• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 34: The Manehatten Project

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Manehattan Train Station

The train leading into the station that morning came to a full stop, as the passengers started making their way out, 7 particular passengers exited and grouped up to have a conversation. “So this is Manehattan” Sora spoke first as he decided to take a good look around.

“And about time…. I think I got a crick in my neck from sleeping so long in that train” Rainbow had a hoof to the side of her neck and started rubbing at it, hissing at the minor pain she felt.

“Not to worry Dashie, Doctor Pinkie to the rescue!” Pinkie suddenly appeared behind the blue pegasus, freaking her out for half a second before suddenly taking Rainbow’s head into her pink hooves and and suddenly turned her head to face a hard right. There was a large cracking sound that sent a shiver down a few of the girls.

“OW!” Rainbow recoiled from the brief sense of pain before whipping her head back at the party pony in anger, “PInkie! What did you-.... Huh…” That was when she noticed she had no trouble moving her neck now. She instinctively when to touch it and still no pain. “How the hay?… Uh, Thanks Pinkie” She was brought into an immediate lung crushing hug

“Aww, Anytime, Dashie” She giggled before hopping off leaving Rainbow to gasp for air once she was free from Pinkie’s grip.

“Ahem” Twilight cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention “That aside, now that we have arrived in Manehattan. I just want to remind everypony why we’re in the first place.” Twilight pulled out a rolled up letter that was sent to her by the Princess.

Dear Twilight,

I would like you to Gather Sora and the other bearers and take the train to Manehattan. Seeing the success of the tower in Ponyville, other towers are now being constructed in other populated areas in Equestria and beyond. However, I have received word that construction has halted in Manehattan due to a large heartless appearing and disappearing in the middle of town, terrorizing the construction workers and bystanders that happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sightings of it say that it’s very aggressive, however it would then vanish out of sight without warning. It’s unclear, but it seems to only appear when construction on the tower resumes, Then it disappears before the guard would be able to dispatch it properly.

I believe that a higher mind is commanding the heartless to act in such a manner as if to preserve it solely to prolong the completion of the tower. We have our Obvious suspicions of Maleficent and Queen Chrysalis, however the intention seems unclear. Would it not be easier to simply let the heartless to continue to lay waste to the city? I hope at the same time as you rout the monster you can investigate its reason for being here. I have sent word to train station in Ponyville to give you free passage this time for tomorrow morning. Please gather everyone by then and disembark for Manehattan.

I pray for your success in solving this matter, though I have full confidence that you will do just that.

Princess Celestia

She then rolled up the parchment and set it away as Rarity spoke first. “Yes dear, we are aware of why we are here. You’ve made sure of that through the entire ride here.”

“Only because you all been talking about what you would do when you get there.”

Rarity clicked her tongue “Oh come now, it’s not a crime to talk about what we would do after our task here is complete. I’m sure even you have someplace you would like to visit here.

Twilight simply frowned, she couldn’t say anything because she knew Rarity was right. She figured she’d do a little sight seeing after they finished their mission and ride the train home the day after.

“Well the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can have some fun then right?” Sora started walking.

“Hold on there, pardner. Ya can’t just start headin’ off in a new town. Yer only gonna get lost.” Applejack grabbed him by his tail and pulled him back into the group.

“Oh I’ve done it plenty times before, this shouldn’t be any different.” Sora turned back to face them to see most of the girls glare at him. “What?”

“Sora, we’ve been thinking that you kind of have a habit of wandering around when you’re not with somepony to keep you on track.” Twilight stated as the others nodded.

“What? Since have I done that?” Sora asked, only to see the girls glance at one another before looking back at him.



Sora’s first visit to Canterlot Castle

The First Night

Twilight opened ( :pinkiegasp: : Hey! This isn’t-) (I couldn’t find anything that fit the mood so sue me…) up the door to her guestroom hearing someone talking outside. With a yawn, her mane a mess, she stumbled out see what was up. “What’s going on out here?” her eyes blinked lazily before perking right up after seeing Sora walk past her. “Sora?”

“Oh hey Twilight! You’re still up?” Sora smiled to her as he walked right along.

“I am now” She yawned “It’s the middle of the night, Sora. Why are you up?”

Sora stopped at a conjunction and peeked around the corner to see down one of the halls. “Oh I was curious about how big this place is. There are so many twists and turns, How does anybody-

“Anypony” Twilight corrected

“-Right, how does ANYPONY find their way around here?” Sora now peeked to the other side. Not much on that end either, apparently.

“I’m sure they try to learn when the sun is still out” Twilight deadpanned. “Why don’t you wait for the sun to rise to do the same.

!! Sora then rubbed the back of his head “I guess you have a point…. Now.. I came from that way sooo…” Sora seemed to have a bit of trouble remembering where his room was.

Twilight groaned “For real?”


After Sora gets his job

Sora was trotting all over the town getting a lay of land. It was important after all. No telling what kind of quests would get posted on his job board. As he continued to travel about round a corner when he nearly bumped into Fluttershy

Fluttershy gave off a weak little shriek and lost her grip on her the bag she was carrying. Sora barely managed to dive and catch it in time before it hit the ground. A good thing as some of the items inside were in glass jars. “Got it!” The two of them sighed with relief as he got back to his hooves. “Sorry about that Fluttershy.”

“Oh, it’s alright, really” Fluttershy shook her head as Sora returned the bag to her. “You seem to be enjoying yourself, though” she smiled

“Oh yeah, for a small town, there is alot more here than what meets the eye. Plan to see every inch.” He nodded with enthusiasm

“Oh that’s wonderful then. Than I suppose you already dropped off Opal back at Rarity’s house?” Fluttershy asked with an innocent smile.

“..... Huh?” that previous smile on Sora’s face still remained but you could tell from his eyes the sudden confusion from his eyes as he blinked a few times and looked at her.

“You remembered right? Rarity sent her over because the poor thing hurt her paw and needed it treated. You came by and offered to take her back to Rarity’s home so that I could go shopping.” She giggled “She enjoyed riding on your back the whole time when you headed out.”

………. Sora’s was sweating bullets, that smile on his face was a facade as his mind was rapidly going through his memory…. He still had the cat at some point, and the thing just slept and did nothing else. He never looked back but from what Fluttershy was saying: OPAL. WASN’T. THERE. “Aaaahahaha, yeeeaah! Totally, No problem at all.” How is this possible, how did he forget… the walk was long… that cat wasn’t very heavy… Then he saw something he didn’t see before, then another then another and-

“I’m so happy to hear that, Well I’ll let you get back to your exploring” As she was about to turn and leave she noticed a familiar white cat riding on top of a passerby’s cart full of cargo. “Opal?” Sora cursed whatever forces that brought this particular moment to fruition.

“Uuuh, I can, explain.”

Sweet Apple Acres

A Few Days Ago

Applejack was making her way to the barn to get ready to start out the morning as she and Apples always would do. However, something or rather somepony caught her eye. “Sora?” Sora was lying in the grass by the barn passed out and looked utterly exhausted. She made her way over to him and started nudging him awake. “What in tarnation are you doing out here on the cold ground?”

Sora’s eyes opened up slowly before he immediately turned his face away from the sunlight hitting his eyes then gave a yawn as he slowly rose up from the ground Hearing a voice to his right he turned to face it and let his eyes adjust the blurs in front of him into clarity. “Oh, Hey Applejack… You’re at my house pretty early.” He yawned again “Here to train with me or something?”

Applejack just stared at him unamused “Sora, yer on mah farm, sleeping on dirt.”

… It took his sleepy brain to register what she just said, but once it finally processed he looked around and he could see Applejack was right. “Huh?... What am I doing here?” he said in a sleepy tone.

“Ah’ could ask ya the same thing. What were ya’ doin’ last night, Sora?”

He took a moment to think about it. After some time his memory returned “Ah! Oh Right! I was exploring the Forest.”

“Excuse me?” Applejack cocked an eyebrow. She KNEW she didn’t here him say what she thought he said.

“Uh, I was exploring the Everfree Forest, yesterday.” he repeated

“Sora! What in Celestia’s name gave ya’ the bright idea ta’ wander around in such a dangerous place as that?!” Applejack stomped her hoof

Sora shrugged “I do it all the time, I even have quests that have me going in there.”

“Ya’ do this regularly?!” she asked with a shocked expression that then turned tino one of anger. “Sora, ya can’t just go into that forest all by yerself! Ya’ could get lost or run into dangerous creatures or a slough of them heartless. Infact were ya’ in there all night? Ya’ look a right mess.”

Sora looked at himself. It was true, he was covered in dirt, leaves and who knows what else.“Well, I did get a little lost, but ONLY cuz it got dark. I didn’t have a light with me or anything so-”

“No more.”

Sora looked back “Huh?” He could see Applejack was having none of this.

“No more Soloing the Dark spooky forest!” She then got behind him and started nudging him to the farm house.

“What?! Applejack, I can’t just stop going in the forest, what if I get a request for something in there? Oh, and Manny is still there in the forest!” Sora protested as he was pushed along.

“Is he there every time?” She asked though with her tone she could already predict the answer.

Sora was about to speak, but nothing came out. She was right on that. Manny wasn’t around every time he went in.

“Ah’m not saying ya need ta stop taking on jobs that lead ya into the forest. But ah’ AM saying that yer no longer allowed to set foot in that place without somepony comin’ with ya.”

Sora felt himself get pushed up the steps to the porch “Wait? I can’t do that? What if you're all busy?”

“Then yer just gonna have ta wait, no will ya’?”

“Applejack I can’t-”

“Not another word! Ya stink of Sweat and dirt, and not the hardworking kind. Go get cleaned up, then go straight home.”

“Yeesh, Ok, ok, I’m going, mom” He sighed as he finally complied and entered the house. Big Mac had to side step and snort with a shake of his head.

“Hooooey….Ya’, stink Sora…” He said.

“Yyyyyyup” was his reply as he made his way to the bathroom. Applejack entering the house with a sigh.

“Ah’ swear that stallion needs ta’ look after himself more.” she shook her head.

Yyyyyup” was Mac’s response.


Present Time

Sora was looking away from the girls intense gaze on him once Applejack finished re telling that last “example” of his exploring. “You… Strike a good point…”

“Seriously dude, you can be kinda reckless” Rainbow laughed as he floated over him.

Sora immediately shot a glare at her. “Oh don’t even start Little Ms. Daredevil.”

Pinkie Pie immediately started giggling as the Pegasus scowled at the Stallion “He’s got you there, Dashie!”

Rarity turned to Fluttershy and whispered “I honestly don’t know which one is worse”

“Hey! We Heard that!” both Sora and Rainbow yelled at Rarity. Rarity didn’t seem to mind whether or not if they did heard.

Twilight decided to intervene “Look Sora, we just want to make sure that no one gets lost on our way there and actually have a plan when we do find this heartless, ok?”

“I know, I know, and really I am here to do that just like the rest of you” Sora replied

“Yet at times you do tend to run off head first into danger and unknown places without so much as a plan. It’s surprising that you even reach where you need to go with how often you do this.” Twilight shook her head.

Sora just smiled at that “Oh that’s easy. I just follow my heart” he places his hoof on his chest. This got the others confused

“You follow… Your heart?” Fluttershy asked

Sora nodded “Whenever I don’t know where to go, or not a clue of what to do. I just listen to what my heart feels is right.” Needless to say that did win a few points with the ladies for Sora whether if he was aware of that or not. It didn’t change their positions on the matter, but it won a few points

However, Twilight immediately snapped out of it and cleared her throat. “I can’t say that is the most logical way to go about things.” It seemed too much of a fairy tale to just follow one’s heart in a situation like this in her opinion. “We do understand that you do like to explore everything there is to see, but for right now, can we just ask you to just stay with us the whole way there? After we wrap things up with our mission then you’re free to do as you wish until our train ride home arrives tomorrow, ok?”

Sora sighed, but smiled and nodded “Fair, enough” This relieved the other girls seeing he was able to comply. Then it changed to confusion when he stepped up to them and held his hoof out.

“Uuuh, Sora?” Applejack was about to ask him the reason for it but he beat her to it.

“Come in close everyone and do what I do” There was a bit of hesitation before the girls finally decided to do what he asked, Well except for Pinkie she was already there holding her hoof up against Sora’s

“I don’t know what this is, but I like it already!” she replied.

Once everyone joined them Rainbow spoke. “Ok, Spiky, were doing it, What’s it for?”

Sora just smiled “It’s something Donald, Goofy, and I would do whenever we go on an adventure or take on a big mission. It’s sort of like a promise”

“Oooh, like a Pinkie Promise?” Pinkie blurted out with wide eyes.

Sora nodded to her with a smile “Right! At least I think so anyway.”

“Well, what’s the promise then?” Twilight asked, however doing this did make her feel like she was bonding with the others in some way.

Sora took a moment to think about his words carefully. “I guess… you can say… It’s a promise that no matter what, We’re in this together!” He nodded as he spoke with such conviction that the girls could even feel the commitment to his words. They all looked at one another and were now holding smiles of their own.

“OK!” they said in unison.


Tower Construction Site


The group left the train station and made a relatively short trip to their destination. As Twilight exclaimed “Ah, we’re here, good. Now we can gather some information and hopefully prepare for when it returns.” Twilight noticed one of the workers there that seem to be giving orders. “That must be the foreman, let’s go” When they approached the busy mare she seemed to be multitasking as she directed four different mini projects that would join toward the main goal, the tower.

“NO! That piece should be with group A, Leave it alone C! Go back to setting up the scaffolding for the next level!” She pointed at a group that seem to drop some materials and started rushing off to their respective areas. “Jeez, Gotta get this done before that thing shows up” She would heave a sigh.

“Um, excuse me, ma’am”

“ Huh?” The mare turned to face the group and immediately had a fit. “Hold it, HOLD IT! Didn’t you read the signs? NO Civilians allowed beyond this point.” She tapped her hoof on the ground to emphasize her words. “We’re trying to set this up before that crazy monster makes another comeback. I’m going to have to ask you to turn around and head back. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!” The worker was already walking off not even giving Twilight a chance to speak as she was back to barking more orders. “Hey! You two over there! Quit chatting, Break time was 10 minutes ago.” In the distance two workers could be seen hustling their way back to work with a look like they were caught slacking off by the boss… Which wasn’t so far from the truth actually.

Twilight huffed displeased with being considered as just a Civilian then trotted back up to the mare. “Um, Excuse me, I’m afraid you misunder-”

“You again? Look I’m asking nicely, you need to leave, if I see you and your friends here again, I’ll have to notify the guards to escort you off the premises.”

“No, just a minute, We came here because-”

“I don’t what your reason is, You still need to leave! It’s dangerous enough here as it is. No telling when that creature will come back.

“That’s we’re trying to-”

“Up, up, up! Final warning! Move your keisters before the guards move him for-”


The Foremare finally shut up when a flash of light appeared within the group of Twilight’s friends. Sora had decided that enough was enough and pulled out a bead. When he turned to face the overbearing mare, her as well as some of the other workers that happened to see and/or hear his transformation were all slack jawed and staring right at him. “Do we have your attention now?” Her Response was a slow nod as her face didn’t change from open mouth stare. “Good” Sora smirked and nodded “Twilight?”

Twilight with relief “Thank you, Sora. I don’t know how much more of that I could take.”

Sora placed his hands behind his heads with the same grin “Hehe…”

After some time and much needed explaining, the foremare was a lot more compliant. “Well shoot, my apologies. We were informed of professionals arriving to deal with this heartless threat, though we assumed those professionals would look… Well tougher, you know.”

“Well sorry to disappoint but we are considered best in the field. Especially Sora, here” Twilight gestured to Sora who was busy playing with Pinkie and Rainbow showing them his flowmotion skills again. With nearby buildings and scaffolding. Pinkie was clapping away as Rainbow looked excited about the display. Twilight slumped a little for a moment before immediately straightening back up and turning back to the foremare “As you can see…. He is uh, demonstrating his physical prowess to you.”

“Looks like he’s goofing off with that smile on his face” the mare replied as he continued to watch. However she shook her head. “But, if the Princess says you’re the best then I won’t complain.”

Twilight sighed “Thank you, can you tell us more about this heartless that attacked you?”

“Right, right, It’s why you’re here after all” She nodded and took a seat, gesturing the others to do the same as she began. “So when it first appeared we were making good progress, the Foundation was made and we were already estimating the time of it’s completion.”

“I am curious. Your constructions seems to be going for a much grander pylon then the one that is in Ponyville” Twilight’s curiosity was nagging at her about it.

“Right well Manehattan isn’t a small quiet little town down in the country. So the bigger the tower, the more range of the protection it will give this place.”

Twilight nodded “Right, that does make sense. And I assume that requires more time to build”

“You betcha. We had to estimate home much was needed to scale it up and then a bit more past that for safe measures.

“And that’s why yer still havin’ problems with this heartless.” Applejack replied “Bigger Tower, means more work, meanin’ more time needed”

“Exactly, and that’s just more time for heartless to appear in town wherever they please. However this one seems specifically targeted with the construction. Knocking down what we build and setting us back every time it returns. Last time I checked. Those heartless things are suppose to me mindless right?”

“Exactly, they just go on whatever instinct they have and practically throw themselves at their target” Sora landed right behind the foremare giving her and the girls that were joining the conversation a startle and a brief shriek from the foremare. “Oh… Uh, Sorry”

“Sora dear, If you would be ever so kind as to never do that again” Rarity held a hoof to her chest as she waited for her heartbeat to slow. Meanwhile Rainbow and Pinkie were laughing about the other girl’s response to Sora’s entrance. Earning a glare from the fashionista.

“Aheh, right. My bad, uh but you are right. A heartless on it’s own wouldn’t act as intelligently as this.” He folded his arms and gave a nod “Someone is definitely calling the shots behind it.

“Just like the Princess guessed in the letter.” Twilight nodded as well as she held a hoof to her chin.

“So the fight ain’t over til we find the one callin’ the shots” Applejack stated

“Correct!” Sora stated “And I think we already have our culprits in mind.”

The girls nodded and Twilight speaks again. “Right, if we defeat the heartless then It should flush out the leader. Then we can take capture them and bring them to the Princesses.”

Sora shook his head “Easier said than done Twilight”

“What do you mean?” She turned to Sora “It may be tough, but it’s still possible.”

“Yeah, but don’t forget they can just portal their way out if things get too dicey for them.” Sora watched as Twilight stopped herself from speaking what was immediately on her mind.

“Ah… Uh, that’s true.” After a moment she had a frustrated look. “That’s really annoying now that I think about it.”

“Tell me about it. Even if I had a prison to throw them into, they won’t stay in it for long.” Sora sighed putting his hands behind his head.

“Then I guess our only option is to defeat the heartless, then drive the leader off.” Twilight gave a sigh as well.

“Uh, Twi?” Rainbow flew up to the group. “Did you get the details of what that heartless looked like yet?” [

“We were just about to, Rainbow” Twilight waved her off. However Rainbow looked looked at the foremare.

“Hey, that heartless you saw, Is it big with a lot of vines sticking out of it?”

The mare was taken aback “Why, yes, it does. How’d you know

Rainbow turned around and pointed to where she came. “Cuz it’s back for another round it seems”

Everyone turned to see a large plant-like heartless land from the sky. It stood on two reptilian feet with a decaying looking flower bulb for a head. It’s face seemed to be hidden beneath the folded up decayed petals, but every now and then they could see a large yellow eye shift from whole to another or hide away entirely as the petals seemed to pulse and move slightly on their own. Always threatening to open, but then closing back up when it moves out too far. It’s body seemed to look like a massive hollowed out tree trunk where the legs pop out from the bottom and the flower head pops out from the top. Through the many cracks and knot holes on it Vines seem to be sticking out of each on. The vines were covered in jagged thorns all over them. Each of them moved and swayed in in their own directions as the creature itself seemed to be bobbing from side to side Once both it’s feet touched the ground.

Sora could see Pinkie was already in the action summoning her element weapon and in the middle of it transforming into turret mode. “Well, that was quick!” Sora swung his arm out summoning his keyblade in flash, startling the foremare briefly from his sudden action then pulled out another bead and bid down on it to extend his time limit. “Better get to work!” He dashed ahead.

“Ah’ was ichin’ fer a good tussle anyway” Applejack adjusted her hat then reared onto her hind legs before slamming both her forelegs back on the ground. In a flash just like Sora’s her gauntlets appeared just in time to cause a large crack on the ground before she charged after him.

“Well, Can’t let those three have all the fun” Rarity giggled before she struck a pose with her head held eye and eyes closed waiting for her hat and rapiers to appear in the same way. Once they did she trotted on ahead at a more reasonable pace deciding to take on the beast with ranged attacks.

“Oh, wait for me… Please” Fluttershy, a little flustered, and terrified at the beast they were facing eventually hovered off the ground and flew after them.

“Alright! Maybe today will be my lucky day!” Rainbow pounded both her fore hooves together at the same time psyching herself up before shooting off like a rocket.

“Everyone! Wait! We need to plan out how to… Oh nevermind” Twilight sighed before turning back to the foremare. “If you could please evacuate the workers while we deal with this.” Seeing that the foremare nodded she gave a bow. “Thank you very much.” then turned around and ran into the fray at her own pace.

The fight was on and the heartless started off strong by jumping and stomping back onto the ground causing rolling shockwave speed right toward them. Sora’s instincts with large bodies had his body move on it’s own as it leaped over the shock wave then fire a Firaga spell in response. The attack struck it’s trunk and it caught on fire. “Well no surprise. Fire = Good. You got that Twi?!” Sora called back once he landed into a roll and continued charging after the beast.

“Fire! Right!” Was her response as she decided to take the higher ground climbing up some scaffolding and firing off Firaga Spells. She had advanced very quickly in magic under Merlin’s teachings. Magic was her forte after all.

During this high above on one of the buildings near the construction sight Pete stood at the edge hands on his hips as he observed the battle below. Huh… Those twerps arrived sooner than I thought. Well, not like it matters anyway.” He reached behind his back and pulled out a piece of paper and started reading it. “Let’s see here… Once Sora and those ponies appear… administer the potion onto the heartless and observe the results.” his other hand reached for a large glass bottle. Inside contained some glowing green liquid. “Some weird mumbo jumbo here” he gave the bottle a shake and observed the viscous fluid slosh around inside. He read the note again. “Oh, there’s more…. If possible, administer after you’ve let it fight first without it… Well fortunately I’ve already gone and done that, heh.”

Back on the ground the Heartless seemed to be receiving some damage, but dishing out attacks of it’s own. The fire spells were effective, but they were also just as effective at angering it. Sora, Applejack, and Rainbow were having the hardest time, being the melee force of the group. The heartless would keep them at bay with its vines whipping right at them. Fluttershy’s abilities was put to the test as she would have to cast curaga on them, take an ether, then immediately cast defensive magic on them. “Wind!” she held out her wand and cast Aerora and casted Rainbow in a sphere of wind.

“Whoa!” Rainbow looked around herself to see wind swirling around her in protection that even knocked away a vine that would most certainly struck her. She looked back at Fluttershy smiled “Alright, Flutters!”

Seeing her success Fluttershy couldn’t stop the adorable smile on her face as she clutched her wand close to her chest. “Yes! It worked!” immediately after that her face became that of determination. She was finally feeling more useful to her friends now. She saw a few vines come toward Sora as he was distracted swatting away some others. She gasped “Sora! REFLECT! She yelled and cast the spell with all her might over Sora and a hexagon dome appeared just in time. Sora was only confused for a second about the dome until he heard the vines smack against it and then take damage from the explosive counter of the spell.

“Whoa!” Sora took this moment to leap back to get some breathing room. “Thanks Fluttershy. That was a close one.”

Fluttershy released the breath she was holding once she knew Sora was safe. Then watched him dash off again back into battle. She felt much more purpose now. This is where she should be. Supporting her friends with her magic and curatives. She may not be nearly as fast as Rainbow, but when it comes to someone’s health and well being, she flies there a lot faster then an average pegasus. She took another either to replenish her magic and set out to work.

Rainbow with her new wind barrier was having an easier time harassing the heartless. Bashing at it’s flower bud head, knocking it’s senses around to leave it open for Applejack and Sora to give it a pounding from below. “Ha! This overgrown weed is no trouble when it can’t smack me with those vines!” She flew up, looped and performed a corkscrew dive at it’s head once again. The beast tried swatting her away with the vines but the wind barrier just deflected or redirected it’s attacks leaving Sora a nice easy ride to slam the barrier and her forehooves against it’s head again. “Eat this!” once she made contact she remained there for a few seconds, still spinning as if trying to drill through it’s before eventually slowing down her spin and flying off again. Sure she was still waiting for that moment her gem would glow and she would get to have her chance at a fusion. But she learned enough from Sora and battle that right now. Taking down the heartless was more important. She didn’t like these creatures running amok on her world. Especially when they can steal ponies’ hearts. Fusion or not, she wasn’t gonna sit around and do nothing. Her attack seemed very successful. The beast fell onto it’s back and it’s vines receded as it’s legs struggled to get itself back in the upright position. “ALRIGHT! I TOPPLED IT!” She pumped a hoof and flew off

Meanwhile during all this battle, Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie are firing away with their ranged attacks and magic. Twilight was in the zone now. Casting firaga after firaga, casting reflera when a vine was swinging straight for her. “Not today you overgrown rosebud! Burn!” and she casts yet another Firaga at it in response.

Twilight had the same reasons to fight the heartless as her friends did, but she had one extra reason why she was more than prepared for this battle. After gaining such new found abilities and magic, she felt that she had to use everything in her arsenal. To this day she still remembers how useless she felt when that strange cloaked guy used Sora as a shield to block her magic bolt attacks, and even helpless when All her friends were captured and Sora laid unconscious. It was brief, but unforgettable. She and her friends were so close to being taken away by that stranger. If Sora hadn’t been able to steal his bag back and return to his form. It was a thought that would wake her up in the middle of the night, but no more. This time, She CAN fight back. She can help her friends, she will protect them. She would not go back to that time again where she had no idea what to do, not now, not ever.

The Creature was given a proper wailing until it got back on it’s feet, but the battle was slowly turning over to their favor. Pinkie’s barrage of rockets and Bombs wouldn’t let up, Rarity’s would snipe at the creature’s weak points with her rapiers. But then pinned it in one spot when she combined her rapiers to fire that same shot she fired on maleficent before. Twilight wasn’t gonna let up with that fire magic, and she had stocked her bag to the brim with ethers before leaving Ponyville. Rainbow continued giving the thing a hard time, even trying to fly low and trip it up. Fluttershy was on point replenishing the health and defences of those in the front line even flying straight up to them to administer her care on them herself if she had to, Scared as heck for being so close to the creature, but nothing could stop her mission to aid. Applejack was making the terrain uneven for the beast’s footing by slamming the ground and making Pillars of Earth appear beneath it. And Sora was all over that creature slapping away most of the vines and striking up combos on it’s at it’s head or feet when there was an opening, or he’d back off and sling some Firaga instead or cast reflega if too much focus was on him with the vines. He was fine if he was the center of attention. It gives the girls more room to fight. His reflexes, magic, reactive instincts and flowmotion was what kept him relatively unharmed during it.

“Applejack!” Sora dashed past the farmer “Shake up the ground again!”

“Can Do!” Applejack reared back and gave one of her more powerful stomps with the gauntlet and countless spires of Earth shot out of the ground beneath the Heartless knocking it in the air a few feet, but that was all that was needed. Using Flowmotion sora bounced off from pillar to pillar like a flying pinball before changing his direction to a sharp vertical incline beneath the Heartless. “Pinkie!” he called out as he wound his keyblade back.

“On it!” Pinkie gave a salute and a silly “serious” face before it immediately turned into a big grin. “INCOMING!” She grabbed and pulled the big lever on her Turret.

Meanwhile Sora let use an insane high speed barrage of slashes and strikes that rivaled his deflection speed against Sephiroth’s vanishing strike onslaught. (You know the one. Start of the match you hit that triangle button.) This amount of force somehow kept the large figure suspended in the air as it took on more damage from the keyblade. It was only for 3 seconds, but that was enough time for Pinkie’s Surprise to finally reach. A giant party looking bomb with a huge lit fuse that just reached the inside of the bomb right as it struck the Heartless. “Rainbow!” Sora threw his hand out far behind him and a rainbow streak zipped by under the heartless and bomb, grabbing his hand and pulling Sora to safety as the bomb exploded. It was so bright everyone had to shield their eyes from the flash. But once it finished, the Heartless laid defeated, charred somewhat, and slowly turning to mist. Sora grinned and banished his keyblade to make a fist pump. “Yes!” He then looked up to Rainbow who was holding his other hand.

She had the same smile as him. “We are AWESOME!” she cheered before finally gliding back down to set him back on his feet again. That was where the other girls regrouped.

Once Sora landed on his feet he transformed back to pony form again. “Everybody ok?” He would ask.

Twilight: “I’m good”

Rarity: Just splendid, darling.

Pinkie Pie: That was Amazing!

Fluttershy: I-it’s over now, right?

Applejack: Took a few scrapes but none the worse fer wear

Rainbow: Aw, it’s over already?

Sora nodded glad they were all ok. “OK, Good girls. But it’s not over yet” he turned to face the dying heartless. “Not until it coughs up that heart” Hearing this the girls looked back at the beast. He was right, if the heart wasn’t freed the fight’s not over.

“Well it should be smooth sailing from here, it looks like we knocked it out cold.” After a second of thinking she then ask “Heartless can get knocked out right?”

That was a question he didn’t expect “uuuh… Not sure… I never let one live long enough to find out. You can daze them though.” He shook his head “Let’s save that for another time, let’s Huh?”

“Hehehe, Not bad bozos! You really did a number on-OOF!” Dropping in with a loud thud, and tripping and landing on his face. Pete crashes in. “Ooooooow…”

“Pete?!” Sora looked on with shock.

After a moment the fat cat bounced back to his feet and posed as if that fall didn’t even happen “Hehehehe, That’s right Losers! Pete’s here to ruin this little victory party you’re having. Surprised?!” He smirked

After a moment Sora dawned a puzzled look before sitting on his haunches and folding his forelegs. “I guess, when I think about it. Not really…”


“Well I assumed Maleficent probably fired you by now after that blunder back at Canterlot so I was surprised she’s still letting you work for her.”

“HEY!” Oh that got Pete Steaming now. Even more so when some of the girls started giggling about that. “Why you little… Hmph! Well jokes on you! Maleficent obviously can see how capable I am since she sent me on this special mission.



Within Chrysalis hideout, Maleficent and Chrysalis were taking a moment to enjoy some peace and quiet. “Maleficent as much as it was needed for you to finally send off that buffoon you call an assistant, are you not worried that he might screw up that little mission you gave him?”

Maleficent simply turned the page, her eyes never leaving that book. “Of course he’ll bungle things up. However I can trust that he can always get away after failing a mission. All I need from him is to tell me the results of that concoction we made.”

Chrysalis tapped her hoof to her chin. “Smart move, which makes feel a little sorry that you already are aware of his failure.”

Maleficent waved it off. “I believe the term is “When life give you lemons, make lemonade” Or so it goes” And just like that the two of them enjoyed their quiet time a bit longer.


Back with Sora and the others

Pete nodded “Yup, I’m her right hand man”

“Well, enough of this chit chat, you here to rumble then?” Rainbow landed in front of the group and dug her hoof in the dirt “Cuz we’d be happy to throw through another window!” Soon Sora and the other girls starting taking their stances as well.

“Puh! Please! You just got lucky that last time, sides. I’m not here to fight!” Pete pulled out the concoction he had

“What is that? A potion?” Rainbow cocked her head to the side “We haven’t even beaten you up yet.”

“It ain’t for me bird brain” Pete said as he turned and threw it at the heartless. Once it made contact, the glass container magically shattered into known existence freeing the glowing green liquid inside to work it’s magic on the heartless.

“Hey! Who you calling bird brain?!”Rainbow barked, about ready to charge at him when he notice him throw the concoction at the heartless. “Uuuh… do potions heal heartless now?”

“Not to my knowledge” Sora replied cocking his head in bewilderment of the stunt.

After a moment of silence, the Heartless started to convulse. Everyone, besides Pete started to take step back. The Heartless convulsed more and more until Finally it was no longer wasting away and back on it’s feet quicker than anyone of them would believe a creature of it’s size could do.

“Gettin a bad feelin’ here everypony” Applejack was backing up like the rest of them but still looked like he was ready to pounce. The group watched the Heartless sway and twist around as if trying to free something. Finally the bulb head immediately opened up revealing The Heartless hidden face. It was round with a face that looked much like any other heartless face. However it then made a loud roar, so it’s jagged mouth opened up impossibly wide to make the roar. That was when a sickly green aura appeared over it.

“Oh my…” Fluttershy’s eyes shrank into pinpricks as she covered her mouth.

“Well this is definitely new” Sora said next. However, he stepped forward past his friends keyblade out and ready.

Pete Laughed away “Heh hyeh heheheheheh. “Hope you losers area ready for round two! Now Go get’em-AAAUF!” As Pete was in the middle of pointing at Sora and the girls to sic the heartless on him. The heartless immediately swatted him away with it’s wild vines and started making his way toward them. IN the end Pete had once again been thrown right through a window…. again. “Ooooooo…..”

Everyone Fan out!” Sora called out as he ran towards the heartless biting down on another bead. He could sense just from looking at the heartless that he wasn’t ready to take it on in just his pony form. However, that meant he had to take another dose of mental and physical pain from taking another bead. He could tolerate a third bead, but that didn’t mean it was still good for him to do that. He had to talk to the Princesses about it in the future, but for now. “Let’s Go!”

The battle was far more intense this time. The group went for the same tactic before with Sora, Applejack, and Rainbow at the front with melee to keep it’s focus on them, Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity in the back with ranged attacks, and Fluttershy on support and medical duty. This method was now being pushed to it’s absolute limit

Sora and Applejack had to tank the majority of the creatures charges, strikes, and stomps, being on the ground. But it could be seen that all that “attention” on themselves was starting to get to them. Applejack would bring up an Earth pillar defense only for the heartless to crash through it with less and less trouble with each attempt. Her punches to push it back weren’t pushing it as far back now that this thing became so aggressive that it would now claw it’s sharp toenails into the dirt lessen the knock back. Sora was having even more trouble deflecting and dodging the Vine attacks. The heartless didn’t grow anymore, but it’s new behavior made the vines move faster and more violently, He was starting to receive more scrapes and cheap shots the longer he had to to deal with them just for him to get a few strikes and magic in as well.

Rainbow wasn’t faring any better on her end as well. The Heartless now seemed to be using its opened petals to deflect her charges by lifting the ones in her direction up and bracing them for the impact. Whenever she tried to get behind it, it would flare up the petals behind the back of it’s head and leave it there until she was in her view again. She couldn’t create a tornado. The thing was too big for one of those. This was all really frustrating her as Fluttershy had to recast another Aerora on her again for her protection, She didn’t want Fluttershy’ magic to go to waste. Fluttershy on her end had to focus a lot of her time and energy on the three at the frontline. So much healing and defense spell casting, she was worried that she wouldn’t keep up as she nearly fumbled her next ether to recharge her magic. It was getting far too heated for her to even get close at this point.

Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity were giving all they had with their shots. Twilight was constantly firing spell after spell at the thing going through her ethers just as fast as Fluttershy. Pinkie was starting to a little winded as most of her initial energy was being expended on remembering what button and lever did what as well as aiming, timing, deconstructing the turret and finding better vantage points when the creature was on the move. Rarity didn’t even want to know how she looked right now, she could feel herself SWEATING of all things. However, she couldn’t stop she had to focus her shots well, it was all she can do to halt the creature as much as possible striking it’s weak points, but at this point she would have to wonder if they even damage any more She would make it a routine to fire a shackling shot to keep it as immobile as possible However, even if she grounded it, it would still have a lot of reach for it.

Sora had to step back for a breather. “Man, this is nuts” he panted “What was in that bottle?” !! He immediately cast reflega to avoid a giant foot trying to kick him.

Rainbow landed next to him. “What’s with this guy?” she was panting as well before forcing herself to take the air again.

“Come on! It was almost down for the count a while ago!” Twilight groaned she had to grab yet another ether and take a short breather. “Where is all this extra vitality coming from… What was in that potion?” she prepared to get ready for another round

Just when it seemed like things were bad enough, The Heartless started doing something new. It’s petals started curling and lifting up halfway as it’s face was looking skyward as well. Rainbow was the first to warn everyone “Heads up, Everypony! It’s doing something else!” Right in front of them it looked like it was summoning forth a dark ball of energy as it floated just above it’s face and started to slowly grow larger and larger.

“I don’t know what that is but it can’t be good!” Sora dashed forward “Gotta interrupt it!” seeing this as chance while it’s distracted, he used flowmotion to get himself up to it’s head and start wailing on the head. Applejack was at the bottom punching it in the legs and the torso to make it stop charging as well. Rainbow flew at the head to help Sora but her she was so tired at that point tha her dive bombs weren’t as effective and to save her energy she just stood on one of the petals and started bucking at it.

“Come ON you Stupid Plant thing! GO Down already!” Rainbow yelled through huffs and puffs of her own panting. Twilight Rarity and Pinkie were doing everything they could on their end as well, constantly firing at it’s head. They caused it a great deal of damage to be sure… However…

Sora could sense that whatever was going to happen, was gonna happen any moment. “Rainbow!” he turned to see her now just blindly hitting air with her exhaustion. He grabbed her and jumped “AJ! GET BACK IT’S GONNA GO OFF!” using his flowmotion to kick off the Heartless he tried to get as far as possible from it. Applejack begrudgingly complied with his request as she beat a hasty retreat toward the others.

“Over here!” Twilight called out to everyone “I’ll cast a bubble! Get near me!” Pinkie and Rarity deactivated their weapons and ran toward her with Applejack Fluttershy Sora and Rainbow close behind. Meanwhile the Dark Energy ball was pulsating. It was about to erupt. Sora and Rainbow crashed and tumbled into the group being the lasts one to wait for as Twilight immediately erected a bubble around them and reinforced it as much as she could with her magic. Sora managed to get back on his feet and look back at the heartless. “BRACE!” Everyone held onto each other in a sort of protective group hug with Twilight at the center preparing for the worst.


The barrier held for as much as it could, cracks gradually forming on it…. But in the end… it was just too much.

“I… I can’t hold it! AAAH!” the pain to Twilight’s head was unbearable and the bubble shattered.

“AAAAAUUUGH!” the whole group screamed as they were blasted off their hooves and feet and flung far back and tumbling within the construction area.



Her eyes fluttered open… She could only hear a loud ringing sound, her vision blurred but quickly it was regaining clarity… Her body was in pain… why was she here?... That was when her vision cleared fully for her to see him… Sora, he was struggling, but rising to his feet. She could see fatigue and pain on his face as he gritted his teeth, forced himself to stand tall…. Then summoned his keyblade once more. He had no desire to give up….

No… She couldn’t let him just go it alone. There had to be something she could do, Anything… Her body was too weak to move…

How frustrating…

It was all in slow motion as she could see the heartless was making it’s way toward them. Sora started moving as well.

No… NO… It’s not fair! It’s not fair at all! Why?! Why did it have to be this way! Her friend is doing everything he could to protect them, and she can only watch… Now everything was getting blurry again… she felt tears welling up…

How frustrating... How so very frustrating...

“Sora…” the best she could muster was an outstretched hoof and silent sob. Not for herself, but for her friend.


Suddenly everything went white with light as something shot out from her, her Element.

The gem flew fast and managed to catch up with Sora stopping him in his tracks. At first in awe at what he saw. He then clutched it, before looking back. “Fluttershy?” He could see her, the only one conscious at the moment still reaching out to him. Even after all that she still wants to be help… With a nod to her and a her smile in return he gazed at the butterfly shaped gem. “Let’s show them what kindness can do then” still in pain he forced his body to hold the gem in position as well as his keyblade. At this moment, the Heartless was just upon them.

“CONNECT!” Both Sora and Fluttershy were now engulfed in light. A bright spectacle that even caused the Heartless to halt in it’s tracks and back away from the painfully bright light

Neither of them was gonna quit on their friends.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This Chapter got finished WAAAY super Early, Like int he first week I started writing it. After it ran through the editors I decided to leave it be until Monday, But you know what? I wanted to post a day early just cuz. It was sitting around waiting for the dead line anyway. I tried my very best to write this chapter so it looked like anyone's game between Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Twilight until the very end. I hope I had you guys guessing during that time. NOw here's another thing for you to guess. Can you figure out what I have planned for Fluttershy via her element weapon and Keyblade Transformation? I'd love to hear your predictions. You maybe spot on, who knows. haha.

IN any case, because I finished this chapter so Early I used the extra time to add onto writing that other story of mine. I still intend to use this first week here for it as well so nothing as changed via how I schedule my writing. I just got a major head start with my other tale is all, but that's not why your here. Your here for the Kingdom Hearts story here.

Currently I can't think of anything else to tell you guys, so I'll cut this note short. You guys are the best! :raritywink:

Next Chapter: Kill it with Kindness!

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and look forward to future ones.

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