’ll be there soon Pom, just give a moment to ditch these killer noses!

“Aero!” I created angled trampoline of air and Shanty got the idea and leapt into the center of the green disc and we launched away and towards where Pom, Vanilla and Lit were. We just had to ditch the bats, the Sigilyph and just about everything trying to track us.

-A few minutes later, lot near the compound, Pom-

Lit immediately leapt onto Dolly and acquired a cuddle.

“Hey, missed you too buddy.” Taking a position on Dolly’s head, Lit settled down as we called Dolly’s family.

“Oh… ah, you made it!” Dawkins seemed pleased to see us.

“Yeah, we did Dawkins, now we need to talk to Bentley if he’s still available, we got the binocucom, the wagon and Lit is here too. They apparently didn’t find him in the wagon. We’re chalking it up to Lit’s size and a lack of a thought in his tiny brain aside from being Dolly’s rather benign parasite.” I heard a squeak of discontent from Lit. “Sorry Lit, Dolly’s little companion who is a symbiotic entity.”

The squeak Lit gave off was much more cheerful, apparently he knew what the word parasite meant and didn’t like it.

“One moment please.” Dawkins stated as he hit something off to the side. “Bentley they have it.”

“Yes… oh they got the binocucom then?” It sounded like Bentley was pleased to hear back from us.

“Yes, they did and quite frankly it’s worrying that they are going to cause a prison break.” Dawkins stated as the turtle popped up in a different window on the device.

“Recently did that, know how it feels. That Contessa was really nasty piece of work, who knew she was taking bribes on the side and that there was evidence of corruption that bad… anyway, I assume that you have the binocumcom since you’re calling.” Readjusting his glasses Bentley cleared his throat. “Even Sly would have a problem with the kind of guards you’re facing, did you learn anything new before we get started?”

“Shadow Tag definitively requires a line of sight and I have an idea as to its exact range now… given they tried to get us in a trap and somehow knew where we would be going. The Wobbuffet are fairly keen on how long their Shadow Trap range of effect is given they moved backwards to prevent us from evading out of sight.” I pointedly showed Dolly with Lit on top of her head. “Lit really helped out with that when we found him, he took them by surprise.”

Lit raise his front to legs and a spark erupted between them as he squeaked a tiny roar, he was trying not to be too loud given our proximity to the prison compound nearby.

“He’ll really be helping a lot soon enough with springing your friends and maybe some allies, but he probably doesn’t have a lot of mental capacity for a really complicated plan… hmm… here’s what I need you to do before I can give you a plan to work with.” Bentley started laying things out for us.

-Rebel headquarters, middle tier, Canard-

“You attracted enough attention that we’re even having this meeting, also your Gothorita friend helped us have this meeting.” I grumbled to the guy in charge, he wanted peace more than anything… I can tell that by just looking into his eyes. I saw a reflection looking at him, as if he were a mirror.

“Yeah, even I’m surprised that Sanosuke hasn’t let them to weeding us out yet.” So this was Kenshin the Blade, he was an interesting and calm character. I already had a read on him that he was a reluctant assassin, nice guy, terrible deeds and trying to make a future for himself. “Where is the one known as Pom though? Where are the Chrysalia forces and why is their only a half unit from Violight?”

“About that… I would think she’s busy planning a prison break in the upper tier given she’s gone off to rescue our friends. She has a competent crew with her and some of our friends were capture between us meeting Sanosuke and now.” Sami was checking here gear and her camouflage ability, she was basically undetectable to Psychic Type with her camouflage ability active. I however can see the distortions in the air with her making too much movement. “It hasn’t happened yet or they’ve been captured. Won’t know until they start setting off fireworks. So what exactly is going on in Cerebrum and what is Gilgamesh doing and how can we put as big a Monmon wrench to it as we can find?”

Commandramon were not what I would call the definition of stealthy given they were created with a lot of bugs that were never fully ironed out. Still Sami has proven to be a good companion time and again even if she refuses to evolve into a Sealsdramon unless things were absolutely dire, she knows she can do it and has mentioned once or twice she can feel the urge to do it.

“Well first of all it’s going to be quite bad since he’s doing several things at once, we need everyone we can get to help with the rebellion to even open a path to the gate up to the Castle of Illusio. It is heavily guarded by all kinds of Psychic Types and will be a tough nut to crack, at most we might be able to get one or two units through to try and attack Gilgamesh directly… but that’s going to be hard if we end up running into his portals and get sent halfway across the planet.” Kenshin was about to continue when the door opened.

“Kenshin we’ve got some support and… Fleer!” The white fur canid like creature with a large scythe horn growing out one side of her head leapt onto the Furfrou and they started to playfully wrestle with one another. I looked at the three toed claws, heel spikes and the strange tail. I was wondering if Pom would have the same effect on this creature as she does other canids, this looked somewhat canid and feline at the same time. “What are you doing here, are you alright, how would you have gotten through the ground side teleporter? I’m so glad you’re okay, you would not believe the migraine I have going on here and it’s only getting worse.”

“So you are here Abby, thank goodness I won’t have to go running around Illusio searching for you!” Fleer’s tail started wagging as she cuddled up with her friend.

“Ahem…” Kenshin coughed loudly while clearing his throat and Abby looked sheepish.

“Right, the Xatu are offering their support, in return they want us to find one of their own and are immediately sending a few Natu to assist the rebels upfront.” Abby reported with a saluting paw as she got up and moved away from her friend.

“Good, we need all the support we can take or get, because we have to stop Gilgamesh before he can really unseal the true power of a Hoopa.” Kenshin shivered and I was going to ask what the true power of a Hoopa was, how much worse could get Gilgamesh be? “It’s not just his unsealing that power that’ll be a major problem, it’s all the other things he’s doing on top of that. Also it would be nice if we could get somehow get some Dynamic Maximization energy here before he does so… but if we can’t, well then we’re not living long lives and will have to throw absolutely everything we can at him. Given the raising in psychic energy level he’s getting close to at least one of his goals. We may have to throw away our very lives if necessary to save the rest of the world from him.”

Well that’s a huge red flag for Pom if I ever heard one, she has a tendency to throw herself at problem when people are in danger and has said as much that it’s habit of hers. It was almost like she absolutely had to throw herself bodily at problems... wait... was that why Shanty, Smolder, Ocellus and Dolly were paying careful attention to...

“What’s the true power of a Hoopa, I thought the portals he could make already was bad enough. How much worse can this Gilgamesh guy actually truly get?” My comment was met with slightly haunted looks.

-Castle of Illusion, Gilgamesh-

The clock is ticking 'Heroes', even they should know by now that they can't stop me from being a threat to the world, my incredibly robust ego wouldn't allow things to go any other way.

“I’ve always wanted a pet…” The orange dragon looked dazed and mentally compromised, she’ll help me make a few heroes yet or at least will make for some good entertainment if they fail to bring even her down. “Dragon.”

After a moment large shadow was cast over me and my grinning face.

I would soon own everything that was ever of any importance in this world.

I reached out with a hand and tried to summon some of my finest bread into it to celebrate my eventual... some of my finest... the portal had yet to produce any bread whatsoever.

Why were my gates completely empty of all the once in a lifetime designer breads that were capable of being piled to the heavens!

Ugh, must have had an all night sleep eating contest against myself again, oh well... at least I still have 'pie'.

Author's Note:

Gilgamesh has plenty of stuff going on all over the place and...

Pinkie Pie: Doozy!


If Hoopa has an unbound form, then what wouldn't Gilgamesh with his when he becomes kaiju sized?

No Dynamic Maximization can occur here and we're about to have a kaiju sized problem, possibly 2.

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