• Published 14th Oct 2015
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Kingdom Hearts: Harmonic Connections - Mr Curious Writer

Master Yen Sid sends Sora to a world he's never been to to help an old friend of his and have him train there for a year to unlock abilities he never knew he had. However the darkness will hold many mysteries he & his new friends will have to solve.

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Chapter 44: Coming to a Sack Head

Rabbit’s Garden

“OUT! OUT I SAY!” Rabbit was in utter distress as he chased off yet another flock of crows. “Fiends! Pilferers!” He waved his broomstick at the birds until they flew far into the air. He then sighed in aggravation as he returned to where his scarecrow once stood. He then set the broom on the ground before grabbing an old shirt, a couple of long sticks, gloves and various other knick-knacks, before beginning to construct a new one. When he finished, what stood before him was a rather sorry looking replacement, that soon wobbled and fell apart before his feet. After getting over his initial shock of the failure his ears drooped and he slouched in defeat. “It’s no use… without my scarecrow, my garden will be ruined…”

“Don’t be so negative Mr. Bunny guy! Turn that frown upside down!”

Rabbit sighed once more. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not on the precipice of an agricultural disaster.” It took a moment before his ears perked up. “Wait, what?” He turned around to see a happy, pink face in front of him, attached to an equally happy-looking pink girl with even pinker curly hair… which also somehow managed to exude a feeling of happiness, who was currently kneeling down to stare at him.

“Hiya!” She said loudly.

Rabbit shrieked in surprise and nearly stumbled onto his now destroyed scarecrow pile.

The girl giggled. “You’re funny.”

“Pinkie? How’d you get here so fast?” Sora said as he and the rest of the girls had finally arrived at Rabbit’s garden.

Once he got to his feet Rabbit was already full of questions. “Sora? You know this… person? Who are they? What is going on?” He was then startled by how close the yellow-skinned one got to him with sparkles in her eyes.

“Oh My Gosh, I never knew Bunnies could get so big! You’re so cute!” She then immediately hugged him but quickly let go. “Oh! Sorry, sorry, I’m still working on that.” During the process, she had lifted him in the air a bit. So when she let go, he fell on his bum like a sack of potatoes.

“Uh, it’s fine… I guess.” Rabbit groaned.

“First a small talking bear, then a small talking piglet, and now a giant talking rabbit.” Applejack strode up with Sora and the others. “Are ya sure we aren’t still under Discord’s magic?”

“If we are, then this by far the tamest trick he’s pulled so far if you ask me,” Rainbow said as she looked around.

“It’s fine guys, Rabbit is supposed to be that tall,” Sora reassured as he approached the long-eared gardener in question after Fluttershy helped him up. “Hey Rabbit, I brought some friends to visit the Hundred Acre Wood and help with the Heffalump and Woozle problem.”

“Really? That’s good, I am at my wits end quite frankly.” Rabbit replied as he turned to the pile he laid on.

“What’s all this?” Rainbow asked as she joined the circle.

“Well it WAS supposed to be my replacement scarecrow, but so far it hasn’t scared off a single bird.”

“Why would you want to scare off birds?” Fluttershy asked. “Isn’t that mean?”

“It’s for the crops sugarcube.” Applejack answered for him. “This is a nice Garden you have here, you take good care of your vegetables.” She knelt down to look at one of the pumpkins.

“Why, yes! Thank you. There is no greater joy than tending to my garden.” Rabbit said proudly.

“I can understand that.” Applejack smiled and gave a nod.

“Yeah, though it looks like those crows enjoy your garden for other reasons,” Rainbow said as she pointed up to the flock of crows watching the group in the trees.

Rabbit gave that flock one look and just groaned. “If only I had my scarecrow, my perfect scarecrow...” His ears drooped before they perked back up and his tone changed as he shook a fist at the birds. “I wouldn’t even have this problem if it weren’t for those darn Heffalumps and Woozles.”

“Well, maybe we can help with that,” Sora said as everyone gathered around. That was when they all heard a crash. “Huh?”

“Goodness gracious, what was that?” Rabbit ran over to the source which seems to be around the corner of his home. Sora wasted no time joining him, the others as well soon after. When they reached it they were shocked to see what looked like an utter mess of jars, branches, leaves and- “Oh no! My Honey!” He ran over to check the damages. “After I worked so hard collecting it all.”

Sora stared for a moment. “That's a lot of jars, rabbit.” He stated before he and the girls started helping Rabbit pick up the pieces. Sadly some jars were broken beyond compare, but at least a sizeable amount still remained intact, though a lot of them were tipped during the crash so the contents were a different story. The ground had some sticky spots to say the least, so traversing the area was a pain for everyone, but in the end, they managed to get everything in order as best as they could.

“That’s all of them I guess.” Applejack said as she wiped some sweat from her brow. “Sir, no offense but why do you have all these jars of honey behind your house?”

“I… ran out of room inside it.” Rabbit admitted.

At this Sora turned to Rabbit’s house and peered in through one of the windows. There were jars all over the place, he could easily guess what was inside them. “Rabbit, why do have so much honey?”

At this Rabbit seemed to pose like he was brilliant. “Well, I figured if we have a problem with Heffalumps and Woozles in the hundred acre wood, it’s only smart that I get to that honey first and hide it away before they even get a chance to swipe it.” Sora and the girls looked at each other for a moment before Rainbow asked the question they were all thinking of.

“But if they’re after it, then wouldn’t that just make your house a big fat target for them?”

After blinking a few times that proud, confident look on Rabbit’s face changed to one of despair and sudden realization. “Oh no… Oh no no no! You're right! What have I done?! If they find out, it’s over!” He grabbed his ears as he was starting to have a nervous breakdown over what he believed was to come in the near future. Sora sighed and the girls looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow, realizing what she’d just caused scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “Uuuh, sorry?”


Twilight had been busy with her investigation as well. While Sora and the others headed off to Rabbit’s house, Twilight took this time to question Piglet on the “Heffalump and/or Woozle” he saw that fateful day.

“W-well it started out like any normal day, I suppose.” A flashback was then brought to the forefront of Piglet’s mind:

It had been a nice morning for Piglet as he woke up, did a little house cleaning, then had some breakfast. After all that, he had decided to pay his friend Pooh an early morning visit. As he wondered what wonderful things they would do that day, he suddenly heard a thump from outside. His immediate response was a “YIPE!” before scurrying off to hide under something, his armchair this time. He shivered under it for a good minute or two before finally peeking out.

Nothing had invaded his home, so that was good. Then another thump sounded and he shot right back under the chair again. Another rinse and repeat of him gaining the courage to peek out again, this time managing to actually step away from the chair. Cautiously, Piglet slowly made his way toward one of the windows. When he finally reached it, he tentatively took a look outside and immediately regretted it. A tall dark figure was flying toward him aggressively. He screamed and made a mad dash, not deeper into his home, but rather out his front door and running as fast as his little legs could down the path to Pooh’s, screaming all the way. Not even once did he look back.

That was all he could recall about the creature.

Twilight had been writing in a notebook the whole time, taking notes on Piglet’s story. “So you never took a moment to really look at it?”

Piglet shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, that scary orange face glaring at me was just t-t-t-terrifying.

“Orange face?” Twilight asked, jotting that feature down just in case.

Piglet shook and hugged himself. “It was horrible, it had the look like it wanted to gobble up small animals, such as myself.” Pooh meanwhile patted his head to help reassure him he was ok now.

Twilight was now in deep thought. A creature with an Orange face… It’s small but it's still a lead I suppose She decided to take a closer look at Piglet’s Home. “When you came back, was there anything taken or out of place?”

Piglet was about to speak but then stopped himself after he really thought about the question. “Strangely enough, no… Everything was still where I left it… the only thing that was weird when I came back was that strange coat I found.

“Strange coat?” Twilight perked up and turned to them.

“Y-y-yes, It’s um actually still hanging in that tree over there.” He pointed to a tree that was on the edge of Piglets yard. Hanging on top of it, waving in the wind was a rather old looking coat that somehow seemed to have got itself caught on one of the branches of the tree. It was indeed odd for that thing to be there. She ran over to it and tried to use telekinesis to grab it, only to be reminded she had no horn.

Twilight sighed. “Right…” She then remembered that conversation with Merlin about magic again. It didn't really work that time with Discord because she was under pressure, but maybe now… She reached her hands out to the jacket while taking a couple of deep breaths. “OK Twilight, you got this. It’s still the same principle, the focus is just in a different place.” She concentrated, she concentrated as hard as she could. She imagined both of her hands were her horn. After using magic with her horn so much, she was so used to focusing her magic on it that it took practically no effort at all. Add that to the fact that Unicorns innately focus all their magic there from a young age, and she basically had to fight her thinking AND her instincts to get this to work. “Humans can do it… so, in theory, I should be able to as well, seeing as my body is human right now.” She managed to tell herself as she grunted and continued staring ahead with a strained expression.

Meanwhile, Piglet and Pooh stood behind her in confusion. “Is she alright Pooh?”

Pooh tilted his head to the side. “I’m not too sure Piglet.” He tilted his head to the other side as he contemplated the answer. “But judging from her face, perhaps that tree has wronged her in some way.”

“Oh, my,” Piglet replied.



Back outside of the book, Merlin had been sitting at the table where the book laid. He was having a cup of tea and enjoying some literature since Spike still had to take care of some chores around the Library before he could actually go back to training. He had been reading a book on the creatures of Equestria when suddenly he heard a burp and the sound of flames coming from behind him. “Hm?” Looking back he noticed a scroll falling into Spike’s outstretched claws. “I say, would that be that mailing system you and the Princess have going?”

“Uh, yeah, you know about it?” Spike asked curiously.

“Only a little. During my time assisting the Princesses with that ‘project’ of theirs.” He took another sip. “Said that they would send me a message that way if anything came up… would that be the case, Spike?”

Spike started reading the note only to frown. “It says to give this package to Sora and let you explain, but what package are they-HURK” Seemingly in response to his question Spike belched up some green flames, out of which appeared a package that he barely managed to catch. “Whoa… I guess that answers that…”

“Ah, splendid, so they feel confident in trying it out.” Merlin set his tea and book aside before trotting over.

“Try what out?” Spike asked curiously, inspecting the box before it was picked up telekinetically by Merlin and drifted over to him.

“Now now, wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. Speaking of which, I have some preparations to make.” He trotted out the door. “Be sure to report to the training room once you’ve finished cleaning, Spike.”

Spike just stood there with a blank face. “Um... What?”


Back at Rabbit's House

It seemed Rabbit had finally calmed down from his little “revelation” and he along with Sora and the girls were now handling their original task of searching for clues. Meanwhile, Rabbit was also contemplating what to do with his honey surplus now that he knew that it was making his home a target. As far as Sora could get out of Rabbit, everything was fine one morning, but when he returned that afternoon from visiting Kanga, he found his scarecrow gone and crows helping themselves to his crops. So, unfortunately, not much information to go on. Sometime after that and having his little freak out episode, Tigger showed up talking about how the Heffalumps and Woozles had arrived. That got Sora to thinking. “Rabbit, how did Tigger know about the Heffalumps and Woozles being here?”

Rabbit stopped for a moment as he was carrying a jar of honey along with Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. “Well uh, I’m not entirely sure. I suppose I never really got around to asking him that.”

“Perhaps this Tigger fellow had his honey stolen if what I’m led to believe about these creatures is correct?” Rarity asked as she was searching the premises but remained in earshot.

Both Sora and Rabbit shook their head and spoke in unison. “No, Tigger doesn’t like honey.” This only peaked everyone’s curiosity

“Well, it seems like the only option we have now is to just find this Tigger fella and ask him ourselves.” Applejack replied as she set down a jar near the pile they had been making.

Sora nodded. “It's the only thing I can think of at this point.” He turned to the others. “Since you three are helping Rabbit, I guess Rarity, Rainbow, and I will go see Tigger. Just keep an eye out for anything that might help with the investigation.”

“You got it.” AJ never was one to leave something half done anyway.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie seemed more interested in eating the honey than she was in moving it, but she still wanted to help.

“O-ok, be careful you three.” Fluttershy was happy to help someone in need. And besides, she was still kind of excited about meeting a giant talking bunny rabbit.

“Fine by me, I was starting to get bored just standing around,” Rainbow responded as she and Rarity joined Sora.

“Rainbow, don’t be rude.” Rarity berated her friend before giving a polite bow to Rabbit. “You have a most lovely home sir, though we must be off.”

Rabbit relished in the praise of his home and waved off Rainbow’s remark. “Oh why thank you, and not to worry, I’m sure Tigger will do something about her boredom.” He finished with a small smirk.

“What does he mean by that?” Rainbow turned to Rarity and Sora. Sora simply laughed. “Now I’m curious about that too.” He started walking, Rarity in tow. Meanwhile Rainbow just stood there confused.

“What?!” She asked before catching up to them.

The walk wasn’t long, seeing as they merely stepped out onto the book pages to get to the picture of Tigger’s place and then just appeared right in front of their destination. Rainbow finally got her answer when she got a look at the place, it looked like a makeshift playground. Rarity looked around at all the strange things to climb and jump off of. “Hmm, this definitely looks like a fun place for Sweetie Belle and her friends to play at.” Sora made a mental note to think about that later.

“So, we’re here, where’s this Tigger guy you mentioned?” Rainbow said distractedly, already making good use of the place as she climbed on top of a fallen log.

However, before she got the chance to do more her question was swiftly answered by a distant voice. “I got you now!”

Everyone looked around for the source of the voice, Rarity being the first to spot it and call out. “My word! Up above us!” She pointed. When the other two looked up they were greeted with Tigger flying, or rather, tumbling through the air wrestling with something. The strangest thing was how Tigger seemed to be carried off in what Sora could only assume was a gust of air or something.

“What the-LOOK OUT!” He barely managed to dodge in time as the gust seemed to make a hard turn and dive straight for him with Tigger in tow. Tigger meanwhile seemed too preoccupied with his “adversary” at the moment to notice Sora or the girls.

“OK, that is by far the strangest way to fly in my opinion.” Rainbow watched in awe and confusion before she too had to move out of the way as Tigger and the gust seemed to come back, narrowly missing her this time. This caused her to lose her balance and fall off the log she was standing on. “W-whoa!”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not his doing,” Sora said as he ran after Tigger. When the wind made another turn, he managed to anticipate it’s direction this time and ran to a spot where they would collide. “Hold on Tigger, I gotcha!” He clapped his hands together and spread his feet apart before spreading his arms out as if he was trying to imitate a goalie. This ended up with him catching Tigger and the “fiend” as the wind seemed to disperse against his body on collision. Of course, the momentum still made Sora fall back and tumble a couple feet before landing face-up on the grass.

“Ha! Thought you could get the best of Tigger did ya? Well, you need to think again. Take some of these!” Tigger said as he made a growl that he THOUGHT was intimidating as he laid a few punches on… a sack with a hat on it, as Sora and Rarity could see. “And one of those!” He gave it a kick sending against one of the fallen logs. Making it look like it was on the ropes. “And the coup de gracy!” He then did what he did best, right off of Sora’s gut mind you, and bounced high in the air to pounce on his “foe” “HA! That outta learn ya!” He struck a pose when he suddenly noticed he had an audience. “Well now, who might you two be?” He smiled at Rarity and Rainbow as if nothing happened until he heard a groan. He turned to see Sora getting up whilst rubbing his stomach. “Hey there Sora!” He bounced over to the boy but picked up on his belly rubbing and looked at him curiously. “Say, what’s the matter with you? Bellyache? Ate something you shouldn’t have?”

Sora just chuckled weakly. “Hehe, naw, don't worry about it. Just had a run in with a flying Tigger is all.”

“Oh, well you should be more careful th-Hey wait a minute!” Tigger catches on. “Have you come to do some bouncing today?” Or not…

“No, not quite,” Sora answered. “First, while everything is still calm, let me introduce you to a couple friends of mine.” He gestured over to the girls. “Tigger, this is Rarity and Rainbow.”

Rarity extended her hand. “A pleasure, dear.”

“Sup.” Rainbow blurted out as she dusted off herself.

Tigger didn’t waste a moment as he bounced over to the two. “Well they there, any friend of Sora’s is welcome here. Though I gotta say-“ He pounced on Rainbow’s head looking it over. “I never knew hair can so many colors at once.” He grabbed at it and gave it a few tugs. “It’s not a wig is it?”

“Ow! Hey, get off!” Rainbow nearly lost balance for a moment before she managed to grab him and throw him off, only for him to land on his tail and proceed to bounce around Rarity while holding onto his feet. “That one's got a lot of spunk. I like her!” He said obliviously. Meanwhile, Rarity watched nervously as the energetic little tiger started looking at her. “You on the other hand look all gussied up. Going to a dinner date or something?”

“What?” She blushed a bit as the image of Sora wearing a nice suit, sitting across from her at a candlelit dinner flashed across her mind. “N-no, I just- A lady must always look her best after all.”

“Ooooh…” He responded while still bouncing on his tail. Then made a 180 in midair and looked at Sora “Say, what’s a lady?” Sora meanwhile seemed too busy trying to stifle his laughter at this rather interesting meeting to comment.

That was when another, younger voice was heard. “Tigger! TIGGER!” Sora recognized that to be Roo’s voice and turning to his side he could see the little guy hopping in their direction from out of the brush. “Did you get it! Did ya-Huh?!” He stopped halfway when he noticed Sora. “Hey, Sora! You’re here to help too?”

“Help?” Sora asked but Tigger interrupted him as he jumped between them and made a goofy heroic pose.

“All taken care little buddy! I taught that Woozle not to mess with a Tigger!”

“Woozle?” Sora asked then turned to the sack with a hat. “That thing?” He blinked.


Back at Piglet’s House

Twilight was entirely focused. A bead of sweat was rolling down the side of her face, her hands were trembling, her arms were getting tired of holding them up for so long. Yet she kept going. She was close, she felt it. Any second now, she would do it.

Pooh and Piglet meanwhile were now sitting on a picnic blanket sharing some tea while watching her. “More honey, Pooh?”

“Why yes indeed, Piglet. A large helping if you please.” Obviously…

After fulfilling his friend’s request he looked back at Twilight. “Gee, Pooh. H-h-h-how long do you think it’s been since she’s been like that?”

“I’d be happy to tell you, Piglet,” Pooh responded before taking a sip, taking a moment to notice that the teacup was now stuck to his nose due to excess honey. “If I knew, that is.”

Twilight meanwhile seemed to be in her own little world. So focused on proving this theory of hers right. She could feel it in her gut that she was onto something. If she couldn’t figure it out now, she resolved to find time to try again later. This was her field of expertise. Not only that but she is the bearer of Magic itself. It’s not like she had to do it, but out of sheer curiosity and to prove her wrong, she had to... Her?

Be honest with yourself… You really don’t believe in all this nonsense about the heart, do you?

She stopped for a moment… where did that thought come from? It was like that time with Discord… When that other version of herself appeared. She shook her head. No, she can’t agree with that. There has to be something to all this, she just hasn’t figured it out yet is all.

Or maybe it’s just a bunch of made up ideas of what they THINK is how it all works… Then again, maybe the old man was right about the hand thing. But that seems to be a human thing. You’re a unicorn. No Horn, No Magic. It’s as simple as that.

She refused to believe that. It may be a small possibility, even microscopic, but that didn’t mean it was impossible. She just has to focus. This was something Sora believed in as well. There had to be truth in it.

...And for a brief moment, her hands were covered in a magenta aura...

Author's Note:

Oh My God! I did it! :pinkiecrazy: It's done! Now I can move on! YESSS!!!

... Ahem, excuse me there. this particular chapter has given me turmoil. I was fickle about it, I got distracted cuz I REALLY wanted to write fighting scenes, I'm way past my original deadline I found out, and to top that off, I ate some bad tacos and ended up with food Poisoning last week.... yeah You kind of lose that urge to right when your staring at a bucket most of the day. Ok, that's enough venting.

So now I got a lot of catching up to do. I'm afraid for the time being my priority for the next two weeks will be on my other story since I still had to push back on writing it for some time. Man, what a way to start out the new year. Anyway, I don't have much to say cuz I want to get straight to work on getting things settled, so I'm gonna let you all hash out our own solutions on whats going on in the world of Pooh. should be interesting to hear your theories. :twilightsmile: Anywho Off I go. Sorry, I don't have more to say.

Next Chapter: Solving Mysteries, but no Pinkie Snacks.

As Always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to future ones.

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