• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 5: Train Ride Rumble (Re Edited)

As Always: Green text means "click me" to play theme music to go with what your reading. Red text means to stop the music.
Completely optional: Your free to ignore this

Aboard the Train bound for Canterlot

Sora sat by the window, holding his head up as he gazed out to the passing scenery. His mind was busy working on a subject. Twilight had told him that he should not be able to use magic because he was an Earth Pony. She further described him the four races of ponies: Earth Ponies were strong and were more connected to nature compared to Pegasi and Unicorns. Pegasi can fly, that much he understood, but what he didn’t know was that they could control the weather and stand on clouds, and they were also seen as the most athletic. Unicorns, with their horns, are able to cast magic and spells. And Alicorns were basically the 3 previous races wrapped in one powerful package. She then went on to give him good example: the princesses they would be meeting are so powerful they could control this world’s sun and moon, which that astonished him. However Sora was curious as to why he wasn’t a Pegasus or a Unicorn. He knew from his past endeavors that he would qualify as the athletic type. Though it would’ve helped more if he was a Unicorn, then no one freak out whenever he would cast a Firaga or something. This brought him to his next concern.

He looked over to the girls, who were definitely becoming more suspicious of him. Or at least three of them were. Twilight would occasionally glance back at him; he could safely assume that all of this made her wonder if he really was a pony. Rainbow whispered a suggestion of bopping Sora on the head to see what happens, which unfortunately for her, he managed to hear. He was unclear as to why she wanted to do that. Applejack chose to be stoic about it. She already knew he was full of secrets, but she also noticed how far he would go to speak truthfully, when normally a pony in his position would either fess up or make up a lie.

This got him thinking, what was he going to do if they were in a situation where he needed to use his magic? Would he be able to use it? If so should he even use it? Now more than ever he just wanted the train to hurry up and make it to Canterlot. Fluttershy was sitting next to him; she wasn’t oblivious to the atmosphere and wanted to break the growing tension in some way. She looked over at Pinkie Pie hoping that she may already have something in mind, only to find her missing. She looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. Twilight took notice of this “What’s wrong, Fluttershy?”

“Um, I was just wondering, where did Pinkie Pie go?” the yellow mare asked as her head continued on a swivel.

“What do you mean? She’s sitting with Rarit-” one glance toward the fashion pony revealed to Twilight there was no pink pony sitting next to her. “What? She was just there” Twilight started looking around as well, thus causing the rest of the group wonder what happened to the party pony. Just then they all heard a scream coming from the next train car over. “What was that?!“ Twilight asked

Sora was the first out of his seat and run toward the other end of their train car to the door, with Applejack and Rainbow close behind “Only one way to find out” he called back before he busted through the door and opened the door leading to the next car. What he found he did not expect. Pinkie was in the next car holding out a cake with lit candles out to a little filly and her parents. The scream was coming from the little girl, as she was excited to see the cake held in front of her. Her parents were more concerned about where the cake even came from “What the?” Pinkie turned her head toward the sound of the voice, while blowing the party noise maker in her mouth, to see Sora and her friends standing there bewildered at what they were seeing

“Oh hey guys! You here to celebrate this little filly’s special day too?!” She grinned widely and waved at her friends as if this was all normal.

“Special day? Pinkie what are you doing here? How do you know her birthday is today?” Rainbow asked as she headed over to the pink mare.

“Weeellll, there I was sitting in the chair counting how many times Twilight kept staring at Sora. She was almost at 100 too, short by 3, and that’s when Inner Pinkie inside me said ”Pinkie?” and I said, yeah Inner Pinkie? Then she says ”My party senses are tingling” and I was like, I concur, Inner Pinkie! Somepony here needs a Pinkie celebration!” She gave what Sora believed to be a fist pump considering her hoof movement. At this point the the filly was holding onto the cake as she and her parents also took part in listening to this story. “So then I went to stealth mode and moved around the train sniffing out the lucky pony”

Sniffed out? Stealth mode? She sounds more like a hunter then a party planner. Sora tilted his head to the side wondering where this line of conversation was going.

“I snuck by plenty of ponies, passengers, the conductor, the driver, a really big guy with yellow eyes and then I got here and I heard this poor little filly’s birthday was today, but they didn’t have time to celebrate it today. And then you guys showed up and started asking what I was doing here and then I was telling you that I was sitting-”

“Pinkie you’re repeating yourself” Rainbow said to stop her from talking in circles.

“Wait Wait, go back.” Sora walked up to Pinkie “Pinkie, you said you saw a big guy with yellow eyes?”

Pinkie held a hoof to her chin and thought for a moment then nodded “Uh huh! He was reeaaallly big, with a tiny head and walked on two legs…. Hmm actually he looked kind of familiar…. He looked like a fat version of-” She was cut off when a loud thud was and sound of Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy Shrieking.

“Oh no!” Sora made a 180 and darted back toward the car they were staying in. The girls now running after him. When they appeared, they noticed the 3 girls out of their seats: Twilight was picking herself off the ground, Fluttershy was hiding under the seat shivering, and Rarity was seen looking all over the place before noticing Sora and the girls coming back. “Rarity what’s going on?!” He looked around trying to find the source of danger.

“I-I… I don’t know, Sora. All of a sudden the car started shaking and-” Sora got what she meant when another loud thud was heard and the train car was jostling around.

Everyone this time managed to keep their footing, besides Pinkie who seemed to have been hurled into the air above Applejack and Rainbow going “Whee!” and landing perfectly on a seat.

“It must be coming from up top!” Rainbow suggested. Sora didn’t waste a second as he ran past her and Applejack again and out the door, but this time instead of going into the other car, he jumped and kicked off of it to wall jump to the roof of their car. Rainbow flew after him, with Applejack right behind them before turning back to the girls.

“We’re going to take a look up top, you girls make sure any other passengers and workers don’t get hurt!” Twilight and Rarity nodded to her, Fluttershy didn’t nod, but her coming out from under the seat cautiously was her agreement to the idea, plus she didn’t want to be in that train car in case it would shake again. With that, Applejack turned to see Rainbow come back down to look at her.

“AJ, you gotta see this” she picked her up and lifted the two of them up and onto the top of the train car to witness a new sight. “I think this is the guy Pinkie was talking about.”

Applejack was caught her off guard when she saw a few of the Heartless they fought yesterday. There was one particularly large one that Sora was facing off with his Keyblade in his mouth. “What the hay is that?”

Sora only said one thing before dashing forward toward the Heartless. “Large Body!



Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy made their way to the next car, where the filly and her parents seemed more concerned with a few creatures that broke in through the windows to get inside. They were the tall ones from last night, as a few more just appeared into existence behind them. Twilight remembered Sora giving these ones a name. “Those are Soldiers, right” She and Rarity stood in front of the frightened family, as Fluttershy went over to them.

“Excuse me, b-but it would be safer if you stay with me. You don’t want to be near them.” If the situation wasn’t so dire, Fluttershy wouldn’t have said a word to those ponies and avoided them entirely. However right now, she had to do something: keep those ponies safe and away from the fight.

“W-what are those things.” the daughter backed up into her mother trying to stay as far away from those creatures as possible.

“Um, very bad monsters” Fluttershy didn’t know whether or not the ponies should know who the Heartless really are, but there was no time to explain so she just gave her best opinion on what was important to know.

As she assisted the family to a safer location, Twilight and Rarity’s horns were glowing and already they were casting spells and levitating the Heartless around. Bolts of magic were shooting through some of them and causing them to disperse. Others would helplessly be lifted off the ground and hurled into a wall, seat, or generally out the window. Pinkie was bouncing on Heartless heads, dazing them before pulling a hockey stick out of her mane. “Slap shot!” she yelled before swinging it into her foe, sending it flying to into other Heartless, walls, or out windows as well. There was one she sent flying so far she couldn’t help but giggle and wave, “So long, Mr. Meanie Pants!”

“How many cars were on this train again, Twilight?” Rarity asked as she managed to magically trap a Soldier that was about to lunge at Twilight and hurl it off the train and into a tree that happened to be at the right place at the right time.

“I think there is only 6 cars” Twilight gave a buck to a Soldier knocking into the door to the next car. It wasn’t a strong buck like Applejack’s, otherwise the door would be busted open and the Heartless would vanish, so it hung on long enough for Twilight to finish it with a magic bolt. “Let’s get moving.” she turned to Fluttershy and Pinkie “You two stay here and we’ll send over any other ponies your way. You keep them safe, ok?!”

Flutter simply gave a small nod, while Pinkie just gave a salute and smiled “Okie Dokie Lokie!”

The two Unicorns nodded back at their friends before heading off to the next car


Back on top of the train

Sora had jumped away from a large fist that was swinging at where he once stood. The fist came from the creature Sora labeled as a Large Body. It was a big, fat, and round Heartless, though from looking at it, you could tell it had some strength to it. The shackles on its wrists seemed to emphasize the broken chains leading off them. It wore a purple unitard like outfit that looked like it was barely held from splitting apart with the rope like laces that looped through the edges of the large opening in the front and tied together with a droopy looking knot. On its bare bluish chest there was that same heart like insignia that the ones known as Soldiers had on their chests. It sported large black shoes that curled at the end as well. The top of his head resembled a Soldier’s. However, where a Soldier‘s helmet looked like a the face of a bird-like creature, this helmet looked more like a round cooking pot and lid. It looked like if it lowered its head the top part of the helmet could close with bottom part. Sora kept the big guy’s attention on him as Rainbow Dash and Applejack took care of the smaller Heartless by smacking them out of existence or off the train entirely. Rainbow flew about giving aerial swoops and dive bombs, and Applejack either lassoed groups of Heartless together to hurl them off the roof, or ran at them to give them a good buck into the sky.

Sora back stepped from each swing the Large body made at him, waiting for the right moment. When it appeared to be losing its balance, Sora leaped up, bashed his Keyblade against the Heartless’s head, landed behind it, and unleashed a flurry of strikes. His Keyblade thrust in front of him, Sora charged right through the hulking beast, knocking it into air, and stopping on the other side of it. Without a moment to think, Sora pivoted on one hoof and wound his Keyblade back and twirled it a bit, like a baseball batter would when they were getting ready to swing at a pitch. “Let’s Go!” Sora yelled. Before the Heartless body could even touch the ground, Sora swung with all his strength. He smacked the huge being like it was nothing as it careened off the roof and dispersed into black mist and nothingness, leaving behind a crystal heart that floated up and vanished completely.

“That’s one down” he turned around to look at the rest of the train car roof tops, noticing that a couple more Large Bodies stopped slamming their weight on the cars to shake them off the tracks, and started to waddle their way to Sora and his friends. Following them and appearing out of thin air, groups of smaller Heartless joined their larger brothers. “Well at least we got their attention.” Sora was back on all fours as the Keyblade was placed in his mouth again.

Applejack readjusted her hat as she glared at small army of darkness making their way over to them. “Makes it easier fer us, they won’t be harming folk if they’re looking our way.”

Rainbow landed between them and pawed at the rooftop while trying to look intimidating. “And I saw a bunch o Heartless getting thrown out of the windows below. Looks like the others are taking care of things down there for us.”

“Then we better do the same up here!” Sora smiled before dashing ahead cutting through the Heartless that were far ahead of the group as his target was the main force ahead.

“Hey, no fair! Save some for me!” Rainbow bolted off toward a swarm and doing a corkscrew spin drilling right through them with ease.

Applejack simply chuckled and shook her head before running after them.

When Sora slashed into a group Heartless, he noticed Rainbow Dash try to ram into a big body’s gut, only to bounce off it and land on her haunches looking a bit dazed. “Don’t attack them in the front, all your attacks will get bounced off! He lunged over to her and landed on two legs so that he could hold his Keyblade in a guard that amazingly negated the Large Body’s charge attack, making it stumble back a bit. “Go for the head or its back!” He turned to the side to smack a Heartless that was coming right at them off the train.

Once her mind was cleared, she got back on her hooves, nodded “Right,” and flew towards the Large Body, this time slamming a forehoof into its face then flipping and landing her hind hooves on its helmet to kick off it and shoot up. Sora was already running up the Large Body’s belly when she jumped up, since he already he had an idea in mind as he jumped up after her. When Rainbow looked down to see Sora right under her and now facing the Large Body below, Keyblade pointed right at its head, she noticed his head turn and give a confident smirk to her. It didn’t even take her a second to pick up what he was silently asking, as she ended up wearing the same smile. “You got it!” Rainbow exclaimed as she dived right at him before flipping perfectly landing her hind hooves on his, both of them kicking off each other. As Sora shot Keyblade first through the Large Body, his weapon made contact with the roof, causing a large shockwave that blasted all nearby Heartless that weren’t instantly turned into black mist overboard. He also heard a shriek from below as he noticed his Keyblade went through the roof.

“Sora?!” he heard Twilight from below.

“Oh, heh, Sorry about that Twilight!” Sora said as Applejack jumped over him to tackle a few Heartless that were about to take a swipe at him. He then pulled out his Keyblade looking to her. “Thanks Applejack!” he then turned his attention to the purple mare he saw through the hole below. She definitely looked like she was fighting something, and it sounded pretty rowdy down there. “You guys ok down there?!”

“We’re managing fine!” Twilight then focused on the last Heartless, catching it in her magic, and slamming it into the floor a few times before it vanished. “From the sounds of things, it seems like you guys up there are fighting the larger group of Heartless. We’re going to fight our way to the train engine to see if the driver is ok! Can you guys do the same on your end? I feel like something big is happening over there.” Sora then noticed Rarity run past Twilight to head to the next car.

“You got it!” he gave a nod before vanishing from her side, joining Applejack who socked a Soldier so hard it shot right into another Large Body, making it involuntarily take a step back to gain balance. Sora dashed past her and then slid under it before making a breakdance spin on his back hitting the back of its legs, making it fall on its butt.

Rainbow dashed into its back, forcing it to roll forward into two orange hooves that slammed it into the air. Sora took the initiative and jumped at it, weapon in his forehooves, and unleashed a barrage of key strikes before finishing with a flip that let him turn the Heartless into mist with an overhead strike.

“We are awesome!” Rainbow cheered as Sora shot past them towards the next rooftop full of Heartless.

“You know it!” Sora agreed as he and Applejack ran after her.

“Just keep yer head in the game, everypony!” Applejack, being the more levelheaded one, had to say that to make sure they, mostly Rainbow, didn’t bite off more than they could chew.


Back in Stage Coach

Another few passengers made their way into the car, as per Twilight’s instructions. Fortunately, not many ponies were riding the train, so barely half the seats were filled. Fluttershy was assisting the foals and helping their parents keep them calm. Pinkie Pie was at the entrance with an army helmet as she stood behind her party cannon pretending to look super serious, but overall, it just made her look even more silly. If one didn’t know any better, they’d think that was what she was going for in the first place. Whenever a Heartless would appear, she would make short work of it by firing her cannon loaded with whatever various things she had or could find. Her ammunition was anything from luggage to even a bowling ball she had on her. Whenever she wasn’t guarding, she would help Fluttershy raise the mood of the atmosphere so nopony would panic or anything like that. With Fluttershy and her kindness, and Pinkie Pie with her way of bringing out laughter, the task didn’t seem as hard as one would believe. At one point, one of the foals spoke up to the two mares, asking “Are we going to be ok now?”

Pinkie, without missing a beat, dismissed that question with a wave of her hoof. “Everything’s Hunky Dorey! We fought those meanie heads before, and our other friends are already taking care of them,” she said while looking at one of the passengers that just came in. They were from the second car away from the train engine. So that definitely raised confidence in the group.

Fluttershy looked out toward the door to the next car. She knew that Pinkie was right about this, and she had confidence everything would be just fine now. However, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about her friends and wishing them to be safe and successful.


Foremost Train Car connected to the train engine

Twilight was the first to burst into the train car. Then, she barely got out of the way of the train’s conductor as he made his way out of the car, freaking out completely. “Turn back, turn back! It’s a monster!” After seeing him run by Rarity, who eventually joined Twilight in the train car, they started looking around. “Monster? But I don’t see anything.” Nevertheless, she cautiously made her way over to the other side of the train car, carefully looking all around her for an ambush or some kind.

Up top, Sora, Applejack and Rainbow had did away with the rooftop Heartless and hopped over the gap between the 2nd and 1st train cars. “Looks pretty clear over here” Rainbow said as she tried to search for any sign of danger. Sora continued forward she looked all around. If there was something he could never forget, it was it was never that easy… something troublesome would appear when it feels like you’ve won. And just like his intuition told him, Something big appeared and stayed in the spot between the train engine and the first car. That was when Twilight got a glimpse of it before immediately backpedaling away from it with a yelp from how close she was to it.

It had the familiar head of the Heartless they fought before, but it looked like it was wearing goggles and a train driver’s hat. It was upside down staring at Twilight and Rarity who were taking battle ready stances with their horns glowing.

Up top, Sora, Rainbow and Applejack were given a head as well, but it seemed to be wearing a conductor’s hat and had a whistle in what they could guess was its mouth.
Both Heartless grabbed hold of the car to stay latched on. Anypony with a good view outside would be able to see that the two Heartless heads shared the same body.

It was at that moment that Sora and Twilight sighed and said the same thing in unison. “Perfect

The battle started when the lower head started inhaling, sucking in a large gust of air. This caused Twilight and Rarity to do an about-face and fight against the wind, lest they become this Heartless’s meal. “Ooooh, this is wind is completely messing up my mane!” Rarity complained.

“Don’t think now’s the time to be worrying about that, Rarity!” Twilight remarked.

Up at the roof, the top head looked like he was getting ready for an attack. “What’s it doing?” Applejack asked as she kept her eyes locked on it.

“Dunno, but it can’t be good” Sora said as he ran at it. Rainbow flew out to the side,catching a glimpse of what was going down below. She was about to dive in to help Twilight and Rarity, when she noticed the bottom head had stopped sucking and closed its mouth. Rainbow noticed a huge bulge of what she could assume was all the air the bottom head sucked in, as it traveled through the body and entered the top head. That’s when the top head started unleashing a loud ear piercing whistle blow that everyone on the train car, even Twilight and Rarity down below, to cringe and cover their ears. “AAAAH! For the love of Celestia! What was that for-” Rainbow’s question was answered when Sora and Applejack, who were closest to the top, were stunned in place, trying to fight their own bodies to move. That’s when the top hand started pulling out one of its long arms lifting it high over its head before swing it down on Applejack. “AJ!” Rainbow barely made it in time to tackle and carry her friend away. She did not expect the arm to go and swat Sora hard making him fly back a few yards away.

“Sora!” both Rainbow and AJ called out to the Keyblade wielder, afraid of the worst. Fortunately, he landed on rooftops instead of overboard. The shock of impact knocked his body out of its original funk and gave him full control. As he stumbled to get up, Rainbow landed next to him with AJ .

“You ok, sugarcube?” Applejack let him lean on her to help him steady himself.

“I am so sorry, Sora! I should’ve grabbed you too, and I…” She was stopped when Sora gave a big goofy grin, as one of his hooves popped open one of his saddle bags and went inside to rummage through it.

“Hey don’t worry about it. It’s impossible to get out of fights like these unscathed. That’s why-” He pulled out two small bottles of glowing green liquid “An adventurer always brings supplies.” He popped the tops of them both, but instead of drinking them, he tossed them up above him. The two mares watched in confusion, wondering why would he do such a thing, until all of a sudden, the bottles were encased in their own spheres of light, with smaller spheres revolving around them. One potion went over Applejack, the other over Sora as they both came crashing down on their heads. However instead of bonking them on the head, the spheres broke open into a wave of soothing light that washed over their bodies. The smaller spheres revolved around them as the splash of light travelled down their bodies before dispersing as they reached the bottom. Applejack felt like a new pony now, like she could take on a horde of Heartless no problem.

“Wow, Sora, whatever that stuff was is making feel fantastic.” Applejack stretched once Sora was on his own four hooves.

Sora gave his right shoulder a circular motion to keep it limber and ready to go. “Potions are a good pick-me-up, when you take some knocks in this line of work,” he chuckled as he looked at the Heartless. “It’s gonna be trouble getting near that thing if it whistles again.”

That brought Rainbow out of her previous astonishment of the magic bottle things to update her friends on what she saw. “There’s actually another head to that thing down below that Twilight and Rarity are fighting. Both heads are connected to the same body, and when the bottom head sucked in air, it went up to the top head so he could blow that whistle!”

Sora looked over to Rainbow, and hearing that, started coming up with a plan. “OK, Rainbow can you fly out and monitor the Heartless for us and what Twilight and Rarity are doing below, and do same for them.” He looked at the creature. “Looks like this will involve a lot of teamwork” Sora ran ahead, summoning his Keyblade again. Applejack was not far behind and Rainbow took to the air and flew down to the 1st car windows.

“Hey Twilight!” she called out to Twilight, who had shot a magic bolt at the bottom head. It seemed to react negatively.

“Ah ha!” Twilight seemed to have figured something out when Rainbow appeared by the window. She turned to her. “Rainbow, What’s going on up there?” Rainbow proceeded to speak quickly of the recent events and Sora’s plan to her.

Meanwhile, up top, Sora jumped, then tucked and rolled under a flying limb as the top head tried to use to shoo the key blader away. When he was close enough, he lunged at it and spun around in mid air, smacking it constantly. Applejack then noticed how badly it reacted from getting hit. “Well, I’ll be.”

That was when Rainbow flew up to the rooftop “Ok, Twilight, is all aboard this plan. She also said that the bottom head is weak to magic attacks, apparently, so she and Rarity will stay down there.”

“That’s well n’ good, seeing as this one here can’t take a hit to the face well either.” Applejack stated

Sora had jumped back after thrashing the head a bit and managed to hear what Rainbow said. “So, this head hates physical attacks, and the bottom head hates magical attacks.” He then gave a nod, cataloging that into his memory. “Alright, Rainbow you’re our eyes in the sky”

“You got it!” She exclaimed. And just like, that she flew back out, watching the Heartless and the two battles. She then noticed one of the top head’s limbs pull back, as if winding up for a punch, but this clawed fist was aimed at the back of the bottom head. “Twilight! Rarity! Move!” she yelled as she dove in like a bullet. She didn’t repeat her past mistake and moved both unicorns to the side, just in time to see the back head move away from the doorway and a fist come barreling through until it slammed into the other end of the car.

“Whoa,” was all Twilight could say after watching it retreat back. “Thanks, Rainbow.”

Rainbow set them down and flew back out the window, saying “Thank me later, we still gotta bring these things down.” That was when the bottom head reappeared in the doorway to see the aftermath it thought would happen, but didn’t since Rarity and Twilight were back in position. Rarity telekinetically hurled some random luggage at the side of its face as a response to the previous attack.

“Take that, you brutish beast,” Rarity yelled. As this was happening, Twilight charged up a powerful bolt of magic that would explode on impact one fired. She fired with perfect timing, as the head was about to inhale air. Instead, it got a mouthful of pain, stopping its attack. It was left in a daze and open to more attacks, and Twilight grinned. She could help protect Sora and AJ from the whistle this way, as well as not have to worry about being sucked into that thing‘s mouth. She turned to the window to look at Rainbow, who nodded at seeing the scene and flew over to the roof, leaving the unicorns to continue their onslaught.

Sora and Applejack were confused when no sound came out of the top head after it got ready to whistle again. They gained a boost of confidence one Rainbow filled them in on what happened. “Alright! I just wish there was a way we could help them with that last attack,” Sora said.

“Can’t worry ‘bout that now, the faster we bring this varmit down, the better,” Applejack said as she lassoed the head and pulled it forward, slamming it onto the roof painfully.

“Good point,” Sora agreed as he lunged at it without a second thought. He gave it the same barrage of attacks that he gave the Large Bodies, causing the head to get knocked around all over the place like it was a giant speed bag for him to practice on. Thanks to Applejack’s lasso keeping it in place, this kept on until the top head’s limbs went up and over the it to smash the key blader away from the head. Sora however, saw this and jumped back to dodge it, but didn’t end it there. In the middle of flying back, he twirled his body to throw his Keyblade. As he threw it, it curved around and smacked the side of the head, knocking it off its body for a moment. Freed from Applejack’s lasso, the limbs struggled to catch it before the rushing wind blew it away. The limbs slammed the head back on its body, comically make it look like it was screwing the head back on like a light bulb.

“Well that’s new,” Applejack said as she pulled back her lasso.

As the fight continued, Sora noticed the top head’s limb moved back down and start to wind up. He turned to Rainbow, who nodded at seeing this. He then sprinted right at the head, smacking it hard to delay its attack before he leaped off and onto the limb, hooking his left forelimb onto it and zip lined down to the elbow joint, and striking it hard with his Keyblade. This caused the wind up to limp out and lose all potential energy, leaving Sora to jump off and get picked up mid air by Rainbow. “Nice moves there, Mr. Hero!” Rainbow complimented before dropping him back on the roof.

Now with both of the whistle and punch attack negated, the battle went a lot smoother. That is, until the Heartless executed a last ditch effort. Their heads were pulled off, then traded places. When Sora or Applejack tried to attack the head Twilight fought with swings and bucks, it was like some invisible barrier bounced their attacks right off. In turn, the head that Twilight and Rarity fought had a barrier that blocked off magic attacks. “It’s a Role reversal,” Sora muttered to himself. He turned to Rainbow. She was about to dive into the lower half to get Twilight and Rarity up top, but the unthinkable happened. All of a sudden, the lower limbs, that did practically nothing other then hold onto the train and help with the head switch, were now much longer, where as the top limbs shortened and were more focused on latching onto the train to keep the Heartless on it. The lower limbs then proceeded to drape over the train car windows and hook around the back, where the claws blocked the door in the back.

Rainbow growled then looked at Sora. “That thing’s blocking me from getting inside!” She then noticed the bottom head finally taking damage. Twilight and Rarity seemed to remember what Rainbow told them about that head not liking physical attacks. Waiting till the lower team took out the conductor head seemed like a good idea, until the train driver head started sucking in air. “You guys! It’s going to use that whistle on Twilight and Rarity!”

Both Sora and Applejack were starting to get pulled in, but hearing what Rainbow said concerned them more. Applejack managed to grab onto the other side of the train car and lasso Sora to keep him from being sucked in. “What… do we … do now?! That thing only gets hurt by magic!” Applejack called out in the wind. Rainbow was ramming into the train driver head only for the barrier to block her, but she kept trying.

Sora, in that instant, came up with a decision. “Well.. here’s hoping that rule doesn’t apply to me,” he muttered as he stood on his hind hooves again. “Applejack, don’t let go!” He took his Keyblade into his forehooves and pointed it at the Heartless.

“Sora, what in tarnation are you-”

“Firaga!” Sora yelled out in the howling winds. A glowing orange spark appeared at the tip of his Keyblade which quickly grew into a huge sphere of flame and fire. It blasted off like a bullet and shot into the Heartless maw causing the creature to comically close its mouth, and involuntarily swallow it. The heads and body burst into flame. Sora then felt the wind stop and the feeling of Applejack holding onto the rope gone. He didn’t give it time to think as he sprinted forward on all fours at the burning Heartless, getting in at point blank range. He stopped and skidded right in front of it, stood up on two legs, and pointed his Keyblade pointed at the face. “Blizzaga!” A shotgun blast of ice shot out, jerking the head back and freezing it on the spot. “Let’s see you block this!” Sora yelled as lifted his Keyblade up over him as sparks of electricity surged around the tip. “Thundaga!” And just like that, bolts of lightning crashed down from above onto the frozen head, finally shattering it into pieces, along with the limbs that kept it attached to the train. Now the conductor head had to hold on just to stay on the train, but eventually its body fell down on its head, piled on top of it. “This is it!” Sora jumped down and thrust his Keyblade down below him, running it through the body and head, making it finally give up it’s fight. The first sign was its limbs falling off the train and then dispersing, then its head started to look lifeless as that was the second to vanish. Finally, when Sora got off it, the body started glowing, and released a rather large crystal heart that floated above the train and then vanished completely. The body, fading away into nothingness as well.

Sora, who was now inside the train, panted as he banished his weapon. “There…. that takes care of that…” he then turned to Twilight and Rarity who looked at him, astonished. “…. What?”

Up above the train, Applejack was still frozen in place staring at other side of the train car where the Heartless and Sora were last seen. Her jaw was dropped, and her pupils were the size of pin pricks. Rainbow landed in front of her with the same face, staring in the same direction. “Y-you saw that didn’t you?” she asked.

“I… I saw it… but I don’t believe it,” Applejack replied.

Down below, Rarity had to ask on Twilight’s behalf, seeing that she was too stunned to say anything. “Sora, dear…. what happened up there?” Neither she nor Twilight saw what happened above, but they were surprised to see the head they were fighting burst into flames, and then see lighting crash behind the burning head.

That was when Sora remembered, that he had broken the laws of physics in this world. Casting spells while being an Earth Pony.

Meanwhile, at the train station, a pony with a train driver’s hat on their head finally peeked out from hiding. “...I think I’m gonna just call in a sick day tomorrow…”

Author's Note:

Alright Chapter 5 is here. The reason why I was excited about getting this out, is because in the near future, how Sora and the Mane 6 will fight will start changing constantly from here on out. So think of this battle as the edge of the woods. What will lie deeper? Well I obviously can't tell since that ruin the story for you guys, but I have to say that I think it will be a blast to read.

Putting that aside, I have a question for all of you guys. As the Story goes, Sora will be there for a whole year, So there will be times where, they aren't out fighting heartless or any bad guys. Knowing this I wanted to ask. What do you think would be the first Holiday Sora should experience first? Once I decide on one, I would then try to line them up as properly as I can given the seasons and any other methods I can use to track time in the story. I ask this now because it will be a while, Chapter wise before we get to such things. So that gives you all plenty of time to put in what you think Sora's first Equestrian Holiday should be.

Now that Chapter 5 is out, your all caught up with me. I currently have the first part of the Chapter completed, though I might have to give it an edit since something doesn't sit right with me one a certain part I wrote in it. but other then that. This shouldn't go nowhere near the deadline I gave myself. So thats good news.

Next Chapter: A Harmonic Connection

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this episode and look forward to future ones

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